American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009

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Transcript of American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    ~ -mericanatheists

    T hink you 're a lone? A merica Is hom e to

    m o re a th eis ts than Jew s, M uslim s,

    Hindus , a nd B ud dh is ts, combin ed and

    doubled. F ind out about Athe ist H isto ry

    an d leam the steps you can fo llow to


    o ut o f th e a th eis t c lo set

    atheist viewpoint

    Atheist News

    Presents for the Jod less: the 3 days of a the t C IS

    2009) - Don't believe in God, but want to celebrate C h

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    Ps yc h o lo g ic al W el lbe ing

    How does your secular m lndset factor in? H elp a U niversity

    re sea rch er b y


    th is c on fid en tia l s urv ey:


    Take1tle S urvey

    Quell ioQ[S? Conta ct th e R ese arche r





    No God 8109

    A th eis t E le cte d


    N C. E ven Though

    It Is

    A g ain st T he ir C o ns titu tio n: U S

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    O ls aim ln atio n A ga In st T ho se \lIJ ho H ate N eu tra lity : The new

    C hr ist ian buzzword of the day is ...

    _ __u_ ..~__ ..._ .. _ _ __ 'OC •••••••••• •••• _

    A me rica n A th eists A ffilia te o f th e Y ea r 2010:



    In the rain ana the snow , people sholN : P ress ski ps du e to rain?

    _. ••••..•• .... •• • .-. -*'  ••_ ••••••••-......... _.. -' ••- .~ .- ••••.•.

    S neak P eek at M y M a rria ge Egu a ity S p ee ch: G ay M arriag e is a

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    A FA loses. C la im s W in Anvways: AFA folds, cla im s victo ry fo r hav ing no


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    Nov/Dec 2009

    Vol 47, No 8




    Frank R. Zindler

    Christian Geologist

    John D. Morris, Ph.D

    on the scientific

    ,...,.-r-zedebate you are about to read with Frank R. Zindler,

     literally changed my life. It not only allowed me to accept

    and announce my Atheism, it catapulted me into activism, and

    ultimately into joining the American Atheist family. I couldn t

    be more thankful to Mr. Zindler for his contribution to reason

    andfree thought, and it s an honor to have him as our featured

    story for this edition of the American Atheist.

    - David Smalley, Editor


    ISSN 0516-9623 (Print)

    ISSN 1935-8369 (Online)


    Managing Edi tor

    Frank R. Zindler


    'A Journal of Atheist News and Thought'


    David Smalley

    possibilities of

    Noah's Flood


    Cover Art & Magazine Designer

    Dav id Smalley

    Graphic Designer

    Gabriel Sheridan

    Cover Photo

    Ann Zindler

    Published monthly

    by American Atheists Inc.

    Mailing Address:

    P.O. Box 158

    Cranford, NJ 07016

    908.276.7300 P

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    ©2009 American Atheists Inc.

    All r ights reserved.

    Reproduction in whole or in part without

    written pe rmission is prohib ited.

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    also in this edition ...

    6 Book Review: The Infernova


    Movie Review: Creation


    The Rise of Secularism

     8 Under God


    The Christian Cave of Shadows


    Confronting the Armchair Atheist


    Discounts for multiple-year subscriptions:

    10% for two years

    20% for three or more years

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  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    Editor s rupdate:

    Magazine De[ays and Resolution. 'Pian. .

    I •• • _• _


    as with mixed emotions that Bill Rampl, our

    magazine Editor for the last 11 months, stepped down

    and assumed a new role as a father. We thank him

    for his dedicated service, and also for the material he

    edited and submitted that appears in this editon, and that

    will appear in the next. Congratulations to Bill on the recent

    addition to his family, and we wish him the best

    Considering my passion for this movement, there was

    little hesitation when I was asked to step up from the Design

    Editor position, and take the lead on this publication as

    the new Editor. I immediately began working around the

    clock to continue the tradition of producing a magazine our

    members will be proud of, and also to set and meet new

    deadlines for our readers.

    It is my personal guarantee to every one of you that I

    will begin producing a timely publication you can depend

    on and look forward to. I am so confident in my plan to get

    this caught up, I've revealed it for all to read.

    My first order of business is to put together a staff

    of volunteer writers, journalists, graphics designers, and

    photographers that will contribute each month, along with a

    featured author or two. These individuals will be announced

    in the first official magazine of 20 1O.

    To the right, I've outlined the production schedule so that

    you can know when to expect your magazines. Please keep

    in mind, that 5-6 weeks is allowed for printing and delivery,

    so I've accounted for that in each arrival date. According to

    the plans below, by March 2010, each magazine will arrive

    no later than the 15


    of it's title month.

    l. Nov/Dec .in your home by Feb. 15

    2. Jan/Feb .in your home by Feb. 26

    3. March .in your home by Mar. 15

    4. April.. .in your home by Apr. 15





    I have a lot more plans for this magazine, and I will

    keep you updated as things progress. I am honored to be a

    part of such a wonderful movement, and I want you to know

    I understand how important this magazine is to you, and to

    our organization's success. I will never lose sight of what's


    I'd love to read your thoughts, so please email me

    anytime I look forward to hearing from you.


    David Smalley

    Editor, American Atheist

    No God Blog

    atheists.orglbiog .

    Atheist Elected in NC, Even Though It Is Against Their Constitution

    Ceeem Ile < H il i. 2 00 9

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  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009




    . Alenthony has presented to

    all of us freethinkers, ofwhatever

    stripe, a truly masterful work

    of literary achievement. The

    Infernova is a parody of Dante Aleghieri's

    (1265 - 1321) time honored classic, The

    Inferno. The reader does not need to be

    familiar with the nearly seven hundred

    year-old original in order to greatly enjoy

    this new and remarkable take-off. Perhaps

    the only thing that it would be helpful for

    the reader to know is that Dante was the

    scion of a well-to-do Florentine family and

    a real toady to the Catholic Church. Dante's

    imaginary hell is not only richly populated

    with ordinary sinners but also packed with

    enemies of the Church both real-often

    identified by name-and imaginary, such

    as the mythological gods of paganism.

    Dante's nine circles, or levels, of hell

    are filled with suffering souls who range

    from those who were simply guilty of

    doubt, to those who led thousands or even

    whole nations to-the worst sin of all-

    disobedience of the Church's teachings. Just as Dante was

    guided on his journey through hell by a celebrated writer,

    so too here-but it is the irreverent Mark Twain taking the

    role of Virgil. What a perfect choice

    In The Infernova, as in any good parody, the situation

    is reversed.


    Alenthony's hell, the religious receive their

    just desserts at various levels of severity. Names are named,

    from early snake-oil salesmen such as Mary Baker Eddy

    and L. Ron Hubbard to those who lead larger movements

    such as Jim Jones and Charles Taze Russell. In deeper

    levels of hell, the founders of national and international

    religions such as Joseph Smith, Abraham, and Moses are




    called out. Finally, in Canto XXX, our boy J.e.-simply

    referred to as 'Christ' -and the Islamic Mohammed are

    not spared.

    The descriptions of each succeeding level of hell

    are, like Dante's original, one of the most fascinating

    and engaging features of the book. Although Alenthony

    thankfully does not quite share Dante's fascination

    for sheer blood and gore, the depictions of each level

    dramatically involve the reader's senses of vision, hearing,

    and even smell. Each dreadful circle of hell is eloquently

    drawn for the reader to clearly imagine. In addition, the

    exact punishment chosen for the particular offender is

    often cleverly devised to perfectly fit the offense. For

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    O N C E

      G IN

    T H E

      T H IS T

    G E TS TH E D Q U M S l C K


    review by Don Havis

    example, one large group of former humans on earth was

    transformed into plants and animals, and as Mark Twain

    explains in Canto XXI,  'But their awareness kept intact.

    They've been  transformed to live in a primitive state, /

    and to first-hand witness the origin / of new species. That

    is the timeless fate / for Creationists.' I laughed when I

    heard / all this, as the irony was so great. 

    Perhaps the most amazing feature of Alenthony's

    book is his skill and use of the particular narrative poetic

    form that he employs. The poetic pattern used is the rather

    difficult form of three line stanzas where the first and

    third lines rhyme, and the middle line forms the model

    for the first and third lines of the succeeding stanza. In

    other words, the rhyming pattern is as follows: ABA,

    BCB, CDC, etc. (see above). Each Canto, or chapter, of

    approximately the same length as was Dante's-thirty-

    four Cantos in all-contain a long series of triplet stanzas

    ending with a dramatic rhyming couplet. All of this is done

    in such a subtle way, with many rhymes often occurring at

    mid-sentence, so that the reader is often only dimly aware

    that there is a regular rhyming pattern at all. The story

    just flows in a very natural story-telling way. Incidentally,

    Alenthony chose this more rigorous route because it was

    the exact pattern that Dante followed, even though most

    translations of The Inferno rhyme only the first and third

    lines of each stanza. Translation from the original old-

    Italian is just too difficult for the translator to retain both

    the meaning and the complex rhyming pattern.

    It is difficult for this reviewer to come up with even one

    slight criticism, which I know is somewhat traditional for

    reviewers to do. If absolutely pushed to the wall, I would

    say that I might have enjoyed the naming of a few more

    names of religious rapscallions, and a few less naming of

    extremely obscure ancient Aztec gods and/or the names of

    millennia-old water-spirits featured particularly in Canto

    XXXI. I may be playing personal favorites here, but I'd

    like to be reassured that the likes of Jerry Falwell, Oral

    Roberts, Garner Ted Armstrong, Tammy Fay Baker, and

    Aimee Semple McPherson, to name just a few, are down

    there somewhere. However, judging from the books

    otherwise inclusivity ofreligious sinners, I can rest assured

    that they have not escaped Alenthony's hell.


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009






    oftbeInstitute ForCreation~



    R . ZIN DLER  

    ottbe OhioChapterofAmerican At.beists

    more specifically today, we want

    to talk about whether in fact there

    was a flood, Noah, and the ark. Was

    that a reality? We're going to talk

    about the archaeological evidence.

    We're going to talk a little bit about

    creationism, and whether in fact

    man began as Adam and Eve and

    whether there was a flood. Let me

    introduce our guests here right now.

    Our first guest is Professor John

    Morris. Dr. Morris is a Ph.D. in

    geological engineering and is a

    leading expert in the world on Noah

    and the flood, among other things.

    He has written books, including

    Adventure on Ararat


    Ark on


    and made a couple of trips

    to the mountain, is that correct?

    How many trips?


    TBEDIC KWOLFSIESHOW MORRIS: I ve been to Turkey on

    CHANNEL 18TV, INDIANAPOLIB . iNDIANA, several occasions. I've wanted to

    BROADC ASl' FEBRU ARY 18,1989 see if perhaps the remains of Noah's

    ~~i:o~by ark were still on Mt. Ararat.

    M ay , 1989

    This text is the actual

    transcription from the full debate,

    including words from the show host

    and moderator, Dick Wolfsie.

    WOLFSIE: I'm glad you're with us

    this morning on AM Indiana. On our

    program today, well, we have two

    gentlemen who are both geologists:

    one says there was a Noah and a Noah's

    ark, and the other says not so. We'll

    talk to them in just a moment... [1]


    WOLFSIE: Good morning everybody,

    we're glad you're with us this morning

    on AM Indiana. We have an excellent

    show for you today, and I am sure

    you will find it very provocative and

    controversial. Both of our guests this

    morning were educated in a similar

    way, both educated as geologists; but

    they have very different points of view

    as to the origin of man. And a little bit


    WOLFSIE: Good enough, sir.

    Also joining us, Frank Zindler.

    Mr. Zindler is formerly a professor

    of geology and biology. He is now

    a science writer in Columbus, Ohio,

    and he's a leading spokesperson on

    Atheism in the country. He is presently

    the director of the central Ohio chapter

    of American Atheists.

    And good morning to both of you

    gentlemen. It's good to see both of you.

    Professor Morris, let me start with you.

    As you know I'm wrestling with how

    to begin this, because I know there are

    so many things we could talk about.

    But let me suggest something to you

    and have you respond, and then I think

    I can probably sit back for the rest of

    the show. Is it your contention, sir,

    that until Mr. Zindler proves otherwise

    you're going to accept the fact that

    there was a Noah and a Noah's ark, or

    do you believe it a fact, sir, that based

    on your trips, you have some proof?

    MORRIS: Let me tell you something

    about science, Dick. [2] Science exists

    in the present. Scientists all live in

    the present, and all of the facts are in

    the present. The fossils, the rocks,

    everything is in the present; and we do

    our experiments in the present we study

    in the present, we make our conclusions

    in the present,and that's what science is.

    The scientific method of experimental

    observation, reproducibility. When we

    start talking about the long-ago past,

    the unobservable past, the even in

    principle unobservable past, we've left

    the realm of strict science and we're

    into this area of faith. [3 .] Now there

    are at least two ways of looking at the

    past. One is this evolutionary world

    view that the earth is billions of years

    old, and another world view is that

    perhaps the Bible is right, and that it

    does represent accurate history. But in

    a real sense either view is outside the

    realm of science and into the realm of



    WOLFSIE: One more question, Frank.

    Let me ask you, John, one question,

    and then I promise I'll let you go

    at it-because I want to understand

    something from where you're corning.

    You and Mr. Zindler were trained in a

    similar fashion, at good schools. You're

    both in the area of geology. Let me ask

    you this, and then I'll let Frank jump

    in. You I'm sure were taught that the

    earth was billions of years old. Is that

    correct sir?

    MORRIS: That's right.

    WOLFSIE: Okay. So are you here to

    say that what you were taught, and the

    method that they reached to come to

    that conclusion, was inaccurate?

    MORRIS: The idea that the earth is

    old is a historical reconstruction. I

    mean, nobody was back there to see it

    or to measure it. What I say about the

    creationist young-earth world view ...

    We can't prove that the earth is young.

    We can't prove that the earth is old.

    The facts of geology are compatible

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    MORRIS : You can t tes t hi sto ry.

    to Some extent w ith the id ea th at the

    ea rth is ol d . The fac ts of geology are

    co mpatibl e w ith the id ea th at the earth

    is Young. L i  Now I'm a geologist. I

    love roCks, I love fOSsils, aod I have a

    lot of


    but I've never




    ta lk to me. I never ha d a roc k tell me

    how old it Was. You ve got to inteIpret

    the rock.

    MORR.IS: You can test the

    reSUlts uf

    hi sto ry.

    MORRIS: Date4 as Cretaceous sOfl,

    of t hi ng s, s uPPOsed ly on th e o rd er of a

    hUndred million years or Soold. Now, 1

    don't buy the date, but that  s the normal

    C on Ve ntio na l d ate fo r it.

    ZlNDLER: Yes, from the results

    You ca n in fer quite de fin ite ly What

    happ ened.

    WOLFSIE: Let's See if the rOCks talk

    to F rank .

    ZlNDLER; Now, Were these xenOliths


    that had been brought up With the

    18 or W at ?

    M ORRIS: They m ight talk to him .

    ZINDLER: WeH, fir of all, his

    definition of science is r at he r b iz ar re .

    It would rule Outalmost all of science.

    Science is hYPOthesis testing, JOhn, and

    You ce rta in ly ca n tes t hYpo th e ses about

    th e p ast.

    Z lNDLER: Wha t ty p e of shells?

    ZlNDLER: Creationists don t


    mOUntains, basicaHy.


    find fossil., in the tops of mOUntains and

    think thatthat is prOof of NOah s flOOd.

    Now Why theY re in the mountain tops

    instead of on the moun,, n tops is

    something they rarely ansW er. In th e

    case of M t. Ararat, this is a curious

    probl em ,

    bec ause

    Mt. Ararat is


    VOlcano. It s not a mOUntain made up

    of Se4imentary depos;,s. And to say

    ZlNDLER: Yes you Can AbSOlutely,

    Yo u Can That s W here you re W rong.

    MORRIS: Talk




    Subjects  To ansW er Y OU r q uestion , th e

    fO SS il s Were Shells .

    [n ]

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    that there are fossil deposits on top of

    Mt. Ararat would imply that it had been

    under water. [8]

    MORRIS: Frank, your problem is

    that you say that I don't understand

    geology. What you don't understand

    is creationism. In your articles written

    about me... You have such a total

    misunderstanding of what creationists

    do say...

    WOLFSIE: Be specific, Doctor Morris,

    tell Frank what he misunderstands ...

    MORRIS: In this subject, I have never

    said that those fossils were on top of

    Mt. Ararat. Those fossils are in sight of

    Mt. Ararat...


    ZINDLER: No, you said that there

    were sedimentary strata on the top of

    Mt. Ararat, or on Mt. Ararat, I don't

    know that you said that they were

    exactly on the top ...

    MORRIS: I reported that in 1969 a

    glaciologist [10] claimed he found a

    fossil layer about the 14,000-foot level.

    The fossil layers that I've studied are

    some ten miles away. [ll]

    ZINDLER: I know that you said that

    also, but you claimed that there were

    fossils in the rock on Mt. Ararat, and

    that's why I wrote to you ...

    Zindler: That would imply that Mt.

    Ararat had been under water. You also

    said that there were pillow lavas. Now

    no one else has ever found pillow lavas

    on Mt. Ararat.

    MORRIS: Oh, that's not true.

    ZINDLER: That's crazy, to think that

    there would be pillow lavas there. In

    fact, we have an ark-ologist  from

    Columbus, by the name of Garbe.

    Every time he goes climbing Mt.

    Ararat I say,  Well now you look for

    those fossils and you look for those

    pillow lavas, and they never find

    them. The photograph in your book

    is not of pillow lavas. You say they're

    pillow lavas ...

    WOLFSIE: What are pillow lavas?

    ZINDLER: Pillow lavas are lavas

    laid under water, under great depths

    of water, and they form like pillows

    because the lava congeals so rapidly.

    They have a glassy constitution ...

    WOLFSIE: I've got to stop you. What

    do you say ...Again, I've got to think

    about the person at home. Like, if I

    were home, I'd be lost here. What is

    it that you would have liked to have

    found, or did you find on the mountain,

    that would have suggested to you that

    there was a Noah's Ark? And then I

    want Frank to jump in.

    ZINDLER: That's a good question.

    WOLFSIE: What did you find, or what

    would you have liked to have found

    relating to the ark?

    MORRIS: In a schizophrenic fashion,

    he's brought up so many different

    subjects ... [12] I never claimed that

    there were fossils on Mt. Ararat. I do

    claim that one fellow claims he found

    some at the 14,000-foot level. I have

    never seen them, and I have looked for



    The mountain is a volcanic

    mountain. The type of lava that is on

    Mt. Ararat is consistent with the type

    that's laid down under water under

    great pressure. The aspect of it's being

    pillow, that's a very specific type of

    lava found in a deep-sea trench and

    different things, that is recognizably

    laid down under water. It is a field-

    judgement call. As a geologist, trained

    in these sorts of things, I found lavas

    that in my opinion were pillow.

    WOLFSIE: And that would mean ...

    MORRIS: ...and I have pictures of

    those ...

    ZINDLER: ...that they were laid down

    under water.

    Now you say, on page seven, of your

    Ark on Ararat

    that Mt. Ararat was

    created on the third day ...

    . .


    -.-./.1 ~



    smart4 ..pants Noah -where do THOSE two

    9 7


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    WOLFSIE: Don't laugh He read the

    book, he bought it

    ZINDLER: ...created on the third day

    of creation week, [ 14] along with the

    ocean basins, but that at that time Mt.

    Ararat was only about ten to twelve

    thousand feet high. Now if all the water

    came down in forty days and drowned

    all the mountains of the world, that

    would require the rain to come down

    at about eleven and a half feet per hour.

    John, that's not rain, that's hydraulic

    mining Everything would have been

    swept off the surface of the continents.

    The continents would be absolutely

    denuded down to crystalline rocks.

    All the sedimentary rocks would have

    been deposited in the ocean basins.

    Now clearly, that's not the pattern that

    we see ... and it would certainly imply ...

    that does away with Noah's flood

    MORRIS: Frank, let me say that if

    you're going to be critiquing my book,

    or if you're going to be critiquing the

    Bible, which I do believe, what you

    need to do is handle that [sic] data

    honestly [15] ... Now what you just

    have said ...

    ZINDLER: What have I done


    MORRIS: not what I wrote in that


    ZINDLER: Oh, on page seven it's

    there [16]

    MORRIS: Okay, but I go on, page

    eight, nine, ten ...

    ZINDLER: I know, you contradict

    yourself later in the book ...[hubub] ...

    the ocean basins come later... [17]

    MORRIS: If you're going to talk about

    my work, or if you're going to talk

    about the Bible, I'm going to hold your

    feet to the fire. I'm going to make sure

    you characterize accurately ...

    ZINDLER: I'm going to try to keep

    you honest.

    MORRIS: ...and not an unfair caricature

    of what I said; I did not say that...

    ZINDLER: It's not a caricature, it's

    comic-book science [18] that you

    write, John.[hubub]

    MORRIS: We need to come to an

    understanding here

    ZINDLER: Now, if that mountain was

    ten thousand feet high, where did all

    the water come from?

    MORRIS: We need to talk honestly,

    Frank. [19]

    ZINDLER: Where did the water come


    MORRIS: We really need to make sure

    that we're talking facts, that they're not

    your cartoon caricature ...

    ZINDLER: Well I'm just repeating

    what you said. If they' aren't facts, I

    can't help that, John. Where did the

    water come from to drown Mt. Ararat,

    ten thousand feet in forty days?

    MORRIS: What happen to page seven,

    being created on day three? You know

    if we're going to talk about a subject,

    let's talk about a subject. You change

    the subject...

    WOLFSIE: All right, we have to take

    a break ...

    ZINDLER: We've got to figure out

    where the water came from ...

    WOLFSIE: I'll tell you what we'll do.

    You decide what question you want to

    ask, I'll ask it...

    ZINDLER: I've asked it

    WOLFSIE: ...and you decide what

    question you want to answer, and we'll

    do that when we come back. Stay with


    ZINDLER: Where did the water...


    WOLFSIE: We're back on AM Indiana.

    Both of our guests this morning were

    trained as geologists; but if you tuned

    in even a couple of minutes ago,

    you know we have some real basic

    disagreements here-about the origin of

    the earth, Adam and Eve, Noah's ark,

    and that's what we're talking about. Let

    me, let me ask a question, and therefore

    neither of you can avoid it, okay? If

    you just take the story of Noah, as I

    understand it, it seems to me there

    are certain aspects of it that appear to

    be, on the surface, rather implausible-

    if not a miracle: how he got all these

    animals on the boat, how big the boat

    was, how big the boat had to be ... So

    my first question to you, sir, is do you

    need to explain those things, or are you

    simply going to say God did it, it was

    a miracle, no explanation is necessary.

    MORRIS: I think the story of the flood

    clearly has its miraculous aspects to it;

    but by and large, the kinds of things

    that are mentioned in the scriptures

    regarding Noah's flood are natural

    processes. I mean we're talking rainfall

    and erosion and deposition; and these

    sorts of things are present processes

    that are studiable and understandable.

    [20] And in those areas, by all means,

    I do believe that the flood account is

    compatible with the geologic data.

    Now we can't prove the flood; [21] we

    didn't see the flood. It's totally outside

    the realm of our experience, and so we

    can only argue by analogy of that. My

    study of geology has shown me that by

    and large all of the rock units that are

    on the earth's surface were laid down

    by catastrophic processes. [22] We've

    studied, we have a big study of Mt.

    St. Helens, for instance, and we study

    that terrible catastrophe and we see


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    the sorts of things ... that dinky little

    volcano- I mean it wasn't too dinky

    for people living on the north side of

    the mountain in 1980 . .. But that dinky

    little volcano did the sorts of things,

    laid down the sorts of layers that we

    see in the geologic record throughout.

    All of geology is beginning to move

    toward this catastrophic interpretation

    of the rocks ...

    WOLFSIE: Okay, so your...this is what

    I should have asked before... your

    contention is that your approach that

    your study of the geologic data show

    that evolution as we understand it may

    not be right or your study shows you

    that in fact that there was a Noah or

    you're still unclear about the proof on

    either side?

    MORRIS: The point is, science

    can't prove the past. What a scientist

    can do is study the present and do a

    historical interp ... or reconstruction ...

    what happened in the past to bring the

    present in the state it is now. That's

    what a scientist can do, that's what I

    do ... that's what Frank claims he does.

    WOLFSIE: Okay, Frank? [hubub] ...

    what about the ark story?

    ZINDLER: We certainly can see the

    past. For example, whenever we look

    through a telescope, we see the stars or

    galaxies ...

    MORRIS: Dr. Who, here He goes

    back in time

    ZINDLER: ...the galaxies as they

    appeared millions of years ago [23]

    ...But getting back to Noah's flood, he

    hasn't answered the question: Where

    did the water come from? As I pointed

    out, we would have had so much water

    come down in forty days in order to

    raise~ea level almost two miles ... that

    we would have had ten, eleven and a

    half feet of water coming down per

    hour. This would have scoured off the

    surface of all the continents. All the


    sedimentary rocks would have been

    laid down in the ocean basins in one

    great, jumbled mass. That is not what

    we find. The fossil record, the rock

    record, shows many cases of rock ...

    things that had to have been formed

    very slowly and gently. For example,

    the Chalk Cliffs of Dover, the chalk

    deposits. These rocks are made entirely

    of the remains of fossil, microscopic

    organisms. You couldn't possibly form

    a deposit like that in one year's time,

    [24] let alone in the jumbled mess of

    Noah's flood. How could you get the

    chalk deposits in one year?

    MORRIS: In order to interpret the

    past, in order to try to explain how any

    particular rock unit was laid down, we

    stay in the present, we're staying in the


    ZINDLER: Sure ...

    MORRIS: We don't have Dr. Who's

    time machine to go back to see how

    chalk was formed ...

    ZINDLER: Chalk is being formed in

    the present...

    MORRIS: ...that's right, but we have

    to impose on that [sic] data certain

    assumptions, a certain interpretive

    framework. In geology we were

    taught... you were taught, I was taught,

    that the present is the key to'the past...

    ZINDLER: Sure ...

    MORRIS: ...and by studying the

    present we may find analogies ... and

    so we might know something about the

    past. But as I said, at Mt. St. Helens,

    there are episodes in the present which

    give us a peek into a very catastrophic

    possibility for the past... [25]

    ZINDLER: It shows the 27 buried

    fossils Yellowstone Park shows

    quite clearly how 27 layers of fossil

    forests were buried [26] ... But getting

    back to the chalk, how could chalk have

    been formed? These are microscopic

    fossils of organisms ... There is a very

    strict limitation as to how many of

    these organisms can live in the sea at

    anyone time. There are remains of

    little granules formed by algae, the so-

    called coccoliths. You can only grow so

    many algae per square meter of surface

    of the sea at one time ...

    MORRIS: Let me tell you the error of

    your thinking, Frank. You're making

    the assumption that the present is the

    key to the past...

    ZINDLER: Oh, are you saying that

    the sunlight didn't... in the past, the

    sunlight didn't limit the growth of

    algae? [ 27]

    MORRIS: In the laboratory, there are

    a number of different studies that have

    been shown, that the different algal

    organisms and different types of things

    in that chalk deposit... they can grow,

    they can duplicate, they can double

    in their volume every day, or maybe

    several times a day, if the nutrients

    are right, if the temperature is right... I

    am claiming that during Noah's flood,

    there were locations, there were spots

    in this global flood where the water

    was incredibly nutrient-rich, were the

    temperatures were large enough, to

    have what we call an algal bloom ...

    ZINDLER: In the darkness of all this

    water coming down During this flood,

    when we would expect that the skies

    would be extremely overcast, in fact

    it should have been completely dark.

    How would you grow algae?

    MORRIS: Well, you say it's dark, I

    don't see that in scripture ...

    ZINDLER: ...that's a hell of a lot of

    water, there, still coming down ...

    MORRIS: That was quite a storm, no

    question about that

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    ZINDLER: ... it allegedly destroyed

    the world

    WOLFSIE: Let's go from the

    microorganisms, which I can't see ...

    ZINDLER: How about the coral

    reefs? [28]

    WOLFSIE: Let's talk about the big

    animals. We've got to take a break

    here ...1want to know what was on this

    boat, how many animals were on the

    boat, and let's get into the big picture

    here, that's people understand ...We'll

    be right back.


    WOLFS IE: Back on AM Indiana,

    talking about Noah's Ark. Frank, let

    me ask you very specifically, let's get

    from the very tiny things to the big

    things. What about the story, the size

    of the ark? And what Noah would have

    had to put on the ark? What troubles

    you? And then Professor Morris can


    ZINDLER: Not only is there the

    problem of how do you get all of the

    species of land animals into the ark,

    the primitive people who created the

    flood myth in the first place, in the

    fourth millennium


    or whenever,

    they didn't realize that plants were

    living things, and they didn't realize

    the implications of Noah not taking

    fishes and marine organisms into the

    ark. If we limit ourselves to just the

    water that is known on the planet, and

    the volume of sedimentary strata that

    we know of, and if as the creationists

    claim, all these sedimentary strata

    were deposited during that one year,

    the ocean at that time would have been

    actually two parts water to one part

    mud [29] Now, if that were the case,

    with a world-destroying flood, how

    would the whales have stayed alive?

    They could not have been swimming ...

    through, straining out plankton and so

    on, to feed. Delicate corals die if there

    is just the tiniest bit of silt in the water,

    or change in water temperature, and so

    forth. So Noah would have to have had

    enormous numbers of aquaria in the

    ark to keep the whales going, to keep

    the marine fishes from dying because

    of the dilution of the salt water with

    fresh water, to keep the fresh water

    organisms alive because of the salt

    coming in, and all these noxious

    things that the volcanos are throwing

    out... Incidentally, if all the volcanic

    lava beds that we see interspersed

    between these sedimentary rocks were

    laid down during one year, the amount

    of heat released from that lava would

    have heated the water of the ocean to

    several thousand degrees centigrade

    And so Noah's ark would have had to

    have been air-conditioned [30]

    WOLFSIE: And how many animals

    on the boat? How many species?

    ZINDLER: There are at least a million

    species of organisms known, and the

    creationists say, well we wouldn't have

    to have all the species. We would have

    maybe just a general representative of

    them. But even so.with the need for

    the aquaria, a boat simply the size of

    an ocean liner would be inadequate.


    WOLFSIE: Okay ...

    MORRIS: Frank, you are critiquing

    the biblical account here. You're

    saying that Noah ...[three-second flaw

    in videotape of debate] Here's the

    Bible. [holds up a Bible] Now ...

    ZINDLER: A very ignorant book, by

    the way...

    MORRIS: Oh my

    ZINDLER: Very unscientific ...

    MORRIS: You are critiquing this

    account...Will you tell me where it

    says Noah had to take the fish on


    ZINDLER: I'm saying it was an error

    because they didn't know he



    take the fish on board ...

    MORRIS: What you're saying is the

    biblical account is wrong.

    ZINDLER: Yes 

    MORRIS: Because there's not room

    on board for all the fish and whales

    and ...

    ZINDLER: No-no-no It was wrong

    because they didn't know ...

    MORRIS: Nowhere is it claimed that

    they had to be on board.

    ZINDLER: That's why it's wrong ...

    You see, for it to be a plausible

    argument, they would have had to say,

     and he had to take the fish on board,

    and the corals on board ...

    MORRIS: See what this is? Let me

    show you what this is. This is Atheistic

    logic here ...

    WOLFSIE: Well he doesn't deny that 

    MORRIS: No, he doesn't.. ..He's

    Madalyn Murray's right-hand man

    ZINDLER: I was showing that the

    Bible is pre-scientific, you see ...

    MORRIS: An Atheist assumes a

    very arrogant position, in my mind,

    that there is no god. Now, every

    philosopher knows that there is no

    such thing as an absolute negative.

    [32] He's saying there is no god ...

    ZINDLER: You have to prove there is

    one; I don't have to disprove it.

    MORRIS: Okay, but you're making ...

    ZINDLER: The onus of proof is on

    you who allege ... [33]



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    MORRIS: But to say that there is no

    god ...that's illogical

    ZINDLER: On the contrary  It is

    extraordinarily illogical to say there is

    a god who couldn't tell the people who

    wrote the Bible that they had to take

    fishes and corals in the ark

    MORRIS: Now your logic is going the

    same direction ...You're saying that I

    know, for a fact, that no whales could

    have survived outside the ark ...

    ZINDLER: I would hope you would

    know that

    MORRIS: Well, you're making

    the statement that you know this

    knowledge, that no whales could have

    survived outside the ark ...Now, I think

    that's an illogical statement. The flood

    is not as you characterize it. Let me tell

    you some things about water...

    ZINDLER: It destroyed the world,

    supposedly ...

    MORRIS: You betcha  By the billions

    fish, clams, whales, died in the flood,

    or maybe not billions of whales, by the

    billions ...

    ZINDLER: That's another thing. There

    are too many fossils for one world  If

    you were to ...

    WOLFSIE: Hey, Frank, now hold it

    You know ...

    ZINDLER: You can't have all the

    known fossils living at one time

    WOLFSIE: ...1 was just about to

    understand something, and you're

    changing on me Now wait a second ...

    ZINDLER: You see, you can't have all

    the known fossils living at one time ...


    WOLFSIE: I was just on the verge of


    getting something here ... [To Morris]

    You're claiming that the fish didn't

    have to go on the ark because the fish

    just would have survived, because they

    live in water anyway ...

    MORRIS: The Bible is very explicit

    about what goes on the ark. It says says the land animals. It says

    all those in whose nostrils is the breath

    of life, of everything that lives on the

    dry land. So many animals ... that's

    excluding whales ...

    ZINDLER: That's right  [35]

    MORRIS: ...although they breathe air,

    but they don't live on land. It talks

    about cattle and domesticated animals.

    It talks about creeping things, the small

    animals ...and the beasts of the field,

    which are the large animals. And it says

    very explicitly that those had to be on

    board the ark ...and the birds. Now, he

    says millions of species. If you add up

    that number of species, you know, the

    maximum number even that anyone

    would even propose would be on board

    the ark would be, I mean the outside

    maximum, the worst-case scenario,

    we're talking maybe fifty thousand

    animals ... [36] And the ark is certainly

    big enough to carry that number of

    animals for the length of time that they

    had to be ...

    ZINDLER: Okay, you'd think that

    there ...

    MORRIS: Now what he's saying is...

    he's adding to the story. He's saying

    that the story makes no sense unless

    you put the fish on board. I think that's

    an illogical addition to it...

    ZINDLER: You've apparently never

    raised tropical fish, John would

    know how difficult it is to keep fish


    MORRIS: Let me tell you something

    about water. There are many, many

    studies where waters of different

    temperature, of different salinities,

    of different chemistries, segregate.

    And during the flood there would

    have been zones of fresh water, of salt

    water... there is ... again, billions of sea

    creatures died in Noah's flood. But all

    the Bible, the biblical account, requires

    is that two of each of these created

    kinds would have survived somewhere

    in a pocket...

    ZINDLER: Somewhere close

    enough together that they could get

    back together after the flood And

    that stratification would have been

    impossible, John, because of all the

    volcanic activity you talk about going

    on. [37] This would be churning stuff

    up all the time [hubub] ...

    WOLFSIE: Were there dinosaurs on

    the ark? Were there dinosaurs on this


    MORRIS: The flood account does not


    WOLFSIE: Oh I've got to take a

    break ... What I'm trying to establish ...

    ZINDLER: Of course there would have

    been dinosaurs on the ark

    WOLFSIE: I want to understand,

    because I want to talk about how

    Noah's flood occurred ... and then I

    think a fair question is, if there were

    dinosaurs on this ark, how is that in

    keeping with how we know that man

    and dinosaurs didn't exist at the same

    time. And if there weren't dinosaurs,

    where did they come from, since all the

    species were wiped out? That seems

    like a fair question. I'll try to remember

    how I asked that in just a moment, stay

    tuned ...


    WOLFSIE: Okay, we're back. John

    Morris, I was taught when I went to

    school- might not have been the school

    you would have sent your kids to - but

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      ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~





    I ~ ~ ~



    i. At


    the school I went to said dinosaurs

    and man... dinosaurs predated man

    by millions and millions of years. I

    think a fair, straight-forward question

    is whether dinosaurs were on the ark.

    What do you think?

    MORRIS: I think there's a great deal

    of evidence that dinosaurs lived during

    the same time that man has lived. This

    is what the Bible seems to indicate and

    there is a great deal of evidence that we

    can marshal in support of that idea. [38]

    WOLFSIE: There's no word 'dinosaur'

    in the Bible, though, I assume?

    MORRIS: There is the word, the

    Hebrew word tannin [ 39] which is

    translated in many places' dragons.' I'd

    think, I'd think. .. in fact I'd speculate -

    we don't know - that people who study

    about myths, like myths of dragons ...

    and it is true that almost every culture

    around the world has legends of

    dragons ... and they all describe these


    dragons in much the same way as

    we draw our dinosaur fossils. And I

    suspect that the legends of dragons

    come from encounters of people with

    dinosaurs, [40] and that they not only

    lived at the same time but have died out

    in fairly recent times. Even in fact in the

    middle ages, sober scientists who were

    listing the animals that were alive at

    the time listed dragons. Alexander the

    Great [41] has a very sober history of

    an encounter with a dragon, and most

    of the historians of the day list dragons

    as if they were real.

    WOLFSIE: Frank, in your opinion, is

    there incontrovertible evidence that

    dinosaurs and man could not have

    existed at the same time?

    ZINDLER: Yes, that is not true. Of

    course, dinosaurs do exist today in

    the form of birds. Birds descended

    from small, bipedal dinosaurs. But

    with that exception, there are no

    dinosaurs surviving after the end of the

    Cretaceous period. The whole thing,

    though, is why aren't there any ... all

    over the place? [42] Now thing,

    getting back to Noah's flood ... if that

    had occurred, you see, we should have

    a mixture of fossils, from the bottom

    to the top, of all the different types

    of living creatures, as well as all the

    known extinct forms. The Cambrian

    deposits, six hundred million years

    ago, supposedly according to him,

    supposedly - we should find in the

    Cambrian rocks at least a few traces

    of human habitation, [43] along with

    trilobites, along with other types of

    forms, oak trees ... we should at least

    find pollen. [44] We should find all of

    these things all jumbled together if they

    were all contemporary.

    WOLFSIE: All right, that's a fair

    question. Do we find human beings as

    we know human beings, and dinosaurs

    in the same ... what do you call them?

    Sedimentary deposits? Do we ever find


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    MORRIS: Let me tell you some facts

    about the fossil record. [45] Ninety five

    percent of all the fossils that have ever

    been found are marine invertebrates.

    They're like shellfish ...and a lot of

    fish, but mostly bottom, ocean-bottom

    dwellers. The flood as an event was an

    oceanic sort of event, [46] and the kinds

    of forces that we envision as having

    been involved at the time would have

    been just right for the preservation of

    oceanic creatures. Those same forces

    which I envision mostly as huge tidal

    waves and massive, catastrophic forces

    [47] ... when those tidal waves come

    in, what they're doing, is basically

    scouring at the bottom and as they curl

    back down, the forces involved would

    be right for the deposition of oceanic

    creatures, and would be right for the

    destruction of land sorts of animals.

    Less, much, much less than one percent

    of all fossils have anything to do with

    the land. Dinosaurs, there've been a

    few of those you know, there have

    been several thousand dinosaur fossils

    found ... there have been a few men ...

    but mammals, mammals are just real

    rare; [48] and in fact the mammals

    that are found I feel date from after the

    flood, during events like the Ice Age,

    which were land-associated events

    which would have been just right for

    fossilizing land creatures and not for

    oceanic creatures. But basically, the

    fossil record shows clams at the bottom,

    and clams with very little change all the

    way up to the top. And that's the kind

    of thing we find ...

    ZINDLER: Well, I think people who

    study clams would be upset by that

    generalization But anyway, we do

    have fossil deposits like the Karroo

    deposit in South Africa, where there

    are over 800 billion vertebrate remains.

    Most of these are mammal-like reptiles,

    connecting reptiles to mammals ...

    MORRIS: That number is an

    apocryphal number. I traced it out one

    time ...

    ZINDLER: Oh, really?

    MORRIS: The number is ...

    ZINDLER: Your father cites it... [49]

    MORRIS: It is included in a lot of

    creationist publications ... Checking it

    out, it wasn't true ...

    ZINDLER: Okay, well I'm glad to

    hear that...but there are many billions,

    anyway, in that deposit. It's a large

    deposit; these are mostly mammal-

    like reptiles, connecting links between

    reptiles and mammals. But in that... you

    won't find any humans, you won't find

    any elephant remains, you won't find

    any really clearly mammalian things.

    But you should I mean, there are

    plenty of vertebrate remains preserved

    there. We're not talking about deep-

    sea clams. We're talking about... about

    continental-type deposits. And they're

    not there. You should find at least one

    some place, one human fossil in a

    Cambrian rock. That would certainly

    be enough to wipe out the evolutionary

    idea; but that has never been found.

    MORRIS: Tell you what, Frank, I'll

    concede you a point. That's a point for

    your side. Okay? It would be nice, for

    my way of thinking, to find the fossils a

    little more mixed up than they are. But I

    think there's a lot of circular reasoning

    involved in the fossil record. Whenever

    you find a human fossil, you date it as a

    recent layer and ... [50]

    ZINDLER: No, no ...

    MORRIS: ...there's a lot of circular

    reasoning ...what we should find if the

    evolutionary scenario is right... we

    should find in that fossil record the

    record of types of animals changing

    into other types of animals. And as

    is now recognized by every leading

    evolutionary paleontologist and

    everybody else, what we find in the

    fossil record is clams, we find oysters,

    we find trilobites, and nothing in

    between ... [51]

    ZINDLER: No ...John ...

    MORRIS: ...and this I think is

    the biggest argument against the

    evolutionary scenario ...

    ZINDLER: It is absolutely wrong  We

    have ...

    WOLFSIE: What's wrong? Wait a

    minute. What's wrong? His assessment

    that there ...

    ZINDLER: that there is no sequence

    in the rocks .

    MORRIS: About what I said was, there

    are no transitional forms in the rocks ...

    ZINDLER: ...transitional forms ...In the

    evolution of the horse, [52] John ...

    MORRIS: ...and to say that's wrong

    is to disagree with guys like Stephen

    Gould ... [53]

    ZINDLER: No, Steve agrees with me,

    we've discussed this ...

    WOLFSIE: Drop a few names, Frank ,

    ZINDLER: No, Steve Gould is not that

    dumb ...

    MORRIS: He doesn't write that way.

    He says that there are no transitional

    forms between the basic body types of

    animals ...

    ZINDLER: He's talking ...well, all

    right, he's going back to the really

    basic types, the phyla. [54] Okay? But

    certainly, the classes ...

    MORRIS: And the orders and classes ...

    ZINDLER: We do have connections

    between classes ... [55]

    MORRIS: ...and connections between




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    ZINDLER: Well, now you're at two

    different levels.

    MORRIS: I know ...

    ZINDLER: On the one level we're

    talking about microevolution and the

    punctuated equilibrium model...

    MORRIS: Which I agree with ... [56]

    ZINDLER: ...which involves one

    species changing into the next species.

    On the other hand, we're talking about

    large-scale transitions, and Steve

    Gould happens to be an expert on the

    mammal-like reptiles. I've discussed

    this with him. These beautifully span

    the structural continuity from a very

    primitive type of reptile to a primitive

    type of mammal. The entire structure

    of the jaw, the middle ear structure -

    which is how we define mammals - is

    there to be seen. [57] The evolution of

    the horse, John, these are in Tertiary

    rocks ...

    MORRIS: The horse, I'm very

    confident, is after the flood. [58] Those

    fossils are from after the flood.

    ZINDLER: The Tertiary deposits were

    laid down after the flood?

    MORRIS: Not as a general...I wouldn't

    say all Tertiary deposits are from after

    the flood, but as a general rule, those

    Tertiary deposits that contain mammal

    fossils, those few mammal fossils that

    there are, are probably from after the

    flood. [59]

    WOLFS IE: Don't we have ...I thought

    we had a pretty good scientific way of

    dating something.

    MORRIS: Let me tell you how to

    date a sedimentary rock, the kind with

    fossils in them. If you find a fossil out

    in the field somewhere and you take it

    into the geology lab, and say  tell me

    how old this fossil is,  you know what

    they'll do? They'll turn to this textbook,


    and they'll look ... open to the geologic

    column, and they'll look until they find

    a picture of that fossil in this book, and

    say Oh, that fossil lived three hundred

    million years ago, so this fossil is

    three hundred million years old. You

    cannot date a sedimentary rock [ 60]

    or fossil [61] with the radiometric

    dating schemes. These only work with

    lava and granite, things like that. But

    not for sedimentary rock. You date the

    rock by the fossils that are in there,

    and those dates are established by the

    evolutionary assumption ... [62]

    ZINDLER: Not so ...

    MORRIS: You betcha It's circular


    ZINDLER: Okay, now ...

    WOLFSIE: Thirty seconds, Frank,

    we've got to take a break ...

    ZINDLER: This is the way you do

    it quickly. However, the original

    sequence, we know that that fossil lived

    at a certain period, and not another...

    MORRIS: How do you know that?

    ZINDLER: From the position of

    the rock ...It's just below the other. ..

    [complete chaos for five seconds] ...this

    is elementary geology ...

    MORRIS: I know that. You don't get a

    number that way, you get a sequence ...

    ZINDLER: get the sequence,

    that's right. Now, from the sequence

    then you proceed to use other methods of

    dating. Many of the sedimentary strata

    are interspersed between lava flows

    which can be dated radiometrically,

    and, despite the various problems with

    specific radiometric dating methods,

    you can use one method to check

    another, [63] and you can ...

    MORRIS: You want me to tell you

    what's wrong with radiometric dating?

    WOLFSIE: Yes ...well, probably

    not Let's take a break. That will be

    complicated. We'll be right back after

    a quick break.


    WOLFSIE: All right, we're going to

    talk about this idea, how old the earth

    is, and this whole idea of dating. I'm

    going to have to put you on the spot

    here, Professor Morris. Your contention

    would be, conservatively, how old, in

    fact, is the earth? [64]

    MORRIS: You know, I've dug up a

    lot of rocks in my day, and I've never

    dug up one with a label on it to tell me

    how old it is. We've got to interpret

    those rocks, based on what we see in

    the present. And one of the ways that...

    potentially a way to date a rock is by

    measuring the isotopes in there and we

    end up with radiometric dating. The

    assumptions that are involved in those

    methods, like the assumption that the

    present is the key to the past, are really

    in every case questionable at best, and

    wrong in many cases. In fact the idea

    of radiometric dating denies at its very

    core the idea that the earth might be

    young. It's not a possibility that those

    methods would show that the earth was

    young. [65]

    WOLFSIE: Here's what I don't

    understand. We're not arguing four

    billion years versus five billion years.

    We're arguing several thousand years

    versus four billion years ...that's a

    disparity that I can't comprehend.

    ZINDLER: Yes, that's important...

    MORRIS: That's right...the scientific

    answer to that question, not the

    emotional answer, but a scientific

    answer, is that the rock data, the

    isotope data, is [sic] compatible with

    the idea of an old earth; and the rock

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    data is [sic] compatible with the idea of

    a young earth.

    WOLFSIE: I don't understand ... [66]

    MORRIS: It can go either way. The

    rocks don't talk. Let me talk about a ...

    let me tell you about a research project

    that we're working on right now ...

    WOLFSIE: Quickly, I want to make

    sure Frank gets to respond ...

    MORRIS: In the Grand Canyon

    there are two different lava flows,

    that can be dated by the radiometric

    dating methods. The one is at the very

    bottom, one of the oldest rocks, and is

    probably know, one of the very

    earliest rocks down at the way bottom

    of the canyon. And the other lava flow

    is on the very plateau, and it was ...

    there was a volcano after the canyon

    was formed; and the stuff spilled down

    in the canyon ... and it is thought by

    normal dating methods that that should

    be just a couple million years old. But

    with the dating methods, down at the

    bottom, we've got a whole slough

    of dates, but basically they ... now, by

    using the best methods of geology

    today, the rubidium-strontium isochron

    method, they dated that at 1.1 billion

    years. Using that same method, the

    very same method, the same technique,

    the same accuracy, they dated the one

    at the top at 2.6 billion years [67]

    WOLFSIE: But that still puts you out

    of business, because you're saying the

    earth's five thousand years old ...

    MORRIS: No-no-no-no I'm just

    saying that radiometric dating is so

    full of unfounded, probably wrong

    assumptions ...[hubub] you can only get

    out depending upon what you put in...

    ZINDLER: Dick, we don't have time

    enough to go in to all of the figures,

    into all the techniques of radiometric

    dating. The creationists have screwed

    it up so badly, it takes hours to explain.

    [68] But we don't need radiometric

    dating. For example, we have many

    rocks that do talk to us - very

    eloquently- and they tell us how long it

    took for them to be formed. The Green

    River Shale, which was laid down in

    the Eocene Epoch, has layers in it...

    very tiny, thin layers ... a varve-like

    deposit. They're not true varves, [69]

    but they are annual deposits, and there

    are six million pairs of these at least 

    So that would mean that that part of

    the Eocene Epoch had to have been six

    million years in length. Now we know

    that these are annual deposits, despite

    your father's muddlement [IQ] of this,

    because they follow the eleven-and-a-

    half-year thickness variation in ... like

    the sun-spot cycle. They follow higher

    astronomical cycles, the 20,000-year

    precession of the equinox cycle, [71]

    and so forth. In each layer we have a

    very thin amount of clay-like sediment,

    and then an algal mat, with spores and

    sometimes dead leaves and things like

    that; and these are annual deposits, they

    follow the annual cycle ....

    WOLFSIE: That means what?

    ZINDLER: That means that that hunk

    of time was at least six million years in

    duration. And that wipes out not only

    Noah's flood, but the whole mythology

    of the Bible and creation. The earth

    was created 4004 B.C. if you add up all

    the begats  in the Bible.

    WOLFSIE: Are you comfortable with

    that date? 4004 B.C.? [72]

    MORRIS: I would say, between SIX

    and ten thousand years ... [73]

    WOLFSIE: Okay, don't we have

    recorded history that far back?

    ZINDLER: Well, recorded history only

    goes back to about 3000 B.C...

    MORRIS: Which is what the Bible

    would make you expect... [74]

    ZINDLER: But you know, certainly

    we have overlapping tree rings ...

    dendrochronology goes back beyond

    that. If we add up the begats we have

    Noah's flood in the year 2348 B.C.

    That's in the Fifth Egyptian Dynasty,

    [75] the Yao Dynasty of China, the ...

    MORRIS: May I comment on the

    Green River oil shale that he's talking

    about? Before he changes the subject to

    the Ming Dynasty?

    WOLFSIE: Yaahh, I wondered about


    MORRIS: Actually, what he's talking

    about was thought by some geologists

    about forty years ago. But that's an

    old wive's tale. [76] It's really been

    disproved. It's been shown by a number

    of observational experiments as well

    as laboratory experiments that these

    couplets of layers, exactly as with the

    Green River oil shales, can be formed

    as events. And in fact, let me tell you

    about Mt. St. Helens, our research

    project there. One of those eruptions

    on the side of Mt. St. Helens sent a

    fluidized mud flow down the side of the

    mountain at about forty miles an hour...

    just a wave of mud. It was dry mud

    filled with gaseous material from the

    volcano, and it went down, whoosh

    And laid down a deposit about thirty

    feet thick ... full of many thousands of

    varved layers, just what he's talking

    about at the Green River. But there's

    more than one way to interpret a rock.

    He says those rocks talk, but they talk

    in different languages.

    ZINDLER: You don't have varves,

    John, at Mt. St. Helens [77] and you

    cannot produce these six million very

    fine layers over hundreds of square

    miles the one year of Noah's flood

    MORRIS: Let me tell you something.

    Also in these varved layers where

    there might be a hundred of them in

    a few inches, sometimes there's a fish

    fossil going right up through several of

    them ...


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    ZINDLER: Yes Absolutely. And why

    should that surprise you?

    MORRIS: Thousands of years [78]

    while that one fish is just sticking out

    of the ground [79] It would decay ...

    ZINDLER: Oh, no, no ...these become

    covered ...

    MORRIS: They won't decay



    thousand years?

    ZINDLER: If it was an anoxic

    environment, they won't. This is why

    fish fossils are building up right now

    at the bottom of the Black Sea, for

    example. You have hydrogen sulfide

    and things like that that would prevent

    decay. As a matter of fact, when you

    look at those fish fossils ...

    MORRIS: Wait a minute The fish

    fossils are truncating a number of

    different varves ... [80]

    ZINDLER: They are laid down so

    slowly that they cannot completely

    cover the skeleton all at once ...

    MORRIS: so slowly that that fish does


    WOLFSIE: We'll be right back ...Keep



    WOLFSIE: Okay, we're back. Let me

    try to ask a more general question ...

    Because I have a lot of questions. But

    John, why do you think, that for the

    most part, correct me if I'm wrong,

    that the churches in this country have

    somewhat retreated from a strict

    interpretation of the Bible. Is that

    fair to say that? If you go to a typical

    Protestant church and talk to them,

    they'll say well, evolution is a very

    nice ...Imean, creationism is a very nice

    story, but we accept evolution. Is that



    MORRIS: You know, I think there's

    a whole shift in thinking right now.

    Back about 1960 or so there was hardly

    anybody, anybody, any scientist in

    particular, that believed in creation,

    young-earth creation. But since 1960

    there are... many tens of thousands

    of scientists have said they rejected

    the evolutionary scenario and have

    come over to creationist thinking.

    L 8 . 1 ]

    There are now hundreds of creationist

    societies around the country. And

    the polls that are taken of opinion in

    America show that something like 80,

    85 percent of all Americans believe in

    creation; they have rejected ... In fact,

    there are polls taken on university

    campuses today that show that over 50

    percent of the college students believe

    in evolution


    and the professors are

    tearing their hair out saying what are

    we doing wrong? We can't get them

    to believe they came from apes? Well,

    I'm of the opinion, you've got to go to

    school a long time before you believe

    you come from apes. That's ...that's just

    illogical...We don't...I'm here to tell

    you you don't come from apes ...

    ZINDLER: You know, it's funny. Here

    I am sitting in front of a man who's

    99 percent identical to a chimpanzee,

    98.5 percent identical to a gorilla in his

    genes ...

    WOLFSIE: And so are you, too ...

    ZINDLER: ...and I am too, sure ...and

    he cannot see the obvious. Certainly,

    if the gorilla and the chimpanzee had

    been divinely created independent of

    humans, we would not see this. Not

    only is our DNA nearly identical...

    it's packaged the same way ...the

    chromosomes ... [82]

    MORRIS: Frank, you say, you say

    you've got the mind of god're

    claiming ...

    ZINDLER: Well, I'm better than god.

    If I couldn't do better than god, John,

    I wouldn't be on this show ...god can't

    do anything.

    MORRIS: Keep talking .. .I don't have

    to refute that.. .Open your mouth and

    remove all doubt

    ZINDLER: So you are 99 percent

    chimpanzee ...

    WOLFSIE: Biochemically ...

    ZINDLER: Biochemically, III your

    genes ...

    MORRIS: What you're saying is that if

    you were god, you'd have done a better


    ZINDLER: Well, I certainly would

    MORRIS: Oh my goodness 

    ZINDLER: How can you be 99 percent

    chimpanzee and not be related to the

    chimpanzee? [83]

    MORRIS: Frank, you know as well as

    I do, that we've only identified a very

    small portion of the human genome ...

    ZINDLER: But you know how we do

    this, with DNA hybridization?

    MORRIS: Yes...

    ZINDLER: Okay, now, not only ...

    MORRIS: The biochemical, molecular

    biology that is now ...really the fossil

    record used to be the evidence for

    evolution ...

    ZINDLER: It's now molecular...

    MORRIS: Now molecular biology,

    the similarities between organisms ...

    but you know? I'll make a prediction.

    Scientists like to make predictions. For

    the last five years or so, the field of

    molecular biology has been thought to

    be a good ...

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    ZINDLER: a very good test of the

    fossil record [ 84]

    MORRIS: ...a right jab, right cross, for

    the evolutionists. But now that the data

    is [sic] being published, my goodness

    hat we're seeing is that every

    animal type ...well, sure, monkeys are

    loser genetically to humans than are

    angaroos. [85] But when you look at

    hem, when you set them all out, every

    nimal type is completely distinct,

    eparate from each other. The isolation

    f every animal kind is what's coming

    ut of molecular biology. I would


    OLFSIE: Which is within the

    eationist theme?

    ORRIS: I predict that these studies

    om genetic engineering and molecular

    iology will be the falsification [86] of

    volution theory in the next five years.

    INDLER: Well, that's whistling

    ast the graveyard John. Molecular

    iology has been the most wonderful

    roof of what we've been saying all

    long. Chimpanzee hemoglobin is

    dentical to yours, okay? Not only do

    e share many of these genes, we even

    hare pseudogenes. [87] That is, god

    ... if he did all the making

    f genes, copied erroneous genes that

    appen to contain the same error in

    es and humans

    OLFSIE: We'll be right back ...

    Actually, this was the end of

    e debate.]


    The ellipsis (. ..) is used in the debate transcript (but not in the

    footnotes) to indicate an uncompleted thought, not words left out.

    When words infact have been left out, some explanation in square

    brackets will be given.

    Unfortunately, space limitations did not allow us to print

    the explanatory notes accompanying the transcript of this

    debate. However, the notes provide fascinating and re-

    vealing insights into creationist errors, strategies, and de-

    ceptions. Readers who are 'wired' will want to access

    these notes on-line. For a complete list of foot notes, visit

    www.dogmadebate.comand click on: Noah's Flood Debate


    And God remembered Noah.i. and God made a

    wind to pass over the earth. and the waters

    assuaged ... And the waters returned from off' the

    earth continually ... [Genesis 8:1-3]


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    on Amiel's hauntingly

    beautiful film Creation

    is about Charles Darwin.

    Not the bearded old man

    in the Inverness cloak, or

    even the young naturalist

    who sailed with Fitzroy

    on the H.M.S. Beagle, but a very

    .human Charles Darwin. This is the

    Darwin that often gets lost because we

    tend to define our heroes in the terms

    of the things they did or what they

    stood for, forgetting they were of flesh

    and blood like the rest of us and subject

    to the same pleasures and pains the rest

    of us feel.

    We first meet Darwin as




    young father accompanying his

    beloved daughter Annie as she sits for

    a photograph. In the next scene we see

    an older, sadder Darwin. Annie has

    died from an unknown disease; Darwin

    has become distanced from his wife

    Emma and other children, even though

    he loves them very much. Emma, a

    religious woman, retreats even further

    into religion to fill the void between

    Charles and her. Meanwhile, Darwin's

    researches increasingly convince him

    of the needlessness of a god. He knows

    this will break Emma's heart and he is

    tom whether he should tell Emma of

    his growing conviction. This conflict

    along with his grief over Annie's death

    has made Darwin quite ill.

    Darwin often sees and speaks

    with his dead daughter. There is

    nothing supernatural here; Annie's

     ghost is presented as a manifestation

    of Darwin's own mind, as well as a

    device which allows him to speak his

    true feelings about his life and his work.

    The work that frightens him especially

    when friend Thomas Huxley exclaims:

     You have killed God, and I say good

    riddance to the insufferable bugger  It

    helps us to understand why it took so

    long for Darwin to publish his findings.

    In the end, it is apparent that

    Darwin must confront his own fears

    and grief and then help Emma with hers

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    f i lm

    b y

     o n m ie l

    if he is to reconnect with the family he

    loves and finish the great book that will

    change the world.

    The cast is superb. Paul Bettany

    is wonderful as Charles Darwin. He

    makes Darwin fully human while

    still investing him with that quality of

    respect for the truth no matter where

    it leads that we would expect from

    the great man. Bettany's real life wife

    Jennifer Connelly is perfect as Emma,

    a woman who loves her husband while

    fearing his work that she feels will tear

    them apart for eternity. Interestingly,

    Bettany is an Atheist and Connelly is

    mildly religious. Toby Jones is very

    memorable in his small role as Thomas

    Huxley, eventually to be known as

    Darwin's bulldog.

    The photography is beautiful

    and the film is so well written by John

    Collee and Jon Amiel and directed by

    Amiel it goes by too quickly. Now

    that we've gotten to know Darwin we

    want to spend more time with him and

    his lovely family. We can, by reading



    Box by Randal Keynes. This is

    the book the film is based on. Randal

    Keynes is Darwin's great, great,


    I wanted to see this film ever

    since I first heard of it. Then came



    movte reVlew

    by Jim MacIver

    the word the producers could not find

    an American distributor, presumably

    for fear of complaints from religious

    people. I, like I'm sure many of you,

    began to organize a letter writing

    campaign. I didn't get very far with

    it because only two days later a

    distributor was found. Ironically, the

    distributor is Newmarket Films, the

    same distributor of Mel Gibson's

    Passion of the Christ. Make a point to

    see this film when it comes out, as of

    this writing, January 22, 2010. Take

    all your friends and relatives with you,

    kicking and screaming if necessary.

    They'll thank you for it.


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009


    Enjoy the introductory information provided in these books, which are

    of topics of interests to Atheists. These titles represent only



    of the books available from American Atheist Press, yet collectively

    they provide


    broad overview of Atheist thought.

    m e r ican A theis t s Essen t ial R eading L is t


    fn eism -Advanc eC l:FU rt n er Tfl o ugt l ts o faFree

    Tflinker~5j7Dav;O'EII~ej;  '----~S1~~TOit


    n anthropologist advances Atheists and

    theism beyond belief

    hr istian doctr ines are traced to their

    rigins in older religions.


    merican Atheist Radio Series episodes about the myth

    hat our founding fathers created a Christ ian nat ion.


    psychotherapist's view of the harmful

    spects of religious belief.

    ubt it led Freeing Your Chi ld from the Dark Ages 

    his book serves as a manual for Atheist parents.


    merican Atheist Radio Series episodes on various topics

    f Atheist philosophy and history.

    he personal story of the battle to end mandatory prayer

    nd bible reci tat ion in schools in the United States.

    search of ancient Jewish li terature yields no evidence

    or the existence of any historical Jesus.

    ~~ •• ===~~~~: : ~



    Ingersoll's 19th-century newspaper interviews

    s a Freethinker and opponent of superst ition.


    42 -Paperback

    hy attempts to reconcile religion with civ il

    ights for women are self-defeating.

    ow nonbelievers and Atheists have contributed

    o civil ization and enriched our lives.

    t l 'e 'M 'y ft lo r l\J az a re fn :ln e lnven t edWTow n o f J esu s o y R e n  f r S m m

    esus couldn't have come from Nazareth

    ecause no one was living there at the time.

    ou can bet this book won't ever be used

    n Sunday Schools

    f 6U 5



    s u s i s t r e  a a O Y F l  o o e n 7 C r   P n c e

    ot only is there no reason to believe Jesus rose from the

    , there is no reason to think he ever lived or died at all

    lease see the order form enclosed with this magazine for member discounts and shipping details, or consult


  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009



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  • 8/9/2019 American Atheists Magazine Nov/Dec 2009



    rlier in 2009 I compiled,

    some data for a reporter at

    Religious News Service

    regarding how fast Atheist

    groups were growing in the United

    States. After compiling the data, Imust

    admit Iwas pretty amazed myself. I

    knew secularism was growing, but


    did not expect the numbers



    across and the rapid increase in groups


    To get the data, Iused Meetup.

    Com. It is a great indicator of the

    movement and how things are going.

    While Iwould love to count every

    single group out there, it is an almost

    impossible task to undertake. Ihave a

    hard enough time keeping up with the

    Southeast groups that


    have listed on

    my personal Web Page.

    Groups on Meetup.Com

    (as of 11120/2009 

    Humanism: 467 groups

    Atheism: 439 groups

    Agnostics: 232 groups

    Skeptics: 218 groups

    Freethinker: 99 groups

    Brights: 79 groups

    TOTAL: 1534 groups

    So how much have the groups

    grown over the years? The data on

    Meetup.Com starts in late 2002, so I

    will only count from January, 2003 to

    November 20th, 2009.

    Humanism and Secular Humanism

    are listed separately and I have

    combined them into one grouping:

    2003:-41 groups

    2004: 46 groups (up by 5, 12%)

    2005: 48 groups (up by 2, 4%)

    2006: 90 groups (up by 42,87%)

    2007: 162 groups (up by 72,80%)

    2008: 289 groups (up by 127,78%)

    2009: 467 groups (up by 178,61 %)


    Atheism and Atheists are listed

    separately and Ihave combined them

    into one grouping:

    2003: 55 groups

    2004: 58 groups (up by 3, 5%)

    2005: 61 groups (up by 3,5%)

    2006: 95 groups (up by 34,55%)

    2007: 166 groups (up by 71, 74%)

    2008: 276 groups (up by 110