Annual Quality Assurance Report ( AQAR) 2010-2011

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Transcript of Annual Quality Assurance Report ( AQAR) 2010-2011

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College,

Pimpri, Pune - 18.

Accredited by NAAC at B++ LevelAccredited by NAAC at B++ LevelAccredited by NAAC at B++ LevelAccredited by NAAC at B++ Level

Annual Quality Assurance Report ( AQAR) 2010-2011

I Q A C Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College,

Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune- 411 018,

Email – Website – www.

Knowledge is powerKnowledge is powerKnowledge is powerKnowledge is power


Members of IQAC

Prin. Dr. Snehal Agnihotri - Chairperson

Dr. J. A. Jadhav - Faculty Member

Mrs. M. S. Kurtkoti - Faculty Member & NAAC Coordinator

Mr. R. D. Patil - Faculty Member

Dr. A. R. Pande - Faculty Member

Mr. D. D. Gaikwad - Member of Non Teaching Sta®

Prof. K. B. Powar - Advisor to Chancellor, Dr.D.Y.Patil University

Dr. Anil Keskar - Member of Executive Council of Dr.D.Y.Patil University

Dr. H. S. Chatrath - Member secretary and NAAC Coordinator


Sr. No. Particulars Pg. No.


2 PART A: Plan of action for the academic year 2010-2011 3

3 PART B: Activities performed by the college 6

4 PART C: Outcome of the implementation 42

5 PART D: Plans of the college for the year 2011-2012 45

6 ANNEXURE 1: A-Z Committees

7 ANNEXURE 2 : Academic Planning Calendar

8 ANNEXURE 3: IQAC Committee (Year 2010-2011)

9 ANNEXURE 4: College Pro¯le

10 ANNEXURE 5: Student feedback form on courses

11 ANNEXURE 6: Student feedback form on teachers

12 ANNEXURE 7: Student feedback form on campus

13 ANNEXURE 8: List of new equipments

14 ANNEXURE 9: List of Journals and Periodicals 2010-2011

15 ANNEXURE 10: List of teaching and non teaching sta®

16 ANNEXURE 11: List of scholarships awarded to students

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 1


The college was established in the year 1995 by Dr. D. Y. Patil Pratishthan,

under the able guidance of Honorable Dr. P.D. Patil, Director and Trustee, with

the view to provide pragmatic, value based and high quality education to common

masses. The college had a modest beginning in terms of today's aspirations. The

authorities of the college have ventured into new facilities and introduced new

subjects. The college has made tremendous progress within a short span of time,

gaining recognition for preparing and grooming students at graduate and post-

graduate levels into academically meritorious and professionally e±cient scholars.

Vision of the Institute

To be a national model of academic excellence aspiring for promoting advance

knowledge, highest morals and values for the well being of the society.

Mission of the college

"To impart pragmatic, value based and quality Education for empowering the

young aspirants; in the pure and applied learning of Arts, Commerce & Science,

at under gratuate and post-gratuate level, deploying modern infrastructure and

appropriate technology, an ideal climate for intellect and brilliance to thrive, by

creating an academic ambience, hallmark of which will be dedicated, learned teach-

ers and sincere, proactive, prosocial and studious students"


A. Management

Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratishthan, renamed as Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan

Society in the year 2010, for the socio economic and ethical transformations of

our country. Pratishthan established educational complexes in Pune for impart-

ing quality education through innovative courses. Dr. D.Y. Patil college of Arts,

Commerce and Science is one of the wings of these educational complexes. The

management is a pillar of strength and is committed to meet the global challenges

of the new century. It provides adequate infrastructure and other facilities for the

development of the college.

B. Tradition

The college was established 16 years ago with a humble number of 255 students

2 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

in all streams. Today it has not only increased its strength to 3600 in a short span

of ¯fteen years but there also has been a marked qualitative improvement in all the

programmes and activities and the most important of all is the academic progress

of the students. The college has pledged to adopt the tradition of rigorous train-

ing, individual attention and periodical tests which are unanimously acknowledged

as a key to excellent performance yielding positive and encouraging results. As

a result the students maintain commendable results in the university exam and

return with laurels of victory won in various competitions and tournaments.

C. Teachers

The college has young, energetic and highly quali¯ed sta®. All the teachers

are with good academic background and experience. The college has a team of

dedicated teachers, who put in their best to develop the all round personality of

each student and thus achieve the goals of education. Teachers are accessible to

students for any of their problems.

D. Students

Students in the college are from multi facet streams. They abode from India

as well as from abroad. The students are not only the academic achievers but

also performers in sports, curricular and extracurricular activities. The rigorous

training imparted to them makes them shine like stars in the arena of university.


Parents are interested in the functioning of the college and in its growth. The

continuous communication with the parents enhances the link between the soci-

ety and the college. The valuable suggestions of the parents are discussed in the

meeting conducted by IQAC and implemented in the regular functioning of the


F. Alumni

In a span of sixteen years, college has good number of alumni. These alumni are

well placed throughout the country and abroad. Some of the alumni are occupying

high ranking post in government and in corporate sector. These alumni actively

participate in the growth of the institution by regularly interacting with the sta®

and the present students.





Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 3


The action plan for the current year was prepared according to the plans

suggested in the part C of the AQAR, 2009-2010.

The IQAC decided on the following issues for the academic year

2010-11 :

Academic plans

² To motivate the students towards basic academic and professional courses,

the college has planned to organize a series of lectures of well known scientists,

academicians and industrialists.

² To arrange for the remedial teaching programme for the academically weak

students and also for the late comers in the college.

² To conduct the exams smoothly, college plans to appoint an examination


² To establish a CAP centre for examining ¯rst year answer papers of the


² To motivate the sta® members to pay special attention to meritorious stu-

dents, to help them to be the rank holders at university level.

² To encourage the non teaching sta® to update themselves by increasing their

educational quali¯cation.

² To motivate the sta® members to arrange for various visits to impart prac-

tical knowledge to students.

Research plans

² The College will motivate members of sta® to apply for Minor Research


² The College will motivate members of sta® to register for Ph.D. and com-

plete it in stipulated time.

² The College will conduct a national conference in computer science which

will help the sta® members and the students to get the recent and updated

knowledge in computer science.

² A state level conference organized by department of psychology on mental

health will enable the colleges in and out of the district to understand the

students mentally and help them to excel in their respective ¯elds.

4 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

² The college will motivate B.B.A. and Commerce department to conduct dis-

trict level workshop to update the knowledge of students.

² The college plans to conduct a workshop for girl students under student

welfare activity.

² To motivate the students to participate in 'AVISHKAR' (an event of univer-

sity of Pune) a project competition and bag a prize if possible.

² To motivate the sta® members to attend refresher and orientation course.

² To encourage the sta® members to attend international, national, state and

district level conference and seminar, present papers and contribute to the re-

search ¯eld.

² To strengthen the linkage between the college and industries through activ-

ities like placement, guest lectures, visits etc.

Extension activities plans

² To motivate the A-Z Committee members to organize the activities through-

out the year.

² To implement association activities of all the faculties rigorously for overall

development of the students personalities.

² To arrange for the exhibition in the faculties and give exposure to the stu-


² To motivate the students to participate in various inter collegiate competi-

tions and excel in the performance.

² To provide various facilities to students engaged in sports activities like con-

cession in fees, dietary facility etc.

² To organize some inter disciplinary programmes for the students of all fac-

ulties together like soft skill development programme.

² To organize various programmes through N.S.S. and other departments to

bring social and environmental awareness amongst students and society mem-

bers. The college plans to conduct winter camp at village named Thakur

Pimpri, Tal Khed, Dist Pune. The students and sta® would carry out rigorous

activities which would stress on cleanliness of the village, hygienic living, unity,

respect to women and elders etc.

² To organize Blood donation camp in the college to make the students realize

their responsibility towards society and the country.

² To organize some workshop and training programmes for non teaching sta®.

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 5

² To provide ¯nancial help to the needy students through earn and learn

scheme, scholarship etc.

Following teaching sta® was assigned the speci¯c duties:

1. Academic Research Coordinator - Mrs. D. V. Ramane

2. Examination coordinator - Mrs. M. S. Kurtkoti

3. Placement cell - Mr. R. D. Patil

4. Students Welfare Committee - Mrs. N. S. Mohite

5. Competitive examination cell - Mrs. M. K. Kshirsagar

6. NSS - Dr. S. L. Gaikwad

In addition, to achieve speci¯c objectives the college has established A-Z com-






6 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

1. Activities reflecting the goals and objectives of the institution

Systematic Efforts - Through Quality Improvement

A) Courses

Table 1: Courses offered in the college


U.G. P.G.

Faculty of Arts B.A (English, Geography, Psychology)

With Hindi, Marathi, History, Sociology, Political Sci., Economics as general subjects.

M.A. (English,

Psychology, Geography)

Faculty of


B. Com. M. Com.

B. B. A. M. Com. (e- Comm.)

B. C. A. M. C. A. (Comm.)

Faculty of Science

B. Sc. (Chemistry, Microbiology)

with Physics, Mathematics, Statistics,

Botany, Zoology as secondary subjects

M. Sc (Computer Science)

B. Sc. ( Computer Science ) M.C.A. (Science) B. Sc. ( Biotech )

Quality Improvement Programme




Curricular Activities

Co-curricular Activities

Extra- Curricular





Internal Quality Assurance Committee

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 7

B. Facilities

Necessary infrastructure and adequate facilities such as classrooms, labo-

ratories, library, Administrative Block, Reading Room, Computer, Internet,

Reprography, Canteen and hostel are made available to provide constructive

environment for e®ective teaching learning process.

C. Sta® members

² Teaching sta®

Education is student-centered process and the teachers play a very im-

portant role in imparting knowledge. The college has young, energetic and

highly quali¯ed sta®. Teachers are motivated to upgrade their quali¯cations.

At present 16 teachers are awarded with M.Phil degree, 07 teachers are Ph.D.

degree holders and 16 are NET / SET quali¯ed. All the teachers put their

sincere e®orts in order to reach to the excellence.

² Non Teaching Sta®

The college has young, energetic, quali¯ed and dedicated nonteaching sta®

for administrative jobs and laboratory work. They make endeavors' to help

students and sta® in all the administrative jobs. College authorities also moti-

vate the non teaching sta® to upgrade their quali¯cations through academics

as well as encourage them to participate in the conferences/ workshops/ sem-

inars organized by the college as also by the other institutes for their bene¯t.

D. Curricular Activities

The curricular activities include rigorous training, interactive teaching meth-

ods, and individual attention and continuous evaluation process. College com-

mittees are formed to organize di®erent activities to strengthen the curricula.

E. Co-curricular Activities

For overall personality development of students along with the curricular

excellence, students have to be conversant with the latest developments taking

place in research and industry. Keeping this in view, several associations have

been formed with the active involvement of the students and teachers of all

faculties. College has formed A-Z committees (Annexure 1) for the e®ective

implementation of the policies and for fruitful communication with students

8 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

of all the faculties'. Students take part in various activities organized by these

associations as well as in similar activities held at di®erent places.

Major co-curricular activities of the college are as follows:

i) Soft-Skill Development Programme

A Ten day "Soft Skills Development Programme" was organized in the col-

lege under the aegis of University of Pune. The workshop was organized from

18th January to 29th January, 2011. In all 40, ¯nal year degree students of

Arts, Commerce and Science faculty participated in the programme. The pro-

gram was inaugurated by Dr. P. N. Razdan, Vice Chancellor, Dr. D. Y. Patil

Vidyapeeth in presence of Dr. Snehal Agnihotri, Principal, Dr. Jayprakash

Jadhav, Vice Principal and members of sta®. 20 sessions on various topics

related to personality development were held during the program. The invited

speakers were experts from various institutes as well as lecturers from the

college. The program ended with valedictory function on 29th January, 2011

with the principal handing over the certi¯cates to the participants. Mrs.

Pratima Chavan and Mrs. Manasi Kurtkoti were the coordinators of the


ii) Science Association

Science Association (DYPSA) was formed by all the departments of science

in the year 1998. The association organizes a number of activities for students.

Under this association various activities for students are planned and executed

in the college such as:

Various competitive examinations such as CHEMIAD and quiz competitions

are held in our college. Our students have been awarded certi¯cates and cash

prizes in these examinations.

The Science Association of our college 'DYPSA' organizes various activities

round the year for students. The year began with competitions like creative

writing, Rangoli and Petal Arrangement, Debate, Lecture Competition which

re¯nes the public speaking skills of the students. Flower arrangement and

Salad dressing Competition gave a platform for their imagination and aes-

thetic sense. Model, Poster and Project competition revealed their potential

as scientists in the o±ng. Quiz competition was brain storming. Guest lectur-

ers of eminent scientists and academicians in and around Pune were invited to

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 9

enhance the scienti¯c knowledge of students.

The yearlong activities concluded with a variety entertainment program

bringing out the performer in the students and they were awarded by memen-

toes and certi¯cates at the valedictory function.

iii) Language Forum

All the language departments have formed 'Language Forum' in the year

1999. Under this forum various activities for the students are planned and

executed, such as:

Educational visits, Essay competition, Story writing competition, Seminar

competition, Guest lectures.

College also has well equipped linguistic laboratory for the students.

iv) Commerce Association

Under this association various activities for the commerce students are

planned and executed, such as:

Educational visits, Essay competition, Debate competition, Guest lectures,

Quiz Competition, Commerce exhibition, Mehandi Competition.

The association conducts activities, which are bene¯cial for the commerce stu-

dents such as visits to bank, LIC and SIDBI. It also arranges guest lecture by

eminent personalities from the corporate sector.

The curtain fell down on the annual association activities with the distribu-

tion of prizes and certi¯cates to the participants who excelled in academics

and sports.

v) Arts Association

All the departments under arts faculty fall under Arts Association, which

organizes various activities for the students such as Exhibition, 'Vasundhara',

Educational visits, Essay competition, Debate competition, Guest Lectures,

Seminar competition, Quiz competition, Project competition, Salad decora-

tion competition.

vi) Computer Science Association

This association organizes extensive activities for the students. Students

present di®erent software projects and other computer presentations in project

10 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

competition. The activities conducted are:

Educational visits, Essay competition. Debate competition, Guest lectures,

Seminar competition, Quiz competition, Project competition, Software compe-

tition (SRUSHTI), e¡Mehandi Competition, Rangoli Competition, e¡Rangoli

Competition, Fun¡fare.

vii) Nature Club

This club creates awareness about nature and natural beauty among

students. Students visited various places like Masoori, Delhi, Jim Corbett

National Park and Nainital in the academic year 2010-2011 to have a thor-

ough knowledge of botanical and zoological species of India.

F. Extra Curricular Activities

To encourage the skills and artistic inclination among students various ex-

tracurricular activities are also organized. A-Z committees help in conducting

these extracurricular activities.

i) Art circle

The art circle helps the students to participate in the various cultural ac-

tivities at the inter collegiate level. It also guides them to take part in di®erent

cultural competitions, dramas etc.

ii) Competitive Examination Cell

Competitive examination cell has organized guest lectures of all faculties

to train students for competitive examination. They also motivate students to

participate in the various competitive examinations held by various authorities

to enable them to adjudge their caliber.

iii) Sports

The college organizes inter class sports competition in various indoor and

outdoor sports like Cricket, Athletics, Table Tennis Carom, Chess etc. Merito-

rious sports, persons are encouraged to participate in the zone; state, national

and international level competitions. Special consideration is given to the stu-

dents who have bright records in sports. They are given incentives and various

facilities like special guidance by teachers for academics. Meritorious sports

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 11

students are given special coaching by trained coaches.

a) Incentives to outstanding sports persons

² The college gives concession in tuition fees, gives free ship to students par-

ticipating and excelling in sports.

² Sports kits are provided for relevant events.

² Additional cash incentives for excellent performance.

² Medical facility with the help of Pratishthan's hospital.

² T.A, D.A. to sport students is provided during sports activities.

b) Other Sports Highlights

² Annual Inter class sports competitions are conducted every year in the college

for the following events:

² Volley Ball

² Chess

² Athletics

² Annual Sports day is organized and the students are felicitated by cups,

trophies, medals certi¯cates and cash incentives.

² The college participates in international marathon competitions.

iv) Students Welfare activities

² Earn and Learn Scheme

College has implemented earn and learn scheme in the year 2010-11. About

twenty one students were given work at various departments, laboratories and the

o±ce. The needy students were thus ¯nancially supported under this scheme. Col-

lege has spent Rs.27940=¡ for this purpose.

² Personality Development Workshop

Personality Development workshop was organized on 15th February, 2011 under

the aegis of Vidyarthini Manch. About 100 girl students participated in this one

day activity. Theme of the workshop was 'Beauty' Mrs. Archana Jadhav, Lec-

turer in Microbiology guided students on topic 'Yoga for inner beauty' Dr. Pratibha

Lokhande delivered a Lecturer on 'Dietary habits' and the workshop was conducted

with the session on 'Beauty Treatments' by Dr. Namrata Anand.

E. N.S.S.

Since the inception of N.S.S. Units in 1996, the college is continuously arranging

12 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

various programmes for the bene¯t of society and students under its aegis.

In the academic year 2010-2011, following activities were conducted.

² One day workshop for students to inculcate awareness about the N.S.S. activities.

² Campus cleaning programme.

² General awareness about swine °u.

² Blood donation camp.

² N.S.S. week competitions like debate, essay writing, slogan writing, singing, poster

competition were held, students were also shown documentaries.

²Winter camp of 7 days was held at the adopted village, Pimpri Budruk, Tal- Khed,

Pune. Students during this period cleaned the village premises, repaired the roads,

social awareness was created though cultural activities by students.

H. N.C.C.

The National Cadet Corps is an essential part of the service to nation. Though

the college does not have a N.C.C. centre it encourages the students to participate

through the nearby N.C.C. centre.

I. Evaluation

Evaluation of teaching learning process is done by home assignments, class tests,

term end examinations, quiz, mock viva, mock interviews, seminars and group dis-

cussions. Along with these students progression is also monitored during practi-

cal sessions in laboratories. Evaluation of overall personality development is done

through number of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.


In pursuance of the goals and objectives, all these systematic and collective ef-

forts have yielded positive and encouraging results in academic, sports, cultural and

social activities. Excellent performance of the students in university examination,

their involvement in socio educative activities and the increasing number of our stu-

dents for advance studies in reputed educational institutes and professional courses

in India and abroad are testimony to the progress and the process of ful¯llment of

the goals and objectives of the college.

2. New academic programmes initiated (U.G. and P.G.)


3. Innovations in curricular design and transaction

Curricula are designed by University of Pune, Board of Studies of di®erent sub-

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 13

jects. Since the college is a±liated to university of Pune, and we are bound to adopt

the syllabi given by the university. However, teaching faculty members of the in-

stitution participate in various workshop and seminars where in discussions on the

restructuring of curricula is arranged. Similarly the institution also arranges work-

shop in di®erent subjects for the same purpose. Some of the faculty members have

published their papers on education system and other related subjects in various


4. Inter disciplinary programmes started

College has started inter disciplinary M.C.A.(Commerce) course for PG level.

The college is running interdisciplinary courses like B.B.A., B.C.A. and M.C.A. in-

troduced by University of Pune.

In the academic year 2010-2011, college has conducted inter disciplinary activities

in the college to increase interaction between faculties and departments.

² The Science faculty organized a lecture on 'Clinical Research'.

² Soft Skill Programme.

² Student Welfare Activities.

5. Examination reforms implemented

The student's continuous appraisal is done through Home Assignments, Class

Test, Unit Test, Term End Exam, Quiz Seminars, Mock Viva, interviews etc.

Examination committee coordinates the activities of the examination in the college.

The college appointed an examination coordinator to co-ordinate the activities of

examination in the college.

College has established CAP centre for assessing the First Year examinations held

by University of Pune.

6. Number of candidates quali¯ed

Table 2: Details of the candidates quali¯ed

Sr. No. Subject NET SET

1 Commerce Smt. Indira Ausare

2 Electronics Ms. Pallavi Hailkar

7. Initiative toward faculty development programme

The college motivates the sta® members to keep themselves updated through

faculty development programmes. Accordingly, teachers actively attend Seminars,

Workshops, Conferences, and Orientation and Refresher courses.

14 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 3: Refresher and Orientation programmes

Sr No Name of the Subject Refresher/ Area of Name of Duration

faculty Orientation training Insititue

1 Mr Nikam K S Commerce Refresher Pune univ Academic sta® 6/3/11 to 26/3/11

college 3/10/11 to 23/10/11

2 P Vasudevan Microbiology Refresher Pune univ Academic sta® 1/3/11 to 21/3/11


3 Dr Gaikwad S L Marathi Refresher Pune univ Academic sta® 01/03/11 to 21/03/11


Table 4: Faculty members participated in International conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/

No. faculty Institute

1 Commerce Mr Nikam K S Communique 3 days Symbiosis

telecom Institute of



2 Chemistry Dr H S Chatrath i) Education in 3 days ACT and TIFR

Chemistry Mumbai.

ii) Innovative 1 day IISER, Pune

applications to

teach chemistry

iii) APQN2011 3 days NAAC


Mr M.V Gaikwad Education in 3 days ACT, HBCSE

Chemistry Mumbai

3 Economics Mrs Kurtkoti Entreprenuership 3 days Christu jayanti

in Rural areas College,


Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 15

Table 5: Faculty members participated in National conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/No. faculty Institute

1 Electronics Mrs Sonawane J.S Recent trends in 3 days D.Y Patil ACScomputer Sci College

Mrs Chinnagudi K Biometrics 3 days B R GholapCollege,

Sangvi, Pune2 Commerce Mr Nikam K S Income tax and 1 day Bharati

¯nancial planning Vidyapeeth, Pune

Ms Waghule V K Post recession 3 days Novel institutemanagement trends of management studies

Mrs priyanka Post recession 3 days Novel instituteGhanwat management trends of management studies

3 Chemistry Dr H S Chatrath Quality 3 days Christaccreditation University,

Bangalore.4 Statistics Dr. S. S. Birajdar Recent trends in 3 days D.Y Patil ACS

computer Sci College5 Computer Mr Ranjit Patil Recent trends in 3 days Ramkrishna

Science Network and Moremobile security Akurdi, pune

Mrs Sujata patil Recent trends in 3 days RamkrishnaNetwork and Moremobile security Akurdi, pune

Shibani kulkarni Recent trends in 3 days RamkrishnaNetwork and Moremobile security Akurdi, pune

Mrs Vidya Bankar Recent trends in 3 days RamkrishnaNetwork and Moremobile security Akurdi, pune

Sonali Nemade Recent trends in 3 days RamkrishnaNetwork and Moremobile security Akurdi, pune

6 Botany Mr S M Kamble Raman 3 days Ramanmemorial mini memorialconference conference

7 Mathematics Mr Chikurdikar Emerging trends 2 days Wadia College,in software Punecomputing.

Mr Swami R.D Emerging trends 2 days Wadia College,in software Punecomputing.

Continued ........

16 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 5: Faculty members participated in National conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/No. faculty Institute

8 Economics Mrs Kurtkoti M S Banking 3 days Poona College,practices in Pune


9 Bio technology Dr Nivedita Das Recent trends in 3 days Dr D.Y Patil

Biotechnology Deemedand Bioinformatics University

Table 6: Faculty members participated in State Level conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/No. faculty Institute

1 Electronics Mrs Sonawane J.S Stress management 2 days D.Y Patil ACSCollege

2 Chemistry Mr M.V Gaikwad Faculty development 2 days Metropolitan group

programme of Institutes, Pune.

3 Geography Dr. J. A. Jadhav Monsoon Forecasting 2 days IMD, Pune.

Mr R M Shinde Monsoon Forecasting 2 days IMD, Pune.

4 Microbiology P Vasudevan Microbial diversity 2 days PDAE ACS

College, Pune

5 English Ms Pratima Chavan Study of English in M P College,

global context Pimpri, Pune

6 Marathi Dr S L Gaikwad 2 days Department of Marathi,

University of Pune

2 days Department of Marathi,

University of Pune

7 Psychology Mrs G Kadam i)Rorshack Ink 4 days Abasaheb Garware

Workshop blot test College, Pune

ii)Industrial 2 days N. Wadia College,

organizational Pune.

8 Computer Yogesh Ingale Emerging trends in 2 days Pratibha college of

Science IT Commerce and computer

studies, Pune

9 Sociology Mrs Nair M G Research in Social 2 days Modern College,

Sciences Techniques Pune

10 Political Science Mrs Kshirsagar M Research in Social 2 days Modern College,

Sciences Techniques Pune

Continued .........

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 17

Table 6: Faculty members participated in State Level conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/No. faculty Institute

11 Economics Mrs Kurtkoti M S Challenges of price 3 days Camp Educationrise in India Society, Akurdi, pune

Ms Chavan N C Challenges of price Camp Education

rise in India Society, Akurdi, pune

12 Economics Mrs Kurtkoti M S Banking 3 days Poona College,

practices in PuneIndia.

13 Bio technology Dr Nivedita Das Recent trends in 3 days Dr D.Y PatilBiotechnology Deemed

and Bioinformatics University

Table 7: Faculty members participated in District Level conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/No. faculty Institute

1 Electronics Mrs Chinnagudi K Stress management 1 days D.Y Patil ACSCollege

2 Commerce Mr Nikam K S Impact of Globalization 1days S. M Joshi college

on the Banking Hadapsar, Pune.

sector in India

Banking and costing 1days M P College,

technique Pimpri, Pune

Leadership and MUCC, Pimpri,

employee engagement Pune

3 Chemistry Dr A R Pande Research orientation 1days University of Pune

Career guidance 1days University of Pune

4 Marathi Dr S L Gaikwad 1days Sadhana College,


1days University of Pune

5 Computer Mr Yogesh Ingale Emerging trends in 1days Kaveri college of

Science web technologies commerce and

Science, Pune

Mr Mulgi S Emerging trends in 1days Kaveri college of

web technologies commerce and

Science, Pune

Continued ...........

18 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 7: Faculty members participated in District Level conference

Sr. Subject Name of the Title Duration Venue/No. faculty Institute

Computer Mrs Shirwadkar Discussion of the new 1days Abeda InamdarScience syllabus in theory and college, Pune

practical in T.Y BCA

Mrs Takawale Discussion of the new 1days Abeda Inamdar

syllabus in theory and college, Pune

practical in T.Y BCA

Mr. Satyavan Kunjir Discussion of the new 1days Abeda Inamdar

syllabus in theory and college, Pune

practical in T.Y BCA

6 Mathematics Mrs Ingale U N Sci lab Modern College,


Mr Chikurdikar S V Sci lab Modern College,


7 Biotechnology Dr Das Nivedita Recent trends in Dr D Y Patil college

Biotechnology and of Biotechnology

Bioinformatics and Bio Informatics

8. Total number of seminars /workshops conducted


Details of the Conferences /Seminars /workshops conducted

Table 8A: National level conference

Sr. No. Department Title Date

1 Comp. Science Current Trends in Computer Science and IT 21/02/11 to 23/02/11

Table 8 B: National level conference

Sr. No. Department Title Date

1 Psychology Mental Health 4/02/11 to 5/02/11

Table 8 C: District Level Seminar

Sr. No. Department Title Date

1 Commerce Recent Accounting Standards in India 01/02/2011

2 B.B.A. Recent Trends in Management 11/02/2011

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 19

Table 8D: College Level Seminar

Sr. No. Department Title Date

1 Biotechnology Recent Accounting Standards in India 01/02/2011

2 Students welfare Personality Development 15/02/2011

9 Research Project

Table 9: Details of the Research Projects

Sr. No. Name of the Department Title of the Duration of Amount of

Invesigator Project Project

1 Dr. Harsha Chatrath Chemistry Correlation of Physico 2006-08 1,00,000

Chemical properties of

Soil with soil fertility

2 Mr.S.M.Kambale Botany E®ect of altered 2006-08 3,00,000

microgravity on plants

3 Mrs.Gauri Kadam Psychology E®ect of anxiety on 2006-08 50,000

working women and

problem behaviour

of their children

4 Mrs.Neeta Mohite Physics Thermal Storage of Solar 2006-08 1,00,000


5 Mrs. Nivedita Das Biotechology E®ect of vitamin A and 2006-08 1,00,000

Tkyvoidharmone as

regeneration of tail of


6 Dr. Anita R. Pande Chemistry Isolation of cellular producing 2006-08 2,00,000

Autobalance xylinum from

Kombucha tea.

7 Mrs. Kurtkoti M S Economics Role of women in Software 2006-08 75,000


8 Mr. Jadhav J.A. Geography Impact of Terrain on growth 2007-10 1,00,000

of settlement in walki river

catchments, Pune

9 Mr. A.B. Patil Botany Study on exotic and 2007-10 1,00,000

Native plant


20 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 9: Details of the Research Projects

Sr. No. Name of the Department Title of the Project Duration of Amount of

Invesigator Project Project

10 Mr. H.A.Dhamke Zoology Impact of vebanizta on 2007-10 1,00,000

Industrilisation Agriculture

on insect diversity of

Maval Taluka

11 Mrs. Ramane D. V. Electronics Design of LED Illumination 2007-10 1,00,000


12 Mr. Ranjit Patil Computer Design analysis and 2007-10 1,00,000

Science measurement of broadband


13 Dr. Snehal Agnihotri Microbiology E®ect of chemical pesticides on 2009-11 2,00,000

mycoparasitism of

Trichoderma spp

10. Patents generated if any

Table 10: Details of the Patents

Sr. No. Name of Applicant Title of Invention Application Number Date of ¯ling

Snehal N. Agnihotri A Biological Adsorption 404/MUM/2007 01/03/2007

Process For Reuction Of

Colour, BOD, COD and

TDS From Distillary E®ulent

11. New collaborative research programmes

The college is collaborating with various industries /institutions/ colleges either

through student's visits or by conducting guest lectures of the eminent personalities

of the institutes/ industries or through intra/ inter collegiate competitions. The

collaboration is conducted at various levels:

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 21

Table 11A: College to university collaoration

Sr.No. Department Collaboration with

1 Economics Department of commerce, University of Pune

2 Botany Department of Botany, University of Pune

Department of Biophysics, University of Pune

3 Zoology Department of Zoology, University of Pune

Department of Zoology, Kolhapur University

4 Physics Department of Physics, University of Pune

5 Statistics Department of Statistics, University of Pune

Department of Statistics, Kholapur University

6 Mathematics Department of Mathematics, University of Pune

7 Political Science Department of Political Science, University of Pune

8 Sociology Department of Sociology, University of Pune

9 English Department of English, University of Pune

10 Geography Department of Geography, University of Pune

Department of Geography, TMV, Pune

11 Hindi Department of Hindi, University of Pune

12 Marathi Department of Marathi, University of Pune

13 Commerce Department of Commerce, University of Pune

14 Chemistry Department of Chemistry ,SRTM University Nanded

Department of Chemistry,University of Pune

15 Microbiology Department of Microbiology, University of Pune

Table 11B: College to college collaoration

Sr.No. Department Collaboration with

1 Chemistry i) Department of Chemistry,

Yashwant College, Nanded

ii) Department of Soil Science,

Agriculture College, Pune

iii) Dr. D.Y.Patil College of

Buoinformatics and Biotechnology,

Tathwade, Pune

2 English Arya Vidya Mandir, Pimpri, Pune.

3 Psychology Christian medical College, Vellore.

4 Botany Agriculture college, Pune

5 Computer Dr. D.Y.Patil College of Engineering


Continued .........

22 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 11B: College to college collaoration

Sr.No. Department Collaboration with

6 Biotechnology i) NCl, Pune

ii) NARI, Pune

iii) NIV, Pune

iv) Agharkar Institute, Pune

v) Agriculture College, Pune

vi) Dairy College, Pune

Table 11C: College to other institutes collaoration

Sr.No. Department Collaboration with

1 Chemistry 1. M/S. Deepak Nitrite,Sutarwadi ,Pune

2. M/S. Pudumjee Paper Mills, Thergaon,Pune.

3. M/S Pidilite India, Mahad.

4. IISER , Pune.

5. NCL , Pune

6. Aarey Dairy, Mumbai Pune Road, Pune

7. Katraj Dairy, Pune

2 Psychology 1. NIMHANS, Bangalore

2. Manshakti Kendra, Lonavala

3 Microbiology 1. NARI, Pune

2. Agharkar Institute, Pune

3. NIV Pune

4. Sewage treatment Plant , Chinchwad, Pune

5. Water treatment Plant, Nigdi, Pune

6. Aarey Dairy, Wakdewadi, Pune

7. Vishveshwar Blood bank, Pimpri, Pune

4 Botany 1. Empress Garden , Pune

2. Department of Forestry, Pune

5 Zoology 1. Fisheries Department Pune

6 Sociology Social Work Department, Pune

7 Geography Geographical Survey of India

8 Commerce 1. IDBI


3. LIC

4. Various schedule and Cooperative Banks

12. Research grants received from various agencies

Principal Dr Snehal Agnihotri received a grant of Rs 2,00,000 in the subject of

Microbiology. The title of the research is "E®ect of Chemical Pesticides on

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 23

Mycoparasiticism of Trichoderma Spp".

13. Number of research scholars in 2010-11

Table 12A: Details of research scholars for Ph.D.

Sr.No. Name of lecturer Department University Status

1 Mrs Gauri Kadam Psychology Pune Submitted

2 Mrs. D.V.Ramane Electronics Pune Ongoing

3 Mrs. Manasi Kurtkoti Economics Pune Ongoing

4 Mr. S. M. Kamble Botany Pune Ongoing

5 Mr. H. A. Dhamake Zoology Kolhapur Ongoing

6 Mr. Kaustubh Yadav Psychology Pune Ongoing

7 Mr. Kishore Nikam Commerce Pune Ongoing

8 Mr P. Vasudevan Microbiology Pune Ongoing

9 Mr. C. S. Bardol Sports Pune Registered

10 Mr. R. M. Shinde Geography Pune Ongoing

11 Mr. A. B. Patil Botany Pune Ongoing

12 Mr. M. V. Gaikwad Chemistry Nanded Registered

13 Mrs. Prity Soudankar BBA Pune Registered

14 Mrs. Nivedita Das B.Sc.(Biotechnology) Bhubneshwar Registered


Table 12B: Details of research scholars for M.Phil.

Sr.No. Name of lecturer Department University Status

1 Mrs. J. S. Sonawane Electronics Pune Ongoing

2 Mrs. Meenal Kshirsagar Political Science Tilak Maharashtra Ongoing


14. Citation index of faculty members and impact factor

Table 13: Details of the citation index of faculty members

Sr.No. Authors of the Topic of paper Name of Journal Page No. of

paper no. citation

1 Dr Snehal Agnihotri Study of IUP Journal of 48-67 65

and decolourization of Science and

Dr Harsha Chatrath biomethanated Technology,

distillery e²uent by June 2010

Aspergilus Oryzae JSA1

Continued ......

24 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 13: Details of the citation index of faculty members

Sr.No. Authors of the Topic of paper Name of Journal Page No. of

paper no. citation

2 Dr Harsha Chatrath Repulping of waste IUP Journal of 59-70 60

paper containing Science and

high wet strength Technology,

March 2011

3 Dr Anita Pande i) E®ect of catalysis Industrial and 795-797 3

on the kinetics of Engineering

reduction of barite Chemistry research

by carbon

ii) Investigations into Fuel 839-844 4

the e®ect at catalytic

gasi¯cation of active

charcoal by carbon dioxide

15. Honors/Awards to the faculty


i) Prin. Dr. Snehal Agnihotri received an award for "Excellence in Educa-

tion" from Mahatama Phule Bahujan Mahasangh.

ii)Prin. Dr. Snehal Agnihotri received "Outstanding Achievement Award"

in Microfest, Dept. of Microbiology, Abasaheb Garware College, Pune.

iii) Dr. Mrs. H. S. Chatrath received National Award "Rashtriya Vigyan

Prasarak Samman" from E.G.S.I.

iv) Mr. Kishor Nikam received "Shiv Chhatrapati Award" by Mahatama

Phule Bahujan MahaSangh.

Prizes :

i) Mr. Ranjeet Patil and Mrs. Shivani Kulkarni won 2nd Prize for paper

presentation on study of information security by assigning di®erent roles using Mod-


ii) Mr. Kaustubh Yadav Dept of Psychology won 2nd Prize at Baramati and

3rd Prize at Ahmednagar in State level Drama Competition.

iii) Mrs. Nivedita Das Dept of Biotech won 1st prize at Dr.D.Y. Patil Deemed

University (Dept of Biotech and Bioinformatics) at National conference on "Recent

Treds in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics".

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 25


i) Prin. Dr. Snehal Agnihotri was appointed as Judge for Poster Competition

at "International Conference Biodiversity" in Modern College, Pune.

ii) Mrs. M. S. Kurtkoti appointed as judge for poster competition held by

dept of Commerce University of Pune.

iii) Mrs. D. V Ramane was appointed as a resource person for workshop ar-

ranged by Pratibha College of Commerce and Computer Science in collaboration

with University of Pune.

iv) Mr. P. Vasudevan, resource Person in State Level Conference in "Recent

Trends in Life Science".

v) Mr. S. M. Kamble was appointed as judge for °ower and vegetable com-

petition organized by PCMS.

vi) Mr. S. M. Kamble was appointed as judge in intercollegiate 'Botanica-

2011' organized by Department of Botany, Nowrosjee Wadia College Pune on 21st

and 22nd Jan, 2011 of the Poster Presentation Programme.

vii) Mr. C. S. Bardol worked as the Chairman of the Selection Committee

of Foot Ball Tournament for University of Pune.

viii)Mr. C. S. Bardol worked asmember of the Zonal level Selection Com-

mittee for Athletics, Foot Ball and Hockey.

ix) Mrs. P. S. Chavhan was appointed as judge for dance competition held

at Mega Mart, Dapodi, Pune.

x)Mrs. P. S. Chavhan was appointed as judge for the Mrs.Pradhikan com-

petition conducted in Nigdi.

Ph.D./ M.Phil. Degree Awards

i) Dr. J.A. Jadhav was awarded with Ph.D. degree in the academic year 2010-


ii) Dr. S.L. Gaikwad, Department of Marathi, was awarded with Ph.D. degree

in the academic year 2010-2011.

iii) Dr. S.S. Birajdar, Department of Statistics was awarded with Ph.D. degree

in the academic year 2010-2011.

iv) Mr. Bhupender Singh was awarded with M.Phil. degree in the academic

year 2010-2011.

26 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

16. Internal resources generated

Table 14: Details of resources generated

Sr. No. Fees collected from Grant in aid Self ¯nance course

1 UG courses 13, 82,035.00 1, 26, 07,100.00

2 P.G. courses |- 3, 74, 76,400.00

Total 13, 82,035.00 5, 14, 65,535.00

In addition, the college had received BCUD grants for the following activities:

Table 15: Details of additional resources generated

Sr. No. Particulars Amount

1 National conference 1,25,000/-

2 State level conference 60,000/-

3 District level seminar 40,000/-

4 Guest lecture 20,000/-

5 Purchase of equipment 60,000/-

Total 3,05,000/-

17. Details of departments getting SAP, COSIST, DST. FLST etc.


18. Community services

² N.S.S.: through various NSS activities like Blood donation, winter camp etc.

² Counseling of neighborhood.

² Visit to NIMHANS, Bangalore. M.A.(Psychology) students visited the institute

to get the knowhow of the treatment given to the psychiatric disorders and the in-

strument i.e. FMRI used for investigations.

² Visit to Manashakti Kendra, Lonavala, Pune, which is a research organization to

get insight of the multidisciplinary activities of the institute.

² M.A.(Psychology) students completed 7 days course in 'Basic skills in Counseling'

conducted by Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamilnadu.

19. Number of teachers and o±cers newly recruited

Teachers newly recruited: - 69

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 27

Table 16A: List of the teachers newly recruited

Sr. No. Name of Teacher Designation

Grant in Aid

1 Mrs. S. S. Birajdar Lect. In Statistics

2 Mrs. Sapna S. Deore Lect. In English

3 Mrs. Reshma H. Mahevi Lect. In Zoology

4 Ms. S. S. Gudsoorkar Lect. In Psychology

5 Mrs. Varsha M. Shinde Lect In Chemistry

6 Mrs. Sayali Manolikar Lect In Chemistry

7 Ms. Shweta Dixit Lect In Microbiology

Self Financed

8 Ms. D. K. Mehendale Lect. In Comp. Sci.

9 Mrs. Meghmala M. Patil Lect. In Comp. Sci.

10 Ms. Yogita Y. Parle Lect. In Comp. Sci.

11 Mrs. Sonali D. Nemade Lect. In Comp. Sci.

12 Mr. Yogesh S. Ingale Lect. In Comp. Sci.

13 Mrs. Reena S. Mahajan Lect. In Comp. Sci.

14 Mrs. Madhuri A. Darekar Lect. In Comp. Sci.

15 Ms. Vidhya H. Bankar Lect. In Comp. Sci.

16 Mrs. Shibani M. Kulkarni Lect. In Comp. Sci.

17 Mrs. Ashatai T. Sankpal Lect. In Comp. Sci.

18 Mrs. Vrushali M. Patil Lect. In Comp. Sci.

19 Mrs. S. K. Shivthare Lect. In Comp. Sci.

20 Mr. S. B. Mulgi Lect. In Comp. Sci.

21 Mrs. Vandana Nemane Lect. In Comp. Sci.

22 Mrs. Jyoti C. Bachhav Lect. In Comp. Sci.

23 Mr. R. Kumar Singh Lect. In Comp. Sci.

24 Mrs. Minal Y. Patil Lect. In Comp. Sci.

25 Mrs. Sheetal Bhat Lect. In Comp. Sci.

26 Mrs. Archna V. Patil Lect. In Comp. Sci.

27 Mr. Pandit Bipin Lect. In Comp. Sci.

28 Ms. Harsha Ramkar Lect. In Comp. Sci.

29 Mrs. Ujwala N. Ingale Lect. In Mathematics

30 Mr. S. V. Chikurdekar Lect. In Mathematics

31 Mr. Rahul D. Swami Lect. In Mathematics

Continued ..........

28 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 16A: List of the teachers newly recruited

Sr. No. Name of Teacher Designation

32 Mr. Dattatrya D. Joshi Lect. In Mathematics

33 Ms. Sandhya P. Sable Lect. In Mathematics

34 Mr. Rahul J. Abhang Lect. In Mathematics

35 Ms. Leena D. Zope Lect. In Mathematics

36 Mrs. Sujata B. Alalmath Lect In Statistics

37 Ms. Vidya R. Ingale Lect In Statistics

38 Ms. Poonam S. Mane Lect In Statistics

39 Mrs. Raji Suresh Lect. In. Electronics

40 Mrs. Kavya S. Chinagudi Lect. In. Electronics

41 Mrs. Jyoti D. Wadekar Lect. In. Electronics

42 Ms. Pallavi B. Hailkar Lect. In. Electronics

43 Ms. Yogita S. Bharskar Lect. In. Electronics

44 Mrs. Nivedita Das Lect. In Biotech

45 Mrs. Vaishali S. Randive Lect. In Biotech

46 Mrs. Pallavi S. Salunkhe Lect. In Biotech

47 Mrs. Purnima S. Pawar Lect. In Biotech

48 Mrs. Bharthi Karur Lect. In Biotech

49 Ms. Neeta S. Chavan Lect. In Econom

50 Ms. Veronika Mathru Lect In. Commer

51 Mr. Prasnna A. Nene Lect In. Comm.Comp

52 Mr. Santosh V. Bhange Lect In. Commer.

53 Mr. Anilkumar Jagtap Lect In. Geography

54 Mr. Suyog P. Kulkarni Lect In. Geography

55 Mr. Tanaji D. Khairsinge Lect In. Geography

56 Mr. Bhupender Singh Lect In. Psychaphy

57 Mr. Kaustubh Yadav Lect In. Psychaphy

58 Ms. Priyanka Ghanwat Lect In. Commerce

59 Ms. Vaishali Waghule Lect In. Commerce

60 Mrs. Sneha V. Oza Lect In Biotechnology

61 Mrs. R. M. Shirwadkar Lect In B.C.A

62 Mr. Satyawan M. Kunjir Lect In B.C.A.

63 Mrs. Shital P. Patil Lect In B.C.A.

64 Ms. Neeta N. Takawale Lect In B.C.A.

65 Mrs. Malati V. Tribhuvan Lect In B.C.A

66 Mrs. Ekta S. Anand Lect In B.B.A.

67 Mrs. Nupur Shah Lect In B.B.A.

68 Mr. Mukesh Kumar Lect In B.B.A.

69 Ms. Anita P. Rathod Lect In B.C.A.

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 29

Non teaching sta® newly recruited: 30

Table 16 B: List of the non teaching sta® newly recruited

Sr. No. Name of sta® Designation

1 Mr. A.A. Tapaswi Jr. Clerk

2 Mr. Sampat Patil Jr Clerk

3 Ms. Vidhya Pradhan Lib.Clerk

4 Mr. Sanjay Gavali Lab Asst.

5 Mr. Pramod Patil Lab.Asst

6 Mr. Suresh T. Patil Lab. Attendant

7 Mr. Dhiraj Sutar Lab. Attendant

8 Mr. Kiran Patil Lab. Attendant

9 Mr. Dattatrya Mane Lab. Attendant

10 Mr. Ramesh Bhelke Peon

11 Mr. Rahul Jadhav Peon

12 Mr. C. K. Babar Peon

13 Mr. Vijay Patil Peon

14 Mrs. Rekha Patil Lib. Assistant

15 Mrs Jijabai Ghuge Sweeper

16 Mrs. Poonam Bhor Sweeper

17 Mr.Ganesh Chavan Jr. Clerk

18 Mrs.Sujata Deshpande Lab. Assistant

19 Mr. Shrikant Bachhe Lab. Assistant

20 Mr. Umesh Sonawane Lab. Assistant

21 Mr. K.A.Nalawde Store Clerk

22 Mr. J. D. Patil Lab. Attendant

23 Mr. P.K. Nalawade Lib. Assistant

24 Mr. B. S. More Peon

25 Mr.Vaibhav Chormare Peon

26 Mr. M. K. Mankar Peon

27 Mr. Sunil Garale Peon

28 Mrs. C. Dhadawad Sweeper

29 Mrs. Sushma Raut Sweeper

30 Mrs. Usha Waghmare Sweeper

20. Teaching -Non teaching sta® ratio

100: 66

30 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 17: List of the Teaching -Non teaching sta® ratio

Grant in aid sta® Self Financed sta® Grant in Aid sta® Ratio Self Financed sta® Ratio

Teaching Sta® ; 33 Teaching Sta® : 67 33 : 23 67 : 43

Non Teaching : 23 Non Teaching: 43 |{ |{

21. Improvements in the library services

The college has a rich stock of books, periodicals, journals, magazines etc. every

year an addition is made to the existing stock in order to keep the library updated

with new books and also to satisfy the needs of the students. In the academic year

2010-2011, the library has provided the following additional services:

² Partial computerization of college library.

² Book banking services to the toppers.

² Reference book service.

² Issue of laminated Identity cards to the students.

² Class rooms made available for students till late evening for reading during exam-

ination period.

² Display of list of newly purchased books.

22. Number of new books /journals subscribed and their value (Annexure


Purchase of New Books - 2386

Cost - Rs. 1851098.19 /-

Journals - 90

Cost - Rs.64760.56/-

23. Number of courses for which student assessment of teachers is intro-

duced and the action taken on student feedback

Student feedback is taken for all the courses available in college.(Feed Back Form

Annexure 4)

Action is taken through IQAC and QAC mechanism. (It is headed by chairman i.e

Principal of the College.)

As per the annual report of IQAC, meetings of IQAC members were held every

quarter to discuss the

i) Semester / Annual results of college.

ii) Remedial measures to be taken to improve the college results.

iii) Remedial measures to be implemented to improve college discipline.

iv) Interactive sessions of alumni with the students of each faculty.

v) Parent teacher meeting.

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 31

vi) Progress of NAAC related work.

vii) Progress in the construction of new college building.

viii) Suggestions for improvement to be implemented from the academic year 2011-


ix) Budget for the year 2011-2012.

Meetings were attended by all the members in presence of the Principal and Vice

Principal. Performance of the committee was found to be satisfactory. It was re-

solved to take self appraisal from all the teachers and do the SWOT analysis for the

academic year 2010-2011.

24. Unit cost of education

The unit cost of education calculated faculty wise is as follows:

With Salary:

(Salary +Deprecition+ Expenditure)


Without Salary:

(Deprecition+ Expenditure)


Table 18: Details of the Unit cost of education in Rs.Grant in aid college Self ¯nanced college

B.Sc. Comp. Sci and Biotechology B.B.A and B.C.A.

With salary Without salary With salary Without salary With salary Without salary

25016/- 4230.8/- 16950/- 7502/- 16252/- 9150.4

25. Computerization of administration and the process of admission and

examination results,issue of certi¯cate

² Admission process is computerized. The data and information of the students is

maintained in the soft forms in the establishment section as well as in the students


² Computer science department has come with software, where in the hall tickets

and the results are computerized. This is especially for the ¯rst year students as the

examinations are conducted by the college.

² The accounts department of the college is computerized.

The examination section, student section, establishment section and the accouts

section uses the following software and hardware in their daily activtities: (should

be taken from chaure or from computer dept)

32 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

26. Increase in the infrastructure facilities

To increase the infrastructural facilities and meet the demand of the students,

college purchased following things in the academic year 2010-2011.

² College purchased ceiling mounted two LCD's worth Rs 60,000 only from BCUD


² To satisfy the recurring needs of the college, there was an addition made to the

existing infrastructure facilities.

This was as under:

² There was purchase of furniture's and ¯xtures worth Rs 2724971.

² To bring computerization, computers costing Rs 196020 were purchased.

² The soul of the college is the library and the books. Additional books purchased

were worth Rs 1518010.

² O±ce equipments were purchased costing Rs 100800.

27. Technology up gradation

² Operating systems of all the computers of the college have been upgraded from

Windows to Linux.

² All the computers have been upgraded with the latest versions of antivirus.

² Computer systems of one of the computer laboratory have been changed from

Window XP to Window 7.

² Software used by Scholarship Department has been designed by our computer de-

partment. Software shows category wise and cast wise number of students. It also

displays the list of students who have received scholarship from government and also

gives the information about the pending cases.

In order to comply with the concept of paperless documentation, our computer

department is designing an ERP software which will help in automation and inter

linking of all the departments, without paper correspondence.

i) Wi-¯ introduced to the college library.

ii) O±ce Automation of Administrative O±ce is in progress.

iii) O±ce Automation of Exam Department.

28. Computer and internet access and training to teachers and students.

² The College has separate Internet lab for sta® and students where they can access

the facility. If there is any problem in the usage the computer teaching and non

teaching sta® is continuously available to solve the problem.

² In the academic year, 2010-11 the department of computer science held training

programme for teaching and non teaching sta®. 20 teaching and non teaching sta®

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 33

was given training regarding usage to computers.

29. Financial aid to students

416 students were awarded scholarships under various categories. (Annexure 11)

Part time jobs were provided to students under earn and learn scheme. The col-

lege spent, Rs. 27940/- under earn and learn scheme in the year 2010-2011. Four

students were given job under this scheme. Two of the four students were from

minority category. College received 100 % of the amount from the university for the

minority students, whereas 75 % of the remaining amount was received that was

spent on other two students as per the university rule (For open category share is

75 % university and 25 % college; for reservation and minority 100 % share of uni-

versity). College contribution in this activity is of Rs.2065/- only. Three Students

mainly worked in the account department and one student worked in the library.

This work was to maintain the record of account as well as work on TALLY. Library

work was to computerize the entries of books and issuing of books etc.

30. Support from the Alumni Association and its activities

Alumni meet is conducted every year in the month of August. Alumni give

insight of the future aspect of their subject and related activities to present students

during the meet. Some of the alumni are working as lecturer and also as o±ce

assistant in the college. These alumni are added feathers to our cap as they help in

preserving and communicating the college culture to the present students.

Table 19: Details of the AlumniSr. No. Name of Alumni Faculty Department Present Occupation

1 Dr. Vijay Pawar Science Chemistry Professor at Taiwan University

2 Col. Dheeraj Pujari Science Chemistry Posted in Punjab Regiment

3 Mr. Ravindran Joseph Science Chemistry Product Manager Wipro

Lighting ,Pune

4 Mr. Sarabjeet Singh Science Chemistry Pest Controller(Business)

5 Mr. Mandhar Joshi Science Chemistry Hardware Business

6 Mr. Krishna Khadke Science Chemistry Research Assistant at Coca Cola

7 Mr. Swaminath Jadhav Science Chemistry Software Engineer, 3DPLM Software

Solutions Ltd. Hinjewadi, Pune

8 Mr. Sunny George Science Chemistry Research Assistant at Coca Cola

Continued ............

34 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 19: Details of the AlumniSr. No. Name of Alumni Faculty Department Present Occupation

9 Mr. Rohit Durge Science Chemistry R and D O±cer, Pudumjee Paper

Mills, Pune

10 Mrs. T.T.Vaidya Science Chemistry Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

11 Mrs. Poonam Dalal Science Microbiology File submission Coordinator,

AMA, New York, USA

12 Mr. Sourav Roy Science Microbiology T and D O±cer at Dr. Reddys

Lab. Bangalore

13 Mr. Shankar Suman Science Microbiology Manger Marketing,

14 Dr. Paritosh Shekhar Science Microbiology Marketing Manager, Bio

15 Mr. Sanket Bhondave Science Electronics Collector, Jhabua, M.P.

16 Mr. Ankit Joshi Science Biotechnology Director, Site Management,

ECRO, Mumbai

17 Mr. Abhijeet Thange Science Biotechnology Manager Admission Department ,


18 Mrs. Swati Tiwari Science Biotechnology Process Manager, Ingenesys

Engineering and Consultancy

Pvt. Ltd. Bhosari, Pune

19 Mrs. Sujata Patil Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

20 Mrs.Deepashree Mehandale Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

21 Mrs. Yogita Parle Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

22 Mrs. Reshma Shirwadkar Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

23 Mrs. Sunaina Shivthare Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

24 Mrs. Kalpana Sharma Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

25 Mrs. Vidya Bankar Science Computer Science Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

26 Mr. Sumit Ghosh Science Computer Science Project Manager , Infosys, une

27 Mr. Ishwar Agarwal Science Computer Science Assistant Manager, Mahindra Tech

pharma, Bangalore

28 Mr. Arindham Ghosh Science Computer Science Assistant Manager, Mahindra Tech

Continued ............

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 35

Table 19: Details of the AlumniSr. No. Name of Alumni Faculty Department Present Occupation

29 Mr. Santosh Maskar Science Computer Science CTO Texity, Pune

30 Mr. Rajan Dhole Science Computer Science Proprietor, Sanakalp Technology

31 Ms. Vaishali Wagholi Commerce Commerce Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

32 Ms. Priyanka Dhanwat Commerce Commerce Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

33 Ms. Rubina Sayyed Arts English Lecturer Dr. D.Y.Patil ACS

College, Pimpri, Pune

34 Ms. Rashmi Ratankumar Arts English Junior Instructional Designer,

The Alchemist Arc, Pune

31. Support from the Parent -Teacher Association and its activities

Annual meeting is being conducted by PTA to enhance the link the between the

society and college. This also helps in the continuous monitoring of the students.

32. Health Services

Health services at nominal charges provided to sta® and students of the college

in the Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College and Research Center, hospital of parent body.

33. Performance in sports activities

Table 20: List of outstanding sports persons

Sr. No. Name of the Class Event Level Performance


1 Ms. Awhad Divya F.Y.B.Sc. Boxing All India Inter University Represented

(Comp. Sci.)

2 Ms. Jat Pooja F.Y.B.Com Athletics All India Inter University Bronze Medal

3 Mr. Pawar Akash M. Com - I Hockey Inter University Represented

4 Ms. Mapari Smita T. Y. B. Com Hockey Inter University Represented

5 Mr. Malgekar Praveen M. Com - I Football Inter University Represented

6 Mr. Awhad Diksha F. Y. B. A. Boxing National West- zone Represented

Bronze Medal

Gold Medal

7 Mr. Sagar Ingale T.Y.B.Sc. Yoga National Gold Medal

(Comp. Sci.)

36 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 21: District Level and Inter Zonal Sportsmen Year -2010-2011

Sr. No. Name of the Class Event Level Performance


1 Ms. Pandey Satish S.Y.B.Com Hockey Inter Zonal Represented

2 Mr. Mesta Nilesh S.Y.B.Com Hockey Inter Zonal Represented

3 Mr. Carvalho John T.Y.B.Com Hockey Inter Zonal Represented

4 Ms. Blessy Babu F.Y.B.Com Athletics Inter Zonal II Place


5 Ms. Mapari Smita T.Y.B.Com Judo Inter Zonal II Place

6 Ms. Mehetre Arti F.Y.B.Sc. Judo Inter Zonal II Place

(Comp. Sci.)

7 Mr. Todkar Rajesh S.Y.B.Com Shooting Inter Zonal Represented

34. Incentives to outstanding sports persons

Table 22: Details of the incentives to outstanding sports persons

Sr. No. Name of the Class Event Level Performance Incentives

student Cash

1 Ms. Awhad Divya F.Y.B.Sc. Boxing All India Inter Univ Represented Rs. 2000/-

(Comp. Sci.) Rs. 2000/-

2 Ms. Jat Pooja F.Y.B.Com Athletics All India Inter Univ Bronze Medal Rs. 2000/-

3 Mr. Pawar Akash M. Com - I Hockey Inter University Represented Rs. 2000/-

4 Ms. Mapari Smita T. Y. B. Com Hockey Inter University Represented Rs. 2000/-

5 Mr. Malgekar Praveen M. Com - I Football Inter University Represented Rs. 2000/-

6 Mr. Awhad Diksha F. Y. B. A. Boxing National West- zone Represented Rs. 2000/-

Bronze Medal

Gold Medal

7 Mr. Sagar Ingale T.Y.B.Sc. Yoga National Gold Medal Rs. 2000/-

(Comp. Sci.)

35. Students Achievements and awards

Table 23: Details of Students Achievements and awardsSr. No. Name Class Event Remark

1 Miss Riya Doshi and B.Com Poster competition Awarded ¯rst prize

Miss Preeti Vijay Kumar organized by Univ of Pune

2 Miss Preeti Vijay Kumar B.Com Essay competition, Awarded ¯rst prize

organized by Univ of Pune

Continued .......

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 37

Table 23: Details of Students Achievements and awardsSr. No. Name Class Event Remark

3 Miss Riya Doshi and B.Com First students conference Represented College

Miss Preeti Vijay Kumar held in MIT, Pune.

4 Ms. Nisha Pandit and S.Y.B.Sc. Stat Quiz Competition Participated in the

Ms. Sanjivani Kathe II round at T.C.

College, Baramati

5 Ms. Asha Pillai M.A.(Psyco) Level Conference on Best paper award

Mental Health

6 Mrs. Padmavati M.A.(Psyco) Level Conference on Best Poster

Shivgunde Mental Health Presentation

7 Shaikh Jobeen T.Y.B.C.A Annual Univ Exam 1st in the Univ

of Pune

8 Aakash Sarpate T.Y.B.C.A Annual Univ Exam 2ndin the Univ

of Pune

9 Akshay Bhosale M.C.S-I Dance Competition at 1st runner up

International Level

in Bangkok

10 Deepika Kholiya F.Y.B.Sc. CHEMIAD Cash Prize Rs.100

11 Sadhana Haldar F.Y.B.Sc. CHEMIAD Cash Prize Rs.100


12 Priyanka Dutta and F.Y.B.Sc.

Rasika Butekar (Biotech) Zonal Level Avishkar Presentation

13 Priyanka Yadkar S.Y.B.Sc Univ Exam Received 50/ 50

marks in Stat

paper-II Sem-II

14 Sneha Adsule T.Y.B.Sc. M.Sc. entrance Exam Quali¯ed


15 Meenal Kurhade T.Y.B.Sc. Univ of Pune Exam Meritorious students


16 Tarranum Attar T.Y.B.Sc. Univ of Pune Exam Meritorious students


17 Sarika Kalambate T.Y.B.Sc. Univ of Pune Exam Meritorious students


18 Amruta Kawade T.Y.B.Sc. Univ of Pune Exam Meritorious students


36. Activities of the Guidance and Counseling unit

Department of psychology is involved in counseling of the students and parents

whenever needed. Individual cases are referred to the department through parents.

Besides, all other departments are actively involved in the educational guidance to

38 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

students of di®erent faculties. Students are counseled and guided by the sta® for

the project work, practical's, competitive examinations etc.

i) Dr. J. A. Jadhav, Dept of Geography provides Guidance to P.G. Students of

Geography in study of Social Economic survey as a case study or for their project


ii) Dr. H. S. Chatrath provided guidance to B.Sc and T.Y.B.Sc ( Chemistry ) stu-

dents for the P.G. courses and relevant ¯elds open to them in future.

iii) Dr. H. S. Chatrath guided M.Tech.(Biotech) students in their project work.

iv) Mr. P. Vasudevan and Mrs. M.M. Panse provided guidance to T.Y.B.Sc (Mi-

crobiology)students in study of P.G. and relevant ¯elds open to them in future.

v) Dr. Mrs. A .R. Pande provided guidance to.B.Sc.(Biotechnology) students in

study of P.G. and relevant ¯elds open to them in future.

vi) Mr. Kishor Nikam Dept of Commerce guided 48 students of M.Com. in their

project work.

vii) B.B.A students were guided by Smt. Ausare in their Project Work.

viii) Mr. Ranjeet Patil guided their M.C.A and M.Sc Computer Science students in

their Project work.

ix) Mrs. Nivedita Das and Purnima Pawar and Mrs. Vaishali Randive of Biotech-

nology Department guided their students in Project work.

x) Post Graduate students are conducting case studies under guidance of Psycholo-

gists or psychiatrist.

xi) Students have been bene¯ted from the Psychological test for their career guid-


xii) We also provide the information regarding various courses conducted by di®er-

ent departments of various universities for their better future.

xiii) Counseling of students by Psychology Department to overcome language bar-


xiv) In addition lecturers from various faculties have guided the students to partic-

ipate in the university project competitions like AVISHKAR.

37. Placement services provided to students

² Placement cell of the college is an active cell. Well known and established indus-

tries of di®erent types hold campus interviews for undergraduate and postgraduate

students of all faculties.

² Placement cell has provided placement to 312 students in various industries and

o±ces in and around Pune.

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 39

38. Development programme for non-teaching sta®

Non teaching sta® is an important and inseparable part of any institution. There-

fore, college takes care of updating the non teaching sta® through various develop-

ment programmes. In the academic year 2010-2011, following activities were con-

ducted for development of the non teaching sta®:

² Spoken English

² Personality Development

² Computer Literacy

39. Best Practices

i) Sta® makes a bu®er cash collection to help economically backward class students.

ii) The college motivates the sta® to start the research activities and complete it

in stipulated time. The timely guidance by the principal and vice principal of the

college helps the sta® member to do so.

iii) In order to be the part of the present trend, the college encourages online inter-

action of students and teachers. The students and college sta® has formed a e-group,

the notices and information about the college is passed through this group.

40. National and International linkage

Table 24: Linkages with various organizations

Sr. No. Name of the Company

1 Acacia Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.

2 Advent S/W Ltd.


4 Agogoe Tech. Pvt. Ltd.

5 Ajay Syscom Pvt. Ltd.

6 Ameriteck IT Solution

7 Amplify Mindware Pvt. Ltd.

8 Astral Software Pvt. Ltd.


10 Choice S/W Ltd.

11 Comptrix System Pvt. Ltd.

12 CSE India Pune

13 DACCESS Technologies Pvt. Ltd

14 Design Tech Systems Ltd.

15 Dnyaneshwar Shikshan Prasarak Mandal

Continued .......

40 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Table 24: Linkages with various organizations

Sr. No. Name of the Company

16 e-ql Business Soultions

17 FUJITSU Consulting India Ltd.

18 Gayatri Infotech

19 Harbinger System Pune

20 HSBC Global Technology


22 Infotech S/Ws & Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

23 Istrat Solution Pvt. Ltd.

24 ITier Solutions

25 Kanbay

26 Kedar Systems

27 Kirloskar Oil Eng. Pvt. Ltd.

28 KPIT Commins Ltd.

29 Krawler Informatic System

30 Mass computer

31 MEBPL, Pune

32 MetalSoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

33 Micro Professional Solutions

34 Multiinfoter Solutions

35 National Informatics Centre Pune

36 Ozone Technology

37 Pad. Dr. D. Y. Patil ACS College

38 Persistent Systems Pvt. Ltd.

39 Radix Business Model

40 Relaince Infocom

41 Rukhmani Technologies

42 Sankalp Computer systems & Pvt. Ltd.

43 Sant Dyaneshwar College

44 SBTL Group

45 Seed Healthcare Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

46 Shridhar Rubber Product

47 Shrikant Auto Engineering Works

48 Shyam Computer Education Centre

49 Srishti Infotech

50 SSG Media Pune

51 Suessen Asia Pvt. Ltd.

Continued ......

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 41

Table 24: Linkages with various organizations

Sr. No. Name of the Company

52 TATA Consultancy Service

53 TeamNet Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

54 Technosoft Computers Pvt. Ltd.

55 The Web Top Villa

56 Vanil Ora Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

57 Vision S/W Technology

58 Web Vision Kolhapur

59 WebLozik Solution

60 Webminds Infotech

61 Werardt Systems Pvt. Ltd.

62 Widebridge Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

41. Any other relevant information

Besides regular university curriculum to upgrade the knowledge, college encour-


² Sta® members to write and publish books.

² Involve students in departmental activities, paper presentations, poster competi-


² Students are motivated to participate in intercollegiate and intra collegiate projects,

model and poster competitions.





42 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

IQAC successfully implemented all the plans rigorously throughout the

year. IQAC evaluates the plan and monitors the policies to ensure the quality

in all the activities of the college. Accordingly, the outcome of the implemen-

tation is as follows:

Academic Outcomes

² Almost all the faculties organized guest lectures in their respective subjects.

Eminent personalities in and around Pune belonging to academics and corpo-

rate world were invited to guide the students.

² The departments conducted extra lectures for the late comers. Weak stu-

dents were personally guided by the sta® members.

² College coordinator was appointed to conduct the university and college ex-

amination smoothly.

² College has a CAP Centre, where in the papers of First year was examined

and moderated.

² Due to special attention given to the advantages students, 2 students of

T.Y.B.C.A. were the university rank holders. Other toppers from all the classes

excelled in their examination.

² Three development programmes were organized for the non teaching sta®

which helped them in performing their duty in a better manner.

² Sta® members arranged for visits to various places throughout India to im-

part practical knowledge to students about the subject and also to make them

aware of the environmental degradation.

Research outcomes

² The college motivates and provides conducive atmosphere to sta® members

to start and complete their research work. Accordingly, in the academic year

2010-11, three sta® members were awarded with Ph.D. and one was awarded

with M.Phil. Fourteen sta® members have registered for Ph.D. and two for

M.Phil. Many sta® members are on the verge of ¯nishing their research work.

² The college conducted a national conference in computer science which re-

ceived an overwhelming response from throughout the country.

² The state level conference organized by the department of Psychology re-

ceived appreciation from the participants all over the state of Maharashtra.

² Two district level workshops were organized successfully by the department

of Commerce and B.B.A.

Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 43

² Student's welfare committee organized one day workshop for girls students

on the topic, "Beauty: Internal and external". 114 girl's students participated

in the workshop. The workshop started with the internal beauty in the form

of yoga and guidance by the doctor regarding good food habits. It ended with

the beauty tips to students by the beauticians.

² Students of the college participated in the AVISHKAR, (an event of univer-

sity of Pune) and moved to zonal level in the project competition.

² Department of chemistry and Biotechnology conducted one day workshop

for the students on the topics clinical research and protein puri¯cation.

² The sta® members upgraded themselves by attending refresher courses, in-

ternational conference, national conference, state level and district level work-

shops and seminars. Six sta® members attended refresher course organized by

the University of Pune, 4 attended international conference and presented pa-

pers, sixteen sta® members attended national level and state level conference,

and thirteen attended district level workshops and seminars. Teachers an d

students participated in these workshops and some of them won prize in paper

and poster presentations.

² The linkage between the college and industry was further strengthened by

campus interviews. Well known industries like WIPRO tech. Ltd., Infosys

tech ltd etc visited the college campus and 317 students were place in various


Extension activities outcomes

² The A-Z Committees and the association actively organized various activi-

ties throughout the year to give exposure to students hidden talents and thus

bring about all round personality development of the students.

² Department of Computer Science organized the exhibition named "Vasund-

hara" where various projects were displayed by the students.

² Students of the college participated in various intercollegiate and university

examination and have won prizes.

² To encourage the sports activities students engaged in sports were given

concession in fees, were given medical aid and also other ¯nancial bene¯ts.

² The college organized ten day soft skill development programme for the stu-

dents of third year. Famous personalities from the ¯eld and also from industries

were invited to guide the students. 40 students participated in the programme.

44 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

Students were guided on various topics of personality development.

² N.S.S. organized various activities throughout the year like winter camp,

blood donation camp, rallies on awareness regarding swine °u, campus clean-

ing programme etc was organized.

² Financial help was provided by the college to needy students. 416 students

were provided with the scholarship, students were provided jobs in the college

under earn and learn scheme.

In pursuance of the goals and objectives, all these systematic and collective

e®orts have yielded positive and encouraging results in academics, sports, cul-

tural and social activities. Excellent performance of the student in university

examination, their involvement in social educative activities and the increasing

number of our students for advance studies in reputed educational institutes

& professional courses in India and abroad are testimony to the progress and

the process of ful¯llment of the goals & objectives of the college.






Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pimpri 45

The detail plans of the institution for the next year (2011-2012)

A. Academic activities

² To make the website functional and update it by the activities organized by the

college throughout the year.

² The College will motivate members of sta® to apply for Minor Research project.

² The College will motivate members of sta® to register for Ph.D. and complete

it in stipulated time.

² The College proposes to start new courses in M.Sc. Microbiology, Chemistry

& Biotechnology.

² The College proposes to start Diploma Certi¯cate course in animation.

² The college will pay special attention to weak students and late comers.

² The college would give extra guidance to meritorious students through guid-

ance, book banking facilities etc.

² Following the practice of previous year, the college plans to organize lecture

series from eminent scholars from academic ¯eld and from corporate world to

update the knowledge of the students and also to provide them with practical


² The college plans to purchase modern educational and teaching aids.

² The college plans to strengthen its alumni association.

B. Research activities

² The College proposes to motivate the teachers to take the research guide ship.

² The college plans to organize a national conference on, "Importance of NAAC

accreditation in college development".

² Considering the importance of research in higher education, college plans to

organize a state level conference on the topic, "Research orientation and method-


² The college also plans to organize two district level seminars by department of

Botany and departments of Hindi and Marathi.

² The college will motivate the sta® members to present papers in international,

national and other levels of conferences, seminars and workshop.

² The college will motivate the students to participate in university research ac-

tivities like AVISHKAR.

² The college would motivate students to participate in various intercollegiate

46 Annual Quality Assurance Report 2010-2011

competition organized by the other colleges and by university of Pune.

² Update the laboratories by purchasing the materials required to conduct re-

search activities and also to perform the practicals.

² The College proposes to expand the activities under competitive exam cell on

a large scale.

² The College propose to start inter collegiate state/ national activities under

cultural centre by participating in various competitions.

² The college would motivate the sta® members to start with add on courses.

Annexure 1 A-Z Committee

Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s

Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pimpri Pune-18.

Year 2010-2011 College Committees

Sr. No.

Committees Name of the Staff Designation

1 College Development Committee

Dr. S.N. Agnihotri Chairman Dr. J.A. Jadhav Co-ordinator Mrs. M.S. Kurtkoti Member Dr. Mrs. H.S. Chatrath Member Dr. F.V. Dandawate Member Dr. Mrs. A.R. Pande Member Mrs. M.M. Panse Member Smt. I.Y. Ausare Member Mrs. M.G. Nair Member Mr. J.M. Babar Member Mr. C.S. Bardol Member Mr. B.U. Shingade Member

Mr. D. D. Gaikwad O.S. 2 College Internal Quality

Assurance Committee Dr. S. N. Agnihotri Chairman Dr. Mrs. H.S. Chatrath Co-ordinator Dr. D.D. Patil Member Mr. D.D. Gaikwad Member Mr. S.M. Kamble Member Mr. A.B. Patil Member Mrs. Gauri Kadam Member Mrs. M.S. Kurthkoti Member Smt. I.Y. Ausare Member Mr. R. M. Shinde Member Dr. Mrs. A.R. Pande Member Mr. C.S. Bardol Member Mr. J.M.Babar Member Mrs. J.S. Sonawane Member Mr. B.U. Shingade Member Mr. Yogesh Behl Member Mr. Y. Bhosale Member

3 Academic Planning Committee

Dr.Mrs. Chatrath Harsha Chairman Mrs. M.M. Panse Member Ms. Taral Lata Member Dr. Dandawate F.V. Member Mrs. Nair Malini Member

4 Discipline Committee Mr. J. M. Babar Chairman Mr. Dhamke H.A Member Mr. Nikam Kishor Member Mrs. Mohite Neeta Member Mrs. Kadam Gauri Member Mr. Shingade B.U. Member

5 Time Table Committee Dr. Dandawate F.V. Chairman

Mr. Ranjeet Patil Member Mr. Nikam Kishor Member Mrs. Kurtkoti Manasi Member Mr. Kamble S.M. Member Mrs. Sonawane Jayashree Member

6 Examination Committee Dr.Mrs. Pande A. Chairman

Mrs. Ramane Deepa Member Mr. Gaikwad M.V Member Mr. Dhamke H.A. Member Mrs. Mohite Neeta Member Mr. Shinde R.M. Member

7 Library Committee Mr. Shingade B.U. Chairman

Dr. Mrs. Pande Anita Member Mr. Nikam Kishor Member Mrs. Birajdar Sangeeta Member

8 Magazine Committee Mrs. M.M. Panse Chairman

Mrs. Chavan Pratima Member Mr. Babar J.M. Member Dr. Gaikwad S.L. Member

9 N.S.S. Committee Dr.Gaikwad S.L. Chairman

Mr. Shinde R.M. Member Smt. Ausare Indira Member Mr. Nikam Kishor Member

10 Sports Committee Mr.Bardol C.S. Chairman

Mr. Gaikwad M. Member Mrs. Sonawane Jayashree Member

11 Students welfare and grievance Committee

Mrs. Kurthkoti M. Chairman Mr. Babar J.M. Member Mrs. Mohite Neeta Member Mrs. Birajdar Sangeeta Member

12 Placement & Career

Guidance cell Committee Mr. Patil Ranjeet Chairman Mrs. Das Nivedita Member Mrs. Kurthkoti Manasi Member

13 Competitive Examination

Committee Mrs. Kshirsagar Meenal Chairman Mrs. Mohite Neeta Member Mr. Dhamke H. Member Mrs. Chavan Pratima


14 UGC & Research Co-ordination Committee

Dr. Mrs. Pande Anita Chairman Mrs. Birajdar Sangeeta Member Mr. Kamble S. Member Mr. Patil Ranjeet Member Mrs. Kurthkoti Manasi Member

15 Excursions /Visits /tours

Committee Dr. Dandawate F.V. Chairman Mr. Patil A.B. Member Mr. Nikam Kishor Member

16 Science Association

Committee Dr. S.N. Agnihotri Chairman Mr. H.A. Dhamke Member Mr. A.B. Patil Member Mr. M.V. Gaikwad Member Dr. J.A. Jadhav Member

17 Computer Science

Association Committee Mr. Patil Ranjeet Chairman Mrs. Ramane Deepa Member

18 Commerce Association

Committee Smt. Ausare I.Y. Chairman Mr. Nikam Kishor Member Mrs. Kurthkoti Manasi Member

19 Language forum Committee

Mrs. Kshirsagar Meenal Chairman Mr. Babar J.M. Member Dr. Gaikwad S.L. Member

20 Arts Association

Committee Mrs. Nair Malini Chairman Mrs. Kshirsagar Meenal Member Mr. Shinde R.M. Member

21 Alumni Association

Committee Mrs. Sonawane Jayshree Chairman Mrs. Kurthkoti Manasi Member Mr. Babar J.M. Member

22 Art Circle Committee Mrs. M.M. Panse Chairman Mrs. Chavan Pratima Member

23 Nature Club Committee Mr. Dhamke H.A. Chairman

Mr. Shingade B.U. Member Mr. Kamble S.M. Member

24 Public Relation Committee Mrs. Das Nivedita Chairman

Mrs. Ramane Deepa Member Mr. Patil Ranjeet Member Mr. Nene Prasanna Member Mrs. Mohite Neeta Member

25 Foreign Cell Committee Mrs. Kadam Gauri Chairman

Mr. Patil A.B. Member Mrs. Kshirsagar Meenal Member

26 Student Counseling cell

Committee Mrs. Chavan Pratima Chairman Mrs. Das Nivedita Member

27 Personality Development

Centre Committee Mrs. Mohite Neeta Chairman Mrs. Ramane Deepa Member Smt. Ausare Indira Member


Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College,

Pimpri, Pune-18

Academic Calendar ( 2010-2011)

Month Event June 1. Opening of college after summer vacation.

2. Departmental meetings. 3. Beginning of new session for all the faculties. 4. Allotment of journals and practical batches to students.

July 1. Welcome to fresher. 2. Beginning of practical schedule. 3. Assignment. 4. Departmental meetings.

August 1. Periodical tests. 2. Guest lectures. 3. Inauguration of clubs/ associations. 4. Campus interviews. 5. Departmental meetings.

September 1. Teacher’s day celebration. 2. Blood donation camp (NSS). 3. Guest lectures. 4. University Internal Semester –I exams. 5. First unit tests. 6. Internal assessment. 7. Departmental meetings.

October 1. Term end examination. 2. University semester examination. 3. Departmental meetings. 4. Diwali vacation.

November 1. Beginning of second term/ semester –II 2. Departmental meetings. 3. Assignments. 4. Guest lectures. 5. Industrial visits. 6. Declaration of results.


1. Industrial visits. 2. Association (annual week) celebration. 3. Periodical test. 4. NSS winter camp. 5. Excursion /Tours. 6. Departmental meetings. 7. Samarth Bharat Abhiyan camp

Month Event January 1. Training programs.

2. Parent Teacher meetings. 3. Alumni meet. 4. Departmental meetings. 5. Annual Sports meet.

Month Event February 1. Second unit test.

2. Submission of journals. 3. Certification of journals. 4. Departmental meetings. 5. Annual Prize distribution

March 1. Preliminary exams. 2. University Internal Practical exams. 3. University External Practical exams 4. Budget for the next year. 5. Plan for the next year. 6. Internal assessment. 7. Departmental meetings.

April 1. Annual University examination (Theory)/semester –II exam

2. Departmental meetings. 3. Annual academic year staff meeting

May/June 1. Summer Vacation.




IQAC Committee ( Year – 2010-2011) 1. Dr. Mrs. S.N. Agnihotri Principal Chairman

2. Dr. J.A. Jadhav Vice- Principal Vice- Chairman 3. Dr. Mrs. H.S. Chatrath Assoc. Prof. Co-ordinator

4. Mr. P. Vasudevan Asstt. Prof. Co-ordinator

5. Mrs. M.S. Kurtkoti Asstt. Prof. Member

6. Mr. H.A. Dhamke Asstt. Prof. Member

7. Mrs. N.S. Mohite Asstt. Prof. Member

8. Mr. S.M. Kamble Asstt. Prof. Member

9. Mrs. M.K. Kshirsagar Asstt. Prof. Member

10. Mr. B.U. Shingade Librarian Member

11. Dr. S.L. Gaikwad Asstt. Prof. Member

12. Ms. L.E. Taral Asstt. Prof. Member

13. Dr. F.V. Dandawate Assoc. Prof. Member

14. Mrs. M. G. Nair Asstt. Prof. Member

15. Mr. C.S. Bardol Phy. Director Member

16. Mrs. M.M. Panse Asstt. Prof. Member

17. Mr. K.S. Nikam Asstt. Prof. Member

18. Mr. R.D. Patil Asstt. Prof. Member

19. Mrs. Nivedita Das Lecturer Member

20. Mr. D.D. Gaikwad O.S. Secretary


College Profile

Name of College - Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pimpri, Pune Address - Pimpri Pune- 411 018. E-mail - Phone No - 020- 27424194 , 27420711 Name of Principal - Dr. Snehal N. Agnihotri Date of Accreditation Of college - 03/05/2004 Grade - B++ Year of Establishment of IQAC - 20th Sept, 2003. Date of Submission of AQAR to NAAC with a copy to BCUD, Pune University

Year Reference No. Date

2004-2005 DYP/ACS -2005-2006 / EST- 39 20/07/2005

2005-2006 DYP/ACS -2006-2007 / EST- 716 15/09/2006

2006-2007 DYP/ACS -2007-2008 / EST- 1296 30/08/2007

2007-2008 DYP/ACS -2008-2009 / EST- 264 24/10/2008

2008-2009 DYP/ACS -2009-2010 / EST-991


2009-2010 DYP/ACS -2010-2011 / EST-5552 30/11/2010


Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College,



Department - Semester/Term/Year- Please rate the course on the following attributes using the 10 points scale shown

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Very Good Very Poor

Sr. No






S5 S6 S7 S8

1 Learning Value(in terms of skills, concepts, knowledge, analytical abilities, broadening perspective)

2. Depth of course content in terms of knowledge & analytical abilities

3 Applicability/relevance to real life situations

4 Extent of Coverage Course 5 Clarity & relevance of reading


6 Extent of effort required by students

7 Relevance/Learning value of project/report

8 Overall rating 9. Suggestions , if any

Student’s Name : Class : Student’s Signature :


Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College,

Pimpri, Pune 18.



Department- Semester/Term/Year - Date - Name of the teacher - Subject Taught- Paper No.- Please rate the course on the following attributes using the 10 points scale shown

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Very Good Very Poor

Sr. No


1 2



5 6 7 8 9 10

1 The teacher explains material clearly.

2 The teacher directs and stimulates discussion effectively.

3 The teacher indicates important points to remember.

4. The teacher establishes objectives for each class

5 The teacher is well-prepared.

6 The teacher answers questions well

7. The teacher explains the thinking behind his/her statements.

8. The teacher stimulates interest in the material.

9. The teacher effectively encourages students to ask questions and to give answers.

10. The teacher is available outside of class.

11. The teacher adjusts the pace of class to the students' level of understanding.

12. The teacher treats students with respect.

13 Please rate the effectiveness of the teacher's teaching in aiding your learning

What are the teacher's strengths?

What suggestions do you have regarding the teacher’s teaching?


Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society’s Padmashree Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College,

Pimpri, Pune 18.


FACULTY OF ARTS/COMMERCE/SCIENCE Your Name: Your Email: (Your Name and Email Id will be kept confidential) Degree for which enrolled:

College: Year: Feel free to put down your feedback: 1) One experience about college life that enriched you as a student.

2) One experience that caused worry/ anxiety/ stress.

Your suggestions to make student experiences in the college enriching.




ANNEXURE 8 Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidya Pratishthans Society's

PadmshreeDr.D.Y.Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College Pimpri Pune-18

List of New Equipments 2010-2011.

Sr. No. Particulars Name of the Party Bill No. Amount 1 Furniture & Fixtures Karan Marketing & Trading Co. 19 243607

2 Furniture & Fixtures Raviraj Display System & Engg. Pvt. Ltd. 837 1153125

3 Furniture & Fixtures Raviraj Display System & Engg. Pvt. Ltd. 29136

4 Furniture & Fixtures Gyanti Enterprises 236 55406 5 Furniture & Fixtures Namrata Enterprises 703 5119

6 Furniture & Fixtures Raviraj Display System & Engg.Pvt. Ltd. 846 1153125

7 Furniture & Fixtures Raviraj Display System & Engg.Pvt. Ltd. 22056

8 Furniture & Fixtures Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. 561/36015347 10466 9 Furniture & Fixtures Namrata Enterprises 607 25594 10 Furniture & Fixtures Rajkamla Agencies 236 16875 11 Furniture & Fixtures Ashish Associates 81 10462 Total 2724971

Sr. No. Particulars Name of the Party Bill No. Amount 1 Computers Ashish Associates 97 98475 2 Computers 3c It Solutions 108 29085 3 Computers 3c It Solutions 95 29085 4 Computers Ashish Associates 99 39375 Total 196020

Sr. No. Particulars Name of the Party Bill No. Amount 1 Library Books Diamond Book Centre 1285002 2 Library Books Suyog Stationers & Book Seller 223089 3 Library Books Atul Publication 3570 4 Library Books Various Books 6349 Total 1518010

Sr. No. Particulars Name of the Party Bill No. Amount 1 Office Equipment Microcool Engg. Service 13 100800

Sr. No. Particulars Name of the Party Bill No. Amount

1 Laboratory Equipment Ajinkya Enterprises 233 4297

( Botany Lab.)

2 Laboratory Equipment Ajinkya Enterprises 278 51588

( Zoology Biology Lab.)

Total 55885

Sr. No. Particulars Name of the Party Bill No. Amount 1 Software Akash Infotech 1021 80000


Dr.D.Y.Patil Vidya Pratishthans Society's

PadmshreeDr.D.Y.Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College Pimpri Pune-18 Journals & Periodicals List 2010-2011. Sr

No Name Of The Journals Publisher Periodicity Amount Amount

1 Journal of Science & Technology The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

2 Journal of Marketing Management The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

3 Journal of Systems Management The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

4 Journal of Computanal Mathematics The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

5 Journal of Higher Education The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

6 Journal of Soft Skills The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

7 Journal of Physics The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

8 Journal of English Studies The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

9 Journal of Information Technology The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

10 Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

11 Journal of Earth Sciences The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

12 Journal of Knowledge Management The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

13 Journal of Applied Finance The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

14 Journal of Computer Sciences The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

15 Journal ofApplied Economics The Icfai University Press Monthly 500.00 500.00

16 Journal of Agricultural Economics The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

17 Journal of Chemistry The Icfai University Press Monthly 4600.00 4600.00

18 Journal of Biotechnology The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

19 Journal of Genetics & Evolution The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

20 Journal of Life Sciences The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

21 Journal of Environmental Sciences The Icfai University Press 4th Issue 625.00 625.00

22 Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics NISCAIR Bimonthly 1600.00 1600.00

23 Indian Journal of Biochemistry & BioPhysics NISCAIR Bimonthly 1900.00 1900.00

24 Indian Science Abstracts NISCAIR Fornightly 5300.00 5300.00

25 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics NISCAIR Monthly 3200.00 3200.00

26 Indian Journal of Biotechnology NISCAIR Quarterly 1200.00 1200.00

27 Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research NISCAIR Monthly 3600.00 3600.00

28 Journal of Genetics NISCAIR Monthly 250.00 250.00

29 Pramana Journal of Physics Indian Academy Sciences -Springer 12 Issue 700.00 700.00

30 Resonance Monthly 500.00 500.00

31 Advanced Biotech Monthly 500.00 500.00

32 Bulletin of Materials Science Monthly 300.00 300.00

33 Science Reporter Monthly 100.00 100.00

34 Current Science Indian Academy Sciences -Springer Monthly 2400.00 2400.00


Sadhana Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences

Indian Academy Sciences -Springer 6th Issue 400.00 400.00

36 Proceedings Mathematical Sciences

Indian Academy Sciences -Springer 4th Issue 200.00 200.00

37 Journal of Chemical Science Monthly 400.00 400.00

38 Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research NISCAIR Quarterly 1600.00 1600.00

39 Indian Journal Traditional Knowledge Monthly 540.00 540.00

40 University News Monthly 720.00 720.00

41 National Geographic Monthly 2850.00 2850.00

42 Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy 4th Issue 200.00 200.00

43 Research Journal of Chemistry & Environment Monthly 1000.00 1000.00

44 D/Ima Monthly 150.00 150.00

45 ?YaI p`saad Monthly 150.00 150.00

46 iSaxaNa saMk̀maNa 6th Issue 150.00 150.00

Total 46885.00 46885.00


Padmashree Dr.D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pimpri, Pune - 18

Grant in Aid College Teaching Staff 2010 -2011

Sr. No. Name of the Staff Designation

1 Dr. Snehal Agnihotri Principal 2 Dr. Jaiprakash Jadhav Vice Principal 3 Mr. H.A.Dhamke Asst. Prof. in Zoology 4 Mr. S.M. Kamble Asst. Prof. in Botany 5 Dr. Harsha Chatrath Assoc. Prof. in Chemistry 6 Mrs. Mansi Kurtkoti Asst. Prof. in Economics 7 Mr. J. M. Babar Asst. Prof. in Hindi 8 Smt. Indira Ausare Asst. Prof. in Commerce 9 Mrs. Neeta Mohite Asst. Prof. in Physics

10 Mr. B.U. Shingade Librarian 11 Mrs. M. K. Kshirsagar Asst. Prof. in Politics 12 Mr. A. B. Patil Asst. Prof. in Botany 13 Dr. F.V. Dandawate Assoc. Prof. In Chemistry 14 Mr. P. Vasudevan Asst. Prof. in Microbiology 15 Mr. S.L. Gaikwad Asst. Prof. in Marathi 16 Mrs. Gauri S. Kadam Asst. Prof. in Psychology 17 Mr. R.M. Shinde Asst. Prof. in Geography 18 Miss. Lata E. Taral Asst. Prof. in English 19 Dr. Anita R. Pande Asst. Prof. in Chemistry 20 Miss. Malini G. Nair Asst. Prof. in Sociology 21 Mr. C.S. Bardol Director of Physical Education 22 Mr. Kishor Nikam Asst. Prof. in Commerce 23 Mr. M.V. Gaikwad Asst. Prof. in Chemistry 24 Mrs. M.M. Panse Asst. Prof. in Microbiology 25 Mrs. Archana Jadhav Asst. Prof. in Microbiology 26 Mrs. S. S.Birajdar Lect. In. Statistics 27 Mrs. Sapna S. Deore Lect. In. English 28 Mrs. Reshma H. Mahevi Lect. In. Zoology 29 Ms. S. S. Gudsoorkar Lect. In. Psychology 30 Mrs. Varsha M. Shinde Lect In Chemistry 31 Mrs. Sayali Manolikar Lect In Chemistry 32 Ms. Shweta Dixit Lect In Microbiology

Grant in Aid College Non- Teaching Staff List

Sr. No. Name of the Staff Designation

1 Mr. D.D. Gaikwad O.S. 2 Mr. L.R. Chaure Sr. Clerk 3 Mr. P. L. Kamble Sr. Clerk 4 Mr. D. T. Sasane Lab. Assistant 5 Mrs. H. P. Daundkar Jr. Clerk 6 Mr. Arun Jadhav Jr. Clerk 7 Mr. M.H. Ingawale Jr. Clerk 8 Mr. N. N. Jagdale Jr. Clerk 9 Mr. V.P. Rahinj Jr. Clerk

10 Mr. Sanjay Jadhav Lib. Attendant 11 Mr. B.T. Patil Lib. Attendant 12 Mr. Ravindra Patil Lab. Attendant 13 Mr. B.B. Lakhe Lab. Attendant 14 Mr. Y.D. Chikhalthane Lab. Attendant 15 Mr. Suhas Mohite Lab. Attendant 16 Mr. Appa Pujari Lab. Attendant 17 Mr. J. D. Patil Lab. Attendant 18 Mr. R.L. Khandagale Lab. Attendant 19 Mr. B.W. Sonawane Lab. Attendant 20 Mr. Uttam Damase Lab. Attendant 21 Mr. Shantaram Jadhav Peon 22 Mr. Shyam Jadhav Peon 23 Mr. Balasaheb Shirke Peon

Self Financed College Teaching Staff List – 2010- 2011

Sr.No Name of the Staff Designation 1 Mrs. D.V. Ramane Lect In Electronics 2 Mrs. J.S. Sonawane Lect In Electronics 3 Mrs. Pratima Chavan Lect In English 4 Mr. Ranjit Patil Lect. In Computer Science

5 Mrs. Sujata P. Patil Lect. In Computer Science

6 Ms. Deepashree K. Mehendale Lect. In Computer Science

7 Mrs. Meghmala M. Patil Lect. In Computer Science

8 Ms. Yogita Y. Parle Lect. In Computer Science

9 Mrs. Sonali D. Nemade Lect. In Computer Science

10 Mr. Yogesh S. Ingale Lect. In Computer Science

11 Mrs. Reena S. Mahajan Lect. In Computer Science

12 Mrs. Madhuri A. Darekar Lect. In Computer Science

13 Ms. Vidhya H. Bankar Lect. In Computer Science

14 Mrs. Shibani M. Kulkarni Lect. In Computer Science

15 Mrs. Ashatai T. Sankpal Lect. In Computer Science

16 Mrs. Vrushali M. Patil Lect. In Computer Science

17 Mrs. Sunayana K. Shivthare Lect. In Computer Science

18 Mr. Satishkumar B. Mulgi Lect. In Computer Science

19 Mrs. Vandana Nemane Lect. In Computer Science

20 Mrs. Jyoti C. Bachhav Lect. In Computer Science

21 Mr. Raghwendra Kumar Singh Lect. In Computer Science

22 Mrs. Minal Y. Patil Lect. In Computer Science

23 Mrs. Sheetal Bhat Lect. In Computer Science

24 Mrs. Archna V. Patil Lect. In Computer Science

25 Mr. Pandit Bipin Lect. In Computer Science

26 Ms. Harsha Ramkar Lect. In Computer Science

27 Mrs. Ujwala N. Ingale Lect. In Mathematics 28 Mr. Sujitkumar V. Chikurdekar Lect. In Mathematics

29 Mr. Rahul D. Swami Lect. In Mathematics

30 Mr. Dattatrya D. Joshi Lect. In Mathematics

31 Ms. Sandhya P. Sable Lect. In Mathematics

32 Mr. Rahul J. Abhang Lect. In Mathematics

33 Ms. Leena D. Zope Lect. In Mathematics

34 Mrs. Sujata B. Alalmath Lect. In Statistics 35 Ms. Vidya R. Ingale Lect. In Statistics

36 Ms. Poonam S. Mane Lect. In Statistics

37 Mrs. Raji Suresh Lect. In Electronics 38 Mrs. Kavya S. Chinagudi Lect. In Electronics

39 Mrs. Jyoti D. Wadekar Lect. In Electronics

40 Ms. Pallavi B. Hailkar Lect. In Electronics

41 Ms. Yogita S. Bharskar Lect. In Electronics

42 Mrs. Nivedita Das Lect. In Biotechnology 43 Mrs. Vaishali S. Randive Lect. In Biotechnology 44 Mrs. Pallavi S. Salunkhe Lect. In Biotechnology 45 Mrs. Purnima S. Pawar Lect. In Biotechnology 46 Mrs. Bharthi Karur Lect. In Biotechnology 47 Ms. Neeta S. Chavan Lect. In Electronics 48 Ms. Veronika Mathru Lect. In Commerce

49 Mr. Prasnna A. Nene Lect. In Computer for commerce 50 Mr. Santosh V. Bhange Lect. In Commerce 51 Mr. Anilkumar Jagtap Lect. In Geography 52 Mr. Suyog P. Kulkarni Lect. In Geography 53 Mr. Tanaji D. Khairsinge Lect. In Geography 54 Mr. Bhupender Singh Lect. In Geography 55 Mr. Kaustubh Yadav Lect. In Geography 56 Ms. Priyanka Ghanwat Lect. In Commerce 57 Ms. Vaishali Waghule Lect. In Commerce 58 Mrs. Sneha V. Oza Lect. In Biotechnology

59 Mrs. Reshma M. Shirwadkar Lect. In B.C.A 60 Mr. Satyawan M. Kunjir Lect. In B.C.A. 61 Mrs. Shital P. Patil Lect. In B.C.A. 62 Ms. Neeta N. Takawale Lect. In B.C.A. 63 Mrs. Malati V. Tribhuvan Lect. In B.C.A 64 Mrs. Ekta S. Anand Lect. In B.B.A. 65 Mrs. Nupur Shah Lect. In B.B.A. 66 Mr. Mukesh Kumar Lect. In B.B.A. 67 Ms. Anita P. Rathod Lect. In B.C.A.

Self Financed College Non- Teaching Staff List 2010- 2011

Sr.No Name of the Staff Designation 1 Mr. L.R. Choure O.S. 2 Mr. A.R. Patil Sr. Clerk 3 Mr. S. S. Ingawale Jr. Clerk 4 Mr. Sudhir B. Patil Jr. Clerk 5 Mr. Dhananjay H. Ingawale Lab. Attendant 6 Mr. Chandrakant S. Waingade Electrician 7 Mrs. Chitra Pramod Hinge Telph. Operat. 8 Mrs. Suvarna G. Patil Lib. Attendant 9 Mr. Vijay V. Mathephod Peon

10 Mr. Pramod Desai Lab. Attendant 11 Ms. Pramodini Patil Lab. Attendant 12 Mr. Balasaheb R. Shirke Peon

Self Financed Non- Teaching Staff List (B.B.A. & B.C.A.)

Sr. No. Name of the Staff Designation

1 Mr. A.A. Tapaswi Jr. Clerk

2 Mr. Sampat Patil Jr. Clerk

3 Ms. Vidhya Pradhan Lib. Clerk

4 Mr. Sanjay Gavali Lab Asst. 5 Mr. Pramod Patil Lab. Asst 6 Mr. Suresh T. Patil Lab. Attendant

7 Mr. Dhiraj Sutar Lab. Attendant

8 Mr. Kiran Patil Lab. Attendant

9 Mr. Dattatrya Mane Lab. Attendant

10 Mr. Ramesh Bhelke Peon

11 Mr. Rahul Jadhav Peon

12 Mr. C. K. Babar Peon

13 Mr. Vijay Patil Peon

14 Mrs. Rekha Patil Lib. Assistant 15 Mrs Jijabai Ghuge Sweeper 16 Mrs. Poonam Bhor Sweeper 17 Mr.Ganesh Chavan Jr. Clerk

18 Mrs.Sujata Deshpande Lab. Assistant

19 Mr. Shrikant Bachhe Lab. Assistant 20 Mr. Umesh Sonawane Lab. Assistant 21 Mr. K.A.Nalawde Store Clerk 22 Mr. J. D. Patil Lab. Attendant 23 Mr. P.K. Nalawade Lib. Assistant 24 Mr. B. S. More Peon 25 Mr.Vaibhav Chormare Peon 26 Mr. M. K. Mankar Peon 27 Mr. Sunil Garale Peon

28 Mrs. C. Dhadawad Sweeper

29 Mrs. Sushma Raut Sweeper

30 Mrs. Usha Waghmare Sweeper


Padmashree Dr.D.Y. Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pimpri,

Pune - 18

O.B.C. FREESHIP 2010-2011

List of scholarship awarded to students

S.B.C.FREE-SHIP 2010-2011

Sr No

Name of Student Gender

Caste Category

Current Course

Tuition Fees

Exam Fees

Other Compulsory Fees

Total Sanctioned Amount

1 Hunge Swati G. Female SBC F.Y.Bsc Bio-Tech 6000 740 18382 25122

2 Mergu Urmila T. Female SBC M.A.Psy-II 8000 1040 2362 11402


14000 1780 20744 36524

Sr No Name of Student Gender

Caste Category

Current Course

Tuition Fees

Exam Fees

Other Compulsory Fees

Total Sanctioned Amount

1 Mitkari Piyush K. Male OBC T.Y.BSc Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812

2 Gurav Nikhil P. Male OBC T.Y.BSc Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812

3 Sawale Sneha T. Female OBC T.Y.BSc Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812

4 Pavitrakar Namrata V. Female OBC T.Y.BSc Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812

5 Sonwane Mayuri B. Female OBC M.A.-I Psy 8000 1040 2362 11402

Total:- 32000 6960 75690 114650

S.C.FREE-SHIP 2010-2011

Sr No Name of Student Gender

Caste Category Current Course

Tuition Fees

Exam Fees

Other Compulsory Fees

Total Sanctioned Amount

1 Kadam Supriya A. Female SC S.Y.B.A. 1040 520 272 1832 2 Thosar Pooja M. Female SC S.Y.B.Com 1040 520 272 1832 3 Kamble Poojashri H. Male SC S.Y.B.Sc 1040 1300 437 2777 4 Dambare Ashwini R. Female SC F.Y.B.B.A 11000 2560 2382 15942 5 Awade Nishant M. Male SC F.Y.Bsc.Copm.Sci 6000 740 12382 19122 6 Zimare Priyanka V. Female SC F.Y. Bsc.Bio-Tech 6000 740 12382 19122 7 Sadare Shweta M. Female SC F.Y. Bsc.Bio-Tech 6000 740 12382 19122 8 Kamble Rahul P. Male SC F.Y.B.Sc Comp.Sci 6000 740 12382 19122 9 Dhaware Sumit B. Male SC F.Y.B.Sc Comp.Sci 6000 740 12382 19122

10 Lokhande Akash M. Male SC F.Y.B.Sc Comp.Sci 6000 740 12382 19122 11 Maske Sonu V. Female SC T.Y.B.Sc Comp.Sci 6000 1480 12332 19812 12 Devrukhakar Minakshree M. Female SC F.Y.B.C.A. 10000 2560 8382 20942 13 Sandanshiv Vishalkumar A. Male SC M.A - I Eng. 4000 1040 362 5402 14 Gaikwad Vidya D. Male SC M.Sc.Comp.Sci- I 8000 2500 20362 30862 15 Kamble Srikant S. Male SC M.Sc.Comp.Sci- I 8000 2500 20362 30862 16 Gaikwad Arun N. Male SC M.C.A Sci.-I 8000 2500 20362 30862 17 Javir Sharda R. Female SC M.C.A Sci.-I 8000 2500 20362 30862 18 Suryawanshi Avadhut V. Male SC M.C.A Sci.-I 8000 2500 20362 30862 19 Waghmare Sneha D. Female SC M.Sc.Comp.Sci- II 8000 2500 20362 30862 20 Kamble Vishal H. Male SC S.Y.B.Com 1040 520 272 1832 21 Khude Pranil S. Male SC T.Y.B.Com 1040 520 272 1832 22 Gaikwad Sonam A. Female SC S.Y.BSc 1040 1300 480 2820 23 Gawai Swati R. Female SC S.Y.B.Sc.Comp.Sci. 6000 1480 12332 19812 24 Lohkare Suhasini D. Female SC S.Y.B.Sc.Comp.Sci. 6000 1480 12332 19812 25 Lokhande Sushant G. Male SC S.Y.B.Sc.Comp.Sci. 6000 1480 12332 19812 26 Gaikwad Rekha C. Female SC T.Y.Bsc comp Sci 6000 1480 12332 19812 27 Kadalak Prasad A. Male SC T.Y.Bsc comp Sci 6000 1480 12332 19812 28 Kadam Priyanka P. Female SC T.Y.B.C.A 10000 2560 8332 20892 29 Jadhav Ajit A. Male SC T.Y.B.C.A 10000 2560 8332 20892 30 Jadhav Prashant B. Male SC T.Y.Bsc.Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812 31 Adsule Sneha Ashok Male SC T.Y.Bsc.Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812 32 Wankhade Swapnil D. Male SC T.Y.Bsc.Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812 33 Bobade Shital D. Female SC M.Sc.Comp.Sci- II 8000 2500 20467 30967 34 Swami Kirti N. Female SC M.Sc.Comp.Sci- II 8000 2500 20467 30967 35 Jibkate Amruta B. Female SC M.C.A-Sci-II 8000 2500 20467 30967 36 Kamble Sandhya S. Female SC M.C.A-Sci-II 8000 2500 20467 30967 37 Nanaware Rohan A. Male SC T.Y.B.Sc 1040 1300 422 2762 38 Lohkare Sushasini D. Female SC F.Y.B.Sc Comp Sci 6000 550 10375 16925 39 Ganvir Vivek D. Male SC T.Y.B.Sc Comp. 6000 1480 12332 19812 40 Gaikwad Sunil N. Male SC T.Y.B.Sc Comp. 6000 1480 12332 19812 41 Permal Rakesh R. Male SC T.Y.B.C.A 10000 2560 8332 20892

Total 250280 66090 480908 797278

N.T. FREE-SHIP 2010-2011

Sr No Name of Student Gender

Caste Category

Current Course

Tuition Fees

Exam Fees

Other CompulsoryFees

Total Sanctioned Amount

1 Chigle Narsing B. Male NT M.A.-I Eng 4000 1040 362 5402 2 Chavan Janu P. Male NT S.Y.B.A 1040 520 322 1882 3 Mahadik Rasika R Female NT S.Y.B.Com 1040 520 272 1832 4 Joshi Nikhil D. Male NT T.Y.B.Com 1040 520 272 1832

5 Khade Pravin D. Male NT T.Y.B.Sc. Bio-Tech 6000 1480 18332 25812


13120 4080 19560 36760


Sr. No Name of The Students Class in which Studying Amount during the Year 2010-2011

1 Mane Dattatrya Pandurang M.Com.-I 5000

S.T.CAST FREE-SHIP 2010-2011

Sr. No Name of The Students Class in which Studying Amount

during the Year


1 Zanjare Vinayak Vishnu F.Y.B.Sc Biotech 25122

2 Suryawanshi Yogesh Vaman S.Y.B.Sc. Comp. Sci 19072

3 Jadhav Anil Bhagu T.Y.B.Sc. Comp. Sci 19812

4 Supe Sameer Tukram M.Sc.Comp Sci 30932 Total 94938


Sr. No Name of The Students Class in which Studying Amount

during the Year


1 Knagale Nikhil Dattatrya T.Y.B.COM 3927

2 Fulsure Shankar Shrirang T.Y.B.C.A. 25927

3 Ghute Vikas Seema M.C.A.-I 34262

4 Titkare Snehlata Subhash T.Y.B.Sc. Comp. Sci 27847

5 Titkare Snohal Subhash M.Sc. Comp.- II 34562 Total 126525


Sr. No Name of The Students Class in which Studying Amount

during the Year

2010-2011 1 Manjalikar Pranjali Shyam F.Y.B.C.A 5000 2 Paymode Asha Gajanan F.Y.B.C.A 5000 3 Kale Monali Digambar F.Y.B.C.A 5000 4 Walunj Sarika Mahendra F.Y.B.B.A 5000 5 Jaiswal Komal Raghwendra T.Y.B.B.A 5000 6 Jadhav Pooja Sambhaji F.Y.B.Com 5000 7 Walunj Nirmala Vitthal F.Y.B.SC ( Comp.Sci) 5000 8 Dharmaling Sarita Ravi T.Y.B.B.A 5000 9 Gadave Bhagyashree Vishnu T.Y. B.SC 5000

10 Deshmuk Harshada Sunil T.Y.B.C.A 5000 11 Bachhav Pratibha Dinkar M.Sc. -II ( Comp.Sci) 5000 12 Gaikwad Radhika Popatrao M.C.A -III 5000 13 Iware Shubhangi Suresh M.Sc. -II ( Comp.Sci) 5000

Total 65000

Minority Scholarship - 2010-2011

Sr. No Name of The Students Clas in which Studying Amount during the Year

2010-2011 1 Kore Navjat S.Y.B.Com 4850 2 Kharat Pallavi F.Y.B.Sc. 3750 3 Kharat Sandhya T.Y.B.SC. 4850

Total 13450

S.T.C. SCHOLARSHIP-2010-2011

Sr. Name of the Students Std. In No. Class CLAIMS OF FEES.

Exam Lib. Other Gym Labor- Total Fee Fee Fee Fee atory Fee 1 Kasande Vaibhav A. F.Y.B.Com 520 10 15 20 565 2 Kalantre Pramodini H. F.Y.B.Sc. 650 10 15 20 125 820

Total 1170 20 30 40 125 1385