Anabolic Steroids The Negative Effects of Anabolic Steroids.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Anabolic Steroids The Negative Effects of Anabolic Steroids.

Anabolic Steroids

The Negative Effects of Anabolic Steroids

Why Use Anabolic Steroids

Most users of steroids start using the drug to enhance size and athletic abilities.

Most users start because of the influence of media.

Users are not usually informed properly are believe that the side effects will not effect them.

Who Typically Use Steroids

There are usually two different types of people who use anabolic steroids. One are young kids between the ages of 13-23. The others are typically bodybuilders.

Kids that use the drug at these ages are usually trying to increase there size for sports.


These kids are sometimes influence by there piers or their favorite player in a certain sport.

Studies show that 20% of kids use between 8th-12th grade. In a study by the NIDA most of these students said that there reason for using steroids were solely for sports and to increase size and ability.

Side Effects Anabolic steroids have many

side effects both in men and women users.

In men side effects acne, balding, high cholesterol, and trembles.

There are also sexual side effects that come with the use of steroids such as shrinking of testicles, reduced sperm count, and in some cases development of brest.

Side Effects Continued Women also have side

effects from the use of steroids.

In most cases these are the most common side effects; growth of facial hair, male-pattern baldness, changes in or cessation of the menstrual cycle, deepened voice.

Women that use steroids also increase their chances for breast cancer.

Types of Steroids

There are many types of drugs that fall into the categories of steroids that help enhance size and ability.

Andrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): Athletes take this hormone to speed up the repair of torn tissues. It can cause insomnia, bone loss, stomach problems, and high blood pressure.

Types of Steroids Continued

Erythrropoietin (EPO): Add red blood cells to the blood, which provides more oxygen to the body's cells. Using EPO is called "blood doping." Side effects include blood clots, muscle tremors, high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

Human growth hormone (HGH): This drug stimulates muscle and bone growth. It enables athletes to train harder and longer. HGH is used predominantly by bodybuilders. Side effects include excessive bone growth in the face hands and feet.

Different Ways Two Use

There are two different ways to use anabolic steroids. Threw the mouth oraly or injection.

If Steroids are taken orally the drug effects the liver more than if it was injected.

Orally also causes more tumors on vital organ than if it is injected.


Although steroids do what they are intended by making the user bigger, faster, and stronger, the sid effects are deadly.

We need to educate young people so so they do not think that the side effects want hurt them.