annuall report format

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  • 8/13/2019 annuall report format




    In this study the central descriptive concern of the researcher is to identify how

    and where Supreme Pipe customers goods stand in Jalgaon city with regards to products

    awareness and customer satisfaction. In this context, the product awareness and customer

    satisfaction study does well to facilitate an understanding of the extent of acceptance or

    non acceptance of Supreme Pipe customers goods in Jalgaon city.

    By awareness, it is meant the fact condition of knowledge about the different

    customer products. Here an attempt is made to find out the extent of customers awareness

    towards Supreme Pipe customer good, their sources of knowledge, frequency of

    purchasing and reasons for preferring Supreme Pipe rating in comparison to the other

    companys products available in the Jalgaon city.

    The customer satisfaction is the prime concern of the company. Here the researcher

    tried to find out what and how much the customers are satisfied with Supreme Pipe

    products. Different customers are satisfied with the different attributes of the products.

    Here we made an attempt to find out which attribute satisfied the customer s and up to

    what extent. Some attributes do not play an important role in customer satisfaction which

    necessarily needs improvements.

    The present study in a broad way, undertaken to documents systematically the

    patterns of products awareness and customer satisfaction relating to Supreme Pipe

    customer goods.

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    The study of customer behavior is the study of how individual makes decision to

    spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. It

    includes the study of what people buy, why they buy, when they buy, where they buy, how

    often they buy and how often they use it.

    Understanding customerbehavior and knowing customer is never simple.

    Customer may say one thing but do another. They may not be in touch with their deeper

    motivation. Small companies, such as concern grocery store and huge corporations such as

    Jain stand to profit from undertaking how and why customer buys.


    The major objectives of the presents study may be presented in schematic form as under-

    Primary objective:

    To find out the purchasing reasons for preferring the Supreme Pipe products.

    To determine which factors satisfy the customers about supreme pipe.

    To study about Supreme Pipe rating in comparison to the other pipe company.

    To know the customers expectations about supreme pipe.

    To find out the customer capacity of purchasing pipe.

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    Secondary objective:

    To study the extent of awareness about the Supreme Pipe.

    To find out the competition level.

    Problems related to products.


    There is very large no. of customers of supreme pipe spared over various areas I studied

    market Jalgaon city & conducted survey in some areas. I studied market Jalgaon city and

    conducted survey in some areas.


    Jalgaon city


    The customer mainly are farmer, I served 100 customers.

    Project include,

    1) Supreme pipe customer & other customer.

    2) Farmer & other customers were interviewed.

    3) Time frame limited 2 month may to July.

    4) Study purchase & non purchase customer behavior of supreme pipe.

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    There are bound to be certain limitations in carrying out this research work due to

    sampling error, statistical error, personal error, etc. but an effort is made to obtain authentic


    Limitations were as follows-

    Assuming customers population to be infinite and a sample of 100 customers is taken

    which is not sufficient. But it was very difficult to follow the rules of sampling and

    resources constraints. Therefore it has been tried to understand the behavior of the masses

    so as to get the proper direction for the project with the optimum sample size of 100. The

    study was largely dependent upon the interviews (questionnaires) with the customer s so it

    might have decreased the efficiency of the project.

    The study was focused on Jalgaon city only and situation might be different in other areas

    of the country.

    1.The survey is subjected to statistical error.

    2.Data collected through questionnaire was a qualitative data, which may differ from

    person to person.

    3. Above all human error may also present, as it is the biggest limitation of any study.

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    The study of customer behavior is the study of how individual makes decision to

    spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. It

    includes the study of what people buy, why they buy, when they buy, where they buy, how

    often they buy and how often they use it.

    Understanding customerbehavior and knowing customer is never simple.

    Customer may say one thing but do another. They may not be in touch with their deeper

    motivation. Small companies, such as concern grocery store and huge corporations such as

    Jain stand to profit from undertaking how and why customer buys.


    Cultural, social, personal and psychological factors influence a customers buying

    behavior. Cultural factor exert the broadest and deepest influence. Most of these are

    beyond the hands of the marketer. However they have to be considered while trying to

    understand the complex buyer behavior.

    Cultural Factors

    1. Cultural,2. Social,3. Sub cultural.

    Social factors

    1. Reference group2. Family3. Role and status

    Personal factor

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    1. Age and stage in life cycle,2. Occupation and economic circumstances,3. Lifestyle,4. Personality and self concept.

    Psychological factors

    1. Motivation,2. Perception learning,3. Beliefs and attitudes.


    Cultural, sub cultural and social classes are particularly important in buying behavior.

    1. CultureCulture is the fundamental determinant of wants and behavior of a person. The

    growing child acquires a set of values, perception,

    Preferences and behaviors through his or her family or other key institutions.

    2. Sub cultureEach culture consists of smaller sub culture that provides more specific

    identification and socialization for the members. Sub culture, nationalities, religious, racial

    group and geographic regions.

    3. Social classesVirtually all human societies exhibit social stratification. It takes and the form of

    social classes, relatively homogenous and enduring division in a society, which are

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    hierarchal, ordered and whose members share similar values, interests and behavior. Social

    classes reflect not only income, but also other indicates such as occupation, education and

    area of reference.


    1. Reference groupA person reference group consists of all groups that have a direct or indirect

    influence on the person attitude or behavior. A group having influence on a person are

    celled membership groups. Some membership groups are primary groups such as

    family, friends neighbor and co-worker. People also belong to secondary group such as

    religious, professional, and trade union group, which tend to be more formal and require

    less continuous interaction.

    (a) Family

    Family is most important customer buying organization in society, and family

    member constitute the most influential primary reference groups. We can distinguish

    between two families in thebuyerslife. The family of orientation consists of parents

    and siblings. A more direct influence on every day buying behavior is the family ofprocreation namely one spouse and children.

    2. Roles and statusA person participates in many groups, family, club and organization. The person

    position in each group can be defined in terms of role and status. A Role consists of the

    activities a person is expected to perform. Each role carries a status. A Supreme Court

    justice has more than a sales manager has a more status than an office work.

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    A buyer decision is also influenced by personal characteristics. These include the

    buyer age and stage in life cycle, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle and

    personality and self-concept.

    1. Age and stage of life cycle

    People buy different goods and service over a lifetime. They eat baby food in early years,

    most foods in growing years and special diets in the later years. Taste in clothes, furniture,

    and recreation is also age related.

    2. Occupation and economic circumstances

    Occupation also influences consumption patterns. A blue-collar worker will buy works

    clothes, works shoes and lunch boxes. A company can ever tailor its products for certain

    occupational group. Computer software companies for example design different product

    for brand managers, engineers, lawyer and physician.

    3. Lifestyle

    People from the same sub-culture, social class and occupation may lead quite different

    lifestyle. A Lifestyle is a persons pattern of livingin the world as expressed in activities,

    interests and opinion. Lifestyle portrays the whole person interacting with his or her


    4. Personality and self concept

    Each person has personality characteristics that influence his or her buying behavior.

    Personality is often defined in terms of such traits as self confidence, dominance,

    autonomy, defense, sociability, defensiveness and adaptability. A persons actual self

    concept may different from his or her ideal self concept. Which self will he or she try to

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    satisfy in choosing a brand? Self concept theory has a mixed record of success in

    predicting customer response to brand images.


    Persons buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factor motivation,

    perception, learning, beliefs and attitude.

    1. MotivationA person has many needs at any given time. A need becomes a motive when it rises

    to a sufficient level of intensity. A motive is a need that is sufficiently pressing to drive

    the person to act.

    2. PerceptionHow the motivated person actually acts is influenced by his or her perception of the

    situation. Perception is the process by which an individual selects organization and

    interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world.

    3. LearningWhen people act, they learn. Learning involves changes in an individual behavior

    arising from experience. Most human behavior is learned. Learning theorists believe that

    learning is produced through the interplay of drives, stimuli, cues and response and


    4. Beliefs and attitudesThrough doing the learning, people acquire beliefs and attitudes. These in turn

    influence buying behavior. A Belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about

    something. Peoples beliefs about a products or brand influence their buying decisions.

    Just as important as beliefs are attitudes. An Attitude is a person enduring favorable or

    unfavorable emotional feelings and action tendencies towards some objects or ideas.

    People have attitudes towards almost everything like religion, politics, clothes, music,

    food, etc.

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    Founded in 1942, Supreme is an acknowledged leader of India's plastics industry.

    Handling volumes of over 2,00,000 tones of polymers annually effectively makes us the

    country's largest plastics processors.

    We also offer the widest and most comprehensive range of plastic products in India.

    Our 19 advanced plants are powered by technology from world leaders, and complement

    our extensive facilities for R & D and new product development.

    In fact, Supreme is credited with pioneering several products in India like Cross-

    Laminated Films, HMHD Films, Multilayer Films and SWR Piping Systems to name a


    2014-15 will see The Supreme Group turnover touch a projected Rs. 50,000 million (USD

    1100 million).


    Supreme is an acknowledged leader of India's plastics industry. Handling volumes of over

    2,00,000 tones of polymers annually effectively makes us the country's largest plastics


    Not surprisingly, we also offer the widest and most comprehensive range of plastic

    products in India.

    Our 19 advanced plants are powered by technology from world leaders, and complement

    our extensive facilities for R & D and new product development. In fact, Supreme is

    credited with pioneering several products in India. These include Cross- Laminated Films,

    HMHD Films, Multilayer Films, SWR Piping Systems and more.

    Supreme Industries Limited is Indiasleading plastic processing company with seven

    business divisions. The company has forayed into different types of plastic processing in

    Injection Moulding, Rotational Molding (ROTO), Extrusion, Compression Molding, Blow

    Molding etc.

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    Supreme Industries limited offers wide range of plastic products with a variety of

    applications in Molded Furniture, Storage & Material Handling Products, XF Films &

    Products, Performance Films, Industrial Molded Products, Protective Packaging Products,

    plastic piping System & Petrochemicals


    To conduct business with ethical practices and walk our talk.

    To offer consistent Products and Services with uncompromising quality supported by

    continuous improvements and innovations thereby exceeding Customer's expectation.

    To ensure the culture of utmost respect and empowerment to individuals and be a catalyst

    in enhancing their competencies.

    Our turnover touched Rs. 19,300 million in 2004, contributing to a cumulative growth of

    53% over the last five years.

    By the year 2010, we anticipate crossing the Rs. 40,000 million mark. Group assets

    currently stand at Rs. 9,200 million.

    Consistency of performance and consolidation of growth have been the distinctive features

    of our progress over the years. Today, we continue to move forward with solid expansion

    plans underway.

    In 2005, Supreme will have invested over Rs. 1000 million in capacity enhancement

    programs in three years alone. Supreme Petrochem is upgrading its installed capacity to

    2,72,000 TPA, with a further 40,000 TPA expandable PS facilities under implementation.

    M.P. Taparia

    Managing Director

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    Subscribing to the one world, one market view, Supreme's holistic approach to business

    is expressed in its global success.

    Strategic technological alliances with world leaders reflect our commitment to making

    products of uncompromising quality. Products that in turn are well received in the most

    discerning international markets.

    We are associating with the best in the world on one hand and embracing new frontiers on

    the other with scholar wavin systems international services GmbH & Co. KG of Germany

    for bottle crate moulds and with Rasmussen Polymer Development AG of Switzerland for

    cross- laminated films.

    Our Plastics Piping Systems, for instance, have garnered a particularly good response, even

    from the most demanding customers. UK, Australia and New Zealand are among the

    markets that have appreciated these.

    Supreme's Cross-Laminated Films, likewise, have won over clients in the US and

    Australia. Multilayer Films, Material Handling Products, Furniture, Industrial moldings,

    PP Mats, have all made a global mark-- in places as diverse as South Africa and South

    America, Russia and Singapore, Cyprus and Canada, Spain and Bangladesh

    Focus on growth-

    Perseverance, Determination, Integrity and award winning excellence to crown it our

    growth has been fuelled by potent qualities.

    Our turnover touched Rs. 19,300 million in 2004, contributing to a cumulative growth of

    53% over the last five years.

    By the year 2010, we anticipate crossing the Rs. 40,000 million mark. Group assets

    currently stand at Rs. 9,200 million.

    Consistency of performance and consolidation of growth have been the distinctive features

    of our progress over the years. Today, we continue to move forward with solid expansion

    plans underway.

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    In 2005, Supreme will have invested over Rs. 1000 million in capacity enhancement

    programs in three years alone. Supreme Petrochem is upgrading its installed capacity to

    2,72,000 TPA, with a further 40,000 TPA expandable PS facilities under implementation..


    World View-

    Subscribing to the one world one market view supermen holistic approach to business is

    expressed in its global success strategic technological alliances with world leaders reflect

    our commitment to making products of uncompromising quality products that in turn are

    well received in the most discerning international markets.

    Supreme are associating with the best in the world on one hand and embracing new

    frontiers on the other with wavin overseas b. v of Netherlands for plastics piping systems.

    With schoeller waving systems international services GmbH and Co.KG of Germany for

    bottle crate moulds and with Rasmussen Polymer development AG of Switzerland for

    cross laminated films .the result are showing.

    Supreme plastics piping systems for instance, have garnered a particularly good response,even for the most responding customers. UK, Australia, New Zealand are among the

    markets that have appreciated these. Supremes Cross-Laminated Films likewise, have won

    over clients in the US and Australia.

    Multilayer films, rigid PVC films, crates, furniture, FSW products, industrial moldings, PP

    Mats, have all made a global mark in places as diver as South Africa and South America,

    Russia and Singapore, Cyprus, and Canada, Spain and Bangladesh.

    The Supreme Group-

    From Strength to Strength From modest beginnings, as a small single product company in

    the 1950s, to 2,000 crores multi-unit conglomerate with India's largest plastic products

    portfolio today, the Supreme Group has certainly come a long way.

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    This unrelenting growth has come through diverse efforts: consolidation and expansion,

    enhancement of capacities, addition of fresh products and variants, establishment of newer

    plants, and occasionally, even acquisition of under-performing but high potential units and


    Understandably, the integration route has been successfully explored by the Group. For

    instance, in a major backward integration move, Supreme Petrochem Ltd. -- and with it,

    one of India's largest world class styrenes complexes-- came into being.

    Similarly, diversification and horizontal integration have been fuelled by strategic

    collaborations with technology leaders. Two prime examples of this are introduction of

    multi-layer films and calendared film products in the country.

    The Group has made substantial complementary investments in R & D. This has not only

    helped in a thorough and superior assimilation of cutting edge technologies, but also

    contributed to a collateral development of newer and improved products on a continuing

    basis. So, while Supreme SWR systems were India's first viable alternative to conventional

    GI pipes and fittings, the unflagging creation of newer fittings keeps an unmatched range

    growing ever further.

    A client-friendly approach, a readiness to customize and an eagerness to provide all

    technical support have played no mean role in propelling Supreme to leader.

    An open mind and receptivity to new ideas and needs remain hallmarks of the Group's

    interface with all customers-- in India and across the globe.


    1. Pressure piping system2. Pipes for bore-well3. Agree pipe

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    Slogan and logo

    "Together We Grow"

    The Supreme Group:

    From Strength to Strength From modest beginnings, as a small single product company in

    the 1950s, to 2,000 crores multi-unit conglomerate with India's largest plastic products

    portfolio today, the Supreme Group has certainly come a long way.

    This unrelenting growth has come through diverse efforts: consolidation and

    expansion, enhancement of capacities, addition of fresh products and variants,

    establishment of newer plants, and occasionally, even acquisition of under-performing but

    high potential units and brands.

    Understandably, the integration route has been successfully explored by the Group. For

    instance, in a major backward integration move, Supreme Petrochem Ltd. -- and with it,

    one of India's largest world class styrenes complexes-- came into being.

    Similarly, diversification and horizontal integration have been fuelled by

    strategic collaborations with technology leaders. Two prime examples of this are

    introduction of multi-layer films and calendared film products in the country.

    The Group has made substantial complementary investments in R & D. This

    has not only helped in a thorough and superior assimilation of cutting edge technologies,

    but also contributed to a collateral development of newer and improved products on a

    continuing basis. So, while Supreme SWR systems were India's first viable alternative to

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    conventional GI pipes and fittings, the unflagging creation of newer fittings keeps an

    unmatched range growing ever further.

    A client-friendly approach, a readiness to customize and an eagerness to

    provide all technical support have played no mean role in propelling Supreme to


    An open mind and receptivity to new ideas and needs remain hallmarks of

    the Group's interface with all customers-- in India and across the globe.

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    Mr. B. L. Taparia Chairman

    Mr. M. P. Taparia Managing Director

    Mr. S. J. Taparia Executive Director

    Mr. V. K. Taparia Executive Director

    Mr. B. V. Bhargava Director

    Mr. E. B. Desai Director

    Mr. H. S. Parikh Director

    Mr. N. N. Khandwala Director

    Mr. S. R. Taparia Director

    Mr. Y. P. Trivedi Director

    Mr. O. P. Roongta Sr. VicePresident (Fin) & Secretary

    Mr. J. M. Totla Sr. VicePresident (Operation)

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    By the year 2014-15, The Supreme group will cross the Rs.1,00,000 million mark.Strategic technological alliances with world leaders reflect our commitment to producing

    with unmatched uncompromising quality.

    Our Products have been received very well even internationally from the most demanding

    customers in UK, Australia, New Zealand, United States, South Africa, South America,

    Russia, Singapore, Cyprus, Canada, Bangladesh and Spain.


    Finolex pipe

    Kishor Pumps

    Jain Irrigation.

    Aadi industries Ltd.

    Acrysil Ltd.

    Ambitious Plastomac Company Ltd.

    Anka India Ltd.

    Arrow Coated Products Ltd.

    Aristocrat Luggage Ltd. (Merged)

    Arvind International Ltd.

    Bhor Industries Ltd.

    Hitech Plast Ltd.

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    Infra Industries Ltd.

    Pet Plastics Ltd

    Pearl Polymers Ltd.

    Nilkamal Ltd.

    VIP Industries Ltd.

    Prima Plastics Ltd.

    Wim Plast Ltd.

    Jauss Polymers Ltd.

    Peacock Industries Ltd.

    Kemp & Company Ltd.

    Jasch Industries Ltd.

    Gothi Plascon India Ltd.


    Registered Office

    612, Raheja Chambers,

    Nariman Point

    City: Mumbai

    State: Maharashtra


    Email ID:

    Web Url:

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    City: Ahmedabad

    State: Gujarat


    City: Bangalore

    State: Karnataka


    City: Kolkata

    State: West Bengal


    City: Chennai (Madras)

    State: Tamil Nadu


    City: Hyderabad

    State: Andhra Pradesh


    City: Mumbai

    State: Maharashtra

    New Delhi

    City: New Delhi

    State: Delhi


    City: Indore

    State: Madhya Pradesh

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    State: Pondicherry



    State: Madhya Pradesh



    State: Maharashtra



    State: Punjab


    City: Durgapur

    State: West Bengal



    City: Kanpur

    State: Uttar Pradesh


    City: Khopoli

    State: Maharashtra

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    1942- The Company was incorporated at Mumbai. The Company manufacture Industrial

    and engineering molded products, storage and material handling crates, multilayer sheets,

    multilayer films, packaging films, expanded polyethylene foam, PVC pipes and fittings,

    moulded furniture, sataranj mats, disposable EPS containers, etc.

    1943 - 2,000 Right Pref. shares issued (prem. Rs 20 per share; prop.1:1) to Pref.

    shareholders.1945 - Issued 3,000 No. of Equity shares.

    1947 - 296 Bonus Equity shares issued in prop. 1:20. 622 Bonus Pref. shares then issued to

    Equity Pref. shareholders in prop.1:10.

    1960- 3,110 Rights Equity shares issued at par in prop. 1:2.

    1972 - In May, 1972, 1,865 Bonus Equity shares issued in prop. 1:5 in Dec. 1972, 11,271

    Right Equity shares issued at par in prop. 1:1.

    1978- 13,426 Bonus Equity shares issued in prop. 3:5 in May 1978.

    1980- 14,321 Bonus Equity shares issued in prop. 2:5.

    1985 - A new factory was established at NOIDA (Delhi) with a capacity to manufacture

    1500 tones of industrial products/components etc. to cater to the North Indian Markets.

    All the machines were installed in January 1988.

    - The Company issued 15% non-convertible debentures for Rs 100 lakhs to UTI on private

    placement basis to meet working capital requirements. 40,099 Bonus Equity shares issued

    in prop. 4:5, during February 1986.

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    1987 - The working of the packaging and multilayer film division, however, was affected

    by hike in raw material costs and prevailing excess capacity in the industry. With a view

    to upgradation of technology and introduction of new products, the Company entered into

    a collaboration agreement with Bdr. Schur International, Denmark. The PVC pipes and

    fittings division introduced cable ducting and bore well pipes during the year. - As on 1st

    July, plant and machinery, moulds and dies were revalued and the net surplus of Rs

    18,42,17,354 arising out of it was credited to revaluation reserves. Rs. 150 lakhs as rights

    to augment long term working capital requirements. - Pref. shares redeemed on 15th

    October by allotting non-con. Debs. in lieu. Equity shares subdivided. 9,02,220 bonus

    shares then issued in prop. 1:1.

    1988 - The Company embarked upon setting up of the following projects. (i) expansion of

    the injection moulding capacity and launching of moulded furniture at Noida; (ii)

    expansion of PVC pipe and fittings capacity at Jalgaon; (iii) debottlenecking of multilayer

    sheet capacity at Jalgaon (iv) injection moulding unit at Pondicherry and (v) multilayer

    sheet and products unit at Daman.

    1989 - Steps were taken to put up a new multilayer sheet unit at Daman. New range of

    products were introduced catering to the demands of high tech plastic products required by

    various industrial customers engaged in the manufacture of electronic, automobiles,

    Air-conditioning and office equipments. The Packaging and multilayer films division

    entered into a technical collaboration agreement with M/s. Schur International a/s of

    Denmark, a manufacturer of packaging film. The PVC pipes and fittings division entered

    into collaboration with M/s. Uponor, Finland for manufacture of Ultra Rib pipes in

    Longer diameters. These pipes are to replace the conventional drainage and sewerage

    system pipes. The setting up of new projects include (i) Expansion of SWR fittings range

    at Jalgaon (ii) Manufacture of specialty plastics products at Malanpur industrial area near

    Gwalior and (iii) Speciality products in co-extruded and multilayer film division.

    The Company is a co-promoter of Supreme Petrochem, Ltd., which has taken up

    a project to manufacture 80,000 tons of styrene monomer and 40,000 tons of polystrene

    per annum.

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    1990 - The loading on the machines at Andheri and Noida units was low due to unrest in

    Northern India. An injection moulding facility was installed at Pondicherry to cater to its

    customers in Southern India. The Company launched moulded furniture and a variety of

    crates. Another unit of 1000 tpa. Capacity was to be put up at Gwalior. The demand in

    PVC pipes declined due to steep rise in the price of PVC resin. Various new types of pipes

    for different applications were launched.

    1991 -The following projects were proposed to undertaken: (i)

    Expansion of the installed capacity of flexible packaging materials at Taloja and Noida (ii)

    installation of injection moulding machines with the capacities of 2,200 tones and 1200

    tones at Talegaon and Noida respectively (iii) increasing injection moulding capacity at

    Pondicherry and Calcutta (iv) installation of air bubble film manufacturing capacity at

    Gwalior (v) launching of foam polystyrene products at Gwalior (vi) increasing

    The range of thermoformed polyestyrene products at Daman (vii) expansion

    Of the capacity of PVC pipes and fittings at Jalgaon and (viii) expansion of capacity at the

    technology centre.

    The Company proposed to set up a new industrial component manufacturing unit

    Secured redeemable partly convertible debentures of Rs 200 each on rights basis in the

    proportion 1 debenture: 2 equity shares held. Another 56,953 - 14% partly convertible

    debentures of Rs 200 each were issued to employees under the Employees' Stock Option



    1992 - The PVC pipes division introduced a new range of plumbing pipes and fittings

    which was well received in the market. The Company has become a regular supplier of

    crates to Coco Cola. 34, 74,112 shares issued as bonus shares in prop 1:1.

    1993- A.K. Structural Foam Ltd., was merged with the Company as per the formalities of

    amalgamation, the Company offered to the erstwhile shareholders of AKSF Ltd. shares on

    rights basis in the ratio of one SIL share for 35 AKSF Shares and also partially and on the

    same terms and conditions.

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    1994 - The profit margins were however affected due to fire in the Andheri go down

    adjacent to manufacturing facility and due to hike in raw material costs in the furniture


    From the Hosur plant, cross linked polyethylene foam products were launched.

    In PVC pipes, the Company launched 355mm/400mm pipes. Also pipes with

    DIN/BIS/ASTM specification were introduced to cater to the export market. The Company

    launched new varieties of fabricated products to complete the piping system.

    - 13,393 No. of equity shares issued 26,786 shares issued in part conversion of A and H

    series debentures. Preference shares issued during 1996.

    1995 - The has tied up with Schoeller International of West Germany for its technology of

    new generation bottle crates. In furnitures, the Company launched one piece moulded two

    seater sofa in the market.

    1999 - The Company is the largest supplier of bottle crates to various soft drink and

    beverages manufacturers. The Company has successfully launched PVC plumbing systems

    in the country during the year under review.

    - Shri S.R. Taparia and Shri N.N. Khandwala, Directors of the Company retire by

    rotation and being eligible offer themselves for re-election. Consequent to acquisition of

    shareholding from collaborator M/s. Kalle Pentaplast GmbH, M/s. Supreme Vinyl Films

    Ltd. (Formerly Klockner Supreme Pentaplast Ltd.) has become subsidiary of the Company

    w.e.f. 7.9.1997.

    2001Board approves merger of its Group Companies M/s Supreme Oriented

    Films Limited (SOFL) and M/s Supreme Vinyl Films Ltd (SVFL) into Supreme Industries

    Ltd. (parent company) w.e.f. April 01, 2001

    2002 High Court approves scheme of amalgamation of M/s Supreme Oriented

    Films Limited (SOFL) and M/s Supreme Vinyl Films Ltd (SVFL) with

    Supreme Industries

    2003-Siltap Chemicals Limited merged with Supreme Industries Limited

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    Plasting Piping Division - PVC Pressure Pipes and Fittings

    PVC pressure piping System-

    The System Supreme offers an exhaustive range of PVC pressure pipes and fittings.

    Pressure pipes are manufactured as per IS 4985: 2000 standard and are available in 20 mm

    to 450 mm sizes in different pressure class. Pipes with both types of joints i.e. solvent

    cement type and rubber seal type joints are available. Varieties of moulded fittings and

    wide range of handmade fittings are also available. Moulded fittings are manufactured asper IS 7834 and fabricated fittings are manufactured as per IS 10124 as well as company

    standards. These pipes and fittings are used for variety of applications like, agriculture,

    irrigation, water supply, industrial process lines, swimming pools and fire fighting mains,

    etc. These pipes are superior to C.I., D.I.or R.C.C. pipes and offers number of advantages

    like light weight, easy and fast installation, excellent corrosion and chemical resistance,

    high flow rates, long life and economy.

    Features & Benefits

    Odorless and hygienic:

    These pipes are most ideal for carrying drinking water as they do not subject to


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    High corrosion resistance:

    Being immune to chemical, electrolytic and galvanic action, these pipes are free from


    High chemical resistance:

    Pipes offer excellent resistance to acids, oxidizing agents, alkalis, oils and domestic


    Smooth bore:

    Pipes have mirror smooth inside surface and hence better flow characteristics in

    comparison to AC, CI and GI pipes.

    Self extinguishing Quality:

    This eliminates need for fire resistant coatings.

    Maintenance free:

    Corrosion resistance property of the PVC pipes, eliminates the need for painting or


    Longer lasting:

    As these pipes are free from weakness caused by scale formation, rusting, weathering and

    chemical action, they lasts for a life time.


    Apart from superiority over conventional pipes, supreme PVC pipes are light in weight and

    hence they offer total economy in handling, transportation and installation.

    Bore well Application -

    The System

    Tube wells generally fails due to problems like corrosion and encrustation associated with

    conventional materials Due to corrosion the strainer screens get damaged and the sand

    particles come out along with the water. Due to encrustation, pipe diameter as well as

    effective area of screen get reduces and hence tube well becomes unserviceable within few

    years. These problems associated with conventional materials are totally eliminated in

    Supreme casing pipes made from high quality PVC resin. Supreme casing pipes offer

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    superior performance at a lower cost and become the prime choice of the customer.

    Supreme offers varieties of pipes for bore well applications to cater to every need of bore

    well sector which includes Casing pipes as per IS 12818, ribbed screen casing pipes for

    tube wells. SDR casing pipe series for shallow depth applications as per company standard,

    Plain pipes as well as screen (slotted) pipes are available in every category of casing pipes.

    (Slotted pipes can also be used for rainwater harvesting

    Submersible column pipes for submersible pumps are also offered to lift the water from the

    wells. The advantages of Supreme PVC water well casing, and screen pipes are given


    SDR Pipes

    These economical pipes manufactured as per company standards are available in

    blue color. These pipes are suitable for shallow depths where soil formation is favorable.

    Use of these pipes for particular application should be examined on case to case basis. One

    end of pipe is plain end where as other end is socked for solvent weld joint

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    Ribbed Screen Pipes

    These pipes are provided with V shape ribs on its exterior surface. Special

    design of this structure with fine slots provided on pipe prevents entry of even small

    particles and hence permeability of the screen gets properly maintained. These pipes are

    generally used in combined wells or used for specific formation where a normal screen

    pipe does not work. These pipes are provided with threaded joints with one end of the pipe

    male threaded and another end with female threaded socket.


    Agriculture pipes

    Aqua gold pipes

    SWR pipes & fittings

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    SWV pipes &fittings

    Submersible pipes

    Casing pipes

    PP-R pipes &fittings

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    Supreme has launched a new mega project at Gadegaon to meet the growing demand for

    quality piping products, and to expand its product range to meet the market demand for

    new world class products in plumbing and drainage.

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    This will help to expand its current business and take it to a amazing growth path. It is

    situated on a full 131 acres land. The construction spread over 7, 00,000 sq. ft. is nearing

    completion and the first phase of manufacturing has already commenced.



    Supreme has excellent brand awareness. Dealer who sells the Supreme products are knowledgeable and well trained sale promotion

    people at the counter.

    Price of the Supreme is quite satisfactory to the people, well planned for all class ofcustomer

    Good Geographical coverage. Creating high demand of the product & the brand name by continuous bringing innovative

    product in the market proving the excellent in Research and Development.

    Better product range. Economically strong. Good dealership network with high market penetration.

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    Lack of Advertisement. No scheme & Gift to dealer.


    Customer has gone high interest in the brand & its product. Most Dealers are not satisfied by the competitors policy. High price of competitor seller losing interest in the competitor product due to non-

    availability of product on time.


    Aggressive marketing of competitor mainly Jain company & Tulsi pipe company. Schemes & gift to Dealer & customers by the competitor is changing the mind of the


    Competitors (excellent in advertisement especially Jain company & Tulsi pipe companywhich make the customer to choose them.

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    What is research-?

    Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of

    the data, findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company. So results

    of marketing research activity are useful for enhancing the decision making ability of the

    organization. To attain the objective, widely prevalent questionnaire method is applied.

    Questionnaire were designed same for both construction purpose users and

    dealers/retailers. This informed the primary type of data and direct interview for analysis


    A scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Itis scientific investigation.

    A careful investigation or enquiry specially through search for new facts and ideasin any branch of knowledge

    Systematized effort to gain new knowledge

    Type of research-

    1. Descriptive V/s Analytical :Descriptive includes survey and facts finding enquiries of different kinds. Major

    purpose research description of the state of affairs it exists at presents.

    The analytical has use facts or information already available and analyses to make a

    critical evaluation of the material

    2. Applied V/s Fundamental:

    Applied Research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a

    society or an industrial business organization.

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    Fundamental research mainly with generalization and with the formulation of a

    theory gathering knowledge for knowledge sake

    3. Quantitative V/s Qualitative:

    Quantitative research is base on measurement of quantity or amount

    Qualitative research concern with quantities phenomenon i.e. phenomenon relating or

    involving quantity or kind.

    Data collection is done in following manner:

    Data Source-

    Here both primary and secondary data are gathered. Secondary data are the data that were

    collected from other sources for the purpose and already exist somewhere.

    Primary data are the data gathered for specific purpose or for a specific Research project.

    Here in this report, the secondary data are the information about company and its product

    that are available on its website or another source.

    Primary information is the data collected from the following sources

    1. Survey done in Jalgaon

    2. Users & Non-users of supreme Product at Jalgaon

    Research instrument-

    1. Questionnaire-

    To obtain the information from customers. This instrument consists of set of questions

    both open end & close end presented to respondent for their answer and opinion.

    2. Personal interviewing-

    To get the primary information from the people.

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    Sampling plan

    A) Sampling unit-

    Here for this report the target audience is:

    a. Farmer &

    b. Other user.

    B) Sample size-

    For customer sample size= 100

    C) Sampling procedure-

    Simple random Sampling procedure is adopted so that every member of the sample size

    has an equal chance of selection.

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    1) Are you aware of supreme pipe?

    Sr. no. Awareness level Frequency Percentage

    1. Yes 77 77%

    2. No 23 23%

    Total 100 100%



    The above table shows that the customers in Jalgaon city are (highly aware of

    Supreme as a brand. Out of total 100 respondents, about.77% customers are yes. & 23%

    customers say no the above observation shows a great respectability for Supreme pipe in

    the Jalgaon city.

    Yes, 77%

    No, 23%

    Awareness Level



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    2) What are the sources from where you came to know about the Supreme pipe?

    No Source of Information Frequency Percentage

    1 friends 43 43%

    2 shop 17 17%3 Newspaper 14 14%

    4 TV. 16 16%

    5 Any other 10 10%

    Total 100 100%



    Friend, Newspaper, advertisement, Shop & Any other played less equally important

    role in making the customers aware about the Supreme products; while friends played an

    insignificant role. The above table shows that out100 customer of 43customers, Friends are

    the source of knowledge about the Supreme product and17 people source is shop and14

    people source is newspaper and also 16 people source TV and any other source is 10.

    Respectively played significant source of information.













    Sources of Information


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    3) When you buy the supreme pipe?

    Sr. No. Frequency of buying


    Frequency Percentage

    1. Product become old 34 34%

    2. Obsolete 24 24%

    3. Attractive scheme 22 22%

    4. Newly demand 20 20%

    Total 100 100%



    The above data shows that the majority of the customers buy Supreme product

    when product are in product become old., because out of 100 customer buy their product

    only by product become old., 34 i.e. 34% while product become old has great impact buy

    the customers about 34i.e. 34% while other are followed by obsolete 24% and product

    Newly demand i.e20%.










    become old

    Obsolete Attractive





    24 %22%


    Frequency of buying product


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    4) Which factors attracts you for buying supreme pipe products?

    Sr. no. Reason for the buying


    Frequency Percentage

    1. Quality 44 44%

    2. Price 19 19%

    3. Schemes 17 17%

    4. Brand loyalty 15 15%

    5. Other reason 05 05%

    Total 100 100%



    The above data indicate that the price, Schemes, Quality are the main reason for the

    purchase of Supreme pipe. While brand & other reason of the product has little role to

    play. The above graph indicates that the quality & price are more satisfied because it is

    standing tall with 44% out of 100%, with 19% respectively.










    Brand loyalty

    Other reason

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    5) What is the Supreme product rating in comparison to other brand product?

    Sr. no. Comparison with other


    Frequency Percentage

    1. Good 47 47%

    2. Better 23 23%3. Ok 17 17%

    4. Worst 8 8%

    5. Cant say 5 5%

    Total 100 100%



    In the table indicates that supreme appliance is in the between of ok to better.

    Because out of 100 customer 23% goes for better, 17% for the OK & 47% for the good.

    Only 8% are goes for the worst and 5% customer cant say about the comparison with

    other brand.











    Good Better Ok Worst Cant say





    Comparision with other brand


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    6) Are you satisfied with the supreme product or not?

    Sr. no. Information Percentage

    1 Satisfied 78%

    2 Not satisfied 17%

    3 Cant say 5%(TABLE-6)


    The above table shows in a specific area choose and this area are founded in out of

    100 people 78% people are satisfied 17% are unsatisfied 5% of respondent could not say

    anything about product.






    Not satisfied

    Cant say

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    7) Which pipe company pipe sells maximum?

    Sr. no. Pipe company Purchase Percentage in


    1 Supreme 54%

    2 Tulsi 16%3 Finolex 9%

    4 Jain Irrigation 21%



    In the above diagram we have see customer buy supreme pipe maximum other

    than company in percentage 54% is the tallest and 21% customer buy jain pipe and

    16% tulsi pipe also 9% is finolex pipe .








    Supreme Tulsi Finolex Jain






    Purchase Percentage in maximum

    Purchase Percentage in


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    8) What is your opinion regarding price fixed by Supreme for their different product?

    Sr. no. Opinion Regarding Percentage

    1 High 19%

    2 Reasonable 21%

    3 Affordable 24%4 Low 36%



    In the above diagram my opinion price fixed by supreme for their different product

    low in percentage 36%, high 19%, reasonable 21% and 24% affordable respectively.









    High Reasonable Affordable Low






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    9) Are you getting the supreme product easily?

    Sr. no. Easily Available Percentage

    1 Yes 66%

    2 No 34%



    In the above diagram we have say supreme pipe product easily available Say

    customer 66% Yes and 34% say no available on time. So in this observation I have

    conclude that supreme pipe channel of distribution is strong.

    Yes, 66%

    No, 34%




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    10) What are the areas in which Supreme Industry can improve?

    Sr. no. Area Improve Percentage

    1 Product Quality 12%

    2 Advertisement 38%

    3 Product availability 24%4 Scheme 16%

    5 Service 10%



    In the above observation we have say company can improve product Quality 12%,

    advertisement facility 38%, Product availability 24% Scheme 16% and also service10%

    improve area.







    16% 10%

    Area Improve


  • 8/13/2019 annuall report format




    1) In the above data the customers in Jalgaon city people are highly aware of Supreme pipe

    as a brand. Out of total 100 respondents, about 77 i.e. 77% customers are well aware about

    Supreme as a brand while a small fraction of about 23 i.e. 23% of the customers are not

    aware. The above observation shows a great respectability for Supreme as a brand in the

    Jalgaon city.

    2) With the information Friends are the source of knowledge about the Supreme product

    for 43 i.e. 43% customers, while for about 17% and 17% shop, and any other respectively

    played significant source of information.

    3) The data indicate that the price, Schemes, Quality are the main reason for the purchase

    of Supreme pipe. While brand & other reason of the product has little role to play. The

    above graph indicates that the quality & price are more satisfied because it is standing tall

    with 44% out of 100%, with 19% respectively.

    4) The above data shows that the majority of the customers buy Supreme product when

    product are product become old, because out of 100 customer buy their product only by

    product become old 34 i.e. 34% while Attractive schemes has great impact buy thecustomers about 22 i.e. 22% while other are followed by obsolete 24% and product Newly

    demand i.e 20%.

    5) In the table indicates that supreme appliance is in the between of ok to better. Because

    out of 100 customer 23% goes for better, 17% for the OK & 47% for the good. Only 8%

    are goes for the worst and 5% customer cant say about the comparison with other brand.

    6) The above table shows in a specific area choose and this area are founded in out of 100

    people 78% people are satisfied 17% are unsatisfied 5% of respondent could not say

    anything about product.

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    7) With the information supreme pipe product easily available Say customer 66% Yes and

    34% say no available on time. So in this observation I have conclude that supreme pipe

    channel of distribution is strong.

    8) With the information company can improve product Quality 12%, advertisement

    facility38%, Product availability 24%, Scheme 16% and also service 10% improve area.

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    The study brought to the notice that supreme industries being brands still had certain area

    where improvement or changes would be beneficial for the company like better quality ofproduct.

    Company reduce the price customer buy maximum pipe

    Customer purchase product because price is reasonable and quality is very good

    The customer should be made aware of the latest developments or products byissuing pamphlets, broachers, leaflets etc.

    Company Also provide the various services to the small or trade dealers likecompears. To main dealers as given target or gifts etc

    Advertising is the communication link between the buyers and sellers. So the needof customer is known it should be appealed through advertising. Also it should be

    modified in such a way that viewer will remember it.

    Company can encourage the customer to promote the product by giving him somefacility.

    Company makes production on preference of customer behavior.

    Company improve the product Quality and schems , services provide customer

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    1. Supreme is a company of which have multi product and multi unit, which is relatedto plastic products, chemicals, etc.

    2. It is absorb that Supreme Company has good Brand Image compared to other brandin Jalgaon District. Having very good quality Supreme product which touchiest

    heart of consumer.

    3. The consumers of C-PVC pipes and fittings are very well aware of other companybut mostly they prefer Supreme products because of quality, easy availability, less

    maintenance and durability in performance. Customer doesnt face any

    transportation problem by Supreme dealers.

    4. In next, after 20 years supreme SWR drainage systems are every home&bungalows are already situated this is reason because every years the sales &

    systems demand is increased.

    5. The dealers &supreme company can provide the facility or service likereplacement, plumber, engineers help etc.

    6. The supreme companies products or systems is highly sales because:a) Brand name & imageb) Services,c) Large networks of dealersd) Attractive marketing strategy

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    Marketing Management - Philip Kotler (page no-114-120) Research Methodology - C. R. Kothari (page no1-2,3,4,9)


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    Name :

    Age :

    Occupation :

    1) Are you aware of Supreme pipe?a) Yes b) No


    What is the Source from which you get the information about the brands?a) Friends b) shop c) Newspaper d) TV

    3) Do you have any Supreme pipe in home?a) Pressure Pipe b) Bore-Well Pipe c) Underground Drainage System

    d) Plumbing-Water Pipe

    4) Which factor attracts you for buying supreme pipe?a)Quality b) Price c) Schemes d) all e) Other reason

    5) What change would you like to have in Supreme product?a) Quality b) Schemes c) Price d) Any other

    6) What is the Supreme product rating in comparison to other brand?a)Good b) better c) ok d) cant say

    7) Are you getting the supreme product easily?a)Yes b) no

    8) What is your opinion regarding price fixed by Supreme for their different product?

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    a)High b) Reasonable c) Affordable d) low

    9) What do you like about the Supreme?

    a)Product b) Theme c)Quality d) creativity

    10) What are the areas in which Supreme Industry can improve?a) Product quality b)advertisement c) product availability d) schemeb) e) Service

    11) Which factors are responsible for buying decision of the product?

    a) Becomes old b) obsolete c) Attractive Scheme d) New technology comes

    12) Are you satisfied with the supreme product or not?

    a) Yes b) no

    13) Which pipe company customer buy maximum pipe?

    A) Supreme b) tulsi c) jain irrigation d) finolex

    14) Are you all ready existing buying supreme pipes?

    a) Yes b) no

    15) Are you potential customer?

    a) Yes b) no.

    Signature of customer