American history timeline (1865 1895)

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Transcript of American history timeline (1865 1895)

American History Timeline(1865-1895)

Christine MirabalThird Period

1800’s 1825-1835 1830’s-1850’s

The Great Plains are the vast grasslands that extend through the central portion of North American (from Texas, northward to Canada, east of the Rock Mountains). Some Native American tribes used to live on these plains until the whites began to move westward, causing them to leave.

Homes built out of blocks of turf and sod are nicknamed Soddy Homes. They were very insulated, providing warmth in the winter, and cool air during the summer. They were dirty and dark and had very little ventilation.

A workplace that has socially unacceptable working conditions is called a Sweat Shop. Employees typically had to deal with dirty and unsafe conditions, long hours, harsh conditions, and a low pay.

1850 1859 1862

The Bessemer Process was developed by Henry Bessemer and William Kelly. It involves injecting air into molten iron to remove the carbon and other impurities. It was a cheap and efficient process for making steel.

Social Darwinism is an economic and social philosophy based on the biologist, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection (survival of the fittest).

In 1862, Congress passed the Homestead Act, which provided 160 acres in the west to any citizen or intended citizen who was the head of the household and would cultivate the land for five years. From 1862 up to 1900, up to 600,000 families took advantage of the government’s offer.

1862 1863 Nov. 29th, 1864

A Homesteader was a name given to settlers on free land. These were the people who were taking part in the Homestead Act.

A “Melting Pot” is a mixture of people of different cultures and races who blend together by abandoning their native languages and customs. The term was first coined in 1863.

In a series of miscommunication by the Cheyenne tribe and the U.S. Government, Colonel John Chivington and his troops attacked the tribe for returning to Colorado’s Sand Creek Reserve. The attack killed nearly 150 Cheyenne , mostly woman and children, and it was later name the Sand Creek Massacre.

1864 1865-1877 1865-Late 1800’s

A construction company by the name of Credit Mobilier was formed in 1864 by the owners of the Union Pacific Railroad. They used it to fraudulently skim off railroad profits for themselves.

To reinstate white voters who may have failed the literacy test or could not pay the poll tax, several southern states added the Grandfather Clause to their constitutions. The clause stated that even if a man failed the literacy test or could not afford the poll tax, he was still entitled to vote if he, his father, or his…

When immigrants were being evaluated on whether or not they could enter the country, they had to take a Literacy Test to see if they were “applicable” to enter. Also, when people started to vote, government officials gave Literacy Tests to eliminate the amount of black voters.

Grandfather had been eligible to vote before January 1st, 1867. The date is important because before that time, freed slaves did not have the right to vote. The Grandfather Clause therefore did not allow as many blacks to vote.

Sept. 21st, 1866 1867 1867

Buffalo Soldiers is the nickname given to the Congress formed, all black army, made up of men who were originally members of the 10th cavalry regiment. They fought Native American tribes.

Oliver Hudson Kelly started the Patrons of Husbandry in 1867. It was an organization for farmers that became popularly known as the grange.

The “Grange”, is another name for the Patrons of Husbandry which was a social and educational organization through which farmers attempted to fight the power of the railroads in the late 19th century. It taught members how to set up cooperatives and how to sponsor state legislations to regulate railroads.

Sept. 28th, 1869 1860’s-1870’s 1860’s-1870’s

George Westinghouse was an American entrepreneur and engineer who invented the railway air brake and was a pioneer of the electrical industry. He was one of Thomas Edison’s main rivals in the early implementation of the American electricity system.

A “Graft” is the illegal use of political influence for personal gain.

A “Kickback” is a type of graft where by helping a person find work on a construction project for the city, a political machine could ask the worker to bill the city for more than the actual cost of materials and labor. The worker then “kicked back” a portion of the earnings to the machine.

1871 1872/1886 1875-1885

Chief Joseph took over his father’s Nez Perce tribe in 1871. They had always been peaceful with the whites until General Oliver Otis tried to force them onto a reservation. He declined at first, but then reluctantly decided to move when he was threatened with attack.

Montgomery Ward’s Mail-Order Catalog launched in 1872 and grew from a single sheet, to an entire booklet in a few short years. Sears Roebuck started his company and catalog in 1886. By 1910, about 10 million Americans shopped by mail.

Civil Service is the non-military branches of government administration. It is a system or method of appointing government employees on the basis of competitive examinations, rather than by political patronage.

1879 1870’s 1870’s-1880’s

An “Exoduster” is an African American who migrated from the south to Kansa in the Post-Reconstruction years.

Immigration offices were located on Ellis Island in the New York Harbor. About 20 percent of the immigrants at Ellis Island were detained for a day or more before being inspected. However, only about 2 percent of those who were detained, were denied entry. The processing ordeal takes around 5+ hours.

A Political Machine is an organized group that controls a political party in a city and offers services to voters and businesses in exchange for political and financial support. In the decades after the civil war, they gained control of local government in big cities.

1870’s-1880’s 1870’s-1880’s 1870’s-1880’s

The National Farmers Alliance, along with many others, sympathized with the farmers. They were a group who sent lecturers from town to town to educate people about agricultural and rural issues.

Robber Barons was a derogatory term applied to wealthy and powerful 19th century businessmen. By the late 1800’s, the term was typically applied to businessmen who used what were considered to be exploitative practices to amass their wealth.

Trust agreements are when companies join together and turn their stocks over to “trusties” who run the separate companies as one large corporation. In return, the companies were entitled to dividends on profits earned by the whole.

1870’s-1880’s 1870’s-1880’s 1870’s-1880’s

A Monopoly, in terms of business, is the owning of all of one thing by one person. It is like how William Vanderbilt bought out all of the railroads in order to have a complete monopoly over everything.

The separation of people on the basis of race in public or private facilities is called Segregation.

The “Jim Crow Laws” is a nickname for the segregation laws in the southern states. Racial segregation was used in schools, hospitals, parks, and transportation systems.

1870’s-1890’s 1870’s-1900’s Late 1800’s

The Gilded Age was not only the name of the time period in the late 1800’s, but it was a satirical novel written by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner. In the book, the men mock the greed and self-indulgence of the characters in the book.

The Vaudeville was a theater where people preformed songs, dances, juggling, comedy, and sometimes chorus lines.

Settlement Houses were community centers in slum neighborhoods that provided assistance to people in the area, especially immigrants. They were established by reformers trying to help the “urban poor”.

1881 1883 1883

Booker T. Washington was a prominent African American educator who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society. He was born a slave but graduated from college. By 1881, Booker was head of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute.

The Pendleton Act (The Pendleton Civil Service Act) was a law that established a bipartisan civil service commission, to make appointments to give government jobs by means of the merit system.

Joseph Pulitzer was a Hungarian immigrant who bought the New York World Newspaper in 1883. He pioneered popular innovations such as a large Sunday edition, comics, sports coverage, and women’s news. His paper emphasized “sin, sex, and sensation”.

1884 May 4th, 1886 1886

Republican political activists who bolted from the United States Republican party by supporting Democratic candidate, Grover Cleveland in the United States Presidential Election of 1884 were called Mugwumps (aka Republican dissidents).

The Haymarket Affair (aka The Haymarket Square Riot) was organized by labor radicals to protest the killings and wounding of several workers by the Chicago Police during a strike help the day before at the McCormick Reaper Works.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

1886 1886 1887

Samuel Gompers led the Cigar Makers International Union to join with other craft unions in 1886. He was also the president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) which focused on collective bargaining, negotiations, and written agreements on wages, hours, and working conditions.

The Colored Farmers Alliance was first organized in Houston, Texas in 1886. Just like the other farmer support groups, they promoted cooperative buying and selling, however, they had to work mostly in secret to avoid racially motivated violence at the hands of angry landowners and suppliers.

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) is a regulatory agency in the United States created by the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.

1887 1888 1889

The Dawes Act of 1887 was a law passed by Congress intended to “Americanize” the Native Americans. It broke up the reservations they were living in and gave the pieces to the head of a household.

The man who introduced the Kodak camera in 1888 is named George Eastman. He also developed a series of more convenient alternatives to the heavy glass plates previously used in photography. The camera costs 25 dollars and came with one roll of film which would hold 100 pictures that could be developed.

Jane Addams believed that settlement houses could be effective because workers could learn from “life itself” while living there. She cofounded Chicago’s null house in 1889 and was a co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.

1880’s 1880’s 1880’s

A plan under which Native Americans (or any minority) would give up their beliefs and way of life to become part of the white culture/dominant culture is called Assimilation.

The transport of cattle over trials to a shipping center is called a Long Drive. The process is hard and usually lasts about 3 months with 1 cowboy for every 250-300 cows.

Ragtime is a blend of African American spirituals and European musical forms. It originated in the 1880’s in the saloons of the south. Ragtime led to Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, and Rock and Roll.

1890 Dec. 28th-29th, 1890 1891

The government was concerned that expanding corporations would stifle free competition so they created the Sherman Anti-Trust Act which made it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries.

The Seventh Calvary rounded up 350 Sioux Indians and took them to a camp. The next day a shot was fired and the soldiers opened fire and killed nearly all of them. They called it Wounded Knee.

Collective Bargaining is a process of negotiations between employers and a group of employees aimed at reaching agreements to regulate working conditions. The interests of the employees are commonly presented by representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong.

1892 May 11th-Jul. 20th, 1894 1895

A Scab is a negative term for a worker who is called in by an employer to replace striking laborers. Using scabs allows a company to continue operating and avoid having to bargain with the Union.

The Pullman Strike was a nationwide railroad strike pitted against the Pullman company by the American Railway Union (ARU). It lasted more than 2 months and severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest of the United States.

The first African American to ever receive a doctorate from Harvard College was W.E.B. Du Bois in the year 1895. In 1905, he founded the Niagara Movement which insisted that blacks should seek a liberal arts education so that the African American community would have well-educated leaders.

1895 1896 1890’s

William Randolph Hearst purchased the New York Morning Journal and was Joseph Pulitzer's newspaper rival. William already owned the San Francisco Examiner.

The supreme court ruled in the Plessy vs. Ferguson case that the separation of races in public places was legal and did not violate the 14th amendment. The decision established the doctrine of “separate but equal” which allowed states to maintain segregated facilities for blacks and whites as long as they provided equal service.

Bimetallism was a monetary system in which the government would give citizens either gold or silver in exchange for paper currency or checks. This way was favored by the Populist Party.

19th Century 1902 December 17th, 1903

The growth of cities mostly in the regions of the Northeast and Midwest is Urbanization. The technological boom in the 19th century contributed to the growing industrial strength of the U.S.

Debt Peonage is a system that bounds laborers into slavery in order to work off a debt to the employer. It wasn’t lifted until 1911 when the supreme court declared it a violation of the 13th amendment.

Orville and Wilbur Wright were bicycle manufacturer brothers from Ohio who accomplished the first successful flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It covered 120 feet and lasted 12 seconds. They paved the way for all future air crafts and by 1920, the U.S. government had made the first transcontinental airmail service.

Jan. 1910 1958 1900’s

Angel Island was primarily the immigration station for the Chinese and Asian immigrants arriving on the west coast. Between 1910 and 1940, about 50000 Chinese immigrants entered the U.S. through Angel Island.

Culture Shock is a phrase for what happens when someone or something gets put in an unfamiliar situation, environment, or culture.

Dumbbell Tenements were a new form of housing that was in the shape of a dumbbell. They were dangerous and filled with garbage and disease. The term “dumbbell” later became a mean name to call someone.

20th Century The End

The giving of government jobs to people who had helped a candidate get elected is called Patronage. In Andrew Jackson’s administration, this policy was called the spoils system.

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