Anglais 3 Livret de · un document...

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Transcript of Anglais 3 Livret de · un document...

Anglais 3e

Livret de cours

Rédaction et Relecture pédagogiqueSylvie Beuzon

Paul CodyFrédéric Duc

Odile Malavaux

Expertise pédagogiqueAlain Rossignol, IA-IPR d’anglais

Coordination pédagogique

Olivier Immoun

Ce cours est la propriété du Cned. Les images et textes intégrés à ce cours sont la propriété de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit respectifs. Tous ces éléments font l’objet d’une protection par les dispositions du code français de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent être utilisés qu’à des fins strictement personnelles. Toute reproduction, utilisation collective à quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise à disposition de tiers d’un cours

ou d’une œuvre intégrée à ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.©Cned-2009

SommaireSéquence 7

Communication Civilisation Grammaire Lexique Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1Illustration d’une métaphore Extrait de The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, de Mark Haddon

Parler pour décrire Lecture d’un extrait d’œuvre littéraire Les métaphores

Lexique de la description It makes me think of.../It makes me feel... Métaphores

Mémoriser pour prendre la parole de façon continue afin de décrire un document iconographique

Séance 2Document iconographique d’accrocheExtrait de The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, by Irish novelist John Boyne

Parler pour décrire à partir de notesExprimer de fortes hypothèses

Lecture d’un extrait d’Œuvre littérairePériode historique : la seconde guerre mondiale

Lexique lié à la thématique Modal : must be avec valeur de forte hypothèse

Prendre la parole de façon continue à partir de notes pour décrire un document iconographique

Séance 3Dossiers de notes sur la vie quotidienne dans les camps de concentration

Exprimer des obligations au passé

Documents sur la vie quotidienne dans les camps de concentration

Lexique de la thématique Had to à valeur d’obligation

Être capable de trouver des informations dans un texte portant sur une thématique connue

Séance 4Interviews

Parler pour remercier et solliciterParler pour restituer des informations et demander des précisionsInterviewer

Interviews de survivants de la Shoah

Lexique lié à la thématiqueExpressions de sollicitations et de remerciements

Intonation des phrases exprimant la sollicitation et le remerciement

Savoir intérargir à l’oral de façon guidée et structurée

Séance 5Extrait des mêmes interviewsListe de tâches à accomplir

Décrire la vie quotidienne passéeParler pour réformer un élément d’une conversation pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas comprisParler pour rendre compte

Idem Used toPresent perfect + already et yet

L’accent de phrase porteur de sens

Savoir utiliser l’accent de phrase pour corriger le propos de l’interlocuteur

Séance 6Liste de tâches à accomplirConversation téléphonique

Parler pour solliciter Imperial War Museum, ressources éducatives

Lexique des ressources éducativesHave to au futur avec valeur d’obligation

Intonation des phrases exprimant la sollicitation

Savoir adapter le registre de langue à l’interlocuteur (1)

Séance 7Conversation téléphoniquePoème

Parler pour réagirJ’apprends un poème

Poème Would/could : valeur de politesseExpressions de réactions (stupeur, enthousiasme, accord, réponse positive)

Intonation des phrases exprimant des réactions (stupeur, enthousiasme, accord, réponse positive)

Savoir adapter le registre de langue à l’interlocuteur (2)

Séance 8Documents travaillés lors de la séquence

Réactivation des outils langagiers de la séquence

Rebrassage des thèmes culturels abordés

Réactivation Prise de conscience des critères à respecter pour réussir l’évaluation

Être capable de vérifier que l’on a tous les outils nécessaires pour aborder l’évaluation

— © Cned, Anglais 3e4

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Séquence 7séance 1 —

Séance 1Je parle pour décrire

J’apprends ce qu’est une métaphore et je fais de l’étymologieJe découvre un extrait d’œuvre littéraire authentique

L’activité langagière dominante de cette séquence est la production orale : « parler en continu » et « réagir et dialoguer ». C’est une compétence indispensable, tu t’en doutes, si tu veux communiquer dans une langue étrangère, mais qui n’est pas facile à développer lorsque l’on n’est pas en face de quelqu’un pour parler. Les différentes séances te guideront pas à pas vers davantage d’autonomie à l’oral et te proposeront des tâches qui essaieront de pallier l’absence de récepteur (celui qui écoute) et d’interlocuteur (celui qui répond). Suis bien toutes les consignes des activités accompagnées du symbole "micro" et essaie dans la mesure du possible de t’enregistrer.

je parle pour décrire

Step 1Watch this picture very carefully

1- Describe it. You can use this anatomical drawing as a help!

eyelid pupil

irisAn eye

I can see….

— © Cned, Anglais 3e6

Séquence 7 — séance 1

2- What does it make you think of? Why? (À quoi cela te fait-il penser ? Pourquoi ?)

Example of an answer: It makes me think of Adam and Eve because of the apple.

What about you?

It makes me think of...

3- What does it make you feel like? Why? (Quel sentiment cela éveille-t-il en toi ? Pourquoi ?)

Example of an answer: It makes me feel happy because I think it is funny to draw an apple in an eye.

It makes me feel...

Step 21- Listen and repeat.

eye [ai]- iris [ai{ris]- pupil [pju:pil] - it makes me think of Adam and Eve[i:v]- it makes me feel happy

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Séquence 7séance 1 —

2- Read your three paragraphs aloud. Be careful with the pronunciation of the words above. (Lis tes trois paragraphes à voix haute. Sois très attentif/ve à la prononciation des mots ci-dessus.)

3- Read your first paragraph aloud very carefully again. Hide it. Look at the picture and describe it:”I can see…” (Lis ton premier paragraphe à voix haute à nouveau en étant très attentif/ve. Cache-le. Regarde l’image et décris-la : « I can see.. »)

4- Read your first and second paragraphs aloud. Hide them. Look at the picture, describe it and say what it makes you think of and why: “I can see…It makes me think of…because of…”

5- Read your first, second and third paragraphs aloud. Hide them. Look at the picture, describe it, say what it makes you think of and why and say what it makes you feel like and why: “I can see… It makes me think of…because of…It makes me feel… because…”

Pour décrire un document iconographique (une image, une photo de presse, une caricature…)

- Je l’observe attentivement.

- Je décris ce que je vois : I can see…- Je dis ce à quoi ou à qui cela me fait penser et je me justifie : It makes me think of…

because…- Je dis ce que je ressens et pourquoi : It makes me feel… because…

En suivant cette méthode, tu n’as pas besoin d’écrire ton texte et d’apprendre paragraphe par paragraphe. Tu sais ce que tu as à dire.

j e retiens

j’utilise des métaphores et je fais de l’étymologie

Step 31- Look at the picture again. It illustrates a metaphor. Which one? Tick the correct answer.

I laughed1 my socks off r

We had a real pig of a day r

She was the apple of his eye r

2- What do these metaphors mean? Choose the correct meaning for each of them.

a) I laughed my socks off

- I took my clothes off before going to bed r

- It was extremely funny r

- My feet stink2 r

1 laugh = rire

2 stink = puer / sentir mauvais

— © Cned, Anglais 3e8

Séquence 7 — séance 1

b) We had a real pig of a day

- We had pork for lunch r

- We ate a lot that day r

- We spent a horrible day r

c) She was the apple of his eye

- He liked her a lot r

- She liked him a lot r

- She made apple pies r

3- What is a metaphor?

The word “metaphors” comes from two Greek words which mean “to carry from one to the other”. (Le mot “métaphore” vient de deux mots grecs qui signifient “transporter de l’un à l’autre”.)

A metaphor expresses something abstract like for example “he liked her a lot” in terms of something concrete: “the apple of his eyes” that everybody can understand. (Une métaphore exprime quelque chose d’abstrait comme par exemple “elle l’aimait beaucoup” en des termes concrets : « la prunelle de ses yeux ».)

O Les références concrètes en français – encore appelées « véhicules », ne seront pas forcément les mêmes qu’en anglais. On parle en anglais de « pomme », en français, ce sera « la prunelle ». On reste dans le domaine des fruits !

Here are a few examples of metaphors in French:

- il fait un froid de canard

- elle est une vraie bouffée d’oxygène

- cet objet m’a coûté la peau des fesses

Exercise 1 Can you give two other examples of metaphors in French?



Exercise 21- Listen to this excerpt from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark

Haddon (BCA). The hero and narrator, Christopher Boone is fifteen and has Asperger’s Syndrome. He is giving his opinion about metaphors. (Écoute cet extrait du The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, by Mark Haddon (BCA). Le héros et narrateur, Christopher Boone, a quinze ans. Il est autiste. Il donne son avis sur les métaphores.)

[…] it is when you describe something by using a word for something that isn’t. This means that the word metaphor is a metaphor.

I think it should be called a lie because a pig is not like a day and people do not have skeletons in their cupboards. And when I try and make a picture of the phrase in my head it just confuses me because imagining an apple in someone’s eye doesn’t have anything to do with liking someone a lot and it makes you forget what the person was talking about.

© Cned, Anglais 3e — 9

Séquence 7séance 1 —

2- True or false?

Christopher likes metaphors. r true r false

Christopher says that metaphors are lies. r true r false

A lie is when you tell the truth1 r true r false

3- Which metaphor does Christopher refer to when he says “I think it should be called a lie because a pig is not like a day…”

4- Christopher refers to this metaphor: “They had a skeleton in their cupboard”. Can you guess its meaning?

- They are keeping secret a bad or embarrassing fact about themselves r

- They have killed someone and hidden his body in a cupboard. r

- They are fans of the television serial The Experts. r

Une métaphore :

C’est un type particulier d’images qui associe un terme à un autre appartenant à un champ lexical différent afin de donner au discours des images de référence plus concrètes.

Ex : elle se distingue de la comparaison (en anglais : simile) dans le sens qu’elle n’utilise pas d’outil de rapprochement tel que « comme, pareil à… »

Exemple de comparaison (simile) : She is as sweet as honey.Exemple de métaphore : She is the apple of his eyes. (Elle est la prunelle de ses yeux.)

j e retiens

O Les références concrètes en français – encore appelées « véhicules », ne seront pas forcément les mêmes qu’en anglais. On parle en anglais de « pomme », en français, ce sera « la prunelle ». On reste dans le domaine des fruits ! Une métaphore est une figure de style souvent employée en littérature, mais aussi dans la vie courante. On a l’impression qu’elle facilite l’accès au sens. Christopher, lui, ne partage pas cet avis. Et toi, qu’en penses-tu ? Utilises-tu des métaphores quand tu parles ?

1 to tell the truth : dire la vérité (cf. true)

— © Cned, Anglais 3e10

Séance 2Je parle pour décrire à partir de notesJe découvre une nouvelle thématique

J’émets de fortes hypothèses

je parle pour décrire à partir de notes

Exercise 3

Look at this picture

You will have to present it orally the way you did in Séance 1. Don’t write your text. Just take notes.

1- Here is a word bank to help you, but you need to match each English word or expression with its French equivalent. Write down the answers in the grid on the right. Use your logic!

English words French equivalent English words French equivalent

Barbed wire Effrayé Barbed wire

Stripes Protéger Stripes

Fence Triste Fence

Prison Prisonnier Prison

Field Rayures Field

Protect Champ Protect

Prevent…from+V-ing En sécurité Prevent…from+V-ing

Escape from Fil de fer barbelé Escape from

Prisoner Mal à l’aise Prisoner

Prison warden Barrière Prison warden

Ill at ease Soldat Ill at ease

Scared Empêcher … de… Scared

Safe Gardien de prison Safe

Sad S’échapper de Sad

Soldier Fermier Soldier

Farmer Prison Farmer

Séquence 7 — séance 2

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2- Listen and repeat the words of the word bank.

3- Write your notes. Just write keywords. (Écris tes notes. N’écris que les mots clés.)

I can see..






It makes me think of…



because of…


It makes me feel






Listen again to the list of words of the word bank if necessary. Present the document orally. Record yourself if possible.

je découvre une nouvelle thématique

Step 4 1- Read this excerpt from a book. Underline all the words you understand.

Shmuel reached down and lifted the base of the fence, but it only lifted to a certain height and Bruno had no choice but to roll under it, getting his striped pyjamas completely covered in mud as he did so.

2- Write the appropriate caption

boy’s name:

boy’s name:

3- Read another excerpt from the next page of the book

[…]there were crowds of people sitting together in groups, staring at the ground, looking horribly sad ; they all had one thing in common: they were all terribly skinny and their eyes were sunken and they all had shaved heads[…]

a) Underline the four adjectives of the paragraph in blue. They all begin with the letter “S”

b) Copy them:


Séquence 7séance 2 —

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c) Underline the two adverbs of the paragraph in red

d) Copy them:


4- Read the last extract.

In one corner Bruno could see three soldiers who seemed to be in charge of a group of about twenty men.

Sum up everything you know about the characters in these excerpts



Crowds of people


5- You have many pieces of information about the characters of the story. You can now express hypotheses about the context of the story. In your opinion,

a) where does the action take place? Justify your opinion.

kIt must be in .............................................................................................................

b) when does the action take place? Justify your opinion.

kIt must be during the ......................................./in ....................................................

c) who do you think Shmuel is? Justify your opinion.

kShmuel must be ........................................................................................................

d) who do you think Bruno is? Justify your opinion.

kBruno must be ..........................................................................................................

j’émets de fortes hypothèses

Step 5Let’s think before going any further. (Réfléchissons avant d’aller plus loin.)

1- Read this sentence:

The soldiers must be German soldiers in charge of the prisoners in the concentration camp.

Must be indicates that…

a) we know that the soldiers are German soldiers r

b) we are quite sure that the soldiers are German soldiers r

c) we are not sure at all that the soldiers are German soldiers r

2- What would you say if you were not sure at all that the soldiers are German soldiers? (Remember Palier 1 Niveau 2 Séquence 2)

Séquence 7 — séance 2

© Cned, Anglais 3e — 13

Exercise 4You are going to hear five noises. Number the sentences according to what you hear. (Tu vas entendre cinq bruits. Numérote les phrases en fonction de ce que tu entends.)a) It must be the rain falling r

b) It must be a car starting r

c) It must be a storm raging r

d) It must be people walking r

e) It must be a bird singing r

Exercise 5Translate into English

1- Shmuel et Bruno doivent être dans un camp de concentration parce qu’ils portent tous deux un pyjama rayé.

.........................................................................................................................................2- Shmuel doit être un prisonnier parce qu’il a le crâne rasé et il est horriblement maigre.


Pour exprimer une hypothèse quasi-certaine, j’utilise l’auxiliaire modal must + be

Ex: Shmuel must be a Jewish child in a concentration camp. (Shmuel doit être un enfant juif dans un camp de concentration.)

j e retiens

The extracts you have read are from the book The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, by Irish novelist John Boyne. It is the life story of Bruno, a nine-year-old German boy whose father is a Nazi officer. The family has to move from Berlin when the father is called to supervise a concentration camp called “Outwith”1. Bruno thinks the concentration camp is a farm and wonders why its inhabitants are always wearing striped pyjamas. He becomes friends with Shmuel, a Jewish boy his own age who lives on the other side of the fence… The story has also been made into a film directed by Mark Herman in 2008.

1- Outwith Quand tu prononces ce mot, cela te fait penser à Auschwitz, le camp d’extermination. Out with it : expression agressive que l’on utilisera lorsque l’on veut que quelqu’un avoue quelque chose.

Séquence 7séance 2 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e14

Séance 3Je trouve des informations recherchées dans un texte

abordant une thématique connue (1)J’apprends à exprimer des obligations au passé

You are a journalist working for a new channel specialized in educational TV programs, the Ilook4 Channel. The director has a special assignment for you. He wants you to launch a new series of programs about history called Hi Story. The first one will be dedicated to the concentration camps during the Second World War (WW2). You have to carry out some research to provide educational material for thirteen to fourteen-year-old pupils.

(Tu es journaliste et tu travailles pour une nouvelle chaîne de télévision, Ilook4, spécialisée dans les émissions éducatives. Le directeur a une mission très spéciale à te confier. Il veut lancer une nouvelle série d’émissions intitulée « Hi Story ». La première sera consacrée aux camps de concentration pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Tu dois faire des recherches pour fournir un matériau éducatif à destination d’élèves âgés de 13 à 14 ans.)

Tu devras, pour la tâche finale, rendre compte de l’avance de tes recherches auprès du directeur de la chaîne. Tu devras demander à ta secrétaire de t’aider à mener à bien ton travail. Tu devras également embaucher un acteur qui participera à l’émission.

je trouve des informations recherchées dans un texte abordant une thématique connue

Step 6A- You are starting your research and you have just been reading The Boy in the Striped

Pyjamas. You decide to learn more about everyday life in concentration camps. You would very much like to have the opportunity to interview two Shoah survivors. (Tu as commencé tes recherches et tu viens de finir la lecture du livre The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Tu décides d’en apprendre un peu plus sur la vie quotidienne dans les camps de concentration. Tu aimerais bien pouvoir interviewer deux survivants des camps.)

You have made a list of questions on your note pad and Jane, your secretary has prepared files about different themes. (Tu as listé quelques questions sur ton calepin et Jane, ta secrétaire a préparé des dossiers classés par thème.)

1- What time did prisoners have to get up in the morning?

2- How were they transported to the camp?

3- What happened when they arrived in the camp?

4- Where did they live?

5- What did they eat?

6- What happened to the children?

7- How long could the roll call last(= l’appel)?

Séquence 7 — séance 3

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Which file are you going to open to find answers to your questions? Match the number of the questions with the appropriate file. (Quel dossier vas-tu ouvrir pour trouver les réponses à tes questions ? Associe le numéro des questions au dossier qui convient.)

Files Questions numberReception and selectionThe prisoner’s dayHousing conditionsFood

Check and correct.

B- Open the Reception and selection file


and selection

Transports often arrived at the camps carrying prisoners who had traveled for days with nothing to eat and nothing to drink. Trains were filled with people herded into cattle wagons so tightly that there was only room to stand.

In every concentration camp, the newly arrived were subjected to the ritual of reception. Doctors sat behind a table. The doctor would raise his thumb and point to the right or to the left. To the left meant immediate death in the gas chamber. That concerned almost all children, women with children, all the elderly. For those who looked stronger, and were sent to the right, there was the concentration camp.Word bank:cattle: le bétailthumb: pouce

1- Read the file, underline all the words you understand.

2- Read the first question (n°2): How were they transported to the camp?

a) Pick up pieces of information about

- Means of transport r

- People transported r

- Conditions of transport r

b) Sum up in one sentence:

The ..................................... were transported by ......................................

They were packed in ....................... wagons, with nothing to ....................... and ....................... to drink.

3- Read the second question (n°3): What happened when they arrived in the camp?

Pick up one sentence in the text to answer this question.


4- Read the third question (n°6): What happened to the children?

a) Underline the sentence with the word children, the one before and the one after.

b) Sum up in one sentence:

Children were sent to immediate ....................... in the ....................... , together with the women and the elderly.

Séquence 7séance 3 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e16

C- Open the prisoner’s day file

The prisoner’s day

The prisoners had to get up at 4 a.m or 5 a.m depending on the season. They had to get dressed quickly, make the bunks, go to the latrine, drink the morning coffee and clean the barracks. The morning roll call started at 5 am or 6am in the winter. Perfect order had to be maintained while the number of prisoners was being reported. The sick and infirm were laid on the ground, in mud and snow.

The prisoners were then ordered to form work gangs.

At 11:45 am a lunch break was ordered. Around 1pm the gangs of prisoners set out back to work, which in spring and summer lasted till 6pm.

The evening roll call could last for two or three hours, and were especially long if a prisoner escaped. It was followed by supper. Lights were out at 9pm.

1- Read the file and underline the words you understand

2- Read the first question (n°1): What time did prisoners have to get up in the morning?

- Pick out one sentence in the text to answer this question.


3- Read the second question (n°7): How long could a roll call last?

- Pick out one sentence in the text to answer this question.

D- Open the FOOD file

Food The prisoners ate their rations three times a day, always in front of their barracks, except in winter.

For “breakfast”, a prisoner received about half a litre of black ersatz coffee without sugar, or tea brewed from weeds.“Lunch” consisted of three quarters of a litre of soup made of turnip, rotten potatoes, and dried cabbage leaves, and from the spring of 1942 of weeds growing wild within the camp.

“Supper, the basic meal, was served after evening roll call. It consisted mostly of brew and 150g of bread. At times the brew was replaced by soup, and a few unpeeled potatoes.Word bank:weeds: mauvaises herbesturnip: navetsrotten: pourricabbage: choubrew: infusion d’herbes

1- Read the file and underline the words you understand

2- Read the question: What did they eat for lunch?

- Pick out the paragraph which answers your question.


Séquence 7 — séance 3

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j’apprends à exprimer des obligations au passé

Step 7Read this excerpt from The prisoner’s day file:

The prisoners had to get up at 4 a.m or 5 a.m depending on the season. They had to get dressed quickly, make the bunks, go to the latrine, drink the morning coffee and clean the barracks.

1- What do the words in bold letters express?

a) a probability r

b) an obligation in the present r

c) a capacity r

d) an obligation in the preterit r

2- How would you translate into French “The prisoners had to get up at 4 am”? Tick all the correct answers.

a) Les prisonniers devaient se lever à 4 heures du matin r

b) Les prisonniers pouvaient se lever à 4 heures du matin r

c) Il fallait que les prisonniers se lèvent à 4 heures du matin r

d) Les prisonniers doivent se lever à 4 heures du matin r

Exercise 6

Say what tasks the prisoners had to do during the day. Use Number 1 as an example.

1- Those employed in the electric workshop repaired electrical wiring, as well as loudspeakers and radio sets.

- Prisoners employed in the electric workshop had to repair electrical wiring as well as loudspeakers and radio sets.

2- Those employed in the shoemaker’s shop repaired prisoners’ and soldiers’ shoes.


3- Those employed in building work built barracks, watch towers and fences.


4- Those employed in the Feldkolonne removed the snow in winter.


5- Those employed in the cleaning work gang cleaned the latrines and removed garbage from the Camp Command.


Séquence 7séance 3 —

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You have created a new file which could be called Work

Pour exprimer l’obligation au passé, j’utilise : had to + base verbale

Ex : They had to get dressed rapidly. (Ils devaient s’habiller rapidement / Il fallait qu’ils s’habillent rapidement.)

On peut demander des précisions quant à cette obligation :

Ex : What time did they have to get up?À la forme négative, on parle d’absence d’obligation.

Ex : They didn’t have to get up at 5 am. (Ils n’avaient pas besoin de se lever à cinq heures du matin)

j e retiens

Exercise 7Write down all the answers you have in the following grid. It will constitute the recapitulatory summary you will use for your interviews of the two Shoah survivors. (Récapitule toutes les informations que tu as obtenues dans la grille ci-dessous. Elle constituera le dossier que tu emmèneras avec toi pour interviewer les deux rescapés de la Shoah.)

Files Answers

Reception and selection The prisoners …

When they arrived in the camp…

Children …

The prisoner’s day The prisoners...

The evening roll call ...

Housing conditions (à compléter à la prochaine séance)

They lived ...

Food “Lunch” consisted of ...

Séquence 7 — séance 3

© Cned, Anglais 3e — 19

Séance 4Je sais trouver des informations dans un texte

abordant une thématique connue (2)

J’apprends à parler pour remercier et solliciter (1)

J’apprends à parler pour restituer une information

J’apprends à parler pour demander des informations plus détaillées

je sais trouver des informations dans un texte abordant une thématique connue

Exercise 8

One question has been left with no answer: Where did they live?

You know how to look for information in your file. So open your Housing conditions file and answer your question.

Housing conditions

The prisoners lived in primitive wooden barracks with elementary furnishings (tables, stools, bunks). The barracks were overcrowded and the prisoners endured inhuman living conditions. Most barracks comprised a sleeping area and a small area for cleaning purposes. The barracks leader and the barrack clerk had separate bunks, separated from the rest by a special partition, whilst the other prisoners slept in 250 bunks. Each bunk was provided with a mattress stuffed with straw or wood chips and with a blanket.Word bank:

a stool: un tabouret

a bunk: une couchette

straw: de la paille

wood chips: des copeaux de bois

They lived ..........................................................................................................................

Add this sentence to your file (Séance 3 - Exercise 7) because now you are going to interview Mrs Spencer and Mr Bachstein.

Séquence 7séance 4 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e20

j’apprends à parler pour remercier et solliciter

Step 81- Listen to Part 1 of the interview on your CD.

2- Listen to the journalist’s part and underline all the words that are stressed.

Journalist: Mrs Spencer, thank you so much for accepting this interview. In the name of Ilook4 Channel, I would like to say how grateful we are.

Journalist: I see. Mrs Spencer, would you mind answering a few questions about the reception and the selection of the prisoners?

Check and correct.

3- Listen again and circle the syllable that is stressed in all of the underlined words. (Écoute à nouveau et entoure la syllabe accentuée de chaque mot souligné.)

4- Listen again and indicate the intonation at every new punctuation sign. Use this symbol j for a rising intonation and this one l for a falling intonation. (Écoute à nouveau et indique l’intonation à chaque nouveau signe de ponctuation.)

5- Check your answers and repeat each sentence. Record yourself if you can.

Script part 1

Journalist: Mrs Spencer, thank you so much for accepting this interview. In the name of Ilook4 Channel, I would like to say how grateful we are.

Mrs Spencer: Well, don’t mention it. It is my duty to tell young people what happened at that time. I am 85 years old today but in 1942, when I arrived in Auschwitz, I was 18. I am Polish, you see, although I married an English man.

Journalist: I see. Mrs Spencer, would you mind answering a few questions about the reception and the selection of the prisoners?

j’apprends à parler pour restituer une information et demander des informations plus détaillées

Step 91- Listen to Part 2 of the interview

2- Read the journalist’s part. Pick out the expressions used to report pieces of information he already has. Pick up the expressions he uses to ask for further information. (Lis le script du journaliste. Relève les expressions utilisées pour rapporter des informations qu’il a déjà. Relève les expressions qu’il utilise pour demander un complément d’information.)

Journalist: Well, I have read that prisoners were transported in trains packed in cattle wagons with nothing to eat and nothing to drink. Is that right?

Journalist: That must have been terrible! I know that when they arrived in the camp, prisoners were subjected to the ritual of reception. Could you tell me a little bit more about it?

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Journalist: [pause] Thank you so much, Mrs Spencer…Er… According to a site about concentration camps, prisoners had to get up at 4 am and the roll call could last for two or three hours. Could you explain?

Expressions used to report information Expressions used to ask for further information







3- Listen and indicate the intonation for each question. (Use the symbols seen in Step 8)

1) Is that right?

2) Could you tell me a little bit more about it?

3) Could you explain?

4- Listen and repeat. Record yourself if possible.

Script part 2

Journalist: I see. Mrs Spencer, would you mind answering a few questions about the reception and the selection of the prisoners?

Mrs Spencer: Please, do ask your questions.

Journalist: Well, I have read that prisoners were transported in trains and that the dead and the living were packed in cattle cars with no food to eat and no water to drink. Is that right?

Mrs Spencer: That is correct, unfortunately. Something else that you didn’t mention, these cattle cars were deprived of any sanitary facilities, people couldn’t wash and there were no toilets.

Journalist: That must have been terrible! I know that when they arrived in the camp, prisoners were subjected to the ritual of reception. Could you tell me a little bit more about it?

Mrs Spencer: One by one, the prisoners, fresh off the train, were brought up to a doctor. The doctor used to examine them rapidly, then he would raise his thumb and point to the right or to the left. To the left meant immediate death: three quarters of the prisoners sent to death were the women with the children and the elderly.

Journalist: Thank you, Mrs Spencer... Er… According to a site about concentration camps, prisoners had to get up at 4 am and the roll call could last for two or three hours. Could you explain?

Mrs Spencer: Of course. Whenever a prisoner was missing, there used to be a search which could last several hours, during which the prisoners standing in the roll call yard could not move and were not given anything to eat.

Journalist: Thank you, Mrs Spencer.

Séquence 7séance 4 —

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Exercise 9

Listen to Part 1 and 2. Complete your summary file with the new elements given by Mrs Spencer.

Files Answers

Reception and selection The prisoners were transported by train packed in cattle wagons, with nothing to eat and nothing to drink.

When they arrived in the camp, they were subjected to the ritual of reception.

Children were sent to immediate death in the gas chamber, together with the women with children and the elderly.

The prisoner’s day The prisoners had to get up at 4am or 5am depending on the season.The evening roll call could last for two or three hours, and were especially long if a prisoner escaped.

Exercise 10

You are the journalist. It is your turn to interview Mr Bachstein. You will ask questions about housing conditions and food. Read your summary file before doing the interview.

1- Remember what you have to say to start the interview and how you have to say it. Underline the elements which will have to be modified and write what you will have to say instead. (Souviens-toi de ce que tu dois dire et de comment tu dois le dire. Souligne les éléments qui devront être modifiés et écris ce que tu devras dire à la place.)

Journalist: Mrs Spencer, thank you so much for accepting this interview. In the name of Ilook4 Channel, I would like to say how grateful we are.

Journalist: I see. Mrs Spencer, would you mind answering a few questions about the reception and the selection of the prisoners?

Check and correct.

2- You are now going to interview Mr Bachstein. That will be the first part of the interview. Start when you want and put on your CD immediately after “I would like to say how grateful we are” (Tu vas maintenant interviewer M. Bachstein. Ce sera la première partie de l’interview. Commence quand tu le souhaites et lance le document sonore sur ton CD dès que tu as prononcé «I would like to say how grateful we are».)

You are doing very well! You are the perfect journalist for Ilook4 Channel! Keep on the good work!

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3- Now Part 2 of the interview. Remember the pieces of information you already have.

Files Answers

Housing conditions Prisoners lived in primitive wooden barracks with elementary furnishings such as tables, stools and bunks. ................................................................................................. .................................................................................................

Food Lunch consisted of three quarters of a litre of soup made of turnip, rotten potatoes, and dried cabbage leaves, and from the spring of 1942 of weeds growing wild within the camp. .................................................................................................

4- Remember you have to state the information you already have and you have to ask for further information using the expressions you have put in your grid in Step 9)


a) State the information you have about the housing conditions (I know that…/I have read that…/According to a website about concentration camps,…).

b) Ask for further information (Is that right? / Could you tell me a little bit more about it? / Could you explain?).

c) Listen to Mr Bachstein’s answer.

d) React. State the information you have about food (I know that…/I have read that…/According to a site about concentration camps,…).

e) Ask for further information. (Is that right? / Could you tell me a little bit more about it? / Could you explain?).

f) Listen to Mr Bachstein’s answer.

g) Thank Mr Bachstein.

Ready? Listen to your CD after having said “…such as tables, stools and bunks.”

Steady? Go!

Répète cet exercice autant de fois que tu le peux pour que les répliques s’enchaînent le plus aisément possible. Essaie d’enregistrer ta voix en même temps que celle de M. Bachstein : c’est une vraie production orale en interactivité.

Exercise 111- Listen to Part 2 on your CD. Complete your recapitulatory file with the new elements

given by Mr Bachstein (Exercise 10)

2- Read the script and check your notes.

Séquence 7séance 4 —

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Séance 5J’apprends à décrire la vie quotidienne passée

J’apprends à parler pour reformuler un élément d’une conversation pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas compris

J’apprends à parler pour rendre compte

j’apprends à décrire la vie quotidienne passée

Step 10 1- Read the following sentences:

- In concentration camps, the prisoners used to live in barracks.

- The doctor examined them rapidly, then he would raise his thumb…

- Whenever a prisoner was missing, there would be a search which could last several hours…

2- What does “used to” express? Tick the correct answer

a) An action people did in the past but that they no longer do r

b) An action people do regularly r

c) An action people did regularly in the past and still do in the present r

3- How would you translate In concentration camps the prisoners used to live in barracks. Tick the correct translation.

a) Dans les camps de concentration, les prisonniers vivaient dans des baraquements. r

b) Dans les camps de concentration, les prisonniers vivent dans des baraquements r

4- What does « would » express?

a) An action people did regularly in the past and still do in the present r

b) An action people do regularly r

c) An action people did regularly in the past r

5- How would you translate Whenever a prisoner was missing, there would be a search which could last several hours? Tick the correct translation.

a) Chaque fois qu’il manque un prisonnier, il y a une fouille qui peut durer plusieurs heures. r

b) Chaque fois qu’il manquait un prisonnier, il y avait une fouille qui pouvait durer plusieurs heures r

Check and correct.

Séquence 7 — séance 5

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Exercise 12

Remember your Working File. Say what sort of tasks these people did at the time of their captivity. Match the people with their tasks and write a complete sentence. One is done as an example.

Prisoners employed in the electrical workshop would repair electrical wiring as well as loudspeakers and radio sets.

People Tasks

Those employed in the electrical workshop • • Remove snow in winter

Those employed in the shoemaker’s shop • •

Clean the latrines and remove garbage from the Camp Command

Those employed in building work • •

Repair electrical wiring as well as loudspeakers and radio sets

Those employed in the cleaning work gang • • Repair prisoners’ and

soldiers’ shoes

Those employed in the Feldkolonne • • Build barracks, watch

towers and fences






Pour exprimer un état ou une action passés et révolus, j’utilise : used to+BVEx : In concentration camps, the prisoners used to live in barracks.J’utiliserai pour traduire cette expression un imparfait : Ex : Dans les camps de concentration, les prisonniers vivaient dans des baraquements. Used to permet de mettre l’accent sur la rupture entre le passé et le présent.

Pour exprimer une action répétitive qui a lieu dans le passé j’utilise : -would+BVEx : Whenever a prisoner was missing, there would be a search which could last for hours.J’utiliserai pour traduire cette expression un imparfait :Ex : Chaque fois qu’il manquait un prisonnier, il y avait une fouille qui pouvait durer des heures.would exprime le caractère répétitif dans le passé de l’action ou de la situation mais avec would on n’insiste pas sur le caractère révolu.

Lorsque l’on rapporte des événements qui ont eu lieu de manière répétitive dans le passé, la première phrase pose le cadre avec used to, dans les phrases suivantes, on utilisera would+BV.

j e retiens

Séquence 7séance 5 —

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j’apprends à parler pour reformuler un élément d’une conversation pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas compris

Step 111- Tu vas écouter cette phrase.

We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

Elle sera lue plusieurs fois. À chaque fois, l’accent de phrase portera sur un mot différent et apportera donc une précision différente. Indique la précision apportée. Les deux premières phrases serviront d’exemple.

1- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k Nous, mais pas les autres, pas les soldats par exemple.

2- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k Mais maintenant, c’est fini, on ne le fait plus, soit parce que le règlement a changé, soit parce que la situation a changé.

Now it’s your turn.

3- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

4- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

5- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

6- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

7- We used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

Check and correct.

2- Listen and repeat the sentences above.

Exercise 13Mr Bachstein is talking with Peter, an old friend of his, who is deaf and who consequently misunderstands Mr Bachstein. Play Mr Bachstein’s part, using the words that are stressed as corrections. (M. Bachstein parle avec Pierre, l’un de ses amis, qui est sourd et ne comprend pas bien M. Bachstein. Joue le rôle de M. Bachstein, et utilise les mots accentués comme corrections.)

Example: Peter: So, you mean you used to remove your shoes after entering your barracks.Mr. Bachstein: No, Peter, we used to remove our shoes before entering our barracks.

Now it’s your turn. Listen to your CD. Peter will make four wrong statements. Each time you will correct him, stressing the right word. (Maintenant c’est ton tour. Écoute ton CD. Peter va faire quatre affirmations fausses. Corrige-le en accentuant le mot qui convient.)

Séquence 7 — séance 5

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1- So, you mean you used to remove your shoes after entering your barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

2- So, you mean soldiers used to remove their shoes before entering your barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

3- So, you mean you used to remove your shoes before going out of your barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

4- So, you mean you used to remove your shoes before entering other prisoners’ barracks.

k ................................................................................................................................

j’apprends à parler pour rendre compte

Step 12Mr Stanley, the director of Ilook4 Channel asked to be informed of your progress concerning the preparation of the new series of programs. You have asked your secretary to phone him to keep him up to date with your latest actions. (M. Stanley, le directeur de la chaîne Ilook4 t’a demandé de le tenir au courant de vos progrès dans la préparation de la nouvelle série d’émissions télévisées. Tu as demandé à ta secrétaire de lui téléphoner et de le tenir au courant de tes dernières démarches.)1- Listen to the conversation on your CD.

2- Mr Stanley has made a list of actions he would like you to undertake. He listens to your secretary and ticks what you have already done. Tick on his list. (M. Stanley a dressé une liste des démarches qu’il aimerait te voir faire. Il écoute ta secrétaire et coche ce que tu as déjà fait. Coche sa liste.)

New series of programs « Hi Story! »First program: Life in concentration camps

- find unpublished photos or documents r- find a logo for the episode r- read several books about the theme r- watch several films about the theme r- contact Shoah survivors r- interview survivors r- contact a museum for educational material r- find a text to be read by an actor r

3- Jane is the perfect secretary. She has drawn up two lists: what you have already done, what you haven’t done yet. Complete her lists. (Jane est une secrétaire parfaite. Elle fait deux listes : ce que tu as déjà fait, ce que tu n’as pas encore fait. Complète ses listes.)

Just in case, check your irregular verbs

Verb Preterit Past participle

find found found

read read read

Séquence 7séance 5 —

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What you have already done

- You have already contacted Holocaust survivors

- .............................................................

- .............................................................

What you haven’t done yet

- You haven’t read enough* books

- .............................................................

- .............................................................

- .............................................................

- .............................................................

*enough: assez

Step 13You have just assessed your different courses of action. (Tu viens de faire le bilan de tes démarches.)

1- What did you use?

a) the preterit r

b) the simple present r

c) he present perfect = have+V-en r

2- Which adverb did you use for what you have done?

a) already r

b) yet r

c) never r

3- Which adverb did you use for what you have not done?

a) already r

b) yet r

c) never r

Pour dresser un bilan, j’utilise le present perfect ou have + V-en. Tu as déjà utilisé cette forme au cours du niveau 1 du Palier 2.

Rappel :1- Elle se forme avec l’auxiliaire Have conjugué au présent suivi du participe passé du

verbe.Verbes réguliersEx: Has he watched several films? No, he hasn’t. He has watched only one film, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.Verbes irréguliersEx: Has he found unpublished documents? Yes, he has. He has found unpublished photos.

j e retiens

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2- Tu utiliseras yet dans les questions et les réponses négatives.QuestionEx : Has he watched several films yet? (A-t-il déjà visionné plusieurs films ?)

RéponseEx : He hasn’t watched enough films yet. (Il n’a pas encore visionné assez de films.)

Yet se place généralement en fin de phrase.

3- Tu utiliseras already dans les réponses positives.

RéponseEx : He has already watched one, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. (Il en a déjà vu un, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.)

Séquence 7séance 5 —

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Séance 6J’apprends à exprimer des obligations au futur

J’apprends à parler pour solliciter (2)

j’apprends à exprimer des obligations au futur

Step 14 1- Read Mr Stanley’s notes.

New series of programs « Hi Story ! »First program: Life in concentration camps

- find unpublished photos or documents

- find a logo for the episode r

- read several books about the theme r

- watch several films about the theme r

- contact Shoah survivors

- interview survivors

- contact a museum for educational material r

- find a text to be read by an actor r

2- What will you have to do in the next few days?

k I will have to find a logo for the episode.

Now it’s your turn

k ...................................................................................................................................

k ...................................................................................................................................

k ...................................................................................................................................

k ...................................................................................................................................

3- In Séance 3 you saw how to express an obligation in the preterit.

Ex: They had to get dressed rapidly. Today, you are learning how to express future obligations.

Ex: I will have to find a logo for the episode. (Je devrai trouver un logo pour l’épisode/ Il faudra que je trouve un logo pour l’épisode.)

Exercise 141- Jane is a fantastic secretary. You desperately need her help. What can she do to help you?

Tick the best solution to each problem.

a) Find a logo

- She can phone a friend to make suggestions r

- She can select different pictures symbolizing life in concentration camps r

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b) Read several books, watch several films

- She can surf the Internet and draw a list of books and films about the theme r

- She can ask Mr Stanley to make other suggestions r

c) Contact a museum

- She can look for the telephone number of the War Museum r

- She can look for the telephone number of the Louvre in Paris r

d) Find a text to be read by an actor

- She can buy books and read them r

- She can surf on a Memorial site r

2- You leave her 4 post-it notes on her desk expressing future obligations.

Jane, you will have to …

j’apprends à parler pour solliciter

Step 15 Jane has found the telephone number of the War Museum. Before phoning the curator of the museum, you make a list of your enquiries. (Jane a trouvé le numéro de téléphone de l’Imperial War Museum. Avant de téléphoner au conservateur, tu fais une liste de ce que tu as à lui dire.)

Phone the curator of the War Museum

- Introduce myself r

- Give the reasons of my phone call r

- Ask for online learning resource r

- Ask for temporary exhibitions r

- Ask for educational packs, facsimiles, handbooks available for teachers and pupils r

- Ask for the museum to send resources to the Channel studios so that they can be shown to the viewers r

- Thank the curator r

Séquence 7séance 6 —

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1- Listen to the journalist’s part. Each line corresponds to one item from your list. Indicate this number in the box. (Écoute le rôle du journaliste. Chaque réplique correspond à un élément de ta liste. Indique son numéro dans la case.)

2- Read some of your lines:

Version 1

- Would you mind telling me if there are any temporary exhibitions classes can visit this year?

- Could you tell me if you have any online resources which could be of interest to both teachers and pupils?

- Would it be possible to send a few samples of your educational resources to the Channel studios?

- Could you tell me if you have any educational packs, facsimiles or handbooks available for teachers and pupils?

3- Underline the expressions used to ask for something in the sentences above. (Souligne dans les phrases ci-dessus les expressions utilisées pour solliciter de l’aide ou une information.)

4- Compare with:

Version 2

- Can you tell me if there are any temporary exhibitions classes can visit this year?

- Can you tell me if you have any online resources which could be of interest for both teachers and pupils?

- Can you send a few examples of your educational resources to the Channel studios?

- Can you tell me if you have any educational packs, facsimiles or handbooks available for teachers and pupils?

5- Which one is more polite, more formal?

- Version 1 r

- Version 2 r

Step 16 1- Listen to the four questions you will have to ask.- Would you mind telling me if there are any temporary exhibitions classes can visit this

year?- Could you tell me if you have any online resources which could be of interest for both

teachers and pupils?- Would it be possible to send a few samples of your educational resources to the Channel

studios? - Could you tell me if you have any educational packs, facsimiles or handbooks available

for teachers and pupils?

2- Indicate the final intonation for each of the question (rising j or falling l )

3- Underline the words that are stressed.

4- Listen to the words of three syllables or more, circle the stressed syllable.temporary - exhibitions - resources - examples - educational resources

5- Listen and repeat

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Exercise 151- Are you ready to phone the museum curator? You can write down some keywords before


- Introduce myself: ...................................................................................................- Explain why I am calling: ........................................................................................- Ask for online learning resources (See above = voir plus haut): ...................................................................................................................................- Ask for temporary exhibitions (See above): ...................................................................................................................................- Ask for educational packs, fac simile, handbooks available for teachers and pupils

(See above): ...................................................................................................................................- Ask for the museum to send resources to the Channel studios so that they can be

shown to the viewers (see above): ...................................................................................................................................- Thank the curator: ...................................................................................................

2- Ready? Steady… Go! You start and play your CD as soon as you have introduced yourself. (À vos marques, prêt, partez ! Commence et tu mets ton CD dès que tu as fini de te présenter.)

Do it several times so that the conversation sounds more fluent (Fais-le plusieurs fois pour que la conversation ait l’air plus naturel et fluide.)

You are doing better and better. This time you used very formal language! You were talking to the curator of one of the most famous British museums! You are becoming an excellent journalist… thanks to Jane!

Exercise 16Look at your list of things to be done in Step 14.

1- What haven’t you done yet?





2- So, what will you have to do in the next few days?





If you want to learn more about life during wartime, type Imperial War Museum on a search engine. You will find fantastic webquests and lots of learning resources.

Séquence 7séance 6 —

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Séance 7J’apprends à parler pour réagir

J’utilise un langage soutenuJ’apprends un poème

j’apprends à parler pour réagir

Step 171- In the previous lesson, you phoned the curator of the Imperial Museum of War. Read the

script. (La dernière fois, tu as téléphoné au conservateur de l’Imperial Museum of War. Lis le script.)

Journalist: Good morning, Sir. My name is … I’m a journalist for Ilook4 Channel.

Curator: Oh, good morning. May I ask what you are looking for?

Journalist: Well,er… yes, of course. We are launching a new series of programs called “Hi Story”. The first one will be dedicated to life in the concentration camps. I know that the collections of the museum are incredible resources for learning.

Curator: Yes, you are quite right. We certainly possess invaluable collections.

Journalist: Could you tell me if you have any online resources which could be of interest to both teachers and pupils?

Curator: We do have online resources, both for teachers and pupils. For instance, we have webquests on the different collections of the museum.

Journalist: That’s great! Would you mind telling me if there are any temporary exhibitions classes can visit this year?

Curator: Actually, you are very lucky, there is one about the Shoah. We tend to resource the school curriculum1 as best we can.

Journalist: That is an excellent idea! Could you tell me if you have any educational packs, facsimiles2 or handbooks available3 for teachers and pupils?

Curator: Of course, yes, we do. We have resources about daily life in war time: children War replica packs, Escape kits, Secret Codes kits; we also have fac similes of Food ration booklets and Ration clothing booklets.

Journalist: Marvellous! Would it be possible to send a few samples (échantillon) of your educational resources to the Channel studios?

Curator: Of course, with pleasure, as long as you mention the name of the Museum in your program.

Journalist: We will do that, Sir. Thank you so much, sir, you have been very helpful.

1- curriculum : les programmes scolaires2- a fac simili : une reproduction d’un document authentique3- available : disponible

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2- Read the expressions in bold letters. They are reactions to what has been said before. It is very important to respond to what people say to you. Classify the reactions. One has already been classified for you! (Lis les expressions en caractères gras. Ce sont des réactions à ce qui a été dit précédemment. Il est très important de réagir à ce que les gens vous disent. Classe-les.)

Expression of admiration

Expression of horror You agree You Accept

- That’s great !



- -

Intonation Intonation Intonation Intonation

3- Read the interview with Mrs Spencer (Séance 4, STEP 9) and look for one expression of agreement and one expression of horror. Complete the grid above. (Lis le script de Mrs Spencer (Séance 4, STEP 9) et recherche une phrase exprimant l’accord ainsi qu’une phrase exprimant l’horreur. Complète la grille ci-dessus.)

4- Read the script of the interview with Mr Bachstein and look for one expression of agreement. Complete the grid above.

Check and correct.

5- Listen to the 8 expressions

6- Indicate in the grid the intonation used for each category of reaction. (Rising j or l falling)

Exercise 17

You are going to listen to five short extracts from all the conversations of the Séquence. Just react, using one of the expressions we have seen above. Express admiration or horror, agree or accept. Record yourself if possible. (Tu vas entendre cinq courts extraits de toutes les conversations de la Séquence. Réagis, tout simplement, en utilisant une des expressions étudiées plus haut. Exprime l’admiration ou l’horreur, sois d’accord ou accepte.)

Dans la mesure du possible, je dois essayer d’exprimer une réaction à ce que me dit mon interlocuteur.

Je peux exprimer :- mon admiration, mon enthousiasme : That’s great!- ma stupeur : That must have been terrible!- mon accord : That’s right.- ma réponse positive : Of course, with pleasure.

j e retiens

Séquence 7séance 7 —

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j’utilise un langage soutenu

Step 181- Read the following sentences

a) Can you tell me if there are any temporary exhibitions classes can visit this year?

b) Can you answer a few questions about the housing conditions of the prisoners?

c) Can you send me a few samples of your educational resources to the Channel studios?

d) Can you tell me if you have any online resources which could be of interest for both teachers and pupils?

2- What sort of language is it?

a) formal r

b) informal r

3- As a journalist, you have to meet VIPs. That means your English has to be formal in certain circumstances. Transform these informal questions into formal ones using the following expressions: (En tant que journaliste, tu es appelé à rencontrer des VIP. Cela veut dire que dans certaines circonstances, tu dois utiliser un anglais d’un registre soutenu. Peux-tu transformer ces questions d’un anglais courant en un anglais soutenu en utilisant les expressions suivantes.)

- Would you mind+V-ing

- Would it be possible to +BV

- Could you +BV…..

a) ...............................................................................................................................

b) ...............................................................................................................................

c) ...............................................................................................................................

d) ...............................................................................................................................

Check and correct.

Je dois adapter le registre de langue à l’interlocuteur. J’utiliserai un registre soutenu pour solliciter de l’aide, de l’information, la coopération de personnes que je ne connais pas autrement que dans une relation professionnelle.

Exemples :Would you mind + V-ing (Cela ne vous dérangerait-il pas de…)Would it be possible to + BV (Serait-il possible de…)Could you + BV….. (Pourriez-vous me dire si…)

j e retiens

Séquence 7 — séance 7

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j’apprends un poème

Step 19 Jane is really a good secretary. She has looked for poems and she has found one she likes very much. (Jane est vraiment une très bonne secrétaire. Elle a recherché des poèmes et en a trouvé un qu’elle aime beaucoup.) 1- Listen and read the poem.


Red shoes blue shoes

Fabric shoes leather shoes

All in a heap

Their owners gone to sleep

Too weak to stay alive

Too brave, just for a while.

Vocabulary help

fabric: le tissu

leather: le cuir

owner = someone who owns, who possesses something. In the poem, the owners are the prisoners who used to wear the shoes before being killed in the gas


weak ≠ strong

brave: courageous

just for a while = just for a moment

2- Listen to your CD and underline the words that are stressed.

Check and correct.

3- Listen to your CD and repeat. Try not to look at the poem, use your memory of the sounds. (Écoute le CD et répète. Essaie de ne pas regarder le poème, utilise ta mémoire des sons.)

Séquence 7séance 7 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e38

Séance 8

je m’évalue

Relis attentivement les séances 1 et 2, réecoute ton cd et refais les exercices.

je sais parler pour décrire

Exercise 1

You will have to describe this picture orally. Just make notes (keywords) for each part of your presentation. (Tu devras décrire cette image oralement. Ne prends que des notes (mots clés) pour chaque partie de ta présentation.)

1- Look at this picture

Séquence 7 — séance 8

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2- Describe it

I can see...

3- What does it make you think of ? Why ?

It makes me think of...

4- What does it make you feel like? Why?

It makes me feel...

Séquence 7séance 8 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e40

5- Present the picture orally. Record yourself if you can or present the document to someone who can listen to you. (Présente le document oralement. Enregistre-toi si tu le peux ou présente le document à quelqu’un qui peut t’écouter.)

? Rédige ta présentation d’après la prise de notes que tu viens de faire.

je sais ce qu’est une métaphore

Je sais exprimer des fortes hypothèses

Exercise 2

1- This picture illustrates a metaphor. Which one, in your opinion? You are quite sure of your answer. Use the correct expression to give your opinion. (Cette image illustre une métaphore. Laquelle, d’après toi ? Tu es quasiment certain de ta réponse. Utilise l’expression appropriée pour donner ta réponse.)





2- Give another example of a metaphor in English.


3- Give an example of a metaphor in French.


je connais un titre de livre sur la thématique étudiée

Exercise 31- Read this extract :

Shmuel reached down and lifted the base of the fence, but it only lifted to a certain height and Bruno had no choice but to roll under it, getting his striped pyjamas completely covered in mud as he did so.

2- Give the title of the book as well as the author’s name



Séquence 7 — séance 8

© Cned, Anglais 3e — 41

Relis attentivement la séance 3, réécoute ton cd et refais les exercices.

je sais exprimer des obligations au passé

Exercise 4Translate into French

1- Les prisonniers devaient se lever à 4 heures du matin.


2- Ils devaient retirer leurs chaussures avant de rentrer dans leur baraquement.


3- Il fallait qu’ils enlèvent la neige en hiver.


Relis attentivement la séance 4, réécoute ton cd et refais les exercices.

je sais remercier

Exercise 5 The journalist thanks Mrs Spencer. Can you separate the words of these two sentences? Then, write the two sentences correctly

Mrs Spencer thankyousomuchforacceptingthisinterviewinthenameofIlook4ChannelIwould liketosayhowgratefulweare



je sais parler pour restituer des informations et pour demander des précisions

Exercise 6Listen again to the interview of Mrs Spencer on your CD and complete the following grid.

Expressions used to report information

Expressions used to ask for further information



Séquence 7séance 8 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e42

Relis attentivement la séance 5, réécoute ton cd et refais les exercices

je sais décrire la vie quotidienne passée

Exercise 7You have bought a handbook at the War museum about daily life during the war. Describe what people would do at the time. Use the following elements. (Tu as acheté un manuel au musée de la Guerre sur la vie quotidienne pendant la guerre. Décris ce que les gens faisaient à cette époque. Utilise les éléments suivants.)buy food with ration tickets- use a bike instead of a car because they had to save petrol- switch off the lights at night because they had to respect the curfew1- listen to the radio to get news from the war- .........................................................................................................................................


je sais dresser un bilan de ce que j’ai fait ou par encore fait

Exercise 8Jane has got a lot of things to do, so she makes lists on a post-it note. Here is one of the lists. Say what she has already done. Say what she hasn’t done yet.

- surf the Internet to find a poem - look for the phone number of the War museum - select different pictures to find a logo r- phone Mr. Stanley - find titles of books and films about WW2 r






je sais parler pour reformuler un élément d’une conversation pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas compris

Exercise 9Mrs Spencer has got a friend, Sally, who, like Peter, is quite deaf. She does not understand very well what Mrs Spencer tells her. Correct what she says. Record yourself.

? Tu écriras tes réponses et tu souligneras dans chaque phrase le mot sur lequel porterait l’accent de phrase si tu les prononçais.

1- Couvre-feu

Séquence 7 — séance 8

© Cned, Anglais 3e — 43

Sally: You mean that these cattle wagons were deprived of any military facilities, people couldn’t wash and there were no toilets.

Mrs Spencer: .........................................................................................................................................

Sally: You mean that these cattle wagons were deprived of any sanitary facilities, people couldn’t walk and there were no toilets.

Mrs Spencer: .........................................................................................................................................

Relis attentivement les séances 6 et 7, réécoute ton cd et refais les exercices

je sais exprimer des obligations au futur

Exercise 10 Look at Jane’s post-it and say what she will have to do the next day.

- surf the Internet to find a poem - look for the phone number of the War museum - select different pictures to find a logo r- phone Mr. Stanley - find titles of books and films about WW2 r



je sais utiliser un langage soutenu

Exercise 11 Use formal language to ask these two questions:

1- Can you tell me if you have any online resources available?

2- Can you send me a few samples of your educational packs?



je sais réagir aux propos de mon interlocuteur

Exercise 12 Listen to extracts from the phone conversation with the curator of the War museum and respond to what he says. Record yourself.

? Write your reactions



Séquence 7séance 8 —

— © Cned, Anglais 3e44

Exercise 13 Recite the poem by heart, record yourself.

Write the poem











TIPS: Relis tous les « Je retiens » de la séquence afin d’être au point pour la tâche finale dont l’activité langagière dominante sera la production de l’oral en continu et en interaction.

Séquence 7 — séance 9

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