An approach to the chronic urticaria - Physician approach to the chronic urticaria... · chronic...

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An approach to chronic

Urticaria Dr Claudia Gray MBChB, MRCPCH, MSc, DipAllergy, DipPaedNutr

Paediatric Allergist, Red Cross Children’s Hospital and Vincent Pallotti Hospital, Cape Town


Chronic urticaria ± angioedema are not

life threatening, but

Cause misery, embarrassment, discomfort

↓ QoL comparable to triple coronary

heart disease

O`Donnell B et al, the impact of chronic urticaria on quality of life.

Br J Dermatol. 1997; 136: 553-6


There is no cure

Adequate treatment should enable patient

to lead an essentially normal life

Patients are entitled to expect effective

treatment to achieve this goal, which in

selected cases may involve potent and

expensive medications

Introduction: definitions

Chronic urticaria (CU) is a condition in

which wheals, with or without

concomitant angioedema, occur daily or

near daily for ≥ 6 weeks

Includes episodic acute intermittent

urticaria/angioedema lasting hours-days

and recurring over months or years

Prevalence approx 1% of population

Introduction: definitions

Acute urticaria (CU) is a single episode of

urticarial illness lasting < 6 weeks

Prevalence approx 15% of population

Usually self-limiting

Cause more likely to be found

Introduction: definitions

Angioedema without urticaria requires a

different approach

Rule out hereditary angioedema (HAE)-

which behaves differently to CU and can

be life threatening

What is Urticaria?


Red raised itchy rash or pale with

surrounding flare

Superficial skin layers

Mast cell activation →release of histamine

and other inflammatory mediators→

Increased blood flow and vascular

permeability in superficial skin layers

What is Urticaria?

What is Urticaria?

Lesions single or numerous

Few mm to hand-sized

Arise spontaneously, peak between 8-12

hours, resolve by 24 hours.

Extremely itchy; characteristically relieved

by rubbing as opposed to scratching

What is Urticaria?

What is Angioedema?

Tissue swelling as a result of ↑ vascular

permeability in the deeper layer of the

skin (dermal/subcutaneous)

Most evident in the oropharynx, around

eyes, abdomen and genitalia

Involves mucous membranes, unlike


What is Angioedema?

What is Angioedema?

What is Angioedema?

Angioedema is painful rather than itchy

Can persist for several days

Life threatening airway compromise has

not been described with chronic urticaria

with angioedema (unlike HAE)

Co-existence of Urticaria and


Urticaria alone in 20-50% cases CU

Urticaria + angioedema in 40-80%

Angioedema alone in 10%



↑ mast cell releasibility

• Immediate release of histamine

• Subsequent release of membrane derived mediators (leukotrienes, PG)

• Other non-histamine mechanisms eg C5a

• Perpetuation of inflammatory response by cellular infiltrate


Release of mediators is confined to the

skin and submucosa, thus the

cardiorespiratory compromise of

anaphylaxis does not occur


What causes mast cell activation?

In many cases unknown (idiopathic)

In some cases IgE receptor is chronically

stimulated by IgG antibodies


Other triggers


What causes persistent/recurrent mast cell activation in CU?

Causative versus aggravating factors

FACT: majority of patients with CU are referred to allergy clinics to determine what food/preservative they are allergic to

REALITY: majority are “idiopathic” and hopelessly over-investigated


FACT: majority of patients with CU are

referred to allergy clinics to determine

what food/preservative they are allergic


REALITY: majority are “idiopathic” and

hopelessly over-investigated

Aetiological Classification of CU AETIOLOGY COMMENTS

IDIOPATHIC 40-50% of cases

AUTOIMMUNE Autoantibodies to IgE/IgE receptor: 30-


PHYSICAL STIMULI Cold, aquagenic, cholinergic,pressure


ALLERGIC CONTACT Contact urticaria to latex/food/grass



E.g. opiates

CI INHIBITOR DEFICIENCY Angioedema without urticaria

FOOD CONSTITUENT Rare! But often perceived as the cause


VASCULITIS Painful urticaria




Extremely rare, cold associated

systemic symptoms

Aetiological Classification




1. Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria

Majority of CU cases

No consistent relationship with

aetiological agent

Triggering stimulus is elusive

Unpredictable mast cell granulation

Investigations typically negative, and

should be minimal

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria

May be aggravated by:

1. Viral infections:

◦ Worsened for up to 6 weeks afterwards

2. Stress

◦ Possibly via ↑ release of corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) in the skin

◦ Attach to CRH-receptor on mast cells which trigger degranulation

2. Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria

Subgroup of CIU which test positive to


◦ Most commonly IgG antibody to α-subunit of

IgE receptor on mast cells

◦ Rarely IgG to IgE which is bound to mast cells

30-50% of adults and children with

chronic urticaria

Mast cells chronically stimulated

Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria

Pathogenesis also involves activation of classical

complement pathway and stimulation of

complement C5a

Explains why autoimmune activation is confined

to the skin as the lung does not have C5a


Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria

30-50% of adults and children with CU have

positive autoimmune tests

Associated in 30% of adults with antithyroid

antibodies, indicating a general autoimmune


Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria

Diagnostic tests:

1. Autologous serum skin test

◦ 0.1 mL of patient’s serum is injected into patients forearm intradermally, with a saline control. Watch for swelling and flare after 25-30 minutes

◦ 70-80% sensitive and specific

2. Measurement of levels of the anti-IgE


◦ Only in specialised overseas laboratories

Autologous serum skin test

Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria

Importance of making a diagnosis:

Importance of making a diagnosis

Provides an explanation

Makes further investigations unnecessary

Prognostication: usually a more

intense, difficult to treat and

protracted course

3. Food Triggers

Very very rarely the cause

Patients frequently analyse foods/additives

they have eaten that day in search of a

connection with symptoms

Food Triggers

Genuine IgE mediated Food


“Food reaction” in CU

Occur within 2 hours of ingestion CU rash often starts in the night or

early morning hence > 6 hours after


Symptoms are reproducible after

each exposure

Symptoms not reproducible with

each exposure

Short lived wheals < 6 hours Wheals come and go over several


Part of a complex of symptoms eg

flushing, pruritis, gastrointestinal,

chest or cardiovascular symptoms

Only wheals ± angioedema

Food Triggers


Not the cause; may be a trigger/ aggravator

Cohort at RXH, 10% of CU sufferers were

sensitised to preservatives (NB benzoates,

tartrazine); elimination caused some ↓

frequency of symptoms but did not “take it


CAST tests to preservatives are available

Salicylates may trigger CU by a non-IgE

mediated mechanism

Food Triggers

Patients with CU may report worsening with

rich fermented/spicy food or alcohol

Probably related to histamine content and

vasodilatory properties of these foods rather

than an allergy

Allergic Contact Urticaria

Local urticaria after contact with allergens via

an IgE-mediated mechanism

Eg latex, egg, dog saliva, grass

Diagnosed by SPT and specific IgE levels


Association of CU with parasites, EBV,

Hep B, viral infections, fungal infections

Very rarely causative

Diagnostic testing directed by clinical


Mechanism: immune complex formation

with antibody and antigen, leading to c5a

activation which binds to mast cell



Helicobacter Pylori

◦ was in vogue as potential cause of CU a few

years ago

◦ results not reproducible

◦ high background of asymptomatic H pylori

infection makes interpretation difficult

Physical Urticarias

Urticaria induced reproducibly by a physical stimulus

Physical trigger causes direct mast cell activator release

Symptoms usually of quick onset and short duration

Often resistant to standard therapy

Can occur in conjunction with CIU/Autoimmune urticaria

Diagnosed by challenge tests to appropriate stimuli

Physical Urticarias

A. Dermatographism

Physical Urticarias

B. Cholinergic urticaria

◦ Exercise, emotion

◦ Pin point wheals with flare

Physical Urticarias

C. Delayed pressure urticaria

◦ Sitting, lying, tight clothes

Physical Urticarias

D. Cold Urticaria

Physical Urticarias


Solar urticaria

Aquagenic urticaria

Vibratory (use of vibratory building tools)

Drug Induced Urticaria



Antidepressants (citalopram)




Generally via a non-IgE mediated mechanism

Urticarial Vasculitis

Small vessel vasculitis due to deposition of immunoglobulins and complement

Assoc with infections, autoimmune disorders, malignancy

Symptoms such as fever, weight loss, lymphadenopathy

Lesions last > 24 hours

Leave bruising

Painful rather than itchy

Skin biopsy usually needed for diagnosis

Urticarial Vasculitis

Angioedema without Wheals

3 possibilities:

CU variant Hereditary angioedema

Drug Induced (ACEI)

Angioedema without Wheals

ACEI-related angioedema 0.1-0.2%

Can occur several weeks or months after

starting the medication

Involves ↑ bradykinin

Can involve larynx, hence all ACEI treatment

should be withdrawn

Swelling may take weeks to months to settle

Angiotensin receptor blocking drugs can

usually be used

Angioedema without Wheals

2. C1esterase inhibitor deficiency


angioedema type 1

• Hereditary

• Low levels of C4 and C1inhibitor levels

Hereditary angioedema type 2

• hereditary

• Normal levels but poor functioning C1 inhibitor


• C1inhibitor deficiency caused associated with malignancies e.g. paraproteinaemias

Diagnosis of Chronic Urticaria

1. Clinical History


Nature of lesions?


Residual bruising?


Other symptoms?

Family history angioedema/ unexplained abdo pain/unexplained airways obstruction etc

Drug History

Diagnosis of Chronic Urticaria

2. Special Investigations

Basic screen:

1. FBC

2. ESR

3. Urine dipstick

4. TFT and autoantibodies

Diagnosis of Chronic Urticaria

2. Special Investigations

Basic screen:

1. FBC


2. ESR

(chronic infection/vasculitis/paraproteinaemia)

3. Urine dipstick

(UTI, vasculitis)

4. TFT and autoantibodies

Diagnosis of Chronic Urticaria

2. Special Investigations

Further investigations as guided by history

Symptom diary may be useful before

embarking on extensive and expensive


Further Investigations

A. Directed allergy testing

Skin Prick Tests useful of any suspicion of

allergen triggers

◦ Visual and at point of care

◦ Usually disproves the suspicion

CAST tests for preservatives only if a high


Further Investigations

B. For suspected vasculitis/connective

tissue disease

ANA, anti- DS DNA

Biopsy of suspected vasculitis lesions

Further Investigations

C. Provocation (challenge) testing

◦ Ice cube test

◦ Submersion of a limb in water (hot/cold)

◦ Exercise

Further Investigations

C. Provocation (challenge) testing

◦ Ice cube test

Further Investigations

D. Tests of autoimmunity

◦ Autologous serum skin test

◦ Anti IgE antibodies

Further Investigations

E. Hereditary angioedema screening

◦ In isolated angioedema

◦ C4 levels (low in HAE)

◦ C1 esterase inhibitor levels

◦ C1 esterase function tests


Urticarial Vasculitis


Cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes

Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy

Mastocytosis (condition with

overproliferation and accumulation of

tissue mast cells)

Recurrent erythema multiforme

Treatment of Chronic Urticaria

1. Avoidance of Triggers

2. Control symptoms with second/third generation antihistamines (upward titration)

3. Consider other treatment options: ◦ Sedating antihistamines at night


◦ Tranexamic acid for angioedema

◦ Immune modulators

◦ (Anti-IgE)

1. Avoidance of triggers

Treat underlying infection/malignancy

Avoid triggering allergens: NO BLANKET


Trial off possibly causative medications for

several months

2. Second/third generation

antihistamines Mainstay of treatment

Active against H1 receptor

Better tolerated and fewer CNS side effects than 1st generation antihistamines

Individual patients responses and side effects vary-

May cause mild sedation hence patients should be advised to and excess alcohol and that performance of complex tasks may be affected- but generally very well tolerated

2. Second/third generation

antihistamines: how to dose? Start with recommended daily dose for a

few days to make sure that tolerated

Incrementally increase the dose according to response up to 4X recommended dose

Once treatment control established, continue treating 3-12 months (or longer) then gradual withdrawal

For patient with infrequent symptoms, may be taken as required or prophylactically before special occasions

2. Second/third generation

antihistamines: which drug?



Fexofenadine all licensed for CU



2. Second/third generation

antihistamines: which drug? Very few comparator trials-

Cetirizine seems to have the slight upper hand

Handa S, Dogra S, Kumar B. Comparative efficacy of cetirizine and fexofenadine in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria. J Dermatolog Treat 2004; 15:55–7.

Combination of 2 non-sedating antihistamines may be tried if a single type inadequate, or a trial of a different non-sedating antihistamine

3. First generation anti-histamines

Highly sedating and many side effects

May be useful for short term addition to

newer antihistamines to gain symptom


Not ideal long term




Sedating antihistamines ctd


Doxepin is a tricyclic antidepressant which is useful in the treatment of antihistamine -resistant urticaria

•Dose range is 25-75mg daily

•High affinity for H1 receptor (8x greater than diphenhydramine)

•Significant H2 blocking activity

•Cautions : 1.Never withdraw abruptly

2.Do not administer concurrently with other anti-depressants

3.Do not administer to patients with significant heart disease

4.Possesses significant anti-muscarinic activity

Other treatment options

Anti-histamines may not be entirely

effective in controlling CU

Variety of other cytokines which are not

blocked by antihistamines may be


◦ Leukotrienes

◦ Prostaglandin D2

◦ Kinins

Other treatment options

1. Leukotriene receptor antagonists

◦ Useful in combination with antihistamines in a

subgroup of patients

◦ Safe drug with rapid onset of action therefore

worth a trial

◦ Particularly useful in those with

- chronic autoimmune urticaria

- adverse response to NSAIDs/aspirin

- delayed pressure urticaria

Other treatment options

2. H2 receptor antagonists

◦ Target histamine binding to the H2 receptor

◦ May provide marginal benefit in combination

with H1 receptor blockers

◦ E.g ranitidine

◦ Sharpe and Shuster. In dermographicurticariaH2 receptor

antagonists have a small but therapeutically irrelevant effect

compared with H1 antagonists alone. BJD 2006; 129: 575-9

Other treatment options

3. Corticosteroids

◦ Short course of oral steroids can be added to

antihistamines in severe cases or if rapid relief


◦ Long term low dose corticosteroids may be

needed in stubborn cases

◦ Useful for urticarial vasculitis

◦ Significant systemic side effects

Other treatment options

4. Immune modulators

◦ For severe unremitting disease uncontrolled

by antihistamines

◦ Most experience is with ciclosporin

◦ Grattan et al, BJD 2000; 143: 365-72; Vena et al, JAAD 2006; 5:

705-09; Inalozet al, J Dermatol. 2008; 35: 276-82

Other treatment options

4. Ciclosporin

◦ Can have rapid onset of action

◦ Monitor BP and renal function

◦ Treatment usually maintained for 3-6 months then slowly withdrawn

◦ After ciclosporin withdrawal:

-1/3 excellent long term response

-1/3 mild relapse and can be maintained on


-1/3 relapse and need to resume cyclosporin


Other treatment options

5. Tranexamic acid

◦ For severe angioedema

◦ Inhibits conversion of plasminogen→plasmin


◦ Also useful in prophylaxis for HAE cases

Other treatment options

6. Anti-IgE antibody (omalizumab)

◦ Humanised anti IgE antibody, subcut injection

◦ Early trials and case reports very promising

◦ Rapid reduction in symptoms, then long term

(6 month) relief after only one dose

◦ Kaplan et al. JACI 2008; 122: 569-73

◦ Goberet al JACI 2008; 121 S147

Other treatment options

7. IV immunoglobulin

◦ 400 mg/kg for 5 days was shown to have good

benefit in 9/10 patients with severe

autoimmune CU.

◦ 3/10 had long term benefit

◦ O`Donnell et al BJD 1998; 138: 101-6)

Other treatment options

8. Adrenaline

◦ Never for isolated urticaria

◦ Only if severe angioedema affecting the upper


Other Treatment Options

9. Experimental treatment options:

◦ Nifedipine

◦ Colchicine

◦ Sulphasalazine

◦ Dapsone

◦ Methotrexate

Treatment algortithm

Standard dose non sedating H1 antihistamine

Higher dose (up to 4x) non sedating H1 anti histamine or add a second non-sedating anti-histamine

Consider adding a sedating anti-histamine at night short term

Add second line agent eg LTRA, ranitidine and tranexamic acid (if predominantly angioedema)

Add or substitue ciclosporin, low dose Corticosteroid or anti IgE


Duration of illness 2-10 years

25% have remission within the first 3


20% of adults with CU still have

symptoms after 10 years

Severity of illness, presence of

angioedema, positive antithyroid

antibodies, and positive ASST

↑ severity and persistence

Overall summary

Chronic urticaria can be demoralising and

disfiguring for the patient

Up to 90% of cases of chronic urticaria

are idiopathic or autoimmune

Most cases are overinvestigated

Food allergy is extremely rarely a trigger

Spicy foods/ certain preservatives may

trigger exacerbation but are not the

primary cause

Overall summary

An excellent history is the mainstay of


A basic batch of screening tests is

recommended (FBC, ESR, TFT, Urine dip)

Further tests are guided by the history

and include allergen testing, provocation


Don`t waste time on unproven and

ineffective treatments and “allergy tests”

Overall summary

Treatment is based on avoiding triggers and giving newer generation antihistamines at up to 2-4 x the recommended dose.

Other treatment options including LTRA, ranitidine and ciclosporin are available and are added to antihistamines in resistant cases.

Anti-IgE antibody holds much promise but is not yet available in SA

When all else fails- revisit the diagnosis