Analysts Meet May068

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Transcript of Analysts Meet May068

  • 8/8/2019 Analysts Meet May068


    Annual Investor Meet

    25 th May 2006

  • 8/8/2019 Analysts Meet May068


    The Hinduja Group

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    The Hinduja Group Profile

    The Group was established in 1914 inMumbaiEntered Middle East in 1919 to grow

    trading initiativesPrivately owned by the Hinduja FamilyPresence in more than 25 countries andoperates across the globeEntered India for major activities in 1987Employs over 30,000 personnelworldwide

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    Hinduja Group :Business Activities

    Media &Entertainment


    Automotive Banking &Finance

    Real Estate

    Energy &Chemicals

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    Presentation Outline

    Indian CV Industry Outlook Ashok Leyland Performance and Plans

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    Indian CV Industry Outlook

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    CV Demand Drivers

    Economy Growth in FY06 Industrial Production : 8.2 % Agriculture Growth : 2.5% Imports / Exports : 31.7% / 25%

    Freight generating sectors witnessedsignificant growth

    Source: CMIE

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    CV Demand Drivers (Contd..)

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    CV Demand Drivers (Contd..)

    Infrastructure Road construction projects - NHAI

    launched in 1999

    Total coverage increased to18,372 Kms - pan India35% completed by 31.03.06

    40% under implementation25% to be implemented

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    M&HCVTIV VolumesBus Truck Total

    FY 01 24,785 57,175 81,960

    FY 02 16,814 73,185 89,999

    FY 03 19,970 95,741 115,711

    FY 04 24,591 136,804 161,395

    FY 05 25,638 172,868 198,506

    FY 06 28,126 179,320 207,446

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    M&HCVTIV Growth Trends











    2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

    Bus Truck Total

    Truck volume trebled in last 5 years

    Bus volumes stagnated

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    CV Demand Drivers (Contd)

    LegislationRecent Supreme Court decision onoverloading to trigger demand. Growth in MHCVs partially on account

    of positive impact of the supreme courtsorder, accompanied by strong freightavailability ,allowing operators toincrease freight rates CRIS INFAC.

    One time demand upto 28,000 vehicles

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    Freight Rate Movement

    U ptrend in freight rates indicates absorptionin market

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    Freight Rate Buoyancy andOperators Cost Structure




    South North East West

    I n c . o v e r

    1 2 m o n

    t h s Inc. in F re ight R ates

    Inc. in Di esel P r ice




    7Capital cost taff Ex pense

    Fuel Ex penses Maintenance


    No significant impact of adverse interest rates

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    Railways EfficiencyImprovement - N ot a concern

    Proposed dedicated Freight Corridor looking to buildpartnerships with road transporters to move to interior areas - will boost demand for CVs Investment Rs.650 Billion: Phase I Rs.224 Billion Time frame : 10 years Phase I completion by 2011 Coverage 9000 kms Phase I - 2900 kmsSimilarity with Chinese market Massive expansion inRailway network in China during 1992 to 2002,

    accompanied by CV growth rate of 8.9%. Similar trendexpected in Indian market.Structural change in industry with higher sales of HCVsfor highway transport and LCVs for last mile transport

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    Outlook for FY07

    Growth up to 9-10% CRIS INFAC.

    Industry Analysts projection Averagegrowth >10%

    AL targets to outperform industry

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    Ashok Leylands Performance

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    Composition of Sales Q4FY06

    Q4FY06 Q4FY05 YOY %

    Domestic - Civilian

    s 6 T 64 0 4 Total 18722 15535 20.5

    Defence 500 146 242.5 Exports 1180 2648 (55.4) Total Vehicles 20402 18329 11.3

    Engines 2497 2243 11.3 Spares incl. Defence (Rs. Mn) 1788 1911 (6.4)

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    Composition of Sales FY06

    FY06 FY05 YOY %

    Domestic - Civilian

    s 6 0 0 0 ck 06 0 6

    Total 56274 47782 17.8 Defen c e 502 146 243.8 Exports 4879 6812 (28.4) Total Vehi c les 61655 54740 12.6 Engines 7261 6254 16.1 Spares in c l. Defen c e (Rs. Mn) 7838 5460 43.6

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    M&HCV: ALs Market Share

    % Year Pass Goods Total


    V ALMS % 47.7% 23.7% 27.0%

    FY 05TIV 25,638 172,868 198,506

    AL 10,469 37,137 47,606 MS % 40.8% 21.5% 24.0%FY 04

    TIV 24,591 136,804 161,395 AL 11,025 33,471 44,496 MS % 44.8% 24.5% 27.6%

    M S gains across all regions

    Stronger in high growth segments

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    Financial Results FY06

    Improved margins despite raw materialcost increase

    Dividend increased to 120%

    FY06 % FY05 % YOY FY04 %Net Sales / Income fromOperations 52,477 100.0 41,819 100.0 25.5 33,920 100.0 Gross Operating Margin 5,401 10.3 4,229 10.1 27.7 3,946 11.6 Financial Expenses 165 0.3 28 0.1 489.3 208 0.6 Gross Profit 5,566 10.6 4,738 11.3 17.5 3,924 11.6 Depreciation 1,260 2.4 1,092 2.6 15.4 965 2.8 Profit Before Tax 4,523 8.6 3,550 8.5 27.4 2,865 8.4 Net Profit - PAT 3,273 6.2 2,714 6.5 20.6 1,936 5.7

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    Operations Highlights in FY06

    Capacity enhanced to 77,200 vehicles p.a.Introduction of BS3 variantsVolume growth at 17.6%, outperformed industry

    growth of 4.5%Market share improvement by 300 bp -Improvement across all regions / segmentsTurnover Rs.52 Bn. (US $ 1.1 Bn.)No borrowal during 2005-06

    Asset base Rs.23 Bn.Market capitalization :Rs.55 Bn. (US$ 1.2 Bn.)

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    Operations Highlights FY 06(Contd)

    Loan funds excluding FCCN - Rs 3.5 Bn.Net interest bearing loans - Rs 1.8 Bn.

    Capital expenditure - Rs 2.4 Bn.Net Working capital - Rs 4.2 Bn.

    Better asset utilisation

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    Performance Highlights 5 yrs

    FY06 FY05 FY04 FY03 FY02

    EPS - Diluted (In Rs.) 2.46 2.04 1.63 1.01 0.78

    R O C E (%) 31.0 26.2 20.9 13.4 11.6

    RONW (%) 19.9 21.2 20.1 12.4 9.6Dividend Payout (%) 55.7 50.0 52.0 55.8 58.0

    Asset Turnover (Times)

    4.0 3.6 2.7 1.8 1.4

    WC Turns ( Times) 6.7 5.9 5.7 3.6 2.6

    Debt : Equity 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0

    Significant growth over five years

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    Other Business Initiatives

    Component / aggregates businessincluding exports to US / Europeancountries turnover target at US$ 100

    million in the next three yearsEngine business expansion - volumeincrease by 100% in FY 07. Potential for further growth.

    Improving shareholder returns withminimum investment

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  • 8/8/2019 Analysts Meet May068



    Capacity expansionProduct launchesPerformance improvement through Focus on non-cyclical portfolios Efficiency improvements

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    Capacity Expansion

    Vehicle assembly capacity to beaugmented to 100,000 in next 2 yearsProduction / sales target FY07 - 75,000vehiclesCabin facility to 40,000Indigenisation of J series engines

    R&D facilities to reduce time-to-market

    Capex spend around Rs.6 billionover FY07 and FY08

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    New Product Launches

    ICV - 1512 with H Series engineSemi Forward Control in Tipper andHaulage segments

    Tractor range - 6x2 / 6x4 with 210-350 hpengine and G TW up to 49 TTipper 8x4 with 350 hp engineInterCentury Luxura busBranded BusesDefence sector - HMV and other logisticsvehicles

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    Non-Cyclical Business

    FY 06 FY 05 FY 04

    Defence / Spare Parts 12.4 10.1 11.4

    Exports 8.3 13.2 8.4

    Indl. / Marine Engines 2.1 2.3 2.1Total 22.9 25.7 22.0

    Share of revenue (% of turnover)

    N on-cyclical revenue streams growing inabsolute quantum as also in share of total

    revenue.FY 05 includes one-time order from Iraq

    From FY 07, component business expected togrow exponentially

    N on-cyclical revenue targeted to grow >30%

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    Effi ciency ImprovementsMaterial cost reduction Emphasis on e-sourcing and global

    sourcing to play a beneficial role Continued focus on value engineering

    initiatives to improve margins in allexisting / new productsMission Gemba Shop floor-led team initiative with focus on

    creating value through empowerment andimproving resource utilisation

    Target to achieve 300 bp improvement inoperating margins over 2 years

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    Ashok Leyland Stock Performance

    a r a y l S e

    o a n a r a y l S eo a n a r a y l S e

    o a n a r

    P o i n t s

    R s .

    e r S

    h a r e

    n fty


    AL sto ck o u tper f or m s N IFTY m o ve m ent

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    Shareholding Pattern




    Public &Others






    FIIs holdings doubled over 1 year

    FCC N conversion as on date : 84% (IncludingPromoters)

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    Thank you