Amyris innovation challenge_isa15

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Amyris innovation challenge_isa15

Amyris Fernandez, Ph. D.

The Innovation Challenge


The Challenges of Innovation






Need to innovate in order to survive

Too slow and bureaucratic

Usually stuck in processess

Low resources

Business Challenge!!

Main Issues / Challenges

Innovation is cool, is needed but it always end up

in one of the 3 behaviors:

1. Indifference

1. Hostility

2. Isolation

Lots of inniciatives out there!

Lots of methodologies!

But companies look for result$

Therefore, the main problems are

Leadership Profile


Company Goals

How to overcome

First of all - Find a sponsor!

If your are leading Innovation:

Inside a big company: - Show results from a quick

ethnographic study

- Start educating people to use

Design Thinking Methodologies!

- If possible, create a

multidisciplinary team, and place it

outside the corporate mess!

Inside a startup: - Show UX results: ROI, A/B Tests,

- Then start doing Usability Tests

with the IT & design guys leading

the interviews

- After that, make sure you

discover who the real users are,

and how they actually use the

product! Make developers be

involved in the process.

Innovation is not to everyone!

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¡Muchas gracias!

Amyris Fernandez, Ph. D.

+55 11 981221723