Ancient Rome. Republic System of government where citizens elect representatives.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Ancient Rome. Republic System of government where citizens elect representatives.

Ancient Rome



System of government where citizens elect representatives

Roman Republic

Roman Republic

Senate elects consuls Plebians elect tribunes



Rome’s chief governing body

Two categories of citizens

Two categories of citizens

Patricians and Plebeians

What was the purpose of the Roman Army?

What was the purpose of the Roman Army?

Defend Rome Expand Rome Allow citizens to become wealthy

Who did Rome fight in the first Punic War?

Who did Rome fight in the first Punic War?


What caused the first Punic War?

What caused the first Punic War?

Carthage wanted to conquer Sicily

What was unique about the second Punic War?

What was unique about the second Punic War?

Hannibal attacked Rome on land from the North

Who was Hannibal?

Who was Hannibal?

The leader of Carthage during the second Punic War

What was unique about the second Punic War?

What was unique about the second Punic War?

Hannibal attacked Rome on land from the North

Who was Scipio Africanus?

Who was Scipio Africanus?

The Roman leader who defeated Carthage

What caused the third Punic War?

What caused the third Punic War?

Carthage broke the treaty with Rome

What did Caesar do to become more powerful?

What did Caesar do to become more powerful?

He was a successful military leader and created alliances with Roman leaders

How did Caesar start the Roman Civil War?

How did Caesar start the Roman Civil War?

He entered Rome with his army

Describe Caesar.

Describe Caesar.

Arrogant Neat Clean Driven Determined Paranoid Intelligent Ambitious

Who was responsible for Caesar’s death?

Who was responsible for Caesar’s death?

60 senators

Why was Caesar assassinated?

Why was Caesar assassinated?

Some felt he was getting too powerful

Who was Caesar Augustus?

Who was Caesar Augustus?

A nephew of Caesar

How was Caesar Augustus different than Julius Caesar?

How was Caesar Augustus different than Julius Caesar?

Good administrator Established peace Ugly Bad health Slept in

How did Augustus restore Roman pride?

How did Augustus restore Roman pride?

Re-established religion Rebuilt temples Built arches celebrating Roman history Brought in sculptors and architects to

create buildings and statues

Who was Virgil?

Who was Virgil?

Roman author/poet

What is Pax Romana?

What is Pax Romana?

200 years of peace in Rome

How did Augustus strengthen law?

How did Augustus strengthen law?

Included the senate in decisions and gave them different responsibilities

How did Augustus support the army?

How did Augustus support the army?

Established a central treasury Had to depend on Rome for supplies

Why did Rome feel threatened by Christians?

Why did Rome feel threatened by Christians?

Increased in number Established new communities

What did Rome do to create unity?

What did Rome do to create unity?

Made citizens pay taxes Made citizens adopt the same religion

Why were Christians persecuted?

Why were Christians persecuted?

To encourage them to be good citizens

How did Christians react at having to worship Roman gods and goddesses?

How did Christians react at having to worship Roman gods and goddesses?

They felt they were being loyal by paying taxes

Refused to worship gods/goddesses

What was the Edict of Milan?

What was the Edict of Milan?

A document that made Christianity legal

What were some of the problems facing the Roman Empire?

What were some of the problems facing the Roman Empire?

Empire was too big Recession Inflation Citizens out of work

How did Germanic tribes cause trouble for Rome?

How did Germanic tribes cause trouble for Rome?

Warriors constantly attacked Roman army in small groups

What was the Byzantine Empire?

What was the Byzantine Empire?

Another name for the Roman Empire in the east

What is the Koran?

What is the Koran?

Holy scripture of Islam

How did the Byzantine army fall?

How did the Byzantine army fall?

Arab armies attacked them

What has our government borrowed from the Greeks?

What has our government borrowed from the Greeks?

Majority rule Citizens voting Juries democracy

What has our government borrowed from the Romans?

What has our government borrowed from the Romans?

Senate Electing representatives

What buildings show Greek and Roman influence?

What buildings show Greek and Roman influence?

Jefferson Memorial White House Capitol buildings