Anemia defisiensi asam folat

Post on 22-Sep-2015

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Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid) is a water soluble member of the B-complex family of vitamins. Folic acid has function in DNA synthesize. Deficiency in folic acid lead to disturbance of maturing DNA, make the cell become megaloblast. This megaloblast has short life span because intramedullary hemolysis. The etiology of folate deficiency anemia maybe come from several factor, there are impaired absorption, increase folate requirement, alcohol, and other cause such as medications, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsant, and etc. To diagnose the anemia, comprehensive history, physical examination followed by appropriate laboratories examination such as CBC, peripheral blood smear, bone marrow aspiration, RBC folate, and MMA should be performed. To treat the patient, folic acid per oral should be given. Otherwise if there is no preparation of folate per oral, or no respond from patient to medication, dilution or per parenteral should be performed. The overarching and long-term strategy recommended for the control of folate deficiency is the consumption of a diet that meets the recommended intakes of these vitamins. However, in populations where it is unlikely that diet will provide recommended intakes of these nutrients, strategies such as supplementation and fortification should be considered. The duration of therapy depends on the basis of deficiency states. Patients with a continuously increased requirement (such as hemolytic anemia) or those with malabsorption or chronic malnutrition should continue to receive oral folic acid indefinitely.

Transcript of Anemia defisiensi asam folat


Anemia is a widespread public health problem associated with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality, especially in pregnant women, women of child-bearing, and young children. Anemia can be defined as an inadequate condition of the mass of erythrocyte or hemoglobin in vascular to supply oxygen for tissues. Anemia is also a condition when hemoglobin concentration below the normal ranges more than two standard deviations for age and gender.1 Generally, clinical criteria for anemia that used at hospital or private practice in Indonesia are: (1) hemoglobin