Aminu and Thalasha

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Aminu and Thalasha

  • 8/12/2019 Aminu and Thalasha



    Kandare AnthaKandare Antha! A giant with two reddish brown eyes like erupting volcanoes

    is standing inside a laboratory which belongs to Mitaksha

    world. He is curiously looking at something. A very pale fellowwith a smile in his face rushed into the room after hearinga big noise. He asked Misharo kinthaksha, chatemi mejja?.

    The giant with all his energy replied KANDARE ANTHA! The feeble body of the pale fellow was shaken by a thunderlike mirth but he remained cool and smiled back to rise

    some questions.


    Professor Linchi started shouting at students Listen my dearboys ..listen. Its a very interesting story......

    A student raised from his chair and questioned W hat is

    this professor? You said you are going to tell us a story offantasy , suspense and at last with a beautiful message. But

    you started it with some descriptive lines and then yousuddenly came up with some unknown language. How can

    we understand that?

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    All others agreed his point. Professor Linchi was a peculiarguy. He believes that imagination is the greatest powerwhich god has given to human beings. In education, each

    child should use his imaginative power to createsomething unique!!He is a very enthusiastic person. He wants

    to change this world by his colorful dreams for the nextcoming generation. While he was dreaming like this, students

    shouted Professor! .The call wo ke him up and saw students

    with some pity and replied I agree, I completely agree with

    your point. I shall explain the story in a known languageEnglish. Is that OK ?

    All students agreed except the boy named Lira. He is known tobe a brilliant boy in the class. He is not satisfied by the reply of

    Linchi. He asked Prof , while narrating the story you toldsome unknown things like Misharo, kinthaksha, chatemi

    mejja. What do those words mean ?

    Professor turned back to see him oh! Thats the newlanguage Lira! I formed the story and invented those

    words!Very good that you are curious about that .Misharo isused to address the God and chatemi mejja means whats the matter

    But what is this kandare antha? Asked Lira

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    Linchi took some time to grab all the attention and said

    kandare antha means I KNOW IT.!

    The story I am going to tell you now is a story of gods.

    The god named KINTAKSHA was ruling and controlling all

    the worlds.There were four worlds at that time. Kintaksha ,Mitaksha, Sitaksha and Atakaksha . Kintaksha is God s world.

    Mitaksha is a place where God is conducting hisexperiments to apply the results to the world atakaksha. Godplanned to create the species in Atakaksha world.His closeinmates were AMINU AND THALASHA considered as small

    gods, because they have many qualities which ALKIES

    doesnt possess. Alkies are human like structures whosework is to help small gods. Whenever god comes to some

    conclusion he uses it in Sitaksha world for practicalresponse.


    Aminu is a very lazy guy. He is just opposite to Thalasha.

    Very plumpy body, big moustache and red eyes. He wassleeping at that time when he heard an explosion like

    sound. He came out from his room.

    Aminu: God!Really something this time! You got something!You formed the law?!

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    The pale fellow Thalasha is still smiling by lookingsomewhere else.A peaceful smile!

    God: yes Aminu

    Aminu: Then explain it to me quick! I cant tolerate even a

    delay of a second !

    God: Wait.. The theory which I have discovered is ofhundred years of hardship of all of us. I will explain it to you

    people.Come to the dorn hall with Alkies .

    All gathered in dorn hall expecting Kinthakshas speech.

    God Kinthaksha: Its happy to see you all. It took nearlyhundred years for me to form the theory. Now I am very

    happy that I came out with this revelation. The theory is in

    that red box and dont open it here. Please carefully listen

    my instructions, especially you two Aminu and Thalasha.

    I have kept my theory in that red box. You open it in

    sitaksha world. Both share it by dividing it. You are goingplay some game there, for that , instructions are written inthe golden paper which is also kept in that box .After fiftyyears I will come to sitaksha a nd announce the winner.

    Aminu , Thalasha and all Alkies agreed to it.

    Aminu: Its competition again.But this time I will surpass


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    God: All the best to both of you .Aminu you takeLilisaki(an Alkies group headed by Liya and Chera ) andThalasha, you take Riyosaki(an Alkies group contains Ido

    and Jimbo as leaders.)


    Aminu and Thalasha with Alkies came to Sitaksha land.

    Aminu: Thalasha, it looks like a bare land. I dont know

    why god has sent us here.

    Thalasha: I think There is some paramount reason behindit , Aminu.God wants to prove something by using us. Lets

    open the box and we ll see what secret is there in thebox and whats the God s plan.

    Aminu and Thalasha took the box in their hands and

    started chanting ki tu mi re sa ga and the magical boxhas been opened..! Some bright flash came out of thebox ! It gave the notion that some miracle is definitelygoing to happen! They couldnt see each others faces! SuchBrilliance! But when they examined closely, they saw

    something covered that magical element. Its a gold like

    paper! As god mentioned,Thalasha saw the paper.Somethingis written on the paper.Instructions!! Those are the

    instructions! Riddle like lines! Poetic lines are written onthe paper-

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    Open my mouth for every ten years to see the goldenteeth of me;I have one set, make it two pairs, it is as fair to be;

    Three points, three lines are joined like honeycomb ofbee;It is the solution to the beautiful problem you see;

    Atlast two words are written Break itBreak it at theend of the paper.

    They both read this poem.Aminu shook his head to showthe ambiguity in the puzzle.Aminu: what is this poem? I agree god is a great poet in

    the world Thalasha I agree.But my brain cant decode

    even single word of it. Its our failure! We shall return to

    our land with our defeat.I dont think there should be a

    solution to this highly complex problem. If there is asolution also,our brain is very tiny to detect it.What do yousay Thalasha?

    Thalasha was not listening. Even a single word. Hisgenius brain already started to work. It had already

    reached far .With some spark in his eyes he declared to


    Aminu I was closely examining god Kinthaksha from thefirst.By his grace, I got some knowledge to understand hispuzzle like poem.

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    Suddenly he came forward and saw the magicalelement.It was a triangular shaped golden chain likematerial! Still a bright light was coming out from the

    nodes of the material.By looking at it, Thalasha came tosome conclusion and said:

    First line of the poem indicates the red box itself.We

    have to open the box for every ten years to see thegolden teeth means that magical material.We all saw onlyone triangular shaped thing, we have to produce thesimilar one is the puzzle of the second line.Three points,

    three lines joining means a triangle structure and thats the solution I guess.

    After concluding it, all saw him with great astonishmentand at the same time with big relief started praising his


    Aminu: You sparked like light in the darkness Thalasha, Ireally mean it. How easily you removed that big wave like

    problem !! My s alute to your brain

    He ha snt finished it yet, Thalasha told:God has sent us

    to prove something. Yet any cost we should prove it.Butthese last lines are troubling me.What is this Break it means?

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    Holding some lens in his hand, Aminu was lookingaround.

    Aminu:Thegeniuses can act as a big fools sometimes.

    You proved it Thalasha. Its simple! Break it means break

    the meaning of the poem ! Thats what we alread y did.Nowour work is to divide the chain and start working.

    By telling this Aminu grabbed the chain and took twosides of it and gave one remaining side to Thalasha and

    drew some line on the ground.

    Alwa ys you are not the winner Thalasha, as you think tobe.Nature has its own rules.Even power wins! I got theability to grab the opportunity.For that I am sorry,but pity

    you that you got only one side!But I know you dont wantto fight with me! I won! I won already!

    Thalasha with a peace in his mind replied:

    Its ok Aminu.Whatever I wan ted to get, I got it.Ya I dontwant to fight with you.I agree your point..! Nature has itsown rule..!.

    I have drawn that line to differentiate your area and my

    land.Will mee t you after ten years in this same place.

    They both left their parts in the box and closed it bytouching it.

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    On the way to their journey,

    Aminu: Chera and Liya, you think I am a fool?

    Chera and Liya:Certainly not sir.

    Chera:But what is that lens in your hand master? Inoticed it long ago.You were looking at our land with it.Is that a special lens master?

    Aminu smiled once.

    You dont know the brilliance of your master!!Thalasha might think he is the genius ! But do you

    know that I have this special lens with me! Its a veryspecial one!! By using it we can see something more than

    our eyes see!! I took it from Kinthaksha! I have alreadyused it and saw the rocks.They are not normal rocks yousee .They are golden rocks!! .

    Even all other Alkies saw the golden rocks by using thespecial lens.

    Aminu:Thalasha broke the code. But he didnt notice the

    hidden facts!The code says Break it, means we have tobreak this rocks and should complete the chain. Thenhurry up.. You guys, will start doing our work.

    Liya: You are fantastic master! Give your permission sir.

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    Aminu: Ok granted.

    On the other side Thalasha was walking with his Alkiesgroup.

    Jimbo: Mas ter, here nothing exists.What do we have to

    do?How to complete the chain?

    Thalasha:Dont worry my dear people.There is always apossibility that we can turn this mud into gold!! All we

    have to do is work hard and start growing something inthis bare land.Thats what the meaning of Break it I

    guess. Break this land and make it good for growing.Even Iwill come and work with you.

    After ten years, as agreed,Aminu and Thalasha met and joined their links to the chain.Aminu added four but

    Thalasha only two.Like that they met on twentieth year and thirtiethyear.Everytime, Aminu joined four and Thalasha just twolinks.

    Now Aminu got a new idea.He calculated how many linkshe has done and he thought whatever he has, by using it

    he can create another chain. So all Alkies stopped theirwork and started wasting time.Aminu became very lazy

    and slept for hours .His only work is to go to Thalashas

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    land and give some trouble to him.But Thalasha was avery commited one .

    Time has come!!It is 50 th year! As promised, god came to

    announce the winner! So all gathered with excitement in

    their face!

    Aminu was already boosting himself as the winner.

    God: Wait Aminu,I still havent decided yet. How are you

    thinking like that? Thala sha you want to say anything?

    Thalasha:Nothing godI have only one confusion in my

    mindnothing else

    God: Then I wanted to know that who broke the puzzle?

    Aminu you did it?

    Aminu: Actually code is broken by Thalasha.But hecoul dnt recognize the exact meaning of it. I came toknow the real meaning of the puzzle and applied it into

    the action .

    Kinthaksha: Ok, thats nice.Both of you understood it in a

    different manner. Now you both come forward and join

    your links to complete the chain.

    Aminu and Thalasha took their links to join thestructure. They both opened the box by touching it and

    Aminu added his links and the shape completed.At the

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    same time Thalasha also joined his links to complete thestructure and closed the box.

    Every one is watching with curiousity. A Miracle occurred at

    then ! Box suddenly opened..!From the Aminus chai n,all

    links which he added came out and suddenly vanished! Atthe s ame time Thalashas chain became rectangular..!Aminutook his extra links to connect it,but even now hefailed to do so.

    Kinthaksha:Now the winner is.

    Thalasha quickly came forward and said wait .H eremoved one side from his rectangular chain and gave itto Aminu. Now both had the completed structure. Alkies

    started to judge by themselves.Some told Aminu is thewinner because he finished it first, some told Thalasha.

    God: Now you understand Aminu? You had stolen mylens,you became very lazy in these years,you couldntrecognize the code properly,you treated your Alkies asslaves but atlast your chain completed with the help of

    Thalasha.Do you know the speciaity of the lens?It creates

    illusion in the mind,so you and your group saw the rockswhich werent there. Now you agree you loose andThalasha win?

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    Aminu was staring at the ground to avoid gods direct eyecontact.With little hesitation,

    Aminu: Yes god, he is the winner.He is the real


    When god was announcing the winner,Thalasha thought

    something and went to the line drawn by Aminu and

    erased it and started shouting like a lion,

    KANDARE ANTHA ! KANDARE ANTHA..! I am the winner

    God Kinthaksha ; Yes you are the conquerer ! Youunderstood the real meaning of my poem..!Break it meansbreak the barrier between god and Alkies and between

    you both.Each side of that triangular shape has its ownmeaning. One side indicates Money other side Powerand the third big side indicates Happiness .When all

    three are joined together we get a complete tringle ofeverything..!Aminu tried finding Happiness with the help ofmoney and power,He couldnt get it.Thalasha tried finding

    other things with the tool happiness, he succeeded.I amgoing to throw this theory into Atakaksha world and

    then going to create the special creatures called human

    beings Even they suffer finding the real happiness.Whenthey find it the triangle turns to a complete circle withthem as a center and happiness in circumference which

    revolves around them always.

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    Hence prof.Linchi completed his story. S tudents cant tellanything except Its really amazing !

    Linchi smiled andsaid:KANDARE ANTHA!
