Annual Report 2011 2012: Highlights -...

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Transcript of Annual Report 2011 2012: Highlights -...

Annual Report 2011-2012:


“The UKCPA promotes expert practice in medicines management for the benefit of

patients, the public and members by establishing standards, workforce

development and advancing innovation in all health care settings.

The UKCPA encourages Excellence, Leadership and Partnership”



Full reports from all UKCPA officers and specialist groups are included in

UKCPA Annual Report 2011 - 2012 Part II

available on the UKCPA website:




Membership …………………………………..4

Events …………………………………..5

Excellence …………………………………..6

Leadership …………………………………..7

Partnership …………………………………..8

Awards …………………………………..10

Communications .…………………………...…….11


As of 31 March 2012 UKCPA has 2341 members. This is a 2% increase on the previous year’s figures. We have seen growth in membership since 2005, although the last two years have seen a slowing down in growth.

With membership of the professional body now being voluntary, coupled with the recession and accompanying salary freezes, our members are thinking carefully before renewing their membership with us. But the figures suggest that they are still valuing and choosing UKCPA membership.


Our 23 corporate members are hugely valued and they are involved in many of the events we run, as well as sponsoring awards. We now have the following companies as corporate members:

Our membership as of 31 March 2012



Aguettant Ltd

Baxter Healthcare Ltd

B. Braun Medical

Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd

Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Fresenius Kabi



hameln pharmaceuticals

Janssen-Cilag Ltd

Lilly UK

The Medicines Company

Merck Pharmaceuticals

Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd

Orion (UK) Ltd

Pfizer Ltd


Servier Laboratories Ltd

Sintek Ltd

Takeda UK Ltd

Wockhardt UK


Since our last annual report we have held two more successful conferences. The GHP/UKCPA Joint National Conference was held in May 2011 in Nottingham. This was attended by 239 delegates and 25 exhibitors. We delivered 9 plenary sessions and our members and partners were busy running 18 worksessions over the weekend.

The UKCPA Autumn Residential Symposium in November 2011 was held in Leicestershire. This event was attended by 192 delegates and 15

exhibitors. Delegates were treated to 6 plenary sessions and 5 fringe meetings, and had a choice of attending no less than 15 interactive worksessions.

“ [This is the] first time I have been and had a great time. The workshops were useful, I made new friends and learnt a great deal. I would definitely recommend it to colleagues.


In addition to these large meetings, we held 12 one-day Masterclasses and a Weekend Residential School in the financial year 2011-12. These were run by the following UKCPA Groups: Cardiac, Care of the Elderly, Critical Care, Diabetes, Education & Training, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, HAT, Infection Management, Pain, Respiratory, and Surgery & Theatres.

A huge variety of topics were offered, including current trends in pharmacy education, credentialing, Parkinson’s disease, palliative care, Hepatitis C, VTE, delirium, sedation, antimicrobial stewardship, vascular surgery, atrial fibrillation, and developing clinical skills for new and returning practitioners.

A total of 396 delegates attended our 2011-12 Masterclasses and Weekend School, an increase of 15% on last year.

“ The best part was the many, many aspects, ideas and points for improvement that can be introduced to my trust.

In 2011 we also embarked on a new way of delivering education and training: we partnered with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to deliver a series of free webinars. This relatively new technology allows speakers and participants to stay at work or home and watch a presentation via the internet. Webinars also allow participants to submit questions to the speakers, thereby maintaining a level of interactivity. The webinars run in 2011-12 were on topics as diverse as cystic fibrosis, influenza, primary and secondary care working, and building a professional development portfolio. Over 700 people have viewed these webinars so far, and now they are available on the UKCPA website, they can continue to be viewed. It has proved to be a very successful and low-cost way of delivering professional development to our members, as well as showcasing our expertise outside of the UKCPA membership. We aim to continue this partnership with the RPS for 2012.

The number of practitioners attending

and learning from UKCPA events this

year 1527


Our specialist groups have been incredibly active this year and their individual reports in the full Annual Report (Part II) document provide more information on what they’ve been up to. We’ve highlighted key activities here which clearly demonstrates the excellence that UKCPA encourages.


The total number of UKCPA members

involved in Group Committees 101 All Party Thrombosis Group

British Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group

British Cardiac Intervention Society

British Cardiovascular Society

British Geriatrics Society

British Pain Society

British Thoracic Society

Department of Health

Health Innovation & Education Cluster and Lung

Improvement Programme

Intensive Care Society

Lloyds pharmacy

Local Practice Forums

National Nursing & Midwifery Network

National Patient Safety Agency

NHS Diabetes

NHS Education Scotland (Pharmacy)

RCP Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party

Scottish Government Cross Party Group on

Heart Disease and Stroke

Scottish Intensive Care Society

Thrombosis Forum

UK and Eire Liver Transplant Pharmacy Group

Universities across the UK

British Thoracic Society

Department of Health

Diabetes UK

International Association for Study of Pain

Joint British Diabetes Societies

National Review of Asthma Deaths enquiry


Severe Asthma National Network


UK Coalition to Stop TB

Welsh Pain Advisory Board

Our group committee members have also been

busy writing this year, with a total of 80

publications between them for 2011/12. This


42 articles in peer-reviewed journals

6 books

20 articles in Clinical Pharmacist

12 articles in Pharmacy Magazine

UKCPA Groups have links with no less than 35 third party organisations, including:

Their participation in national committees and collaborations is no less impressive, with contributions to 16 organisations, including:


The Cardiac and HAT Groups released a position statement in July 2011 on the introduction of new oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation. This statement was picked up by national publications such as the GP magazine Pulse Today and Hospital Pharmacy Europe.

This was in addition to the involvement of key individuals from these Groups in the All Party Parliamentary Group on Thrombosis and the All Party Group on Atrial Fibrillation, as well as invitations to speak at the House of Commons.

Leadership True to its mission statement, UKCPA has been actively involved in several leadership initiatives and activities this year. Our members and Groups responded to no less than 88 national consultations during the financial year 2011/12. As an indication of how pharmacy is increasingly sought after and respected in the healthcare team, UKCPA were also asked to endorse two NICE guidance documents: Prevention and control of healthcare associated infections Quality Improvement Guide, and the Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia in children Quality Standard. Additionally, Mark Tomlin, our Treasurer and active member of the Critical Care Group, is on the NICE Guideline Development Group for IV fluids.

The number of national consultation

documents UKCPA has responded to 88


A key component of our mission statement is encouraging partnership. This year we have collaborated with many organisations in a variety of activities. We have had several collaborations with other specialist partner groups over the last 12 months, including the Renal Pharmacy Group (RPG) and the Pharmacy Law and Ethics Association who held worksessions at UKCPA conferences. In the coming year we hope to partner with the Opthalmic Pharmacy Group at the 2012 GHP/UKCPA Joint Conference, the RPG for a joint Masterclass with our Diabetes Group, and the Primary Care Pharmacists Association for a primary and secondary care interface seminar. UKCPA continues to enjoy a good relationship with the British Pharmaceutical Students Association (BPSA), with the President holding a co-opted place on the UKCPA General Committee. We are exhibiting

at the BPSA 70th anniversary Conference in April 2012, and, for the second year running, are supporting the BPSA Research Poster Awards in collaboration with GSK. Later this year we will also be implementing a special membership deal for ex-BPSA members.

We also continue to enjoy a fruitful relationship with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Many of our members are RPS media spokespersons in their specialist area, and have been called on to respond to media stories. We also collaborate with the RPS on national consultation responses throughout the year, and our joint webinar series has been a great success.

Three of our General Committee members have also won places on two prestigious leadership development schemes. Aamer Safdar and Claire Ellwood are two of only three pharmacists with a place on the National Leadership Council (NLC) Clinical Leadership Fellowship programme for 2011. This is no mean feat given that over 1000 clinicians applied for only 60 places! The Clinical Leadership Fellowship programme aims to develop the next generation of leaders in many different clinical settings so that they can take a more central role in improving services for patients.

A recently appointed General Committee member, Frances Akinwunmi, was nominated as the Pharmacy Senior Champion for the NHS Clinical Leaders Network REAL (Race Equality Action Leadership) Initiative. Frances was selected as a clear role model and leader in pharmacy, and joins six other Senior Champions from other clinical professions. Her role as a Senior Champion will be to mentor, support and guide the next cohort of Eminent and Aspiring Leaders in the CLN REAL initiative. The aim is for these cohorts to be developed personally and professionally in order to become a network of leaders to shape the NHS of the future.



From left: Ryan Hamilton (BPSA President), Chris Green (UKCPA

Chair), Helen Gordon (RPS Chief Executive)



Professional recognition: In June 2011 Duncan McRobbie and Mark Borthwick gave oral evidence to the Modernising Pharmacy Careers panel on UKCPA activity regarding the professional recognition (credentialing) processes, which has been pioneered in UK pharmacy by the UKCPA Critical Care Group. A Partners meeting was also held in January 2012 to discuss a process for gathering the available evidence and best practice of professional recognition from across all the clinical pharmacy groups in order to work towards a national credentialing system.

Expert curricula: The RPS has been supporting its partner groups to develop expert curricula in their specialist area. The following UKCPA Groups are in the process of, or have completed, a curriculum:

The first batch of finalised curricula will be available on the UKCPA website over the coming months, and will also be hosted on the RPS website for availability to a wider audience.

In October 2011 we became a Publication Partner for NICE Quality Standards. As such, we are invited to endorse the content of each Quality Standard as it gets published. In ‘exchange’ for endorsing the documents, we have our logo on the relevant area of the NICE website and agree to link to the document from our website.

In January 2012 we were accepted as a NIHR non-commercial partner status. The NIHR is the NHS National Institute for Health Research ( They commission and fund NHS, social care and public health research that is essential for delivering responsibilities in public, health and personal social services. As a NIHR Partner, project teams who are funded by UKCPA are eligible to use NIHR Clinical Research Network support systems and resources, which can include access to experienced research management and governance staff, access to networks of research support staff who can help identify eligible patients, and access to free training opportunities.

Care of the Elderly Cardiology Critical Care Gastro/Hepatology Diabetes Education & Training HAT Infection Management

Medicines Safety & Quality

Pain Management



Awards UKCPA Lifetime Achievement Award Dr Gillian Hawksworth, MBE

UKCPA/GHP Leadership Award Anna Murphy, University Hospitals of

Leicester NHS Trust

Novartis Antimicrobial Management Award 2011 Hayley Wickens, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust An integrated package of educational materials to support appropriate anti-infective prescribing at an Academic Health Sciences Centre

sanofi aventis Diabetes Award 2011 Narinder Kaur Bring, Bedford NHS Hospital

A multidisciplinary audit on the safe discharge or patients on insulin from hospital

Napp Pain Award 2011 Ali Harris, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust Pharmacist delivery of clinical care in a headache service: A survey of patient satisfaction

Napp Asthma Award 2011 Anna Murphy, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

The relationship between clinical outcomes and medication adherence in difficult-to-control asthma

UKCPA Educational and Training Award 2011 Janet Gilbertson, Royal Glamorgan Hospital An evaluation of the pre-registration trainee pharmacist Accuracy Checking Evidence training programme (PACE)

UKCPA/GHP Joint Conference Best Poster 2011 Katherine Oates

hameln Best Oral Communication presentation 2011

Nigel Brinklow

hameln Best Poster 2011[1] Jennifer Weston

hameln Best Poster 2011 [2] Stan Dobrzanski

Pfizer Pre-registration Award 2011 Ebun Ogunbase

Mawdsley IT Awards 2011

Winner: Colin Ward, Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Wireless Drug Ordering – Pilot Project

Runner up: Corinne Atkins, Maidstone Hospital Electronic Transcription Request Forms


We are delighted to see our new website is up and running this year, after several months in development. It offers the same functions as our previous website, but with members also being able to enter additional information on a profile page, send personal messages to other members, and control the frequency with which they receive email notifications. Based on up-to-date software, it also looks more professional. Despite testing phases, we have unfortunately had

various unforeseen issues and functionality problems, which we know have affected the user-friendliness of the website, particularly the online discussion areas.

We therefore took the decision to contract a website development company who have been working through the issues since December 2011. Phase 1 of the development work was completed in December 2011 and Phase 2 will be completed in April 2012.

Communications Since our last annual report we have produced four issues of In Practice in a cleaner and more professional looking style. In Practice is a member benefit and carries news of the UKCPA Groups and of the Association as a whole. In February 2011 we launched a new e-bulletin called In Focus which is focussed more on individual UKCPA members. We have included interviews with members and celebrated individual’s outstanding achievements. Since April 2011 we have produced six issues of In Focus. Back issues of both In Practice and In Focus are available to members on the website.

We are now regularly releasing policies and position statements on issues we feel strongly about. In June 2011 we published a position statement on the inclusion of pharmaceutical scientists in the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and encouraged all our members to vote for their inclusion. In December 2011 we also released a policy on the appropriate use of social media in a professional setting.

In July 2011 the UKCPA HAT and Cardiology Groups published a position statement on the use of new oral anticoagulants. This statement was picked up by national publications such as the GP magazine Pulse Today and Hospital Pharmacy Europe.

All these policies are available on the website:

We continue to use our Facebook page as an additional communication and marketing tool, particularly for non-UKCPA members and international audiences. We primarily post messages about forthcoming events and activities that our members or Groups, or the Association as a whole, is involved in. We additionally use it more informally as a repository for photos from events.

As of 29 March 2012, 715 people have indicated that they ‘like’ the Facebook page (this creates a link to the page so that they receive updates), a steady increase since we started the page in early 2011 (see Figure right).

As of 28 March 2012 we have 281 followers of our Twitter account. This is a marked increase on the previously reported number of 181 in October 2011.

The number of active users

on our website 1491