· 2012-05-14 · Law Of Attraction – Page 13 Secrets...

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Transcript of · 2012-05-14 · Law Of Attraction – Page 13 Secrets...

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By Warren Banks

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Attracting Abundance - Page 3

Create Your Own Fantastic Reality – Page 6

Deliberate Creation – Page 9

How To Use Interpersonal Attraction To Have Great Relationships – Page 12

Law Of Attraction – Page 13

Secrets Of Law Of Attraction – Page 15

Brain Enhancement – Page 20

Development Evaluation in Affirmation and Visualization – Page 23

Energy Development thru Visualization and Affirmation – Page 26

Leadership – Page 30

Boost Your Self Determination – Page 33

Self Determination and Motivation – Page 37

Techniques for Building Self Determination – Page 40

Getting The Success Mind Set – Page 41

Success: What it Is & Isn’t – Page 44

Success: Increasing Creativity – Page 45

Moving Past Fear – Page 48

Setting Goals – Page 50

The Right Mental Attitude – Page 52

Describing Reality Better Gives Better Control – Page 55

Persistence of Will Manifests What You Desire – Page 57

Mentality of the Best is Not like The Rest – Page 62

Law of Sowing and Reaping is Secret of Wealth – Page 68

Seven Levels of Intelligence and Three Types of Genius – Page 72

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Attracting Abundance You Can Have Anything You Believe

Some people believe that attracting abundance is something that the rich and famous must know how to do. The rest of just aren’t privy to their secrets. Even more damaging is the belief that you must have money to make money. The belief of attracting abundance, however, flies in the face of that and says that as long as you believe it, you can have it.

Does that sound way too simple to work? Does it sound too good to be true? It does. And yet people who use the principles behind things like the law of attraction, conscious creation and positive thinking will tell you that it really can work for you, because it worked for them.

There can be little doubt that a person’s attitude, no matter what happens in his or her life, can make the difference between a happy person and a person who’s not happy. We’ve all known people who seem to have the worst luck, who still seem happy. No matter what happens to them, they see the bright side and somehow they turn out ok.

And we probably all know someone who seems to have everything going for him, but is miserable. We can’t understand how he can be so unhappy when he has so many good things in his life. This is a case of attracting what you surround yourself with. Even though he might be well-off financially, he attracts sadness and despair.

Attracting abundance requires a new state of mind. Like the person with the bad luck who stays positive and happy no matter what happens, you must start to see the positive side to things. And you must believe that positive things can and will happen to you.

Even the person with horrible luck has good things happen. But that person has trained himself to see the good things even in events that most of us would dismiss as completely negative. This focus on the positive allows positive energy to flow to that person, even in less-than-great situations.

Attracting abundance works in a similar way. A person who believes that, no matter what, he will never have enough money will probably always be plagued by financial problems because that’s what he believes. His thoughts will attract similar energy.

But for the person who shifts his thinking to decide that he wants abundance, and begins to believe that it’s possible will attract a different kind of energy. If you think abundant thoughts and learn to believe them, then you can attract prosperity.

A principle of the law of abundance is that the universe creates enough for every one. And that one person having enough or more than enough does not mean that another person must go without. There is enough for everyone to have more than he or she will ever need.

Believing this, and believing that your positive thoughts can ensure that you have what you need and more, are the first steps in attracting abundance and letting prosperity flow into your life.

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Spiritual abundance might sound like a phrase that’s hard to decipher. Is it talking about being a very spiritual person, more abundantly spiritual than others? Actually, the ability to tap into your deepest inner self while allowing the universe to provide for your needs is a good definition.

We are all spiritual beings. Whether you’re religious or you do anything spiritual on a day to day basis or not, you have a spiritual side. Some people define their spirituality with a religion, while others believe that our connection to the world around us and nature defines that side of ourselves.

Regardless of how you define it, you can gain a better understanding of your spiritual self and your ability to achieve spiritual abundance by following a few basic steps.

Attracting abundance and attracting prosperity are basically the same thing. And the first step to achieving them is by believing that it’s possible. For some, this is the hardest thing to learn about spiritual abundance because they have been conditioned to believe that it’s so difficult to get anywhere in life.

Positive thinking and positive visualization follow the principle that if you picture something and believe that it’s possible, you can make it happen in your life. It’s necessary to learn to do this when it comes to success, your financial situation and any situation in your life you want to change with spiritual abundance.

If you cannot picture yourself with a large bank account, with bills that are paid, with no debt or less debt, you won’t attract those things to you. But abundance can be yours if you’ll learn to first decide what it is that you want and then decide that it can be yours.

Some people write checks to themselves. Some people use a fake million dollar bill. But they focus on these things, they look at them frequently—sometimes several times a day—and they learn to believe that they will have these things.

The law of abundance basically teaches you to tap into the power of your mind and your beliefs to achieve your dreams. It is positive thinking and positive visualization amplified and focused to an even sharper point. Instead of just feeling positive in general, you’ll use that positive feeling toward a specific thing.

If you want to get out of debt, pay off your car or your house, or afford a vacation, you will need a specific amount of money to do those things. And it may seem like too large an amount of money. You might think that there’s no way you can get that much money for those things any time soon.

Instead you see months, maybe years, of scraping and sacrificing other things in order to be able to afford it. Because you can picture that and you believe it, you ensure it will happen that way.

Shift your thinking instead to see yourself effortlessly coming into the money to enable these things in your life, and you will attract spiritual abundance.

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Creating that abundance isn’t always done with savvy business decisions, wise investments and betting on the right horse at the track. While those things can be part of making financial gains because they show belief in the act of attempting to get more money, it’s not necessary for you have money to begin creating abundance.

If that goes against most teachings when it comes to money, especially the cliché that to make money you have to spend money, then it’s time to start viewing money and prosperity differently. In those examples, each act required money to start with. But if you look closer, they have something else in common.

Each of those acts has the person basically acting on the faith that they can benefit from what they’re doing. The person betting on the horse has faith that his horse can win and give him a financial gain. The person investing into a business or the stock market has faith that the decision can make him money.

Each one is aware that there is a risk in using these methods of creating abundance. Yet they do it in the faith that it can work for them, and in the hope that it will. It’s that act of faith and that belief that’s much more important in those examples than the fact that they had money to lose to start with.

Not everyone who makes a risky business decision will see financial gain. And every horse cannot win. So there’s no way that every person, no matter how much belief they have, can make money in this way. Yet creating abundance in your own life is possible, and it doesn’t require, like in the case of the horse better, than others lose so that you may win.

Foremost is the belief that the universe provides abundantly. There is more than enough for everyone. No one has to go hungry so that another can eat; no one has to lose so that another can win. There is enough for everyone, but everyone does not know this and this is why so many have to little.

Once you start to believe that there is enough for you without it meaning that there will be less for someone else, then you free the way for yourself to start creating abundance in your life. And once you believe that it’s not necessary to spend money to make money, you’ve cleared another hurdle that holds many back.

By simply allowing yourself to view money and prosperity differently, and choosing to believe that what you think can affect what you have, you can change your life. If you think positive thoughts, you will attract positivity. If you let yourself believe that you can have what you want, you open the door to achieving it.

Practice every day deciding that you can have the things that you believe you can have. Using positive thought and this type of belief are the most important steps in creating abundance in your life.

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Create Your Own Fantastic Reality

With Conscious creation you make a conscious effort to create the life you want. It does go deeper than just changing your life, however. Conscious creation actually refers the very act of creating your own reality.

One of the tenets of conscious creation is that we each have a separate reality that other people cannot know or really understand. And that each of us has the ability to create that reality into anything we want it to be.

Every day when we get out of bed, we set into motion the creation of a certain reality, good or bad. And through conscious, also sometimes called deliberate, creation, we can shift that reality in either a better or worse direction.

At the roof of this belief system is the idea of channeling. This can be interpreted two ways. Some use it to mean channeling your own deep-seated ideas and desires, while others see it as channeling other spirits or entities that have some sort of knowledge to impart. Many use it to mean both types of channeling.

Also at the heart of this conscious way of living is the belief that we all create our own reality, even though we don’t realize it. So that when something bad happens to you, it was actually your choice to have that thing happen.

If you are born into poverty for instance, many hardcore believers in conscious creation will tell you that you made those choices, even before you were physically born onto the earth, to experience poverty.

If you suffer serious illness, believers will tell you that you have brought that into your life through choice, whether you know it or not. But that by gaining control of your reality, you can change things and bring what you want into your life, whether it’s health, prosperity or overall happiness.

Through the act of deliberate creation, you start each day with a goal. Rather than the goals you might wake up to now like getting the kids to school on time or completing a project at work, you look at the bigger picture. Those will still be part of your goals of course, your daily life must continue. But you will choose different goals that will help define your reality.

The first step in creating your own reality is through your beliefs. Let’s say that right now you believe that most people are selfish and only out to get what they can for themselves without regards to other people. Your belief is creating that reality in your life, so most people in your life will be just this way.

If you shift your belief to one that says that most people are good at heart and want to do the right thing, most people in your life will fit that description. If you believe that you will never get out of debt, you probably never will. But if you wake up each day using conscious creation to believe you will get out of debt, you can make it happen.

There is also something called Your Prosperity Consciousness

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Prosperity consciousness is a way of thinking that gives you more power over what you have in your life. It’s a concept made popular by New Age thinking, but a principle that’s been around for a very long time. Developing your prosperity consciousness requires a few key things that once you truly understand, can change your life.

To understand the concept, you need to understand the basics of the law of attraction. This universal law basically states that like attracts like. Think of old adages like “you reap what you sow,” and “birds of a feather flock together.” These all express the law of attraction in a familiar way.

If you make bad financial decision after bad financial decision, you will lose money and have financial problems. Making those bad financial decisions is a result of not thinking about money properly and in the necessary way to attract more money to you. Developing a prosperity consciousness will help you view money differently, and end up with more of it.

You have to realize that prosperity isn’t based on chance or luck. This is the first step. Because if it’s just luck or random chance, then you wouldn’t be able to control it--but you can. And it’s also necessary to realize that there is enough for everyone. There should be no guilt associated with having prosperity because no one has to go without for you to have what you want.

One of the tenets of prosperity consciousness and the law of attraction is that the universe creates everything in abundance. And that you can have what you want if you only believe that it’s possible and focus on that belief.

Once you decide that money and prosperity aren’t things you achieve through luck or taking away from others, you decide that they’re things you can have guilt-free. That belief will steer you away from bad decisions automatically because you won’t feel like you have to scramble to get your share before someone else takes it.

There’s no need to fight for it or compete for it since there’s enough for everyone. You really need to focus on that thought and make sure you believe it to develop a prosperity consciousness that will let things flow into your life.

Once you believe it, then you only have to welcome prosperity. Whether you pray or affirm or ask the universe at large for the things you want, you must put out the invitation for those things to come into your life. By doing so, you create an aura around yourself of openness and acceptance to the abundance and prosperity that you say you want.

The principle is like magnetic attraction. You want to attract certain positive things, so you surround yourself with positivity because like attracts like. If you doubt that you can achieve something, you attract more doubt.

But if you believe something can be yours through the development of prosperity consciousness then you can draw that very thing to yourself.

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There is an important concept in physics and science called magnetic attraction. It refers to the force that one object uses to attract another, like the way a magnet attracts a metal. If you think the only magnetic attraction at work in your life is the one that’s keeping your grocery list on the front of your refrigerator, you need to look at how the concept works in a new way.

When one thing draws another to itself it attracts something. Just like when a person tends to attract a certain type of person, whether good or bad, that’s a type of magnetic force. When a person tends to attract negative people and situations, that’s a result of the same principle.

How can you make magnetic attraction work for you? First, by understanding the law of attraction and what it can mean in your life. The principles of the law of attraction are that you first decide what you want, then you put out an invitation for the universe to give you what you want.

Some people define this as praying for the thing; some people ask the universe for it. The point is to welcome what you want in the way that’s most comfortable for you. Then you must believe that you will get it.

By doing these things, you use magnetic attraction to attract the thing to you. You’ve created a force through your thoughts and beliefs that will pull the things you want in your direction.

It can help to understand the principles behind positive thinking and deliberate creation when you start using the principles of magnetic attraction in your life. Positive thinking and deliberate creation have you focus on what you want to do or to achieve, believe it’s possible and even visualize it in your mind.

If you want to be able to run a mile in 10 minutes for instance, you would relax and almost meditate on doing so. You would see yourself running, see the end of the mile approaching and see yourself cross the mile mark while visualizing a timer at a time less than 10 minutes.

This same approach can be used in other areas of your life, like financial areas. You must know what you want, believe that you can have it and see yourself getting it. This positive thought and belief will then put out a magnetic pull to the things you want to pull to yourself, like financial prosperity.

If you steep yourself in negative beliefs, you may draw negativity to yourself because like attracts like. If you surround yourself with positive belief and positive thought, however, you will attract those things to you in the same manner.

You can see the truth of the principle when you think of people and whom they attract. Positive people tend to attract positive friends and relationships, while negative people seem to always have one relationship crisis after another. Magnetic attraction can work in your relationships, your finances and in every part of your life.

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Deliberate Creation

Then we move on to Deliberate creation. Deliberate creation is the act of deciding what you want, and getting it. While that might sound very simple and easy, and you might be thinking you already do it, there’s actually a little bit more to it than you think. Rather than us just choosing a goal to go after and going after it, deliberate creation requires a certain focus to succeed.

Many of us think we want something and decide that we’re going to have it, whether it’s some type of person or professional success, money, a specific job, a partner or something else. But in the end, we don’t get that thing no matter how hard we try. And often we’re left confused as to why it didn’t work out as we had planned.

Deliberate creation works with the idea that we truly have to believe in something before it can happen. The person who decides he wants a new car that’s a little out of his price range, for instance, may really want the car. He may be passionate about wanting the car. But most of the times he thinks of the car he also thinks about how he’s going to have a hard time affording the car.

Deliberate creation attempts to remove that negative thinking. When you want something but you believe that achieving it is going to be difficult, it becomes difficult. Likewise, if you want something but secretly or not-so-secretly believe that getting it is impossible, then it will be impossible.

When creating deliberately, the person takes complete charge of his or her reality and spends time acting on things rather than reacting to them. There’s a large focus on action vs. reaction. Where it’s typically to get up in the morning with several goals or several tasks in mind that relate to a larger goal, those who practice acting rather than reacting will get up and focus on what they want instead of just reacting to things that happen or need to be done.

When you use this method of going about your day, the main principle is to surround yourself with what inspires you and makes you passionate about life. It’s important to first figure out what it is that you truly want. It’s believed that most people don’t even know what it is that they want, deep down.

Once you figure out what you’re most passionate about, then deliberate, also sometimes called conscious, creation removes the obstacles in your way. Much of this happens within yourself, regarding the way you think about things. You learn to believe that things are possible.

Then you learn to focus. Focus is a key term because it’s the focus that fans of the method claim make everything good possible. First, whatever your passion really is, whatever it is that you really want, must be believed to be possible. Then, you must focus on it and not lose that focus. The combination of belief and keeping what you want most in focus make up the deliberate creation that will allow you to achieve your dream.

You might think that attracting prosperity sounds like a phrase that people use who think you need to meditate two hours a day, not eat meat and communicate with spirits with Biblical names. And while

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there are some New Age and New Thought gurus who do all of those things, actually attracting prosperity to your life is much simpler than that.

That’s not to say that it’s easy. There are a number of ways to do it wrong, which only means that you won’t attract the prosperity you deserve. There’s no doom and gloom option when it comes to trying to bring good things into your life. There’s no way to do it wrong and actually attract heartache.

Even by just attempting methods of attracting prosperity, you start wheels turning in both your head and the universe that can help good things happening in your life. Because the first step in making good things happen for yourself is a change in your attitude. This can affect every part of your life, if you let it.

Instead of seeing things through a negative lens, it’s necessary to see them through a positive one. Use the analogy of a glass that’s filled halfway with water. Instead of seeing it as half-empty or half-dirty, learn to see it as half-full. If you burn dinner, don’t see it as a ruined meal, notice that the pans will still be fine after they’re washed.

This shift in perception takes you from seeing negativity and limitations and instead into seeing the positive side of everything. Attracting prosperity works on the principle that what you believe and what you surround yourself with will attract similar things. If you go through your day noticing what’s wrong with everything, you are going to attract problems.

But if you go through your day noticing the good side to each situation, you will attract prosperity. This might sound far-fetched to some people, but when you focus on being positive and on seeing the good in things, your attitude will change.

Once this attitude shift takes place, it becomes even easier to automatically see the positive in even a very bad situation. When you begin noticing positive things, opportunities that you would have otherwise missed if you had been focused on the negative instead make themselves known to you.

When viewed this way, attracting prosperity seems less like some strange metaphysical system than it does good common sense. When you see an opportunity you might have missed with a more negative attitude, it’s like you’ve attracted the potential for prosperity, by seeing an opportunity where you wouldn’t have before.

And when you’re faced with an opportunity, you can take advantage of it where you couldn’t have before. Even if it was something you might have noticed before but not acted on when you had a more negative attitude, with a positive attitude you may act on it and believe that it will work in your favor. Attracting prosperity becomes second nature when you believe that good things are possible.

There is a belief that there is a law called the law of abundance. People believe that understanding this law is the key to happiness believe that thanks to it, there’s no limit to the things we can have, if we believe that it’s so. The universe creates everything in unlimited amounts and you can have as much of it as you want, according to the law of abundance.

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Many people try to manifest the law of abundance by writing a check. This act is basically a visualization that’s intended to keep your focus on financial prosperity. Positive visualization is when you want something, and you focus on it at the same time believe that it’s possible.

When you write a check in a prescribed way, and either keep it with you or keep it in a safe place, you are committing an act of faith. You are believing that you’re not just wasting a check and doing something silly. Further than that, the act of looking at the check frequently, which you are supposed to do, keeps this belief fresh in your mind.

Some people who urge others to write this check insist that you must write the check by making it out to you, with your full name. You write “paid in full” in the memo line, and then sign it, not with your name, but with “Law of Abundance.” Some say to date it, some say not to date it. Some say to leave the amount blank so you can attract whatever amount you need.

Others point to other successful people who have filled out checks to themselves for a million dollars or more and then achieved that success. Or who have altered a small bill to look like a much larger bill, and then received that amount of money.

Still others say that the check must be filled out on the first new moon of the year, or within a number of hours of the first new moon to guarantee prosperity for that year. Whether or not you write the check at all, let alone write it during that first new moon, you can start to attract prosperity now.

You can, of course, write a check at any time and keep it with you or keep it where you’ll see it frequently. Writing that check, though, simply represents an act of faith. Faith that you’re writing it for a reason and that it will work. The law of abundance doesn’t require that paper check to bring good things to you.

Rather, it’s your attitude and your ability to visualize and believe that you’ll get what you need that will do it. Writing a check is just a physical manifestation of that belief.

So anything you can do to physically manifest your belief that you will succeed financially can help. Whether you write a check, or keep an altered $1 bill where you can see it, it’s your belief that lets the law of abundance provide you with financial prosperity.

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How To Use Interpersonal Attraction To Have Great Relationships

Interpersonal attraction is very simply what causes friendships and relationships. It’s a major point of psychological study. And there’s really not much hard data on why one person might be attracted to another person and not attracted or even repulsed by someone else. Interpersonal attraction, despite all the studies, is really somewhat a mystery.

There are certain principles at work, of course. It’s believed that people are attracted to people of approximately the same level of physical attractiveness. And that people of the same social background and similar economic situations will experience the interpersonal attraction that draws them together.

But also that in some cases, people who are very different in other aspects are more likely to be attracted to each other and happy together that two people very much alike in terms of things like dominance and personality.

Interpersonal attraction is an area that you have more control over that you think. You may not necessarily be able concentrate and attract a specific person, but you can use certain concepts to attract a certain type of person into your life.

The universal law of attraction tells us that like attracts like. Magnetic attraction will draw certain things to you based on what you believe. And conscious creation of your own reality can affect all these things as well. You must first decide what you want in a person, then believe that a person meeting those criteria exists and can come into your life.

This belief in what you want and its availability to you will help a person with the qualities that you want come into your life. Interpersonal attraction, the attraction of a person that complements us and would make a great friend or partner, is as affected by things like belief and thought as other things like how happy we are, the kinds of situations we attract, and our financial situations.

If you can decide that you can have prosperity and therefore you attract it, you can decide that you can have a positive person around you as your friend or your partner and then attract that person.

Your positive belief that you can get what you want automatically surrounds you in an aura of positivity. This alone will affect those you attract by putting out a signal for other positive people. If people tend to gravitate toward those who complement their personalities, then your positive aura will attract other positive people.

Your openness to financial prosperity and good fortune will also work in your favor by attracting people into your life who hold the same beliefs and openness. The power of positive thought can do amazing things in every aspect of your life, not just in your job, your financial situation and your level of happiness, but also in the type of person you attract.

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Since attraction must be mutual for it to work, believing certain positive and good things about yourself can help interpersonal attraction work for you in bringing the right people into your life.

Law Of Attraction

Applying the laws of attraction to your career

For those who do not know the theory of the laws of attraction, then you are soon to realize that it is a basic principal of the Buddhist religion. Basically what the theory stands for is the fact that if you can see yourself as it, then you can be it. It means that you are clearly in control of your own destiny and it's all about what you give to world as to what the world gives you in return. You will find that there are four basic steps to the law of attraction.

First, you have to decide what it is that your heart desires and then ask the universe (or yourself). Secondly, you need to work on yourself from the inside out so that you can be a positive person and release your negative energy. Then you have to act like you deserve it and like you already have what it is that your heart desires. You will find that the final step will come natural and it is where you will need to allow yourself to be open to receive it. That is the basics of the law of attraction; however, you need to figure out how you can apply it in the work environment.

The thing is that you can use the law of attraction to do anything. You can use it as a way for you to find your way at work, get a promotion, and connect with your co-workers, and so on. You can use it for any aspect of your career. However, you need to keep in mind that the energy that you have and the energy that you receive has to be positive. You can't allow some of the negativity to get to you and you can't allow yourself to be blackballed. You will need to learn to find your comfortable medium at work.

You will also notice that the law of attraction can also help motivate you to reach your personal career goals. You will notice that the third step means that you need to take control of your career direction and act like you have already achieved your goals. This will give you a taste of what it would be like if you were successful in meeting your goals, and that will work as strong motivation. You will find that it will also help you to block the negative energy too. This will not only make you have a stronger presence at work, but it will make your personality stronger in general. You will have encouragement, empowerment, and even freedom from all the negative feelings and thoughts that you may have about yourself.

In general, you will find that the law of attraction will help you to become a better person. You will also find that it will make you feel completely different. For instance, you may feel a little bit stronger when you walk into a silenced room and you will also get other people to notice you more. You will become a strong presence and that will make a difference in the way that your boss perceives you. You will want to keep in mind that there are a lot of ways that you can benefit from trying to use the theory in other aspects of your life and not just in your career. People who live their life by the theory tend to grow stronger, but they also tend to find their true happiness.

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You will want to give the theory a chance so you can not only work on your career, but improve your life in general.

Everybody has an inner energy. When you are using your inner energy to meet your own career goals you will find it much more gratifying in life. There are ways to get your inner energy to come out and this will help you find your career goals in life. With the law of attraction, anything is going to be possible. All you need to do is put your mind to it and make things work for you.

Do not get discouraged if something does not go your way at work. You need to think about the problem and then work hard towards goals that are going to help the situation. Once you have a plan of action figured out you will be better able to make certain choices and get to where you want to be in life with both your personal and your business goals.

Having a high level of energy is important when you are trying to get something that you really want. If you want to become a great success in life, you should think about the things that will help you get there. Do not let anything stand in your way of having the happiness that you deserve. There are going to be difficulties in life and the only way to make the good come out is to be prepared for it. Letting things stand in your way is something that you should never do.

Using the law of attraction to get your career goals accomplished is something that you should work hard to do. You are going to feel better knowing that you put all of your effort into it and that you are getting the results that you have been waiting for. It is going to be something that makes you feels good inside and out. Learning to figure out how you can get what you need from your business career is important.

Do not let anything stand in your way. Be persistent and work hard to be the person that you want. This is going to mean that you need to work hard at getting the respect in your business life as well as your personal life too. Be sure that you are doing all that you can so that you are not making wrong decisions towards your business goals.

Keep in mind that maintaining your business goals is something that you need to do. The way we feel about our financial life is going to determine how we feel inside. Do not get too worried if you do not reach your business goals right away. You should know that this is going to take time. You have to be willing to go after what you want and know that it is going to take time. Using the law of attraction is going to give you the confidence that you need to realize it is going to happen for you.

When something goes wrong in life you should realize that you have to get back up and try again. Do not let anything stand in your way and make things hard for you. No matter if it is business or personal related you need to stay strong and work hard. Part of the law of attraction method is that you should be strong when it comes to making mistakes. Do not let anything stand in your way because you deserve to have the best and when you use the law of attraction, you are going to be able to be able to make goals come true for you.

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The secrets of law of attraction

There are a lot of secrets to the law of attraction. There are also just as many wonders to the theory. For those who have no idea about the law of attraction, you will find that it is a theory based on something that Buddha said. It is thought that you can make your own reality up through positive energy. You will find that there are some people who believe and some people who stand strongly against it. As for the history of the theory, there are so many secrets kept.

Since the early twentieth century there have been dozens of books written based on the theory or law of attraction, and many authors became famous for the topic. In fact, there are books ranging from the topic of positive thinking to the actual law of attraction. In the beginning of 2006 a movie was released based on the teachings of the law of attraction and there are many people who think that the secrets of the theory are enough to think it's ridiculous.

When it comes to the "secrets" you will find that there is a lot of skeptics. It's been called superficial because it teaches people that anything is possible, with hard work. This is also something that you may hear your parents say to you, however, the theory conflicts with most Christianity. One of the biggest secrets of the theory is the fact that it was written to become part of a gospel in the Bible, however, certain priests of Christianity condemned it based on treason to God. It is even stated in the Ten Commandments that "Thou Shall Not Worship False Gods". Some people who are extremists believe that the secrets and premise of the theory is that you act as if you are God and in control of your own destiny and not something that God has predetermined.

However, when you read the theory, you will find that it has nothing to do with any God. It has to deal with the fact that you need to lean on yourself and learn how to stand on your own. You will also find that it means that you can do anything you want to, but you need to have faith. At least point it is easy to say that faith does not mean in God, or the Universe, or the Constellations. It means you have to trust yourself; you have to believe in yourself.

The true secret behind the theory is that you need to push yourself to be better, you need to be able to encourage yourself to be better as well. You will find that there are a lot of things that you may want to consider when it comes to the law of attraction, because you will find yourself along the way. The theory will be difficult to press on at times; however, you will be able to change your attitude towards your life and others in general. You will find that there are a lot of positive benefits from the law of attraction theory.

You will also notice that the progress and success that you have with the law of attraction will depend on how committed you are. You will find that there are a lot of things that you are going to do to find success, but the feelings of accomplishment that you will get from meeting your goals will be well worth all the trouble and difficulty that you have. Keep in mind that the grass always seems greener on the

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other side, but sometimes it really is. You may be able to find true happiness and success when you learn the history of the theory and how you can properly apply the theory to your life.

You can use the law of attraction in everyday circumstances. There are plenty of things that you can do to make things go the way that you want them to. It is important to always be positive and keep thinking about the things that you really want in life.

Take the time to consider the things that you do everyday. When you are doing things that you want to be successful you should always use the law of attraction. This is going to be the one way that you can be sure that you are doing what you need to so that you are keeping yourself on the road that you want to be on.

When you are going through certain problems of the day you should remember the law of attraction. This is going to be one thing that helps you keep control of your life and the circumstances that go with it. You will be better able to make certain decisions by using the law of attraction because you will think positive about them. When you are always positive you will find that things just may go your way.

Take time to think about things and how important they are to you. When you are at work you can use the law of attraction to help you with projects and even problems that may come up. You will find that the law of attraction will keep you positive so that you are better able to make the choices that you need to as well as keeping everything going the way that you want it to.

When you find yourself getting down at times you should always think about the law of attraction. This law means that you are going to be able to change the way that your day is going just by the way that you think. You will be able to think about good things and this will make you feel better about the day ahead. As you think about good things you will find that you start to feel better inside and this can give you a whole new look on life and what is to come.

Sometimes you will find that there are people out there that are not very nice and they will try and bring you down. You should not let these people bother you. The important thing to do is to keep your head up and to always think about the good things in life that can happen and how important they really are. It is going to be something that makes you feels good even when others are not so happy around you.

Taking the time to think about the positive that can happen will bring you up and help you throughout your day. You will get to see how your way of thinking can change your whole perception of thinking. You need to be sure of yourself and think about all the good that you can do with the power of your mind. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you keep your mind set on what you want. If you get discouraged and stop thinking about all the good that can happen you will lose your power to change things. Remember it is all about the way that you think.

Get in touch with your feeling and use them to make things better in every type of circumstance that you can. Being in control is something that you should appreciate and use to make all the choices in life no matter if it is business or personal. It is going to be something that gives you everything you need to be the person that you want no matter what is thrown you way.

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If you are looking for your passion in life, you must use the law of attraction to help you find it. There are so many different techniques out there that may have many people excited but the one thing to keep in mind is the law of attraction and what exactly it is meant to do and how it can make things happen for you. You need to design your own life and use the law of attraction to make it more interesting.

You should think about what you want out of life. Do you want to be wealthy? How wealthy do you want to be? Sometimes being wealthy in life means more than just making a lot of money. Some people want to be very successful and others just want to be happy and find their true meaning in life. There is nothing wrong with any of these definitions. As long as you have the one thing that makes you, happy in life and helps you achieve your goals no matter what they may be.

You want to experience exactly what you can in life. You need to think about the dreams in life that you have and how you expect to make them happen. Figure out what you need to be in control of your own destination. The law of attraction is going to make a bid difference in your life and you should be willing to use it anytime you can. Think about what the law of attraction and what it can do for you. You need to figure out the full satisfaction of life and what you need to make it happen.

Building up your wealth is going to be something that you should think about. Using the law of attraction and making yourself feel a certain way about something is going to help you a lot. You need to have the self-confidence that you can rely on so that you are not second-guessing yourself about the important things. You need to be in control and make sure that you are thinking the right way to make your life everything that you want and so much more.

Being in control of your mind and using the law of attraction to keep you motivated is going to be very important. You should work hard and use your own determination to do what you have always dreamed about. Do not let opportunities pass you by because it is only going to make you feel bad later on. You want to make sure that you are using every opportunity that you can to get ahead in life and to be exactly what you want to be. Think about your goals and how you can make them happen in life for you.

You are going to be proud of yourself and everything that you are able to accomplish when you use your mind to make it work. You will feel more confidence in yourself and the things that you do when you know that the law of attraction is on your side. There are so many different ways to use your mind and the laws of attraction. Do not get discouraged in life because you are the only one that is going to be able to make things happen.

The one thing that you need to remember is that in order to be happy in life you need to be in control. You need to use the law of attraction to be as successful as you can. This means that you need to work hard and be the person that you know you can be deep inside. This is all going to come from your mind and the way that you use it. Being positive and knowing that you can make something happen is the going to be the best way to make things happen in life that you can be proud of.

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You will find that the law of attraction and positive thinking go hand and hand. You will find that there are a lot of ways that you can use the law of attraction to boast a positive attitude, however, you will want to consider that there are some things that you are going to have to do in order to keep the law of attraction working for you and learn how to think positive all the time. You can't really be positive all the time, because there are times where weakness will prevail, but you will need to fight the urges and fight the need to bring negative energy into your life.

First you will need to use the law of attraction and lighten up a little bit. When you take yourself too seriously, you just look stupid. You will also find that humor will make you feel better and there are many physiological benefits from laughter. You will find that the minute you lighten up you will feel the stress and intention ease. You will also be more alert when you lighten up.

Don't forget to laugh, and laugh often. There are going to be times through the process of the law of attraction that will get overwhelming, however, you will need to laugh just to laugh. You know a lot of people find that when they laugh thinks just seem to be a whole lot better, even at the worst of times.

If you really want to learn anything from the experience of using the law of attraction then you will need to learn how to appreciate the things that you have and be thankful. You need to show those who you care about that you also appreciate them because what you give to the world, you get from the world. For you to love, you need to give love. With that said, you will find life will get easier if you learn how to open minded and appreciate the things that you got.

Also, you need to expect that opportunity is just around the bay. You need to accept the amazing things that are offered to you and you need to make sure that you show others that you appreciate the opportunities. However, keep in mind that common sense is the perfect gift that any parent may give their child, so you need to use common sense in cases of opportunity.

Also, you need to learn how to listen to your gut feelings. Most of the time you are right; consider the fact that you may know what is best for you after all. A lot of people will go against their intuition and each time that they do, they seem to get lost. It's always best to put some trust and faith in yourself, because, with the law of attraction, you depend on it.

Finally, for this to work for you and for you to find a positive outlook on life, you need to wonder. You should wonder what it is that your life means to the rest of the universe (because everyone has a place and a purpose in life). You also need to take the time to just lay on the ground and watch the clouds. It's always a good idea to bring yourself back to the childish wonders because it's the only way to keep both feet on the ground.

Keep in mind that if you are looking to get the most out of the law of attraction, you will need to use your time wisely and you need to keep your positive attitude and reflection on life to be positive as well.

Using the Law of attraction to get a promotion

Using the law of attraction to get what you want will be a big deal. You will be able to get the position and you will also be able to get the promotion by using the law of attraction theory. There is a lot more

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for you to discover when it comes to using the theory and you will want to consider all the great things that you can change along the way. In the end you will not just get the promotion, but you will also become a totally different person in the process.

The first step to the law of attraction in order to get a promotion is to state what it is that you desire and then asking yourself or the universe to allow you to find the strength to obtain it. You will find that there are a lot of things that you will need to consider when it comes to the law of attraction. However, you have to think about the consequences of the promotion and rather or not you would enjoy the position. Think about how the promotion will affect your home life, your personal time, and also how it will affect you financially before you even go on to step two.

The second step to the law of attraction is to let go of the negative energy and only accept positive energy. There are going to be people who will tell you that you should not do something or that you won't be any good. You will want to block out the negative energy and only think about the positive energy that you have towards the promotion. You cannot allow others to get to you and you can't allow others to get in your way of trying to work hard for the things that you desire. You will need to focus on how you feel about it and how you will feel once you have gotten the promotion.

The third step to the law of attraction is actually seeing yourself already having the promotion. Basically, you will need to show others that you know you are ready for the promotion and that you get everyone on board with the fact that you can do this and that you need the extra responsibility because work just isn't challenging enough. You will find that there is a lot to gain from the law of attraction and this step will not only prove it to others that you are ready for the promotion, but it will also prove it to yourself. There is also a lot of motivation that you will get from a step like this.

Finally, you are to open yourself up to the possibility that the job is yours. You will need to accept your hard work and accept the fact that your life is changing and it is changing for the good. You will need to do everything that you can to make yourself happy, because the good things in life tend to be harder to discover, but they always end up being worth the trouble.

You will find that the law of attraction will work greatly for you and you will also find that the law of attraction will make you feel better about yourself and about life in general. You will notice a great change in yourself, but you will just need to take the time to figure out yourself and give yourself a chance to define who you are. It is very important to find yourself in it all. The law of attraction will give you more than just success at work, but it will also give you personal identification and strength.

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Brain Enhancement

When you enhance the brain’s ability to function, you also build new skills. When you build new skills, you are on the road to success, which takes you to the journey you longed to enjoy. Take time now to explore brain enhancement solutions to see what these programs, etc can do for you.

To improve your personal continued existence you have to consider concentrating on the bigger picture. We all must scrutinize all aspects of our mental and physical states to improve our life. Through visualization and affirmation, we can study the issues to find an easier way to move further on into the future. Creating checklist will help you through visualizing and affirming your future.

Our behaviors often hinder us from lucratively achieving our goals. That is, perhaps you are a couch potato. If so then you are not working in the direction of spiritual, mental, or physical development.

After you jot down your problems, you can visualize what behaviors of yours need attention. You can start to work in the direction of resolving your problems. Positive activities can enforce and affirm that you abandon negative habits and thinking. Rather you may act before you do something out of the ordinary by visualizing your self-acting in accord and affirming your consequence of your behaviors.

There is nothing wrong with admitting you have a problem, just as there is nothing wrong with admitting that you need help. If you use tobacco, you want to consider ways to stop smoking for example, which may involve you asking for support. You will need to develop self-discipline and set a goal to quite. If you associate with the wrong crowd, you will need to evaluate your self and the other people to clarify what you must do. It helps to use affirmation and visualization so that you can see somewhat into the future, thus analyzing the consequences.

Sometimes we must evaluate our problems while using fair judgment. You need to spend time discovering a maintenance plan that works for you. You should repetitively think out the problems in order to create a plan to find a resolution. Always visualize the bigger picture, keeping it in sight when you are working toward self-development. If the problem is too big for you to handle alone, ask for help. Talk with friends, family, or authorities.

Throughout the process of self-development, you want to work out a strategy to help you keep your stress under control. Exercise is one of the proven ways to relieve stress and maintain your balance. Visiting your family physician on a regular basis will help your keep an eye on your health status. Healthy people live a productive life.

What actions do you take to improve your expectancy?

As long as you think things out before you make a decision, you will work to purify your life. You will also call for to take steps to reduce stress, by avoiding harmful actions, such as smoking, drugs, and other

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harmful things that get in the way of self-development. You can benefit by visiting your doctor, exercise the mind and body regular and so on.

If you have problems quitting on your own, reach out and ask for help. You have many options, including inpatient services, outpatient services, club substratum, one-on-one services and more. To learn more about immediate services go online.

To improve your life you can also volunteer to help someone else out. You can wrap a gift this year for a homeless or deprived person for example. Whatever it takes to work through self-development successfully, do it, but use your visualization and affirmation each time.

Characters of Development thru Affirmation and Visualization

Developing character creates a degree of identity, which helps a person visualize and affirm his or her stance in life. The quality of nature is what makes a person unique. Self-development is the process in which an individual works to understand his or her character and takes action to enhance his or her abilities through visualization and affirmation. Every individual must take steps to know him/her. This is of utmost important quality that leads to a healthy and peaceful life.

How can I use affirmation and visualization to develop my character through self-development?

The first step in self-development is to build on faith in your self. You must trust that you have the aptitude to become better than what you are today. One must grow to know and understand the self. We move through self-identity by analyzing our response, action and behaviors. One can start to determine his or her fears and nervousness through this self-analysis. An entity can examine his or her experiences and from your thoughts and reactions to all that is happening around you. The process enables you to establish an understanding that helps to define your character.

Once you recognize what is going on within your mind, then it is time to materialize a plan to enhance your skills. You can use reliable mentors to help you, but mostly the process of self-development falls on you. You should institute realistic goals and work to achieve your goals.

Visualization and affirmation is an active process that helps you through the process of self-development. Through affirmation and visualization, you can build strength of mind. Many people fail to grasp that it requires a great amount of mental strength. Yet, visualization and affirmation helps us to counterbalance the mind’s actions.

Visualization helps you to create mental pictures that assist one with creating new ideas. Yoga and meditation can be used to assist you with developing your physical and mental capabilities. You can also use physical exercises to improve your mental processes. Weight training, aerobics and Pilate’s workout will help to reduce your stress. You can build character through physical workouts, which help you to reduce stress simultaneously. After a meticulous workout, you will certainly feel more relaxed and mentally calmer. It will tone your muscles thereby aiding in shaping up your body while building self-esteem.

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Yoga and meditation are part of an ancient Indian culture. They have been practiced for generations and are said to have substantial effect on your mind and body. Yoga helps you to attain a balanced mind and body. It relaxes your mind besides giving flexibility and suppleness to your body. It drains out all the stress and tension that is present in your mind and body.

Meditation is used to build mental and emotional strength. A technique facilitates you to concentrate on your inner mind. It is the process of focusing all your attention or concentration towards a single object or thought. This technique will make you feel very calm and relaxed. This will aid in self-introspection. You will know more about you. This has to be performed in a serene and silent place to have the best results.

Self-development is important to each individual. It gives you the self-assurance to stand up for what you believe in. You can challenge the world and do what you think is right. It also makes you self-reliable. You can reduce the effect of the external negative forces on you. You can absorb and assimilate only the positive forces by closing yourself to anything and everything negative. A person who consciously strives to improve him/herself will act as a guiding light to others who are in the dark. They will help others to improve themselves resulting in a motivated and peaceful society.

We all have to make choices in life. The problem is many people fail to think through problems in order to find the best solutions to resolve the issues. We must follow the critical thinking procedures that allow us to think through each problem we face. It builds our decision-making abilities. We can use the critical thinking process to solve problems, yet to make good decisions we must give additional forethought. We can use visualization to analyze the problem solving ability.

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Development Evaluation in Affirmation and Visualization

Evaluation – consider that even the most successful person has obstacles that hinder them from seeing their hidden weakness, such as an inability to learn effectively. Conceivably, you know a person that has some success, but this person lacks the ability to get through to the top because of a major obstacle, such as abuse getting in the way. Keep all sorts of questions in your mind as you reach out to explore the subliminal, conscious and unconscious mind. The mind produces “seven actions,” in which it includes obstacles.

Information used:

Information that the mind retains is examined by the inner self-despite if we are attentive of this action. The mind will silently sift through information retained and transform or renovate the facts and misgiving information into something it can make use of while continuing to endeavor toward discover facts that clarify misgiving information.

The mind will use the information in some order to resolve problems. On the other side, many people struggle for a long time to find answers to solve their problems, because they fail to assist the mind with question and evaluating the information learned. We must develop skills that assist the mind with finding answers to problems. Some of the best ways to build these skills is through continuous learning, willingness, observation and questioning the self consistently throughout our life. Visualization and affirmation is also essentially needed in order to develop skills that assist the mind with problem solutions that lead to discovery.

Self-evaluation allows us to build visualization and affirmation skills that facilitate us to make use of information the mind have gained. One can produce new ideas as that entity anticipates finding answers to the problems. The skill developing process gifts a lift to critical thinking abilities that becomes the most important part of thinking that gives one benefits from his or her efforts to question information learned.

You will also build the creative mind’s ability to assist you with inventing new ways, or ideas to solve problems. It causes the rebirth of the mind whereas creation of theories from learned information unfolds as one interacts with his or her thoughts and fresh ideas. Many inventors use this pattern of training and thinking to create someone original, such as a new product.

One can advance his or her critical thinking skills through visualization, which helps them to see the value of developing this skill. Instead of being one of the many people in the world that fail to support the mind with self-development, one can alternatively employ critical thinking to bring in positive remuneration and product. Provoking the mind is essentially something we must learn, but one needs to use affirmation in order to keep it on a positive level.

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An entity can supplement his or her ability to execute presentation that encourages the thinking process to visualize, affirm and take action for solving problems. We are born with a measure of skills, but we must learn ways to use critical thinking through self-development. For instance, we are not naturally born with the ability to operate a computer; rather we must have instructions and a willingness to learn how to use a computer.

Practice is essentially needed as well as learning in order to develop any skill that makes you a better person at solving problems. These skills are developed through question asking, including self-querying. It will improve your thinking processes and abilities by asking repeated, and many questions of the self and of others. When you thinking abilities and process improve you will find it easier effectively manipulate at work, school and through any situation that you confront in life.

Questioning Self in Critical Order –

Once you take in information, you should question what you heard and experienced. Next, you should examine your perceptions. Examine what you observed. Question the message you interpreted. Move to ask questions. Move into the second phase of critical thinking. How did you respond to the information giving to you? What were your reactions to the information? What did you write out in your mind? What new ideas did you mind create?

Once you have followed the steps, start to question what you learned. Use the critical thinking order of steps to find answers. Start with the purpose. Discover what purpose the information you retained holds for you. When it has purpose, then it is something to think about…but what if the information has no value to me?

What if I told you that over the many centuries, information with little value has lead to the most critical turn of events in our lifetime? If you think very closely, you will see that many of the inventions that are on the market today came from what most people would consider low-value notions. Use your visualization and think about what you thought was a dumb idea in the past, and visualize where the information led you today. Research the market so that you discover somewhat seemed to be dumb ideas that lead to some of today’s inventions. The writer is encouraging you to do the groundwork, rather than expect the writer to do it for you. The intent is to encourage you to direct your mind to continue learning.

When you gather information and retain it in the mind, you want to ask many questions in relevancy to the pieces of data your mind has gathered. Use the Where – what – how – when – who order to find your answers. For instance, where did you get the information? How reliable is the source you obtained the information? Who is the information source? Continue asking questions to solve problems.

You want to use visualizations in order to practice transforming the information you learned into something of value. Question the information again? Are any parts of the information retained usable, and can it help me solve my problems? Are the pieces of information able to help me make decisions? Can I develop new ideas from the information learned? How does the information help me expect something good in the future?

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How does the question process assist me with problem solving?

Think about the processes of self-querying. Mull over all aspects of the process. First, start with the information learned. Think of the many situations you encounter. For example, how do you visualize education, job, financial burdens, single parenting, and so on? Think of these activities and responsibilities. Do you see them as interferences that cost you too much time? Do you see them as burdens that get in the way of your prosperity?

You want to reflect on the questions, because otherwise your mind will go into a dormant state, which leads to self-defeat. Examine your questions and answers thoughtfully.

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Energy Development thru Visualization and Affirmation

We all have to find time to examine the inner self in order to make positive changes that helps us to advance toward a bright future. When it comes to altering behaviors however, it takes time and skill. Thus, we need to find techniques that assist us with making these changes. Self-healing is a long-drawn out process that also takes practice and skills. Through visualization backed with affirmation however, one can move forward smoothly without falling with each step that one takes. We have to take some steps when we evaluate our implementation and thinking to make changes.

Adjusting the way we think and our behaviors takes a great deal of time. We must work to reprogram the mind by learning to accept change.

Start today to reprogram the mind by considering your goals on how you plan to succeed in the development process through visualization and affirmation. Look at your inner feelings to decide how you feel about yourself and how you can change them for the better. Ask yourself; are you happy with your looks, career and performance? Write your goals and changes on paper and keep them close at all times. Try to recite each day so that you benefit from your goals and plans. In time, your positive changes will override the negative thoughts to help you be successful for reaching your goals.

Goals are very essential for developing new skills and working through self-development from side to side with visualization and affirmation. Without goals, we have no reason for success and a better life. With goals, you will grow in areas that you did not think possible.

Joining an exercise program will help you develop natural energy. Exercising will help relieve stress, which is the most common reason for many diseases. Lack of exercise robs you of natural flowing energy. As we exercise we gain control of our looks, loosen up our joints, relieve pain to help us become healthier and happier about ourselves. Start now by relieving stress with exercise to be healthier for success.

Learn to be in control of your anger caused from stress by meditation. When we become stress, it causes us to become angry and upset. Sometimes Stress on only causes us to be angry but pain from headaches or stomachaches. Learn the skills of meditation to help relieving anger and pain.

Meditation is focusing on one problem area at a time. You can practice meditation with your eyes closed or open by focusing. When negative thoughts begin to make you angry or cause you to make bad decisions, step back and focus on the problem. Ask, what made me so angry? What decision did I make that lead to this behavior? Learn to focus before losing control with your feelings. Conquer your stress with meditation for success by learning to relieve stress and pain.

Meditating and focusing will help you to relax when solving and make good decision. When you feel angry, readjust your thinking so that you put your anger under control.

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Worrying about something you have no control over will cause stress and poor health. When you feel worried, focus on your stress and review, the consequences of allowing the stress continue to control you.

Take a deep, slow breathe and decide if you can do something about the situation. If you cannot do anything to solve the problem, decide what you can do to relieve the worrying. Try doing some exercises, mediation, reading, writing a journal to get your mind off what you are worried about. Take time to learn more about visualization and affirmation and how it can help you reach your goals.

You Can Inspire Self Development thru Affirmation and Visualization

Building our inspiration through affirmation and visualization can facilitate us through the processes of self-development. When one develops a positive pattern of thinking, it helps them to affirm that they are unstoppable and the sky is their limit. They will be able to uproot and annihilate the evils like poverty, racism, abuse, crime, violence, war and sex among others plaguing us today. They will create an ideal world full of happy people who are devoid of any kind of stress, anxiety, worry or apprehension. Let us join to make this a reality.

We have inner strengths that facilitate us to take control of our actions and thoughts. By probing in the innermost, deepest mind, one can pull up some other strength. Once you find these strengths, it makes it easier to visualize the self-taking action toward self-development.

Because life puts so many challenges in our way, it is often difficult to find ways to solve our problems effectively. This is where visualization and affirmation comes in handy. Using mental pictures and affirmation we can inspire the mind so that it stays focused on the goal of self-development.

Affirmations give the mind support and encouragement. These healthy agents will help us to develop assertive skills, which makes it easier for one to confirm statements while making his or her declarations. Visualizations enable us to create dreams in the mind. We can use our ideas to expand on these dreams while using affirmation to motivate the mind and body to take action.

Visualizations help us to draw up mental illustrations, diagrams, images, or charts so that we can route the mind in the right direction. The mind works in a seven-block structure. It often helps when one becomes aware of this structure. For example, when the mind seeks out information to find solutions for problem solving, it often digs for the purpose first.

Despite that, the average person is unsure of their purpose, this is often what the mind often seeks first. People can usual find their purpose in life by encouraging the mind and assisting it with finding answers.

Purpose gives one visual goals that keeps one focused and persistence to continue looking ahead. The tenacity of goals will help with developing new ideas through rational thinking. After the mind finds purpose, it often begins the question asking process. Any information under evaluation is questioned. The mind first examines the problem, difficulty of the problem, issues surrounding the problem, the subject and matters to find resolution. Any uncertainties are channeled so that the visual question marks are considered with deeper thought. This is the action of critical thinking in progress.

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The mind will continue searching until answers become available. The problem is, sometimes it takes years and years before the mind finds answers to certain problems. This is because the person fails to assist the mind, or will suppress the problems.

It brings us to see that we can assist the mind by avoiding suppression. Instead of putting off the problem, take care of it right away. One can reduce loads of stress by resolving the problems immediately. Many problems create suffering. When you work to reduce the problems through visualization and affirmation, you can develop a positive outlook on life, which makes it easier to reach your goals.

Encourage your mind by helping it to find purpose. You have the inner strengths. Simply probe into your mind and explore your knowledge, experiences, information and events to discover ways to solve your problems. Think positive and your mind will work naturally through the process of self-development.

The mind has the ability to retain hundreds of pieces of information. When one uses visualization, it helps the mind to track down the bits and pieces of information to create a full sentence. Thus, affirmations are used to encourage the mind to stay focused and positive. When combining the two agents, one can create a sound mind and recall information effectively. Reducing stress and allowing the mind room to do its thing on its own is a great way to improve memory for recalling information.

To reduce stress, visualize your problem. Think about the people that you know in which they have related problems to yours. Consider your barriers. What is the specific problem? Use affirmatives and state that many successful people have overcome problems despite the size of the situation. You too can use similarities examples’ to clarify that you can overcome any challenge you may face.

Try to recall someone in your history that you knew who came through his or her barriers successfully while enduring similar problems as yours. McCarthy for example, cleaned for a living and saved her money, rising over $100,000. She continued in school and landed a good job later in her life.

We should always question our problems and draw a conclusion. It helps us to recall bits and pieces of information retained in the mind. Using affirmations, we can deduce that McCarthy despite her struggles had successfully challenged her financial situation and overcome the problems by applying effort and working toward a brighter future. We see that she remained focused and concentrated on her aim to succeed.

To reduce stress, one can question why he or she is nervous or worried. Sometimes you can discover fears that are holding you back. Try to visualize your fears and check them to see if they have valid cause and examine the effects of your fear. Evaluate your fears and the effects to see how you have dealt with these fears in the past. Evaluation will help you find answers to solve your problems while protecting you from robbing the self of its success.

One must continue to examine the mind through visualization while setting up the self for affirmations that keeps the mind focused and positive. Self-examining is the process that allows one to dip into the subliminal and conscious mind to explore the possibilities and find answers. One can become an

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effective problem solver by using self-examining techniques often. It will also assist you with reducing stress. You can even learn how to thrive on stress by continuing to use self-examination techniques while exploring the mind for answers.

Visualizations provide us images that we can mentally draw up in our mind to conjure up a picture that helps us to see through our problems. Affirmations assist us by allowing us to create a positive mind by making affirmative statements. We can combine the two agents to create a better way for making positive choices that reduce stress. We can eliminate problems effectively by using visualizations and affirmations. Still, one must be willing to practice techniques, such as self-examining often. We can meditate daily, reflecting on our problems so that one may find answers to resolve the many challenges in one’s life.

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Who would forget the ever-famous line of Peter Parker’s grandfather, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The society expects Spiderman, a comic book, TV, and movie superhero, to be responsible for saving his town, or even the world, in some instances, from evil because he has super powers.

From all the episodes he appeared in, he never let us down. With the power he possesses, he makes sure to be responsible in using it for the good of the people around him.

Leadership is not at all different from being superheroes. Yes, you may not have super powers like Superman and Spiderman, but you have the authority to lead other people towards success. This is so much greater and stronger since it is a power that can be used by real people in this real world.

Hence, being a leader requires great sense of responsibility, the second quality a successful leader should attain.

The power to lead your people towards aiming your vision comes with responsibilities like making sure they are on the right direction, being aware of each and everyone’s tasks and mistakes, and putting them back on the right track when they get lost.

Who said it is easy to be a leader? Well, it is not…It comes with tons of responsibilities. True leaders are willing to accept them all.

There are instances where sometimes it makes us feel better to blame somebody or something else when something goes wrong in a task. However, this should not be practiced, especially by a good leader!

A leader should take full responsibility of a task - not just before he accepts to take it, but also after it has been accomplished. As much as he is responsible for his team’s success, he should also be responsible for any failure. He represents the whole team so whatever happens to it, he is the one responsible.

Making excuses and blaming something or someone else for failed jobs is not a quality of a good leader. What he should do, instead, is to accept the fact that something went wrong with the organization, even if it is not his fault. It is normal to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes are opportunities to learn something better. As a leader, he must ensure that the team members learn from these mistakes and that these errors will not be repeated next time.

You may not have full control over other people and are not expected to have full control over their actions, but you have full control of your own reactions. Knowing what to do over unexpected and unpredictable situations will make you responsible, hence giving you the feeling of power.

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You're a leader. You have a task to complete. Do you want the people you lead to simply do the task? Or do you want those people to actually take leadership of accomplishing the task? For the difference between doing and leading in terms of accomplishment is stock car and a formula 1 racer.

Clearly, you can order them to accomplish the task; and if you're in a position of authority, they will most likely carry out the order. But they might not do it with full commitment. Or they may resent being ordered. Or they may be inclined to do nothing unless ordered, and so after accomplishing the task, they do little else but wait for the next order.

It may take some time to comprehend the matter on leadership that we have listed here. However, it is only through it’s complete comprehension would you get the right picture of leadership.

However, their committing to take leadership involves your establishing a special relationship with them.

For instance, if one is a floor sweeper, one does the best floor sweeping, not simply by doing it but by taking leadership of floor sweeping.

Such leadership might entail: taking the initiative to order and manage supplies; evaluating the job results and raising those results to ever higher levels; having floor sweeping be an integral part of the general cleaning policy; hiring, training, developing other floor sweepers; instilling a "floor sweeping esprit" that can be manifested in training; special uniforms and insignias; behavior, etc.; setting floor sweeping strategy and goals.

Otherwise, in a "doing" mode, one simply pushes a broom.

You may say, "Listen, a job is a job is a job. This leadership thing is making too much of not much!"

Could be. But my point is that applying leadership to a task changes the expectations of the task. It even changes the task itself. Think of it, when we ourselves are challenged to lead and not simply do, our world is, I submit, changed.

Furthermore, though you may order people to do a job, you can't order anybody to take leadership of it. It's their choice whether they take it or not.

People respond to good leadership! Period! It is in all aspects of our lives, not just business. A mother is a leader in her home; a son may be leader of a team sport or a daughter the leader of the debate team. A group relies on the person in charge to actually lead them to success. A true leader is highly ethical, honest and respected.

In our society we have leaders and followers. Are we born to one or the other? No! Can you hone your leadership skills? Absolutely!

The leaders that I admire seem to have all of these in place:

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a) They think BIG! They don’t put a ceiling in place. Instead, no limit is set as to how big or how much better something can be.

b) The goals are firmly set in place and the eye does not come off of it.

c) They make known to all involved the final product that they are all going for, example, if you sell widgets, it takes x number of widgets to be affluent, or you want to win that football game and ultimately the title. Know what you’re going for.

d) They can get compliance to orders.

e) When goals are met they set new goals or raise the bar.

People will follow your lead willingly if you are honest, ethical, if you are consistent and treat them with respect. Rewarding someone when a job is well done is always appreciated. A good leader will also off load someone who consistently hinders the group who is just not a team player.

You can improve your own self- respect and become an inspiration to others. How great is that!

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Boost Your Self Determination

We all have to adapt to the many changes that go on in our life, environment, in the workplace, cultures, and economy. It is often difficult to keep up with the rapid changes, let alone adapting to the shifts that take place each day. All these changes affect our life. It affects many people’s life for the worst simply because they lack self-determination. Building self-determination will give you the strength that you need to adapt to these changes. Adapting to new situations is never easy, but when you have self-determination, you can have more control over your life. There are many ways to build self-determination.

Understanding the concepts of self-determination and, why it is important is the start to building the skills you need to take control of your life. Theoretically, most humans are preconditioned by influences. Many human beings are often conditioned, which develops into repeated habits that lead them to reinforce action to avoid consequences. People may lie to cover up behavior practices, which they know are morally or legally wrong.

Under the “drive-reduction” theory, scientists believe that the cause of these conditioned habits stream from the deficiency of basic human needs. Many philosophers believe that this pattern creates tension that becomes unhealthy. Anytime a human produces certain behaviors, it either creates tension, which succeeding habits will reinforce this pressure. These are known as primary drives. As Professed by some spectators, the drives are naturally inclined and reinforced. More advanced knowledge can help you to appreciate that this is preconditioned impulses, rather than natural drives. Secondary drives are claimed to be developed through learning, which associates with the “primary drive.”

Educators that study the cognitive perspective in psychology theorize that we have the power to use option or approaches to build self-determination and motivation. Expectancy – this is one of the valued theories. According to experts, we can reform our mind to view self-determination and motivation as a multiparty function to the value. The result can be viewed as the degree in which one believes he or she can attain something. In short, goals are what some experts believe that drives people. For most people, performance and the magnitude in which they can attain something matters the most.

After carefully, and extensively researching the topic, some experts found that young people that are highly motivated are often driven by their beliefs in their competency or consequent attainments. In short, if a young person perceives his/her self as a successfully person, likely this person will develop self-determination from the grade of motivation.

Interestingly enough, in recent studies, it was found that those unemployed are often excitedly anticipating something good and will often place greater value on work than those that have a job. It was discovered that many of the unemployed had the likeliness of holding jobs longer than those hold that already had jobs.

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Theorizing, some experts view goals as the “cognitive approaches” that guide people to motivation and self-determination. Often these people that focus on their goals have higher drives than those that do not have goals. According to reports, what drives them is their desire to reach the goals and take delivery of the benefits. Some people believe that this is a social learning approach. Perhaps this is realistic, since a young child often strives to get good grades at school in order to avoid hasty consequences, or earn acceptance from the teachers and his or her parents. Many adults strive to get attentions or feel accepted by others, so they do good things to leave that impression on others. We see many other behaviors in society that backs the social learning theory.

The mystery to developing self-determination and making productive changes in your life rests within you. By looking inside you, into your mind, you can raise your level of self-awareness, which builds strength of mind. When you become conscious of the uncertainties and fears that lay concealed inside of your mind, you can take positive steps to reframe your thinking.

Once you begin to recognize the unconstructive factors that are holding you back from becoming success, you can make productive changes and move to the next step. Once you know what is holding you back, you will start to recognize ways to make changes to grow into self-determination. Knowing yourself well is the first step to retrain your mind to think positive. As soon as you become aware of the unconstructiveness that lies contained by your own mind you can see what next step you must take to accomplish your goal. One of the best processes to develop determination is self-exploration; you can discover secrets inside of you and see what changes you have to make. Once you see what needs to take place, you must make a decision to change and follow it through.

Not one person can read you better than yourself. Only you can adjust your negative thinking and create a positive attitude. To make constructive changes in your life, you have to become responsive of the motives of the negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are standing in your way. As you strive in the direction of positive and self-determination, you may want to employ some sort of guidebook that can help you set goals and effort toward completing them. Writing out your goals is a great method that will assist you with openly seeing what you need to change and what you need to complete. The act of putting your goals down in writing can be prevailing implements for increasing self-determination while building your self-awareness. As you make progress, the act of being able to check goals off your list will reinforce the positive changes you are making. Online you will find some excellent self-help pamphlets and articles that can help to encourage and motivate you.

Inspiring music can help you reduce stress while creating positive energy. The latest relaxation melodies are available online as well. We all have many alternatives available when it comes to making positive adjustments. Start with seeking answers inside of you. Next, look to external guides that can help you cope with the stress and unconstructiveness that stands amid you and self-determination.

Change is something that helps us to modify our behaviors, thinking, etc, which helps us to see the bigger picture. Change can help us develop new ideas. New ideas of course can help you find the way to work on building self-determination. If you lack this strength of mind now is the time to get started with

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finding your way to peace and tranquility. Go online and do some research. You have many resources available.

A peace of mind is effort behind the steps you take toward creating a better life for you. Take the road and get to stepping into self-determination. Learn more about behaviors to help you grow.

Also until you deal with emotions it is hard to build self-determination. Emotions can create a positive or negative attitude; and the attitude is directed by our emotions. Our attitude can be either confident or pessimistic. Our attitude can have uncertainty as some times the attitude of the individual is neither optimistic nor completely negative but is somewhere in between of the two. Considered opinions form the basis of our attitude, which is structured on the influence, change in the behavior of an individual and experience of an individual. The sentimental retort is a response which is physiological and which gives a way out to the entity’s preferences. The behavioral intent is the way of giving voice to the personage intentions. The experience of an individual is the assessment of the attitude of the personage. The personal observations are the basis on which the attitude of the personage rests.

A person’s attitude can be either implied or open. Implicit attitude is the unconscious reactions but they have an effect on the individual. Explicit attitude also affect the behavior of the person but in the different terms. The attitude of a person can be altered through affiliations. Jung the famous psychologist defines attitude as, "readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain way.”

Thinking affects all the facets of the life of an individual. Having the positive mindset helps a personage muddle through day-to-day activities of an individual. If an individual accepts the positive outlook towards the life, the person can overcome the fret and pessimistic way to life. Having the positive mind frame ensures the contentment, cheerfulness, and accomplishment in the life. The dazzling side of the life can be seen easily, if one follows the right path. It is of prime concern of every individual to widen and strengthen the mindset of an individual.

The optimistic stance can be manifested by practicing positive thinking, creative thinking, motivating the individual to achieve the ambitions, not giving up the spirits of and exercising persistence and looking failures as a blessing in disguise and having faith in the abilities of oneself. If the individual follows the path of positive outlook not only the individual can feel the difference but also the milieu around him modifies and looks colorful and bubbling of life. An optimistic deems that all the good things will fall in their way without striving much for it. But if something negative happens the optimist just takes it as another obstacle in their way and a lesson to be learnt from it. And then again they come back to their normal self.

If the It is essential for the individual to manage the stress and work towards its accomplishments. One needs to be realistic and decide the ambitions; one should not set the targets, which one knows is beyond the reach of the individual. For developing the positive energy around you, try and spend maximum time with your loved ones. An individual must strive hard to accept the situations as they are or even try and look something positive in the failure as it teaches you where you went wrong.

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If the individual has a positive mindset he or she has better chances surviving in this world where all negative and depressing things takes place. For the process of self-development, it is necessary to practice the art of keeping the optimistic mind frame so that an individual gets strength of mind. The personage can by practicing meditation, yoga, massage, color therapy and realizing the true worth of oneself one can overcome the problems, which are generally associated with the practice of pessimistic outlook. It would not be wrong to conclude that for healthy living an individual must follow the path of optimism.

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Self Determination and Motivation

Self-determination and motivation go hand in hand. When you are determined, often you feel motivated to make things happen, rather than to wait for things to fall in your lap.

In psychological terms, self-determination is theories that presses toward motivation and the processes involve the people that strive on three basic needs. Those needs are relatedness, autonomy, and above all else, competency. Others may think of self-determination, as intrinsic inspiration that embellishes at what time the human needs is satisfied and not compromised. The autonomy of self-determination is the process of building independence, sufficiency, self-rule, and so on. People often build determination on trust, confidence, reliance, faith, hope, beliefs, and needs.

The world leads us into many struggles, which makes it harder for us to fulfill the three basic human needs let alone build self-determination. In order to accomplish this task, however while battling through the chaos is to set one’s self up for success.

The intrinsic theory of self-determination and motivation started with Edward Deci over 30-years earlier. Ed commences exploring the paradoxes of self-determination. Since then over thousands of voiced and written viewpoints has been considered. Behaviorists gave their viewpoints and showed that intrinsic theories show that when people are rewarded for good deeds it increases their natural motivation. When people are rewarded, they often feel contentment and joy as well. Their interest in activities often improve, yet because of these findings behaviorists ventured to ask: do the rewards make people more apt to function when they have extrinsic rewards waiting, or at least think that they have rewards.

While the questions presented thoughtful suggestion for various aspects of living, such as parenting, labor, and school, it still has variant aspects to consider before any true resolves are apparent. Ed posed the question – does a “child’s interest” in a given subject and the expectation of rewarding the child with good cause her or him to develop unintentional intrinsic or extrinsic interests? (Deci et al, 1999)

Edward bent on finding concrete answers ventured to continue the controversy proactive by sending mixed signals that lead to the counterintuitive forecasts. That is contrary to the expectations that are not in accord to these rewards that interact one way or the other. Edward accused intrinsic pleasures of stifling elements to learning. The common theory of self-determination suggests that relatedness, autonomy, and competence inspire motivation.

According to Edward, threats, rewards, all have rigid penalties that accompany the other. Edward believed that rewards only compromised an entity’s autonomy. According to Edward, the development of competence through rewards or threats could cause a person to feel pushed into doing something they ordinary did not want to do. He claims that rewards are often determined about how the individual views the results. He believed that is someone’s innate determination or motivation was compromised then it could cause them to lack self-determination. On the other hand, if the entity viewed the praise or

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reward as something other than a bribery or threat, thus the entity would likely feel motivated to perform.

This brought some spectators to believe that if an entity is placed in a social, encouraging atmosphere that it is likely that this entity would build self-determination. Parents, teachers, and others are encouraged to support and praise someone’s effort to encourage self-determination. Edward believed that placing a greater emphasis on competence rather the child’s ability to perform for rewards could build self-determination.

Based on the knowledge, we see that building self-determination is also the process of build self-realization. When you combine the two, it builds more productive skills, which ensures that you will succeed in most all of your endeavors.

How dreams play into self-determination:

What time you reflect back on your dreams you had achieved, you can see that you have transformed a lot to achieve what you desire. Therefore, dreams contribute a lot in the process of self-development and building determination or strength of mind. Understanding your dreams and setting goals is a great start to building the determination you need to reach your goals.

When you recognize what your dreams are about, it seems easier to manipulate through the development processes. We must understand the different type of dreams nevertheless. There are times when our mind is set and unreservedly flows in any direction. These dreams are compartmentalize as daydreams. One may daydream when he or she wishes to break out from the daily life. The flight-or-fight theory stands out here, since the person prefers to take flight rather than fight for his or her stance in development. Daydreaming is a form of fantasizing, or musing over something.

Many people enjoy the sensations from imaginative development of images they produce during wake hours. During night hours, the idealist cannot manipulate dreams but in some instances the idealist is aware of what they are dreaming. The lucid dreaming sometimes seems real. Many people will use lucid or other types of dreams believing they are signals or prophecies to help them find their way through self-development and developing of determination.

At times people don’t recognize what their dreams are, or recognize them as goals. The ideas that we experience are a kind of voice or delegate of what we feel and desire in our life. The goals open the doors for self-determination. Ideas we develop to create goals also contribute a lot in making us understand the truth of our wisdom. It helps us to start realizing our aims.

Thoughts that form as goals can develop consciously or unconsciously. Many professionals in psychology will time and again employ dream rehabilitation to remedy mental health problems. The experts find it easy and the patients are able to look into their mind via the dream therapy. This therapy becomes a tool that helps people to realize what is that the mind needs and feels.

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Imaginings are not only the understanding that comes from unrealistic dreams; it is the goals that we set those factors into our level of self-determination development. Dreams can help us to interpret our aims. Each entity that has a goal- a goal to become a happy and successful person, to accomplish the goals it is essential that you recognize your object at a proper time. Recurrently people come out of their dreams slowly and it results in the inability to work on the goals and their purpose is not satisfied. It causes the entity to feel frustrated and they often lose determination.

Consequently, it is extremely critical that you should put your ideas into action so that you can extend yourself and be in charge of your life. Start building strength of mind, since this is your ticket to self-determination. If you have not set goals, now is the time to get started. Start by assessing and understanding your weaknesses and strengths. Correspondingly you can work on the weaknesses so that they cannot come in your path to success or self-development.

Online you will find some information to help you cultivate determination and motivation to continue striving to accomplish your dreams. Dreams are only real if you make them real. On this note, it takes you to reframe your thinking to conform to optimistically reflecting on what you want to accomplish. Only you can make it happen!

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Techniques for Building Self Determination

Learning how reflection is an approach for building self-determination can help you find ways to improve your life. The process of rumination helps one to think above his or her own individualism and think for the improvement of civilization as a whole. One must assess the three way process that works from beginning to end through self-regulation, self-exploration, self-determination and self-liberation. It helps one to keep a rein on our desires and to improve our strength and intensity to stay focused. By building self-regulation, exploration, determination, and liberation, it gives us the potential by way of several exercises and strengthens our disposition.

Building such strengths can direct us toward a spiritual realization in which one can bridge the gap amid one’s real and true being. In addition, by making building self-realization we can recognize our mistakes and weaknesses, which it brings about a conversion in our personality. Building self-determination reveals to us the certainty of life and death and be part of the cause in one’s development of healing the body and mind.

Some of the most popular techniques people have used to develop self-discipline and determination is yoga. Yoga has proven to help with achieving the serenity of mind. It grants access to relaxation and reduces stress, which helps one to prepare for building self-determination and other skills. Self-determination is a system of renovation of our inner self. Each individual has the desire or need to feel competence and related to others. For that reason, if an entity will love the self then, no doubt, he will put forth hard work to convert and develop the self and become a better person.

Another technique people are considering is Reiki. ‘Reiki’ is a method that helps with developing human skills, such as self-determination. An entity can expect with this method the renovation of healing from any diseases whether physical or mental and in that way by its vibes cures an entity and leads to self-determination. In this way, many approaches can help with self-determination. The individual just needs to make efforts to make something happen and to have a willingness to better his or her life. Some people rely on mentors to assist them with build self-determination. Mentors is someone that gives a person sound advice, and will counsel the person if need be. The mentor will offer guiding tools, tutor, and assist the entity with finding the best ways to reform his or her way of thinking to improve their overall life. If you need a mentor you will find plenty of them online.

Some experts believe that motivation or self-determination can become developed outside of the conscious mind. In short, they believe that by exploring all channels of the mind an entity has the capacity to discover ways to build determination and motivation. Motivation and determination however are developed through reason, purpose, stimulus, and drive. When we have incentives it often motivates us to take action.

When an entity has purpose, often they find their way in life. For this reason, purpose is the most essential reasoning that we must consider. When you find your purpose, often everything else falls into place. Online you will find valuable information to help you make transformations. When you need

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support, it is often best to rely on yourself and find information to build your knowledge. Building knowledge will build your determination and much more. This is because when you are well versed it helps you to stay in control and find answers quickly to solve problems. Go online now and find tips, hints, and guides to assist you with making your future much brighter.

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Getting The Success Mind Set

In his book The Winning Attitude, John C. Maxwell, noted author and speaker tells us that attitude is:

The “advance man” of our true selves

Has inward roots but outward fruits

Is our best friend or worst enemy

Is more honest and more consistent than our words

Is an outward look based on past experiences

Is a think which draws people to us or repels them

Is never content until it is expressed

Is the librarian of our past

Is the speaker of our present

Is the prophet of our future

Your attitude, or your willingness to think positively, affects many people—from your family to the stranger you smile at in the grocery store. An optimist will see opportunity in difficulties, while a pessimist will see difficulty in opportunities.

You must choose which you will focus on: if you choose poorly, you will doom yourself to never achieving your goals and being successful. Count on that.

So how do you begin to think positively if you’re a natural pessimist? I don’t really believe there ARE natural pessimists, just people who have been taught how to consider the darkest side of every cloud.

You cannot change the fact that a problem exists, but you can do a lot to determine what opportunity is within that problem. Begin to see that problems are a fact of life and that your job is to find a way over, around, under, or through them—as quickly as possible. When you’re upbeat and consider how quickly a problem will be behind you, it’s easy to be optimistic.

Cynicism is another killer when it comes to attitude. It’s a cousin of pessimism—it considers everything suspect and everyone as having an ulterior motive. It never looks at someone handing you a piece of candy just to be nice, it always considers that there is a reason you’re being handed the candy and the motivation of the person who’s giving it.

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Cynicism comes from having unrealistic expectations. Many people expect great and wonderful things to happen to them with little-to-no work on their parts. They expect things to fall from the sky in to their laps. When it doesn’t happen as they expect, they become suspicious of others who have achieved success and ultimately, cynical.

You must harness the power of your thoughts and words when setting your course for success. Use positive affirmations daily: remind yourself that a stumbling block is temporary and that you will overcome it; admit to yourself that you are courageous and able to move on when others cannot; agree with your vision for your life and your goals.

Benchmarks of Success

As you discipline yourself to do this, you will find optimism and positive thinking chasing you down the street. And who couldn’t use these two friends when we’re aiming for success?

Look for these things and consider them well as you walk your road to success:

Know that Failure is Just an Event. We talked about this at length previously, but it bears repeating. If you fail, it doesn’t define you—it just puts you back at ‘square one’ with your idea and plan.

Consider Your Responsibilities Before Your Rights. Our American culture drums it in to us that we must “have it now,” and many of us comply. You are successful when you are mature enough to delay gratification and move your focus from your “rights” to your “responsibilities.”

Fill Up on Faith, Hope, & Love. Your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your outcome. Choose to be optimistic, to read uplifting books, to listen to inspirational speakers. When you put faith, hope, and love in your mind and heart, you’re able to overcome adversity and live free from anger, greed, guilt, and envy.

Make Friends with Your Past—and then Look Ahead. You can use your past as a stepping stone to your future or you can let it cripple you. Either way, it’s your choice. When you can make friends with your past, be focused on the present, and have a bright opinion of your future, you have succeeded, no matter what your goal is.

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Know that Success Doesn’t Make You. Along with the idea above, understanding that a win doesn’t make you and a loss doesn’t break you. If you win, you’ll still have more wins to make before you “arrive,” and if you lose, you’ll have more opportunities to turn that around in the future.

Stand up for Morality. If you take a stand for what is right, even if it’s unpopular or costs you your job, you are successful. There is no disputing this fact.

Be a “Servant Friend.” Success isn’t defined by how many people wait on your every whim or need; it’s defined by how many people you can help or serve while you achieve your goals. If you can help others as you climb, you’ll learn more and climb quicker. A servant’s heart is the true hallmark of a leader and shows the character of the person in the position of leadership.

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Success: What it Is & Isn’t

Success is defined in different ways by different people, but let’s talk about what most people agree “success” looks like.

• Success Is: knowing you did a good job during your day and had positive interactions with other people

• Success Is: looking forward to going home to your family and sharing yourself with them

• Success Is: knowing you have enough funds to pay this month’s bills and the bills that will arise in the future

• Success Is: knowing that your spiritual life is in order and that you have somewhere to turn when you hit a bump in the road

• Success Is: having hobbies that you enjoy and having the time to work at them

o Success Isn’t: putting your work ahead of your career

o Success Isn’t: running home and then hiding from your family because you’ve “had a hard day”

o Success Isn’t: having all the money in the world and then trying to figure out how to amass even more

o Success Isn’t: going to a worship service and creating your “to-do” list during it

o Success Isn’t: burning the candle at both ends, never having time to play or relax

In short, success is not always monetarily-related; you aren’t deemed “un-successful” if you don’t earn a six-figure salary. Success is more than moving up a corporate ladder and it touches more than just your career. It affects your marriage and family, your home life (finances, etc.), your spiritual life, and more.

Being successful is a balancing act. One isn’t considered successful in life if s/he climbs the corporate ladder but has a home- or family-life that is in shambles. One isn’t considered “successful” if s/he earns plenty of money to retire on, anticipating spending that retirement with family, only to find that his/her children are gone and disinterested in any family relationships by the time retirement is possible.

So is there one formula to be successful? I think there is, and the components are: positive thinking, the right skill set, the right philosophy, having direction, and having character. All of these things make up a formula for success, and each of these things, if left out of the formula, will cause an individual to lack success in life.

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Learn how to think “success”so that you are successful at whatever you choose to do.

Having Direction

Let’s say you’ve got your attitude correct, the right skill set honed, and the right philosophy. Great! You’re on your way – somewhere. If you don’t have the right direction planned out, you’ll simply wander aimlessly.

You don’t attempt even the smallest of construction jobs without a plan, and yet many people work in a field they just happened to “fall in to” because someone suggested it, or a friend was doing it, or even worse—they didn’t have anything else to do.

Wandering through your career can be just as deadly as wandering through a desert without a compass and canteen—in both places, you can die a slow death of thirst and exhaustion.

You must know where you want to go in order to set a direction for your life and career. You’ve probably heard the adage, “No one plans to fail, but they do fail to plan.” So determine where it is that you want to go (i.e., what you want to do) and set a course for it.

I recommend doing something you love. Not something that you can tolerate or achieve a reasonable pension from after 30 years of work (do pensions even exist anymore?), but something you are truly passionate about.

If it’s music, think about how you are gifted in that area. Do you sing? Would your singing chip paint off a house? Do you have an ear for pitch and tune? Do you play an instrument? Consider the field of professional golf for a moment. Do you love to golf? Would you be willing to commit days, weeks, months, and years to bettering your game to the point when you could hit the pro-circuit?

Do you have a means to support yourself (and your family) while you work on your dream job? Would you be happy and content doing whatever you chose—for the rest of your days, if need be? These are all questions you should ask yourself as you try to set the direction for your life, and ultimately, for your success.

Now that you know where you want to go, you must plan and prepare for your destination. As you plan and prepare, it’s fair to expect that you will achieve that goal—expectations play a large role in success, no matter what the field. If you plan well and are committed to the work involved, then and only then, can you expect to achieve the desired results in your life.

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Success: Increasing Creativity

As you ponder your goal and determine the best course to achieve it, you will need some creative ways of thinking and facing challenges that will arise. The most creative-thinkers out there will encourage you to think outside your box and to consider even the wildest of ideas.

One way to do this is to “Wild Mind Brainstorm.” Wild-Mind is done by having a piece of paper and writing down EVERY idea that occurs to you about the situation you’re facing. Do NOT evaluate your ideas—just write them down. Do NOT consider something “ too silly” or “too dumb” to write down—just write it down!

Evaluate your ideas in a few days, but not when you’re writing them down. Consider these ideas much like a newborn baby. You must cradle that baby and hold it lovingly and help it grow to a responsible adult. The same goes for your new ideas. You might find that one idea you would consider to be the “silliest” turns out to be your key for unlocking the door you’re facing.

Remember the guy who came up with the idea for Post-It Notes? The adhesive was discovered long before they found a use for it—and the person who said, “Let’s make some note pads that are small and can be easily removed,” was laughed at. But now—do you even see ONE office without Post-Its around? I have at least 6 pads of Post-Its in my desk drawer alone. There’s one in the kitchen, and one in the car.

Another way to increase your creativity is to be around others who are creative. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so people can improve each other.” If you hobnob with those who are known for creativity, it will wear off on you. And you will find new ways of looking at things and thinking about situations, as well.

You can find audio-books and speeches that will stir up your creative juices as well. Professional speakers and those who have “been there, done that” often hit the speaking-circuit and can pump fresh ideas and life in your goal and the ways you attain those goals.

I prefer removing myself from the goal-achieving mode and moving to a truly creative outlet—the arts. You may not consider yourself artsy or think you have any ability in this realm, but it’s worth taking a lump of clay (or Play-Doh) and working with it.

You may find, as I do, that when I’m working on a hobby that I truly love, I free up a portion of my brain that was engaged in my problem-solving. When that happens, I typically find a potential solution to my dilemma. Artistic creativity often sparks other forms of creative-thinking, as it engages a different area of the brain than what we’re used to using. Pick up a paintbrush, a pencil, arrange some flowers, or begin a needlework project. You may find in color and artistry you have a new lease on what you’re doing!

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Moving Past Fear

There are times when simply thinking positively won’t move you past your fear and anxiety. There are times when simply plodding it out is the thing you must do.

The Evangelical speaker Joyce Meyer says, “If you’re afraid to do it, just DO IT AFRAID.” No one will blame you for being fearful—what you will be blamed for is letting that fear immobilize you. So no matter what it takes, keep moving.

Fear is much like a quagmire—it slurps at our feet and if we stand still long enough, it begins to suck us down. It’s hard to get out of, but it is possible.

If you’re stuck in fear as you shoot for success, there are several ways out:

First, consider the source. Where did the fear come from? Have you been dwelling on the difficulties instead of the opportunities? Have you been listening to those who are cynics and pessimists, instead of coaching yourself with positive words and people? If so, MOVE ON. GET AWAY from people and situations that drag you down.

Second, take your checklist and note what you HAVE accomplished. Look at your list of goals and the baby steps you’re taking to get there, and on a separate sheet of paper (or a separate document in your computer), begin to list everything you have accomplished. This will begin to empower you to move on and leave the fear behind.

Third, take stock of your talents and skills. Fear often tells us that we “don’t have what it takes…” Show fear as the liar it is: list your skills, all your positive attributes. Then look at the problem again, after you have a new appreciation for your God-given talents and abilities.

Fourth, don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, there is an amazing power that comes from releasing your fear to a God Who loves you and is looking out for you. Don’t bottle the fear up—let it go. You don’t need it anyhow!

Finally, remember this acronym when facing fear:

o F= False

o E= Evidence

o A=Appearing

o R=Real

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For that’s really what fear is—it is an unrealistic look (false look) at something and attempting to make you believe it (appearing to be real).

Once you know these things, you’ll be able to move past your fear and on to the next step you need to be successful!

Recovering From Failure

Okay, so you’ve been giving it your all. Well, maybe not your *all*, but a good portion of your all. And you’re not seeing any progress. So now what? Are you doomed to failure and never to succeed? No! Keep reading.

One thing that you need to understand is that failure is an event, not a person. It doesn’t define you as a “loser” for the rest of your life—unless you let it. Failure happens to you—it isn’t who you are. You’re not a victim, but it also doesn’t define you. So when it happens (notice I didn’t say “if”), pick yourself up and get ready for the next event in your life.

You must adjust your attitude as you recuperate from a failure. You will rise to your own expectations. Psychologists call this a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” and we are suckers to believe our own words. So adjust your attitude to the positive side of things.

Remember the guy who came up with the brilliant idea to change Coke? Back in the 80s (for those of you who were mere babes during that decade), someone had a stroke of genius—or so he thought. The Coca Cola company decided to compete more with Pepsi, and changed the formulation of their signature product—Coke.

They called it “The New Coke.” It bombed. No one enjoyed the new taste and the calls were immediate to bring back “the old Coke.” After a few months of hemming and hawing, Coca Cola executives brought back the original formula of Coke and ditched the new stuff—and its creator.

So what happened to the guy whose idea this was? He left Coca Cola and began to look for new work. The trouble was, his name was well known in the business community and everyone connected him to the failure that New Coke was. He finally landed an interview in which he got a fair shake: the interviewer asked what he had learned through the problems the New Coke had created.

Naturally, he indicated that he had many lessons learned from the fiasco. He didn’t let failure define him, and he ended up landing the job for which he was interviewing. Good for him, right? But good for the company that hired him, too. They were willing to take a chance on a creative risk-taker who had a very public failure on his record.

Many of those who are considered to be “successful” have had failures dot their lives. Rush Limbaugh, the king of daytime talk radio, was fired multiple times from different radio jobs. He also filed for bankruptcy—twice. So you can see how Limbaugh didn’t permit failure to define him. Those failures

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were events from which he recovered and moved on. And you should take the same tact when confronted with something that didn’t turn out like you hoped it would.

Setting Goals

“Genius” has been described as the “ability to focus on one thing at a time.” Many people who are “geniuses” are so not only because they have a high intellect, but because they are a gift of being able to focus on the objective or goal at hand.

This same focus must come in to play when determining what your goals are in relation to success. You need to learn to work towards one major objective and juggle a few short- and mid-range goals at the same time.

One way to determine what your direction is (and ultimately your goals are) is to do a check-up. I suggest listing 7 categories: Financial; Career, Family, Personal, Spiritual, Mental, & Physical. Rank your goals in these categories and how you’re doing. This will illustrate to you where you are and where you’d like to be and exactly how balanced you are as you move about your process.

o Set goals that are smart. Big goals must be broken down in to manageable pieces. Don’t set more than 4 goals to work on during a single day. Seek divine guidance and direction on each goal.

o Then identify what the pay-off is when you achieve your goal. Nebulous rewards don’t motivate people to achieve much.

o List the obstacles that stand between you and your goals. If you’re not aware of potential problems, you’ll be side-tracked when they arise and lose sight of your objective.

o Have someone in your corner who can dispense counsel & guidance.

o Think about who can help you achieve your goal. Identify friends who can be encouragers and who can help keep you motivated and on-track.

o List the skills and knowledge required to attain your goal

o Develop a plan of action to achieve your goal

o Set a deadline for achievement. It’s hard to achieve something that has no ending date.

As you consider your goals, ask yourself the following questions:

Is this really my goal?

Is this morally right and fair to everyone involved?

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Will it take me closer to my long-range goal?

Can I commit myself to start and reach this objective?

Can I see myself attaining this goal?

You should answer yes to each of these questions. If not, re-evaluate!

And then give each goal a final test of the “basic wants” in life:

Will it make me happier?

Will it make me healthier?

Will it make me more prosperous?

Will it increase my security?

Will it help me make more friends?

Will it give me peace of mind?

Will it improve my family (and other) relationships?

Will it increase my hope for the future?

If you can’t answer yes to each of these questions, re-evaluate your goal.

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The Right Mental Attitude

You must develop the right mental attitude on your road to success. Without being overly simplistic, think of “The Little Train Who Could.” Instead of having an “I Can’t” attitude, replace it with an “I Can!” attitude.

A positive outlook is necessary to see change coming, to be able to work with the change, and to make the most of whatever change comes down the pike in your life. If you expect change (but not from a vending machine!), you’ll be in a better position to accept it and make the most of it.

A fabulous book regarding change and positive attitude is “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, MD.

In order to gain right thinking (being positive), you must decide to look at the bright side of life. Instead of seeing the cloud, see the silver lining in the cloud. Instead of seeing downsizing as a horrible thing that will plummet you in to bankruptcy and homelessness, consider it an opportunity to look for a better job and a chance to try new skills and career paths that you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to try before. Don’t be pollyannaish, but do consider all sides of a situation before you adopt a negative perspective.

In order to maintain a positive outlook, you must also be realistic. For example, if you’ve gained 30 pounds in the last 3 years, it would be highly unrealistic to expect to drop those 30 pounds in 3 weeks. If you take an honest and realistic assessment of your skills and goals, you’re much more likely to find success in whatever field or career best suits you.

Maintain a cautious optimism as you seek success, not be blindly optimistic about every situation. There are some situations in which positive thinking cannot overcome the situation you’re faced with.

Consider Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots; he’s a man who’s in excellent shape. But if he decided to trade in his helmet and pads for ballet toe shoes, he likely wouldn’t make it, despite his physique. Blind optimism also puts you at the mercy of con men and charlatans—your optimism must be tempered by context and relevance.

No matter what your abilities are (and they are fabulous!), using them realistically will get you much farther than not. Your right thinking, paired with your abilities, put you on a course for success—no matter what field you’re in!

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The Success Zone

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “in the zone,” particularly as it applies to athletes or others who are unflappable as they eye the goal. Sometimes you can be in the zone regarding your success and nothing gets in your way; other times you can do everything right and find that whatever can go wrong, will. Here are thoughts on building the habit of success and getting “in the zone.”

Achieve Success by Expecting It

You must understand that the path from where you are to where you want to be is not always smooth or straight. When you hit those inevitable bumps in the road, your character, commitment, and attitude will help get you “in the zone” or at least, keep you there.

Success Breeds Success

“Mo.” That shortened word of “mo” speaks of momentum—the ability to continually succeed and build on the past successes you’ve had. Most people understand that when they have one (big or small) success, it encourages them and makes them believe they can do anything. Salespeople know it, and they strive for it.

When you’ve unlocked the key to your success (whatever that may be), you’ll find your “mo” and that nothing can get in your way.

Choosing Success

We all understand that we can choose to be happy or miserable, and that our choices will affect our lives for the better or worse. When you opt to be happy, you choose to identify with the accomplishments in life that exude who you are and who you have striven to be.

You can choose to look on the positive side, just as you can choose success. Remember, success is more than just wealth. Choose the positive side of things and you choose to remember and live your successes, not your failures.

Experts Don’t Know Everything

If you have a plan that seems to go against all the conventional wisdom and yet you know in your soul that this WILL work, then follow your gut instincts. The “experts” are wrong all the time—from medical experts who predict incorrectly to future-trending experts who foretell the wrong trends and costs corporations millions.

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More than 100 years ago, someone wanted to close down the US Patent office because he thought everything that could be invented had been and that no one would need to patent anything else, ever. So don’t listen to the nay sayers and “experts”—sometimes they are dead wrong!

You’re Not Alone

Somewhere on your road to success, you’ll begin to understand that you are really never alone. There are amazing sources of strength and help everywhere you look—you just have to use them. You’ll have to look to find them and then know how to use them, but it beats the heck out of not having them at all!

A team is incredibly important as you walk along your path. You may reap the benefits of success in your world, but you don’t get there alone. The fallacy of the “self-made man” is just that—because everyone is influenced directly and indirectly by scores of people. Let’s look at a list of those involved:

Parents: if they were there to raise you, they had the greatest influence on your life. Feelings of love and security are established early—as early as birth. Children who have parents who love, care for, and protect them gain enormously both psychologically and physiologically.

Teachers: chances are there is a teacher who has made an impression on you that you remember to this day. Positive or negative, there are teachers in our lives who have the power to mold us and shape us. Sometimes we choose paths in response to a negative example a teacher has left us; more often than not, we choose paths that are due to the positive influence they’ve left in our lives.

Friends: the happiest and most successful people tend to have a wide range of friends from different walks of life. They encourage us, lift us up, and are part of an inextricable support system in our lives.

Mentors: smart people who truly desire success find mentors that will walk with them as they traverse their road. Mentors can point out pitfalls and potholes in the road that we might otherwise miss, and their experience and willingness to teach us is an invaluable gift.

Spiritual Leaders: ministers, priests, rabbis, pastors, etc., are in an amazing position to contribute positively and significantly in your life. Their ability to see past the circumstances and share life and light is unparalleled. Having a spiritual leader doesn’t guarantee that you’ll never feel despair, but it does guarantee that you won’t have to go through the dark times alone.

Just as you have a team as you work towards success, you can be a part of someone else’s team as well. Be a friend to someone who is just starting out on the road to success—encourage them, mentor them (if appropriate), and commit to be there for them when they need you. Do the right thing (remember your integrity), and have compassion in all situations. You’ll build your team and your success as you do these things!

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Describing Reality Better Gives Better Control

The better you become at describing reality, the better you will be at controlling it. When you can describe something, you are able to grasp it. There are better and better ways of perceiving something, and there are more and more precise ways of describing something. Rising in awareness, growing in knowledge and raising consciousness is for the purpose of knowing reality through being better at describing it and hence being better at creating and controlling it. Science is about describing reality precisely.

You gain knowledge for the purpose of gaining the power to get what you want. It is about control. Until you are able to control something, you do not know it fully. The reason why we all want to learn anything is so that we can get what we want. Knowledge is the power to get what we want. Science deals with the study and experiment of natural forces so that we can understand them and then control them and use them. Science reaches its master level when it can control a force. To control is to know. The secret of so-called intelligent people lies in their awareness. Clarity of mind is determined by the level of awareness. A sharp intellect on one side and stupidity on the other are not degrees of intellectual development, they’re different levels of awareness. Stupidity is a psychological shield, defending a person from unwanted information: “I don’t want to know anything! Leave me alone already!” A sharp mind is exactly the opposite – openness and the desire to obtain information: “I want to know everything!”

To a varying degree, unawareness sets in when a person does not want to face reality. The desire to walk away from the impending reality, forces the ostrich to hide its head in the sand. It is not possible to completely bury oneself under the covers and fall asleep. So, this person unwillingly attempts to block his perception, thus lowering his degree of awareness. In order to become more aware, one must be willing to face and handle things head on. This is strength attained when one chooses to be strong.

Universal Laws function throughout the universe. When someone turns on a light bulb, they are using the law of electromagnetism. The question “Do Apostles or anyone use Universal Laws?” is meaningless because the whole universe operates by universal laws. It is like asking “Do Christians use science?” Life itself is science. The most essential definition of science is the explanation of how things are. Even the attempt to know God and spiritual things is to know the science of God. It is to know what-is.

The difference is to be conscious of those laws so that we can understand how things work. God did not write the Bible to teach universal laws specifically, but to teach us about who He is as a Person. Science and Universal Laws are meant to be learned through other means such as research and discovery of metaphysics and philosophy. That’s why there’s no such thing as knowing everything from a particular religious text or book. Science from other writings supports knowledge of faith and spiritual things.

To know God from a scientific level is to know God precisely and absolutely. Even different people’s faith is a science unto themselves. There is an aspect of faith and there is an aspect of science, but even this truth is understood within science according to the laws of polarity and rhythm. To know is to know scientifically. Science contains everything because science is Logos and Logos is all things. God = Infinite Intelligence = Divine Order = Logic of All Things = Science. God is Science/Wisdom.

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Science and faith are not contradictory. In fact science actually supports faith. The more you understand faith from a scientific point of view, the better you can exercise it. All spiritual and paranormal phenomena can be scientifically explained in a rational manner; scientific knowledge has not yet progressed far enough to comprehend or explain much of the so-called “supernatural.” But as science discovers the true nature of the universe and the nonphysical dynamics of things, it evolves to a higher order.

Truth is that which unifies. There are common principles that underlie different perspectives and methods of faith. When you discover the underlying principles of all kinds of faith, you discover that which is absolutely true. There is no religion higher than truth. Truth is universal and is omnipresent. If a Truth can be known in one place, it can be known in all places. God is Truth and God is All-That-Is. Since the ultimate nature of reality is that All-Is-One, ultimate truth is harmonizing, integrating and connecting.

There is a principle of magic that states that if you can know the true name of a thing, you can control it. What this really means is that if you know the essence of a thing then you can control all its forms. You can control any aspect of space, matter and time if you know the kind of consciousness or energy that aspect consists of. Your health, finances and relationships are aspects of your consciousness and vibration. By changing the correct area of your inner world, you will create a change in the outer.

Reliability and consistency comes from having structure and form. It is form that allows the formless to express itself through. There are formulas that describe all things in the universe in exact order. Reliability and consistency are the keys to workability, and in order to have them, structure is necessary. Science provides that structure and experiments express scientific results in repeatable and consistent fashion. Rituals in magic are for the same purpose. What’s quantified can be put to practical use.

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Persistence of Will Manifests What You Desire

All of reality is mental and the will is the ruling faculty of the mind. Therefore the will is the governing force of all manifestation. It’s a law of nature that every demand, silent or spoken, brings its supply of the thing wished for in proportion to the intensity of the wish. It’s an inevitable law of nature that what the human mind demands, that in time gets. The first step to achieving anything is by having a strong demand for it. To strongly demand is to be fully intentional. It is to have your whole being aligned towards it.

In a system of one, you are the giver and the receiver. You are the source and the vessel. It is the law of nature that every earnest call is answered, and an earnest demand or prayer for anything always brings the needed supply. The key word here is earnest. To be earnest is to have full seriousness of intention or purpose. It is to demand serious attention towards something that is seriously important. All you have to do is to be in that state of serious intent and you will send out a strong vibe that attracts it. Express what you want in no half hearted manner. Be fully intentional. Half hearted intention brings half hearted results. Whole hearted intent beings full and overflowing results. The most important person to express it to is yourself. You do not need to express your whole intention to others so as not to create expectation. All you need to do is to express what you want to yourself, and saying nothing to others, but just work fully at it. Super achievers are the doers, more than talkers in the whole of society.

Wish for what you desire with a determination both willed and expressed to get it. Have the thought that you are willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. You do not actually have to do anything but the very state of being where you are poised to act if inspired to, will send out a force that manifests what you want even when no actual physical action is taken. You can act when you know there’s something you can do. But when there’s nothing to do the readiness to act emits the energy of intent.

The great secret of power is concentration. Many people apply the power of intention in ways that do not get them the strongest results. That is because they use power for many different things instead of focusing all power towards one thing. Do not divide your forces on two or more desires but concentrate all day upon a single desire. It doesn’t matter if you have other desires to focus on. The fascinating thing is that when you focus on the most important desire, the other desires will also be taken care of.

Have one goal in mind whether be it a financial goal, a business goal, a relationship goal and fully determine to have it. You want to channel your power only in a single area to make a total success before moving on to the next goal. There are times when you may have to switch between goals, but that’s ok as long as you maintain focus back on your dominant goal in the moment. Select a dominant goal and be sure about it and do not waver from it until you have accomplished it the way you really want it.

The attractive force of desire starts the object of your desire toward you, and your unwavering determination and concentration all day brings it into visibility. Remember that the intensity is the attracter of the chaos field that pulls atom and molecules together and weave them into form. By stopping the determination, you disperse the field that was being built up, and hence

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the thing does not fully form. Keep at it and whatever that is needed to bring it into fruition will come together and manifestation occurs.

The key here is to persevere until the last moment. Genius is often perseverance in disguise. Great ideas do not come into actualization unless there is force of will behind them all the way. The will and the intellect are one. Develop both to enhance each other. Many give up at the moment right before their success was about to materialize. Success is achieved by those who persisted all the way through. The universe often opens up to someone who has determined to do whatever it takes to achieve a desire.

All of creation is based on desire. The desire is the thing itself. The astral plane is the plane of desire. It is the plane by which thought takes on more substantial form with the energy of desire before materializing in physical time and space. You must imbue your thought with the feeling of desire. That is when you turn a mere idea into reality. What we desire is already given. We just have to realize it and receive it though the energy of intent. Take or be poised to take inspired action with desire to materialize it.

The urge of life which presses upon the consciousness as desire is always urge, and as a consequence must be followed with fulfillment. So do not try to suppress your urge by thinking it is a feeling of wanting. There are two kinds of wanting. The first kind is when you want something but feel you can’t seem to have it. There is resistance. The second kind is when you want something but feel that you can have it and will do whatever it takes to have it. There is strong motive force to move on towards a result.

The time of manifestation depends a great deal on the constant and vivid imaging of the thing desired. The will always yields to the imagination. You are not acting against your will when you do things that are in a state of acting if. Have in mind the results that you could manifest and the things you could do if necessary to achieve them. This imagining is the clear idea of how you could attain what you want. Having clarity is what brings your desire into manifesting fully as the consciousness behind it is sharper.

Our Greatest Desire is to Be Conscious Creators

As you live your life on earth, you always incorporate an expectation. You know what to expect, you know your direction, and you know what you want. But the greater desire is to be aware and to be intentionally directing and creating what you want. In other words, your greatest desire in this physical realm of existence is not just to experience, but to be a conscious creator. Your greatest desire is to be enlightened. You wish to know who you really are and what you can do and how to go about doing it.

You can think of many, many, many expressions that you want, but in relation to any of them the desire to be intentionally creating and aware of creating is greater than any of the individual wants that you may want to create. You may want a job, you may want to engage a particular activity, you may want to create a relationship, or you may want to create money, which are all valid. But the greater want is to understand and know HOW to be directing yourself intentionally to create those WHEN you want. Therefore, in that greater desire, you yourself shall present to yourself the opportunity to become more familiar with yourself by identifying what is the most influencing of you that prevents you from creating what you want. Many times, those things preventing you are what you call truths. Therefore, yourself

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shall present many different expressions and scenarios in which you can offer a showing to yourself of your truths and how they are influencing. This is to help you change your truths into better ones.

Pay attention to what you are doing – this is the official formula. Paying attention to what you are doing is the way to be conscious. Pay attention to what you are thinking, pay attention to what you are feeling, pay attention to what you are saying, and pay attention to what actions you are making. Observe how they relate to the results that you experience. Do not be unconscious about how your success and failures are created. Otherwise you will always be uncertain as to what causes leads to what effects.

Confusion and clarity are the two polarities. Confusion is the result of being unconscious whereas clarity is the result of being conscious. If you want to live life with clarity, you must become conscious by paying attention. Many people live much of their lives in confusion because they do not pay attention and therefore aren’t conscious. They are oblivious as to how they’re creating their reality and tend to feel that most things happen to them beyond their control. They are victims rather than conscious creators.

In actuality, the principles of creating your reality are quite simple. As much as you enjoy complicating them, they are actually quite simple. It is merely a matter of genuinely noticing and paying attention to what you are doing. When you are conscious of what causes creates what like effects, you will discover the universal principles. The knowledge of reality can be obtained either by higher inspiration or by examination of experiences. After all it has been said that the unexamined life is not worth living.

There is universal and individual reality. You may know the universal laws, but in order to apply them into specific situations in your life in specific ways, you have to pay attention to your actions and the results they produce. There is no short cut. You have to do the work of paying attention, learning from results and figuring out the reasons for the situations. The more attention you pay, and the more precise you are about how you discern your experiences, the faster you will learn the ultimate truths of reality.

The path of pragmatism is – if it works, it is right. If it does not work, it is wrong and there are no other considerations. Many people are blinded by their beliefs, paradigms and religious teachings. They choose to see only from their particular paradigm even when contrary events point to the opposite of their truths. Paying attention to what you are doing and the results obtained, is the only way to realize the ultimate truths of reality and to redefine your paradigms and truths into something much more actual.

There is only One Actuality although there are many realities. Everybody has a reality, but there is One Actuality that governs all realities. The One Actuality is the plane of absolute truth and principles. People can interpret experiences in their realities in many ways, but when it comes to the One Actuality, the principles will always cause exact results regardless of interpretation. The only way to know Actuality is to observe actions and corresponding results. It is to be objective to know the objective reality.

Why do we desire to be conscious creators more than anything else? It is because the greatest power is when you can be, do or have anything you want simply because you know how to and the exact steps and factors involved. It is all about knowledge, and knowledge is power. You gain knowledge by learning from teachings and you gain knowledge by learning from experience. The teachings give you the guideline and the map, but paying attention to your experiences is the way to know the actual territory.

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Freedom based on knowledge is always greater than freedom based on ignorance. You can be free because you are not aware of many things and are therefore not at all concerned about them. But that kind of freedom is an illusion, and illusions can be enjoyable. This is the greatest snare of all. People who are in a prison willingly and not seeing it as a prison at all. The only true freedom is Conscious Freedom. To live is to be conscious, and the only life worth living is the life of freedom based on awareness.

Knowledge Has All Substance and Is Everything

Pure universal knowledge includes everything. If you are adhering to one line of thought, one mode of thinking, one idea structure, and excluding all others, then you are not having pure knowledge. Spirit is identified with the Cosmos itself. The authority to discover God is within the power of each individual and they are encouraged to make direct and personal observations. There is no limit to knowledge, which means all that can be conceived by the human mind, and even more, is not only possible, but real.

The only defense needed is knowledge. Knowledge defends you against every possible form of harm in existence. The more knowledge you have, the less fear you have, the less pain you have, the less stress you feel, the less anguish you feel, and the less danger you experience of any form or sort. There is no limitation in the concept behind the word knowledge. Therefore the value of the word “knowledge” is infinite. You could think of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation. Think of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form. This includes knowledge learned from books. This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word. This one word carries so much meaning. You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. When you know, you can do. All you need is to have knowledge.

If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. It is because the more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness. Your consciousness controls.

Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence. It includes adding everything to one’s being that is desirable. Truly understand that the light is knowledge. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Knowledge is true.

Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information which is not knowledge. There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection, all the protection you could ever need. More knowledge protects against all kinds of deception.

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There are many teachings proclaiming that Love is the key, the answer. They say that illumination and knowledge and everything else can all be achieved through love. The problem is not the term “love,” but the problem is the interpretation of the term. The essence of light which is knowledge is love, and this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. To love you must know. To know is to have light. To have Light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

The key is that it is all illusion. The one who put the illusion in place is The Creator, Your True Self. The universe is merely a school. And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why everything exists. There is no other reason. When an individual understands that statement to its greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined. And, for one moment, which lasts for all eternity, that individual knows absolutely everything that there is to know. Truly the path to illumination is knowledge and not love.

Reason has no bounds. In a man the growth of reason consists in the growth of the intellect and in the accompanying growth of higher emotions: aesthetic, religious, moral, which as they grow, become more and more intellectualized. At the same time the intellect becomes impregnated with emotionality. Thus spirituality is the merging together of the intellect and the higher emotions, the emotions are spiritualized from the intellect. Spirituality is not opposed to intellectuality or emotionality but a merging.

How does one obtain truth? How does one differentiate between knowledge of Light and knowledge that leads to darkness? It is by the gaining and gathering knowledge of every form and sort. All sciences and arts are of value in increasing knowledge if they are approached with the intention of knowing Divine knowledge. For, in truth, all knowledge is Divine. Knowing all is knowing God. The more knowledge you have of the matters of your world, the greater you prepare yourself to receive Divine Knowledge. Truth always leads to expansion of consciousness.

Learning is necessary for progress of soul. It builds your power center. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if they know how. Each level of knowledge that we acquire prepares us for the next level, and the next, and so on. Those who seek to know things that they have no preparation to receive are subject to confusion. There’s no need to fear the absorption of false information when you’re simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. Truth is the only value at the highest levels.

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Mentality of the Best is Not like The Rest

The best think differently from the way most people think. If you want to become the best, you must be willing to think opposite of conventional wisdom. What seems like the right thing to do for most people is actually not so for those who are elite. Those that do things apart from the average are the ones who get exceptional results. That is why there is a need to defy consensus reality for the purpose of achieving that which is far above the expectation of the norm. The mentality of the best is not like the rest.

You cannot learn from the mentality of someone who isn’t the best if you want to be the best. You may know people who are better than others in certain things in life. But they will only be able to teach you according to the level which they have attained. The very same mentality that sets them above those who are below them is also the same mentality that limits them. In those instances where you want to achieve beyond their level, you must reject their ideas regarding those areas so as to be not limited.

Even people who have obtained a certain measure of achievement are also governed by a limiting set of beliefs that keep them where they are. If you want to surpass them in those areas, you must transcend their limited way of thinking. Fundamental beliefs are the foundation which governs how a person looks at everything else. Two people with different fundamental beliefs will see and interpret everything else differently from each other. This is usually the cause of conflict regarding reasoning and perspective. The key here is not to convince a person about something better when they are reasoning from their level of mentality. Just understand that they are kept back according to their level of mentality and unless their rise to a higher level of seeing things, their way of reasoning will not change. What you can do is to keep your focus on people who are of a higher level of mentality and achievement. That way you can enable yourself to be unaffected by those who are of lower mentality while advancing even higher.

The wise are different from the average or foolish. But the super wise may seem just like the foolish in some ways. Yet the super wise achieve far greater results than both the foolish and the wise. That is because the super wise are of a mentality that is even higher than the wise. A lower level of wisdom is as foolishness compared with a higher level. Therefore conventional wisdom is actually foolishness for the super wise. When you are super wise, you would think differently from what people think as wise.

The rich do many things differently from the average or poor. But the super rich may do certain things that the poor do and yet they achieve far greater wealth than the rich. It is the mentality of the super rich that sets them apart from the rich. What the rich consider as liabilities may be considered to be assets by the super rich because they view financial intelligence from an even greater perspective than the rich. If you want to become super rich, you must intend to learn from the super rich instead of the rich.

There are people in this world who attain the kind of success, happiness and power that is far beyond the majority including those who are wealthy and successful. These people are rare and the knowledge that sets them apart is not contained in most books on wealth and success. You have to find and learn from those books that contain knowledge which surpass other forms of knowledge if you want to attain the mentality of such people. Realize that when it comes to the best, it is not enough to be good.

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A person’s mentality may get them a certain amount of results. But that same mentality may be what is keeping them from greater results. In order to achieve even more, they must take on a greater mentality. Some people are unwilling to do it because it may go against their current mentality. That is the paradox of advancement. Going to a higher level may seem like going to a lower one. But the rules of a higher level can be totally different from the lower level. Break the rules to get a different level of results.

Wisdom of a higher level tends to run contrary to common wisdom. Higher ways of thinking may often be counter intuitive. What seems like the way to do things may not be so at a higher level. What doesn’t seem like the way to do things may very well be the way to do it according to higher wisdom. The level of consciousness which you operate with will determine the level of results you can create. Few people choose to think in counter intuitive ways. That is why the few are super wise and super wealthy.

All the reasoning does not matter if you are reasoning from a lower level of perspective. You must first raise yourself to a higher level of perspective and then reason from that level if you want to make real progress. Overcoming limitations is the way of true growth. Your income and success can only expand to the degree that you do. The expansion of self is the expansion of mentality. The greater your mentality, the greater you will be. Grow in mentality and all else about you will automatically be upgraded.

The fastest way to achieve the best kind of results is to go straight for the best and learn from them. You do not have to learn from one successful person to the next. Find the most successful ones and discover their mentality. Observe the way they think and do things. In areas where others surpass them, learn that from others instead. The key is to combine what’s best from all the best and use it to achieve the best for yourself. Success is found in wisdom, so learn from those with the highest wisdom of all.

No One Else can take Your Place in This world

There is only one you. There is no one else like you and there will never ever be anyone else like you. You have a gift to offer that can touch the world in a way that no other person’s gift can do. It is not the gift but it is you. The whole world would be denied experience of that gift without you. No one else can take the place that God has purposed for you to express the uniqueness and beauty of you. God never create extras or substitutes. Every person is significant in their contribution no matter what it is. God has a special purpose for you that only you can fulfill. You were created specially for it and all the talents, giftings and even your entire unique personality was given for the fulfillment of that purpose. The fulfillment of your dream, the resources and all the opportunities have been reserved for you and you alone. No one else can take them away from you or cause you to lose your place. It is always there waiting and all you have to do is open up yourself to receiving it by following your heart’s desire. If you look at all the products in the world, you will see that there is only one product of its kind. Each has its own unique packaging, style, name, brand, design, quality and characteristics. No two products are identical even though they are being promoted to the same market. Each product would be made perfectly just for a particular person or group of people. There is always room for your unique product or service in this world. We would never know what yours is if you never allowed yourself to bring it.

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The trouble with what most people are doing is that they are following what someone else is doing and trying to be like that person. Just because that person is successful in his or her own way, it doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to do it exactly the same way to get exactly the same kind of results. Your way of doing things and your kind of results are yours alone. The people who are truly successful, happy and fulfilled expressed their own way rather than follow the identical steps of another. The best gift that you could ever offer to this world is yourself. You are a unique expression of God and by giving what is uniquely yours, you are allowing the rest of us to experience an aspect of God that is unlike any other. Everyone is born original but most people die copies. Be yourself rather than trying to be like somebody else. Express the uniqueness of who you are. Expressing true originality in this world is rarer than we think it is. Those who have the courage to be are the legends we remember. Not everyone may accept or appreciate what you do but there are those who will. You are not here to please men but to please God, which is the spirit that is seeking expression through you. When you try to please others you will never be truly happy. That is because you are distorting yourself to fit into what is supposed to be acceptable to others rather than expressing purely that which you are, and in the form that you truly desire to express. When you please God, you would be truly happy. We think that if we are going to do what many people are already doing, then we are competing with them. That is why we look for a less competitive market rather than doing what we truly desire to be doing. The truth is there is no competition. You are not competing against each other. You are actually promoting each other because you help introduce each others unique products into new markets. You are all truly working for the same purpose which is the highest good of all. We’re here working for God. You don’t have to worry that other people’s products or services are better than yours, and therefore you feel less qualified to offer yours to the world. Do not compare yourself and what you have to offer with anyone else. There is no better or worse product in this world if it is created from the heart. It is just different, and the difference of each product is what enables it to make a difference in this world. Seek to be the best you can be. No one else can do what you do therefore yours is the best uniquely. The greatest people cannot be compared with anyone else because they express their own uniqueness and their own gifts to the best of their abilities, that they are completely in a league of their own. People seek them for who they are rather than how much better they are compared with others. To everyone, such people are the best the way they are. If you allow all that you are to shine in the brightest way, there is room for the whole world to experience and enjoy what you offer to the greatest degree. You will never create the way someone else creates, and no one else would create the way you do either. Even if you and someone else are doing the same things, you will both reach two different audiences. You are able to reach a different group of people that others are not able to reach because of your unique way of expressing things. The combined influence that you both have on different audiences will help elevate the well being of the world to a higher level. You are both synergistically helping people. The beautiful thing of it all is that there is only one. We are all one being expressing itself in different unique forms. Everyone else is an aspect of yourself. You are the one that creates the intention and the one that fulfils it. Whenever you feel a desire to create something for this world, there is someone or a group of people already desiring for someone to create it. For every person who has something to sell, there is a person who is looking to buy it. We are all one fulfilling each others intentions and desires.

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Super Genius Level of Intelligence and Qualities

The level of Super Genius is far higher than the genius level because super genius contains Transcendental Genius. Genius may understand the highest levels of physics in this realm, but Super Genius understands higher dimensional physics and philosophy. A super genius’s thoughts are transcendent and higher than that of a genius. In order to truly be super genius, one must also be able to think at the genius level. One must be able to think in terms of physics, mathematics, geometry, forces, mechanics, dynamics, principles, laws and insights. Then one can think of those things at a higher level which is the super genius level.

A Super Genius has an Integrative Mindset. They know that there is a need to integrate knowledge from various sources. Complete perspective is complete understanding and truth. Every piece of the puzzle is important. Complete truth is the integration of all truth. More information about the Integrative Mindset can be found in Mind Reality.

A Super Genius is able to do Polarity Thinking. They know that all truth is but half truth. They can see how things are dual and unified at the same time. They are able to switch between two seemingly opposite ways of thinking and yet hold them together and operate in accordance with situation, timing and appropriates of their application. Just because you come to learn of a truth that is opposite of the first doesn’t mean you must exclude the first. Both can be used at different context of workability.

Super Geniuses have Multidimensional Perspective. They can see things from multiple angles and yet know that there are varying degrees of truth in all those angles of perception at the same time. They are not limited with seeing things from only one point of view.

A Super Genius has the mentality of Getting to the Essence and the Core. Everything has a core; the core leads to everything else. The core is the purest structure within all structures. It is essence structure. Everything can be defined to the core. All things have their most simplified and concise state. Everything is unified and simplified. A Super Genius has a Very Wide Range of Awareness. Intelligence is an all-encompassing factor. It doesn’t include only certain types or certain levels. A Super Genius incorporates ALL LEVELS, from level 1 to level 7 of intelligence. A Super Genius sees from the “All-Mind” and incorporates all perspectives both light and dark, and plays the entire range of densities from the lower to the higher. Being able to play at all levels whether directly or indirectly is the key to being All-Powerful.

A Super Genius is on a Continual Ascension of Intelligence. The best is getting better, and the highest is going higher still. Always advance to the next level in your understanding of things. Be willing to refine your thinking and shift paradigms. Be formless, be changeable structure.

Super geniuses are beyond titles which is why they usually don’t have any. They are much too important to fit into the responsibilities and expectations of the roles by which the titles convey. Even super genius Christians transcend the title of pastor. All Christians have the fivefold ministry of being pastors, apostles, evangelists, teachers and prophets. Super geniuses might not have a specific title but they do incorporate all qualities that titles convey. A super genius might not be an artist but he does art, might not be a doctor but knows medicine, is not called a businessman, but does business, might not be a musician, but knows music, etc.

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You might not find any super genius in any specific roles as they transcend all mortal roles. They have the freedom to operate with maximum freedom from the formless state that they are in and execute the functions of any state at will from time to time to the extent by entering into it temporarily or by influencing those holding such titles.

Super geniuses might have identities but not titles. A title is a professionally recognized name by the world. An identity is a more casual type of name that anybody can call another or themselves. The identity that super geniuses have would be the identity of genius, wise man, brilliant mind, etc. A super genius might have a title of teacher once, but when he moves to the next level, he transcends it. Because being a teacher might mean that one always need to teach. One who is not called a teacher can teach whenever they want to and can also don’t teach for any length of time. Super genius moves beyond all titles and names.

Super geniuses tend to be invisible. They rule from behind the scenes. They transcend this world and they are too high for the day to day operations that many take part in. They make use of systems and people to do the legwork and brainwork. Their focus is on self growth and graining greater awareness. They understand the principle of non-interference and therefore they know that they do not have to seek to help others but to help themselves and let others help themselves. Each creates their own reality. By focusing of their own self growth, they influence and benefit humanity on a grand scale in consciousness through their universal link. This is to do with the 100 monkeys’ syndrome.

Geniuses contribute to humanity at the highest level through original thoughts and ideas rather that perpetuating what is already there which is what anyone can do. Super Geniuses have even greater range in doing so. They also know that higher knowledge is not for the masses and therefore they do not need to become the most popular or the most famous in regards to the higher stuff that they do. They are too high to require intense recognition from this world as the regard of mass life in this world do not matter to them. They don’t waste time trying to propound their message to everybody, but they leave it behind through materials such as writings, and they share it personally only with certain worthy people. To create the highest change in society is to change it at the level of the mind, of understanding and thinking.

They also establish maximum freedom in their life by not being tied down in leadership positions in government, business or family life. They have the least amount of scheduled or routine operations that even the halfway intelligent are tied to. They make sure that they have maximum freedom of choice at every point in time. Their freedom is maximized for the purpose of intelligent thinking and interactions with intelligent people. They are too high to conform to anything mundane that takes away freedom. They also have the ability to perceive intelligence or potential intelligence in others even when it is shrouded from the view of people in general.

What is mentioned about titles, roles, visibility, fame and positions are just guidelines and not absolute rules about Super Genius. Only what is described about the mentality and mindset are the absolute rules about what it means to be truly Super Genius. Super Genius may hold any title, participate in any role, be as visible, be as famous as they want, and choose to take on responsibilities in government, business or family life. But they do it all on their own terms, and they arrange everything in such a way that it still upholds their highest value of freedom to live their lives as they wish, and according to their own judgments of what is the best way for them.

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Although there are two different definitions of Level 6 intelligence according to the Seven Levels of Intelligence in Mind Reality, having Conscious and Cosmic Intelligence does not necessarily make one a Super Genius. The various qualities that have been described here about the Super Genius level of intelligence form the more complete picture. The more of these various aspects one has, the more Super Genius they are.

This is the “Most Powerful” type of Information. The entire work of Mind Reality is the work of Super Genius.

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Law of Sowing and Reaping is Secret of Wealth

Other than having wealth consciousness, what is the reason why some people prosper more than others?

The answer is one word: Sowing

The real secret is this, it is not just sowing anywhere, but it is sowing specifically into the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said “Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for MY NAME’S SAKE, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”

Whatever you give for the sake of Jesus, and for the Gospel, you will receive a multiplied return. It is because you are helping further the work of the Lord God in this world. Of course, you might say that the universal law of giving and receiving would mean that you could give to anywhere and receive a return. But this is DIFFERENT. Jesus himself said whatever you give for “His Name’s Sake.” It has a much greater effect when you give specifically to places that minister the Gospel of salvation.

Whether you are a believer in Jesus Christ or not, you can sow into His Kingdom and be blessed. The LORD said “Them that honour me I will honour.”

Once you have sown, expect to receive a harvest. If you practice God’s Law of Sowing and Reaping by sowing and expecting to reap a harvest, and then sowing out of that harvest and reaping from it, and sowing again, etc, you will experience a life of more and more abundance!

The act of sowing and the EXPECTATION of receiving a harvest is the important thing. You must sow and you must mentally reap, in order to reap.

If you have not been giving your tithe to the Kingdom of God, then do so. The tithe is one tenth of all your increase. Give a tenth of your income this month to God with a consciousness of receiving much more, and see what happens.

Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

If you have been giving your tithe, then give an offering beyond that and see what happens.

2 Corinthians 9:6 “He who sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”

Tithing is the greatest insurance ever because it places your financial affairs into the Kingdom of God. Sowing is the greatest investment ever because “To him who sows righteousness is a sure reward.” Both

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tithing and sowing causes you to reap many spiritual blessings into many areas of you life including finances. When you place your money into God’s kingdom, God has the spiritual authority to bless you, and to protect you financially and in many other ways. This works in accordance with Law of Attraction, Law of Agreement (Co-Creation) and Law of Association (Sympathetic Magic).

If you have already been giving your tithe, and you have also been giving your offering beyond the tithe, then on top of all these, try giving DIRECTLY to a minister of God whether he/she is a pastor/preacher/evangelist of the church you attend, or serving God elsewhere.

There are TWO Criteria to determine the PLACE or the PERSON you sow into. You must sow into GOOD GROUND if you want your sowing to be effective.

1. The first criterion is internal: You must sow where God inspires you to sow, meaning you would have an inner feeling of “wanting to” sow to this place or this person.

2. The second criterion is external: You must sow where you can visibly see or feel the grace of God, or the glory of God manifesting in that place or that person. You can SEE and FEEL God’s favor, grace or glory being present in that MINISTRY or MINISTER Clearly. If you can see that place or that person in a position where God is already blessing them and working in that area, then sow into that grace/glory and you will receive from that same grace/glory that place or person is having.

Remember that in this world, money is power. With money, many things are possible. If you sow your money/power into the Kingdom of God, you are connecting with God’s Power/Glory/Wealth and will receive more of the same in your life. Although God is Almighty and can use His Power to do anything, God works through People. He created us to co-create with us. That’s why although God has everything, we express our connection to Him by giving to Him and He uses it and blesses us in return.

So to sum it up: 1. Give to God because God works by co-creating with us by using what we give and blessing us in return. 2. Give specifically to places or people that promote the Gospel because Jesus said “For My Name’s Sake”. 3. Give especially to places and people where you can CLEARLY see and feel God’s favor/grace/glory present there. 4. Give one tenth of your income as the tithe, give beyond the tithe as an offering, and beyond giving to a church, give also directly to the minister. 5. Get into reaping mode and expect a harvest of multiplied return to come your way.

Three powerful ways to give beyond normal tithing and offering in church: 1. Give money directly to a pastor or preacher. Sow directly into his life and you reap from the spiritual blessings that are upon him. 2. Give to a Church Building Fund. Build God’s house and God builds your house. 3. Give money to support a cause that brings the Gospel to the Jews. The gospel is to the Jews first, and then to the Gentiles. Spiritual blessings are accelerated when you bless God’s earthly covenant people. Go ahead, try giving in all these 3 areas mentioned and see the difference!

Why is it good to sow more than 10 percent of your income? It is because some of the financial increase that comes into your life may not be in the form of money, but in other things such as receiving a car, house, jewelry or some other asset as a gift from someone else. When you convert those things into money later on, you could also tithe on that money. But if you already tithe on it beforehand, then that giving becomes an offering instead of a tithe. Either way, it is always better to sow more than 10 percent; 20 percent would be a good figure; and also to even give on top of that. Try the combination of

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tithing 10 percent for tangible monetary increase, giving another 10 percent for intangible monetary increase, and giving another 10 percent as an offering or seeding. That makes a total combination of 30 percent of your income. Also only give when you have the faith or can feel good with the amount you are giving. You can increase the percentage as you become more able.

Sowing and Reaping is the reason why many people prosper greatly in this world, even though they might give you many other reasons for their wealth. UNDERLYING it all, it is their sowing, whether they mention it or not.

Sowing is also the Key to making the two principles of Think and Grow Rich work for you. The two principles of Think and Grow Rich are:

1. Desiring to have money, or “Money Consciousness”.

2. Expecting to receive that money, and KNOWING it is yours to possess.

Sowing enables you to get into Reaping mode (Money Consciousness), and expecting to receive a harvest with the KNOWING that God will give it to you.

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should change his mind: has he said, and shall he not do it? Or has he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”

Sowing into the Kingdom of God is not just a physical but a SPIRITUAL thing. It will facilitate in ACTIVATING in your Consciousness certain Vibrations of Desiring and Expectation/Knowing of greater wealth/abundance in your life MUCH MORE powerfully and easily than if you were to do it without sowing. Sowing and Reaping is God’s Spiritual Law and will work in you in spiritual ways if you act in accordance with this Law. This creates changes in Consciousness which creates changes in your external world.

When you tithe or sow into the kingdom of God, you open up the energy flow for more abundance to come in. You are blessed with spiritual blessings. Spiritual is energetic. Being able to attract and create money requires energy. You will be blessed with situations, things and people that will bring you joy, love and happiness. This will cause you to perform better at work, function better and achieve more. You will be blessed with the feelings of motivation, enthusiasm, aliveness, and vitality.

Your consciousness will be raised to a higher vibratory rate. You will have creativity and ideas that make your life better, or provide some use that will benefit you in some way that lead to increased abundance. The right energies will come to make you more magnetic to abundance. Opportunities will come your way, doors will open, and grace and favor will be upon you. There will be more ease and effortlessness. Your actions will reap bigger or better results. You will be guided in the right way. All the things that support your abundance will be present. Even resources, things and money will be supplied to you. All these things will lead to your increase in abundance.

Another way to empower your giving is to combine intent with action. Ask God to bless your your financial gift, and also to bless the person or place you give it to. Give with the intent to bless, and feel it. Combining positive feelings of love and goodwill with your giving will energize your gift with power that will be reflected back towards you from above. Bless others and you bless yourself.

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Sowing into God’s kingdom is also how you show that you love God more than money. Money is good, but God is the Total Good. Nothing wrong with loving money, but it is important to love God more than money. Loving money more than God is the root of all evil, because that is not the natural order of things. What you give to God becomes included in the Total Good. God’s spiritual law of Sowing and Reaping is how you make use of money in a godly manner. If the primary portion is holy, the whole is holy.

God’s Law of Sowing and Reaping also works in accordance with the Law of Attraction (Like Attracts Like), which is why it is logical. The Personal Aspect of God works in accordance with the Universal. You get what you give. Want more wealth? Start sowing today in accordance with the principles listed here, and reap likewise!

Along with Wealth Consciousness, Sowing and Reaping (Especially into God’s Kingdom) is the greatest secret of wealth ever revealed.

Truth about Giving and How Wealth is Attained

Wealth is created by two or three things. The two things are will and desire, and the third is belief. All you need is a very strong desire to attain wealth coupled with intensely willing it to come to pass for you. You also need to have a certain amount of right beliefs for it such as believing it can happen, and that you are worthy of possessing it. Will and desire are the only two things you need to focus on actually as they are natural and you can have a maximum of these two. It is ok to have conflicting beliefs but as long as you focus on will and desire for wealth and be single minded towards it, you will attain it. Concentrating your mind on it is all you need to get there.

You can never get great wealth simply by giving alone. Wealth is gotten by receiving. Everything is created by intention. Giving is an external action. Intention is an internal action. You can go nowhere with giving alone. But you can go anywhere with intention alone. If you want great wealth, you must put in intention and energy.

Where does giving play a part and how should you give then? It is very simple. You should never give anywhere except primarily to areas where you have a very strong and direct personal interest in. The first and foremost place to give to is yourself. The really rich and successful people give to themselves first and primarily. That is why they possess such great wealth and attainment. You would never find a stronger motivation for attaining wealth than for the purpose of giving it to yourself. That is an absolute truth that knows no deviation. Your ability to attain great wealth and to give everything that is necessary for it would only happen when you have a very strong motivation for it. That strong motivation only comes from personal interest in the thing by which you are getting wealth for. It would cause you to take all that you can.

The first place to give money to is to yourself and that which you have the most direct personal interest in. The first portion of your wealth should go to tithing because you honor the Lord with the first fruits of your increase, and when the first fruit is holy, the rest is holy. But the tithe is all that is needed, and nothing more. Your next area of giving should not be to charity, or to any other philanthropic activity.

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Your next area of giving must be to your personal needs, your immediate family needs, to your own project or vision. Once your own needs or immediate family needs, and your own personal goals, projects and vision are given to, then should you consider giving to anything else. Give intelligently and give with alignment. Intelligence and alignment are the two most important factors that govern everything you do. It applies to the area of giving as well.

Your own personal goals and family are where you have the most direct personal interest in. You would never be as motivated in giving as much as you can to these areas as any other areas in life. This is the whole reason why most people fail in attaining great wealth when they focus on giving only and not on receiving, and on giving first to areas that are not where they have most direct personal interest in.

It is not the action of giving, but the feeling that comes from giving, which is supposed to be the feeling of freedom or of expecting to receive a return of prosperity that is the true cause of prosperity. This feeling can be attained without an external action of giving at all but by simply through an internal action of thought. Actions are the form, feelings are the essence. Actions are merely a way to give form to essence, but the feeling itself is everything.

The most important thing is to give where you have alignment with giving. If there is a lack of alignment, do not give or do not give more than you actually wish to. Alignment is what empowers your giving to be blessed for you. Inspired giving means giving what you feel like giving and when you feel like giving. When the desire or impulse to give is there, that’s when you give. When you give without being inspired to, there is no alignment, and the giving feels grudging. When you give in an inspired way, you would be giving the right amount, at the right time, to the right place. Uninspired giving would be the wrong amount, at the wrong time or to the wrong place.

Freely have you received and therefore freely shall you give. Freely means it is an open feeling, your energy is allowing and without resistance. Giving and receiving are Yin and Yang. Like a radio receiver, you tune in to the frequency of abundance and allow yourself to resonate with it. When you give, you do so with a feeling of openness and non-grudging, non-resistant way. Like intention, you give and then you let go of your giving. This feeling of letting go is what enables you to be free and energetically open.

Under grace, you receive all virtue and the right to attain good as a free gift from God. You receive all good things also under grace. To receive is to take. You simply focus on receiving all the God given virtue or righteousness, and all the good things of grace for yourself. When you give to anywhere else, it is to bless, and it is purely a choice. You give to bless when you choose to. Your main form of giving should be the giving of your time, actions and energy into attaining the things that you want for yourself.

Some say because it is more blessed to give than receive, so perhaps to be truly blessed we ought to look outside ourselves. The truth is that there is nothing outside the Self because all are aspects of the Self. Everything is within, there is no outside. Giving and receiving are two polarities of the same thing. What you give, you are giving to yourself. To give in ways that are truly blessed is to give in ways that benefit both giver and receiver. It means to give in ways that truly make you happy. Love, appreciation and giving are the same thing!

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Seven Levels of Intelligence and Three Types of Genius

The seventh level of intelligence is the highest level which is the level of Infinite Intelligence. It is the level of God or All-That-Is. It is being all knowing. Infinite Intelligence is the highest, it is the all, and at the same time it is you and I. It occupies all levels. From that level, there is no comparison with higher or lower because All-Is-One. Humans and all other conscious beings can evolve more and more towards becoming All Knowing or Infinite Intelligence. It is to return to oneness, to God.

The first level of intelligence is the level of being smart. People who are smart are those that know certain things that enable them to use their energy effectively to accomplish certain things that they want or are beneficial to them. The first criteria of knowing whether you are smart or not is that: if you have to ask the question, chances are you aren’t. Smart people know and acknowledge that they are smart. Being at this level is already above the vast majority of the common people.

The second level of intelligence is the level of being intelligent. There is a difference between being smart and being intelligent. Being smart means you just know certain things to act successfully. Being intelligent means you actually seek to understand what you know and the way things work. The thinking pattern is at a different level. An intelligent person questions, inquires and enquires. There is a quality of “brightness” and “sharpness” to their mind or thinking.

The third level of intelligence is the level of being super smart. When a person is super smart, they are much more powerful than everyone else who is smart or intelligent. Super smart people obtain peak positions in this world in terms of power, success and wealth. They are the leaders in different fields, or captains of industry. Being super smart is a higher level than being intelligent because intelligence is all about getting results no matter what level it is at, and a super smart person can achieve much more results than all other smart and intelligent people can.

The fourth level of intelligence is the level of being super intelligent. The level of super intelligence is the most powerful level in this dimension of reality called the physical world. One is an Apex Being at this level. Being super intelligent means one’s thinking capability and ability to understand is so high that it supersedes all other levels of intelligence below it. A super smart person is still susceptible to falling into certain traps of falsehood or mind manipulation by masters in this world, but a super intelligent person is more able to withstand this manipulation and rise above it. In other words, their bullshit detector is many times more attuned than a super smart person.

The fifth level of intelligence is the level of being a genius. A genius is someone who is able to think at such a high order that he/she comes up with a unique and original idea that elevates the thinking of humanity to the next level. They are able to come up with insights or eureka moments that have a universal effect. Such people are our greatest inventors, artists, musicians, scientists and philosophers. They inspire others and transform the thinking or paradigm of the worldview in profound ways. No matter which level of intelligence a person predominantly is, everyone has access to the genius level in different degrees.

The sixth level of intelligence is the highest discussable level of intelligence. That is because in the seventh level or infinite intelligence, all are equal and therefore there is nothing to discuss in terms of

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differences in intelligence within that level and in comparison with any other level. The sixth level of intelligence is the level of being a SUPER GENIUS. It is far higher than the genius level because super genius contains transcendental genius. Genius may understand the highest levels of physics in this realm, but Super Genius understands higher dimension physics and philosophy. A super genius thoughts are transcendent and higher than that of a genius. Within the super genius level, there are many levels ranging from the superhuman, the demi god, the devas, the godlike, the angelic hierarchy from the angel to the principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones and all the way up to the highest levels of the cherub, the seraph and even the seven archangels that stand before that throne of God including Metatron who is the knower of the secrets and the master of the mysteries.

There is another way to define the seven levels of intelligence, which will make even the Seventh Level a discussable level. This means that there are even certain beings that can be classified as Level 7:

1. Tactical Intelligence 2. Intellectual Intelligence 3. Elite Intelligence 4. Super Intelligence 5. Genius Intelligence 6. Conscious and Cosmic Intelligence 7. Divine Intelligence

Intelligence always depicts that which is pleasing and desirable. If something doesn’t depict that, then it is also lacking in intelligence. This is why there is intelligence in beauty and that which is lacking beauty is lacking intelligence. The beautiful things that make us feel the highest level of pure positive emotion are expressed by the highest level of intelligence or level 7. Level 7 is also where there is very little resistance and very little struggle. There is almost an effortlessness. It exists in a state of grace. Things just seem to happen for it. There is maximum alignment.

Nature, animals, plants and children are level 7. Cats and dogs are usually of higher vibration than humans, which is why we feel happy when they are around. All things in their most natural and divine state are level 7.

Level 7 is the vortex. It is a place of pure positive energy that is most connected with Source. When you experience a level 7 person, you experience the highest feelings of exhilaration and magic!

Level 7 has the appearance and energy of beauty, harmony and youth. Level 7 also has the quality of perfection. It doesn’t have to be perfect in every single way, although it could be perfect in many ways, but there is a feeling and a sense of perfection that comes with it. Since intelligence is the main factor, the actions of a level 7 would lead to very beneficial results for itself or end in ultimately favorable outcomes.

There are also different levels within each level. Such as there are those within level 3 who have higher level elite intelligence than other elites. Also, one may have the range of another level but that doesn’t make them at that level. One’s mentality has to be predominantly at that level in order to be considered that level. Some people have multiple levels while being predominantly at a single level.

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One definition of intelligence: “Intelligence is the ability to make finer distinctions.”

The seven levels of intelligence also correspond to the seven chakras. The fifth chakra is the speech center. Genius intelligence seeks expression by communicating their ideas through words or through other forms of expression. The fourth chakra is the heart which is the center of pure power. It emits the strongest magnetic field and produces the torsion field of manifestation. The heart also depicts clear seeing and being real. The third chakra is the solar plexus which is the center of self esteem. It is also the power center. The second chakra is the chakra of sexual energy and creativity. Those at level 2 are able to think more and understand more deeply about things.

The base chakra is the root and the foundational level of intelligence. At level 1, people are able to get their needs met at a basic level. Those having trouble at level 1 can’t even do this. The sixth chakra is the psychic center and the center of higher consciousness. It is the center of the third eye which can perceive higher dimensional things and concepts. It is psychically aware and can make the subconscious conscious. The seventh chakra is the link to the divine and the connection with Source. Inspiration flows from the seventh chakra and those at level 7 are the highest manifestation of divinity and the purest expression of Source Energy among humans in this world.

Everything is the consciousness of God in different degrees of pureness. Level 7 is pure positive energy and pure positive thought with a childlike quality and innocence. Level 6 is most powerful, while Level 7 is most pure.

Other than the seven levels of intelligence, there are also 3 types of genius that pertain to ULTIMATE GENIUS. They are Super Genius, True Genius and Complete Genius. A super genius tends to incorporate true genius and complete genius although not always the case since there are opposing and fallen beings operating within the super genius level of intelligence such as fallen gods and archangels.

A true genius is one who not only has a high level of intelligence, but also lives his/her life in a way that is wise and doing well overall for themselves. A genius is not a true genius when they seem to have amazing ideas that can inspire others, but their own state of life or being is sorely lacking in terms of intelligent or successful living.

A complete genius is one who attains all seven levels of intelligence as completely as possible. This is something that even those at super genius level of intelligence are pursuing more and more of. Sometimes one must go lower in order to go higher. In actuality there is no lower or higher but only all intelligence. One must have full range, full depth, full degree, and full detail in all levels of intelligence in order to be super, complete and ultimate genius. In other words, it is the path to becoming all knowing, all powerful or infinite intelligence.

Intelligence is the highest factor above all other factors and is the only important or most important one of all. Your intelligence is the only thing that defines who you are. It is the factor by which all other things about you and your life stem from. Your intelligence determines how you think, what you do and all that you create, experience and have. Your level of intelligence is determined by your will and your way of thinking or using the mind. There are NO LIMITS to how far or how high you can go. In actuality, all of us are manifested with the potential of infinite intelligence. Infinite intelligence is who we are fundamentally and what we can experience to the degree that we choose and think.

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