Ancient civilizations (marcus & noah)

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Transcript of Ancient civilizations (marcus & noah)

Social Studies Research ProjectNoah Yang and Marcus Stephens

Mrs.Lemon’s Class 2014

Leaders/Leadership, Architecture/Art, and Advanced Technology inAncient Greece, China, and Egypt

Table o’ Contents-1. Ancient Greek Leaders-2. Ancient Greek Architecture/Art-3. Ancient Greek Advanced Technology-4. Ancient Chinese Leaders-5. Ancient Chinese Architecture/Art-6. Ancient Chinese Advanced Technology-7. Ancient Egyptian Leaders-8. Ancient Egyptian Architecture/Art-9. Ancient Egyptian Advanced Technology-10. Bibliography

Ancient Greek Art/Architecture


Doric-plain, used in Mainland GreeceIonic-thinner than Doric, capital(the top) decorated

with a scroll(volute),eastern GreeceCorinthian-capital decorated with leaves, often seen

on Roman temples and Greece

-Parthenon- built 447 B.C. and finished in 432 B.C. in Acropolis. Greatest temple of the Doric

order, 50 columns total. Elaborately decorated, and statues that show scenes from Athena’s life.


Created statues for freedom, and influenced art all the way to Japan. Mostly sculpted human bodies.

An example of Greek sculpting, is Discobolos (discuss-thrower)which shows a 3 dimensional picture

of a guy throwing a discuss.

-Painting The ancient Greeks paint on vases.

Mostly pictures of designs and animals. They drew the designs in geometrical styles.

Ancient Greek Leaders

Leaders-Alexander the Great-never lost to a battle, great military leader, and

expanded Greek territories

-Cleisthenes- helped reform constitution, called Father of Athenian Democracy

-Demosthenes- statesman, greatest speech giver of Greece

-Pericles- statesman during Golden Age, led building projects that stand today

Ancient GreekAdvanced Technology

Chariots- a horse drawn vehicle, with two wheels. They used the chariots to battle in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. They also used them for entertainment at the Circus

Maximus for races.The Greeks used the Chariots in the Battle of Kadesh.

Olympics- Invented the Olympics to honor the gods, took place in Olympia, and took five days.

First day, festival of athletics and wrestling.Second day, foot races in stadiums and basically all running.

Other days, wrestling, boxing, and pancratium, a mix of both, and horse racing

Ancient Chinese Leaders

Leaders-Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of Ancient China. He conquered all warring states and united into one kingdom at 221

B.C.-Xiang Yu , was a major military leader and

political figure. He was granted the title “Duke of Lu” in 208 B.C.

Ancient ChineseArchitecture/Art

ArchitectureThe architecture ancient

Chinese use, is mostly timberwork. They use wood to make a framework for a house. The ancient Chinese built the

Great Wall of China to protect and defend against the northern tribes. It’s over

5000 miles long.


The Ancient Chinese used many different styles of Art like

Caligraphy, Painting, Porcelain, Silk, Liquer, and Poetry. The three perfections are Poetry,

Caligraphy, and Painting.-Poetry is a type of writing that

educated people are supposed to learn.

- Caligraphy is a type of hand writing that ancient Chinese

consider important to art-Painting was inspired by poetry and caligraphy. The paintings in China usually have pictures of


Ancient ChineseAdvanced Technology

Weapons- The Chinese made weapons out of Iron. To cast the iron, they put the iron into the furnace and heat it up to high temperatures, which smelted the iron. They bang it in place to create a weapon, and then put in water. The weapon is made.

Paper- Paper was made out of fiber collected by pounding linen cloth. Paper in China was first actually used for clothing. Beleive it or not, but it was also used for soldiers' armor.

Ancient EgyptianLeaders


-Akhenaten, famous for saying about only one God, ruled with his wife, King Tut's father

-Tutankhamun- called King Tut, famous because today his tomb remains intact with treasures, became Pharaoh at 9

-Hatshepsut, lady Pharaoh, wore men's Pharaoh clothing including beard, greatest woman Pharaoh

-Ramses II, ruled Egypt for 67 years, built more structures than any other Pharaoh

Ancient EgyptianArchitecture/Art


Sculpting- The Egyptians sculpted The Great

Sphyinx of Giza and the Statues of Ramses II at the

Abu Symbel Temples.

Painting- They painted on tombs and walls. The

paintings show people in their afterlifes.

ArchitectureThe egyptians built temples

and tombs out of granite, limestone, and sandstone. The

temple of Karnak was made out of adobe brick at the very

top. The Pyramids- The

Egyptians that built the pyramids had to be very skilled. The Pyramids also had great

monuments for the kings/Pharaohs

Ancient EgyptianAdvanced Technologies

Hieroglyphics- The Egyptians used writing called hieroglyphics which dates back to 3000 B.C. It was one of the hardest and complicated form of writing which is composed of over 1000 symbols. The symbols are represented in sounds letters and words.

Papyrus-They were able to make sheets out of Papyrus to make paper that you can write on. Egyptians made the sheet a secret, so they could sell parchment to other civilizations.

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