Angor: Campaign Setting

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Transcript of Angor: Campaign Setting

  • 7/24/2019 Angor: Campaign Setting



    Angor, a province best known as a region of farming and developing cityscapes, is a land tangled

    in a mix of tradition and luxury. On one hand, generations of agriculture. On the other, a new and

    dynamic lifestyle in the city. Centuries of steady trade through a natural chokepoint has kept the

    province relatively secure. Home to many thousands, from all walks of life, there are both regal

    gentlemen and average working men. A thick sense of duty to the region makes patriots out of

    even the most relaxed farm workers.

    Angor is rich in natural resources with a static trade route passing between two large, towering

    mountain ranges, connecting it to the other provinces. Between the stone fortresses of the Draile

    Mountains, Hanlons Pass awaits travellers, traders and caravans. A popular resting place for

    those of the road, Hanlons Pass is always busy. Buried into one of the mountains more southern

    than the rest, a small town, Stonestairs, of dedicated, studious monks rests quietly atop a violent


    Buried deep in a northern wood, past the township of Bucklerhost, a tight-knit, studious collective

    of practitioners of magic. Balanced by a methodical approach to harnessing the powers of natural

    magic, yet tucked away and out of sight, the Mages of the West Reaches are left mostly

    undisturbed, as long as they act in kind. Bucklerhost, the town south of the woods, is known far

    and wide for its dedication to the construction of shields and specific armors. An Armorers Guild

    started recently, allowing for the collected knowledge of the craftsmen there to be condensed into

    finely tuned, finely fitted pieces.

    In a broad wood to the south, the residents of Hammerfelt work tirelessly at their forges. Many

    believe there are well kept secrets in the subterranean mines that remain camouflaged in the

    woods. A roughneck army keeps wanderers at bay, often seen patrolling the outer limits of the

    forest. Few confirmed reports of functioning mines close to the city illustrate the reasons for such a

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    well-fitted army, while the exports of weapons and refined materials that come from the city are


    Across the Sashtuck Plains, the city of Gravesmill befalls the west coast of the Bay of Kings.

    Largely defended by a tall grey stone wall, Gravesmill is the stuff of legend. One of Angors oldest

    cities, a large graveyard circles the outer wall. This is where most of the inhabitants of theprovince lay for the crossover to the next life. Should a body not find the means to be delivered to

    this sacred site, a grave marker is laid in its place. With a small marketplace, the town city largely

    depends on the commerce of death to find wealth.

    The waters surrounding the province are largely known as The Red, Waters of the Red or The

    Crimson Sea. For reasons rooted deep in the history of the province, this oceanic body is

    respected and feared. Few ports dot the landscape, but serve as important trade passages. With

    specific areas entitled for namesake and tradition, water serves as a reminder of the past and a

    route to the future.

    A yearly, province-wide festival of celebration commences as the leaves start to bud and sprout

    among the many forests that cover Angor. This event, known largely as The Green Parade with

    some localized alteration, usually lasts a full weeks end, where the work of the common folk is

    pushed aside for drink, music and trade.

    Some of the smaller towns, popular enough to be listed by name on many travellers maps, are

    seen to many as destinations, home to shops, taverns and resting places. Redcase, the farm-town

    alongside Lake Tule, is best known for hearty meals, fresh from the land. Vernahull, a

    once-defeated township on the eastern spread of the Draile Mountains, is just south of

    Amplewood, a deep and thick forest known for lumber and the populations that harvest its naturalresources. Detan, a main southern port for Angor, is more often referenced for its bountiful fishing

    stocks than anything else.

    Smaller still, some villages are marked often by small dots or other inconspicuous notations.

    Generations old, these collectives are controlled usually by single families or overseen by minor

    royalty. They serve as the backbone to Angor, doing the hard work of transportation, hunting and

    farming that leaves room for the softer jobs regularly found in the larger city centres.

    Ashearst, the prize jewel and capital city of Angor, is located on the southern tip of the smaller,

    more western section of Amplewood. Separated by a large river, the forest is home to a

    quickly-growing variety of hardwood named, aptly, Swiftwood. Ashearst is home to many shops,

    guilds and professionals. A haven for the lost and a journeys end for many, it more often has a

    policy of opening its gates to immigrants from across the province. Many travel here for fame,

    fortune or adventure. Others still end in Ashearst for vacation or holiday. Marked far and wide by

    the orange banner and buckler, the capital is instantly recognizable, respected and, to those that

    cross her, feared.

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    Table of Contents

    History of ngor


    Equipment and Weapons


    The Guilds

    The Cities



    The West Reaches


    Hanlons Pass

    The Towns

    Detan Redcase




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    History of ngor

    The province of Angor, an untamed and wild land, is home now to a bursting population. Long

    ago, during the exploration of the lands from the Original Colonies, a camp was established near

    the mouth of what is now considered Ashearst. The looming Draile Mountains on the horizon, it

    was voted to keep the exploration parties in camp and to prepare for a trek to the other side of themountains. This initial settlement spread to house a number of exploration parties and inevitably

    became the common point to which all westward travelers met. The area was harvested for wood,

    clay, rock and small amounts of exposed ore, and soon the camp became more aligned to a full

    destination, more than a stop over.

    Angors land was thought to hold many natural riches. Untapped mines, spreading forests and an

    enormous mountain promised riches to explorers and the kings that backed them. A coastline not

    set against any enemies, the land was ripe and ready for exploration.

    Ashen Bridefut, leader of the first expeditionary group sent to explore the westernmost limits of theknown world, was first to stake a claim in modern day Ashearst. The citys name is thought to

    have been a combination of Ashens name and the hearth for which he was known to open for

    any traveller, friendly or not. Ashen was well known as a host to explorers. His first cabin even

    featured an outdoor fireplace, covered and raised from the soil so as to provide any wandering

    explorer with shelter and warmth. This, known as Ashs Hearth, is where many historians believe

    the common place name Ashearst had come from.

    From here, a team assembled to traverse the mountains in the distance. A second main camp

    was established in the narrow path between the mountains as an easy fall back point. This camp,

    also set to brave the winter with stockpiles of wood and hunted, salted meat, was overseen by anofficial minister of King Draile. Lord Hanlon, the battle-hardened nobleman set forth by King Draile

    himself to claim the unexplored western lands, was set to stand against the harshness of winter

    and the wilds at this camp. While smaller teams went further into the wilderness, this camp served

    as an easy route for passing materials, men and transport through the mountains. Flanked on

    both sides by immense and sharp ridges, the range was named after King Draile for its powerful

    image against the skyline. In front or behind, the Draile Mountains were seen from anywhere in

    Angor. Staying at Hanlons Pass, its immediately understood why the rock faces were named

    after a king, the stones themselves seem powerful and omnipotent.

    Carrying with them the gold pieces of the eastern provinces, this was naturally observed as

    currency, though trading items of significant value was commonplace as well. After all, food is food

    in the middle of the winter months.

    Angor itself was granted its name by King Draile. Roughly translated from ancient texts, its name

    is rooted in the elements of the wilderness and an old travellers phrase Carried by the wind.

    The Province of Angor was claimed by King Draile as part of the Colonies decades ago. It has

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    changed hands in times of war, but the name has remained, a testament to the harsh wilds of the


    Explorers turned settlers, the land was dotted with small camps. Naturally forming against the

    benefits of local resources, camps were job-specific. Woodcutters, fishing, hunting, farming, the

    necessities of life were managed by isolated camps at first. Roads and harsh pathways werecarved out of the wilds naturally as trade began to develop between the camps.

    A set of explorers more devoted to the magical arts were committed to finding the most powerful

    home they could. The West Reaches, a north-western tip of the land mass, was founded initially

    by this roaming group of mage apprentices. Buried deep in the vaults of texts there, a complete

    history of the decision to make that particular place the home of magical study is detailed. Even in

    times of warfare and invasion, the dark woods that surround the powerful city were left largely to

    their own devices, for fear of disturbing a still-unknown presence there. A dark and meaningful

    history surrounds the city now - its shops, homes and security forces all in tune with the

    mysterious forces that seem to seep from the very earthen soil it was built on.

    Much of the province is untouched, save for the native populations still inhabiting its land. Only a

    percentage has been claimed by the Angoran population for use as towns, cities or farming land.

    Wild in nature as in will, the people of Angor share a tenacity and are known as hearty defenders

    of both their land and values.

    Angor is home to many guilds. Few of them are established in more than one major population

    centre. Young as they are, many hold significant political and cultural weight.

    Modern day Angor, a Province in its infancy, is largely untamed wilderness. Reaching its 100thyear, a centennial celebration is being planned that would make history. Only once in its short

    history has Angor faced capture and destruction. During the Nine Years War, Angors ownership

    changed hands. Beyond a campaign of new paint and propaganda to match the new ruling class,

    the new lordship commanded little change to the day-to-day existence of Angors population. After

    the war had been fought, Angors ownership had been relinquished once again to the Draile

    lineage. After the cities removed the banners of old, theyd been replaced with the long, flowing

    orange banners of the Draile royalty.

    The landscape still wild, the camps, towns and cities spread through Angors wilds are still focused

    on the elements of survival. With barely enough time to enjoy life between the seasons, much of

    the time spent working is on the items of food, shelter, fire and defense. Trade routes are

    established with eastern neighbours, but Angor, like many new provinces, has been left to provide

    mainly for itself.

    Items of luxury, mined out of mountains or found in ancient tombs, are protected in passage to the

    eastern provinces. Kept in various vaults around Angor, these items are preserved for the history

    of the province and destined for the Kings treasury.

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    Angor is a land steeped in the traditions of the older provinces, but caught behind a land searching

    for its own identity. As much as some rituals have been preserved, the population is starving for a

    unique take on these definitions.

    No political ideology has swept through Angor. Past its invasion attempts and current allegiance

    to King Draile, the land is reactive to situations, not creed or philosophical dogma. For each town

    and even for each individual in some cases, a range of ethical thought seems to balance on the

    nature of the situation rather than some predetermined truth. There are splinter groups and

    factions of the religious followers that will lead lives based on text, godly intervention or arcana

    and these individuals will sometimes find themselves in positions of influence around Angor, but

    there is no one belief system enveloping the province.

    Angorans speak in a common language, known steadily through the provinces. There are local

    dialects with long histories. There are also new immigrants bringing with them the languages oftheir homes. In most cases, a common spoken word unites all of Angor to one everyday


    The rites of life and death are measured more by natural outcomes than ritual. During a new birth,

    efforts are made to keep the mother comfortable while, at the moment of birth, the newborn is

    clothed in clean sheets. The newborn is washed in a bath of lavender water, a prayer is given to

    the baby by a sanctioned priest, which will serve as a personal prayer to be carried in spirit for the

    duration of their lives.

    In death, the remains are buried with material possessions not as a means to carry them into thenext life, but to keep them for all eternity. The dead are only lightly spoken of, respect is paid to the


    The sick are treated mostly at home with for-hire doctors paying visits to those that can afford the

    luxury of one-on-one care. Some larger cities have created specific neighbourhoods with

    temporary housing for the sick though these centres are largely understood to be cesspools and

    are avoided by most. Some recent trends suggest that some practising nurses have been

    experimenting with healing by way of magic. No conclusive reports of success or failure afford the

    sick any easier decision in pursuing a magic-based alternative. Most people weigh the risks of the

    unknown in magical arts against the traditional earthly remedies and opt for the tried and tested,

    though some do choose to experiment.

    A lifetime bond, marriage is considered an honourable trait to possess. During a marriage, work is

    expected to continue, if only to keep the fields ploughed and the food hot. Lasting only a day and

    night, the celebrations are welcomed with family and friends. Royal weddings are normally much

    more formal affairs, lasting days or weeks. Gifts are not expected but welcomed, especially if the

    newlyweds are younger or live in remote areas.

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    One of the most well known events through the province is commonly named The Green

    Parade. Often shortened to The Parade, it marks a changing of seasons, a harvest and a

    celebration of life. Alongside the royal orange, draperies of green and banners of leaf print are laid

    out among the streets and hung from shop windows.

    The Parade brings three full days and nights of feasting and gallivanting. Though many shops

    remain open, their operations are weaved around local events. Games, drink and foodstuff are

    plentiful. The green banners and artwork represent the budding trees of the many forests in

    Angor. The Green Parade takes place near the end of winter and is announced by King Draile,

    rather than timed by naturally occurring events. Entire cities often hum with excitement, waiting for

    the announcement of the Parade.

    Crimes are defined only locally. There is no overarching law to frame the actions of the population,

    though a number of truths are observed, generally. Murder, rape and theft are looked upon

    universally as crimes against the natural order. Punishments range between the larger cities andtowns with varying degrees of formality attached to the process of determining guilt. For some, a

    courthouse trial while others are left to shout their defense whilst being tied to the burning stake.

    Children are taught during the course of the day. Without the time or effort required to build

    schooling facilities like some of the older provinces, the children of Angor are expected to work

    towards the same ends as the adults. Through these tasks, they learn the trades of farming,

    animal husbandry, carpentry, weaponsmithing and the other necessities of survival.

    Churches and temples of various deities populate the cities of Angor like any other. Their patrons

    keep vigil, pray and pay sacrifice as needed and for the most part, are considered virtuous. Moreoften than not, churches serve as safe haven for the lost, though some are said to have ambitions

    in secret that do not reflect the appearance they project to the public. Places of worship are

    popular for ethnic outliers as well. Not stigmatized from society, immigrants often do not find it

    difficult to become fully immersed in Angoran culture, if only because the province itself is so

    young. Those that have no family or otherwise, have no stable home in the province, will seek

    shelter in buildings of worship.

    Markets are largely unmanaged. Except in the instances of fraud or misrepresentation, where the

    local guard will become involved, the fluctuations of value in specific commodities are controlled

    almost exclusively by supply and demand. Smaller shops cover a wide variety of goods in smaller

    towns while larger markets cover sectors of larger cities, specializing each shop toward a specific


    In most cases, the golden coins of the Draile Kingdom are a valued currency. Smaller investment

    opportunities and private banks are a new institution in Angor. Met with a furrowed brow and a

    long pause, banks are not entirely trusted with the wealth of individuals unless they are long

    standing and trusted names from other provinces. In some occasions, fledgling con-artists have

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    been known to swindle the dim-witted out of gold for savings plans in banks that dont even exist.

    Angorans are known to keep coins close to their chests because of urban legends like these.

    Guilds exist in place of many fundamental societal structures. In a town where there is no acting

    government, the merchants guild might make the town-wide decisions. In areas with no

    functioning authority, an adventurers guild will take the responsibilities of justice and servingtowards peace. Guild members are often seen with respect and a sense of duty about them.

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    Equipment and Weapons

    A steady flow of raw materials in the region allows for the production and development of all types

    of equipment, weapons and consumables. Styles and designs borrowed from the eastern

    provinces are matched by original concepts seen widely in Angor. Cities and towns will have their

    own flair for signature items and some will be clearly of certain descent. Runes, symbols andcolour used to denote specific areas of the province are used like a stamp or mark of pride.

    Refined metals, tanned hide and hardened wood make up most of the building materials in Angor,

    but rare building supplies may be acquired for a price. With rarity, the danger in obtaining these

    materials is usually reflected in the cost to the consumer.

    Granyx, an ore found so far only in Angor is of very high demand. The strongest swords, the

    toughest plate, the sharpest arrowhead are all made of it. Known universally as a strong material

    that holds an edge, Granyx is sought after by both the warrior and the craftsman.

    In some towns, weapons become even less valuable than farming implements or builders tools.

    Especially in remote locations, there is less a need for defensive items as there is the tools of

    survival. In some especially remote locations, there has never been an attack in documented

    history from an external force in these cases, weapons would be left almost entirely to whatever

    law enforcement agencies are in place.

    The weapons of war are both traditional and modern in their own respect. Some of the more

    modern destinations in Angor will even have facilities dedicated to the development of offensive

    and defensive weaponry, while some of the more remote locales might only have meager clubs or

    old and decrepit short swords.

    A litany of swords, clubs, bows, flails, axes and staffs make up the majority of weapons in Angor.

    They are made with different materials and different philosophies of use, and you can sometimes

    find markings denoting a particular smiths work or a city armory to which the weapon belongs.

    Makeshift weaponry is found closer to the outlying communities while the more refined and

    designer weapons are crafted in the larger cities. Decorative weapons are found in taverns, living

    rooms, royal quarters and tombs. They wouldnt be as formidable in combat, but theyre adorned

    with jewels and fancy etchings, making them a sought after item for the wealthy and starving alike.

    Alongside the weaponry, Angor is home to a variety of armor and clothing. Crafted from anything

    stable enough to withstand the bow or blade, smiths have access to a mix of materials to protect

    the fighters of the province. Tunics, coveralls and simple shirt-trouser ensembles are seen

    everywhere, while the fancier, softer fabrics are often little more than a show of wealth.

    Cotton, suede and jute clothing reign over the more luxurious fabrics. Made for the masses, there

    is only one massive warehouse in the Province. Held within the capital as a repository for traded

    fabrics, there are mountains of clothes located there. Aside from this, smaller shops and

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    independent clothiers are the main sources of tunics, trousers, leggings, sweaters, overcoats and

    dress attire. Clothes, armor and weaponry in Angor are built for utility anything else is regarded

    as a display of power and authority.

    Colours and patterns point to the places the garments were made, but with all artisan craft, there

    are cheaper replicas often sold in place of the real. Though this underground market forcounterfeiting isnt as prevalent as some of the more developed provinces, it exists in major city


    Enchanted by the mages of the West or rookie practitioners in the back alleys of Hammerfelt,

    magical items are sold in shops across the province. In underground markets and to particular

    collectors, magical items are seen most often as unreliable or unpredictable. Used mostly by those

    with little to lose, the risk associated with magic-infused materials is often enough to scare even

    the bravest adventurer away from those swords that seem too good to be true.

    Weaker magical items are in relatively common use among both the rich and poor of Angor. Bothto the farmer and the fighter, items that provide occasional interventions or good luck charms are

    seen everywhere. Both known and sometimes unknown to their owners, these items are usually

    not as volatile as their empowered cousins.

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    Like all provinces, mages and magicians of Angor are struggling to capture the essences of magic

    in a containable, usable form. For every successful attempt at harnessing its power, a new and

    misunderstood issue arises. Even those with decades of experience, like everywhere else,

    endeavor to enclose the natural powers of the land beneath their feet - more often than not withdire consequence.

    There are places in Angor known to strongly resonate with the magically inclined. The Reaches of

    the West is a city founded on the first exploratory mages of Angor. Known as the Lonely Seven,

    they made way for a force felt between them, emanating from the west. What specifically that

    force awakened in the Lonely Seven is still essentially unknown. With their graves marking the

    center of the city itself, the province may never know what lead them to establish the Reaches, but

    magic practitioners from across the province make yearly journeys to Rest with the Seven.

    Many have thought the wooded lands of Angor held magical promise. Matched by the practise ofmagic in the Pillar of Organics, this claim is verifiably true by many wandering sorcerers.

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    The Guilds

    The Archers Guild, known mainly as a hunting collective of rangers and woodsmen, has recently

    been under the spotlight of many city guard regiments. To offset the somewhat barbaric and

    outdated defensive capabilities of the major city guard units, guild members were enlisted to spottalented bowmen and train them to a point of proficiency. Soon after the initial surge of new

    archers washed into the city guard units, the guild members faded back into a background role,

    once again reverting to the wooded areas of Angor, where dynamic and always-moving camps

    are established. The guild is entirely self-sufficient year round. The best hunters of Angor are

    recruited by the Archers Guild. Distinguishable by outstanding skill with bow and arrow, the only

    identifying mark guild members use to identify each other is the mark of a branded broadhead on

    the string-hand of the shooter.

    The Adventurers Guild, informally known as House of the Wolves, is a home for the wanderer,

    the treasure hunter and the unafraid. Surrounded by legends of victory, the full member isadorned by wolfs fur. Attached for utility and a measure of valor, the fur is often draped as an

    outermost layer to the fighters armor, over the neck to cover most of the chest and shoulders.

    Often individuals of few words, the Wolven use action to illustrate their intentions. Arguably

    equipped with the best weapons and most formidable armor that Angor has to offer, membership

    is proven, not requested or given.

    The Craftsman Guild is responsible for most of the progression in what is made in Angor. From

    the technology behind shield and mail construction to the architecture seen in larger cities, the

    Craftsman Hammer, a seal of approval and proof of construction, denotes origin. The guild

    operates out of various cities and towns around Angor, with larger contingents finding home inlarger cities. A small stamp applied to all materials, from leather to steel, is the trademark of the

    guild. The finest items of any nature are marked with this symbol, a shielded hammer, to signal to

    the buyer that the merchandise was created by a truly guild driven craftsman.

    The complete history of the Magus Guild is unknown by many. Finding its beginnings from within

    the ranks of The Lonely Seven, the guild itself has a very select few within its membership. Split in

    rank between the few Magus, an elder and finely tuned group of sorcerers and the Student, those

    who have not been granted full guild membership. The alignment of the guild falls on

    circumstance. Stories pass through taverns of angry magicians casting fire upon entire towns just

    as soon as word of magical healers, blessing entire orchards of crops. Guild members, old and

    new, rarely stray too far from the Reaches of the West, though journeys have been undertaken to

    investigate magical happenings, empowered ruins and claims of the supernatural. In cases where

    a guild member is seen outside his chambers, they are usually found to be wearing a long and

    sparsely detailed blue hooded robe. Folklore speaks of a certain glow to these fabrics, but

    empirical evidence has yet to be seen en masse.

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    The Thieves Guild is a tightly woven band of outlaws at best. At worst, theyre the shadows from

    which the belongings of the population of Angor seem to vanish. Rumor surrounds the Thieves

    Guild, which seems to operate only out of cities where their presence would be handsomely

    rewarded. Some believe theyve been employed by the cities they appear in to enrich the ruling

    class with the treasures, few as they are, of the poor. Others believe they dont exist at all, and are

    simply an excuse for common bandits and criminals to misdirect the attention theyve garnered forcrimes of their own. With no official uniform, no well-known leadership and no signage, theyre

    phantoms, merely ghosts, walking with the jewelry of the living, hiding in plain sight.

    In the cities that mark the map of Angor, the Merchants Guild is by far the most well-known. In

    some towns, they replace the need for government as the control of trade and social decision

    making rests silently in their quarters. In larger cities with functioning systems of government, the

    Merchantry acts as an advocate for shopkeepers and forge owners. Keeping the policies aligned

    with the market, the Merchantry is a bridge between the rich and poor. Known province-wide by a

    single golden circle, the symbol stands as a testament to the biggest concern for the guild - gold.

    Their houses are often sparsely furnished and they often wear only common clothing in a show ofsolidarity with the vendors they represent, but in most estimations, the Merchantry controls up to

    half of the currency currently in motion, at any given time in Angor.

    The youngest of all, the Brewmans Guild attracts mostly outlying personality types. Known

    primarily for their efforts in creating and documenting the effects of various magical potions and

    elixirs, the Brewmen have difficulty finding test subjects for their concoctions and therefore often

    have to rely on each other to test the newest blends. This, paired with a lifetime of collecting

    undocumented and untested raw materials, has lead to the guild having a very colorful

    membership. Its members are seen living on the streets and in the wilds of Angor, awash in a

    daze of half-drank potions.

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    The Cities


    The capital city of Angor, Asheasrt is considered to be the busiest, most beautiful city in the

    province. Nested halfway into the Ample Wood, the city planners did not expect to draw as muchof the population as they did. Steadily increasing, the city relies on the thick protection of the

    woods to shield the rear flank while the section built outside of the woods finds protection behind a

    thick cobblestone wall. The wall itself is the best of its kind in the province, build with longevity and

    security in mind. Even during the threat of invasion, tests launched against its outer layers proved

    the naysayers wrong when not a single stone was dislodged from its place.

    A small town of noblemen and the wealthy inside the protective walls, most of the residents live

    within the wooded sector of the city. Small community fire pits provide a proper place for cooking

    and boiling water in groups. A rotation of responsibilities keep everyone busy and the efforts

    towards the preparations for winter at a steady pace. During the cold months, there is a greateffort to continue hunting, but the remainder of the cityfolk just buckle down for the cold.

    The city is home to a variety of interesting sights. Home to both the Craftsman Guild and the

    Merchantry, the capital city is responsible for producing some of the most sturdy materials, the

    most sought after weaponry and articles for individuals that remain largely unmatched by external

    vendors. A small but valuable market rests inside the city with vendors of food, clothing,

    equipment and weaponry. Particularly, a shop from the Craftsman Guild The Toole & Dye.

    Within, the most luxurious items available from the Guild best known for workmanship. As well, a

    tavern Lillorys Lagershoppe. A bar with deep connections and a storied past.

    The streets are mainly paved with a pressed stone mixture. The buildings are of hardened wood

    and stone bricks. Ashearth is clean and presentable, a shining light in an otherwise wild province.

    A church, dimly lit and smelling of dampness is a safe haven for anybody who should pass into its

    always-open doors. A single lantern always flickering above its main door, the steeple is a visual

    landmark in the city. A crested sword atop her highest point, the building is a beautiful tribute to

    Loshath, the god its paying worship to. A generous and gentle god, Loshaths followers are

    stewards of peace and love. A positive flock, the Loshathans are a welcome group in the city.

    Often referred to as brother or sister by passerby, the church holds little influence outside of its

    friendly interactions with the public. As far as anyone can tell, its been here - possibly as a

    neighbouring cabin - since Ashen himself.

    The city has a small keep, staffed by the city guard. With little need due to the remarkably low

    crime rate, the guard keep focused on the defensive lines in the open fields in front of the city.

    Wearing an orange and black uniform atop plate and chain armor, they are outfitted from the

    Kings armory and trained to be a representation of the Kingdom, a true capitals guard.

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    A city founded on grey rock, Hammerfelt is a stronghold. An industrious city whose main attraction

    for visitors and vendors alike is the large foundry at its core. Open and available by means of

    temporary rental to anyone who choses, the foundry, named Moldmill for its obvious utility,

    combined with the steady flow of foot traffic that passes through.

    Moldmill is responsible for producing some of the finest alloys in the region. Hard, strong and

    sharp, the steel that leaves the facility is known for its durability. Most commonly, the molds used

    in the foundry form the head for hammers, a blunt smashing tool meant both as a tool and a

    weapon. The city draws its name from a long history of manufacturing hammers of all varieties.

    The foundry makes up a large portion of the city. A small patch of housing flanks it on both sides

    with a selection of vendors piled out front of its main entrance. Shops selling raw materials,

    weaponsmithing supplies and tools, there are few opportunities for food or shelter.

    Most notably, a smithing outfit named The Bronze Mallet. An embossed bronze sign setting it

    apart from the scrap-wood inked sign from the neighbours, The Bronze Mallet is a specialty shop

    for crafting materials. Setting them apart from the others that sell scrap metals, they also have

    finished works - weapons and armor - for sale. These specialty items are priced accordingly and

    are sought after by warfighters, adventurers and royalty for both collection and actual fighting.

    A small and stubby inn named A Common Cup rests near the middle of the market, providing

    the most well known food, drink and bed services of the city. Its trademark stew of root

    vegetables and freshly hunted meat holds a house secret the meat is first pulverized by wooden

    clubs to soften it to the point where it simply falls apart in the bowl. Beds are available here for theweary traveller, so long as a vacancy exists.

    One more shop of notable popularity is the aptly named Hiltn Edge. A sword shop unparalleled

    in the province, it stands out among the throngs of hammer-based weapon stands. A range of

    blades, from the ornate and decorative to the strong and sharp, the shop is built as a stand alone

    building, setting it apart from the other shared-wall buildings in the market. Staffed by fighters,

    they didnt make the blades but are heavily invested in their trade.

    Hammerfelt is a working city. Without any churches or temples, the people find ritual in work. The

    work day begins with a small feast, a testament to the hardworking farmers of the province. The

    day ends with a similar meal, a celebration of another day given to the people of Hammerfelt to

    produce items of value. Exceptional pieces are idolized by the public. Finding statues guarded

    day-long holding unique items crafted within the city walls. These items hold significance for the

    population of Hammerfelt as the physical embodiment of hard work, a proof with no added faith

    required. For visitors, they are wondrous attractions. Particularly, a marble statue of The Great

    Enchantress, a visually stunning, voluptuous woman dressed in flowing hooded robes. In one

    hand, a sceptre with obvious tribute to the Lonely Seven, the other, outstretched and open,

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    waiting for a worthy item to hold. A gift from the Reaches, it established a partnership some many

    decades ago between the cities.

    Not much more than a large foundry, the people that staff and use it and the shops needed to

    keep the city functional, Hammerfelt is a production city. Seated near a coast, the city employs a

    tall stone wall to defend it against any opposition that makes it past the mountains and further inland. The city has a guard group that is outfitted primarily by the locals themselves. Carrying a

    variety of weapons, they all bear the same plain uniform leather boots atop cotton trousers, a

    simple grey tunic and in most cases, a steel helmet. They are a mostly focused and stalwart

    private army, employed by the foundry to protect it as the citys most valuable commodity. They

    act not in the best interest of the city but rather, of the foundry itself.

    The West Reaches

    One of the most historical cities in Angor and steeped in mysticism, the West Reaches, or as itscommonly referred to The Reaches, is a landing for the weary feet of magical travellers. The city

    is built into a northern forest of old hardwoods. The wood itself is rich in history. Some of the

    longest, straightest logs come from this area. Wildlife remains present and undisturbed through

    most of the wood, making for great success in hunting and trapping expeditions.

    The Reaches have been notoriously difficult to pillage. While the occasional altercation with bandit

    camps in the area pose a realistic threat to the adventurous type, the outlaws seek riches and

    enchanted materials from within the city. The items that have managed to escape the grasp of the

    mages that control them wind up traded through black markets in the region.

    The West Reaches were established by one of the first exploring groups of the province. Setting

    out from Hanlons Pass to establish base camps further into the wilds, a group of seven walked

    further than all others. Almost completely removed from the rest, save for annual meetings in

    Ashearst, they were quickly nicknamed the Lonely Seven. They brought more travellers with

    them, they found means to survive. Influenced heavily by magical feats and legend, many assume

    they were naturally drawn to the final settlement location by forces unknown to the masses.

    The city itself is woven through tall Sawtooth trees. The leaves arch to a pair of points, one

    smaller than the other. They draw their name from a visual illusion that, when leaves are piled one

    on top of the other, makes them resemble a saw. The trees bear a sturdy, dark brown bark.

    Losing their leaves towards the winter months, the city takes on a very macabre tone as the long

    and spindly tree limbs arch over the buildings like boney fingers, swaying in the wind.

    A collection of buildings acting as temporary hostels provide places to stay, though there are few

    that actually call the Reaches home. More of a turnover place of pilgrimage, the Reaches house

    as many that are willing to stay. There are no hard and fast city limits. No walls protecting it from

    danger or preventing entry. No guards to check passport or authority papers. The city starts with a

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    couple buildings dotting the forest. Continuing past them, the buildings begin to be huddled more

    closely together until, at its core, a large collection encircle the chapel, a towering centerpiece to

    the city.

    The Chapel is named from a single tree, believed to be a landmark for the Lonely Seven.

    Whitetree Chapel has within it a single Birch tree. Tall and healthy, strong and thick, it radiatesinside the chapel and serves as a natural platform from which an altar has been built. The only

    confirmed Birch tree in the province, it is said that the Lonely Seven spotted it as they made way

    through the forest and gravitated towards it from some sort of feeling of safety they took from it.

    Even from afar, it looked as if it was actually generating light, its white bark shining through the

    woods surrounding it.

    Whitetree chapel can seat around a hundred at once in its main chamber. Sermons are not

    planned or announced, rather, they are conducted when conditions are deemed appropriate by

    the senior mages. Beyond its main room, there is positively a labyrinth of underground rooms and

    halls. It is purported to contain the collected knowledge of all understood forms of magic within,though only a select few have ever been granted entry without the proper understanding of

    magical arts.

    A single spire curves toward the sky, starting at the crest of the large wooden front door. From this

    point, curving gradually toward the much taller rear, it meets again in a point that travels up,

    creating a final point no thicker than a tree trunk. It is somewhat crooked and disjointed but left as

    the original structure, built by the Lonely Seven with very primitive tools. Here, they lived,

    worshipped, practised and expanded. Since the days of the original structure, the inside has been

    modernized and rebuilt to be much stronger and long lasting. The outside, with original wood and

    sinew, remains a testament to the hardships of the Lonely Seven.

    The Lonely Seven Cachtan, Malhov, Sinket, Goltannan, Urder, Innislan and Ordenal. Explorers

    with a specific fascination in magic, set out from Hanlons Pass in the times of early exploration,

    when the province was establishing itself as a viable settlement in the Draile Kingdom. Building a

    single shelter to house them, their materials and the necessities of survival around a stand out

    Birch tree, the Seven called upon an ancient energy, stronger here than anywhere, to practise

    their understanding of magical powers.

    Enchanters, alchemists, sorcerers, conjurers and dark practitioners make trips to the Reaches to

    learn at the hands of the Magus Guild, a formal group established not only to explore magical

    influences, but to categorically document and harness them. Denoted by blue robes, the members

    of the guild live among the buildings in the city while members seek them out for instruction and

    guidance. The guild does not have a specific building to act as a headquarters, rather, theyre

    welcomed in any building, at any time, for any reason. They dont pay for food or shelter. Treated

    like oracles, they are left to do their duties and respected fully by patrons and the public. Guild

    members are responsible for the upkeep of the town itself. There are an unknown number of guild

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    members. They act independently of regional government and are left usually to practise in peace

    by provincial bodies and representatives of the Kingdom alike.


    The first of its kind, Gravesmill is a fully functional city, independant of the capital, the Kingdomand its alliances within the province. A medium sized city by any standards, the city has small

    communities inside its walls that house, produce, clothe, feed and protect the population. The city

    is commanded by a single man. Lukas Graves, son to a long line of Gravespeople. A historical site

    within the city, the Original Mill stands as a strong symbol of the hard-headed perserverence

    brought to the region by one of the familys first to settle in the area. The Original Mill is built upon a

    shallow stream, jutting out of a rocky outcropping, its large enough for several families to live

    inside of. The Gravespeople, later shortened to Graves, were some of the first travellers to find

    refuge in the area, a popular resting place for its proximity to the Bay of Kings.

    Bountiful with natural resources, some say that building a productive city in this area was easierthan others, so its really no wonder Gravesmill has become the busy place it is. A strong fishing

    market alongside an easy trade route with the farms of Redcase provide the freshest market

    foods in the province. A strong economy inside the city walls create lots of time for creative

    cooking, sewing and crafting. Home to the core membership of the Merchantry, meetings are held

    in Gravesmill to coordinate the actions of the Merchants Guild throughout the province.

    Specifically, a number of shops have become widely known and are popular destinations. His

    Majestys Arsenal, an old adventurers outfitting store dating back to the times of exploration, is

    filled with racks containing weapons, armor and equipment from craftsmen around the province. It

    stands strongly as a wooden building with a shingled roof atop a cobblestone foundation.

    Boulder Lodge, a well known establishment for finding respite, is built upon a large rock that

    serves as the bar back. Shelves hollowed out of the rock face hold pitchers of ale and casks of

    liquor. Two storied, the upper level is adorned with artwork depicting adventure and war-heroes.

    The upper level rests its floor on the rock below, further adding to the notoriety of the bulging slab

    of the ground floor. Food, drink and overnight accommodations are well known from Boulder


    Coinsworth Clothiers is a soft-goods emporium best known for clothing and fabric crafts. Selling

    the best known fabrics in the province, a number of tailors are always hard at work with the tasks

    of making custom drapery and fancy tunics. The dignified are often found shopping here, while

    there are items made specifically to be more affordable while carrying the quality that Coinsworth

    has been known for. The sole proprietor, Anabelle Coinsworth, seems always to find trouble.

    Known not only for her fine wares, Anabelle is recognized for her sorted past with rebel groups as


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    A main church finds a home near the protective wall of the city. East of the market, the church is

    the primary worship grounds for many of the residents of Gravesmill. Bolstering itself upon a short

    hill, the church is visible from most of the eastern parts of the city. A tall sign, well kept with fanciful

    black ink reads St. Wykhors Ministry. A peaceful, well-intentioned parish stays among the

    basement quarters and lives to serve the poor and downtrodden residents of the city out of duty to

    Saint Wykhor.

    A legendary figure, St. Wykhor is believed to have given his life to the Gods of Day and Night in a

    time where sacrifices needed to be met. Every year, the Gods of Day and Night are believed to

    need sacrificial rituals performed to continue the cycles of these binary forces. During winter

    months, where the time lapses between day and night start to become unbalanced toward the

    night, it is believed the gods require evidence of gratitude for providing the essences of light and

    heat from day, and so they require sacrifice.

    St. Wykhor ended the cycle of deathly sacrifice by instead committing himself to the needs of the

    Gods. He is revered at the height of every winter in a grand celebration that spans across theentire city by means of feasting, singing and celebrating. Known as The Day and Night of

    Offering, the holiday is held to very high regard in the city.

    A modest housing sector surrounds the city, both in and outside the city walls. Houses constructed

    of both soft and hardwoods are normally topped by thatched roofs. Chimneys poke out, often

    emanating the scent of newly baked bread or roasting hog. Food is plentiful and easily grown. The

    population, as a result, is often fatter than most others in the province. The city is widely regarded

    as a positive, bountiful place of harvest and cheer.

    Hanlons Pass

    Lord Hanlon, the first official designate of the Kingdom itself was sent to the province to capture

    its resources and stake a claim in the name of King Draile. A warrior himself, stories of bloodshed

    and triumph trail Lord Hanlon.

    Lord Hanlon set out to conquer the province. On entering the more western lands of the Kingdom,

    a mountain range in the distance, looking like it spanned the entire horizon, was thought to be the

    outer limits of any expeditionary force. Making headway past a stretch, the mountains became

    even more ominous. As he moved his explorers closer, he noticed a sharp valley as the mountains

    on both sides left a passage through the middle. Thinking it to be a perfect location for ambush,

    multiple scouting teams were sent to spot the area. Some, for even months of watching, noticed

    no signs of unusual or aggressive activity. More a route by which random groups used to avoid the

    treacherous mountain paths, Lord Hanlon elected to establish an encampment along the narrow

    valley. It became naturally known as Hanlons Pass by travellers using the road built in its place.

    The city took on a more formal title when its name was accredited by the Kingdom.

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    The city is evenly divided to two halves on each side of a brick road built 50 paces wide to

    accommodate for the volumes of caravans passing through. Now known as the easiest route from

    which to pass through the mountains, vendors and traders congregate here to await shipments.

    Travellers pass through untaxed by the Kingdom for usage of the route which is often seen as a

    gift from the King himself.

    Now, a bustling stopover for merchants and observers alike, the city is dotted by very well known

    shops and stations. A number of roadside cabins house worshippers from most major religions.

    While no single denomination presides over the city, many churches operating out of nondescript

    buildings are available for followers to attend.

    Of particular interest, a number of special places are held dear by many. The Ugly Peasant is

    one such place. A tavern to some, a brothel to others. The wildest nights in the province are often

    played out inside the walls of the Ugly Peasant. Spilling into the street, Hanlons Guard often has

    the task of calming the drunken belligerents made by the Peasant. The entire surface of the tavern

    is usually wet to the touch, uncleanable by the mix of drinks and bile present at all hours of the

    day. The road doesnt rest, neither does the Ugly Peasant.

    Lamplight is a storefront of particular interest. The only of its kind in the province, they stock a

    variety of lighting instruments for travel on foot, by boat or by wagon. A short stone building with a

    lantern on an old iron hook hanging above the front door. Most say that lanterns oil well has never

    been refuelled. A variety of lamps, lanterns and other lighting implements are sold to anyone with

    enough gold. Some items, expensive as they are, have been enchanted in such as way as to bear

    a light from within, enabling the item itself to glow.

    Another specialty shop is run by Kelhath, a well-known archer. Fletched and True, a shop for the

    discerning tastes of archers from throughout the province, has garnered a reputation for itself asbeing the best of its kind. Available here are the weapons of choice to rangers and hunters.

    Bows, arrows, quivers and all types of accessory are produced inside the workshop, just behind

    the counter. Kelhath is a very knowledgeable archer himself and will help to find fit and function for

    the novice or the professional. The shop is among few of its kind, selling items made both in

    house and from the Craftsman Guild. Kelhath has been known to only sell his creations to a select

    few. Bearing one of his instruments of death is in itself a testament to an archer's skill.

    The city is always busy with the errands of travellers and the mix and mashed varieties of those

    using its main path through the mountains. Hanlons Guard, the citys standing army and authority

    figures, dress themselves in red tunics so as to be easily identifiable through the stir of the public.

    They tend to the issues of maintenance and enforcement in the city. The same man finding

    himself as jailor could one day be tasked with repairing sections of the path. Most of the Guard are

    humble working men and few have anything to prove. Quiet as they can be, however, they are

    well known brawlers and have no trouble proving their worth against an adversary.

    As the only regularly used trade route to empower the rest of the province, nearly any service can

    be found in Hanlons Pass. All matters of food, drink, clothing, weaponry or equipment can be

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    found in some form as well. The city seems always to be available, never closing or ceasing. At

    any time, Hanlons Pass is open for business and waiting for new friends to walk its path through

    the draile mountains.

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    The Towns

    Angor has grown recently to accomodate not only major city centres but a collection of smaller yet

    established towns. Populated and growing, these towns are unique to each other and are filled

    with the same memorable personalities that set apart the larger cities from the rest of the

    province, but theyre larger than the other settlements in the province, who have been livingtogether out of necessity more than choice.


    A coastal fishing village, Detan is consumed by the tasks of pulling food from the water. Detan is

    not only known for exporting fish meat as theyre also one of the largest boat manufacturers as

    well. In fact, most water vessels seen around the province are the craft of Detan natives. Shops

    carrying supplies and tools for making boats are found closer to the water, with the buildings in

    charge of bringing in the harvested fish and processing them, ready for shipment or to be

    devoured by the hungry fishermen responsible for bringing them in. Most notably, residents areknown for the preparation of Greyfin, the most popular and plentiful fish found in Angor.

    On the docks of Detan, passage to any stretch of the coastline can be purchased from one of

    many guides. Newly harvested and unprocessed sea life may be purchased here as well as the

    tools required for catching them. Thanks to the successful fishing ports of the village, Detan can

    be smelled on a wind carried by the sea for several kilometers before reaching its outer limits.


    A farming community, the Redcase town lines are drawn with dynamic and shifting ideals in place.Even as far as the Kingdom is concerned, the town is more an area than a place, specifically.

    Centrally, there are a few shops and taverns set among the more populated roads, but the area is

    dotted with many farms. Redcase supplies most of the produce for the province and has become

    quite adept at preservation methods for travelling long distances on trade routes between the


    Most shops found in Redcase will have the tools for trades related to farming. A small shop in the

    town named Salted Stone sells a variety of specialty items for storing foods over long periods of

    time. The populations of Redcase are simpleminded country folk, hardworking and knowledgeable

    of their lands, they dont spend much time dwelling on the philosophical or metaphysical.


    A town atop a mountain, the only of its kind. Stonestairs is aptly named after the thousand-step

    staircase that leads to it. Resting in a partially covered platform on top of Mount Haste, a daunting

    and jagged mountain of the Draile Mountain range, Stonestairs is a quaint and quiet town of a

    couple hundred residents. Alongside the regular businesses, a specialty store concerning the

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    equipment for climbing and cave-searching named Talus Rope and Pick finds a home among

    the more general storefronts.

    Without many exports to call their own, many of the towns folk have taken to hunting and crafting

    to make a living. A strong contingent of Archers Guild members rent a home used as a gathering

    place in Stonestairs. Unassuming and keeping to themselves, the Guild meets regularly, thoughmany of their members are spread through the province at any given time, establishing hunt

    camps of their own.


    One very particular trend puts Vernahulls marker on many maps the town is incredibly wealthy

    for such an underpopulated area. Many believe the town to be home to the Theives Guild, that is,

    if it even exists. The town itself is very dull and uninspiring. Regular stone and wood buildings with

    unimaginative exteriors are a front to roaming bandits as the interiors are nothing short of

    amazing. Golds, silvers, jewels. Weapons, rare armors, enchanted wands and fabulous clothingall under the watchful eye of monotonous looking owners. Held behind incredibly complex locks,

    the residents themselves cant explain why such riches can be found all captured in one place.

    Many claim they were granted these treasures from adventures past or through inheritance

    though many more claim them to be suspect to nefarious doings.

    A general goods store and a lackluster tavern sit awkwardly and empty in the middle of town.

    Alongside these staples, a small cobblestone church not tied to any one particular deity patiently

    waits for fellowship. A single priest to maintain it, hes nothing if not pleasurable to passerby.


    A shield present in its name, many are not surprised to find a wide variety of shops pertaining to

    handheld shields and weaponry. The main producer of shields for both the province and the entire

    western Kingdom, Bucklerhost holds a couple hundred workers united to find the best technology

    possible for the creation of shields. A shop with the most notoriety, where even the windows are

    lined in stamped steel, Rampart & Rapier, holds inside the best the town has to offer.

    Adventurers and private soldiers travel long and far to get hold of the products in R&R.

    Bucklerhost, just south of The Reaches, tends to itself and its populace. Small farms produce

    what cant be obtained from Redcase and an entire row of dealers house a tiny fragment of the

    Merchantry, allowing for a more refined market to exist. A miniature version of some larger cities,

    Bucklerhost is also home to the Brewmans Guild. For those not sound enough to stay within the

    Reaches or outcasted by those of sounder mind, the Brewmans Guild wanders through the

    streets of Bucklerhost swashing their elixirs, trying to sell what they can to those who havent

    heard the sob story before.