Ana Rita Neves Covenant of Mayors Office Tipperary, 27 th March 2015 The Covenant of Mayors.

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Transcript of Ana Rita Neves Covenant of Mayors Office Tipperary, 27 th March 2015 The Covenant of Mayors.

Ana Rita NevesCovenant of Mayors Office Tipperary, 27th March 2015

The Covenant of Mayors

The Covenant of Mayors in a nutshell


32006 2008 2009

Priority action in the EU Action Plan for Energy Efficiency

Launch of the Covenant of Mayors initiative

Creation of the Covenant of Mayors Office

The Covenant Commitments


The Covenant Actors:Multi-level engagement





SignatoriesVillages, Towns, Cities, Counties

Territorial CoordinatorsRegions, Provinces, grouping of local authorities

National CoordinatorsMinistries and Energy Agencies

SupportersLocal/regional authorities networksAssociated PartnersBusiness-representatives


LAREAsLocal and Regional Energy Agencies

The Covenant today

An unprecedented success…


6,200 signatories

196 million citizens

53 countries

4,500 Sustainable Energy Action Plans

300 Monitoring Reports

... Ambitious goals


Corresponding to 189 Mtonnes CO2 eq. to be reduced, which is the equivalent of overall emissions of Belgium and Luxemburg combined.

Corresponding to 479 TWh of estimated energy savings to be reached by 2020 as a result of measures in the buildings and transport sectors.

Corresponding to 133 TWh of energy to be locally produced, mainly from CHP, PV and wind power. This will contribute to meet 18% of signatories’ future energy demand from local energy production.

CO2 reduction Energy savings Local energy production

Source: JRC (2015), “The Covenant of Mayors in Figures – 6 Year Assessment" report.

28% 20% 18%


6 signatories6 signatories

4 submitted SEAPs4 submitted SEAPs

1.4 million citizens1.4 million citizens

The Covenant in Ireland

Cork County


WaterfordKerry Local Authorities

South Dublin County

Roscommon County


The Covenant of Mayors process

Signature of the Covenant of Mayors


Signature of the Covenant of Mayors


Present the Covenant of Mayors commitments to the City Council (or equivalent decision-making body).

Once an official resolution has been adopted by the Council, mandate the mayor – or equivalent representative – to sign the adhesion form (available in the library webpage).

After signature, complete the registration online and upload the duly signed adhesion form.


The Sustainable Energy Action Plan


The Sustainable Energy Action Plan


Energy Demand Energy Supply

The Sustainable Energy Action Plan

Where are you?

Where do you want to go?

How do you get there?

Baseline Emission Inventory

Analyse the current status in terms of energy use and associated CO2


Baseline Emission Inventory

Analyse the current status in terms of energy use and associated CO2


Vision, Objectives,


Agree on a vision, objectives and CO2 emissions

reduction target for 2020.

Vision, Objectives,


Agree on a vision, objectives and CO2 emissions

reduction target for 2020.


Define a set of comprehensive

actions with estimated impacts.


Define a set of comprehensive

actions with estimated impacts.


The SEAP submission process


What is reported in the template? Overall strategy (target, vision, staff, budget, etc.);

Final energy consumption by sector and by energy carrier;

CO2 emissions factors adopted for each energy carrier;

Local energy production (if applicable);

CO2 emissions by sector and by energy carrier;

Key actions (estimates on cost, energy savings, renewables and CO2 reduction by 2020).


What happens next?SEAP Feedback


What happens next?SEAP catalogue


Monitoring SEAP implementation


Why monitoring?

To monitor how actions defined in SEAPs are progressing and evaluate their effects towards the targets;

To identify the need of adjustments to the plan, e.g. corrective measures, if necessary.


Are you on track to reach the targets?

Monitoring Requirements


We, the Mayors, commit to…

“Submit an implementation report at least every second year after submission of the Action Plan for evaluation, monitoring and verification purposes”.

(Covenant official text)

Monitoring Requirements


Action Reporting Full Reporting

I – My Overall Strategy II – My Emission Inventories III – My Sustainable Energy Action Plan



What is reported in the template? Overall strategy:

• Point out any changes to the initial strategy;

• Assess the budget spent so far in SEAP implementation;

• Identify the main barriers encountered.

Emission inventory:

• Provide a recent Monitoring Emission Inventory.

Key actions:

• Evaluate the implementation status of the actions defined in the SEAP (completed, ongoing, ....);

• Revise/update the estimates on the impacts of the actions by 2020;

• Highlight at least three actions as Benchmarks of Excellence.24

Benchmarks of Excellence


Highlight implemented measures as best practices to be included in the Benchmarks of Excellence online catalogue.

Support to signatories

Support to Signatories

The Covenant of Mayors OfficeManaged by a consortium of networks

Ensuring the promotion of the Covenant Ensuring the liaison with media Liaising with Associated Partners Coordinating the capacity building activities on financing

Coordinating the Covenant Helpdesk Developing methodological guidelines & tools (monitoring) Liaising with a pool of energy experts Coordinating the capacity building on SEAP implementation

Organising EU-wide events, such as the Covenant ceremony

Coordinating the relations with Covenant Supporters Maximising synergies with related initiatives

Reinforcing the collaboration with Provinces and Regions (Coordinators)and Local and Regional Energy Agencies

Guidance materials

Quick Guides on Joint SEAP, Financing...

SEAP Guidebook and Reporting Guidelines

Workshops & Webinars


Check out our online agenda!

Coming soon:

Webinar on Monitoring SEAP implementation

Vila Nova de Gaia and Växjö tell us about their monitoring experience and process of filling in the template.