An acoustic analogy and scale-resolving flow simulation ...

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31st Symposium on Naval HydrodynamicsMonterey, California, 11-16 September 2016

An acoustic analogy and scale-resolving flow simulationmethodology for the prediction of propeller radiated noise

R.E. Bensow1 and M. Liefvendahl1,2(1Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI)


A methodology for the prediction of underwater radiatednoise from ships is presented and applied to a configura-tion of a cavitating propeller, operating in behind condi-tion. A scale resolved incompressible Large Eddy Simu-lation technique together with an acoustic analogy is em-ployed, with cavitation represented through a mixture as-sumption using a volume of fluid approach and explicitmass transfer modelling. The main configuration studiedis the catamaran hull and propeller of a small research ves-sel in model scale. The hull and a complete geometricalmodel of the propeller is included, while the free surfaceis neglected in the simulation. Results of radiated noisefrom the complete configuration are presented and com-pared with experimental data. Further, as an intermediatestep, the propeller alone on inclined shaft is studied forboth cavitating and non-cavitating conditions.


Prediction of cavitation noise from vessels during the de-sign phase is a challenging task, both when using modeltests and numerical predictions. For an assessment over abroad frequency range, the model tests need to be per-formed in a large and silent environment. Simulationmethodologies suffer from high resolution requirements,modelling issues related to cavitation, as well as tech-niques to propagate the noise to a far field (relativelyspeaking) virtual hydrophone. The issue of cavitationnoise prediction is primarily relevant for commercial ves-sels, in anticipation of increasing regulations on shippingnoise, while, for instance submarines normally operatewithout cavitation; however, prediction of noise signa-ture from non-cavitating conditions partly suffers from thesame difficulties. Never the less, it is expected that an in-creased attention on shipping noise as an environmentalconcern will lead to regulations on underwater radiatednoise levels on new designs.

Considerable effort has been spent in the recentlyended European research projects AQUO and SONIC,

within the European Union 7th Framework Programme,to improve both experimental and numerical predictionof cavitation noise. Within the SONIC project1, the re-search vessel of the University of Newcastle, the R/VPrincess Royal, was investigated by several partners, indifferent test facilities and with different numerical pre-diction methodologies, as well as with measurements ofnoise from the full scale vessel. Within the project,Chalmers implemented, verified, and validated a prop-agation modelling methodology based on the Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings approach (Ffowcs-Williams andHawkings, 1969), where the noise sources are encapsu-lated within an integration surface and then propagated toa far field observer; we refer to this approach as an acous-tic analogy. This paper will present our efforts to analysethe flow around the R/V Princess Royal using LES, LargeEddy Simulation, techniques and the acoustic analogy andperform predictions of radiated noise.

The use of scale-resolving CFD together with acous-tic analogies is in a pioneering state for marine and navalapplications. Although the simulation technique is expen-sive, in terms of the need for highly resolved simulationsand long time series, the potential to perform noise predic-tion is expected to be high, with the prospect of yieldingimproved understanding of noise generating flow mecha-nisms, both in general terms and in specific design studies.This can be expected to be enhanced by complementingexperimental and computational techniques. The knowl-edge developed will become useful in the design of moresilent vessels, without compromising the propulsive effi-ciency.

The costly simulations are deemed necessary, asshown in this paper as well as our previous studying ontransient flow features affecting the propulsion system(Bensow, 2015, Liefvendahl and Bensow, 2014). Thewake behind a commercial vessel is dominated by a com-plex and highly unsteady flow forming the inflow to thepropeller. Both blade loading and cavitation dynamics areaffected by this, and will have a large impact on the radi-ated noise.

However, we emphasise that there are several unre-1SONIC, grant agreement 314394, European Union 7th Framework Programme


solved issues with the methodology. The usage of acous-tic analogies is largely untested in the relevant parameterrange for ship noise applications, where the Mach (Ma)number normally is well below 0.1. In a cavitating flow,as is normal conditions for a modern merchant vessel, vol-ume noise sources are expected to dominate the surfacesources. These are normally modelled in the simulationby a mixture assumption. It is not yet established howwell the sampling of flow variables on an integration sur-face represents the actual noise source, nor how this in-tegration surface should be located. Further, the lack ofgood and simple validation material for this kind of flowhinders the evaluation, as is noted in this paper.

The objective of this paper is to present early expe-riences in using this methodology in predicting propellerradiated noise. This concerns both the potential gain inunderstanding flow mechanisms influencing noise gener-ation, as well as the practical issues in developing and ap-plying the methodology in realistic ship applications.

The structure of the paper is as follows. First, anoverview of the simulation methodology is given, present-ing the flow modelling, how cavitation is handled, and thebasis of the acoustic analogy. We then proceed to presentvalidation of the methodology for a low-Ma aeroacous-tic application, based on recently published wind tunneltests on sound from cylinders. For the ship noise predic-tion of the R/V Princess Royal, the study was split in two:the propeller alone on an inclined shaft, simulated bothin cavitating and non-cavitating conditions, then the hulland propeller together. For all three application examples,features of the flow field is first presented, then acousticresults are analysed.


A summary of the flow and acoustic models, as well as thenumerical methods employed, is given in this section. Atwo-stage process, based on a so-called acoustic analogy,is used, as described below. The flow of the noise gener-ating mechanisms is first simulated, and then the resultingnoise sources are computed from the simulated flow. Thusthere is a one-way coupling from the flow to the noise gen-eration. The integral representation of the acoustic pres-sure, proposed by Francescantonio (1997), is used for theradiated sound.

Flow modelling

In the absence of cavitation, the flow is modelled by theincompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Low-pass fil-tering of the equations, and neglecting commutation er-rors (Sagaut, 2002), the fundamental LES-equations for

incompressible flow are obtained,

∂v∂ t

+∇(v⊗v) =− 1ρ0

∇p+∇ · (S−B) (1)

Here, v is the (filtered) velocity field, ρ0 is the density,p is the pressure, S = 2νD the viscous strain tensor,D = (∇v + ∇vT )/2 the rate-of-strain tensor, and ν thekinematic viscosity. The term in equation (1) which arisesfrom the filtering is the subgrid stress tensor B. No specialnotation is used to distinguish between the primary andfiltered variables, i.e. v is used for both filtered and un-filtered velocity. Below we will introduce notation withprimed variables (e.g. p′) for acoustic quantities. Thisnotation convention is used throughout all sections of thepaper. It is referred to Sagaut (2002) as a general referencefor LES, and to Fureby (2008), and the references therein,for LES applied to problems in naval hydrodynamics.

The subgrid modelling away from walls, consists ofthe expression for the subgrid stress tensor. In this paper,we only present results using an implicit LES modellingapproach, where the subgrid dissipation is considered tobe represented by numerical diffusion, see e.g. Grinsteinet al. (2007). This approach has previously been usedsuccessfully, see, e.g., Fureby (2008) for several appli-cations in wetted flows and Bensow and Bark (2010) forcavitating flows. Further, in the cylinder simulations, wehave utilised a mixed formulation, following Bensow andFureby (2007), where the scale similarity term is consid-ered a resolved part of the filtered momentum equations.

The flow in a turbulent boundary layer at the wall re-quires special subgrid modelling, see Piomelli (2008) fora review. Here a simple model is used which relies on thelaw-of-the wall by Spalding (1961), to modify the subgridviscosity at the wall, νnw, according to,

νnw +ν = u2τ

/∣∣∣∣ ∂v∥∂y⊥


where uτ =√

τw/ρ0, is the friction velocity, τw the wall-shear stress, v∥ the flow velocity component parallel to thewall, y⊥ the local coordinate perpendicular to the wall,and the sub-script p indicates evaluation in the first cellcenter next to the wall.

Multiphase modellingTo simulate cavitating flows, the two phases, liquid andvapour, need to be represented in the problem, as well asthe phase transition mechanism between the two. Here,we consider a one fluid, two-phase mixture approach, in-troduced through the local vapour volume fraction, αv,and having the spatial and temporal variation of thevapour fraction described by a scalar transport equationincluding source terms for the mass transfer rate between


the phases, m. The density ρ0 and dynamic viscosity µare assumed to vary linearly with the vapour fraction inthe mixture,

ρ0 = αρv +(1−α)ρl , µ = αµv +(1−α)µl ,

with the bulk values, ρv, ρl , µv, and µl , kept constant. Us-ing this expression for the density in the continuity equa-tion, it is straight forward to derive the non-homogeneousvelocity divergence due to the mass transfer between thephases,

∇ ·v =(

1ρv− 1


)m, (2)

that implies that the pressure correction equation in thesegregated solver algorithm needs to be modified as well.

In the current study, the mass transfer model proposedby Sauer (2000) is employed,

m = sign(p− pth)αl(1−αl)




√2 |p− pth|

3ρl, (3)

where average nucleus per liquid volume is consideredconstant and in this study set to n0 = 108, and the initialnuclei radius is dNuc = 10−4 m. Further, the modificationsproposed by Asnaghi (2015) have been used, where thevaporisation component of Equation 3 is multiplied by avariable Cv based on local flow time scales,

Cv = (1+ t∞ |D|) ,

and the local shear stress is considered in the pressurethreshold,

pthreshold = µγ + pSat, µγ =√

D : D.

The acoustic analogyThe method used here for prediction of radiated noise isderived from the class of acoustic analogies described inthe landmark paper by Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings(1969). The general situation of interest consists of soundgenerated by unsteady flow in a certain region, and thenradiated out from this region. An acoustic analogy con-sists of an exact reformulation of the governing fluid flowequations, to obtain an equation with a left-hand side con-sisting of the wave operator (d’Alembertian), operatingon the acoustic pressure (or density), and a right-handside with the remaining terms, representing the sourcesof flow-generated noise.

The free-space (acoustic) Green’s function can thenbe used to solve this wave equation, leading to an integralrepresentation for the acoustic field. A number of differ-ent such integral representations have been suggested inthe literature. The version suggested by Francescantonio(1997) is used here. It consists of integration over a poroussurface S which is chosen judiciously with respect to the

flow. In the low Mach-number range, the expression forthe acoustic pressure p′ takes the following form,

4π p′(x, t) = I1 + I2 + I3 + p′Q, (4)

where, p′Q is the acoustic pressure generated by sourcesoutside of S, and the three surface integrals are given by:

I1 =∂∂ t





I2 =1c0

∂∂ t





I3 =∫





Here, the coordinate y denotes the source (integration)point, x denotes the acoustic field point, r = |x − y| isthe distance between these points, τ = t − r/c0, is the re-tarded time and c0 is the speed of sound. The notation forthe remaining two quantities in the integrals is explainednext. First we introduce u for the local velocity of thesurface S, en for the outward pointing unit normal to thesurface S, and er = (x−y)/r for the unit vector in the di-rection from source point to field point. For any vectorf, the components along these two directions are then de-noted, fn = f · en, and fr = f · er respectively. Now, Un isthe normal component of the vector,

U =

(1− ρ





and Lr is the r-component of the vector,

L = pen +ρv(vn −un).

As compared to Francescantonio (1997), the assumption,1−Ma ≈ 1 has been used in the expression for the inte-gral representation. This assumption of low Mach numberis good for most naval applications, with the exception ofregions with air/vapour/liquid mixture. For instance, usu-ally Ma< 0.02 based on the propeller blade tip speed. Thehighest Mach number in the reported simulations of thispaper is the acoustic wind tunnel measurements of noisefrom a cylinder in cross flow, for which Ma = 0.155.

A practical, and crucial, aspect of the use of thismethod is the choice of where to place the integration sur-face S. It should enclose most noise sources. For mostnaval applications, where cavitation is not considered, thisis relatively easy, since the dominant sources typically arelocated at material surfaces at low Mach number, (Blake,1986, Curle, 1955). The usage of acoustic analogies forcavitating flows is an unproven technique where best prac-tices are not established. Only a few attempts have beenpresented: Li et al. (2015), Lidtke et al. (2015), and Lidtkeet al. (2016). Of these, only the first have validation data


while the other two are only feasibility studies. There areseveral uncertainties in how to use this approach, with re-spect to the use of a sampling surface, how volume vari-ation induced by cavitation is treated, and of course thecompressible collapse of cavitating structures. Best prac-tise guidelines for the surface placement are thus not avail-able, and the practical choice is discussed in connectionwith the different cases reported in the paper.

Numerical methods

The solvers which are used are implemented us-ing the open source software package OpenFOAM2,which provides an object-oriented library, based on thefinite-volume method, specifically designed for CFD;see Weller et al. (1998) for a description of the structureof this software design.

The discretization of the governing flow equations re-lies on storage of the unknown flow variables in the cell-center positions in the computational grid. The algo-rithm supports arbitrary polyhedral cells and the grid istreated as unstructured. The approximations involved areof second-order accuracy, except for flux limiting for theconvective term, which reduces locally the formal orderof accuracy near sharp gradients. The momentum equa-tion is treated in a segregated manner, solving sequen-tially the three components of the momentum equationsin a loop within each time step. This is done througha merged version of the SIMPLE (Patankar and Spald-ing, 1972) and PISO algorithms, where the PISO loopis complemented by an outer iteration loop and possi-ble under-relaxation of the variables, called PIMPLE inOpenFOAM; see e.g. Barton (1998) for different ways tomerge PISO and SIMPLE procedures. For the cavitatingflow simulations, the mass transfer sources are computedfirst in the PISO loop, then the vapour fraction transportis progressed, and finally the standard PISO procedure isentered.

The simulations are time resolved and a second or-der backward differencing scheme is used for the time ad-vancement of the components of the momentum equation.A domain decomposition technique, applied to the grid,in combination with an efficient MPI-implementation isused for running on parallel computers.

The inclusion of a moving component (in this casethe propeller) is performed using the sliding-interface im-plementation in OpenFOAM. Interpolation is performedbetween the non-conforming interfaces between two re-gions, based on the interpolation algorithm by Farrell andMaddison (2011), denoted as AMI (Arbitrary Mesh Inter-face). This constitutes an efficient and conservative inter-polation between non-conforming mesh interfaces basedon Galerkin projection. The AMI has been shown to show

good performance regarding both scalability and conser-vation of the flow quantities (Bensow, 2013, Turunen,2014). Further, the AMI has also been used to coarsenthe mesh towards the outer domain in the cylinder simu-lations by introducing hanging nodes, see further below.

The acoustic computation, using equation (4), is car-ried out as a post-processing step relative to the flow simu-lation. During the flow simulation, the quantities involvedin the acoustic surface integrals are saved to file. This re-quires special pre-processing for the flow simulation, inwhich the acoustic surface is set up as a set of faces ofthe finite volume cells in the flow computation grid. Thisface set is then used in the discretization of the acousticintegrals. Additional input to the acoustic computationis a set of acoutic field points, referred to as micro- or hy-drophones below (depending on whether the sound occursin air or water). This implies that only one flow simula-tion is necessary for the processing of any number of fieldpoints. If the acoustic surface is modified however, then itis necessary to re-run the flow simulation.


A cylinder in cross flow is a canonical flow problem whichhas been extensively investigated using both experimentalmethods, see e.g. Cantwell and Coles (1983), and simula-tions, see e.g. Franke and Frank (2002), Parnaudeau et al.(2008). The vortex shedding at the cylinder is a significantsound source, and a number of studies have been dedi-cated to this aspect. Measurements were reported by Etkinet al. (1957), and the sound generation was investigated bysimulations by Cox et al. (1998) and Pérot et al. (2003).A range of Reynolds and Mach numbers were investigatedin the cited studies.

In this section, we carry out a validation study us-ing the very recent and well documented sound measure-ments, carried out in an aero-acoustic wind tunnel, re-ported by LaTorre-Iglesias et al. (2016). One case wassimulated, with physical parameters given in Table 1.

In the experiments, the cylinder is placed in an openjet, and a length of Le = 22D, of the cylinder, is locatedin the clean flow. The main sound generation mechanismis the pressure fluctuations on the cylinder surface, causedby the periodic vortex shedding. The shedding frequencyis approximately fs = 830 Hz, based on an approximateStrouhal (St-)number St = D fs/V0 = 0.2, see below forthe actual calculated St-number. This shedding frequencycorresponds to an acoustic wave length of λs = 0.41 m.Comparing this to the cylinder length scales, we obtainD/λs ≈ 0.03, L/λs ≈ 0.14 and, Le/λs ≈ 0.64. Hence it isreasonable to consider the cylinder to be an acousticallycompact source. The radiated sound will be computed at


a distance of 5m ≈ 12λs, from the cylinder, which can beconsidered to be in the acoustic far field.

Both a cartesian (x,y,z) and a cylindrical (r,θ ,y) co-ordinate system are used. The y-axis is coincident in thetwo systems, and located on the cylinder axis, with thecylinder occupying the region, 0 < y < L. The x-axis ofthe cartesian system is directed in the main flow direction,with x = 0 on the cylinder axis, and the z-axis is taken toform a right-handed system. The cylindrical angle, θ = 0,is located at the stagnation point/line of the flow aroundthe cylinder.

The standard deviation of the acoustic pressure σ(p′),in the far field can, for the acoustically compact case, beapproximately expressed as,

σ(p′)2 =ρ2

0V 60 St2σ(Cl)


0r2 sin2 θ . (5)

This expression was first derived by Phillips (1956), seealso chapter 4 of Blake (1986) for a comprehensive treat-ment using the methods available at the time (i.e. no com-putational acoustics). In Equation (5), ρ0 denotes the den-sity, Cl the lift coefficient, σ(·) the standard deviation,and lc the axial correlation length of the (transversal) fluidforce on the cylinder non-dimensionalized with D. Thelift coefficent is defined by,

Cl(t) =Fz(t)

DLρ0V 20 /2


where Fz is the z-component of the total force on the cylin-der. The drag coefficient is defined by the correspondingexpression involving Fx instead, and is denoted Cd . Re-sults will be presented for both the mean m(·) and thestandard deviation σ(·) of the force coefficents and otherquantities. The mean and the standard deviation are com-puted from the simulated time series, after the initial tran-sient.

Table 1: Physical parameters for the simulated cylinder case.The Re-number is based on the cylinder diameter, Re =V0D/ν .

Quantity Notation Value UnitCylinder diameter D 0.012 mCylinder length L 0.060 mKinematic viscosity ν 1.46·10−5 m2/sSpeed of sound c0 345 m/sFree-stream velocity V0 50.0 m/sReynolds number Re 41 100 - - -Mach number Ma 0.155 - - -

Pre-processing and numerical parametersSimulations have been performed based on an implicitLES approach with the scale similarity term included, fol-lowing Bensow and Fureby (2007), not using any wall

model. This is motivated by the low Reynolds numberwhich is expected to yield a laminar boundary layer up-stream of the separation point. A TVD limited central dif-ferencing convective scheme is used to achieve proper nu-merical diffusion (Bensow and Liefvendahl, 2008). Thetime step was defined to give a maximum Courant numberof around 0.5, with average over all cells of around 0.01.The simulations were first run to a well developed flow ona slightly coarser computational mesh, then mapped to thefinal mesh described below and further ran for 200 flowpass times, D/V0, before averaging and sampling wereinitiated. Results presented below are then based on 400flow pass times, corresponding to approximately 80 shed-ding cycles, based on St = 0.2.

The computational domain used has the cylinder lo-cated at (0,0,0), expanding in spanwise direction to(0,0.012,0). The inlet is placed 15D upstreams, outlet45D downstream, and the vertical extent is 15D in eachdirection. The main flow is in the positive x-direction.

The final mesh is a fully structured hexahedral mesh,but using hanging nodes in a 2:1 mesh ratio in the span-wise direction to save cells towards the outer boundary.The hanging node interface is placed approximately 7Dfrom the cylinder in radial direction and extending 25Ddownstream, thus well outside the domain where impor-tant flow dynamics is present. The total number of cells is4.7 M. Spanwise spatial resolution is ∆y = 0.05D, whichis deemed sufficient (Parnaudeau et al., 2008). Further,cells are clustered in the laminar boundary layer and in theseparated shear layer behind the cylinder with 460 cells inthe circumferential direction and approximately 10 cellsacross the boundary layer.

Table 2: Time advancement parameters. The start time of thesimulation on the final grid is denoted T0, T1 is the time instantwhen the transients in the flow are expected to have passed, andT2 is the end time of the simulation.

∆t(µs) T0(s) T1(s) T2(s)0.5 0 0.048 0.144

In order to investigate the span wise correlation ofthe flow, lift and drag forces are separately computed for10 non-overlapping sections, with span wise extent 0.1L,across the cylinder. Corresponding “sectional” drag coef-ficients are then defined by,

C(i)d =

F(i)x (t)

DLρ0V 20 /2


for i = 1, . . . ,10. Here F(i)x is the force acting on cylinder

section i. In the analogous manner, sectional lift coeffi-cients C(i)

l are also defined. Furthermore, a special mea-sure of the standard deviation of the forces is introduced,


which is appropriate for the sections of the cylinder:

σs(Cd) = m[σ(


)]For the acoustic analysis, the cylinder surface itself wasprimarily used for sampling of acoustic sources. In addi-tion to this, two more sampling surfaces were included inthe computation: one formed from a circular tube enclos-ing the cylinder with radius 2.5D, and one formed fromthe faces where there are hanging nodes, as describedabove. The first is thus closed, with flow structures mov-ing through the surface, while the second is open.

During post-processing, microphones are placed at adistance of 5 m in circles around the centre of the cylin-der, aligned with the coordinate axes, with ∆θ = 10◦. Theanalysis is here limited to the microphones in the xz-plane,perpendicular to the cylinder axis at L/2. The 36 micro-phones are numbered starting in the top position, with H0at coordinate (r,y,θ) = (5m,0.03m,90o), with numberingincreasing behind the cylinder (downstream) with micro-phone H9 at coordinate (r,y,θ) = (5m,0.03m,180o), andso forth along the circle in the xz-plane.

Flow resultsThe flow around an infinite circular cylinder is well knownand in general well documented, especially at Re = 3,900and around Re = 140,000, but not at the currently stud-ied condition. As a separate validation study, we per-formed simulations at Re = 3,900 using the same compu-tational configuration as presented above. The results, notpresented here for brevity, showed good agreement withthe experiments and LES presented in Parnaudeau et al.(2008). The predicted flow at the higher Re = 41,100, ispresented in Figure 2, with integral quantities tabulated inTable 3. The recirculation zone is rather short, as instabil-ities quickly grow in the shear layer dvelopping after thetop and bottom of the cylinder. Further, integral quantitiesare in the expected range.

For the radiated noise, coherent flow structures de-pending on the span-wise extension of the cylinder isimportant. Close to the cylinder surface, there are nonotable coherent structures developing cross the cylin-der, but moving further down stream, clear longitudinalco-rotating structures are being developed, as expected.These latter have however little impact on noise. To clar-ify the amount of span-wise correlation, the sectional liftcoefficients, as defined above, is plotted in Figure 1 for ashort time span. The lift of each section (grey lines) aremore or less in sync with the average flow (bold blackline) for the whole time period.

Table 3: Results for integral quantities on the cylinder.

St m(Cd) σ(Cl) σs(Cl) m(θsep)0.191 1.34 0.67 0.70 88o

Figure 1: Time history of the lift coefficient. Above: The liftcoefficient computed for the whole cylinder, plotted for the com-plete simulated time interval. Below: The lift coefficients com-puted for the segments (10 lines)

Figure 2: Visualization of computed flow for the circular cylin-der; flow structure isosurface coloured by axial vorticity andcontours of the mean axial velocity.

Acoustic results

The source levels in 1/3-octave band from the simulationare compared with the measurements of LaTorre-Iglesiaset al. (2016) in Figure 3. The amplitude of the micro-phone signals, both for the simulation and measurement,have been re-scaled (using p′ ∼ 1/r) to obtain source lev-els relative to a distance of 1 m. The simulation data aretaken from microphone H0. The cylinder length is dif-ferent between the simulation and the measurements (5Dvs 22D). Therefore, the computed source level shifted,+6dB ≈ 10log10(22/5)dB, is also included in Figure 3.This corresponds to the summation of the contribution ofuncorrelated sources, which roughly amounts to the as-sumption, lc < 5, for the spanwise correlation length.

The source levels (dB) corresponding to the results inFigure 3 are given in Table 4. Source levels obtained us-ing the dipole expression (5) are also included for com-parison. The main source of uncertainty concerning the


simulation results is believed to be related to the spanwisecorrelation length lc. As is clear from the cylinder rada-tion expression (5), this directly affects the amplitude ofthe radiation. At the same time, the scatter plot of thesectional lift coefficients in Figure 1, clearly indicates arelatively strong correlation over the spanwise extent ofthe simulation domain. To indicate the sensitivity to cor-relation length, two estimates of lc are used in the dipoleresults given in Table 4.

The directivity of the radiated sound is shown in Fig-ure 4 in the xz-plane. Both the directivity of the simula-tion results and the experiments are included, as well asthe directivity of an ideal dipole aligned with the z-axis.Both the simulation and experimental data are dominatedby a dipole pattern. For the experiments, there is a skew,with slightly stronger radiation in the upstream direction,compare the angle θ ≈ 60o, and the angle, θ ≈ 120o.

Figure 3: Comparison of the source 1/3-octave band level withthe measurements of LaTorre-Iglesias et al. (2016). Data frommicrophones in the main (dipole) radiation direction, θ =±90o.

Figure 4: Directivity of the acoustic radiation from the cylin-der, shown in terms of the source level relative its maximumvalue (for θ ≈ 90o). Data from the simulation, from the ex-periments LaTorre-Iglesias et al. (2016), and for an ideal dipolealigned with the z-axis.

Table 4: Source level (dB re 1 m, 20µPa) in the main (dipole)radiation direction, θ = ±90o. The last two columns give re-sults obtained using the dipole radiation, equation (5), with dif-ferent assumption concerning the correlation length lc. The min-imum value being obtained with lc = 5, and the maximum withlc = 22. The remaining parameters in the dipole expression aredetermined from the simulation.

Sim. Sim. +6dB Exp. min.dip. max.dip.90.3 96.4 92.0 91.2 97.6


The R/V Princess Royal is a research vessel designedand operated by the University of Newcastle (Atlar et al.,2013), to support the marine research activities of the uni-versity. The design was based on the catamaran appli-cation of the displacement type Deep-V hull forms witha novel anti-slamming bulbous bow and tunnel stern ac-commodating the propeller and rudder; propeller tip-hullclearance is reported to be 15% of the propeller diameterand the clearance to the skeg plating, extending aft to sup-port the rudder mounting, is 10%. The vessel was fittedwith two five bladed fixed pitch propellers, one on eachhull, operating in an outward turning rotation; we havesimulated the configuration as of the tests in 2015.

It is a small, versatile and relatively high speed ves-sel, that can be equipped for different research studies.It was used for studies on inboard and underwater ra-diated noise within the EU-project SONIC3. The vesselwas tested at several facilities in model scale during theSONIC project, and noise measurements were performedfor the full scale vessel in two separate campaigns, en-compassing both inboard noise and vibration measure-ments, cavitation observations, and radiated noise fromhydrophone measurements in the North Sea. As a part-ner in the SONIC project, we have thus chosen to con-tinue the studies for this well documented case (Aktaset al., 2015, 2016, SONIC, 2015a,b); see also Felli et al.(2015) on the experimental techniques used to performthe noise measurements used below. The main dimen-sions for the model as tested at CNR-INSEAN with thescale factor λ = 3.4, which will be used as primary exper-imental source for comparison in this study, are given inTable 5. For the experimental and full scale tests, a rangeof operating conditions were run, from a very light loadat 2.2% MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating) to a con-dition of 73.4% MCR. Two conditions have been used inthis computational study, 16.1% MCR and 32.0% MCR,see Table 6.

The studies described below consist of one simulationfor the hull and propeller configuration, as well as sim-

3SONIC, grant agreement 314394, European Union 7th Framework Programme


ulations for the propeller alone, mounted on an inclinedshaft. The appended hull-propeller configuration is madefor a single hull but without the free surface and usinga symmetry condition along the centre line of the vessel.The hull is however trimmed according to tested condi-tions. This simplification was a necessary compromisewith respect to the computational complexity when simu-lating a the full hull with cavitating propeller. Further, therudder was excluded to simplify meshing, which howevermay have some impact on directionality of radiated noise.For the stand-alone propeller, we did not mimic any exist-ing experimental set-up. Instead, we used a shaft inclina-tion that corresponds to the appended geometry, 8.35◦ tothe inflow, with the shaft extended upstream, and runningsimilar conditions. This was done to test a configurationof intermediate complexity for noise simulations, but stillbe able to relate to the full simulation. Similar experi-mental tests have been performed by Aktas et al. (2015),with the same propeller but with systematic variations ofshaft inclination, advance coefficient, and cavitation num-ber. We have here not tried to mimic these conditions,since the intention was to have data to compare with theappended configuration. The primary difference is that inAktas et al. (2015), the propeller was mounted upstreamthe shaft, while here it is downstream. Some qualitativecomparisons are however possible.

The propeller was run both in cavitating conditionsand non-cavitating conditions, Condition 2 and Condi-tion 3 respectively in Table 6, while the results presentedhere for the appended configuration only is for cavitatingconditions, Condition 1. Both the cavitating conditionsare run with the same environmental pressure and the dif-ference in cavitation number stems from the change inadvance velocity and rotational speed. The shaft incli-nation for the stand-alone propeller case is rather smalland does not give a very large tangential velocity com-ponent to the propeller, thus the transient behaviour ofthe loading is weak. Considering the wake fraction inthe hull-propeller configuration, running the same condi-tion here gives a propeller that is not as loaded. Ideally,conditions of thrust identity should be used, but it wasout of scope for this study to iterate conditions to findequal KT and thus the higher loading condition from themeasurement campaign, Condition 2 of Table 6, was usedfor these studies. This means that the propeller is run atslightly higher loading as stand-alone compared with thehull-propeller configuration. The average thrust coeffi-cient here is KT = 0.204 compared with KT = 0.193 inthe self-propelled case at condition 1; stand-alone pro-peller running at Condition 1 yields KT = 0.176.

Table 5: Main ship and model scale dimensions of the configu-ration (length scale factor λ = 3.4).

Quantity Notation ValueLength LPP [m] 4.84Beam overall B [m] 2.07Draft T [m] 0.93Propeller diameter Dp [m] 0.22Pitch ratio (at 70%) P/RP 0.8475Expanded area ratio EAR 1.057

Table 6: Operating conditions for simulations.

Notation VM [kn] n [1/s] σnCondition 1 2.61 20.96 2.81(16.1% MCR)Condition 2 2.94 26.31 1.78(32.0% MCR)Condition 3 2.94 26.31 ∞(32.0% MCR)

Figure 5: Geometry of the R/V Princess Royal.


Computational configuration

All simulations have been run using a wall-modelled im-plicit LES approach, as described in the methodology sec-tion. First, the simulation for the hull-propeller configura-tion were run in non-cavitating conditions until a well de-veloped flow was achieved. Then cavitation was initiated,and it was allowed to run for further several propeller rev-olutions before acoustic sampling was initiated. A similarapproach was used for the stand-alone propeller.

For the convective terms, a TVD limited scheme wasused, and time stepping was performed with an implicitsecond order scheme. The time step was set to 1/20 ofa degree of propeller revolution, which, for the hull pro-peller configuration, results in ∆t = 6.5356 · 10−6, andfor the stand-alone propeller simulations, ∆t = 5.278939 ·10−6. This setting leads to a maximum Courant number inthe range Co= 1.5−1.8, where the maximum occurs onlyin the small cells around the propeller blade tip. To ensurestable simulations, two outer iterations were performedin the OpenFOAM PIMPLE loop. Sampling of variableson the integral surfaces, for the acoustic post-processing,are made every 10th time step, thus corresponding to twosamples every degree of propeller rotation. The acous-tic sampling was performed for eight propeller revolu-tions, started after disregarding initial transients, for thestand-alone propeller simulations and 10 revolutions forthe propeller-hull configuration.

For the hull-propeller simulation, a larger box domainhas been created around one of the two catamaran hulls,with a symmetry plane in the centre of the vessel. Thebox extends 2LPP upstreams, 3LPP down stream, and has2LPP to the side and below the hull, see Figure 6. The pro-peller is enclosed in a large cylinder, with diameter 6Dp,and the shaft extends 3Dp upstreams the propeller and theoutlet is located 6Dp downstream, see Figure 7. The pro-peller is enclosed in a smaller cylinder puck that rotateswith the propeller. The same coordinate system has beenused for both configurations, thus this rotating propellerpuck is identical in all cases, as well as the shaft line.

The mesh for the hull was created using Hexpress™,and was provided by MARIN within the SONIC projectcooperation. It is thus an oct-tree unstructured hexahe-dral mesh, snapped to the geometry and with an extrudedboundary layer mesh. Several refinement boxes had beenapplied in the stern region, see Figure 8. Similar mesharound the propeller was used in both simulations con-figurations. It was created in Pointwise®, using a struc-tured quad mesh on the surface of the blades, extrud-ing a hexahedral boundary layer mesh, and then fillingthe puck domain with unstructured tetrahedral cells us-ing the anisotropic mesh extrusion feature of Pointwise®,T-Rex. In the hull-propeller simulation, a hole was cutin the existing Hexpress™ mesh to accommodate the pro-peller puck, filling up the gap with a general unstructured

mesh. For the stand-alone propeller, an exterior domainwas constructed and meshed within Pointwise®, follow-ing the same principle as with the propeller. The cell dis-tribution for the hull-propeller configurations is given inTable 7.

Table 7: Number of cells in the computational grids for the hull-propeller configuration, according to cell-type.

#cells/106 Hull Propeller TotalHex 20.5 3.2 23.7Tet - 1.8 1.8

Prism - 0.04 0.04Poly 1.24 0.06 1.3Total 21.74 5.1 26.84

Figure 6: Computational domain for the hull-propeller configu-ration.

Figure 7: Computational domain for the stand-alone propellersimulations, with the rotating domain shaded.


Figure 8: Computational mesh of the hull.

Figure 9: Computational mesh of the propeller. Note that thesimilar mesh around the propeller was used in both simulationconfigurations, up to the rotating puck surrounding the propeller.

For the acoustic sampling for the FWH post-processing, a sampling surface was extracted from the hulland domain meshes respectively. A circular cylinder wasdefined, with a horizontal axis through the centre of thepropeller and a radius to fit just outside of the propellerpuck but not cutting the hull. The cylinder started justafter the skeg, upstream of the propeller, and extended2DP downstream, where detailed structures in the pro-peller slip were no longer resolved. Then, the outer facesof the cells cut by this cylinder was used to form the sam-pling surface, see Figure 10. The sampling surface wasleft open. During post-processing of the acoustic results,three hydrophones where placed in the same location as inthe CNR-INSEAN experiments. There, the hydrophoneswere place on 1 m distance from the propeller centre, withone straight aft in the propeller slip, H1, one slightly to theoutward side, H7, and one slightly down, H8, see Figure11. Further, a series of hydrophones were placed straightbelow the propeller, on distances 1 m, 2 m, 5 m, and 10m.

Figure 10: The surface where data for the Ffowcs-WilliamsHawkings integrals were sampled is shown in grey.

Figure 11: The green dots indicate hydrophone positions H1,H7, and H8, as denoted in the CNR-INSEAN experiments,placed on a sphere at 1 m distance from the propeller centre.


Table 8: Hydrophone location, in relation to propeller cap tip.

Name Location DistanceH1 straight behind 1 mH2 straight below 1 mH3 straight below 2 mH4 straight below 5 mH5 straight below 10 mH6 behind and inward 1 mH7 behind and below 1 mH8 behind and outward 1 m

Stand-alone propeller on inclined shaft

Flow behaviour

An overview of the flow around the stand-alone propelleris given in Figures 13 and 14 for the two tested conditions,with a snapshot of the propeller inflow displayed in Figure12. For the cavitating case, Condition 2, a distinct sheetcavity is developing along the leading edge of the blade,present on all blades all time. There is no tip vortex cav-itation in the simulations; the mesh resolution is clearlytoo low to capture this demanding phenomenon. We cansee the influence of the tangential wake component, in-duced by the inclined shaft configuration, on cavity extentand the low pressure region in the tip region of the blade.This concerns both the thickness and the radial position ofwhere the sheet cavity starts on the blade, which is muchearlier in the top positions and when the blade is movingdown than in the bottom ones. The same phenomenon isnoted in the wetted simulation, where the surface stream-lines indicate a longer vortex build-up in the same bladepositions. There are minor differences between the twoconditions, only induced by the flow around the predictedsheet cavity.

For a comparison of propeller performance betweennon-cavitating and cavitating conditions, see Table 9; wehere follow the conventional definition,


nDP,KT =


P,KQ =


P,η0 =



KQ, (6)

where the forces are measured along the shaft, and theother parameters are given as Condition 2 (cavitating) andCondition 3 (non-cavitating) in Table 6. The mean val-ues, m(·), and standard deviation, σ(·), are based on eightrevolutions of steady running conditions at J = 0.51. Wesee a slight increase in the mean torque coefficient, whilethe mean thrust is more or less constant, when runningin cavitating conditions. Considering the variability, wenote that cavitation seems to stabilise the flow somewhatas both σ(KT ) and σ(KQ) is lower by a factor of around 3

for Condition 2; however the levels are very small. Com-pared with the experimental results presented in Aktaset al. (2015), we note a general higher KT in our simula-tions while KQ is more similar, thus also the efficiency, η0,is considerably higher. The reason for this is believed tobe related to the difference in configuration, where the up-stream inclined shaft arrangement in the simulations willlead to a wake that is not present in the experiments.

Cavitation extent is reasonably predicted, making aqualitative comparison with Figure 6 in Aktas et al.(2015). As commented above, no tip vortex cavitation ispredicted but this is expected considering the low meshresolution in the blade wake. However, looking at thesheet cavity in the top position, the cavity starts at theleading edge at a radius lower than 0.5, and grows to arather thick sheet towards the top of the blade. Water thenpenetrates below the cavity and detaches the sheet that istwisted into the tip vortex. Variation in cavity extent canbe noticed around the revolution, with larger cavity in topposition. Further, there are some dynamics in the cavitybehaviour, but not substantial, thus it is expected that theblade passing frequency will dominate the emitted noisefrom the propeller.

Table 9: Propeller characteristics - stand-alone.

m(KT ) σ(KT ) m(KQ) σ(KQ)

Cond 2 0.2036 1.21·10−4 0.0287 1.35·10−5

Cond 3 0.2035 2.94·10−4 0.0275 3.1·10−5

Figure 12: Effective inflow to the propeller on inclined shaft;contours of longitudinal velocity normalised by VA.


Figure 13: Pressure distribution on the stand-alone propeller forCondition 2 (top) and Condition 3 (bottom); for the former alsoan iso-surface of vapour is displayed.

Figure 14: Surface streamlines on the stand-alone propeller forCondition 2 (top) and Condition 3 (bottom); for the former alsoan iso-surface of vapour is displayed.

Figure 15: Details of cavitation on the stand-alone propeller forCondition 2.

Acoustic results

The predicted sound pressure level, SPL, for the two con-ditions is plotted in Figures 16 and 17; here extracted forhydrophone H7, below and to the side, see Table 8, but thedirectional dependence is expected to be very low in thisconfiguration. A qualitative comparison will be made tothe experimental results reported by Aktas et al. (2015),but due to the differences in configuration and conditionsno detailed quantitative comparison is included. Focus isinstead on comparing numerical noise predictions fromthe two different conditions.

Overall, the SPL spectra are quite noisy, especiallyabove around 1,100 Hz; this holds for both conditions.The sampling time is short, only eight revolutions, whichcontributes to the noisiness, but the sampling frequency isalmost 19,000 Hz, and thus well above this range. Themethodology to extract a sampling surface from cell facesin the mesh, instead of interpolating to a sampling pointon a smooth geometrical surface, was developed to avoidnoise from interpolation and has been validated on analyt-ical acoustic test functions. The reason for the high levelof signal noise thus needs further investigations to clarify.

The general level is the same in both conditions, whichis surprising as it was expected that the sheet cavitationwould greatly increase the predicted SPL for Condition 2.This lack of cavitation amplified sound was however alsonoted in (Aktas et al., 2015), where only certain condi-tions would give distinct differences for different cavita-tion numbers. The simulations predict a somewhat lowerSPL compared with the experiments, where the overallSPL in lower frequencies were just above 90 dB, whilewe here see levels of just below 90 dB.

The most distinctive tonal for both conditions is thepropeller revolution frequency at 26 Hz. The peak is how-ever considerably wider for the cavitating condition, Con-dition 2, which is expected to be a result of cavitation dy-namics. Further, the BPF, blade passing frequency, at 132


Hz is considerably more distinct in the cavitating con-ditions, while the opposite holds for the 2nd BPF. Someother peaks are visible in the spectra, but are perhaps ques-tionable with respect to the noisy signal.

Figure 16: Noise prediction for the stand-alone propeller atCondition 2 (cavitating) at hydrophone H7.

Figure 17: Noise prediction for the stand-alone propeller atCondition 3 (non-cavitating) at hydrophone H7.


Flow behaviour

We will here limit the attention to the aft-ship flow, witha focus on structures that are expected to have an impacton noise generation. An overview of the flow is given inFigure 18, visualised by limiting streamlines on the hull,several contour planes of the longitudinal velocity, and aclose-up of the flow structures around the propeller. Here,as well as in Figure 20, flow structures are visualised byan iso-surfaces of a structure function, ||∇× v||− ||∇v||,which is very similar to the Q-function but works betterwhen post-processing on this type of grid. The hull hasseveral sharp features that control the flow into the pro-

peller: there is a tunnel to accommodate the propeller withsharp chines, the shaft is supported by a skeg where thereare distinct edges in the intersection, and a tapered boxstructured skeg plate is mounted on the keel and extendsaft along the skeg to support the rudder (which itself is notpresent in this simulation). The hull itself is symmetric(except closer to the waterline) but the propeller rotationinduces asymmetry to the flow.

In Figure 19, some of the contour planes are visualisedseparately, starting from where the keel line rises towardsthe propeller tunnel to right after the propeller; note thatthe range is different in the last plane after the propeller.Directly, three vortices are formed: one on each side ofthe skeg plate where it meets the hull, and one on the bot-tom corner (induced by the rotational propeller suction).The latter is rather weak, and instantaneous snap-shots re-veal that there are in fact several small vortices, not onedistinct, that are formed by the overflow on the bottomside of the skeg plate; this vortex system will howevernot reach the propeller and have little impact on noise andunsteadiness in the propulsion system. The two formerones are rather stable, can be traced to move horizontallyaft along the skeg, grow in strength, and will end up inthe propeller disc, contributing to the unsteady propellerblade load and total thrust variation. On top of the skegplate, further aft, a second vortex pair is formed that goesbelow the propeller, visible in the plane closest to the pro-peller (upstream). As the tunnel starts, we note an over-flow around the chines from the hull into the tunnel form-ing vortices along the chines. A pair of vortices are alsoformed in the junction between the skeg and the tunnel.Together with the chine vortices, these form a very com-plex and dynamic flow field in the tunnel close to the hull.Fortunately, this passes above the propeller and is thus notexpected to have any major impact on the propulsor char-acteristics. Finally, there is another vortex pair formed inthe junction on top of the shaft where it connects to theskeg. This is also a very dynamic flow structure, instanta-neously it is even difficult to discern it as a vortex system,that feeds straight into the root section of the propeller.Visible in the contour plots is also the low velocity thinwake from the skeg, from the skeg plate up to the hull,entering the propeller disc.

Another visualisation of this flow is shown in Figure20, where the above mentioned structure function is usedboth for the instantaneous flow field and the time averagedflow field. This figure gives a very clear impression onthe unsteadiness of the vortex systems described above.The vortices that originate from the junction between thehull and the skeg plate, the first ones described above, arerelatively stable and easily discernible also in the instan-taneous flow. The ones on the top side of the shaft areclearly more dynamic, but shown as well developed vor-tices in the average flow. The system of vortices formed


in the tunnel, however, is very dynamic and the snap-shotdoes not reveal any coherent vortex structure, while theseparate vortices are clear in the averaged flow.

The most interesting difference between the instanta-neous and average flow is however the vertical von Kár-mán vortex shedding from the skeg that is present in theflow, but naturally can not be represented in the averagedflow field; this is quite distinct in Figure 20. The vortexstreet is further displayed in Figure 21, where horison-tal planes of contours of vertical vorticity is shown. Thealternating vortices are regularly shed from the skeg andtransported right into the propeller. The frequency of thisshedding is assessed by analysing velocity and pressureprobes in the flow field upstream of the propeller. Al-though the signal is dominated by the blade passing fre-quency at 104.8 Hz, the probes were obviously placed tooclose to the propeller, the shedding frequency seems to bevisible at around 35 Hz. This corresponds to a Strouhalnumber in the range of St = f L

V ≈ 0.1− 0.3, which is inthe expected range for a rectangular trailing edge.

Figure 18: Overview of the predicted flow in terms of lim-iting streamlines and contour planes of longitudinal veolcity(top) and a flow structure visualisation through an iso-surfaceof ||∇×v||− ||∇v|| (bottom).

Figure 19: Contour plots of longitudinal velocity from the be-ginning of the tunnel to just aft of propeller. Note the the rangeof contours is changed in the last frame to show details in thepropeller slip.

Figure 20: Visualisation of the instantaneous (top) and time-averaged (bottom) flow in the stern; iso-surface of ||∇× v|| −||∇v||.


Figure 21: Contour planes of vertical vorticity, indicating thevon Kármán vortex shedding from the skeg.

Figure 22: Visualisation of cavitation for the propeller behindhull, Condition 1.

Figure 23: Snapshots from the cavitation experimentsperformed at Rolls-Royce Hydrodynamic Research Centre(SONIC, 2015a).

Figure 24: Details of the cavitation on the propeller in behindCondition 1.

Regarding cavitation prediction, the vapour volumeis somewhat underpredicted, not only with respect to thelack of tip vortex cavitation but also for the on-blade sheetcavity. Figures 22 and 23 show predicted cavitation fromthis simulation and experiments performed in the cavita-tion tunnel at the Rolls-Royce Hydrodynamic ResearchCentre. We remark that a fair quantitative comparison isdifficult, as we can only compare snap-shots of certaintimes in a highly unsteady flow. The impression is how-ever, that the numerically predicted sheet cavities coverabout the same extent of the leading edge, but the sheetgrows thicker in the experiments. The dynamic behaviourof the sheet seems to be reasonably predicted, with respectto detachment from the blade surface and the occasionaldisintegration of a cavity, visible both in the experimentsand in the simulation. A detailed view of the flow aroundthe cavity in the top blade position is seen in Figure 24, tobe compared with the stand-alone propeller configurationin Figure 15.

Acoustic results

The predicted SPL at hydrophone H7, is plotted in Figure25 together with experimental results provided by CNR-INSEAN collected in the same position. Also here, wesee the same issue with the predicted SPL with respect to


noisy signal as was discussed above for the stand-alonepropeller simulations, with results above around 1,100 Hzquestionable. The overall trend, including some varia-tion, seems however to follow the experiments to some-what higher frequencies. The sampling frequency in thesimulation was for this case around 15,000 Hz, as it wasrelated to the propeller revolution rate, and sampling timecorresponds to 10 propeller revolutions.

In the lower frequency range, up to around 400 Hz,the numerical prediction is greatly underpredicted; thereis a clear gap of around 20 dB between simulation andexperiments. The cause for this discrepancy is currentlynot clear to us, and will be further discussed below. Inthe range of 400 Hz - 1,100 Hz, however, the numericalresults agree well with measurements.

There are no distinct peaks at lower frequencies,which is expected due to the relatively short samplingtime. The 1st BPF, blade passing frequency, and the 2nd

BPF are clearly visible, although at the overall lower level,as noted above. The 2nd BPF peak is predicted to be widerthan the 1st BPF, which is inline with the measurements.The experiments indicate a distinct peak at around the 4th

BPF, which is not noted in the simulations, although thisis a frequency range where we note a large increase in pre-dicted SPL which might shadow this tonal. In the mediumfrequency range, 400-1,100 Hz, four wide peaks are pre-dicted both in the simulation and the experiment, althoughthe mid-frequencies of those differ sligthly.

The directivity has also been investigated, by compar-ing the predicted SPL from hydrophones H7 and H8. Inthe measurements, a clear directivity was detected. Thishas not been seen in the simulations, where the spectrafrom H7 and H8 are more or less identical; thus not in-cluded separately in this paper. As a basic soundness testof the methodology, Figure 27 shows how the predictedSPL decays with increasing distance between propellerand hydrophone. Further analysis is however required toquantitatively determine the decay rate.

From a methodological perspective, the performanceof a Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings approach with sam-pling surfaces in the flow field is in an experimental phase.The choice of sampling surface was here made for practi-cal reasons, to fit in the flow domain around the propellerin the constrained aft-ship region. The acoustic integralswere also evaluated on the hull surface. The comparisonin predicted SPL from these two alternatives are shown inFigure 26. In the higher frequency range, from about 600Hz, the spectra overlap, but below that some peaks aremissing when not using the sampling surface. In the lowfrequency range, below 100 Hz, the radiated noise evalu-ated using the hull surface is about 10 dB lower comparedwhen using the sampling surface.

The analysis shows both promises and disappoint-ments. Several of the features in the measured spectrum

are captured in the simulation, but the discrepancy in thelow frequency range needs to be understood, as well as thelack of directivity. Even more so as the predicted SPL thenagrees well in the medium frequency range. Some possi-ble explanations have been discussed, where the first nat-urally is the lack of predicted tip vortex cavitation. Thisis expected to contribute significantly to underwater radi-ated noise, but perhaps rather in the broad band range ofthe spectrum. However, the attached sheet is also under-predicted. The impact of this is difficult to assess con-sidering the lack of difference between conditions in thestand-alone propeller simulation, also reported in the lit-erature from experiments.

The missing cavitating tip vortex system can also beexpected to be responsible for the lack of directivity ofthe radiated noise in the simulations, as the noise sourcesin the present results are enclosed in a rather small regionclose to the propeller and not extending far aft as in the ex-periments. The exclusion of the rudder in the simulationsmay also contribute to the discrepancy.

One further important difference between numericalsimulations and experiments, is related to the free surface,which is not represented in the numerical simulations.Further, the top boundary could not be placed in a posi-tion representative of the still water surface but was placedmuch further from the propeller. Acoustic reflection atthis boundary is thus not correctly represented in the nu-merical simulation compared with the experiments thatwere performed with free surface in the CNR-INSEANlarge circulating water channel.

Figure 25: Noise prediction at hydrophone H7 in comparisonwith experiments from CNR-INSEAN.


Figure 26: Predicted SPL at hydrophone H7 when using thesampling surface in the flow domain compared with the hull sur-face.

Figure 27: Noise prediction at varying distances below the pro-peller.


The work presented in this paper is an exploration studyof the feasibility to predict underwater radiated noise froma ship propeller, using resolved flow simulations and anacoustic analogy. The basic methodology is well estab-lished to predict aeroacoustic noise at medium to highMa number. Interest and applications related to low Mahydroacoustic conditions, especially considering cavita-tion, have just started to emerge. Both theoretical andpractical issues are abundant and need further studies be-fore methodologies for detailed shipping noise predictionthrough numerical simulations can be used as a well es-tablished and reliable tool.

The flow in the aft of a ship is highly transient and flowdynamics is expected to influence radiated noise, both interms of general noise levels and with respect to peaks in

the spectrum. To have a reasonable prediction of radiatednoise, it seems clear a flow resolving simulation method-ology is needed, like LES or hybrid RANS/LES. An un-steady RANS can only be expected to capture the lowerharmonics of the blade passing frequency, often then moreof interest in terms of ship vibrations and pressure pulseson the hull plating than with respect to underwater radi-ated noise. The results presented here show flow featuresinfluencing the propulsion system that can not be repre-sented with a RANS approach.

Cavitation volume and the dynamics of cavitation are,for the same reasons as just mentioned, vital to capture.In the simulation results in this work, the sheet cavityvolume was underpredicted while the dynamics seemedqualitatively correct. Simulation of cavitating flows isstill challenging, although the maturity has increased inthe past five years. High resolution is required also forthe sheet cavitation, both on the blade surface and off theblade. Here, around 5 M cells were used in the propellerpuck, which might not be sufficient. The unstructured ap-proach, however, makes clustering of cells in interestingregions possible yielding an efficient use of the compu-tational effort. Future work will need to include furtherstudies on how increased mesh resolution influences sheetcavity prediction on a propeller in behind condition andthe associated radiated noise.

The cavitating tip vortex as a noise source forms anextreme challenge for CFD based noise prediction. Withthe expected resolution requirement to be able to sustainthe low pressure in a vortex core to keep it cavitating, sev-eral hundreds of millions of cells would be needed. Aseparate treatment of the vortex noise thus seems neces-sary.

With respect to the noise prediction methodology forlow Ma flows, and the implementation we have done inOpenFOAM, we found a good prediction for the circu-lar cylinder while the cavitating cases showed discrepan-cies, but are also more difficult to analyse and evaluate.We could not within the scope of this study determinedwhether this is related to how sampling surface was de-fined, its shape and location; issues with how the acous-tic analogy handles cavitation noise sources; or with theflow prediction itself, then related to the under predictedvapour volume and lack of cavitating tip vortex.

In view of this, we find that we lack basic validationdata for radiated noise from cavitating flows, that are easyto replicate with the suggested simulation methodology.This is also clear from previously the published studiesexploring similar methodology (Lidtke et al., 2015, 2016)The stand-alone propeller as investigated at NewcastleUniversity (Aktas et al., 2015) is a case that could be inter-esting to study further. However, the issue with the impactof the cavitating tip vortex needs to be handled. Further,the experiments only document clear increased noise lev-


els due to cavitation for certain conditions. To clearly beable to develop and evaluate the methodology as a predic-tive simulation tool, a well documented dataset in a sim-ple flow configuration and with distinct impact from sheetcavitation would be much useful.


The authors wish to thank other partners of the SONICproject involved in the investigation of the configurationunder study, for fruitful scientific discussions. EspeciallyMARIN and Pierre Crepier who shared their computa-tional meshes, and Dr. Mario Felli at CNR-INSEAN whoprovided experimental data for the hull-propeller configu-ration.

The simulations were performed on resources atC3SE, Chalmers Centre for Computational Science andEngineering, and NSC, National Supercomputer Centre inSweden, provided by the Swedish National Infrastructurefor Computing (SNIC).

This paper was partially supported with funding fromthe European Union 7th Framework Programme underproject SONIC (grant agreement number 314394). Sup-port for this work has been provided by Rolls-Royce Ma-rine through the University Technology Centre in Com-putational Hydrodynamics hosted at the Deptartment ofShipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers.


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