Ana Exam. With Ratio

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Transcript of Ana Exam. With Ratio


1. All cells perform certain basic functions essential for survival of the cell. These basic cell functions includes the following, Except:A. Obtaining food (nutrient) and oxygen from the environment

surrounding the cellB. Performing chemical reactions that use nutrients and oxygen to

provide energyC. Eliminating to the cell’s surrounding environment CO2 and other

by-products, or wastes, produced during these chemical reactions.

D. The gland cells of the digestive system secrete digestive enzymes that break down ingested foodAns. D - Choices A,B & C are basic functions of cell. Choice D is a specialized cell function.

2. A type of tissue that consists of cells specialized for contracting and generating force:A. Nervous tissueB. GlandsC. Epithelial tissueD. Muscle tissue

Ans. D 3. A type of tissue that has specialized cells for initiating and transmitting

electrical impulses: A. Nervous tissueB. GlandsC. Epithelial tissueD. Muscle tissue

Ans. A

4. A type of tissue with cells specialized for exchanging materials between the cell and environment:A. Nervous tissueB. GlandsC. Epithelial tissueD. Muscle tissue

Ans. C

5. A type of epithelial tissue derivatives that are specialized for secreting:A. Nervous tissueB. GlandsC. Epithelial tissueD. Muscle tissue

Ans. B6. A unit structure within the body made up of several tissue types is:

A. Body SystemB. HomeostasisC. Organ levelD. Molecular level

Ans. C

7. A dynamic steady state in the internal environment in which the changes that do occur are minimized by compensatory physiological responses:A. HomeostasisB. Negative feedbackC. Positive feedbackD. None of the above

Ans. A

8. It is a homeostatic control mechanisms in which a corrective adjustment opposes the original deviation from the normal desired level:A. Positive feedbackB. Negative feedbackC. Both A & BD. None of the above

Ans. B

9. It is a homeostatic control mechanism which amplifies an initial change:

A. Positive feedbackB. Negative feedbackC. Both A & BD. None of the above

Ans. A

10. Which of the following activities is not carried out by every cell in the body?A. Obtaining O2 and nutrientsB. Performing chemical reactions to acquire energy for the cell’s useC. Controlling to a large extent exchange of materials between the

cell and its external environmentD. Reproducing

Ans. D – Not all cells undergo the process of reproduction ( cellular division / mitosis ) ex. nerve cells

11. It acts as energy organelle that serves as site for ATP production in the cellular physiology.A. Endoplasmic reticulumB. MitochondriaC. NucleusD. Golgi apparatus

Ans. B – Mitochondria is the “power plant” of the cell. The energy produced is Adenosine Triphosphate

12. Which of the following terms describes the body's ability to maintain its normal state? A. AnabolismB. CatabolismC. ToleranceD. Homeostasis

Ans. D

13. Each of the following is known to help prevent infection EXCEPT A. hair in the noseB. mucous membranesC. OsteoblastsD. Saliva

Ans. C - Osteoblast cells are bone-forming cells. A, B, & D are protective in their functions.

14. Each of the following mature cells has a nucleus EXCEPT A. LymphocyteB. MonocyteC. ErythrocyteD. Basophil

Ans. C - erythrocyte are biconcave shaped cells with no nucleus inside.

15. Which of the following is flexible connective tissue that is attached to bones at the joints? A. AdiposeB. CartilageC. EpithelialD. Muscle

Ans. B

16. Each of the following is located in the mediastinum EXCEPT:A. AortaB. EsophagusC. HeartD. Pancreas

Ans. D

17. Which of the following is the body cavity that contains the pituitary gland? A. AbdominalB. CranialC. Pleural

D. Spinal

Ans. B

18. Which of the following closes and seals off the lower airway during swallowing? A. AlveoliB. EpiglottisC. LarynxD. Uvula


19. Which of the following is located beneath the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity? A. AppendixB. KidneyC. LiverD. Spleen

Ans. C

20. Which of the following anatomical regions of abdomen lies just distal to the sternum? A. EpigastricB. HypochondriacC. HypogastricD. LumbarE. Umbilical

Ans. A

21. Which of the following cavities are separated by the diaphragm? A. Abdominal and pelvicB. Dorsal and ventralC. Pericardial and pleuralD. Thoracic and abdominal

Ans. D22. Which of the following terms describes the motion of bending the

forearm toward the body? A. AbductionB. EversionC. FlexionD. Supination

Ans. C

23. In which of the following positions does a patient lie face down? A. DorsalB. LateralC. ProneD. Supine

Ans. C 24. The anatomic location of the spinal canal is

A. CaudalB. DorsalC. Frontal D. ventral

25. Which of the following is a structural, fibrous protein found in the dermis? A. CollagenB. HeparinC. LipocyteD. Melanin

Ans. A

26. Which of the following is the large bone found superior to the patella and inferior to the ischium? A. HumerusB. FemurC. Symphysis pubisD. Tibia

Ans. B – the patellar bone refers to the knee joint. The ischium is part of the pelvis. The structure between the pelvis and the knee joint is the thigh part which refers to the large bone femur.

27. The physician directs the medical assistant to complete a request form for an x-ray study of the fibula. The procedure will be performed on which of the following structures? A. HeelB. Lower legC. ToesD. Thigh

Ans. B – the fibula is one of the bones of the lower leg. Another bone found there is the tibia.

28. The point at which an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another neuron is called the A. DendriteB. Glial cellC. Nerve centerD. Synapse

Ans. D – Synapse refers to the point of communication of one cell to another cell like the communication between a neuron to another neuron.

29. Which of the following controls body temperature, sleep, and appetite? A. Adrenal glandsB. HypothalamusC. PancreasD. Thyroid gland

Ans. B – The hypothalamus is the regulating center for body temperature, appetite, water metabolism, sleep. Choices A, C, & D are endocrine glands that secrete their specific hormones.

30. Which of the following cranial nerves is related to the sense of smell? A. OculomotorB. HypoglossalC. OlfactoryD. Trochlear

Ans. C – Olfactory nerve is the cranial nerve for smelling. It is sensory in its function. Choices A, B, & D are cranial nerves with motor function.

31. Which of the following is a substance that aids the transmission of nerve impulses? A. AcetylcholineB. CholecystokininC. OxytocinD. Prolactin

Ans. A – Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger that carries impulses for the transmission of nerve impulses. Choices B,C, & D are not neurotransmitters.

32. The carotid pulse is located A. in front of the ears and just above eye levelB. in the middle of the groinC. on the anterior side of the neckD. on the medial aspect of the wrist

Ans. C – The carotid pulse refers to the carotid artery that is located on the anterior side of the neck. It is a branch of aorta that supplies blood towards the head part.

33. A patient sustains severe blunt trauma to the left upper abdomen and requires surgery. The body organ most likely to be involved is the A. AppendixB. GallbladderC. urinary bladderD. Spleen

Ans. D – The spleen is the organ most likely to be involved. The spleen is one of the organs found on the left upper abdomen

together with stomach. Choices A, B, & C are not located on the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.

34. Where is the sino-atrial node located? A. In the interventricular septum B. Between the right atrium and the right ventricleC. In the lower wall of the left ventricleD. In the upper wall of the right atrium

Ans. D - The SA node is a pacemaker of the heart that initiates the electrical conductivity of the heart. The SA node is located in the anterior wall of the right atrium. Choice A refers to the bundle of His and its branches. Choice B refers to the AV node. Choice C refers to the purkinje fibers.

35. Blood flows from the right ventricle of the heart into the __________ as the __________ valve opens:A. pulmonary veins, pulmonic valveB. pulmonary arteries, pulmonic valveC. left ventricle, tricuspid valveD. right atrium, tricuspid valve

Ans. B – The blood flows the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery for pulmonary circulation. The pulmonic valve opens to allow the passage of the blood. Tricuspid valve allows the passage of blood from the right atrium to the right ventricle.

36. Oxygenated blood is carried to the heart by the A. AortaB. carotid arteriesC. inferior vena cavaD. pulmonary veins

Ans. D – the pulmonary artery carries oxygenated blood from the pulmonary circulation going to the heart to be pump for systemic circulation.

37. The thoracic cage is a structural unit important for A. AlimentationB. MenstruationC. MentationD. Respiration

Ans. D – The thoracic cage contains the lungs which are the organs for respiration. Alimentation happens in the abdominal region which involves the digestive tract. Mentation is in the cranial cavity which involves the brain activity. The menstruation is in the pelvic region which involves the reproductive tract physiology.

38. Exhaled air, when compared with inhaled air, contains more A. carbon dioxide and less oxygenB. nitrogen and less carbon dioxideC. oxygen and less carbon dioxideD. oxygen and less carbon monoxide

Ans. A – The process of exhalation eliminates carbon dioxide, a waste product in cellular metabolism.

39. In the lungs, gas exchange occurs in tiny one-celled air sacs called A. AlveoliB. BronchiC. BronchiolesD. Capillaries

Ans. A – Alveoli are tiny sacs in the lung where the exchange of gases takes place. No gas exchange happens in the airways.

40. Bile enters the gastrointestinal tract at the A. gastroesophageal sphincterB. duodenumC. JejunumD. pyloric sphincter

Ans. B. – Bile enters the GI tract at the duodenal part through the sphincter of oddi.

41. Which of the following organs removes bilirubin from the blood, manufactures plasma proteins, and is involved with the production of prothrombin and fibrinogen? A. GallbladderB. KidneyC. LiverD. Stomach

Ans. C – Liver assumes these functions in addition to metabolism.

42. Which of the following is an accessory organ of the gastrointestinal system that is responsible for secreting the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream? A. Adrenal glandB. GallbladderC. LiverD. Pancreas

Ans. D. – The hormone insulin regulates the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream thus preventing hyperglycemia. Insulin is being secreted by the accessory organ of the GI tract which is the pancreas.

43. Which of the following is the lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and filters organisms from the blood? A. AppendixB. GallbladderC. SpleenD. Thymus

Ans. C – The spleen is a lymphoid organ that serves as reservoir for the red blood cells and filters organisms from the blood.

44. Saliva contains an enzyme that acts upon A. StarchesB. ProteinsC. FatsD. Minerals

Ans. A – Saliva contains enzymes (salivary amylase) that acts upon the starches.

45. In men, specimens for gonococcal cultures are most commonly obtained from which of the following? A. AnusB. BladderC. TesticleD. Urethra

Ans. D – Specimens for gonococcal culture are obtained from the urethra where the semen comes out.

46. The cluster of blood capillaries found in each nephron is the A. afferent arterioleB. GlomerulusC. Loop of HenleD. renal tubule

Ans. B – Glomerulus contains cluster of capillaries that brings blood that will undergo glomerular filtration for urine formation.

47. Which of the following conditions is characterized by the presence of kidney stones (renal calculi)? A. GlomerulonephritisB. Interstitial nephritisC. NephrolithiasisD. Polycystic kidney

Ans. B

48. In men, which of the following structures is located at the neck of the bladder and surrounds the urethra? A. EpididymisB. ProstateC. Seminal vesicleD. Vas deferens

Ans. B - Prostate gland is located inferiorly at the neck of the bladder and posteriorly surrounds the urethra.

49. Male hormones are produced by which of the following? A. PrepuceB. ProstateC. TestesD. Vas deferens

Ans. C – Testes is the gland responsible for the secretion of male hormones.

50. Which of the following are mucus-producing glands located on each side of the vaginal opening? A. AdrenalB. Bartholin'sC. BulbourethralD. Corpus luteum

Ans. B – Bartholin’s gland secrete mucus on each side of the vaginal opening. There is an increased secretion of this mucus during sexual intercourse which is used as a lubricant.

51. Fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon occurs in the A. CervixB. fallopian tubeC. OvaryD. Uterus

Ans. B – The ampulla of the fallopian tube is the site of fertilization

52. Which of the following is the master gland of the endocrine system? A. AdrenalB. PancreasC. PinealD. Pituitary

Ans. D – Pituitary gland is the master gland under the control of the hypothalamus.

53. Patients with which of the following diseases are treated with injections of vitamin B-12?

A. Bell's palsyB. Crohn's diseaseC. Graves' diseaseD. Pernicious anemia

Ans. D – Pernicious anemia is a blood disease due to deficiency in vit. B 12 which may be caused by the absence of the intrinsic factor which is the substance needed for vit. B-12 absorption.

54. A cellular organelle that contains the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the cell’s genetic material:A. RibosomesB. MitochondriaC. NucleusD. Golgi apparatus

Ans. C – the nucleus is the control center of the cell that contains the DNA which provides codes for the synthesis of structural and enzymatic proteins and serves as blue-print for cell replication.

55. Atrophy of a muscle is characterized bya. An increase in the diameter of its muscle fibersb. An increase in the number of its muscle fibersc. A reduction in the size of muscled. An increase in tension

Ans. C – Atrophy means muscle wasting which is brought about by a decrease in muscle size which maybe due to prolonged immobility

56. Regulation by the nervous system providesa. Relatively slow but long-lasting responses to stimulib. Swift, long-lasting responses to stimulic. Swift but brief responses to stimulid. Relatively slow, short-lived responses

Ans. C- Nervous system response rapidly but it is a short-lived response. The endocrine system has a relatively slow response but long lasting as compared with the nervous response.

57. The peripheral nervous system(PNS) is made up ofa. All of the neural tissue outside of the CNSb. The brain and spinal cordc. The brain and spinal nervesd. a, b, and c are correct

Ans. A - PNS is made up of all the neural tissue outside of the CNS which includes the cranial nerves and spinal nerves

58. The efferent division of the PNSa. brings sensory information to the CNSb. carries motor commands to the muscles and glandsc. integrates, processes, and coordinates sensory informationd. is the source of sensory information for the body

Ans. B – The efferent division of the PNS carries motor commands toward the muscles and glands to elicit their respective actions as a response to the command.

59. Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves becausea. They contain sensory and motor fibersb. They exit at intervertebral foraminac. They are associated with a pair of dorsal root gangliad. They are associated with a pair of dorsal and ventral roots

Ans. A – Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because they contain both sensory and motor fibers

60. Which of these is not a response of the sympathetic division of the ANS?

a. Dilation of the pupilsb. Dilation of the airwaysc. Increased heart rated. Increased digestive activity

Ans. D – Increased digestive activity is a parasympathetic response. Other choices are sympathetic response.

61. The structural and functional link between the cerebral hemispheres and the brain stem is thea. Diencephalonb. Midbrainc. Neural cortexd. Medulla oblongata

Ans. A – The Diencephalon serves a link between the cerebrum and brainstem this includes the thalamus, hypothalamus and epithalamus

62. The part of the brain that coordinates rapid, autonomic adjustments that maintain balance and equilibrium is thea. Cerebrumb. Ponsc. Cerebellumd. Medulla oblongata

Ans. C – Cerebellum regulates or controls fine movements and maintains balance and equilibrium

63. The ventricles in the brain are filled witha. Bloodb. Cerebrospinal fluidc. Aird. Nervous tissue

Ans. B – The CSF is produced by he choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle. The CSF circulates in the ventricles.

64. The anterior, transparent part of the outer eye layer is called thea. Irisb. Corneac. Retinad. Sclera

Ans. B – Cornea is the transparent part of the outer eye layer that serves as the window for the entry of light rays.

65. The malleus, incus, and stapes are tiny bones located in the a. Outer earb. Middle earc. Inner eard. Cochlea

Ans. B – The ossicles namely malleus, incus and stapes are found in the middle ear. These bones are involved in the conduction of sound waves towards the inner ear.

66. The organ of Corti contains the sensory receptors responsible for the sense ofa. Visionb. Smellc. Hearingd. Taste

Ans. C – The organ of corti contains the sensory receptors for hearing and are called the hair cells of the cochlea.

67. Each eye is moved by ________ extrinsic musclesa. 2b. 4c. 6d. 8

Ans. C – There are 6 extrinsic eye muscles that moves the eyeball. These are lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, superior oblique, and inferior oblique muscles.

68. All red blood cells and most white blood cells are produced in thea. Liverb. Thymusc. Spleend. Red bone marrow

Ans. D – the bone marrow is the site for hematopoiesis, the process of blood cell production.

69. Blood supply to the muscles of the heart is provided by thea. Systemic circulationb. Pulmonary circulationc. Coronary circulationd. Hepatic portal system

Ans. C – Coronary circulation supplies blood towards the cardiac muscle. It has two branches, the right and left coronary arteries.

70. Blood leaves the left ventricle by passing through thea. Aortic semilunar valveb. Pulmonary semilunar valvec. Mitral valved. Tricuspid valve

Ans. A – the aortic valve allows the passage of the blood from the left ventricle going into the systemic circulation.

71. The two-way exchange of substances between blood and body cells occurs only througha. Veinsb. Capillariesc. Arteriolesd. Arteries

Ans. B – Capillaries allows the exchange of substances between the blood and body cells or tissues through different processes like diffusion.

72. The arteries of the pulmonary circulation differ from those of the systemic circulation in that they carrya. Oxygen and nutrientsb. Deoxygenated bloodc. Oxygenated bloodd. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients

Ans. B – Pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle going towards the lungs for oxygenation at the level of the acinar cells.

73. The vein that collects most of the venous blood from below the diaphragm is thea. Inferior vena cavab. Superior vena cavac. Azygosd. Saphenous

Ans. A- Inferior vena cava is the largest vein below the diaphragm that collects all the deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation to be brought towards the lungs as it passes through the right side of the heart for removal of carbon dioxide.

74. Which of the following hormones causes ovulation in women?a. Progesteroneb. Estrogenc. FSHd. LH

Ans. D - An LH surge would cause an ovulation in women which indicates the release of an egg cell.

75. Inflammationa. Aids in the temporary repair at an injury siteb. Slows the spread of pathogensc. Produces swelling, redness, heat, and paind. a, b, and c are correct

Ans. D – all of the following choices characterize inflammation process.

76. Portion of the pharynx which serves as passageway for air onlya. Nasopharynxb. Oropharynxc. Laryngopharynxd. Trachea

Ans. C –Pharynx has three division laryngopharynx

77. The ________ lacks the support of cartilagea. Tracheab. Primary bronchic. Secondary bronchid. Bronchioles

Ans. D – The terminal bronchioles lack the support of cartilage. Smooth muscle makes up the wall of the bronchioles. Choices A, B, & C has the cartilage support.

78. The amount of air moved into or out of the lungs during a single respiratory cycle is thea. Tidal volumeb. Residual volumec. Vital capacityd. Inspiratory volume

Ans. A – tidal volume represents the amount of air being moved inot or out of the lungs during a single regular breathing cycle.

79. The respiratory control centers that set the basic rate of breathing are in thea. Ponsb. Medulla oblongatac. Lungsd. Internal carotid arteries

Ans. B – Pons and Medulla oblongata are centers for respiration. The medulla oblongata set the basic rate of breathing while the pons fine tunes the breathing process.

80. The breakdown of large food molecules into their basic building blocks by enzymes is calleda. Absorption

b. Mechanical digestionc. Secretiond. Chemical digestion

Ans. D – Chemical digestion is the process for breaking down a large food molecule to its smallest form for absorption. The digestive enzymes are needed for breaking down the large molecules.

81. The _________ is not considered an accessory organ of digestiona. Pharynxb. Liverc. Salivary glandsd. Pancreas

Ans. A - Pharynx is not among the accessory organs of digestion. It’s part of the upper GIT located in the oral cavity.

82. The part of the digestive tract that plays the primary role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients is thea. Large intestineb. Small intestinec. Cecum and colond. Stomach

Ans. B – The small intestine functions for digestion and absorption of nutrients. Water absorption occurs in the large intestion. Stomach is being used as storage site and observes also the digestion process only.

83. The function(s) of the large intestine is (are)a. Reabsorption of waterb. Absorption of vitamins released by bacteriac. Storage of fecal material before defecationd. a, b, and c are correct

Ans. D – All choices characterize the large intestine. Vit. K is absorbed as synthesize by the E.coli.

84. Spermatogenesis (sperm production) occurs in thea. Ductus deferensb. Epididymisc. Seminiferous tubulesd. Prostate gland

Ans. C – Seminiferous tubules are the site for sperm production. Epididymis serve as the storage site. Ductus deferens and prostate glands serve as passageway for the semen and secrete fluids as part of the seminal fluid.

85. The role of the epididymis is toa. Maintain an environment suitable for the maturation of

spermatozoab. Produce spermatozoac. Transport spermatozoa to the urethrad. Secrete testosterone

Ans. A – Epididymis is the storage and maturation site for the sperm cells.

86. The female structure that corresponds to the male penis is the a. Vulvab. Labia minorac. Labia majorad. Clitoris

Ans. D – Clitoris is the counterpart of the male penis (glans of penis) in the female reproductive structures.

87. At the time of ovulation, the basal body temperaturea. Is not affectedb. Increases noticeablyc. Declines sharplyd. May increase or decrease a few degrees

Ans. B – there is an increase in the basal body temperature during time of ovulation.

88. Endocrine glands differ from exocrine glands in thata. They have ductsb. They are ductlessc. They consists of epithelia and connective tissued. They produce only mucus

Ans. B – The endocrine glands are ductless. The hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream. The exocrine glands have ducts.

89. Axons and dendrites are characteristics of cells found ina. Epithelial tissueb. Connective tissuec. Muscle tissued. Nervous tissue

Ans. D – Neuron are nerve cells that has the following body parts; dendrite, cell body and axon.

90. The following are motor nerve, EXCEPT:a. Oculomotor nerveb. Hypoglossal nervec. Abduscens nerved. None of the above

Ans. D – Each of the choices has a motor function.

91. The following are sensory nerve, EXCEPT:a. Opticb. Acoustic nervec. Facial nerved. None of the above

Ans. D – Each of the choices has sensory function.

92. The following are purely sensory nerve, EXCEPT:a. Optic nerveb. Trigeminal nervec. Vestibulocochlear nerved. None of the abve

Ans. B – trigeminal nerve is a mixed nerve (both sensory and motor).

93. A method in the physical assessment of a patient using the sense of toucha. Percussionb. Auscultationc. Inspectiond. Palpation

Ans. D – palpation is an assessment method with the use of touch.

94. A characteristic sound of percussion that is produced by air filled structuresa. Tympanyb. Flatnessc. Resonanced. Dullness

Ans. A – by definition

95. In the examination of the anterior and posterior chest wall, which of the following should be done?a. Auscultation, percussion, inspection, palpationb. P, I, A, Pc. I, A, P,Pd. I,P, P,A

Ans. D – IPPA is the proper procedure for the assessment of the thorax area. IAPP is for the abdomen.

96. Which of the following is the right procedure for abdominal examination?a. Auscultation, percussion, inspection, palpationb. P, I, A, Pc. I, A, P,Pd. I,P, P,A

Ans. C – IAPP – the proper way to assess the abdomen.

97. The cardiac apex is normally located at:a. 5th interspace of the midaxillary lineb. 3rd interspace of the midsagittal linec. 5th interspace of the midsagittal lined. 5th interspace of the midclavicular line

Ans. D – the heart at normal size has its apex at the 5 th

interspace of the midclavicular line. Enlargement of heart may change the location of the apex.

98. The following are social data about a client, EXCEPT:a. Patient’s lifestyleb. Family home situationc. Religious practicesd. Usual health status

Ans. D – the social history of the client can be in relation to patient’s lifestyle, family history, and religious practices

99. When measuring the blood pressure, the following are the nursing considerations, EXCEPT:a. Ensure that the client is restedb. Use appropriate size of BP cuffc. Inflate and deflate BP cuff 2-3mm Hg/secd. Read upper meniscus of mercury

Ans. D – read the lower meniscus of the mercury for exact level of the pressure

100. The following are appropriate nursing actions when performing physical health examination to a client EXCEPT:a. Ensure privacy of the client throughout the procedureb. Prepare the needed articles and equipment before the procedurec. Assess the abdomen following this sequence: RLQ, RUQ, LUQ,LLQd. It is best to place the client in side-lying position when assessing

the chest area

Ans. D – Patient is best assessed for the abdominal area if the client assumes the supine position with knees flex to relax the abdominal muscles.