Annual Report April 1, 2016 March 31, 2017 - · PDF filebasics.” The District offered a...

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Transcript of Annual Report April 1, 2016 March 31, 2017 - · PDF filebasics.” The District offered a...

Annual Report

April 1, 2016 – March 31, 2017

Top Picture: Volunteer Recognition Program – Award

recipient: Watrous & Area Arts Council Sept. 2016

Bottom Picture: District Cultural Gathering

Fort Qu’Appelle March 2017

The Prairie Central District for Sport, Culture and

Recreation is a non-profit, community driven organization

that facilitates community development and coordinates

District networks to increase access to sport, culture and

recreation programs and services that enhance quality of

life and community vitality.

The District works with the three global organizations that

support sport, culture and recreation in Saskatchewan and

appreciates the ongoing support of Saskatchewan


MISSION, VISION, VALUES & STRATEGY MISSION We provide leadership and support by building bridges and partnerships

through sport, culture and recreation for the benefit of the district

VISION We support communities to promote quality of life through sport, culture and recreation OPERATIONAL VALUES

• Communication, - listening and sharing

• Honesty, Integrity and Trust

• Innovation and Creativity

• Accountability STRATEGY The District operates under three strategic directions:

1. Facilitation of Community Development 2. Coordination of the District Networks 3. District Organizational Development

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Prairie Central District Directors 2016-2017

• Sigourney Hoytfox, Director – Wynyard

• Pete Hubick, Director – Southey

• Jason Johnston, Vice-Chairperson – Hanley

• Terry Leibel, Chairperson – Wynyard

• Crystal Longman, Director – Punnichy

• Stacey Poss, Director - Humboldt

• Angela Reddekopp, Director – Martensville

L-R: Angela, Stacey, Crystal, Pete, Jason and Terry (Sigourney not available)

Photo taken: March 29, 2017


A primary role of the District is to use a community development approach in working with communities and organizations to meet their sport, culture and recreation needs. We look to increase community capacity for enhanced access and participation by providing support and development of leaders and volunteers. Community Funding Programs The COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (CEDP) provides financial assistance to PCD communities and organizations for sport, culture or recreation programs and projects in their communities as well as provides an opportunity for the District and Community to collaborate for further initiatives*. $7,895.18 was allocated to the following 11 programs:

• Town of Allan - Allan Mini Movers

• Coteau Community Club Inc - Coteau Children Fun Day

• Coteau Community Club Plus 50 – Swimming Lessons in Rural Areas

• Village of Englefeld - Summer Fun * Summer staff attended High Five Workshop in Humboldt

• Govan Fitness Centre – Govan Forever …in Motion * Peer Leaders trained in Govan May 2016

• Humboldt Community Gathering Place – Youth Drop-In Social * Attended Grant Writing workshop in Bruno January 2016 * Program presentation at Prairie Central District AGM June 2016

• Town of Langham – Plus 50 Recreation Night

• Town of Lumsden – Lumsden First Nation Display & Ceremony * PCD staff participated in the opening ceremonies

• Regina Beach Parks & Recreation – South Shore Stand Up Paddleboarding

• Strasbourg Recreation Board – English Speaking Program

• Watrous & Area Arts Council – Summer Student Art Camp * Volunteer Recognition Award Recipients

The COACH ASSISTANCE PROGRAM provides financial assistance to a coach

to attend a Coaching Development event (workshop/course/training)

outside of the Prairie Central District boundaries and within Saskatchewan.

Applicants must reside within the Prairie Central District boundaries to be

eligible. The program has financially supported 1 coach in the first few

months of the programs existence.


(ACSDGP) is to provide greater sport participation and development

opportunities for Aboriginal youth in Saskatchewan. The program assists

and supports the implementation of organized community sport programs

to increase opportunities for youth in the Aboriginal community. The grant

focuses on communities and builds their capacity to offer quality, organized

sport programs for Aboriginal youth. The PCDSCR oversees the

adjudication of funds in our District and approved $25,000 to support

communities and sports including:

• Pasqua First Nation – (Enhanced) Boxing

• Whitecap Dakota First Nation - Beach Volleyball

• Muscowpetung Educational Centre – Skating

• Touchwood Agency Tribal Council - Curling and Judo

The ACSDGP is jointly funded through Sport Canada’s Aboriginal

Participation Bilateral, the Province of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan

Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation.

Leadership & Volunteer Development


volunteers who are active with several initiatives over an extended period

of time and have made a meaningful impact to their community. The

program demonstrates the importance and value that volunteers provide in

the areas of sport, culture and recreation through public recognition.

Nominations are received in April and Sept annually with one award

recipient for each deadline. The award recipients receive a grant* of $1000,

to be utilized in the area of that person’s volunteering efforts within sport,

culture and recreation, along with a small gift of appreciation. Award

recipients 2016-2017:

Casey Lawford, Lumsden * Foosball table and communications display for the arena

Watrous & Area Arts Council * Series of workshops

The HIGH FIVE® PHCD TRAINING workshop offer leaders the

skills needed to provide quality children’s programs with

positive experiences for children while learning the five

Principles of Healthy Child Development at the same time.

The PCDSCR held one workshop in Humboldt on July 4th. The

workshop was facilitated by Joaleen Unger with 13 participants from the

communities of Bruno, Englefeld and Humboldt.

“Its pretty cool how I can use this training when I move out of Province for University.”

High Five® is a nationally recognized program.

This year we hosted 3 GRANT WRITING WORKSHOPS with a total of 35

participants from the communities of Allan, Delisle, Humboldt, Kelliher,

Lestock, Muenster, Wynyard, and Day Star, George Gordon, Kawacatoose,

Muskowekwan and Yellow Quill First Nations. Workshops were in

partnership with:

• Touchwood Agency Tribal Council - June 16, 2016- facilitated by Bonnie Wohlberg

• Humboldt - January 19, 2017 - facilitated by Coralie Bueckert

• Wynyard - March 11, 2017 - facilitated by Coralie Bueckert

The workshops provided participants with guidelines and requirements for

writing successful grant applications, including where to find grants that fit

your project and what is important to include in your application.

“I would recommend it because a lot of people want to help out but don’t know how to go about looking/applying for grants. This information would help them with the


The District offered a SPORT TAPING WORKSHOP on April 30 in Southey.

The workshop target is coaches, athletes and parents involved in sport who

are looking for more knowledge on proper taping techniques. The workshop

included several interesting discussions and demonstrations including;

proper taping techniques for various parts of the body, injury assessment

and management, taping theory, determining which taping supplies to use

for a specific injury, injury recovery and concussion assessment. There were

12 participants from Southey and Foam Lake.

"I would definitely recommend this workshop to others, mostly because it is knowledge

that you could use in your day to day life and it gives you a chance to help out when


FOREVER...IN MOTION (FIM) is an initiative that helps older adults become

physically active through volunteer/peer led physical activity or walking

groups. As a result of grants received through the

Community Initiatives Fund, FIM has been

implemented in rural Saskatchewan communities

within the Saskatoon Health Region (SHR) for the

past four years. Five leader training opportunities,

including one in partnership with the SPRA, were

held last year. Local leader and participation numbers

are excellent and continue to grow in leaps and bounds. In rural

communities, there are 100+ trained leaders and 40+ sites providing FIM

programs to approximately 500 participants. Having multiple leaders at

sites plus refreshing the skills of the existing leaders helps to ensure

sustainability of the FIM sites. Another factor attributing to the program’s

success is the capacity of the SHR to provide ongoing support through this

grant. This program is a partnership of the Saskatoon Health Region,

Federation des aines Fransaskois and the Lakeland, Rivers West and Prairie

Central Districts for Sport, Culture and Recreation. The Saskatoon Health

Region provides the expertise; the Prairie Central District provides the

administration and all partners provide support services and promotion.

This program has reaped many benefits including the mental

and physical health of our senior populations and continues

to make a very positive impact in the communities. We

acknowledge and thank our financial assistance partner, the

Community Initiatives Fund.

“I can walk and not play out, walk faster than I ever did for a long time before. I sleep

much better, eat much better, and stay awake much longer during day time.”

Team Prairie Central highlights in the 2016 SASKATCHEWAN SUMMER

GAMES held July 24-30 in Estevan include:

• 86.5 % participation in 17 sports

• represented in all sports on the calendar except for triathlon

• placed 4th in medals with 19 Gold, 13 Silver and 19 Bronze

• 12 mission staff to support Team PC

• excellent pep rally with Sask. Energy, games sponsor, and host City of Estevan on hand to bring greetings

“One of the goals of the Saskatchewan Games is to enhance community development through a

sport legacy of upgraded equipment, facilities, experienced officials, cultural understanding and

appreciation, and a core group of volunteers,” remarked Julie Brandt, Chairperson of the

Saskatchewan Games Council. “The Saskatchewan Games Council is impressed with the legacy

left behind in Estevan.”

The District staff, in partnership with Clint McConnell our SPRA Field

Consultant, works with interested communities to translate specific

RECREATION BOARD DEVELOPMENT needs into plans and actions.

Examples of various components of Recreation Board Development include:

• Examining current roles and structures, board models and delivery being used in

the community

• Developing vision, mission and values statements for recreation boards

• Developing and/or reviewing bylaws

• Educating and/or training volunteers and councils on types of board models

• Sharing best practices for successful recreation service delivery

This past year we worked with six communities on Recreation Board

Development; including Aberdeen, Lanigan, Kelliher, Kenaston, Viscount

and Young. With several more communities interested in going through

the Recreation Board Development process for this upcoming year, it has

proven to be a vital service that we offer to our communities.


COMMUNITY VISITATIONS are an opportunity for communities to gather

key people in one room and meet with a Community Consultant. Key

people are those who serve on sport, culture and/or recreation boards,

councils, organizations or committees, those who hold positions as

Recreation Directors, Administrators, or Councillors and those who are

involved with the justice, health, and education sectors. It is an opportunity

for consultants to talk about programs and services and gain an

understanding of communities within the District Boundaries.

This year the PCDSCR met with folks in:

• Aberdeen

• Allan

• Beechy

• Bruno

• Dalmeny

• Day Star First Nation

• File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council

• Fort Qu’Appelle

• Humboldt

• Langham

• Lebret

• LeRoy Leisureland

• Lucky Lake

• Manitou Beach

• Meacham

• Outlook

• Saskatoon Tribal Council

• Standing Buffalo First Nation

• Touchwood Agency Tribal Council

• Wadena

• Wynyard

PCD ADVENTURES - This year the community consultants went to explore

Lumsden April 27 and Watrous/Manitou Beach areas September 7. The

day’s events included meeting with the respective Recreation Directors,

touring facilities, taking part in activities and getting a real understanding of

the communities. Thanks for showing us around!

The District held a RECREATION PRACTITIONERS EVENT November 16 in

Allan. Recreation Practitioners from Aberdeen, Allan, Dalmeny, Humboldt,

Langham, Martensville, Warman and Wynyard along with staff from the

PCDSCR and SPRA participated in community updates, roundtable

discussion and activity time bowling at the Allan Rec Centre.

“What a great day, reconnecting with Practitioners and a little healthy competition among colleagues.”

The Active Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan in

motion) AGM and “What in the world is going on

out there” workshop was held June 6 in Regina.

Brandy Tanenbaum, Program Coordinator RBC

First Office for Injury and Prevention presented “In an era of schoolyard ball bans

and debates about safe tobogganing have we as society lost the appropriate

balance between keeping children healthy and active and protecting them from

serious harm?” (reflection on risky play and how it relates to recreation). The

majority of the day was spent outside enjoying nature and physical activity

opportunities such as: Slack line, Yoga in the parks and walk with the geese. (PCD

Rep: Joaleen)

The Sask Culture AGM was held June 10 in Regina. The member session took on

a speed dating type of format where specific connections that may result in

partnerships with the PCD moving forward were: Sask. Archaeological Society

(Tomasin Playford), Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS: Rhonda

Rosenberg), and the Museums Association of Saskatchewan (MAS: Wendy Fitch).

Many connections were made and we exchanged lots of great information

between all organizations. The keynote speaker was well received and a great

speaker on treaties and the role of culture in moving forward together.

Participating in a day such as this, allow us the knowledge to provide wider

information and cross promote events and opportunities to better serve our

district. (PCD Rep: Emma)

The 2016 SASK SPORT INC AGM was held on June 11 in Regina. The member

sessions, most relevant to Districts, were Identifying and Avoiding Conflicts of

Interest in Sport and an overview of the 2017-2021 Sport Development Strategic

Plan. The AGM is a great opportunity to network with others involved in the sport

industry and to keep up to date with SSI organizational development. (PCD rep:



General Meeting and Conference were held in Regina October 27-29. The

Conference included several interesting sessions and guest speakers where

participants gained valuable insight in the areas of: engaging newcomers,

volunteer development, staying upbeat in busy times, National Framework for

Recreation, storm chasing and the health and wellbeing of communities through

recreation. The conference is a great opportunity to meet new people and

network with others in the industry. (PCD reps: Jaret & Joaleen)


Regina. The “Punching Above Your Weight; Fundraising Workshop” was

presented by the National Trust staff, Nhanci Wright

and Alison Faulknor. Eugene Arcand and Zoey Roy

presented “Truth and Reconciliation: It’s a Call to

Action”. It was followed by an update on the

Saskatchewan Index of Wellbeing and the Heritage

Saskatchewan AGM. (PCD rep: Celina)

The PCDSCR CULTURAL GATHERING was held at the Treaty Four Governance

Centre in Fort Qu’Appelle March 23, 2017. The gathering, attended by 13

participants, is for people involved in arts & culture who are looking to learn more

about provincial cultural initiatives and share ideas while networking with

others. Staff (11) representing the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan

(MCOS), SaskCulture, Saskatchewan Arts Board, Museums Association of

Saskatchewan (MAS) and Saskatchewan Writers Guild and the PCDSCR, presented

information of their respective programs, services and grant opportunities.

Participants enjoying this opportunity were from Fort Qu’Appelle, Humboldt, Day

Star, Kawacatoose, Pasqua and Yellow Quill First Nations.


Our two regular publications include a monthly E-NEWS UPDATE and a bi-

annual NEWSLETTER. All publications are sent electronically to

approximately 520 contacts and promote a wealth of sport, culture and

recreation opportunities and related information. Groups or individuals

can be added to our contact list through our website. ☺

You can also like and follow us on TWITTER and FACEBOOK

The District launched a new WEBSITE March 30, 2017. The new site is a vast

improvement over the former site and contains some great information.

Check it out at:


The Board is comprised of eight director at large and two Aboriginal

representative positions. The Board experienced a considerable amount of

turnover for various reasons. With a major emphasis on recruiting, the

Board was back in business and held meetings in November 2016 and

January & March 2017. At this time, there are seven active directors on the

board with three vacancies.

Prairie Central District Staff

PCDSCR - Wynyard Stephanie Cuddington, Executive Director Box 818, Wynyard, SK S0A 4T0 218 Bosworth Street Phone: 306.554.2414

PCDSCR—Southey Box 370, Southey, SK S0G 4P0 220 Keats Street Phone: 306.726.2087 Fax: 306.726.2052

Jaret Dezotell, Community Consultant 306.726.2087 ext.2

Joaleen Unger, Community Consultant 306.726.2087 ext.1

Bev Gerrard, Administrative Assistant

Emma Morris, Community Consultant (resigned July 2016)

PCDSCR - Wadena Celina Quewezance, Community Consultant (Jan – May 2017) Box 351, Wadena, SK S0A 4J0

90A Main Street Phone: 306.338.1003