America in WWII Part II The Home Front. Economic Gain War is good for the economy (?!?) Unemployment...

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Transcript of America in WWII Part II The Home Front. Economic Gain War is good for the economy (?!?) Unemployment...

America in


art II

The Home Front

Economic Gain

• War is good for the economy (?!?)

• Unemployment in 1934 – 21.9%

• Unemployment in 1944 – 1.2%– Where were the jobs?– What were the jobs?– Who benefited the most?

Population Shifts

• Which region lost population?– The South

• Why did people leave?– Job opportunities

• Where did they go?– Industrial states

• CA, MI, NY, PA, etc.

Family Life

• How did family life change?– Fathers were gone– Mothers went to

work in factories


• Tensions rose in non-Southern cities– Why?

• Riots became commonplace– Detroit, L.A.– What do you think

triggered violence?• Mistrust• Fear of change• White resentment

• Why did minorities keep moving to the cities?

Japanese Internment

• Imagine a crime has been committed in KC and every person that meets the description of the person was rounded up and detained until such crimes ended.

• Imagine that you are one of those persons being taken into custody. – What is your first reaction?– How do you feel? – What if your entire country was against

everyone that looks like you?

Executive Order 9066

• Read the handout over Executive Order 9066.

• Underline or hi-light any facts that stand out to you.

• Answer the questions on the back of the paper

• What is the Presidents primary objective? What role does being Commander and Chief aid the president in times of war?

Japanese Americans • Post WWI immigration stopped and

citizenship denied to Issei– Issei: 1st generation immigrants– Nisei: American born children

• Made up 2% of CA. population but 13% of CA’s crops


• Dec. 7, 1941 – Pearl Harbor

• Executive Order 9066– Feb. 19, 1942

• Japanese Americans were sent to special “relocation” camps

• 120,000 (Issei and Nisei)

• Manzanar

Bill of Rights

• Amendment 1 Freedoms, Petitions, AssemblyAmendment 2 Right to bear armsAmendment 3 Quartering of soldiersAmendment 4 Search and arrestAmendment 5 Rights in criminal casesAmendment 6 Right to a fair trialAmendment 7 Rights in civil casesAmendment 8 Bail, fines, punishmentAmendment 9 Rights retained by the PeopleAmendment 10 States' rights

Korematsu vs. United States

• Fred Korematsu• Japanese American• Refused to relocate• Arrested and put in


• Activity:• Divide up into small

groups of 3 or 4• Read his argument

and follow directions of labeling. Come to an agreement on each argument

• We will then discuss as a class.

Work release form

• 1989: $20,000 given to each interned citizen.

• 1998 President Clinton presented Fred Korematsu with the Medal of Freedom

Political Cartoon

1. What do you see in the cartoon? Make a list. Include objects, people, and any characteristics that seem to be exaggerated. 2. Which of the items on the list from Question 1 are symbols? 3. What does each symbol stand for? 4. What is happening in the cartoon? 5. What is the cartoonist's message? 6. Do you agree or disagree with the message? Explain your answer. 7. If you were a cartoonist who held the opposite point of view that this one, what would your cartoon look like?  What images, symbols, and messages would it have?