American Fantasy

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of American Fantasy

Research Task:

Kate Wigley


Definition:● Based on unrealistic storylines highlighting the dreams of American society such as: wealth, fame and romance

● It contains extravagant costumes, hair and makeup

● This differs from British Soap Operas because storylines are based on average people who the British audience can relate to such as: Jobs, Family life, wealth



One Tree Hill

Desperate Housewives


Mise-En-Scene:● Costume – Generally over exaggerated on wealth, with bright colours and smart looking high brands worn

● Location – Usually set in major cities (LA) also houses and buildings are set out as mansions expressing their wealth

● Props – Normally shown as flash cars and expensive accessories

● Makeup – Natural but classy

Lighting:The lighting in American Fantasy soaps tend to be very saturated and the lighting is mainly bright with an orange tint due to using artificial lighting but also used to set the mood (Darkness = Death)

This contrasts with British soaps as they do not vary the lighting and colour as much. There tends to be very little contrast and colour.

American British

Sounds:The sound in American Fantasy soaps tends to have a lot of non-diegetic sounds (E.g. Background music, sometimes very dramatic) It is used to fit in with the scene

Also, diegetic sound is used in these soaps to set the scene and give subliminal messages (E.g. Dialogue, Sirens, Gunshots, Screaming, Door knocks)