Andaman Sheekha ePaper 11092014

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Transcript of Andaman Sheekha ePaper 11092014


Four bootleggersarrested from Port Blair

Port Blair, Sept 10: On08.09.2014, a teams of specialbranch CID and CentralCrime Station under the su-pervision of Mr S. K.Goswami, DySP (CID) con-ducted multiple raids in PortBlair area against bootleggersand arrested 4 bootleggersunder A & N excise regula-tion 1876 and seized 63bottles of IMFL.

The members of the

general public are requestedto inform about anycredible information per-taining to illegal sale orpossession of liquor/drugs orany other illegal activityon the following tele-phone numbers: 233307,9434288536, 242198,9434289985, 232586,9531856155 and 100. Theidentity of the informer willbe kept secret.

Baby food shortage hits city

Parents upsetas Lactogen-1 stocksexhaust from market

Senthil KumarSheekha News Service

Port Blair, Sept 10: Unavail-ability of Nestle Lactogen-1,a popular alternative tomother’s milk, has left par-ents of newborns to a state ofextreme unrest in the city.

Stocks of the vital In-fant food has reportedly ex-hausted in almost all the re-tail outlets here about a weekago and parents are forced torun pillar to post to procurea pack of the item to feed theirnewborns. 

Despite reports of de-pleting stocks of Lactogen I,

the lone agency procuring theitem failed to ensure timely re-plenishment of the stock.

“My wife delivereda baby girl after a caesarian

(See page 2)

Village Road turns into Pond

Mayabunder, Sept 10: Village

roads, constructed once upona time, between MG Govt. Col-lege, Karmatang to KarmatangX as well as to Karmatang

Beach are presently in hor-rible shape since last fewmonths.Public are going

(See page 8)

Sheekha News ServiceMuralidharan Pillai

Kamsharat Nallah Crisis:AAP delegations

meets Chief Secretary

Port Blair, Sept  10:Kamsharat Nallah ActionCommittee (KNAC) havebeen conducting relay hungerstrike and dharna atWimberlygunj since 27th Au-gust 2014 against alleged cor-rupt practices in APWD.

In this regard theAam Aadmi Party,

Convenor, Mr SanjayMeshack with a delegation ofKamsharat Nallah ActionCommittee (KNAC) met theChief Secretary, Andaman &Nicobar Islands on 9th Sep-tember 2014. The Chief Sec-retary reportedly assured totake necessary action in thisregard.

Teachers Sitting in Directorateof Education shown exit doors

Port Blair, Sept. 10: It has beenlearnt that after so many yearsall the teachers, who were sit-ting in Directorate of Educa-tion and working as Lower

Grade Clerks, have been fi-nally shown the exit doors.These teachers have nowbeen posted in differentschools.

2 11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

Mass Demonstrationby NGGO Association

Port Blair, Sept 10: A massdemonstration was held infront of the Directorate ofEducation yesterday from 3p.m. to 5 p.m. by the affectedcategories of teachers andmiscellaneous teachers whohave been denied the up-graded pay under Part B ofthe CCS (Revised Pay)Rules, 2008.

The mass demon-stration was organised to pro-test against the delay in ex-tending the upgraded pay un-der Part B to teachers andmiscellaneous teachers likeHeadmasters, Physical Edu-cation Teachers, Librarians,Primary School ResourceTeachers, Craft Instructors,Lab Assistants, etc. number-ing about 850 working underthe Education Department ofAndaman and Nicobabr Ad-ministration.

While inauguratingthe Mass Demonstration, ShriD. Ayyappan, General Sec-retary of the Non-GazettedGovt. Officers’ Associationsaid that on implementationof the 6th Central Pay Com-mission recommendations inthese islands during Septem-ber, 2008, the above catego-ries of teachers and miscel-laneous teachers were ex-cluded from the upgraded payunder Part B on illogicalgrounds. He said that teach-

ers of the above categoriesworking under the Govt. ofNCT of Delhi, UT Govern-ment of Puducherry andother UTs and central gov-ernment schools have al-ready been given the up-graded pay under Part B atpar with Post GraduateTeachers, Graduate TrainedTeachers, Primary SchoolTeachers, as the case maybe.

Instead of settlingthe issue in these islands, theAdministration referred thematter to the Govt. of Indiawhere it is lying for the lastsix years. He blamed the A& N Administration and Edu-cation Department for lack ofinitiative to pursue the matterwith the Govt. of India.

Shri HL Prasad, Act-ing President of the Associa-tion called upon the affectedteachers to continue theirstruggle. Shri TS Sreekumar,

Asst. General Secretary whileaddressing the participantsassured them that the Asso-ciation will continue to pursuetheir demand. Shri R.Surendran Pillai, Secretary,South Andaman Teachers’Branch, Shri SL Vinjit, JointSecretary, SATB, Shri SPBagchi and Shri JogeshwarLal addressed the gathering.The Mass Demonstrationwas led by Shri Venkat RamaRao, Vice President, SATB,Shri Mohammed Iqbal, Gen-eral Secretary, A &N Physi-cal Education Teachers’ As-sociation and Shri HemantRao, General Secretary,Andaman and Nicobar Li-brary Association. A largenumber of teachers and mis-cellaneous teachers, amongthem a good number ofwomen, attended the massdemonstration despiteunfavourable weather condi-tion.

ANI records 28.8 rate of suicideUT tops in Cases

of Unnautural DeathPUDUCHERRY: Puducherry hasreported the highest rate of sui-cide in the country for the thirdconsecutive year. At 35.6 in 2013,it is three times higher comparedto the national average of 11 in2013. 

According to data pro-vided by Maitreyi, a crisis inter-vention and suicide preventioncentre, Puducherry is followedby Sikkim (29.3), Andaman andNicobar Islands (28.8),Tripura(25.9) and Kerala(24.6).

Majority of the sui-cides has been due to alcohol-ism and its associated reasons,said Kumar of Maitreyi. Familyproblems, financial issues, work-related problems and ill-health

Parents yesterday. As she isunable to breast-feed thebaby, I rushed to medicalstores to purchase a pack ofNestle Lactogen -1, but wasshocked to learn that stockshave completely expiredabout 7 days ago. Nestle isone of the most popular andtrusted brands of baby milkpowders in India and evendoctors suggest feeding Lac-togen to newborns. Isearched the item in everystores of the city. But it’s no-where in the market. I am ex-tremely troubled as I don’tknow how to feed my newlyborn baby,” says stressedfather.It is learnt that samecompany Nestle sells an-other brand of Baby food fornewborns with brand nameNan Pro-1 but cost f that isalmost three times of Lacto-gen-1. Sadly even Nan Pro-1packets have also vanishedfrom local market.

“Being located faraway from mainland, the

Civil Supplies Departmentshould lay special thrust onprocurement of essentialproducts particularly Babyfood. There are some otherbrands of Baby food avail-able, but they are less knownand rarely available in the lo-cal market. Yesterday, myneighbour came to me askingfor some quantity of Lacto-gen-1 for their newly bornchild.

As I too have an 18-day old child and just a half-pack of the commodity, Icouldn’t provide it to myneighbour. Lactogen-1 is con-sidered best among doctorsto feed newborns in caseswhere mother couldn’tbreastfeed due to medicalconditions and traders hereshould ensure round theyear availability of the prod-uct ,” says a resident ofHaddo. Andaman Sheekhatried to contact the dealerover phone but the dealerwas unreachable.

(From page 1)

have led to the suicides, he said. Below 30 years, the number ofdeaths of both men and womenwas equal. The WorldSuicide Prevention Day is ob-served on September 10 basedon the theme ‘Suicide Preven-tion: One World Connected’, hesaid .

According to WHO, each year over eight lakh peoplecommit suicide in the world. Thiscorresponds to death by suicideevery 40 seconds. The numberof lives lost each year throughsuicide exceeds the number ofdeaths arising out of homicideand war combined. In India,1,34,799 people took their livesduring 2013.

11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 3

Flea market at Port BlairPort Blair, Sept 10: The Tour-ism Department proposes toorganize a Flea market atPort Blair with the support ofIndividuals; Local CulturalAssociations; Self helpgroups; NGOs and TourismAssociations/Stake holders.

This event will be aplatform for the local artists,artisans and cultural organi-zations to perform/displayand sell various art forms,handicrafts, food item etc.

Participants can ex-change or sell personal goodsand belongings like books,music CDs, clothes, small fur-niture, accessories, junkjewellery, appliances, crock-

ery, decorative items, handpaintings, utility productshomemade local pickles/masala items, mehandi design(individuals, self help groups,NGOs, Cultural Associationsetc. in the market. The mar-ket is proposed to setup ev-ery Saturday evening from 4pm to 10 pm at the MarinaPark. However, as depart-ment is celebrating WorldTourism day at ITF ground,the venue for first flea mar-ket has been fixed at ITFground, from 23rd to 27thSept. 2014.

The Tourism depart-ment being the nodal depart-ment will allot space to ven-

dors, individuals, cultural as-sociations, self help groups,NGOs etc rent free basis. Itmay be noted that shopkeep-ers and merchants will not beallowed to sell their merchan-dise in the market.Interestedparticipants are requested tocollect the registration formalong with terms & conditionseither from Directorate ofTourism or can download itfrom the official website Thefilled up application formswith relevant documentsshould reach this office on orbefore 19th September 2014,addressed to Director (Tour-ism), Directorate of IP&T.

Chairperson PBMCLays Foundation Stones

Port Blair, Sept 10: TheChairperson, Port Blair Mu-nicipal Council, Shri KGaneshan, laid the foundationstones for construction ofSanitary Office and Addi-tional Block of Ratri Niwasat Haddo, Ward no. 2 on 10-09-2014. The Secretary,PBMC, Shri SP Singh, WardCouncilor, Shri B Hema Raoand other officials of theCouncil were present on theoccasion.

The Sanitary Officeat Haddo will be constructedat an estimated expenditureof Rs 13, 20, 200/-, while theconstruction of the AdditionalBlock of Ratri Niwas, Haddowill be executed at an expen-diture of Rs 23,91,053/-.

Considering lack ofSanitary Site Offices, thePBMC decided to constructthe facility in all the 18 Wards

of the city. As part of the ini-tiative, foundation stone forthe second Sanitary Officewas laid today after the oneat Buniyadabad, Ward no. 3,said the PBMC Chairperson.

Similarly, the Addi-tional Block for the RatriNiwas at Haddo was pro-posed by the Councilor of thearea to cater to the accom-

modation needs of people,particularly those from thelower sections of the society.The Additional Block will aug-ment the accommodation fa-cility and benefit a large num-ber of citizens, said Mr KGaneshan.

Reiterating his com-mitment towards the welfare

Port Blair, Sept 10: A talk on‘Inculcating Reading Habitsin Children’ was held at NavyChildren School (NCS),Minnie Bay, Port Blair on 06

Talk on ‘InculcatingReading Habits in Children’ at

Navy Children School, Port BlairSep 14. The talk was part ofan initiative by the ParentsTeachers Association (PTA)of NCS, Port Blair. All the

A & N State Cooperative Bank organisesAccount Opening Campaign-cum-Quiz

programme at Ummat Public School

Port Blair, Sept 10: TheAndaman & Nicobar StateCooperative Bank Ltd. hasorgainsed an Account open-ing campaign under PradhanMantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY) exclusively for thestudents of Ummat PublicSchool, Astinabad.

At the beginning,Shri. Kamraj, Principal,Ummat Public School wel-comed bank officials, Facul-ties and students on the oc-casion. Shri. M K RajanKunju, Deputy General Man-ager (F & A) explained the

benefits of PMJDY and vari-ous schemes of the bank in-cluding Suvarna CooperativeKids RD, Recurring Depositscheme, etc. The programmewas also assisted by Shri.Raghubir Singh & Shri.Abhinav Pal, Assistant Gen-eral Managers of the bank.

After the awarenesssession, a quiz programme onPMJDY was also conductedby the officials of the bank inwhich prizes were distributedto students. The Bank has setup counter to help studentsopen their accounts.

1) On the auspicious occasion of the Gandhi Jayanthi,Dussehra and Deepavali, the A&N Islands Khadi & Vil-lage Industries Board will organize a ‘khadi-sales-cum-exhibition’ at Udyog Parisar complex, Middle Point.2) The first show of Sound & Light programme at CellularJail at 6 pm will be held in English.


Heavy Rainfall WarningPort Blair, Sept 10: Heavyrain or thundershower mayoccur at isolated places overAndaman and Nicobar Is-lands during next 48 hours.Under the influence of mod-erate to strong southwestmonsoon current, strongsouthwesterly wind speed be-tween 35 and 45 KMPH andgenerally rough seas likelyalong and off Andaman &Nicobar coast. Fishermen areadvised to be cautious whileventuring into the sea. Thegeneral public is advised totake precautionary measures

and in case of any emergencycontact in the following phonenumbers of State ControlRoom, District Control Roomand Emergency OperationCentres.State Control Room:03192- 238880 (Tele-Fax),1077(Helpline); District Con-trol Room: 03192-238881,1070(Helpline); EOC(Campbell Bay): 03193-264020; EOC (Kamorta):03193-263222 ; EOC(N&M): 03192-262960; EOC(Hut Bay): 03192-284014 andEOC (Car Nicobar): 03193-265241.

(See page 4)

(See page 4)

4 11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

11.09.2014 Daily Issue::207


Being a foreign writer in India mayjust be the best job in the world.As The Economist’s South Asiacorrespondent, my brief is broad— and India is generous back tome. Free to potter in distant cor-ners, i get to tell the world what isee going on. Outsiders have agreat appetite to know.

Nearly three years into myposting, four experiences strikeme. The first, a rail journey, con-firmed how diverse and big thisplace is. Around midnight one Sat-urday in January, in the chill ofDibrugarh, northern Assam, iboarded the weekly Vivek Express— the ninth-longest railway jour-ney in the world — that ran broadlysouthwards for most of the nextfour days. We passed over 4,200km, through 615 stations, acrosseight states.

With no allotted berth, ihopped around as spaces becameavailable. So i met a changing castof characters, people patient withour slow trundle and with an in-quisitive foreigner, who showed aside of India otherwise easilymissed. Those aboard were nei-ther the elite who flit by airlines,but nor were they the village-bound poorest. So i met membersof an emerging middle class, itsmigrants: teachers returning fromposts near the Bhutan border; sol-diers on leave from the northeast;Assamese students heading to ca-tering colleges in Kerala; patientsfrom West Bengal making theirway to hospitals in Tamil Nadu.

By the following Wednes-day when i stumbled on to the plat-form, squinting in the bright sea-side sunshine of Kanyakumari, atIndia’s southern tip, my notebookwas stuffed with characters iwould never otherwise have met.One hangs in my mind especially:a tipsy, talkative trader, who hadsipped furtively on Old Monk rumfor the entire length of India, whochattered about religion and toldhow he lived by trading coconuts.

A second trip i‘ll treasure,though i still feel the bumps froman awful road. This was a two-day drive from Guwahati, inAssam, up the Himalayan foothillsto the Tibetan border town ofTawang. Its immense monastery,and various sites along the way,were unlike any other spot i’veseen. Pristine, colourful, the lightextra dazzling in the high altitude,with Buddhist prayer-wheels spin-ning and tinkling. It felt almost likestepping into a Tintin story. Thelooming presence of China overthe border, and the whirl of In-dian army helicopters, were re-minders of its fragile peace.

Other mountain trips havebeen thrilling, an interview with theDalai Lama in Dharamshala espe-cially. But Tawang sticks with par-

ticular intensity. The reason: seeingthe incredible toil of thousands ofpeople we met on the road, fromwomen chipping at rocks with tinypicks, to soldiers guiding immensemachinery that coaxed a windingtrack from the steep mountainside.

Years of neglect of thoseroads meant less trade, tourism andmigration by Indians to the remote,beautiful Arunachal Pradesh. Perhapsbetter ones will mean the end of itsisolation: for the locals that shouldbe welcome, though the region maylose some of its charm.

To my friends back in Brit-ain, i like to tell of a third experiencethat goes against outsiders‘ expec-tations of India. This was a day-longvisit, in the steaming heat of July, toa sewage works and municipal rub-bish dump in the city of Surat,Gujarat. Not so glamorous, i admit,but it was revealing.

Over the years i‘ve seen —and smelt — some unappealingthings. A dawn boat ride on theYamuna river in January was remi-niscent of bobbing on an open sewer.The town of Gorakhpur, in easternUttar Pradesh, struck me as a visionof an apocalyptic environmental col-lapse, as cows munched on plasticlitter. Even an otherwise delightfulhike in Kashmir, joining pilgrims ofthe Amarnath Yatra, was blighted bymounds of smouldering rubbish.

Yet on a sweltering day,guided by local officials, i toured thewater works and municipal solidwaste unit of Surat. To my surprisethere were no flies, no smells, nolitter. Given India‘s immense eco-logical challenges, it was strangelythrilling to see how a booming towncould manage its rubbish and itswater supply. By burning trash andgenerating electricity, Surat alsohelps to power its water purification,helping restore the river to health.

It is so rare in India to see asuccessful example of a well-run ur-ban place. Others need to knowabout it, and to learn how some ba-sic things can be done well. Indiawill only develop fast, cut poverty,raise education, create much-neededtens of millions of jobs, once farmore people live in cities. That willonly happen once the cities are runproperly.

And my final, favourite ex-perience? This i have repeated at least100 times, at the end of all my othertrips. It is coming back to Delhi af-ter those journeys: seeing familiarsites and meeting friends, catchingup on political gossip, passing thetombs on Delhi‘s roundabouts, hear-ing the birdsong in myneighbourhood, even walking onthose strange, brown carpets ofDelhi airport. I may be an outsiderin the city, but almost everyone elseis one too. And with enough returnsi can start to think of Delhi in animportant way — as home.

The immensity of India

of the PBMC workforce, ShriGaneshan said that procedures havebeen initiated for regularization ofservices of 350 Daily Rated workersof the Council. Similarly, the hike of25% of salary of DRMs, who have

rendered 8 to 15 years of continuousservice in the Council in various cat-egories, viz. Un-skilled, Semi-skilled,Skilled (A), Skilled (B) and HighlySkilled will be implemented soon, hesaid.

Chairperson PBMC.... (From page 3)

parents whose wards are studying inNCS were invited to attend thetalk.During the course of the talk theSpeaker brought out the importanceand benefits of inculcating readinghabits in the children. The SpeakerEmphasised sayings such as ‘Read-ers are Leaders’ and ‘Great Read-ers are made on the Laps of theirParents’.It was brought out that thebooks are best friends and compan-ions which help the individual in over-coming the various challenges of life.

Book readers are on an averagemore creative and imaginative indi-viduals, and can find creative solu-tions to life’s challenges.The reasonfor the decline in the book readinghabits and the ways to revive it weredwelt upon during the course of talk.Keeping books at home, making read-ing a priority by parents themselvesand making it as a part of social in-teraction were brought out to be fewpoints in cultivating the joy and plea-sure of reading books.

Talk on ‘Inculcating ... (From page 3)

Madras HC dispenses withmurder accused Sri Lankan minister's

personal appearance in courtCHENNAI: The Madras high courton Tuesday allowed DouglasDevananda, a Sri Lankan ministerwanted in connection with a murdercase in Chennai and was declared asa proclaimed offender in 1994, to at-tend the murder trial against himthrough video-conferencing.

Justice C T Selvam of theMadras high court also recalled thesummons issued against the Lankanminister.

Devananda and his menhave been charged with the murderof one Thirunavukkarasu atChoolaimedu here in 1986. Accord-ing to the Chennai police, the thenEelam People's Revolutionary Libera-tion Front (EPRLF) cadres openedfire at local residents on Diwali eve

and killed Thirunavukkarasu. Thoughall the accused had been arrested andremanded in judicial custody, theyabsconded after being released onbail.

In 1994, the trial court issueda non-bailable warrant againstDevananda and proclaimed him as anabsconding accused.

11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 5

6 11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

Puffing in public to becomedearer; government mulling

ban on sale of loose cigarettesNew Delhi: Puffingin public can nowinvite hefty fine foryou. A committeeset up by HealthMinistry has sub-mitted a report andhas suggested in-creasing the fine forsmoking cigarettesin public to as highas Rs 20,000 fromRs 200. The centralgovernment is alsomulling putting aban on sale of loose ciga-rettes and bidis to discour-age consumption of tobaccoproducts.

Ban on sale of loosecigarettes is likely to dentITC’s volumes by 8-10 percent.

Smoking in publicplaces in India was bannedsix years ago. According tothe Cigarette and other To-bacco Product (Prohibitionof Advertisement and Regu-lation of Trade and Com-merce, Supply and Distribu-tion, COPTA) Act 2003, sell-ing of tobacco and its relatedproducts are banned within100 meters of educational in-stitutes, airports and to mi-nors. An Economic Timesreport says: According to of-ficials, the health minister hasaccepted the report but notall of the committee's sug-gestions might find a place inthe Cabinet note. "Some ofthe amendments suggested

are too radical. Like, for in-stance, the government is infavour of increasing the fineon smoking in public placesbut what's been suggested bythe panel is too much. It willnot be as high as Rs 20,000,"said a ministry official, whodidn't want to be named ashe's not authorised to speakto the media.The report fur-ther stated that Tobacco In-stitute believes that the moveis unlikely to serve the aimto curb tobacco consump-tion. Legal cigarettes accountfor only 12 per cent of to-bacco consumption in India.

Health MinisterHarsh Vardhan had earlierasked Defence Ministry toban cigarettes for Army can-teens.

The Indian apexcourt issued a notice to cen-tral government and stateslast month, on a PIL seekingban on cigarettes and bidis inthe country.

11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 7

As flood waters recede, train servicesresume between Katra and UdhampurKATRA: Train services re-sumed between Katra andUdhampur on Wednesdayafter they were halted earlierdue to the deteriorating floodsituation in Jammu & Kash-mir.

Senior superinten-dent of police (SSP), ReasiVivek Gupta confirmed to themedia that almost all routesare fine as of now, but ap-pealed to the people that ifthey are directed not to takea particular route, then theyshould follow it.

He also said, "I wantto appeal to people to confirmwhether the route is right ornot, because if it's fine thenthe recommendations will bedone by the police or theboard so that according to thatthe tour can be resumed. Theshrine board, the police andother security agencies havedone a lot of arrangements so

that the people can conve-niently complete their route."

Incessant rain re-sulted in mudslides, flashfloods and rising of waterlevel in all rivers of Jammu &Kashmir, due to which floodwaters and heavy bouldershad jammed the train tracks,which had led to the cancel-

lation of all services there.Around 200 people

have died in what PrimeMinister Narendra Modi hastermed a 'national disaster'.

Pulwama, Anantnagand Kulgam districts in southKashmir have been theworst hit due to the calam-ity.

Late Ustad Bismillah Khan's shehnaistolen, blame game starts among sons

NEW DELHI: Late UstadBismillah Khan's shehnaihas been stolen and his threesons are playing a blamegame within themselves.

Mehtab Hussain,the eldest son of UstadBismillah Khan, said, "Tillthe time the shehnai was inhis room, it was fine. Whenhe used to feel uneasy heused to work on that. In2007, Naiyar Sahab said thatthe shehnai should be givento him."

"My brother Kazimgave the shehnai to him andafter some time he fell ill.So, the shehnai used to bethere in his room. The whole

family was in hospital, andfrom behind who took it, wedon't know," he added.

Kazim Hussain, thesecond son of the Ustad,said, "We don't know wherethe shehnai went. NazimHussain has an enmity withus. He did not even give aglass of water to our father.He never used to giveshehnai to anybody. Wegave the shehnai to NaiyarHussain and he used it tillour father was there."

"The shehnai ismade of wood and is miss-ing since 2009. Then why ishe complaining now? Wewill file the FIR," he added.

Nazim Hussain, theUstad's youngest son, said,"Bismillah Khan wasknown for his shehnai play-ing. I came to know aboutthe incident two yearsback. But nobody from myfamily was concernedabout it."

"I had demandedfor a CBI enquiry. Alongwith the shehnai, otherthings are also lost," headded.

"The one who looksafter all the things like keysand everything will be un-der doubt. Kazim Hussainused to keep everything,"he said.

Kuldeep demands to expediteissuance of appointment orders

to Part time PPT and PPAfavour   so  that  these  pooremployees of the AN Admin-istration may draw their sala-ries with retrospective datesof their re-joining their dutiesi.e. with effect from 14th July,2014. Kuldeep has stated thatdue to non issuance of the ap-pointment orders these em-ployees are not allowed todraw their salaries and fac-ing acute financial problem.

Port Blair, Sept 10: The PCCPresident Kuldeep Rai Sharmahas at the outset thanking theAN Administration for allow-ing the 297 Part time Pre Pri-mary teachers and 297 Parttime Pre Primary Ayas to rejoin their duties at their respec-tive place of posting, has re-quested the Secretary Educa-tion to please expedite issuanceof appointment orders in their

Prize DistributionCeremony of RSC Open

Cricket TournamentPort Blair, Sept 10: Prize dis-tribution ceremony of RSCopen Cricket tournament willbe held on 22nd September2014 in Netaji Stadium. The

Winner, Runner and Thirdposition holder has beenasked to be present atthe venue  for  the  ceremonyon above said.

Address: Roy Villa, INS Utkrosh Road, New Pahargaon, Garacharma Post Office- 744105, South Andaman. Ph: 09932082892.,

City Office: Andaman Sheekha, D & K City Building, Ground Floor, RGT Road, Port Blair. A & N Islands.

Edited, Published, Printed and Owned by Shri Sanjib Kumar Roy and Published from Roy Villa, INS Utkrosh Road, New Pahargaon,Garacharma Post Office- 744105,South Andaman, A & N Islands. Printed at Royal Printers, Bargat Line, South Andaman. Editor: Shri Sanjib Kumar Roy.

8 11.09.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair


MOB: 9933232325, 9933262405, 9474202021

Available at all leading Outlets. Authorize service Center:Mohanpura Market, Aberdeen Bazaar Port Blair -744101

LG Pondicherry launches website for LG Secretariat and Raj Nivas

Now you can breeze intoPuducherry Raj Nivas portal

Pondicherry, Sept 10: Theadministrators of the UnionTerr itory have not beenknown to be social media orInternet-savvy. LieutenantGovernor A.K. Singh seemsall set to change that.

On Tuesday, Lt Gen(Retd) Singh launched a newwebsite for his Secretariat inRaj Nivas, which has infor-mation on his office and itsactivities. Lt Gen (Retd)Singh is no stranger to socialmedia either. He is active onTwitter and keeps in regulartouch with people in theAndaman and Nicobar Is-lands through his tweets, be-sides announcing news andredressing complaints. Airservices to the islands is themost discussed topic.Of late,Lt Gen (Retd) Singh has alsobegun posting his impres-

sions of Puducherry. He hastweeted about meetings withofficials and people, visit tothe Botanical Garden, thegym for police personnel andposted photographs from hisswearing-in ceremony inJuly. On Monday, the LG’sSecretariat has also opened

a Facebook account with aphotograph of Raj Nivasbeing the first post. Lt Gen(Retd) Singh’s active socialmedia profile may spur otheradministrators and politiciansto also take to the Internetto attract the UnionTerritory’s youth.

Sima Sarkar elected as Pramukhof Panchayat Samiti Little Andaman

L HalderPort Blair, Sept. 10: TheDeputy Commissioner ofSouth Andaman District hasadministered the Oath of Of-fice to the newly electedPanchayat Samiti MemberSmti. Sima Sarkar ofVivekanandapur, Litt le

Andaman Tehsil.Thereafter, an Elec-

tion to the Office ofPramukh, Panchayat SamitiLittle Andaman Tehsil (re-served for woman), wasconducted in which SmtiSima Sarkar, PanchayatSamiti Member of

Vivekanandapur GramPanchayat was elected un-opposed and declared asPramukh for the rest of thetenure of the exist ingPanchayat Samiti, LittleAndaman, South Andaman,a communication receivedhere said.

Vaccination for Haj pilgrimsPort Blair, Sept. 10: Oral po-lio vaccine & meningitis vac-cine will be administered to allHaj Pilgrims at GB Pant Hos-pital from 9.30 am onwardson Sept. 13, 2014. All Haj pil-

grims have been requestedto get vaccinated pos i-tively on Sept. 13, a com-munication from the Dy.Dir ector (Hea lth) sa idhere today.

through hell everyday be-cause of these roads especiallyafter every spell of rain. Theriders of two wheelers fear tocross the road, especially dur-ing night hours.

A large number of vil-lagers including public, stu-dents and teachers are usingthis road to reach their desti-nations almost everyday.Apart from the above, localtourists as well as mainlandtourists are visiting theKarmatang Beach, which isone of the best tourist place ofMiddle and North Andaman

Village Road ...District, but are getting onlynightmare during journey.

Are the concernedauthorities waiting for anymajor accident to repair theroad? Authorities must ini-tiate immediate action to re-pair these roads to avert anyserious accidents. Situation isso bad the roads now look likePonds in rainy days and evenbus drivers fear to cross theseroads.

In case of any majoraccident, will the Administra-tion shoulder the responsibil-ity?

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