An Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge: Chapter 9

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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I can't believe I'm still only on the first generation of this challenge. I am enjoying the family! All six girls grow up to teens... and one to an adult. XD

Transcript of An Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge: Chapter 9

Wow! I’m still on the first generation of my Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge. I’m enjoying it- and not avoiding the house because it’s filled with kids –at all…. XD This chapter all the girls will grow up to teens, except one. One sister skips the dreaded teen years. Well, only because PlantSims don’t have a teen stage.

But first…

I had to send Angelica as a PlantSim to the club. Club Boolprop is only at level 3, it was time to get a few more levels higher, and a little more money.

The Count is such a good family friend; he waited patiently while Angelica convinced the Diva that our Club is sooo the Place to Be.

There were Sims who just loved the pranks and had fun pranking back… and then there were Sims who cried over a little water balloon prank.

Since Angelica’s not past the midway point of her LTW of 50 dream dates, Jim is called to the club.


Oh, how he loves to do that. He follows her around, waiting for his chance to bleh! XD

Too bad witches don’t fight when two show up on a lot. That might have been fun!

Some Sims had such a blast they never wanted to leave.

“What? Is it me?” –Ani Mei

“Nope! You’re great.” –Angelica

Some Sims spent a lot of time learning to sing… and still learning to sing. XD

After 2 more levels it was time to go home.

“This young Sims thinks he can make us leave.” –Mrs. Crumplebottom

I sure did… by deleting the old guy. They wouldn’t stop playing.

Club Boolprop was good for another week! =]

Back at home, the girls were safe and sound and just starting the day.

Angelica had to work, she has earned one career reward; Culinary. Her next is in Dance.

Jim had the day off so he took care of little Peach.

I realized the girls don’t know their dad’s gesture… Hang Loose!

So I had Jim teach his girls the gesture.

Time to learn the Hula!

They asked Bendi to join. Seems she thought the best place to practice was in the bathroom.

Dang kid must have been jealous of their dancing skills; he started kicking all our flamingos. =[

Once the younger girls got home, they had to start learning the hula, too.

“Why were you knocking down our flamingos?”

“I don’t know. They’re just stupid flamingos.”

“Mom’s getting into the Hula, too!”

“This is hard, Mom.”

“Just let your inner dancing Queen loose, Ohnie.”

“My what?”

“Hey! Don’t tickle me.”

Aw… Peach was dancing with her big sisters. XD

“Mom, can Bendi and I go buy a cell phone each? We’ll be careful with the truck.”

“Sure, Sweetie. You two can go but come right home. It’s a school night.”

“I can’t believe we forgot to change. Now we have to wear these ugly school uniforms.”

“I like mine.”

“I look so cute with this bow.”

“Yeah but I make my hat look good.”

Imp bought cell phones for both of them. :D

I thought a magazine would be good for the family so they’d have 3 topics. Bendi even checked them out.

“Good girls would be home right now learning how to be good wives.”

“I’m glad I’m a bad apple then because I don’t care.”

Yay! Jim broke the shower. XD

Little Peach gets a watering in the tub.

Peach asks her favorite sister to play with her.

“We’re going to have to lock our doors to keep her out.”

Bendi was enticed out with loud music and her parents flirting on their date.

It didn’t take her long to go to her own bed.

“Hi, dancing lady! We’ll be right with you.”

It’s a cute picture of mom and her baby Plantsim.

On the weekend, Mom trained Bendi in Creativity. The young girls worked on their bug catching skills.

And I did remember to have the shower fixed at noon. Normally I forget and it takes a few days. XD

Peach loves to get Bendi to do something with her. I don’t think it matters what… just some attention.

Then it’s naps for the young girls and play time for Peach. The PlantSims don’t get tired. =D

Imp loves to cook. She gets a want to serve a meal every day. I’m so glad Sims will come and wait to be served. Bendi is usually the first to the table now. =D

“Hang loose, Dad!”

“Awesome, Bendi.” =D

Yeah, I was waiting to see how the Sim would shake Peaches hand… he didn’t, he waited then turned and walked away.

Peach has earned a pass to the Hobby lot. I can’t remember the name of the Mechanical one. =[

OMGoodness! I couldn’t believe it. Poor Jim was turned down on their date for car Woohoo! It just ruined everything. He was crushed for days…. I have no idea why she said no. =[

Ohnie woke up in a good mood.. XD

“I can’t believe I forgot to give you your cellphone.”

It was time for Angelica to be a real Sim again. I don’t need two PlantSims in the same house. XD

LOL~ Bug hunting time. I don’t care who gets the bugs first, just one of you has to do it.

NOOO! Don’t hurt the baby. XD

I guess the hula gives dancing skills. =D

I had Bendi practice yoga with Angelica- there’s a join action- so she’d be in shape again.

Aww, poor Peach! Finally, it’s been sitting there for days. XD

It was time for Peach to grow up … to an Adult.

Poof! Peach is a Knowledge Sim with a want to top the Ballet Career. Now… What do to with her?

“I’m so sorry, Jim. I don’t know what came over me when I turned you down for Woohoo.” =[

Angelica make her husband cry for days. =[

“You like an Alien, right?”

“NO, I’m a PlantSim. Why does everyone think we’re the same?”

“You’re both green?”

Dang teen visitors, always kicking the flamingos- I miss my Gnome. =[

Peach had to learn how to hula, too. =D

Imp serving a meal again.

It was almost a family meal. Almost…

“I think music is great. Maybe I should study that at University.”

Stial was too tired and Peach, the PlantSims, doesn’t need to eat. XD

Bendi actually worked out on her own.

~Roll call ~

Hey! Someone pick them up….

Peach got a job… in either Politics or Business. I don’t remember which. XD

Maybe her meals have a reputation so that everyone wants eat here now.

“The bees are biting me….They’re everywhere!”

“Stial, it’s snowing, too. Try running inside.”

“It’s Party Time! Food is served so what does my Simself do- grabs an instant meal. Gurrrl. XD

Wolfie came back and then ran away. They never stay long enough to be friends.

Maybe they don’t like PlantSims.

First to grow up is Celle Fitzsimmons… Step up and make a wish!

She’s a Popularity Sim with Wealth secondary (I hate these dice).

Next to grow up is Ohnie Fitzsimmons. Make a good wish!

And she’s a Pleasure Sim with Knowledge secondary. LOL!

Last but never least, Stial Fitzsimmons… Blow out those candles!

Sigh… a Popularity Sims with Romance secondary. Oh well- I really hate the dice. =[

The good witch was all over the place making friends and trying to eat bad food. I wonder who will be our witch.

I want one witch in the family. XD

…..Woot! We had a Roof Raiser Winter party…..

So far Celle has the most bugs. I hope they don’t have to get them all before they’re adults. O_O

Everything does break at once. XD

I just realized I have to take the whole family on a Vacation and I wanted to do it before the kids go to Uni. Angelica had a want to buy a vacation home, now they’re on their way to their new vacation home.

Next Chapter, Family Vacation in Twikkii Island!

When do I have to have an heir poll: Before Uni or before Adults or either?

Sorry about all my spelling and grammar mistakes. Thanks for letting me use SelfSims: Not all of them have shown up yet. I’m trying to let them wander by but they seem so shy. XD

Happy Simming! <3