Angus Nova Service - Penumbra

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Transcript of Angus Nova Service - Penumbra

Angus Nova Service

Annual Review 2017-2018

Annual Review



About Penumbra

Penumbra is one of Scotland’s largest mental health charities. We support around

1600 adults and young people every week.

Founded in 1985, we provide a variety of innovative services in communities across


1st Response and Crisis Support - Short term support for people experiencing a

mental health crisis.

ARBD - Recovery focused support for people with Alcohol Related Brain Damage


Carers Support - Support for people who are caring for someone with a mental health


Nova Projects - Services that promote recovery, social inclusion and self-


Peer Support – Services where staff use their own experience of mental ill-health to

help other people recover.

Self Harm Projects - Services for both adults and young people who self-harm.

Short Breaks - Supportive breaks for people to focus on their recovery.

Supported Accommodation - Supported housing and tenancy projects.

Supported Living - Practical and emotional support provided in people’s own homes.

Wellness Centre - Access a range of services in the community which promote

positive mental health and support people to recover from mental ill health.

Our vision for Scotland

We envisage a society where people with mental health problems expect recovery and are

accepted, supported and have the resources to fulfil their potential. To achieve this vision our

Strategic Plan sets out five aims (RPIII):

Recovery - To ensure that all mental health services and activities are hopeful, personalised and recovery focused.

People - To ensure a highly valued, skilled and involved workforce.

Innovation - To develop, support and provide innovative responses that promote recovery, social inclusion and citizenship for people with mental health problems.

Influence - To promote mental health and wellbeing in communities by influencing; policy makers, funders and others.

Improvement - To ensure quality and continuous improvement in all business processes to achieve our mission.

RPIII is supported by objectives and a results and monitoring framework. As part of this

framework, Penumbra services compile an Annual Review which summarises the work

undertaken to meet the five key aims, to achieve our mission, and to realise our vision for

society. This Annual Review is based around the RPIII structure, with sections for Recovery,

People, Innovation, Influence, and Improvement.

Annual Review



Service overview

Contact details

Angus Nova Service

First Floor

115 High Street


DD11 1DP


t 01241 873900

About the service

Penumbra’s Angus Nova Service offers recovery focused support to adults who are

experiencing mental health challenges. We provide community based support across all

localities of Angus and the service is available to anyone over the age of 16 years. Our office

is located on Arbroath High Street, directly above the Clydesdale Bank.

Types of support provided

Support is provided on a one to one basis for a fixed period of time, looking at an individual’s

hopes and aspirations in moving out of social isolation towards meaningful opportunities,

relationships and community engagement. Support is offered by Recovery Practitioners,

Recovery Workers, Peer Workers and an Employment Worker.

Peer Workers act as ‘recovery guides’, by sharing learning, and modelling recovery they

promote a sense of hope in people who use our services. We have a Peer Worker based in

each locality of Angus.

POWWOWs (Penumbra Workshops on Wellbeing) and group activities are offered on a

regular basis. Workshop topics and social activities are selected by those accessing the

service at the time.

In addition to our Nova Service, we offer a Carers Short Breaks Service. Both services are

funded by Angus Health & Social Care Partnership. Carers Break funding is available

to anyone over the age of 16, living in Angus, who supports a family member or friend (aged

16 – 65 years) with a mental health difficulty. We can offer up to £300 for the ‘carer’ to have a

break. This individual does not have to be registered as a carer or even identify themselves

as a carer. As long as the person they care for, has support for their mental health and is

aged 16-65 years, the funding can be accessed. People have access this recently for spa

vouchers, sessions at a hydrotherapy pool, Reiki sessions and fishing trips.

Annual Review



People who use our services Angus Nova Service continues to receive referrals from a wide range of services within the

local area. 55% of referrals received between April 2017 and March 2018 were from the

NHS, primarly from Community Mental Health Teams and Wellbeing Nurses.


A 18% increase in the number of people accessing the service in the past year is shown. A

total of 316 people accessed the service in 2017-18, with 160 people exiting the service.

Referrals by gender

136 males accessed the service between April 2017 and March 2018 (16% increase). Within

the same period, 180 females accessed the service, showing a 21% increase.

the service, which was the service

Referrals by age

The largest percentage of those accessing the service between April 2017 and March 2018

were within age group 20-29 years (24%), which showed a 28% increase from the previous

year. The smallest percentage of those accessing the service between April 2017 and March

2018 was those aged 65 and over.






2016/17 2017/18














2016/17 2017/18















15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Ages (years)









Annual Review



Recovery IROC

The Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (IROC) is an outcome measurement tool we created

to measure recovery journeys. People who use our services complete an IROC by scoring 12

wellbeing indicators every three months. These scores allow us to build up a picture of their

wellbeing over time, and assess and measure their personal recovery journey. Scores for

everyone using a service can be averaged to show general trends.

The graph below demonstrates the difference between baseline and current I.ROC scores for

those accessing the service in March 2018. As shown below, Angus Nova Service is making a

positive difference across all 12 indicators of I.ROC.

The largest impact has been made in the area of Mental Health, which is fitting with the service

aims. The least difference is shown in the area of Life Skills, which looks at practical skills such as

cooking, cleaning, managing money and paying bills. As the service does not provide support

within peoples homes, we are likely not to see such a significant difference within the area of Life

Skills, compared to other areas of I.ROC. However, Penumbra's HOPE Toolkit offers a range of

rescources that can be offered to supported people to increase life skills. For example, 'My Money

Plan', 'Weekly Plan' and 'Home Check' are some of the resources that can be offered to

supported people.

















r V



I.ROC Indicator

Baseline and Current I.ROC scores for Angus Nova Service 2017 - 2018

Baseline (More than 1 Completed I.ROC) Current

Annual Review



Recovery story

Beth's* Story

"My life was non-existent when I came to Penumbra. To be honest I wanted to end my life as

I didn’t see any reason for living. However, after attending Penumbra’s eight week WRAP

(Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Group and having my keyworker, and all the Penumbra

team to help me, they have got me living my life again and my self-confidence is back. I’m

living my life for me and no-one else.

I have started a voluntary role in my local community. I would never have dreamed of doing

this before. Going to the WRAP group helped me understand more about my mental health

and how to manage this. I still meet up with others who attended this group, each month to

have a laugh, a blether and lunch. This is great for us all.

I use my wellness toolbox when I need to and I continue to use the coping strategies I

learned through my one to one support. I know myself I have more confidence and I’m using

this each day now. I’m going out and socialising much more than I used to. I still feel a bit

apprehensive at times, but not as bad as I used to.

I have found the staff at Penumbra to be wonderful and they are a very valuable asset for

the community. They have helped me to turn my life around and shown me that life is worth

living. I said at the beginning my life wasn’t worth living. I’ll explain that for you… I’m a 50+

widow with ill health and family problems, so all I saw was no hope for my future. But

Penumbra has changed all that for me".

Penumbra Recovery Fund

Donations made to local Penumbra Services become part of a 'Recovery Fund', which

supports and promotes peoples recovery journeys. Supported people can access up to £100

to purchase a break or actvity that improves their wellbeing. One supported person from

Angus Nova Service accessed this fund to purchase art supplies and from this she

developed her own 2018 calendar. Pictures of her work are shown below.

“I would never have dreamed of doing this before”

Annual Review



Recovery story

Andrews* I.ROC Story

“I found ways of occupying my time more


Annual Review





Penumbra's Recovery Team Approach (the development of self-organising teams) allows us

to have a Recovery Practitioner, Recovery Worker and Peer Worker in each Angus locality.

We currently have 13 members of staff: a Support Manager, four Recovery Practitioners,

three Recovery Workers, three Peer Workers, an Employment Worker, and a volunteer.


All staff have access to a vast range of training through Penumbra's Learning and

Development Team. Examples include training on using IROC and Penumbra's HOPE

Toolkit, Recovery in Practice, Coaching Skills and Recording Outcomes. Staff also have

access to a variety of external training and e-learning. Penumbra have recently created their

own e-learning platform and also access RBS mentor live training.

Two members of the Angus team are accredited WRAP facilitators and run 8 week WRAP

courses within the service. A further two staff members are due to undertake WRAP

facilitators training later this year.

SSSC registration

In line with SSSC registration guidance, the service Support Manager is registered with

SSSC. All staff members will register when this option becomes available through the SSSC.

In preparation for this, staff have been undertaking required qualifications (SVQ level 3 in

Health and Social Care).

Care at Home and Housing Support Service

Our Angus Care at Home and Housing Support Service is available to anyone living in

Angus, over the age of 16, who are struggling to manage daily living tasks due to mental

health challenges. This service is available through Self-Directed Support, Option 2. All staff

are required to be registered with SSSC.

This service offers support within an individuals own home, to help increase their confidence

in managing household tasks, as well as finding ways to improve mental health and

wellbeing. Individual's can decide what type of support would be most helpful to them and

will be supported to achieve postive outcomes through a recovery focused, strength based


Annual Review




Peer Link Service (South West Locality)

In October 2017, a Peer Link Service was piloted within Carnoustie Medical Centre for six

months. A Peer Worker was based within the surgery one morning per week to offer mental

health support to patients. Upon evauating this service in March 2018, an exciting

opportunity has arisen for Penumbra to continue to offer a Peer Link Service in Carnoustie,

as well as Monifieth Medical Centre.

Two Peer Workers, who have their own lived experience of mental health difficulties, are

now based between the practices and can offer up to 3 appointments to patients over age of

16 years. Appointments can be made at surgery reception desk. The main aim of the service

is to provide patients with the opportunity to access mental health support and/or advice at

an earlier stage in their recovery. Wellbeing workshops, covering a variety of topics, are

offered weekly in both practices.

POWWOWs and outreach

The service has been involved in a variety of promotional events in Angus throughout the

year, including Long-Term Conditions Health Fair, LGBT open night, Self-Dirceted Support

Events and information sessions held by the Tayside Mental Health Redesign Project.

In terms of early intervention and prevention, our Angus team are enthusiastic about

reaching out to those who are not currently accessing support services. Future plans include

offering more wellbeing workshops in the local community. Most recently, the service

delivered a taster wellbeing session to college students who wanted to learn more about

about dealing with stress.

Our Employment Worker will be running a 8 week 'Ready Steady Work' programme this

summer, which is designed to look at ways of managing mental health and wellbeing when

looking for work, returning to work and staying in work.

Annual Review




Angus Suicide Prevention Team raises awareness with footie fans.

The Angus Suicide Prevention Collaborative, of which Penumbra is an active member of,

attended two local football match's - one at Forfar Football Club and the other at Montrose

Football Club, to raise awareness of suicide help and support available locally.

Staff members from Angus Nova Service embraced the opportunity to share information

about the Tayside “Suicide? Help!” app and website, which provides contacts for support

and how to help others who are experiencing thoughts of suicide.

Many of the fans gave passing comments such as “good work” and “more needs to be done

about this”, which the staff felt was a sign that awareness was being raised and people were

not shying away from the issue of suicide. Fans were also made aware of free basic suicide

awareness training available in the local area.

We can all help someone who is suicidal - you don’t have to have the answer to everyone’s

problems or be a specialist, just being willing to listen without judging is sometimes enough

to save a life.

The Angus Suicide Prevention Collaborative is a multiagency group that comprises

representatives from Angus Health and Social Care Partnership, Angus Council, NHS

Tayside, Police Scotland, Dundee and Angus College and Third Sector Agencies. The group

is responsible for setting the strategic direction for suicide prevention across Angus.

Annual Review




Care Inspectorate

Our last Care Inspection for Angus Nova Service took place in April 2016. The service was

awarded Grade 6 (Excellent) scores across all four areas, the best grades possible. The

team have continued to work on recommended improvements since this time.

Our first Care Inspection for Angus Care at Home and Housing Support Service took place

in February 2018. The service was award Grade 5 scores across all four areas.

Quality Assessment Framework (QAF)

The service was assessed by Penumbra's Quality Improvement Officer in November 2017.

A total average score of 4.68 was awarded out of 5 (Excellent) on the areas of assessment,

which showed an improved score since last internal audit of 0.43. A development plan was

submitted based on the assessors’ recommendations for improvement.

At this time, Angus Nova Service was making a positive difference on all I.ROC indicators.

The largest difference was shown in the area of Valuing Self and the least impact was

shown in the area of Life Skills.


The comments below were provided by supported people who moved on from service

between April 2017 and March 2018.

Annual Review



Contact Penumbra


Norton Park

57 Albion Road



0131 475 2380


Penumbra is a charity (SC 010387) and a company

limited by guarantee (SC 091542) registered in

