Animate to communicate: learning from students and co-creation of learning (ALT Conference 2016)

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Animate to communicate: learning from students and co-creation of learning (ALT Conference 2016)

animate to communicate: using digital media for assessmentHayley Atkinson and Dr Jenny Fisher

@ladyculottes @JennyCFisher

Hayley Atkinson
Think this is covered under the "our learning slide?
Hayley Atkinson
Could subtitle that slide challenges of new assessment to link back to our abstract?
Hayley Atkinson
Do we need this slide?

Our students and us

Why animation?

Our approach

challenges of new assessment

Student learning

“Seminars were very informative, maybe more seminars on how to use the go animate programme would have helped as some features were quite difficult to use”

“Maybe make the length of the animation more flexible”.

“I think if I was to do it again i would probably start it alot earlier that we did to allow us to use the most out of the functions the software provided as we didn't leave our self with much time to explore it”

“there wasn't much group interaction, where as with a presentation everyone must get involved and practice as a group to do the presentation”

“maybe the groups could be smaller next year, so there's more for each person to do”.


Student feedback

“Go animate was a new experience which promoted group work and research skills, it was an enjoyable way to interact with peers and to work together on a topic”.

“This animation was a lot more enjoyable than an essay or a presentation”

“I think this animation is a fantastic idea and with out it i wouldn't have passed the modual I am normally not a very academic student and having dyslexia struggle to do essays this animation allowed me to show my creative side and I would definitely recommend this you carry on with this type of assessment”

“I’m a L6 Social Care student and I took this unit last year – I really enjoyed this assessment, but I would have loved an opportunity to have done it in form of an animation... What a great new way of assessing students, and giving them a chance to develop skills as well as demonstrating theoretical understanding!”

How to contact us:@JennyCFisher and @ladyculottes and

Read more:We’ve blogged our journey at:

Want to know more?

This is why animation!