Andragogy 1

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Proyecto final del curso de andragogia y pedagogia

Transcript of Andragogy 1

Andragogy, and Pedagogy course E- Portfolio Prof. María Elena Álvarez Mónica Concepción Reyes Castillo Carne 5076-15-13864


Monica Concepción Reyes Hewlett-Packard


Andragogy and Pedagogy Portfolio 1


This work is a complete presentation of the

topics, vieos, homework,and projects about

Pedagogy and Andragogy course, in which I

have to include the contents of the


The portfolio is showing a complete journey

through the knowledge of Pedagogy and

Andragogy and the differences between


Theories, methods and techniques that I

could apply with my students (adult

learners) and also the opinions of authors,

and professionals in adult education and

how they used in class.

Andragogy and Pedagogy Portfolio 2

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 3

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 4

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 5

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 6


Teaching is a special calling that few people accept. It is the ability to guide, motívate, and

develop the potential in our students, because we mold their future each day in class. As a

teachers have to plann, develop, and organize the instructions, creating good experiential

learning opportunities in our students with a clearly communication.

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 7

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 8

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Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 10

Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 11


Learning as an active process involving the acquisition or reorganization of the cognitive structures

through which humans process and store information and the learner as an active participant in

the process of knowledge acquisition and integration.

We investigate and learn about Behaviorism, Cognitive, and Social theories.

These theories present the idea that students can learn in a good environment in which they

construct their learning by sharing with others, modeling, and following directions.

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Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 13

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Andragogy and Pedagogy portfolio 15


Whole-part-whole represents a practical methodology for designing learning programs. It is useful

for the overall design of learning programs of any length- total courses, as well as, for short

learning experiences. The whole-part-whole learning model offers a helpful framework for

developing training and instructions for adults.

This method shows different skills that we can apply to maintaining motivation and focusing on

specific elements.

Example of contract


Learning contracts are a way to engage learners to take charge of their learning and to

communicate their plan to reach their objectives. As a teacher is important to evaluate if our

students achieved the competences and also do a feedback of their knowledge.


It is a measurable human capacity that is required for an effective performance. It is about

providing learners with choices regarding when, where and how learning occurs. It helps to

attract and meet the needs of an increasingly diverse range of students and includes making

appropriate use of technology to support the learning process.


During the presentation and examples, we have understood that we learn and teach in

different ways, none are bad or good; however, you need to know how to combine the

traditional learning with the contemporary; the visual, kinesthetic, audio styles and the

interesting methods, to create dynamic and meaningful classes.


Today’s modern society is complety embedded with a technological context, which makes

the understanding and evaluation of technological self-efficacy critical indeed, that our

students have to apply and used in a daily life.


Malcolm S. Knowles was responsible for a number of important ideas about

Andragogy. He was the first to chart the rise of the adult education movement in the

United States; the first to develop the informal adult education practice; and the first

to attempt a comprehensive theory of adult education.

Andragogy History 2

Anexos (homework)


The methods or techniques used to teach adults.

Term used at

fist time by


Kapp. Kapp used

andragogy to


elements of Plato's



An andragogical

pioneer. Refers to special

requirements for

adult education. Eugen


First to introduce to

English speakers. Emphasizes

education in life

through experience.

Eduard Linderman

Propoused six

assumptions about adult learnes.

Malcom Knowles

*The need to know.

*Self concept.


*Readiness to learn.

*Orientation to

learning. *Motivation to learn.

1833 1921 1926 1980

Mind Map





environment. Andragogy

Art and science of adult





learners in

the planning

of learning.






support, and

accept them.

To do for


Malcom Knowles

American educator.

Four characteristics of

adult learners.

Are self-


Learn when

they think

they “need to


A desire to



Use methods

that draw on

learners' prior



Role play.

Problem solving.


Pedagogy and andragogy 2


It reinforces and provides an extra practice of activities learned in a previous attendance student

class servers, platforms, special websites.

A theory of effective computer-based instruction for


An input

It is something put into a system or

expended in its operation to achieve

output or a result.

Self-directed learning

It is an approach that has also been tried

with learners in elementary and

secondary school.


It is the belief in one´s ability to

successfully perform a technologically

sophisticated new task.


Level learning goals

It can bring coherence to a curriculum

and help both students and faculty see

how courses in a program interact with

and build on each other.

Law of interaction

Shows how the units of the theory are


Four stages of self-


Stage 1: the dependent learner with the teaching

style of authority and coach.

Stage 2: the interested learner with the teaching

style of motivator and guide.

Stage 3: the involved learner with the teaching

style of facilitator.

Stage 4: the self-directed learner with the

teaching style of consultant or delegator.

System states

It indicates the complexity of the real

world that the theory represents and



Pedagogy and Andragogy 2


In the movie “Mona lisa smile”, Julia Roberts stars as a novice art history professor teaches

conservative 1950s Wellesley girls college to question their traditional social roles in the

socciety; but not everything turns out well in this movie, it more closely reflects real life

and the free-thinking of Julia.

This paper will analyze the viewpoints of a revolutionary proffesor, their students, and the

principal of the college, and how it is related with the contents of the course.

Pegagogy and Andragogy 3


The film shows a school which teaches, above all, that a woman's duty is to stand by her man, this

is a good example of a traditional education in which the teacher is the center and the students

only recieved the information. This is the kind of school which actually offers classes in grooming

and table setting, and the teacher of those classes, takes them so seriously.

Watson (Julia Roberts) finds that every students make it a point to be able to identify every slide of

every painting in her first lecture, but she counterattacks with a blast of modern art, and there is a

scene where she takes them to watch a new work; with this strategy she applied a cognitive

theory that says “ students can used their priorknowledge to solve problems and learn by their

experience to obtain a meaningful learning” in this movie we can see a clear example in which

students memorize the information but it isn't represents a real learning. So she motivates her

students to go beyond their knowledge, try new things and follow their dreams.

I am pretty sure what the story parabola of "Mona Lisa Smile" will be (the inspiring teacher will

overcome adversity to enlighten and guide), but the movie is more observant and thoughtful than

I expect. The movie shows us a teacher and her students growing as a free spirit in a closed

system, and as a student whose life is forever changed by her (self-motivation).

Katherine Watson is smart and brave and stands by her beliefs, and so of course she reminds us of

ourselves as a facilitators and how we can motivate our students by using different methodologist

that help our students to success in their lifes. I can observe different kinds of theories such as

behaviorism, and social cognitive.

The movie is about her function as a teacher and her determination to install feminism on the

campus before that noun was widely in use. But the characters involve us, we sympathize with

their dreams, and at the end we are relieved that we listened to Miss Watson and became the

wonderful people who we are today.


The movie shows how the role of a good teacher can impact the life of our students and how they

can change it by their ability to learn and used their knowledge in real situations. Also I observed

the differences between the traditional education and the contemporary learning approach that

Miss Watson tried to introduce in the college, and how the students respond when she used a

different methodologist in her class.

Analyzing 2

The psychology of self-motivating


Scott Geller

“We can learn to each other and help others to feel self-motivating.”

(Scott Geller)

Beyond boundaries.

Scott Geller was thinking about rules, regulations, and restrictions that parents, teachers, and

supervisors used. But beyond boundaries is something different. There are parents, leaders,

teachers, and supervisors that can inspired us to do more than we have to. (Self-motivating).

How can inspired people in themselves to be self-motivating?

The answer is very simple; feeling empower is when you feel motivated to do something.

It is base on a research in which you can answer three important questions.

-Can you do it? (education, in elementary, middle school, high school).

-Would it work? (higher education, university)

-Is it worthy? (Training, motivation).

The difference between education and training is that an education is related with the time,

and training is doing something. But training is a behavior a feedback, about the

consequences of your behavior.

How can develop self- confidence?

As leaders we need to give our students:

- a feedback

-a recognition

-show them that they are competent.

Also develop a sense of community (social support is essential) because we learn to each

other. When we perceived choice we can notice the motivation or feel self-motivating


A behaviorism theory describes that all human been can learns, it is related with a classical

conditioning-Pavlov. A stimulus is presented in order to get a responds.

Andragogy is the art, science, or profession of teaching adults.

We learned about different strategies that achieve active, collaborative discovery and

creation of new knowledge, understanding and growth.


During all semester we make an interesting journey and learn about, Andragogy and the

difference between Pedagogy.

The course focus in adults learners and the responsibility of their learning. They know why

they are learning also most of the time the motivators are internal and our mission or role is

been a facilitator of their learning.

We learned different theories and how we can apply them in our classrooms, although we

can identify methodologies and theories that can help us.

This final project presents the contents, presentations, and homework that saw in this

course and provides an important tool in our future works.