Ancient Greece by Dashaun, Kendrick, and Will

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Ancient Greece by Dashaun, Kendrick, and Will

Daily life of Woman and Children

• At the age of 13, girls were able to get married. Instead of going to school, they stayed home and learned skills such as weaving and serving as household maids and slaves. The only games that woman was available to was the Heraia.

Boys in School

• As shown in the picture, only young boys was allowed to go to school.

Women at home

• In this presented slide, Women were meant to stay at home and weaved. The women also taught their little girls to weave because they wasn’t allowed to go to school.

Myths and Gods

• Myths are like religion to the ancients Greeks as Christian religion is to us. There were many gods that the Greeks looked up to such as Zeus,Hades,Hera,Ares,Enyo, and Fama. Most of these gods had mythical stories that tells their lives. Such as Athena’s story.


• In the picture, That is the sky god Zeus. Zeus is the ruler of all Olympian gods. He was worshipped by many and feared by many.


• This mythical story and movie, is about a man named Hercules who, help save his city and saved the people of Greece.


• In the ancient Greece time period, there were many battles. Most battles that are remembered was The Greco-Perisan,The Peloponnesian War, and Corin Thian War. Another ancient Greece war was the Trojan war. The Trojan war was waged against the city of Troy by the Achaeans after Paris of Troy stole Helen from her husband Menelaus, The King of Sparta.

Trojan War

• This Picture shows a wooden horse. The horse was a gift that Odysseus had ordered to give to troy. In the horse was soldiers.

Ancient Greece

• This is a temple that is still seen by many people in the united states. This temple was important to the ancient Greeks and was treasured dearly.


• Slavery was a common practice and an integral component of ancient Greece throughout its history as it was in other societies of time. The majority of citizens owned at least one slave. The Greeks had many degrees of enslavement. There was a multitude of categories, ranging from free citizens to a chatter of slaves.

Selling Slaves

• In the picture, it shows slaves that are being sold to people that need them.

Slavery Clothing

• Slaves did not wear the same type of clothing that their owners did. They was usually dressed in old rags and wore the same outfit everyday.


• The architecture and structures in ancient Greece was very unique and different. From rich man houses to the normal public buildings and to the house that surrounded Greece. These house were made from mud and bricks.

Athens Building

• This beautiful building is located in Athens. This building is called Parthenon.

Temple of Olympian Zeus

• This building is called the Temple of Olympian Zeus. This building is also located in Athens.

The End