Ancient Civilizations & Rise of...

Post on 20-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Ancient Civilizations & Rise of...

Roman EmpireMr. O


Students understanding of the Roman Empire,

including its expansion and engineering

accomplishments will be improved.

Roman Empire

750 BCE – first Etruscan inscriptions

early alphabet

735 BCE – Roma (Rome) founded by


509 BCE – Tarquinius Superbus (last

king) expelled

Roma becomes a republic

450 BCE – Twelve Tables of Roman Law


341 BCE – Rome conquers Campania

Roman Empire 338 BCE – Rome annexes the Latin


312 BCE – Aqua Appia (first aqueduct) built

295 BCE – Roma defeats the Samnites at Sentinum & Gauls/Celtsin N. Italy

264 BCE – Romans destroy Etruscan civilization & first Gladiator games

216 BCE – Hannibal defeats Romans at Cannae

207 BCE – Romans defeat Hannibal at Metaurus river

Roman Empire

202 BCE – Roman annexes Spain

171 BCE Perseus attacks Roma (Third Macedonian War begins)

168 BCE – Roma defeats Perseus at Pydna

146 BCE – Macedonia becomes a Roman Province

64 BCE – Syria becomes Roman province

63 BCE – Rome captures Jerusalem & Palestine

57 BCE – Caesar conquers all of Gaul (France)

Roman Empire

48 BCE – Caesar becomes Roman


44 BCE Caesar is assassinated

stabbed to death near the Theatre of

Pompey on the Ides of March (March

15), 44 BCE

9 CE – Gothic warriors destroy Roman

army at Teutoburg Forest

14 – appx. five million people in Roman


43 – Claudius invades Britannia

58 – Romans conquer Armenia (Western


Roman Empire

77 – Romans conquer Wales


79-80 – Colosseum completed

80 – Romans invade Caledonia


115 – 117 – Roman Empire

reaches greatest extent