An Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge: Chapter 7

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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I'm playing The Sims 2 and The Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge. In this chapter I need money and will use any Sim to get it... =]

Transcript of An Official Wacky Boolprop Challenge: Chapter 7

It’s only two extra children. It shouldn’t be so hard… O.o

The challenge is getting challenging for want of a little more money. This time, I’m going to get them some money.

I have +3 points for Jim being abducted and +3 points for Angelica becoming a PlantSim.

I don’t have a game plan and my mind is all over the place, time to knuckle down and get to work!

1. I want Curly back. I accidently canceled Angelica’s “Get Gnome” action, no one has gone since.2. They need money: for the Club and to redo the house- built for only 5 Sims.

After what felt like days at the Club but was only an hour, Jim and Angelic start training their children.

It actually went fast with the help of Smart Milk.

This is just a quick update…

The family portrait: Custom picture. Maybe she’ll redo each child when they’re older.

That weekend Bendi was left alone in her room to entertain herself.

She has an easy bake oven if she gets hungry and some things with which to train.

It was cute to see her practice dancing.

I let her practice for a little while and then let her out. I’m not that mean. XD

Aw, she goes downstairs to paint… I wish she’d use the table with Imp, her sister.

I remembered I was supposed to have a Bug Nut each generation- I let Imp try to find bugs.

“I found a bug. This is easy.”

“I hate Bugs! I don’t want to do this anymore!”

It didn’t really go well after the first catch.

There are still 3 more kids that might be great Bug Nuts.

Leftovers for lunch or dinner.. Dinch? Lunner? XD

Aww, she went and played with the little ones. They really don’t know her well at all.

~No, Jim. You can’t use the Pesticides!~

While PlantSims are easy to care for, they’re not always fun to play. Someone must be tired and dirty besides the kids. XD

A new walk by was invited to fish with the girls. Bendi seems to be an excellent fisher girl.

Imp got a phone call…

“We didn’t get anything special for homework, George must be teasing you.”

~Imp’s got a boyfriend, hehehee~

“He isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Your mother sent me to get you. Come on or you go to bed without dinner.”

Everyone must have forgotten about him being out there. XD

“You’re too fast and you hit too hard.”

“Oh, come on. You’re getting better.”


“Sure. Now put your hands back on mine.”

I had Imp bake a muffin for Bendi but she burned it.

I guess Bendi didn’t want a burnt muffin so she made her own and then left it in the oven.

I also noticed both mom and daughter have put on some weight.

I really should quit putting fresh food in the fridge. It fills them up too fast. O.O

~Yeah, she’s getting up there. Well, not really but she’s older than her hubby~

“Not any more I’m not.”

Celle or Stial got a makeover. Love the hair. (I’m not sure which is which right now) XD

Off to school. I get some breathing time. XD

“Who’s hawt now?”

~Jim~ XD

Uh, oh. Is that a Simself? Everyone smile and look happy, they’re watching. O.O

“I’m just want to hold the cat. Come here, kitty.”

“Dad got a raise!”


Imp invited her sister and her classmate to view the map.

“It’s an old map. Why’s it special?”

“Mom said it’s a magical map.”

Awesome! I throw you a party and you decide to grow up in the bathroom. Well, at least you’re clean. (Rolled her Aspiration and left the turn on/offs)

“Happy Birthday, Bendi Hon.”

“Thanks, daddy.”

She’s a cutie… but not cute enough to be voted as the heir.

*pleading, begging, whining voice*

“Can’t we listen to music and dance? It’s my party.”

“Mom said to sit and watch the cooking channel.”

“So, it’s your birthday?”

“Yeah. Wee.”

Look, okay. So Jim and Angelica are on a date during the party.

The Simself guests got lots of attention from the kids…

They did, see?

“Wooyay! Go team!”

“I thought it was some factory food show?”

“It was, I turned the channel.”

See? The guests had fun watching TV at a teen party. XD

“Do you see what’s going on out there?”

“You mean Jim and Angelica woohooing in the truck?”

“No, lightning just struck a flamingo. I hope it burns them all since she forgot my shiny hair.”

“You’re not your normal sweet self.”

“Look at the lightning… burn flamingos, burn!” O.o

~Ha. It went out~ ;)

“Come on Bendi. It’s getting late and you need to get some sleep.”

“Dad! I’m not a little girl anymore.”

“You’ll always be my little girl so get in bed so I can tuck you in.”

“That was a crappy party.”

“I agree. We got leftovers and they totally left us to watch the kids.” XD

“I give it a 2. Let’s go back to our Apartment.”

Aw- Bendi went right to sleep…

“Waaaahah! I got a horrible Party rating. They hated babysitting while I had a dream date.”

~You think~ XD

~Alright. Enough fighting about putting her to bed, someone do just do it ~

“Babe, I still have a big want left over from our date.”

“Me, too.”


The next morning the family computer was pulled out of Inventory so Angelica could work on her book.

~You could have gotten dressed first~

“No time, I feel inspired.”

“Is it the eggplant or peppers that gives us a random skill point?”

~Try the Eggplant first. I’ll look it up later~

“Thanks for helping me with my homework, dad.”

“You’re welcome, hon. Now got get something to eat.”“K”

~Okay, Eggplant juice or cake? You choose~

And… she chose nothing. XD

~How are you doing, Imp? Have you finished cleaning the toilets yet?~

“I want to be the Bad Apple now. I’m tired of doing everything.”

~I get ‘cha~

“Yes, I am one of the riches Sims in town.”


“What’s that doll for?”

“It’s just a toy, nothing to worry about.”

“You know, I never noticed how likable and special you and your family are.”

“I would love to live here with you. That’s just the nicest thing anyone has done for me.”

We got us some money! XD

“Hey! You’re Mr. Big. I’ve heard about you. You’re Awesome.”

“That’s me.”


Poor little ones… they don’t get much face time. =]

“What’s it like going to parties and getting paid for it? That sounds like the best job.”

“People like me for my money and what I can do for them. It’s so refreshing to have friends like you and your family.”

Toddler spam!

I like Mr. Big. He’s Awesome. XD

“Dad, I got an A+ in school. I’m just as smart as Bendi.”


OH! Besties with her sister gave them a big boost.

“Bye, Mr. Big. I wish I could have gotten to know you.”

“I thought they liked me for me… they just wanted my two pianos, karaoke machine, the career reward, and my last 60k.”

~You know it... I still think you’re the best Townie Sim, efar~ XD

And that’s it for now. I’ve got money burning in my pocket… There’s a house and a club to build. I sure do hope I don’t spend it all or I’ll have to invite another Townie to move in for a bit; of cash.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming! <3

*No Simself was harmed in the making of this chapter* XD