Alumni Journal: Spring 2008

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ALUMNI JOURNAL SPRING 2008 Making Her Prints… 2 Letter from the President 7 Faces Behind the Buildings 8 From the Faculty: Practicing Pharmacy in Kenya 10 Tundra Today 14 Polar Bear Report 18 Book Report 19 Northern Memories 20 Class Notes & Alumni Profiles 43 Teddy Bears 46 In Memorium Inside Back Cover Cedar Point Departments ALUMNI JOURNAL Feature INSIDE THIS ISSUE 3 Orange and Black Make Green VOLUME 68 NUMBER 2 SPRING 2 0 0 8 SPRING 2008 1

Transcript of Alumni Journal: Spring 2008


Orange and Black Make Green


Laurie Godfrey, BFA ’05, says, “I feel events in life are not mere coin-cidences, but serendipitous. I believe we exist in a system of actions and reactions, interconnected by forces that are beyond our understanding. Through process, my work examines the directional forces that guide our existence, the relationship between internal and external influence, and the

byproduct of that exchange of energy.” Now in the second year of a three-year MFA program in printmaking with a secondary focus on photography at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Laurie is currently assistant director of Egress Press and Research (EPR), a fine art publishing and research component of the printmaking area of the university’s art department. She has printed for artists such as Tom Huck, Diana Sudyka, and Patricia Villalobos Echeverría. Since leaving ONU, she has exhibited in the 84th annual spring art show at the Erie Art Museum in Erie, Pa. The show was juried by Janet Kopolos, senior

editor of Art In America. In addition, Godfrey completed a short residency at the Experimental Printmaking Institute at Lafayette College in Easton, Pa. In October, she will give a workshop in photolithography at the National University of Costa Rica. In explaining her work, she says, “I set up experiments to explore the relationships between action and reaction. I use containers to simulate the structured environment of a petri dish for basic ingredients of vegetable oil and water. A cycle of dependent actions and reactions is established as I manipulate the fluids, and then wait for the unpredictable reaction. The use of light and food coloring makes this process visible as energy is exchanged. The photograph documents the serendipitous nature of this relationship.

“In a present moment, the photograph records the events of the past, and implies those to follow. The photograph is an encapsulation of my concept in a single moment, visually conveying the qualities of energy, interconnection and metamorphosis. The fluid nature of my work expresses a feeling of kinetic energy. This sense of motion suggests the photograph is part of a larger world that exists beyond its boarders, evoking a sense of wonder and mystery. Sculp-tural forms of color, unique textures and implied space lend itself to the photo-graph’s ability to change in perception. One can get lost in the environments that are created, interpreting them in a multitude of ways from microscopic slides of

biological matter, to macrocosmic images of the cosmos. “Ultimately, I am fascinated with how the creation and experience of my art plays a role in my audience’s life path, and the purpose of our interconnection at that point. Currently, I document this process of metamorphosis through both digital and traditional forms of printmaking, creating both gicleé prints and photolithographs.”

Making Her Prints…

SPRING 2008 1



Feature 3 Orange and Black Make Green Departments 2 Letter from the President 7 Faces Behind the Buildings 8 From the Faculty: Practicing Pharmacy in Kenya 10 Tundra Today 14 Polar Bear Report 18 Book Report 19 Northern Memories 20 Class Notes & Alumni Profiles 43 Teddy Bears 46 In Memorium Inside Back Cover Cedar Point



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Dear Friends: Excitment continues at Ohio Northern University as we undertake changes that will enrich the University experience for our students and move ONU into a promising future. We continue our Year of the Polar Bear observance, with both a new coat for Klondike, and a renewed emphasis on the responsible stewardship of the University’s resources. As we expand our facilities – construction on the Mathile Center for the Natural Sciences and The Inn at Ohio Northern University continue at a furious pace – and our educational programs, we strive to do so through the prudent use of our environmental as well as our financial resources. Read about the steps ONU and its alumni are taking to make our earth a little cleaner, a little safer and a little more “green.” You will also read about ONU’s pharmacy faculty and students as they go to Kenya to both hone their skills and experience the reality of caring for patients in less-than-ideal settings. This too is responsible stewardship and, you will be encouraged to know that Ohio Northern and its students continue the traditions of helping people in our communities, making Spring Break a time to build Habitat homes and collaborating with regional organizations and municipalities to improve our part of the world. As always, Toby and I invite you to enjoy the beauty of ONU and its outstanding people.


Kendall L. BakerPresident


Ohio Northern UniversityPublisher Thomas R. Stevick ( President for University Advancement

EditorMary A. Wilkin ( Director for Communications Services

Art Director Toma (Grothous) Williams, BFA ’96 ( Director for Art and Design

Alumni Journal Editors Ann Donnelly, BS ’99 ( of Alumni Affairs

Danielle (Verone) Murray, BA ’01 ( Director of Alumni Affairs

William L. Robinson, BSEd ’61, Hon.D. ’05, H of F ’05 ( Assistant to the President

Class Notes Editor Send Class Notes news via e-mail to:

Contributing Writers Josh Alkire, Elizabeth Fogle, BA ’07, Tim Glon, José Nogueras, Autumn Steiner, Sonja Umbs, Mary A. Wilkin

Contributing PhotographersKen Colwell, Tim Glon, José Nogueras, Mary A. Wilkin

POSTMASTER Send address changes to: OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNI JOURNAL, 525 S. Main St., Ada, Ohio 45810-1599OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNI JOURNAL (USPS 404-840) is published quarterly by Ohio Northern University, 525 S. Main St., Ada, Ohio 45810-1599. (419) 772-2000. Periodicals postage paid at Ada, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Phone: (419) 772-2000 Fax: (419) 772-2932

OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY Founded in 1871, Ohio Northern University is a leading private, student-centered institution that combines a quality liberal arts and comprehensive, profes-sional education offered by its five colleges: Arts & Sciences, Business Administration, Engineering, Pharmacy and Law to a diverse student body of more than 3,600.

President Kendall L. Baker

Vice President for Academic Affairs Anne Lippert

Vice President and Dean of Enrollment Karen P. (Casper) Condeni, BA ’74

Vice President for Advancement Thomas R. Stevick

Vice President for Financial Affairs John Green

Vice President for Student Affairs Alice-Kay Hilderbrand

This publication was printed on recycled paper.

On the cover: Klondike makes a visit to ONU’s greenhouse.



Orange and Black Make Green

SPRING 2008 3

Green At WORK For some alumni, the urge to go green has prompted widespread changes in the workplace. In the case of Michael Chow, BSEE ’92, environmentalism led to the re-direction of an entire business. After the extreme weather events of 2005 (Hurricane Katrina), Chow decided that his newly created engineering firm needed to focus on providing a greener tomorrow. “Engineers are problem solvers. Global warming is a leading cause of our weather events. As an engineer, I asked myself, ‘How can I use my engineering skills to help solve the global-warming crisis?’” And so began a transition at Metro CD Engineering in Worthington, Ohio. Today, Metro CD Engineering uses green technologies in its design of electrical, heating, cooling and plumbing systems for buildings. “My company helps promote the benefits of going green. Green buildings are good for the environment. Green buildings are healthy places to work. Going green also has financial benefits, including a fast return on investment,” says Chow. Chow’s firm has designed a number of LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green-certified buildings. Metro CD Engineering is a member of the United States Green Building Council and the Get Green Columbus advisory board. Chow himself is a LEED® accredited professional, active in a number of sustainable and environmental groups in Central Ohio, and has facilitated green engineering seminars sponsored by Northern’s T.J. Smull College of Engineering.

“The response has been overwhelming. Many of the engineering alumni who attended have pledged to go green,” Chow reports. Other alumni are involved with green buildings, as well. Ryan Miracle, BA ’05, who works for Dominion Homes in Columbus, Ohio, says that his employer is the “only homebuilder in central Ohio that is acting truly green.” In building environmentally friendly homes, Dominion Homes strives to increase energy efficiency and reduce dependence on national resources. “We try to help our customers save a lot of money in wasted utilities and do our part to protect our planet. In 2008 alone, we will recycle over 2 million pounds of old newspaper,” Miracle says. “With our construction techniques, we can save our customers up to 40 percent in heating and cooling costs,” Miracle continues. “This means that

What’s the single most important thing that an individual can do to “go green”?

“Take action now. Learn about sustainability and how to be green. Share your knowledge with others to bring about change. We can put an end to global warming.”

– Michael Chow, BSEE ’92

Orange and Black makeGREENIn 2008, “going green” is red hot for Northern alumni, students and faculty.

On campus, student environmental groups boast healthy memberships of both students and faculty. Alumni efforts include everything from the small-scale (carpooling) to the large (moving entire companies toward green philosophies).


there is less gas being used to heat the home and less electricity used to cool the home.” Chad A. Hummell, BSBA ’91, reports that Univenture, a packaging company headquartered in Marysville, Ohio, recently launched a totally “green” line of meeting, media and office supplies. Items in this product line include bags, sleeves and pockets constructed from a renewable, sustainable plastic made from corn; direct mail envelopes, page products, disc packaging and other flexible packaging constructed from biodegradable polypropylene; and archival storage products made from 100 percent polypropylene, which is manufactured from clean technologies and requires as much as 30 percent fewer resources to create compared to other mixed materials. “At Univenture, we constantly promote environmentally responsible materials,” Hummell says. “Product material capabilities have been taken to a whole new level with the introduction of these new sustainable plastic materials.” Other alumni have embraced paper-saving efforts in the workplace. John Charles “J.C.” Smith, BA ’74, general manager of American Publishers (a unit of The Hearst Corporation) reports that his company now prints all Hearst magazines, and the American Publishers sales catalog, on recycled paper. Eric Davis, BA ’94, registrar at Bluffton University, explains how his school has taken things a step further by eliminating some uses

of paper altogether. The university recently stopped printing course catalogs and class schedules and now solely offers these materials online. “A 1,000-count order of the Bluffton class schedule used 9,000 pages of paper,” Davis says. “Environmentally, how can we even begin to calculate the savings?” Several Northern alumni, including Patricia (Sunkle) Brown, BSCE ’04, Glenn Heistand, BSCE ’95, and Craig A. Bohning, BSCE ’85, of the Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton & Tilton Inc. (EMH&T) company of engineers, surveyors, planners and scientists, are proud to participate in the firm’s NextGenerationGreen™ program. “NextGenerationGreen is important in that it helps serve as the ‘bridge’ between the idea of sustainability to the implementation of designs that carry forth this principle,” says Bohning, vice president at EMH&T. The guiding principles of NextGenerationGreen are innovation, education and sustainability. The program propels the firm to innovatively develop and implement practices, techniques and systems that conserve and maintain the quality of land, air and water resources. The program educates team members (the company, its clients and the industry) on ways to minimize the impact of development on the environment. Finally, the company is committed to creating environments that are environmentally responsible and sustainable through the next generation. NextGenerationGreen promotes sustainable projects such as green roofs, cisterns, LEED® certification and low-impact development techniques. For community projects, the program helps with stormwater management guidelines and sanitary management practices. The development of NextGenerationGreen required the efforts of several people, each driven by a different goal. “My primary goal was to create a tool that allows for regulatory flexibility that promotes sustainable design,” says Bohning. “It isn’t enough for a developer to want to be green; the tools need to be in place to allow for implementation.” Thinking back, Bohning notes how much things have changed since his own time at Northern. “Twenty-three years ago, there wasn’t the same type of environmental awareness that there is today. Our focus at the time was on using the technology of the day to treat our wastewater as effectively as possible before discharging into the nearest stream.” But times have changed. A visit to campus reveals several group and individual efforts to support Mother Earth.

Green On CampusNew construction is abundant on Northern’s campus. This spring sees much activity on the building sites for The Inn at Ohio Northern University and the Mathile Center for the Natural Sciences. Northern also is planning both the renovation and new construction of student housing. As expected, the environment has figured into the development of all of these projects. “In just about everything we build here over the years, we have been very, very sensitive to do the right thing,” says John Green, vice president for financial affairs. In situations like these, the right thing for the environment includes energy-efficient lighting and geothermal heating and cooling. For Robert Slater, a senior technology major from Apple Creek, Ohio, the winds of environmental change are strong. Especially on top of Taft Memorial. So, during the last week of January, Slater designed and installed a combination wind generator and solar panel system above faculty offices in the department of technological studies. Slater’s design incorporates an Air Breeze small wind generator from Southwest Windpower and a 150-watt solar panel made by Sunwize Technologies. Both alternative energy generators can simultaneously charge a 105 amp-hour 24-volt battery system and power an electrical load through a 1000-watt pure sine wave inverter.

What’s the single most important thing that an individual can do to “go green”?

“In my own opinion the most important thing someone can do is to realize that it is possible to have enough and that to have or want more than you need is destructive (and even immoral). On a practical level, the most important thing to do is to begin to conserve and to use less resources.”

– Mark H. Dixon, assistant professor of philosophy

From left: Michael Chow, BSEE ’92, reviews construction drawings with Christopher Meyers, principal of Meyers + Associates Architecture.

SPRING 2008 5

“This project gave me a great hands-on experience with new technology that is growing with popularity everywhere,” Slater says. Dr. Adam Stienecker, Slater’s advisor in the project and a professor in the department of technological studies, plans to incorporate the technology into his courses. Other students will design systems to record wind and solar data and analyze the results. “We’ll be able to study wind and solar technologies at a level not possible without the equipment,” Stienecker says. Some environmentally conscious members of the University take a different, more philosophical

approach. ONU’s Working Group on Religion, Ethics and Nature (WGREN) is a local initiative that explores the interrelationships between the issues of religion, ethics and the natural environment. “WGREN’s basic guiding principle is that the current environmental problems we face are as much ethical and religious problems as scientific problems,” explains Mark Dixon, assistant professor of philosophy. “To resolve these problems, we need to consider their ethical and religious dimensions. The WGREN aim, then, is to create programs that encourage people to think and talk about these issues.” WGREN facilitates such dialogue through reading groups, roundtable discussions and an annual lecture series. “Dialogue is essential to WGREN’s mission. We want to bring together as many diverse ideas and viewpoints as possible – including non-academic ones,” Dixon continues. Members of WGREN believe that no permanent solution to the planet’s environmental problems will be possible unless those solutions include a fundamental reorientation in spiritual attitudes about, and ethical obligations to, the natural environment. “The most important thing to know is that WGREN is dedicated to bringing environmental issues to the forefront of people’s consciousnesses and conversations and to seeing them as religious and ethical, as well as scientific, problems,” says Dixon. Other student groups exist on campus, as well. The Ohio Northern Environmentalists (ONE) was formed in fall 1999 to increase on-campus awareness about environmental concerns and to develop programs that improve the local environment. During the school year, ONE holds regular meetings to discuss various environmental concerns, work on ongoing projects and develop new ones. The Pettit College of Law has a group of its own: the Environmental Law Society. This organization promotes awareness within the University community and the local region regarding the wise use and proper management of the natural environment. Through guest lectures, the society provides a forum in which all perspectives of environmental legal issues can be addressed. The society also seeks to promote career opportunities in both the public and private sectors of environmental law. On Northern’s campus, recycling is in full swing, too. Comprised of a group of students and several advisors, ONU Recycles serves the campus and community by providing recycling services and promoting sustainable initiatives.

The group currently recycles cardboard, paper and aluminum, collecting and sorting recyclables from residence halls, apartment complexes and academic buildings every Saturday morning. The group also picks up surplus newspapers from the offices of the Ada Herald once a month. In doing so, the group seeks to foster a sense of pride in the campus by helping students be more environmentally conscientious. Also on Northern’s campus, a move toward electric vehicles has begun. The ONU Mailroom uses an electric vehicle in delivering mail across campus, and the Physical Plant has incorporated two vehicles into its daily operations. Green reports that the University hopes to add two more electric vehicles during the summer months. Continuing a yearly tradition started in 2003, Ohio Northern celebrated Earth Day with a full week of activities organized by Ohio Northern Environmentalists (ONE), the Biological Student Association (BSA), and ONU Recycles (the Ohio Northern recycling program). ONU’s Earth Week began Monday, April 21, and lasted through Saturday, April 26. ONE and the BSA presented a visit from a Columbus Zoo zookeeper, who brought to campus a variety of animals – including a baby bearcat, a palm civet, a flamingo, an albino python, a three-banded armadillo, a pair of baby snow leopards and a tortoise – to demonstrate how environmental changes affect animals and their habitats. ONU Recycles sponsored a Cardboard Maze Extravaganza in which a maze, created entirely from cardboard, visually represented the importance of recycling. Other activities included an organic picnic for students, movies and films, and a bonfire

What’s the single most important thing that an individual can do to “go green”?

“As cliché as it is, ‘think globally, act locally’ espouses an outstanding sentiment. We need to embrace ‘going green’ as more than an act – it’s a change in the way we live, and the footprints we leave behind.”

– Craig A. Bohning, BSCE ’85

A combination wind generator and solar panel system installed on top of Taft Memorial.

The ONU Mailroom uses an electric mail truck.


A cardboard maze fills ONU’s McIntosh lounge area to symbolize recycling for Earth Day. The cardboard was recycled after the structure was torn down.

on Friday night. The week culminated with an Earth Week Party, which featured musical performances and served as fundraiser for ONE. This fall, Ohio Northern also plans to bring Marc Bekoff to campus as part of its Keiser Distinguished Lectureship in Life Sciences series. On Oct. 28, Bekoff will deliver a public lecture titled “Animal Passions, Beastly Virtues and Wild Justice: Reflections on Redecorating Nature,” in which he will discuss animal intellgence and emotion. Bekoff is a former professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. With renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, he co-founded Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He also is regional coordinator for Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program and a member of the Jane Goodall Institute’s ethics committee. Bekoff ’s primary areas of research include animal behavior, cognitive ethology (the study of animal minds) and behavioral ecology.

Green At HomeOn the individual level, several alumni have made changes in their own homes and private lives. Recently registered as a sanitarian, Lane Kessler, BS ’06, spends her time away from work as a member of the board of trustees for the Rocky River Watershed Council. The group’s goal is to preserve, protect and restore the Rocky River watershed through public education, public involvement and clean-up efforts. “Our biggest accomplishment is our annual Rocky River Watershed Festival, held each September. This past year we had over a 1,000 visitors. We also have a display that

What’s the single most important thing that an individual can do to “go green”?

“Every little bit helps. If every person made one l i t t le lifestyle change, whether it be recycling your paper, switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, walking whenever you can instead of driving, all of those little changes would add up.”

– Lane Kessler, BS ’06

travels to numerous educational events, and we host other events throughout the year such as river and stream cleanups.” Kessler also has spent the past year as the Medina County Health Department’s representative on the board of the Medina County Earth Day Committee. This committee is made up of local agencies and organizations that work together to promote the environment by planning and organizing Medina County’s annual Earth Day celebration. “At our Earth Day festival, we host everyone from musicians to green builders and bakers to government organizations … pretty much anyone with an environmentally friendly message can participate.” Kessler’s activities can be seen as a continuation of her Northern experience. “While at ONU,

I was in Beta Beta Beta, the biology honorary, and worked on numerous projects with them, including ONU Recycles. And in many of my environmental classes we worked on projects and conducted research that assisted the professors in their environmental studies and research projects,” she remembers. Away from the Metro CD Engineering offices, Chow is making efforts, as well. “In my home, we are going green. We have installed compact fluorescent lamps and utilize a programmable thermostat. We use a motion sensor to automatically turn off our computer monitor, printer and lights in our den. We purchase Energy Star rated appliances and use an electrical meter to track our energy usage.” Bohning has changed his at-home outlook, too. “When we built our new house in 2006, we were determined to have a home that was as earth-friendly as possible. We utilize geothermal heating and cooling, radiant heating in the basement floors and an on-demand hot water heater to save energy. In addition, we utilize rain barrels to capture storm water for use in summer plant watering, and we plan on installing a rain garden within the next year or two to filter additional storm water.” Other alumni are doing their part to go green, as well. Lucas W. Braun, BSBA ’04, and his wife have carpooled together to work for over a year. “One vehicle can be a little bit inconvenient at times, but it’s better for the environment,” he says. Erin M. Brzezinski, BSBA ’04, also has committed to becoming more green in her everyday life. She uses cloth bags instead of paper or plastic at the grocery store. She uses plastic water jugs and coffee mugs at work rather than disposable cups. She walks whenever possible, combining trips to various stores to limit the amount of driving to and from her house. Michael Kruger, BSEE ’07, has increased his recycling since moving to the Washington, D.C., area. “There’s hardly anything that recycling companies won’t take,” he says.

A Greener Tomorrow Going green is more than living in the moment. It’s more than what’s happening here and now. Going green requires a keen eye on the future, a forward-thinking perspective. “We need to take measures now to protect the environment before it is too late. We all want to leave a legacy of good global environmental stewardship for our children and grandchildren,” says Chow.

SPRING 2008 7

Just over a century ago, Frances Susan Felker, BSEd 1907, Hon. D. ’53, graduated from Ohio Northern and went on to nurse’s training in Cincinnati. There she met her husband, Robert Hynton Heterick, who became an army physician. Although they traveled the nation and the world, it was Ohio Northern they remembered with their gifts for a library and chose as their final resting place. When Robert Heterick died in 1957, his ashes were interned in the lawn outside Presser Hall, which served as the University’s library at that time. In 1964, Frances Heterick’s remains joined his. With the construction of Heterick Memorial Library, the first building on campus constructed specifically to house the University’s library collections, their remains were moved from Presser Hall’s lawn and placed in permanent niches in the new building’s northwest corner. The building that bears their name was begun in 1966. On Valentine’s Day, 1968, a human chain of students, faculty and staff carried boxes of books from Presser Hall to Heterick. Despite the scale of the move, the library was ready for business the next day. Since then, Heterick Memorial Library has grown from a depository for books and other publications to a resource center linking individuals with information across the globe. Heterick is one of the original OCLC (Ohio College Library Center) members, embracing technology as a way to serve patrons. Today, OCLC is the Online Computer Library Center Inc. and serves more than 60,000 libraries of all types in the U.S. and 112 countries and territories around the world.

The Heterick building, originally two floors and 53,000 square feet, has grown to three floors. Its services have expanded to include media unheard of in 1968 and virtual services that bring an entire world of information to patrons’ computer. Who were the Hetericks who believed in ONU and in libraries? Frances Heterick was born in Ada, Ohio, in July 1886 to Mike and Caroline Felker. She was a member of ONU’s Class of 1907 and went on to nurse’s training at Cincinnati’s Good Samaritan Hospital where she met her husband-to-be. Robert Hynton Heterick was born in Georgetown, Ohio, one of seven children of Robert Grant Heterick and Martha Bell Cooper. He attended the University of Cincinnati and received his M.D. from the Medical College of Ohio in 1906. He did his residency at Ohio Maternity Hospital in 1906 and Hospital of the Good Samaritan in Cincinnati in 1907 where he met Frances. They married on Feb. 8, 1908. Robert Heterick joined the U.S. Army, graduating from the U.S. Army Medical School in 1911. As a surgeon he served in the

Philippines and was assigned to the U.S. naval forces in European theater during World War I. He was commissioned as a medical director in the USPHD (U.S. Public Health Service) in 1937 and served across the nation until he retired on Feb. 1, 1947. Robert Heterick was a lecturer on public health at University of Southern California Medical School and the University of New Mexico, and the author of articles on public health and short stories for children. The Hetericks retired to Albuquerque, N.M., but never forgot their ties to Ohio and to Ohio Northern University. This year, Ohio Northern celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Heterick Memorial Library.

Faces Behind the Buildings

Many of the buildings on Ohio Northern’s campus proudly carry

the names of individuals who have been a vital part of the University’s history. In this ongoing series, we examine some of these buildings and the individuals who have

left their marks on ONU.

Heterick Memorial Library

Frances Susan (Felker) Heterick, BSEd 1907, Hon. D. ’53

Robert Hynton Heterick


By Jeffery C. Allison, BS ’71, PharmD ’95 Professor of Pharmacy Practice

shore for Lake Victoria. Our home was the Milimani Hotel, which was a 20-minute walk from downtown Kisumu, where we purchased bottled drinking water and other necessities. Electricity and flushing toilets were unpredictable and warm showers almost non-existent. Still, we were relatively comfortable sleeping under mosquito nets. Mornings began with breakfast between 6 and 7 a.m. and included student presentations about particular disease states. For example, a medical student would discuss the differential diagnosis for malaria, followed by a pharmacy student talking about the acute and prophylactic drug treatment for malaria. A one-hour bus ride on bumpy, poorly paved dirt roads brought us to the clinic constructed two years ago. It had neither electricity nor running

water. The village women boiled water for us daily to reconstitute pediatric antibiotics. The pharmacy had no shelves and only one table in the middle of the room. Several cases of anti-malarial, pediatric antibiotic and anthelmintic medications, left from last year, were still in date.

We kept most of the pre-sorted medications in their crates. The clinic was very much a team effort. Several medical students helped us pre-pack oral medications, asking questions about what we planned to dispense for a particular diagnosis or how we would determine the dose for a pediatric patient. The pharmacy students were able to use many of their clinical skills as they took their turn taking vitals at the admission area, working in the wound clinic where several were able to give intra-articular knee injections of cortisone and taking patient histories. Each of us had our turn giving deep IM injections of ceftriaxone for patients diagnosed with STDs.

Empiric antibiotic choices became challenging as we ran out of our first and second drug choices. By the third day, the pharmacy was out of several needed medications, which we could purchase in a local Kisumu pharmacy after “haggling” over price. Two of the purchased items were a thiazide diuretic that was made in India with an unfamiliar name and a cough syrup containing several cough suppressants and a beta-2 agonist. We became experts in diagnosing and

treating tropical diseases, including malaria, helminthes, filariasis and typhoid fever. Most of the patients spoke Dholuo and knew little English, so we were provided with interpreters with whom we became quite attached. Most of us can tell you how to take one tablet daily in perfect Dholuo.

Receiving multiple immunizations. Registering with the U.S. embassy in Kenya. Taking anti-malaria prophylaxis. Working with limited electricity. Contending with contaminated water supplies. Being exposed to patients with tuberculosis, intestinal worms, scabies, AIDS and more. It sounded like an experience that I could not pass up! Each year, the Raabe College of Pharmacy supports faculty professional development as a preceptor for pharmacy students on a medical missions trip to Kenya, Africa. The annual trip, usually between Thanksgiving and Christmas, is lead by Dr. Bonyo Bonyo through the Ohio University (OU) College of Osteopathic Medicine. Bonyo, a native Kenyan, is a graduate from OU and has started a medical clinic in his village of Masara in the western part of Kenya near the city of Kisumu. Five sixth-year pharmacy students took part in the trip as one of their clinical rotations. Sarah Day, from North Bend, Ohio; Tim Heimann, from Ashland, Ohio; Alison Kunk, from Sidney, Ohio; Tim Ulbrich, from Lancaster, NY; and Stephanie Zaugg, from Lima, Ohio, joined me and Annette Enlow, PharmD ’07, who made the trip last year as a student. We traveled with physicians, medical students and nurses, including a similar group from Texas, making a total of 42 people, the largest group yet to make the trip. Arriving in Kisumu after a the 24-hour plane ride, we were greeted with warm and humid conditions just south of the equator on the eastern

Practicing Pharmacy in Kenya


“I was able to observe the pharmacy students struggle to practice pharmacy in less than optimal conditions. This experience has significantly increased their ability to deliver patient-centered care.”

SPRING 2008 9

Many of the medical students took turns working in the pharmacy, learning how to counsel patients using DOT (direct observational therapy). The pediatric treatment for malaria and round worms is a single dose of an unpleasant tasting liquid. We would have the parent give the doses as we watched, followed by a lollipop. It was fun watching the pharmacy and medical students collaborate on appropriate drug selection from our closed formulary. During the evenings, we took time to reflect on the day’s events and discuss the village’s need for better medical care. We would only be there for three weeks with no one to replace us after we left. Most patients said they had been treated for malaria several times before. Who would be there to treat it the next time? One day, we had the opportunity to see a patient with Hanson’s disease (leprosy), for which we had no medication. At first we were filled with frustration that the patient would be no better off, medically, after we left. Then, it eventually became apparent that we were only part of the “bigger” answer. Our medical role in Kenya would come to an end, but our story of these people and their great need would continue. We would have the opportunity to share with our friends and colleagues about this wonderful experience. The people of the village are a proud and caring people who are very engaging and interactive. One Sunday afternoon, after attending church together, we were invited

to have lunch with them. The children entertained us with songs, dancing, poetry and stories while their parents cooked chicken, chipati, ugali, kahle and rice. Their lives were filled with happiness and the sense that they had as much to share with us as we had to share with them. Many of them have been embedded in our hearts forever. I was able to observe the pharmacy students struggle to practice pharmacy in less-than-optimal conditions. This experience has significantly increased their ability to deliver patient-centered care. They became adept at using universal precautions during patient examinations. They all took advantage of the many opportunities to perfect their clinical skills. Their confidence grew daily in their therapeutic decision-making skills as their knowledge regarding tropical diseases expanded. They truly have made a difference in the lives of the people of the village and in my life. Just after our return home, Kenya held tumultuous presidential elections that led to hundreds of deaths and left hundreds of thousands of Kenyans homeless and emigrating to Uganda. I pray that our friends are safe and that many other students may benefit from this experience. Readers interested in learning more about the trip are welcome to contact me at or (419) 772-1488.

“When you really think about it, there isn’t much difference be-tween the people of Kenya and the people of America. We both can learn so much from each other, and we really don’t take advantage of that. Americans are naive, myself included, when it comes to the value of people from around the world. Each culture has something special about them that all of us on earth can benefit from. We truly are all brothers and sisters, and the only difference between us is where we are born.”

— Tim Heimann“As our nation enters an election year and Kenya struggles with the end of theirs, I am so grateful for the stability of our nation. What does one say about the violence that is going on in the place we just fell in love with? More importantly than the place are the people who were so kind to us and who are now hungry and in danger. I just am at a loss for words other than ‘peace be with you.’”

— Stephanie Zaugg

A Kenyan patient (in the hat), Tim Hemann, and an inter-preter. Tim is counseling a patient how to take his medica-tion through an interpreter. Most people in the village spoke Dholuo or Swahili. Not much English was spoken.

Front Row: Dr. Jeff Allison, BS ’71, PharmD ’95, Sarah

Day, Stephanie Zaugg, Kenyan pharmacy student

Second Row: Kenyan pharmacy student, Tim Heimann, Tim Ulbrich,

Annette Enlow, Kenyan pharmacy student, Kenyan

pharmacy student. The group was touring one of the

provincial hospitals in Kisumu.


TundraTodayDunn Named Goldwater Scholar

Ohio Northern junior Nicholas Dunn, a chemistry major from Harrod, Ohio, has been selected as a 2008 Goldwater Scholar by the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Excellence in Education Program. Majoring in chemistry and physics, Dunn’s goal is to earn a doctorate in physical chemistry and conduct research determining the properties of materials important to alternative energies, initially working in industry before eventually teaching at the university level. Dunn, who last summer studied how pH levels affect the reaction of

Azo Dyes, spent the previous academic year researching the oxygen permeability of layered polymers under the National Science Foundation (NSF) Center for Layered Polymeric Systems (CLiPS) Affiliate Program. He has worked with Dr. Jeffrey Gray, professor of chemistry, in both these projects. In addition, Samuel Manzer, a junior in chemistry from Ada, received an honorable mention in the competitive national scholarship program. His proposed research would look at modifying a polyphenol found in grapes to increase its anti-aging potency. He has conducted this research with Dr. Kimberly Broekemeier, associate professor of biochemistry. Dunn and Manzer join Daniel Waddell, BS ’06, a 2005 Goldwater Scholar; Christopher Lemon, a senior chemistry, physics and mathematics major and 2006 Goldwater Scholar; and Andrew Homan, a senior mathematics major and 2007 Goldwater honorable mention recipient. For the 2008-2009 academic year, the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation awarded 321 scholarships to undergraduate sophomores and juniors across the United States. The scholars were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,035 mathematics, science and engineering students who were nominated by the faculties of colleges and universities nationwide.

Nicholas Dunn

ONU Board Approves Move to Semesters After a decades-long discussion of the best ways to structure the University calendar for its students, Ohio Northern is on a path to move from quarters to semesters. The ONU Board of Trustees meeting on Feb. 8, accepted a recommendation from ONU President Dr. Kendall L. Baker to make that change. His recommendation followed a faculty vote on Jan. 31 in which 68.5 percent of faculty members voted in favor of the calendar change. Prior to the January vote, faculty last voted on the issue in 2000. The question of quarters or semesters has been an ongoing discussion for ONU faculty. The most recent discussion has involved a faculty study group plus input from other universities that have made the change. Over 65 percent of universities are on a semester system. Forums for both faculty and students were held before the faculty vote. Now that the recommendation to move to semesters has been approved by the University’s board, Baker says, “I will be working with the University Council to create a committee/taskforce that will coordinate the transition effort over the next three years.” The transition effort is expected to involve a systematic review of academic offerings to ensure the quality of ONU’s programs. The change to semesters is anticipated to occur in fall 2011.

Lemon Named Fulbright Grant Recipient

Christopher M. Lemon, a senior chemistry, physics and mathematics major from Lower Burrell, Pa., has been awarded a Fulbright full grant. The award will fund his graduate study in inorganic chemistry at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Lemon will research the synthesis of anti-cancer metallotherapeutics (metal-based drugs) under the mentorship of Dr. Penny Brothers. “Chris’ Fulbright is of great significance for the College of Arts & Sciences. It is the first student Fulbright that the college has ever won,” said Robert A. Manzer, Ph.D., dean of the College of Arts & Sciences “His accomplishment is an indication of the extraordinary quality of our students and the world-class achievements of which they are capable. We are very proud of Chris!” Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright program was established in 1946 by the U.S. Congress to “enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.” The program awards grants to U.S. students, teachers, professionals and scholars to study, teach, lecture and conduct research in more than 155 countries, and to their foreign counterparts to engage in similar activities in the United States. Lemon was a 2006 Goldwater Scholar.

Christopher Lemon

SPRING 2008 11

Ohio Northern’s University Singers Tour Estonia Ohio Northern’s University Singers toured the Baltic country of Estonia in late February and early March. This was the first trip overseas for the choir since a 2001 tour of England and Wales. The 52-voice select choir is under the direction of Dennis L. Kratzer, director of choral activities and professor of music. The spring tour consisted entirely of a cappella music representative of many different styles and genres. Associate conductor for the choir was Josh Voll, a senior music major from Bluffton, Ohio. The assistant conductors were Aubrey and Adam VonAlmen, sister and brother seniors from Lima, Ohio. The choir closed each of its Estonia concerts with the Estonian National Anthem. In addition to this tour of Estonia, the University Singers performed three concerts in Ohio during their spring tour.

ONU, City of Lima Form Partnership to Develop Research Center

Klondike’s Extreme Makeover Ohio Northern’s Klondike Bear recently came out of hibernation to show off his new winter coat. For ONU’s favorite member of the Ursidae family, this new look is the latest in a long line of incarnations. Klondike has been lean and fluffy, funny and fearsome, fastidious and funky. How does Klondike describe his new look?“I look great, if I do say so myself. My friends in the ONU Alumni Office sent me off on an Arctic getaway as a late Christmas present, and, boy, what a difference a few days on the ice can make! Since my return, they’ve said that I look happier, friendlier and more energetic. At the same time, I’ve been doing a little strength training and working on getting into shape. Also, I joined the Fur Club for Bears (I’m not only a member, I’m also the president!), and my new white coat is growing in nicely.” What do you enjoy about being ONU’s favorite bear?“What’s not to like? I get to go to all the ONU sporting events (at least, as many as I can get to) and cheer on the Polar Bears. I’ve also been known to show up at other events on and off campus, such as Relay for Life, the Harvest and Herb parade and Homecoming. Plus, I get to meet all the great students, faculty, staff and alumni of the University.”

Being a mascot is a serious job. What are “Klondike’s” rules?“When I’m not on the job, I tend to lie low – it adds to the whole

mystique thing. I also have a group of friends, a committee of sorts, that helps me get from place to place and get things done.

They’ve decided to remain mostly in the background for various reasons.” We know all about Klondike’s history – you’ve

been around since 1923 – but what are your plans for the future?

“Well, for summer break, I’ll be visiting my cousin Kenai up in Alaska. We’ll pal around and do bear stuff. After that,

I’m going to take a little time off, though I’ll be dropping in every now and then.”Do you have any thoughts about the loss of Arctic ice for your cousins up north?

“Yeah, I’m a bit worried. I’m doing my best to keep tabs on what’s going on up there. Too much heat is not a good thing for a polar bear. Remember Homecoming last year?” [shudder]

Anything you want to say to your ONU fans?“Thanks for coming out to support the ONU sports teams! All of the teams are having great seasons, and it’s been a lot of fun so far. Also, thanks for coming to the other great events on campus, such as

the parades in the fall and the Health and Wellness Fair. Keep up the good work, and good luck to everyone on their exams. Oh, and if anyone ever needs to get in touch with me, I now have an e-mail address: “Go Bears!”

Ohio Northern and the city of Lima, Ohio, have formed a partnership to build and operate a research and development center in Lima. The center will be located on a site being developed through a grant Lima received from the Ohio Job Ready Sites Program. ONU President Dr. Kendall L. Baker said this agreement is a great opportunity to showcase the University’s T.J. Smull College of Engineering. “The new center provides our students and faculty with an additional outlet to solidify their reputation of excellence,” Baker said. ONU will assist with establishing and operating the center through the contributions of teaching and research faculty as well as administrative staff. The center will assist engineering students and graduates in finding employment opportunities in the region. It also will provide opportunities for ONU senior capstone design projects to work with companies residing in the center. “We are extremely pleased to partner with the city of Lima in this endeavor. The opportunity for collaboration among the center partners and other regional industries is very exciting for our students and faculty,” said Dr. Eric T. Baumgartner, dean of the College of Engineering. Baumgartner is expected to be a member of the center’s board of trustees. Lima will seek additional funds to construct the 150,000-square-foot research and development facility on the 14-acre site. Ohio Northern also will assist with identifying funding opportunities for the center.


ONU Clinical Drug Study Yields Real-life Experiences Every drug that crosses a pharmacy counter is a product of years of research. Now, ONU’s Raabe College of Pharmacy, in conjunction with the nursing program, is part of this research. For several months, ONU has conducted a clinical study – one of the first of its kind at Northern – on Fasprin®, a quick-dissolving aspirin from Cleveland-based Improvita Health Products Inc. The research team administered Fasprin to human volunteers to determine how quickly aspirin from the Fasprin product enters the bloodstream. The team consisted of Dr. David Kisor, associate professor of pharmacokinetics and principal investigator for the study; Drs. Yousif Rojeab, B. Shane Martin, and Darrell Hulisz, all professors of pharmacy; Dr. Bruce Bouts, BSPH ’82, study physician; Dr. Marjorie Walker, director of ONU’s nursing program; as well as Mary McWilliams, Susan Montenery and Robin White, all assistant professors of nursing. The addition of three fifth-year pharmacy students – Jason Martinez, of Medina, Ohio; Kate Turkaly, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Matthew Tupps, of Bucyrus, Ohio – gave the team a unique student perspective. All three student researchers were deeply involved in the project, from brainstorming to collecting samples.

“Being part of a study like this is not something many people get to experience, especially on a small campus,” remarked Tupps. “Working one-on-one with faculty made us feel more like colleagues than students.” Turkaly echoed these sentiments, citing the thrill of “executing a clinical study and seeing our suggestions come to life.”

Ten research subjects were chosen at random from over 200 student applicants. Even a few faculty members found themselves as subjects. “From the subject side, everything went smoothly,” remarked Montenery, who volunteered with McWilliams. “Our role was unique because we were part of the study from both angles.” Montenery is confident that the experience was positive for everyone involved. “Nursing is an evidence-based profession, so when our students see us actively involved in our field, that reinforces everything we’re teaching them.” As an interdisciplinary endeavor, the study was beneficial from a pharmacist’s perspective. “For us, it’s pharmacy all day, everyday, so working with the other professionals gave us a taste of what to expect after graduation,” said Turkaly. With testing complete, the research team is now analyzing the data to compile the findings. Regardless of the drug results, the study has proven ONU to be a perfect clinical research setting. “We have students who are willing and excited to participate, excellent interdisciplinary opportunities and a dynamic research environment,” notes Montenery. “It’s a great time for the University.”

Ohio Northern’s International Play Festival has goals of encouraging new international theatre productions and of introducing ONU’s students to world. This year, in its sixth outing, the International Play Festival went one step further, taking a look at a current issue of international debate: immigration and the U.S.-Mexican border. Festival organizers commissioned two authors, Berta Hiriart, from Mexico City, and Elaine Romero, based in Tucson, Ariz., asking each to explore the question of Mexican immigration, both legal and illegal, into the U.S. Early efforts to meld the two author’s works with a shared character or setting were less than successful. “In our discussions, it became clear it was going to be too difficult to find common ground,” says Joan Robbins, lecturer in communication arts and coordinator of the festival. This frustration mirrored the problems faced by politicians on opposite sides of the border, as well. In the end, the authors created two separate one-act plays that bring culturally distinct views of the question to the stage. Adds Robbins, “There are some parallel elements, but from two very different writers, two different styles, two different sets of characters.” Mexican author Hiriart is an accomplished playwright, narrative writer, essayist, theatre director and coordinator of literary workshops. She received the National Award for Published Work in 1994, the National Award for Children’s Theatrical Production in 2004 and the Award for Theatrical Essay in 2005. Her works have been translated into English, Italian and German. U.S. author Romero is an award-winning playwright whose work is well known in the Latino community. She is playwright-in-residence at the Arizona Theatre Company. She holds her MFA from UC Davis, and her work has been produced at such theatres as Actors Theatre of Louisville, the Women’s Project and Productions in New York City, INTAR in New York City, Kitchen Dog Theatre in Dallas, the Working Theater in New York City, and the New Theatre in Coral Gables, Fla. This year’s production included professional actors Eden Coronado, from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, and Maricela Ochoa, from Los Angles, Calif. The director was Angel David, an actor and director based in New York City. In addition to the on-campus production, ONU students had the chance to meet and talk with the authors in classroom settings and in pre- and post-performance settings. “It’s always exciting to have the playwrights in residence for a week and meet with classes,” Robbins says. “We want to bring the rest of the world to our students, and we want to open their eyes to all the complicated issues of world culture.”

International Play Festival Takes on the Border

Dr. Jon Sprague volunteers as part of the Fasprin study, while Dr. David Kisor supervises.

SPRING 2008 13

Alumnae and Students Present at National Convention The lights of New York City’s Times Square provided the backdrop for a presentation uniting Ohio Northern University alumnae with current ONU students. Elizabeth Fogle, BA ’07, and Jennifer Samide, BA ’07, joined seniors Melodie Adams, Elizabeth Dugan, Rachel Rufenacht and Melissa Widman for the group’s presentation about the Secondary Education Society (SES) at ONU, founded in 2007 by English department students. The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) accepted the proposal written by the SES about how the group unites pre-service teachers at the collegiate level to foster clear communication between secondary departments and the education department at Ohio Northern University. The concept of the group came from the minds of Fogle, Samide, Dugan and Emily Buehler, BA ’07, to provide a resource for secondary education majors to talk about taking the right classes, completing critical requirements and finding jobs after graduation. In addition to the presenters, the English department sent a professor and seven other students to the NCTE National Convention in November 2007. All were in attendance for the group’s presentation discussing “Are We There Yet?: Creating Our Own Road to Professional Success.” The presentation covered the Secondary Education Society’s conception, goals and current standing for both current ONU students and alumni teachers. Fogle met the group in New York City, coming from her job as a language arts instructor at the Life Skills Center of Dayton, Ohio. In addition to her role as an educator at the alternative charter school, she also is the district test coordinator for the Ohio Graduation Tests, working with the Ohio Department of Education to help students prepare for and pass the proficiency tests. While working, Fogle is also taking graduate classes at the University of Dayton for a master’s degree in English composition. Recently, the College English Association accepted another paper proposal, and she will be traveling to St. Louis, Mo., to present at the annual conference. Samide arrived in the city eager to reconvene with her fellow presenters. She teaches English II at La Plata High School, a part of the Charles County Public School system in Maryland, 30 minutes south of Washington, D.C. As an English II instructor, Jennifer works daily with a team of teachers to create curricula that prepares students for the Maryland High School Assessment, taken during the sophomore year. Jennifer also is an active coach for the school’s color guard squad and helps with the competition marching band. “Everyone did his or her part to make it succeed,” Jennifer said of her fellow presenters. “It was difficult for us to coordinate this presentation with several of the presenters in different locations with different schedules, so I was very proud to see it all come together so beautifully at the end. I am excited to watch the remaining English majors in the Society use this opportunity to reach out and expand our group to the other secondary majors.” Even with the group’s presentation overlooking the lights of Times Square on a Friday evening, the presentation scored points with everyone in the audience. Audience members stayed well after the presentation was over to speak to the presenters individually. Elizabeth commented on the extra attention saying, “It was nice to see that other people were interested in what we did in college. I was honored to sit and speak with two women after the presentation from New York’s public school system. They were just amazed at what we had accomplished at such young ages. It just showed me how a nurturing collegiate environment produces forward-thinking students. The presentation was a huge success for everyone involved.” The National Council of Teachers of English was a great platform for communication about education and the goals of pre-service teachers, and the presenters were honored on a national stage while only in their first year of teaching or while still in undergraduate study. What an achievement!

National Council of Teachers of English(From left) Melodie Adams, senior, Rachel Rufenacht, senior, Jennifer Samide, BA ’07, Elizabeth Fogle, BA ’07, Elizabeth Dugan, senior, and Melissa Widman, senior.

Campus ShortsONU Students Raise Record $44,300 for Charity Up ’til Dawn, a student fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, raised a record $44,300. On Jan. 25, ONU students celebrated with entertainment, games and food at the ONU Sports Center.

Ohio Northern Students Help with Tax Preparation Elderly and low-income tax payers in Allen and Hardin counties received free income tax assistance from Ohio Northern University law and accounting students through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance.

Astronomy Club Hosts Viewing of Total Lunar Eclipse The Ohio Northern Astronomy Club and physics department hosted a viewing of the total lunar eclipse on Feb. 20 in the parking lot next to Wander Field. Several telescopes were set up for optimal viewing. Some of these telescopes were trained on Saturn, which was less than 4 degrees away from the moon at the time.

Estimating Team Finishes First in Ohio Contractors Association Competition The Ohio Northern estimating team earned a first-place finish at the eighth annual Ohio Contractors Association (OCA) Estimating Competition held Feb. 15 and 16. For its first-ever first-place finish, the Northern team was awarded $2,000.

Freed Center Presents Student-directed One-act Plays In a first, the Freed Center for the Performing Arts presented “A Look at Life in America,” a selection of four one-act plays directed by ONU student directors. “Four of the most capable, advanced students in the theatre program tried their hand at directing for the main stage for the first time,” says Joan Robbins, a theatre lecturer in Northern’s communication arts department.

The Struggles and Triumphs of Frederick Douglass As part of Black History Month, Ohio Northern presented “Frederick Douglass: In the Shadow of Slavery,” at the Freed Center for the Performing Arts. Veteran actor and film producer Mel Johnson Jr. portrayed Douglass in a one-man show that recounted the life of one of the most important African-Americans in United States history.


Men’s BasketballMark PrattPratt, a senior point guard from Woodhaven, Mich., is a two-year letterman for the Polar Bears. He saw action in 24 games with one start this winter. A co-captain, he averaged 1.5 ppg on the year. His leadership both on and off the court was vital to the team’s ability to post its 18th consecutive winning season this year.

Women’s BasketballTara ButlerButler, a senior center from Gregory, Mich., saw action in 93 games during her career, all of which were in a reserve role. A four-year letterwinner, Butler helped the Polar Bears to 59 wins over the past four seasons.

WrestlingScott NeuenschwanderNeuenschwander, a senior from Saint Clairesville, Ohio, is a three-year letterman for the Ohio Northern wrestling team. Neuenschwander registered 37 career victories at the heavyweight class, including an 11-5 record this year. He finished third at the Manchester (Ind.) Spartan Classic this winter.

Women’s SwimmingSamantha RuffingRuffing, a senior from Republic, Ohio, is a three-year letter winner for the Lady Polar Bears. At this season’s OAC Championships, she placed seventh in the 100-yard breaststroke event, helping ONU to a second place finish. In her career, she scored 7.5 team points at the OAC Championships for Ohio Northern.

Men’s SwimmingJohn MillerMiller, a senior from Lebanon, Ohio, is a nine-time OAC Champion as a member of ONU relay teams. He earned All-Conference accolades in 12 different events, helping ONU win four consecutive OAC Championships from 2005-08.

Men’s Indoor TrackThomas AdamAdam, a junior from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, won the 5,000-meter run at the OAC Championships for the Polar Bears this winter. A three-year letterman, Adam also is a standout on ONU’s nationally-ranked cross country squad.

Women’s Indoor TrackAmy SwigertSwigert, a senior from Jeffersonville, Ohio, scored 38 ¼ points for the Lady Polar Bears this indoor season, helping them to an outstanding 54-11 record and a second place finish in the OAC. She earned All-OAC honors in the long jump as a junior in 2007.


Faces from the FieldFaces from the Field is designed to acknowledge some of the unsung heroes of Ohio Northern University’s athletic teams. These young men and women contribute greatly to their teams’ successes, but often times are not given the “All-Star” credit they deserve.

Get the latest news and scores of your favorite ONU team on Ohio Northern’s sports Web site

SPRING 2008 15

Ron Beaschler inducted into National Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame Ohio Northern wrestling coach Ron Beaschler, BS ’86, was inducted into the National Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame during the NWCA banquet on March 6 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The ceremony took place the evening before the NCAA Division III Wrestling Championships got underway. A Tiffin, Ohio, native, Beaschler is the chairperson of the Human Performance and Sport Sciences department at ONU. He also is an assistant professor in the department and coordinates the sport management program at Ohio Northern. He served as chair of Division III NCAA Wrestling committee for two years, was the president of the NWCA, which represents all collegiate and scholastic wrestling in the United States, and was the Division III representa-tive on the NWCA executive board of directors. Beaschler currently serves as the Weight Management Program liaison to the NCAA Wrestling Committee. In his 20 seasons at the helm of the ONU wrestling program, Be-aschler’s teams have posted a 194-154-4 record. Beaschler is the all-time winningest coach in ONU history and also has the longest tenure as head wrestling coach at ONU. During his time at ONU, Beaschler has coached two National Champions, two National Runners-up, 13 All-Americans, 27 Scholar All-Americans and

five Scholar All-American Teams. He was named Ohio Athletic Conference (OAC) Coach of the Year by his peers in 1993. His teams have won six OAC titles and his squads are a league-best 45-10 in OAC dual meet competition since the inception of the current regular season round-robin format in 2000. Beaschler graduated from Ohio Northern in 1986 with bachelors degrees in management and sports management. He received his master’s degree in education from Bowling Green State University in 1988 and currently is work-ing on his Ph.D. at the University of Toledo. This season, Beaschler coached senior Ben Plowman to his third con-secutive Ohio Athletic Conference championship and NCAA Tournament appearance. Plowman has competed at 174 pounds each of the past two seasons and was at 184 pounds as a sophomore in 2006. Junior David Penny competed in his second straight NCAA Tourna-ment in 2008. He won the OAC title in 2007 in the 125-pound weight class and was the league’s at-large representative after a runner-up finish this year.

Ohio Northern Hosts 2008 NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships Ohio Northern hosted the 2008 NCAA Division III Indoor Track & Field Championships March 14-15 to rave reviews at the ONU Sports Center. Standing-room-only crowds of more than 3,000 watched each of the two days of the NCAA Championships, which were also streamed live on the Internet by CSTV. This marks the fourth time that the Division III Indoor Track & Field Championships have come to ONU.

The ONU Sports Center was also the host site for the event in 1995, 1999 and 2002. Northern hosted the 1997, 2000 and 2003 NCAA Division III Wrestling Championships, as well. Senior Ryan Robertson, of Pickerington, Ohio, and junior Jimmy O’Brien, of Pemberville, Ohio, earned All-America honors at the event. Robertson earned All-America honors in the long jump, with a school record leap of 23-4 ½ and O’Brien earned All-America honors for the second consecutive year in the 800-meter dash, finishing third in 1:52.84.

Senior shooting guard Jenny Markle, of Fairlawn, Ohio, led all three NCAA divisions in 3-point shooting for women’s basketball for the second time in her career, making an impressive 56.1 percent (69-of-123) of her 3-point attempts in 2007-08. She ends her career as the NCAA’s all-time leader with a 50.4 percent average, making an ONU-record 239 3-pointers in 474 career attempts. Markle also led the nation in 3-point shooting as a sophomore, making 73-of-141 from beyond the arc for 51.8 percent. This season, she was named First Team All-Ohio Athletic Conference and was named Academic All-Conference, helping the women’s basketball team to a 19-7 overall record and a 14-4 OAC mark. Both win totals are the most for the Polar Bear women since the 1987-88 season.

Markle Leads NCAA in 3-Point Shootng

Jimmy O’Brien, senior, and Mike Becraft, H of F ’94, are the only All-Americans awarded in cross country in ONU’s history.


2007-2008 Winter Sports UpdateMen’s Basketball (15-12) The Ohio Northern men’s basketball team posted its 18th consecutive winning season with a 15-12 record and finished fourth in the Ohio Athletic Conference with a 10-8 record under third-year head coach Jeff Coleman. Senior Kyle Gehle, of Versailles, Ohio, was named All-OAC for the second consecutive season after leading the Polar Bears in scoring (16.1 ppg) and 3-pointers (63). He also was named to the OAC, Trinity/Southwestern Holiday and Calvin Tip-Off All-Tournament Teams. Junior Jake Cannan, of Dublin, Ohio, was named All-Conference and Academic All-Conference for the second consecutive year. He led ONU in rebounding (8.1 rpg) and blocked shots (35) and averaged 13.0 ppg. He also was named to the Carnegie Mellon All-Tournament Team. Sophomore Kyle Meyer, of Columbus Grove, Ohio, also was named All-Conference after averaging 12.5 points and 5.6 rebounds per game.

Women’s Basketball (19-7) The Polar Bears had their best season in 20 years, finishing 19-7 overall and second in the OAC with a 14-4 mark. Both win totals were the most since the 1987-88 season. Senior Erin Brand, of Yorkshire, Ohio, was a First Team All-Conference selection for the second consecutive year and senior Jenny Markle, of Fairlawn, Ohio, also was a First Team All-OAC honoree. Head coach Michele Durand was named the Great Lakes Region Coach of the Year. Markle led the nation in 3-point shooting for the second time in her career, making an impressive 56.1 percent (69-of-123) of her 3-point attempts.

She ends her career as the NCAA’s all-time leader with a 50.4 percent average, making an ONU-record 239 3-pointers in 474 career attempts. Brand made her third appearance on the All-OAC squad. She also was an Honorable Mention selection three years ago as a freshman. Brand led the team in both scoring (14.3 ppg) and rebounding (5.1 rpg), and Markle was third in scoring at 10.9 ppg. Markle and senior Megan Cevasco, of Copley, Ohio, were named Academic All-Conference.

Wrestling (11-8) The Ohio Northern wrestling team finished second in the Ohio Athletic Conference regular season standings and was third at the OAC Championships under 21st-year head coach Ron Beaschler. The Polar Bears finished with an 11-8 overall dual record and were 5-1 in OAC dual action.

Senior Ben Plowman, of Maumee, Ohio, and junior David Penny, of West Milton, Ohio, competed at the 2008 NCAA Division III Wrestling Championships in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Plowman (22-10) finished 1-2 at 174 pounds, missing All-America honors by only one point. He won his third consecutive OAC title, claiming the 174-pound crown for the second straight season after winning the 184-pound title in 2006. Penny, the OAC runner-up at 125 pounds, finished his season with an impressive 29-10 record and earned All-OAC honors for the second consecutive year. He was named a Scholar All-American by the National Wrestling Coaches Association for the second consecutive year. Freshman Luke Miller, of Indiana, Pa., earned All-OAC honors with a runner-up finish at 157 pounds at the OAC Championships. Beaschler was inducted into the NWCA Hall of Fame prior to the NCAA Championships in Cedar Rapids.

Men’s Swimming & Diving (5-4, OAC Champions) The Polar Bears won their fourth consecutive Ohio Athletic Conference Championships title under fourth-year head coach Peggy Ewald. Ohio Northern (5-4 duals) won six individual OAC titles and won four of the five relays at the OAC Championships, setting six school records in the process. The Bears also captured the OAC Regular Season crown with a perfect 4-0 mark.

SPRING 2008 17

Freshman Michael Schultz, of New Berlin, Wis., won six OAC titles and was named the OAC Men’s Swimmer of the Year. He also was the first ONU men’s swimmer to compete at the NCAA Championships, swimming in the 200-, 500- and 1650-yard free style events. Junior Brett Kuhn, of Tiffin, Ohio, won four events and was All-OAC in three others. Senior Mike Anderson, of Jenison, Mich., and freshman Garrett Dauch, of Norwalk, Ohio, each won three OAC titles. Anderson ended his career as a 12-time OAC Champion and a 20-time All-Conference performer. In all, nine Polar Bears were OAC Champions and 12 earned All-OAC honors. Ewald and her assistant coaches were named the OAC Men’s Swimming & Diving Coaching Staff of the Year for the third time in the last four seasons.

Women’s Swimming & Diving (7-4, OAC Regular Season Champions) The Lady Polar Bears won their third consecutive Ohio Athletic Conference Regular Season title in 2007-08 under fourth-year head coach Peggy Ewald. Ohio Northern finished 4-0 in the OAC and was 7-4 overall. At the OAC Championships meet, the Polar Bears won nine of the 20 events, including seven individual events and two of the five relays, and set two OAC records in the meet. Sophomore Lacey Shumate, of Bucyrus, Ohio, and freshman Hannah Bukowy, of North Canton, Ohio, each won four events to lead the Polar Bear women.

Sophomore Katherine Moore, of Chicago, Ill., won three events to help the cause. In all, six Lady Polar Bears won OAC crowns and eight earned All-OAC honors in the meet.

Men’s Indoor Track & Field (59-4, OAC Champions) Ohio Northern won the 2008 Ohio Athletic Conference Championship and finished with an impressive 59-4 record under 11th-year head coach Brian Cole. Senior Ryan Robertson, of Pickerington, Ohio, and junior Jimmy O’Brien, of Pemberville, Ohio, earned All-America honors at the NCAA Championships, hosted by Ohio Northern march 14-15 at the ONU Sports Center. Robertson earned All-America honors in the long jump for the third time in his career with a third place finish, jumping a school record 23-4 ½. He was also the OAC Champion in the long jump and 55-meter dash. O’Brien earned All-America honors for the second consecutive year in the 800-meter dash, finishing third. He also was named the Great Lakes Region Male Track Athlete of the Year for the second straight season. O’Brien is now a three-time All-American and a two-time national champion in the event. He also won four OAC titles, giving him nine for his career. He set ONU records in the 500, 800, 1000 and 1-mile runs and was part of ONU’s record-setting 4x400 relay team. He now owns six indoor and four outdoor school records. In all, 11 Polar Bears were OAC champions and 16 earned All-Conference accolades. Ohio Northern ended the season ranked No. 19 nationally.

Women’s Indoor Track & Field (54-11) The Ohio Northern women’s indoor track and field team finished 54-11 and was third at the Ohio Athletic Conference Championships under 11th-year head coach Brian Cole. Junior Joy Kessler, of Republic, Ohio, claimed All-OAC honors in the 500-meter run for the second consecutive year. Freshman Courtney Zupancic, of North Ridgeville, Ohio, set a school record in the shot put with a heave of 41-8 ½ and qualified provisionally for the NCAA Championships in the 20-pound weight throw with a toss of 49-8 ½. Freshman Aubrie Stechechulte, of Columbus Grove, Ohio, set a school record in the pole vault by clearing 10-9 ½.


Visions poétiques de Marie-Claire Blais (Poetic visions of Marie-Claire Blais)Sous la direction de Janine Ricouart et Roseanna Dufault

Les editions du remue-menage2008, 323 pages, $24.95ISBN: 978-2-89091-262-5

Marie-Claire Blais’ work is read worldwide. This volume gathers original studies and fresh perspectives on the author’s works from scholars based in Quebec, Canada, the U.S., Italy and Finland. Roseanna Dufault is professor of French and chair of the department of modern languages at Ohio Northern University. She is the author of Metaphors of Identity: The Treatment of Childhood in Selected Québécois Novels and edited Women by Women: The Treatment of Female Characters by Women Writers of Fiction in Québec.

BookReport Mental Health Issues in the Criminal Justice System by Daniel W. Phillips III (Editor)

The Haworth Press 1 edition (June 18, 2007), 320 pages, $95.00ISBN-10: 0789037696ISBN-13: 978-0789037695

Keith Durkin, Ph.D., associate professor of sociology and chair of the Department of Psychology and Sociology, Ronald Delong, lecturer in psychology, and Steven Hundersmarck, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology and coordinator of criminal justice studies at Ohio Northern are authors of a chapter in this compliation. The chapter is titled “Designing a Classification System for Internet Offenders – Doing Cognitive Editions.” The chapter was co-published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.

Women’s Locker Room Honors Legendary Coaches The newly renovated women’s locker room in the ONU Sports Center has been renamed the Helen Spar Ludwig Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics Locker Room, in memory of Helen (Spar) Ludwig, BSEd ’44, H of F ’89, Hon. D. ’89. A special dedication took place on Jan. 19, just prior to the Ohio Northern women’s basketball game against Mount Union. Known as the founder of ONU women’s athletics, Ludwig worked at the University from 1963 to 1984. At various points in her career, Ludwig helped coach basketball, track, volleyball, tennis and softball. “Mrs. L,” as she was affectionately called, also was the first female inducted into the Northern’s Athletic Hall of Fame. The locker room renovations include 20 new wooden lockers, a flat-screen television with sound system, new carpeting and a completely remodeled bathroom area. In addition to Ludwig, the locker room honors ONU women’s coaching legends Sheila Wallace-Kovalchik and Gayle Lauth. “All three of these women were pioneers in women’s athletics and the success that we enjoy at ONU today,” explained Kate Witte, head coach of volleyball and assistant athletic director. “This locker room is a tremendous reflection of how much these three coaches – as well as the alumnae that played for them – cared about women’s athletics.”

Wallace-Kovalchik coached the volleyball team from 1969 to 1990 and finished her career with 569 wins and 196 losses. She also led the team to 10 straight NCAA Tournament appearances, highlighted by a national runner-up finish in 1989. She had 12 straight seasons with 30 or more wins, and she was named OAC Coach-of-the-Year three times. Lauth served as the head basketball coach from 1972 to 1992 and compiled a record of 274 wins and 150 losses. She was named OAC Coach-of-the-Year in 1988 and won OAC tournament championships in 1988 and 1986. She also served as the head softball coach from 1968 to 2000. She amassed a career softball record of 425-317-2 and was named OAC Coach-

of-the-Year on three occasions. “Gayle Lauth and Sheila Wallace-Kovalchik are astonishing women. They admired Helen’s devoted attitude and took the challenge of increasing the distinction of female athletics at Ohio

Northern University,” remarked Katie Weininger, a senior communication arts major from Sycamore, Ohio, during the dedication ceremony. “This generation will continue to build on the foundation Mrs. L started, and the locker room will be used as a visual to motivate and educate future generations.” The locker room is used by the Northern volleyball, women’s basketball and softball teams and was mostly paid for by alumnae of each sport. “I believe Mrs. L would be proud, not only of the facility, but in the way that the partnership between our donors and the University’s financial contribution made it possible to complete such an ambitious renovation,” said Thomas Simmons, BSBA ’85, BA ’86, director of athletics. “Meeting and surpassing our financial goal is a testament to what Helen started at ONU.”

SPRING 2008 19

50 years ago – 1958The senior class officers were Boyd Schultz, Lois Wright, Bob Mathews and Warren Bertram.

The Phi Chi Sorority swept the annual volleyball tournament with a 6-0 record.

22 seniors were elected to the Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities.

The theme of the 1958 Annual was “Crossroads.”

40 years ago – 1968The sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi hosted the Rose Ball in February.

The Heterick Memorial Library Dedication took place on October 5, 1968.

Alpha Sigma Phi won first place in the Homecoming Float contest.

Jan Lehman was the president of the Student Education Association.

25 years ago – 1983The Polar Bowl was an annual winter sports event.

Student enrollment reached 2,545.

The Northern Freeze was a popular meeting place.

The Polar Bears won the Homecoming game in a 60-0 victory against Marietta.

10 years ago – 1998Helen Raymond had the lead role in Agnes of God.

Eric Everman was the sweetheart of Alpha Xi Delta.

Anti-Man was the winner of Battle of the Bands.

Andy Roecker was the first ONU football player to earn both All-American and Academic All-American honors.


You Can Cal l the O ff ice of Alumni Affairs Tol l -Free!

(866) ONU-ALUM (668) (2586)






ClassNotesThis edition of Class Notes includes information received up to March 1, 2008. If you don’t see your information in this issue, please look for it in the next one. We encourage you to continue sending us information about what you are doing, weddings and additions to your family.


Robert Klotman, BSEd, Hon.D. ’84, is a professor emeritus of Indiana University. On December 9, 2007, he spoke at the Mannes College School of Music in New York City on his involvement in bringing Shinicki Suzuki and the Suzuki Method to the United States. The meeting was titled “The Littlest Musicians: Music and the Child’s Brain.” Robert and his wife, Phyllis, reside in New York, NY.


Richard Lawrence, BSEd, was named Distinguished Citizen of the Year at the 42nd annual Town and Gown Banquet in Ada, OH, where he and his wife, Peggy, also reside.


Carl Wieging, BSEd, lent his musical talents as a tenor to the 112th performance of Messiah by the Bluffton Choral Society. Carl resides in Lima, OH, and he enjoys choral activities.


James Christy, BA, received a North Union High School Hall of Pride Award on September 7, 2007. He and his wife, Sandra, reside in Piqua, OH.


Joseph Carpino, JD, is retired from Carpino & Carpino, Attorneys at Law, in Steubenville, OH. He resides in Yorkville, OH. Evan Richards, BSEE, is retired and lives in The Villages, FL, with his wife, Mary Ann.


Daniel Meckstroth, BSEd, retired from the education and insurance business. He is a tour bus operator for Lakefront Lines in Fairfield, OH, servicing New York City and Washington, D.C. Daniel and his wife, Sue, reside in New Carlisle, OH.


Charles Schiff, BSME, is a director, collagen small business unit for Osteotech Inc. in Eatontown, NJ. Charles and his wife, Joyce, reside in Yardley, PA. James Moyers, BS, was inducted into the Springfield South High School Athletic Hall of Fame on January 25, 2008. He enjoyed a 31-year career as a teacher, coach and athletic director at Springfield South. James and his wife, Lynn, reside in Tellico Village in Loudon, TN.


Edward Clausing Jr., BSPh, is the director of pharmacy for Fulton County Health Center in Wauseon, OH. He and his wife, Beth, reside in Napoleon, OH. Steven Fox, BA, retired in September 2007 from the Ohio Department of Transportation as a survey operations manager. He is the president of Fox Surveying Company, Shiloh Innovations, Congress Lands Chapter of PLSO and Prospect Village Business Association. Steven and his wife, Kay Ellen, reside in Prospect, OH, and they can be reached at foxsurveying@verizon.netWilliam Gardner, BA, JD ’73, was elected to the Republican Town Committee of New Canaan, CT, where he and his wife, Margery, also reside. He will serve a two-year term, while maintaining law offices in New York and Connecticut. Jim Hooper, JD, is a retired judge of the Miami County Common Pleas Court. Jim and his wife, Marilyn, reside in Fort Myers, FL.


Fritz Kucklick, BSME, is the president of IMT Consulting Inc. in Cassopolis, MI, where he and his wife, Chris (Murdock), BA ’70, also reside. Fritz is an active member of the College of Engineering Advisory Board and he can be reached at kucklick@imtcusa.comAlex Novak, BA, received Bausch & Lomb’s 2007 Platinum Club Award for sales and excellence, his 11th Platinum Club Award and 14th major sales recognition in his 25-year career with Bausch & Lomb. He was inducted into Bausch & Lomb’s Sales Hall of Fame in 2000. Alex and his wife, Walli (Burns), BSEd ’71, reside in Sylvania, OH, and he can be reached at


Keith Golding, BSPh, is a staff pharmacist for CVS Pharmacy in Twinsburg, OH. He and his wife, Fae Valerie, reside in Painesville, OH.


Alan Ciklin, JD, is listed in the 2008 edition of The Best Lawyers in America. He is a managing partner with Casey Ciklin Lubitz Martens McBane & O’Connell in West Palm Beach, FL, where he and his wife, Lynn, also reside.


William Gardner, JD, BA ’68, was elected to the Republican Town Committee of New Canaan, CT, where he and his wife, Margery, also reside. He will serve a two-year term, while maintaining law offices in New York and Connecticut. Will Mawer, JD, is a professor of legal studies and MBA coordinator for Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, OK. He and his wife, Marci, reside in Denison, TX.


Ray Wolf, BSPh, is employed by Sepracor Inc., in Marlborough, MA. He resides in Shrewsbury, MA.


Ronald Benner, BSEE, is a software analyst for Los Angeles County Transportation Agency. He resides in Glendale, CA. Chuck Daum, BA, is a district manager for The Davey Tree Expert Company in Orlando, FL. He and his wife, Pamela (Zucker), BA ’76, reside in Altamonte Springs, FL. Thomas Sartini, JD, is the secretary of the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association. He also is a prosecuting attorney for the Ashtabula County Prosecutor’s Office. Thomas and his wife, Marlene, reside in Ashtabula, OH.


Edward Miklavcic, BSME, retired in January 2006 as a flight operations engineer from Northrup Grumman. As a contractor for NASA-Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, OH, he wrote crew procedures and trained astronauts for space experiments. His specific launches include the space shuttle “Columbia,” STS-83 and STS-94. Edward resides in Willoughby, OH, with his wife, Kathryn, and he can be reached at

Sampling of ONU Degrees:AA associate of artsA.CIT alumni citationBA bachelor of arts BFA bachelor of fine artsBM bachelor of musicBS bachelor of scienceBSBA bachelor of science in business administrationBSCE bachelor of science in civil engineeringBSCHE bachelor of science in chemical engineeringBSCPE bachelor of science in computer engineeringBSECE bachelor of science in electrical and computer engineeringBSEd bachelor of science in educationBSEE bachelor of science in electrical engineeringBSME bachelor of science in mechanical engineeringBSMT bachelor of science in medical technologyBSN bachelor of science in nursingBSPh bachelor of science in pharmacyH of F Hall of FameHon.D. honorary degreeJD juris doctorateLLB bachelor of lawsLLD doctor of lawsLLM master of lawsPharmD doctor of pharmacy

Timothy Rice, BA, JD ’79, is a vice president, assistant general counsel and corporate secretary for Dayton Power and Light Company in Dayton, OH. He is licensed to practice law in Ohio, The Federal District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and The United States Supreme Court. A member of the Ohio and Dayton Bar Association, Tim has served on the boards of several organizations such as Dayton Urban League, Family Services Association, Legal Aid of Western Ohio and Daybreak. Tim and his wife, Jeannie (Sledd), BA ’75, a fifth-grade teacher for Miamisburg City Schools, reside in Beavercreek, OH, and they can be reached at Frank Riley, JD, and Donna Crowley were married on December 29, 2007. The couple resides in Blissfield, MI. Robert Young, BA, is the vice president of tax for Workflow One in Dayton, OH. He and his wife, Caroline, reside in Delaware, OH.

SPRING 2008 21


Glenn Derryberry, JD, has been appointed to serve as the probate/juvenile court judge for Allen County by Governor Ted Strickland. Prior to his recent position, Glenn served as chief magistrate of the Juvenile Court for 18 years. Glenn resides in Lima, OH, with his wife, Jo. James Piampiano, JD, is an attorney in Rochester, NY. On November 6, 2007, he was elected to the judicial position of Henrietta Town Court Justice in Henrietta, NY, for a four-year term. James resides in Pittsford, NY, with his wife, Karen, and he can be reached at

Rodolfo Rivera, BA, is the vice president, international operations for Fidelity National Title Group in Clayton, MO. He resides in Oakland, MO.


John Kennedy, JD, was named to the Ohio State Chiropractic Board by Governor Ted Strickland. He and his wife, Mary, reside in Blacklick, OH. Ralph Russo, JD, received the Jackson E. Betts Professional Award from the Findlay/Hancock County Bar Association. Ralph and his wife, Nancy Moody-Russo, JD ’81, reside in Findlay, OH.

Check Out the Alumni Award!Did you know that children of alumni may be eligible to receive a $7,500 gift award to attend ONU?

For more information call the Office of Financial Aid at (419) 772-2272 or e-mail


Carolyn M. Callahan, BA ’77, was not a traditional student while at Ohio Northern. She was married and the mother of two children when she earned her degree in accounting. Today she is Dr. Callahan, Doris M. Cook Accounting Professor in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, and has been named to a four-year term on the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. “Being an African-American female, I am something of a trailblazer,” she admits. After completing her degree at ONU, she worked in corporate accounting. Although successful in her chosen field, she “caught the teaching bug” after instructing a class at Bowling Green State University. Callahan says, “I loved corporate accounting and thought teaching would be something I’d do after I retired. I didn’t know it would be an entire career!” While considering the career change, she says, “I came back to Ohio Northern and talked to my professors about it. They all recommended that I get the doctorate and that I go to the best schools. They gave me excellent advice that I often share it with my students now.” She went on to complete her master’s degree at Bowling Green State University and her Ph.D. from Michigan State University. She served on the accountancy faculty at the University of Massachusetts where she held the KPMG Faculty Research Fellowship. She also served eight years on the accountancy faculty at the University of Notre Dame and earned tenure at both institutions. It all began, she says, because “I was inspired by the fact that, when I was at Ohio Northern University, it was a wonderful environment, and I felt so close to my professors. I felt like I got a first-rate education.” Callahan carries that same spirit into her own classrooms. “I think my professors at Ohio Northern were the best role models for me. Professor Roger Young and professor Delores Moore, in particular, seemed to care about their students, not only what you were learning in the classroom, but as people. I was married and had two children, but they never treated me differently than the traditional student. And as an African-American woman, I felt I was in a really nurturing environment. It was very clear that they respected whatever intellect I was bringing to the table. I just don’t remember ever, the whole time I was there, feeling different, and that is remarkable. I’ve been on campuses where I felt there were differences being made.” “At Ohio Northern I never felt any of that and I felt so close to my professors. In fact, it would never have occurred to me to make the decision to earn a Ph D. without talking to them. I came back to ask them what they thought would be a good strategy.” Today, Callahan carries on the same spirit of giving. She explains, “I came from a very poor background, and when I made the decision to come to the University of Arkansas, I did it for a very strategic reason. I’m Roman Catholic and I believe very strongly in giving back to the community. I thought I could really make a difference for some of those kids, the same way someone made a difference for me. We need to help students at every economic level. “I’ve enjoyed being here. It’s been a good challenge.” She encourages her students with her own story. “I was married when I came to Northern, and my husband, James, and I are still married,” she says with pride. Their three children include their eldest daughter, “who was probably on campus with me at Ohio Northern,” now a medical doctor and graduate of Harvard Medical School, their son, a clinical psychologist and graduate of the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and their youngest daughter, a computer specialist with a degree from Notre Dame.

“It’s a really exciting time to be involved with f inancial accounting boards and advisory councils because we h a v e a n e m p h a s i s now on trying to adopt a global standard for accounting.”

“Every country has had i t s own account ing standards. Because of globalization and a host of other factors, we are now trying to adopt one worldwide set of accounting standards. That means that the f inancial s tatements from every country would be compared f rom the same rules. This is revolutionary!”


8:30 a.m.Sweetheart’s Breakfast(McIntosh Center) Did you meet your sweetheart at ONU? Where did you meet? Join us as we reminisce with games and fellowship during breakfast. All alumni and friends are welcome to attend!

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.(McIntosh Center)

”Who will be the next U.S. President?” Dr. Rob Alexander, BA ’94, associate professor of political science, and a panel of Ohio Northern students will discuss this important topic.

10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Meet the Deans and College Reunion Celebrations Visit with deans and faculty from your college. Additional information will be distributed at registration.

Noon - 1:30 p.m.Alumni Association PicnicJoin ONU alumni and friends for a picnic lunch followed by an update on the University from President Baker.

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.Tours of campusIncluding the Hakes-Pierstorf Family Pharmacy Addition, Dial-Roberson Football Stadium, King Horn Center, Dicke Hall and much more!

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. How to Live Well Without the Well Running Dry(McIntosh Center) Ken Block, executive director of development, will present ways you can receive a fixed income for life while supporting ONU.

1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Jewelry Making with the First Lady(McIntosh Center)Led by members of the Ohio Northern University President’s Club

2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Horse and carriage rides through ONU’s campus!(Leaving from McIntosh Center)

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Garden Reception at the President’s Home(Dicke House) Join President and Mrs. Baker, BFA ’06, at their home prior to the Alumni Awards Dinner. Transportation will be provided from McIntosh Center.

6:30 p.m.Alumni Awards Banquet and Dinner (McIntosh Center) Join us for an evening of dining and entertainment while celebrating this year’s Distinguished Alumni Award winners. The dinner and banquet will be followed by a performance from the Ohio Northern University Alumni Band!

8:00 p.m. Alumni Band PerformanceThe ONU Alumni Band is comprised of alumni who have played in the band throughout the years and many who are actively involved with numerous musical groups. Be ready to be “wowed” and show off your dance moves as you are entertained by this amazing group of musicians with their big band and jazz music.


8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.Breakfast Buffet(McIntosh Center, Wishing Well)

Sunday WorshipA list of area churches and worship times will be available at the registration area.

11:00 a.m.The eighth Annual Robby Golf Classic(Colonial Golfers Club - 5 miles west of Ada) The event is a fundraiser for The Robby Fund, named in honor of Bill Robinson, BSEd ’61, Hon.D. ’05, H of F ’05. Your participation fee of $125 includes range balls, 18 holes of golf with a cart and a post-golf dinner. The shotgun start will be at noon with dinner taking place at approximately 5 p.m. For further information, please contact Danielle (Verone) Murray, BA ’01, assistant director of alumni affairs, at (419) 772-2729 or

Grab your keys and head to ONU!

Alumni Weekend 2008May 30-June 1

Honoring the Class of 1958



NoonAlumni Luncheon(McIntosh Center, Wishing Well)

1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.Registration(McIntosh Center, Main Lobby)

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.Bridge Session(McIntosh Center)Led by ONU alumnus, Ronald Woofter, BA ’61. Find a partner or come by yourself for an afternoon of fun!

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.Admissions ProgramDo you have a child or grandchild interested in attending ONU? Attend this session to learn how you can help spread the word about ONU to college-bound students.

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.Tours of campusIncluding the Hakes-Pierstorf Family Pharmacy Addition, Dial-Roberson Football Stadium, King Horn Center, Dicke Hall and much more!

6:30 p.m.50th Year Class Reunion Dinner and Photo(McIntosh Center, Ballroom) Join us as we honor the class of 1958.

9:00 p.m. Reception(Holiday Inn, Lima) Come one, come all for hors d’oeuvres and fun!

7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.Registration(McIntosh Center, Main Lobby)


7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.Breakfast Buffet(McIntosh Center, Activities Room)

8:15 a.m.Walk the Remington Walk!Enjoy a leisurely walk through ONU’s beautiful campus with other ONU alumni and friends while learning about these new sculptures on Northern’s campus. (Meet at the McIntosh fountain at 8 a.m. for shuttle service to the walk.)

The 2008 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients:

Ed Gmyrek, BSEd ’65

Floyd Keith, BSEd ’70, H of F ’03

Michael Rencheck, BSEE ’83

Pat Parteleno, BSPh ’90, PharmD ’96

James Patsiavos, BSPh ’53

Judy (Reed) Weir, BSBA ’60

SPRING 2008 23

Save•the•Date for the

ONU Mediterranean Cruise

September 14, 2008Come sail with alumni and friends of Ohio Northern Univer-sity round trip from Rome, Italy, to the amazing destinations of Palermo, Sicily, Naples, Barcelona, Palma De Mallorca, Florence, Pisa, Monte Carlo, Tunis and Carthage!

Goup space has been set aside for this sailing at the following rates: CAT K/INSIDE CABIN/CRUISE ONLY $1,899 per person based on double CAT J/INSIDE CABIN/CRUISE ONLY $1,944 per person based on double CAT GG/OUTSIDE PARTIAL OBSTRUCTED/CRUISE ONLY $2,149 per person based on double CAT D / OUTSIDE FULL VIEW/CRUISE ONLY $2,329 per person based on double CAT VD/OUTSIDE BALCONY $2,799 per person based on double

Round trip transfers (additional): $184 per person Port taxes and fees: $84.48 per person Optional airfare is additional. Price depends on your gateway:COLUMBUS, OHIO $1,419 per person + $21 air taxes CLEVELAND, OHIO $1,419 per person + $21 air taxes DETROIT, MICH. $1,339 per person + $21 air taxes • Rates and availability are limited and subject to change until

booked.• Optional cancellation insurance is additional, based on the dollar

amount of your cruise. • Standard and Platinum Cancellation Insurance is available. • Each cabin will receive $25 per person onboard ship credit and a

one-night $30 per person dining upgrade to The Penicale Grill.• Our group will host a cocktail reception during the cruise. (Time: TBA) FOR BOOKING INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Kathryn Baker, Travel Network 19 North Detroit St. Kenton, OH 43326 Phone: (419) 673-8131 or (800) 210-6552 E-mail: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: The Office of Alumni AffairsPhone: (419) 772-2727 or (866) ONU-ALUM (668-2586) E-mail:


John Tarkowsky, JD, is a partner with Baran, Piper, Tarkowsky, Fitzgerald & Theis Co., LPA, in Mansfield, OH, where he and his wife, Cynthia (Wagner), BSPh ’79, also reside. John has been listed as an Ohio Super Lawyer since 2003.


Jim Coll, BSPh, is a pharmacist and co-owner of Triangle Pharmacy Inc. in Ravenna, OH, where he and his wife, Phyllis, also reside. His son, Ryan, is a junior, Sigma Phi Epsilon brother at Florida Gulf Coast University in Ft. Myers, FL. Jim can be reached at irishlad317@aol.comTimothy Rice, JD, BA ’76, is a vice president, assistant general counsel and corporate secretary for Dayton Power and Light Company in Dayton, OH. He is licensed to practice law in Ohio, The Federal District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and The United States Supreme Court. A member of the Ohio and Dayton Bar Association, Tim has served on the boards of several organizations such as Dayton Urban League, Family Services Association, Legal Aid of Western Ohio and Daybreak. Tim and his wife, Jeannie (Sledd), BA ’75, a fifth-grade teacher for Miamisburg City Schools, reside in Beavercreek, OH, and they can be reached at Roger Saxton, JD, will be part of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association’s annual conference in Los Angeles. He is an international commercial transactions and corporate lawyer residing in Sydney, Australia.


Marc Stec, JD, is a vice president, business development for Carlson/SatoTravol in Arlington, VA. He and his family reside in Rockville, MD. Alan Will, BA, is the chief of staff for the 2nd Marine Logistics Group in Camp Lejeune, NC. Alan and his wife, Janel, reside in Suffolk, VA.


Dennis Barr, BA, JD ’84, is the recipient of the prestigious meritorious service award given by the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association. He and his family reside in Canton, OH. Steven Nord, BA, received the Lawyer of the Year Award by the West Virginia Bar Foundation Inc. He and his wife, Lisa (Labriola), BSPh ’82, reside in Huntington, WV.


Douglas Carothers, BSBA, is an assistant professor for the University of Hawaii at Hilo in Hilo, HI, where he also resides.

Jane Mowder, BSPh, has a featured role as a professor in the movie Smart People starring Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker. The movie was released in April 2008. In addition to her acting talents, she is a clinical pharmacist at Mt. Carmel Health. Jane resides in Reynoldsburg, OH, and she can be reached at jmowd@yahoo.comDarlene (Patrick) White, BA, is a medical technologist for Wilson Memorial Hospital in Sidney, OH. She and her husband, Timothy, reside in Lima, OH.


Robert Rudock, JD, is member of the Arnstein & Lehr LLP law firm. He and his family reside in Miami, FL.


Dennis Barr, JD, BA ’81, is the recipient of the prestigious meritorious service award given by the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association. He and his family reside in Canton, OH.


Kevin Hart, BSPh, received board certification in nuclear pharmacy in December 2007. Kevin is a general manager and nuclear pharmacist for Pharm-Corp of Maine in August, ME. Kevin and his wife, Sarah “Sally” (Karrick) Hart, BSBA ’84, reside in West Gardiner, ME, with their sons, and they can be reached at

Joseph Nesser, JD, is the Monroe County Family Court Judge in Rochester, NY. He and his family reside in Pittsford, NY. Todd Papes, BSCE, is the chief operating officer for TCB/AECOM in Houston, TX. He and his family reside in The Woodlands, TX.


James Bowers, JD, is the director of human resources for the city of Surprise, AZ, where he and his family also reside. Charles Heidelberg, BA, is serving as an intelligence officer with the 1-126th Cavalry Squadron-Michigan National Guard in Iraq. He and his wife, Susan (Hoile), BSBA ’86, reside in Gobles, MI, with their children. His oldest daughter, Nicole, is a freshman chemistry major at Ohio Northern University.

Dreaming Big…

Dreaming big and reaching for your goals are things that Pam Hershberger, BSBA ’87, thoroughly supports. It is obvious that she has followed her own advice, because Hershberger has just been named managing partner at Ernst & Young’s Toledo office. This professional achievement is the result of hard work and preparation. Hershberger began her career with Ernst & Young in August 1987. She credits ONU and her professors in the College of Business Administration for her success in finding this position and properly preparing her for the real world. Even though she always knew she wanted to be an accountant, she acknowledges Roger Young, an accounting professor, as greatly influencing her professional career choice. She says, “Roger is probably the reason that I went into public accounting.” She also notes that volleyball coach Sheila Wallace Kovalchik was, and continues to be, a mentor. She also attributes her success to her parents, who have always been very supportive of her career aspirations. Although her education is an ONU component that Hershberger values, she says that “the lifelong friendships I developed and the life lessons learned from the freedom I had during my four years of college” are the aspects of her ONU experience that she treasures most. Some of her favorite memories are from time spent renting an off-campus house with friends during her senior year. Hershberger says that she used “a lot of hard work and a good attitude” to establish herself at Ernst & Young. During her career, Hershberger has led the way for women in this accounting firm. After becoming one of the first woman partners at a Big Four firm in Northwest Ohio, she continued to strive upward. She credits her mentors from Ernst & Young in helping her to accomplish this goal. She continues, “I was very fortunate to have a number of mentors, all of them male, at Ernst & Young. They took me under their wings and treated me as an equal. Because of this, I never saw myself as having any problems being a woman accountant.” She also says, “Ernst & Young is very focused on the advancement of women. And staying focused on my goal is what helped me come up through the ranks. Now I try to help other women succeed.” When asked if there was anything she would like to share with readers, Hershberger said, “I would encourage ONU students to dream big. Those dreams are achievable. I never thought that I would become a managing partner, but ONU really does a good job in equipping you for the real world. So, dream big, students!” It seems that, when you dream big, you never know how far it will lead you.

“Ernst & Young is very focused on the advancement of women. And staying focused on my goal is what helped me come up through the ranks. Now I try to help other women and ethnic minorities succeed.”

SPRING 2008 25

Glen Verhoff, BM, is a title I reading teacher for Port Clinton City Schools in Port Clinton, OH, where he also resides. In December 2007, he received The Distinguished Choral Leadership Award from the Department of Music and Performing Arts at Terra Community College. In January 2008, he received the Flagship Award from Port Clinton City Schools for his contributions to the school system.


Todd Canter, BA, is the CEO-Asia Pacific of La Salle Investment Management in Hong Kong, where he and his wife, Vicki, reside with their daughter. Teresa (Bates) Frank, BS, is a pediatrician at Fairview Lakes Medical Center in Wyoming, MN, where she and her family also reside. Teresa can be reached at tfrank2@fairview.orgRachel (Hunter) Kistner, BA, is the director of special education for Red Oak Independent School District in Red Oak, TX. She is responsible for all services related to special education for the 5,200-plus students enrolled in the district. She and her husband, Dave, BS ’88, reside in Midlothian, TX, with their daughters. Stephen Osborne, BSBA, is the treasurer for Dublin City Schools in Dublin, OH, where he also resides.


Wendy (Keplinger) Cromer, BFA, is the head women’s volleyball coach and assistant director of compliance at Urbana University in Urbana, OH, where she and her family also reside. She previously served as the head athletic coordinator at Clark State Community College in Springfield, OH.


Kevin Alten, was named chief of staff at Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center on January 1, 2008. He and his family reside in Cambridge, OH. Dan Kasaris, JD, is an assistant county prosecutor for Cuyahoga County and a city councilman for the city of North Royalton. He and his family reside in North Royalton, OH.


Molly (Shoup) Hofmann, BSBA, is a customer solutions manager for Kraft Foods Global Inc., in Glenview, IL. Molly and her husband, Mike, reside in Chicago, IL.


David Kean, BSBA, is an information systems principal for The Timken Company. He and his family reside in Carrollton, OH.


Angela (Sherer) Carver, BA, is a health careers lab assistant for Apollo Career Center in Lima, OH, where she and her family also reside. Angela can be reached at angela.carver@apollocc.orgSteven DeWitt, BS, is a general sales manager with Pat Lobb Toyota of McKinney in McKinney, TX, where he and his family also reside. He is employed by the first LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified dealership in the world. Christopher Doner, BFA, is the co-founder of Security Solutions Group, a training and consulting firm that provides small detail domestic executive protection services, security consultation and hard skill training to include combatives, tactical edged weapons, impact weapons and firearms training. Christopher resides in Omaha, NE, and he can be reached at

Neff named to Crain’s Cleveland Business Class of 2007 Forty Under 40Brett Neff, BSCE ’93, has been named to Crain’s Cleveland Business Class of 2007 Forty Under 40 list. Neff, vice president of R.E. Warner & Associates in Westlake, Ohio, is a successful business leader in Northwest Ohio and is primarily responsible for projects concerning commercial and

government markets. He has been a devoted employee of Warner since his graduation in 1993 and has held several positions within the company, including design engineer, project engineer, project manager and project director.

Brett is affiliated with a wealth of organizations with which he holds several executive roles. He is a member of the Cleveland Board of Realtors, the chairperson of the membership development committee for the Cleveland Engineering Society, a founding member and treasurer of the board of directors for the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, the past president of the Ohio Northern University Alumni Board, and an active Alumni Association member and volunteer track and cross country coach for Walsh Jesuit High School.

Neff his wife, Jodi (Feasel), BSPh ’93, reside in Sagamore Hills, Ohio, with their children, Kyle, 10, and Alexis, 6.

Mark Juda, JD, opened his own law practice, Law Office of Mark A. Juda, in Schendectady, NY. Mark and his family reside in Ballston Spa, NY, and they can be reached at


Timothy Beason, JD, is a managing attorney for the Legal Services of North Virginia in Arlington, VA. He and his family reside in Falls Church, VA. Tracy (Cohen) Carlson, BSPh, is a clinical pharmacist for Physicians Incorporated in Lima, OH. She also serves as an adjunct clinical faculty member for Ohio Northern University. She and her husband, Keith, BSPh ’91, reside in Lima, OH, and they can be reached at Doede Donaugh, BS, is an osteopathic family physician in Cody, WY, where she also resides.

Upcoming 2008 Alumni events

May 30-June 1 Alumni Weekend

June 1 The Robby Golf Classic

June 27 Alumni and Friends of Athletics Golf Outing

July 26 Cedar Point Day

August 22 Pharmacy Golf Outing

September 14 10-Day Mediterranean Cruise

October 17-19 Homecoming 2008


To request brochures, contact Executive Director of Development Ken Block.

“Our years at ONU were the best in our lives. Our ONU Gift Annuity will help others to enjoy

their time as students at our alma mater.” Dr. William Pigozzi, BSED ’39, and his wife Betty (Place), AA ’39, first met at Ohio Northern. “Doctor Bill” came from the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania and Betty from a farming community in Auglaize County, Ohio. They dated during their time at Northern, but after graduation Bill went off to medical school and then entered World War II. Betty eventually moved to Florida to teach school. However, while traveling in Florida in 1975, Doctor Bill telephoned Betty, one thing lead to another, and two years later they were married. It really is a true “sweetheart” story.

“My love for ONU is very deep,” Doctor Bill says. “I enjoyed 56 gratifying years in the practice of medicine, thanks to my Uncle Dante who told me to attend ONU, Dean Huber who encouraged me to apply to medical school and for the great education I received at Ohio Northern University.”

Betty also is grateful for the opportunity to attend ONU. “Times were very difficult when I attended Northern. My family didn’t have very much money because of the Depression. In fact, I borrowed my sister’s dress the first time I dated Bill. My education made a difference in my life and Northern is where I met Bill.”

Doctor Bill and Betty want to help students realize their dreams. Because they recognize the benefit of an exceptional education, they decided to fund an Ohio Northern University Charitable Gift Annuity. “We believe that giving an annuity to our alma mater will assist others in obtaining a good education and future success.” An ONU Charitable Gift Annuity is an excellent way to provide much-needed funds for students to attend Ohio Northern University. At the same time, you receive many tax benefits and above-average fixed payouts for life.

To learn more about the many benefits of an Ohio Northern Charitable Gift Annuity, and to receive a brochure, contact Ken Block, executive director of development.

Office Of Gift PlanninG • OhiO nOrthern University 525 s. Main street • ada, OhiO 45810 • (419) 772-2008 • tOll-free (866) OnU-Give

fOr fUrther infOrMatiOn visit:


SPRING 2008 27

Rosemary Eells, JD, is an attorney with Crowell and Moring in Washington, D.C. She and her husband, Richard Florence, reside in Ashburn, VA. Brett Neff, BSCE, has been named to the Crain’s Cleveland Business Class of 2007 Forty Under 40 list. He and his wife, Jodi (Feasel), BSPh ’93, reside in Sagamore Hills, OH, with their children.


Karen (Rohrer) Alexander, BSPh, is a pharmacist for Wooster Community Hospital in Wooster, OH. She resides in Millersburg, OH. Tom John, JD, is a partner in the Public Affairs Group of Ice Miller LLP in Indianapolis, IN, where he and his wife, Buffie, also reside.


Roland Bangert, BSME, and Kathryn Studer were married on November 13, 2006, aboard the Caribbean Princess. The couple resides in Grand Rapids, OH. Roland is a technical writer in the IT Department at MPI Research. Amy (Arps) Dangler, BSBA, is a business office manager for Briar Hill Health Campus in North Baltimore, OH. She and her husband, Steve, reside in Deshler, OH. Kimberly (Olech) Pratt, BA, is a pre-school teacher at Grove City Christian Pre-School in Grove City, OH, where she and her family also reside. Stacy (Adams) Wall, BA, JD ’98, is the first full-time law director for the city of Piqua. She also is the full-time prosecutor responsible for all misdemeanors and preliminary hearings for felony charges. Stacy and her husband, Rich, JD ’98, reside in Tipp City, OH, with their children, and they can be reached at


Edward Bamberger, BSBA, is the operations finance manager and manager of FP&A development for Masonite International in Tampa, FL. He resides in Clearwater, FL. David Brunswick, BS, is a pathologists’ assistant for St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in Houston, TX, where he also resides. Lori (Burgett) Gillett, BSCE, is the president of Wabash Steel, LLC, in Vincennes, IN, where she and her husband, Morgan, also reside. Mark Light, BSCE, is a 4-H youth educator for Allen County in Lima, OH. His wife, Kim (Carrel), BSBA ’94, is an accounting manager for Ada Technologies. The Light family resides in Ada, OH. Ellen (Kauffmann) Nolan, BA, is an associate director of alumni affairs at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA., where she and her husband, Joshua, also reside. Thomas W. Reed II, JD, is the mayor of Corning, NY, where he also resides. Jay Reisinger, JD, sports attorney, has joined Dreier LLP in Pittsburgh, PA, where he and his wife, Kristen (Kill), JD ’96, reside with their daughter. Valerie Seidel, BSPh, is a team lead, implementation services for McKesson Provider Technologies. She resides in Columbus, OH.


Brian Johns, BS, and Kelly Lebron were married on June 16, 2007, and they reside in Delaware, OH. Brian is a team lead in the IS Department for BMW Financial Services in Hilliard, OH. Walter Schilling, Jr., BSEE, received a Ph.D. from the University of Toledo in December 2007. He is an assistant professor at the Milwaukee School of Engineering in Milwaukee, WI. He and his wife, Laura (Buscher), BSPh ’01, reside in Port Washington, WI, with their daughter.


Chad Callahan, JD, is an attorney for the Pennington County Public Defender’s Office in Rapid City, SD. He and his family reside in Black Hawk, SD. Mary Ellen Fulk, JD, maintains a private practice in the Mt. Vernon, OH, area. In addition to serving as a law director for the Village of Johnstown and an adjunct instructor for Mt. Vernon Nazarene University, Mary Ellen owns and operates a home-based business for nutritional supplements and raises angus beef cattle on her farm in Gambier, OH.

Brian Johns, BS ’97, and Kelly Lebron were married on June 16, 2007.

Legal Eagles

Mention “Legal Eagles” to Mark Falvo, JD ’88, and he will tell you story after story about his brainchild, a program designed to educate fourth- and fifth-grade students on the aspects of law and civic duties. Legal Eagles was initially designed to reach both elementary and high school students in Clearfield County, Pa. After noticing a decreasing interest at the high school level, Falvo placed the Legal Eagle program in elementary schools only. Beginning with approximately 100 students in just one school during its first year, the program has grown to include seven schools and approximately 1,500 students. Although the format of the program has changed throughout the years, there have been many consistent ideas that have continued to make this program successful. Receiving multiple awards throughout the program’s seven years of existence, Legal Eagles was recently awarded the President’s Award from the Pennsylvania Council of Social Studies (PCSS). The American Bar Association also has recognized Legal Eagles as a program that can be used as an example to others who are trying to educate students on the different facets of law and civic duties. Falvo admits that the success of Legal Eagles surprises even him. “Actually, I think that in the first three years we did the program, we were finishing in the top five programs in the United States, or any U.S. territory (for the American Bar Association Law Day Activities Award), he says. “I remember that we were the only rural program. All of the other programs were from larger cities.” When the program began, students were leaving school to hear different speakers and civic leaders speak. Then Falvo came up with an idea. “Instead of them coming to us, why don’t we go to them? We then began to go into the high schools and offer different guests. This is where Legal Eagles began. In the schools we had a captive audience.” As he moved away from high school students toward a younger audience, Falvo understood that some of the program’s tactics would need to change. “At the grade-school level, I knew that connecting with the kids would require something different,” he says. So he broadened the range of speakers, bringing in representatives from a diverse group of professions, including U.S. Marshalls, FBI agents, Secret Service members, members of the media, military personnel and even astronauts. Falvo explains that the goal of Legal Eagles is not only to educate the students on the different professions, but also to give them a true picture of what real-life experiences take place within these different careers. While attending Northern, Falvo was different from most law students. He was active in many different activities and organizations throughout campus, including working for the theater and being the law school representative on Student Council. He spoke positively of having the chance to work with and be involved in both undergraduate and law programs. While interest in Legal Eagles continues to grow, so does Falvo’s enthusiasm for the program. The lives that have been influenced by this program will spread far and wide. As these new “eagles” learn to soar, the program’s impact will hopefully last a lifetime.


2007 Ohio Northern University Alumni BoardCheryl (Burcham) Cotner BA ’68, BSBA ’06

Travis Crum BSBA ’03

Jason Duff BSBA ’05

Jennifer (Ingram) Frommer PresidentBSCE ’95

Karla Geise BSBA ’07

Robert Goldman BSEd ’63, JD ’66

Scott Greene BSBA ’90

Tonya Hunter BS ’02, JD ’05

D. Michael IngramBSEd ’68

Robert LydicBS ’

Kate (Nuber) McGinnis BSBA ’01

Amy (Widner) Murray BS ’95

Allison (Bower) StingerBA ’

Ranjiv Subramaniam BA ’00

Rodney Thompson BA ’69

Stacia Wake BSBA ’86

Andrew Wolpert BSCE ’99

Korey Kidwell, BS, is an attorney with Murray and Rauzi, Ltd. in Mount Vernon, OH. He and his family reside in Utica, OH. Jeff McClellan, BS, received the Anthony K. Thompson award from the Lima Family YMCA Black Achievers on February 23, 2008. Jeff is the principal of Lima Senior High School in Lima, OH, where he and his family also reside.

Greg Paisely, BSPh, is a pharmacy manager for Shrivers Pharmacy. He and his wife, Kimberly, reside in Norwich, OH. Stacy (Adams) Wall, JD, BA ’95, is the first full-time law director for the city of Piqua. She also is the full-time prosecutor responsible for all misdemeanors and preliminary hearings for felony charges. Stacy and her husband, Rich, JD ’98, reside in Tipp City, OH, with their children, and they can be reached at


Heather (Tangeman) Das, PharmD, is a consultant for medical writing in Irving, TX, where she and her husband, Sandeep, also reside. J. Robert Dennis, JD, is an attorney with Hais, Hais, Kallen & Goldberger, P.C., in Clayton, MO. He and his wife, Amy Navarro, JD ’99, reside in Chesterfield, MO. Matt Gottfried, BS, is a director of GIS technology for Colorado College in Colorado Springs, CO, where he also resides. Matt can be reached at mattgottfried@gmail.comGreg Hach, JD, patented a software process titled Lohrsoft Software Patent, a patent he worked on for six years. His firm, Hach & Rose LLP, obtained an $8 million verdict in New York Supreme Court, which settled prior to post trial motions for $4.525 million. Greg resides in Staten Island, NY. Matthew Heft, BSCE, is a terminal manager for Marathon Oil Company in North Bend, OH. He and his wife, Amberly (Foushee), BA ’01, reside in Hebron, KY. Dean Hempfling, BSCE, and Erica Crumrine were married on July 28, 2007, and they reside in Delphos, OH. Dean is a product movements superintendent for Husky Energy Lima Refinery. Michael Reams, BS, and Julie Leffel were married on June 23, 2007. The couple resides in St. Marys, OH. Lyn (Oxyer) Sellati, BA, is an English teacher for Lima Senior High School, Progressive Academy in Lima, OH, where she and her family also reside. Ami Terwilliger, BS, BSMT, is a regulatory compliance specialist for Avon in Cincinnati, OH, where she and her husband, Bac, also reside. Anita Trepanier, BA, is pursuing a master’s degree in military logistics in the Advanced Civil Schooling Program at North Dakota State University. In November 2007, she received the Meritorious Service Medal for her service at Fort Drum, NY. Anita resides in Fargo, ND, and she can be reached at


Rebecca Brinkman-Clayman, BA, and Gary Clayman were married on September 8, 2007, and they reside in Dayton, OH. Rebecca is a high school intervention specialist for Milton Union Schools, and she can be reached at brinkman_rebecca@hotmail.comErroll James Haythorn, JD, is an attorney for Gill & Chamas L.L.C., in Woodbridge, NJ. He resides in Oakhurst, NJ. Wendy Parr, JD, is an attorney and partner with Miller Johnson in Grand Rapids, MI, where she also resides. She specializes in trusts, estates, probate and charitable organizations. Wendy can be reached at parrw@millerjohnson.comNeil Schulte, BSME, is a lead process engineer for Rexam. He resides in Toledo, OH.


Christina (Gorenc) Bozic, BSBA, and Joseph Bozic were married on June 23, 2007. The couple resides in Eastlake, OH. Wayne Fryback, BSBA, and Dawn Hicks were married on April 28, 2007. The couple resides in West Palm Beach, FL. Renmeet (Gujral) Grewal, PharmD, and Jagjit Grewal were married on September 2, 2006, and they reside in Columbia, MD. Renmeet is a senior regulatory project manager for the Food and Drug Administration in Silver Spring, MD. Corinne (Hamann) Lyons, BS, and Troy Lyons were married on June 9, 2007, and they reside in Piqua, OH. Corinne is the lead athletic trainer for Upper Valley Medical Center, Center for Sports Medicine in Troy, OH. Carrie (Sprague) Meagher, BA, and Shawn Meagher were married in July 2007, and they reside in Toledo, OH. Carrie is an ophthalmic technician for Vision Associates and she can be reached at mrsmeagher@buckeye-express.comDonald “Rich” Miller, BSPh, is the Columbus West pharmacy manager for Walgreens. He and his wife, Azure (DeGeorge), PharmD ’02, reside in Gahanna, OH, with their son. Melinda (Mead) Morrell, BS, is a clinical trials manager for Angiotech Pharmaceuticals in Herndon, VA. She and her husband, Andrew, reside in Vienna, VA. Ellen (Reese) Myers, BA, and Rob Myers were married on September 15, 2007. Ellen is a registered service assistant for Moyer Financial Services in Findlay, OH, where she and Rob also reside. Amanda (Shaw) Timmons, BSBA, is a chief compliance officer/accounting manager for Coilplus Ohio, Inc., in Springfield, OH, where she and her family also reside.

Rebecca Brinkman-Clayman, BA ’00, and Gary Clayman were married on September 8, 2007.

SPRING 2008 29

Stephanie (Miller) Thomas, PharmD, and Andrew Thomas were married on October 5, 2007, and they reside in Meyersdale, PA. Stephanie is a clinical pharmacist, associate program director, PGYI Residency, at Memorial Medical Center in Johnstown, PA. Frank Van Dresser, BSBA, and Jill Ciersezwski were married on September 1, 2007, in Norwalk, OH, where they also reside. Frank can be reached at frankvandresser@yahoo.comMelissa (Kuhn) Wheeler, BA, and Jason Wheeler were married on February 17, 2007, and they reside in Columbus, OH. Melissa is a legislative liaison for the state of Ohio, and she can be reached at


Megan (Gezze) Blank, BSME, and Doug Blank were married on November 24, 2007, and they reside in Broadview Heights, OH. Megan can be reached at mgezze@gmail.comJarrett Bauder, PharmD, and Misty Stevens were married on August 25, 2007. The couple resides in Westerville, OH. Lawrence DeCaria, PharmD, and Jennifer Burke were married on May 12, 2007. The couple resides in Union City, NJ. Lisa Jaeger, BM, BS, is an anesthesia resident physician for Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI, where she is in her second year of residency. Her husband, Shane Spinner, BA, BM ’02, is a retail manager for Rettig Music in Toledo, OH. The couple resides in Clinton Twp., MI. Aaron Kalizewski, BA, and Angela Camp were married on October 6, 2007. The couple resides in Norwalk, OH, and they can be reached at

Kuhn/Wheeler WeddingMelissa (Kuhn) Wheeler, BA ’01, and her husband, Jason, were surrounded by several ONU friends at their February 17, 2007, wedding. (From left) Front Row: Jason Wheeler. Second Row: Susan Liston, BSCE ’01, Amy (Dickson) Beatty, PharmD ’03, Melissa (Kuhn) Wheeler, BA ’01, Amanda Preston, PharmD ’03, and Heather Minger, PharmD ’03. Third Row: Megan Heminger, PharmD ’02, Mindy Riggle, BSPh ’02, Sarah Persinger, PharmD ’02, Jennifer Rodis, PharmD ’02, Erica Papinchak, BSBA ’02, and Rose Previte, BA ’03.

Becky (Stalter) Thomas, BSBA ’02, and Trevor Thomas, BA ’02, were married on June 9, 2007.

Sara (Brasse) Kemerley, BA, and Joseph Kemerley were married on September 28, 2007. The couple resides in Columbus, OH. Erin (Bosak) McKinney, PharmD, is a pharmacy manager for Walgreens in Mayfield Heights, OH. She and her husband, David, BS, BA ’01, reside in Painesville, OH. Dawn Nation, JD, is an associate attorney in the Law Office of Teresa S. Glover in Kenton, OH, where she also resides. She teaches a law contracts course as an adjunct professor at the University of Northwestern Ohio in Lima, OH. Nathaniel Peters, JD, is a legal executive for Doyle, Fox & Associates in Ireland, where he and his family also reside. Becky (Stalter) Thomas, BSBA, and Trevor Thomas, BA ’02, were married on June 9, 2007, and they reside in Johnstown, OH. Trevor is the assistant principal and athletic director at Heath High School in Heath, OH. Becky works in Human Resources at Information Control Corporation in Columbus, OH.


Derek Arnold, BSPh, and Brooke Smith were married on May 18, 2007. The couple resides in Cleveland, OH. Mark Fada, BSPh, and Kelly Fread were married on August 18, 2007. The couple resides in West Chester, OH. Shawn Goodwin, BSCE, and Deanna (Downey), PharmD ’07, were married on August 11, 2007, and they reside in Dublin, OH. Tami Harter, BSPh, is a staff pharmacist in pediatric pharmacy for the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. She resides in Summerville, SC. Kristi (Giglio) Marlatt, BSBA, is a keyboard specialist for Alfred State College in Alfred, NY. She and her husband, Brian, PharmD ’04, reside in Almond, NY, with their daughter. Jeffrey McConaughy, BSCE, and Erica Day were married on July 21, 2007. The couple resides in Wheelersburg, OH. Maria (Hesseling) Rellinger, BSBA, is the treasurer for the Continental Local School District in Continental, OH. She and her family reside in Cloverdale, OH. Jessica Sladek, BA, received a master’s of science in curriculum and instruction degree from The University of Scranton. Jessica is a teacher for The Laboratory Charter School and she resides in Philadelphia, PA.

Bequests are a significant source of Ohio Northern’s financial support. Your

bequest to ONU helps to ensure Northern’s continued

strength and academic excellence. Join the hundreds of ONU alumni and friends who have

provided for Northern. Support Ohio Northern, where

choices of a lifetime are made.

The staff of the Office of Gift Planning is available to consult with you or your advisors about planned giving opportunities at ONU. For further information, please contact Ken Block, executive director of development:

Ohio Northern University Office of Gift Planning

525 S. Main St.Ada, OH 45810

Phone: (419) 772-2008Toll-Free: (866) ONU-GIVE


Your Legacy:A Gift TodayA Gift Tomorrow


Polar Bear PotpourriStep in to the spotlight! This is a place to display mini-classmate reunion photos, special anniversaries, Ohio Northern memorabilia, personal photography or your own fascinating stories. We look forward to receiving any and all photos, stories and fun facts you may want to share with our Polar Bear community.

Joseph Virant, BA, is an instructional technology facilitator for Katy Independent School District. He resides in Houston, TX. Ronald Warner, BSCE, and Jill Morrison were married on April 28, 2007. The couple resides in Cumberland, OH. Heather Woodruff, BA, is a caseworker for Marion County Children Services. She resides in Kenton, OH.


Melissa (Johnson) Auer, BA, is a teacher for Chicago Public Schools in Chicago, IL, where she and her husband, Brett, BSBA ’05, also reside. She can be reached at

Faisal Al Hamdan, BSBA, and Dana Shehabi were married on July 6, 2007, and they reside in Budaiya, Kingdom of Bahrain. Faisal is the director of investment placement for Capital Management House in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. Jourdain Heifner, BSBA, is employed by Blackwater Worldwide. She and her husband, Tony, recently spent three months living and working in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Jourdain resides in Chesapeake, VA. Megan Hujik, BA, is a math teacher for Toledo Public Schools. She and her husband, Tony, reside in Perrysburg, OH. Kelsen LaBerge, BSME, is pursuing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Case Western Reserve. Kelsen resides in Cleveland, OH. Justin Littell, BSME, is a graduate student seeking a Ph. D. at the University of Akron. He resides in Avon, OH. Brian Millis, BSBA, and Diane (Gehret), BSBA ’05, were married on November 24, 2007, and they reside in Brunswick, OH. Diane is an advertising account executive for AmTrust Bank in Cleveland, OH. Brian is a sales representative for Roscoe Medical in Strongsville, OH. Holly O’Connor, BA, is an on-air personality for Magic Broadcasting in Panama City Beach, FL, where she also resides. She co-hosts each morning on Island 106 and mid-days on Wave 100. Gayle (Hornung) Ollinger, PharmD, and Michael Ollinger were married on May 26, 2007, in Germantown, OH. The couple resides in Portland, OR. Brandon Steele, BS, and Kristen (Pniewski), BA ’07, were married on September 15, 2007. The couple resides in Findlay, OH. Jamie Uppenkamp, BA, received a JD from the University of Dayton in 2007. She is an associate attorney for Brezine Law Offices in Fairborn, OH, and she resides in Dayton, OH.

Head to the movie theater to see your fellow alumna, Jane Mowder, BSPh ’82, star in the movie Smart People alongside actors Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, Thomas Haden Church and Ellen Page. The movie centers around a widowed college professor trying to raise his college-aged son and teenage daughter. Jane plays a fellow professor at the college.

Three Ohio Northern University College of Law alumni pose near a portrait dedicated to the late Vernon D. “Buddy” Roof, JD ’76, at the Elk County Courthouse in Ridgeway, PA. From left, Mark Jacob, JD ’84, Shawn T. McMahon, JD ’04, and James Martin, JD ’83, were present at the installation ceremony on July 12, 2007, and currently practice in Elk County.

Flashback: 1978! Thirty years ago, the women’s heat of the Concrete Canoe race made history. As JoAnna (Fouss) Weaver, BSCE ’80, foreground left, and Barb (Bowman) Keltner, BSCE ’80, right, approached the end of the race, their canoe decided to take a turn and they actually crossed the finish line backwards!

Jane Mowder, BSPh ’82

From left, Dennis Quaid, Jane Mowder, BSPh ’82, and Noam Murro, director, share a smile on the set of Smart People.

Gayle (Hornung) Ollinger, PharmD ’04, and Mike Ollinger were married on May 26, 2007.

Lewis “Cliff” Brady, BSME, is a senior project engineer for TFC Architects & Engineers in Findlay, OH. His wife, Lisa (Bockrath), PharmD ’06, is a pharmacist for St. Rita’s in Lima, OH. The Bradys reside in Ottawa, OH. Matt Carpenter, BSCE, and Emily Carlson were married on November 10, 2007, and they reside in Findlay, OH. Matt is an assistant chief engineer for the city of Findlay. Thomas Christenson II, JD, is a counsel on the corporate team for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. He resides in Milwaukee, WI. Kendra (Bailey) Conrad, BS, and Jim Conrad, BSBA ’04, were married on June 30, 2007 in Cincinnati, OH. Kendra is an exercise physiologist for Mt. Carmel and Jim is a cost accountant for Stanley Electric. The couple resides in Hilliard, OH.

Jeremy Fear, BS, is a design engineer for Siemens Building Technology in Garfield Heights, OH. He resides in Cleveland, OH. Carrie (Streit) Fortman, BSCE, and Andrew Fortman, BSCE ’07, were married on September 29, 2007, and they reside in Delaware, OH. Carrie is a project engineer for Regency Construction Services Inc. in Lakewood, OH, and Andrew is a design engineer for the Delaware County Engineer’s Office.Sandra (Stuart) Guglielmi, BA, and Ralph Guglielmi were married on October 13, 2007, and they reside in Gahanna, OH. Sandra is a police records technician for the City of Columbus-Division of Police.

SPRING 2008 31

Justin Walton, BA, and Alison (Dougan), PharmD ’06, were married on July 28, 2007. The couple resides in Indianapolis, IN. Jessica Weinberg, BA, JD ’07, is the get-out-the-vote coordinator for the Ability Center of Greater Toledo in Sylvania, OH. She is an independent contractor for the law firms of Ballenger & Moore and Rubin & Zyndorf. She resides in Toledo, OH. Scott White, BS, is a penetration tester for SecureState LLC in Cleveland, OH. He reside in Twinsburg, OH. Bradley Williams, PharmD, and Shawna Kemp were married on September 22, 2007. The couple resides in Washington, PA. Caroline (Dettmer) Young, BS, received a master’s degree in physical therapy from the University of Findlay in 2007. She is a physical therapist for Total Rehab at Bowling Green in Bowling Green, OH. Caroline resides in Liberty Center, OH.


Andrew Brown, PharmD, is a pharmacist for the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. He and his wife, Kelly (Kunzelman), PharmD ’07, reside in Broadview Heights, OH. James Cotner, BA, is a graduate of the 148th class of the Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy. He is a trooper for the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Defiance, OH, and he resides in Whitehouse, OH. Kent Creager, BA, and Sarah (Mitchell), BA, BFA ’05, were married on June 16, 2007. The couple resides in Columbus, OH. Ashley (Bauman) Fry, BA, and Jeremy Fry, sixth-year pharmacy major from Springfield, OH, were married on June 16, 2007. The couple resides in Bluffton, OH.

Hartzler/Hall WeddingSeveral ONU alumni and students gathered for the Hartzler/Hall wedding. (From left) First Row: Caitlin Swann, second-year pharmacy major from Strongsville, OH, Ryan Mahle, senior civil engineering major from Kettering, OH, Catherine Taylor, fourth-year pharmacy major from Powell, OH, Mandy Carlson, fourth-year pharmacy major from Oil City, PA, Kelly Hiteshew, fourth-year pharmacy major from Middletown, OH, Natalie Clark, fourth-year pharmacy major from Huber Heights, OH, Melody (Hall) Hartzler, fifth-year pharmacy major from Harrison, OH, Dustin Hartzler, BSEE ’07, Matt Muir, BSME ’06, Melissa (Totten) Muir, PharmD ’07, Justin Stiles, BSCE ’06, Tiffany Grubb, BS ’06, Stephanie Zaugg, sixth-year pharmacy major from Lima, OH, Stephanie VanDerSluijis, BA ’07, BM ’07, and Amanda Beichler, BA, BM, ’06. Second Row: Kelsey Marvin, second-year pharmacy major from Swanton, OH, Melanie Nicol, fifth-year pharmacy major from Plain City, OH, Rachel Smith, fourth-year pharmacy major from Mason, OH, Kendra Gorby, sixth-year pharmacy major from Lancaster, OH, Ashley (Bauman) Fry, BA ’05, Jeremy Fry, sixth-year pharmacy major from Springfield, OH, Kara Myer, fourth-year pharmacy major from New Wilmington, PA, and Drew Nedderman, BS ’07. Third Row: Michael Majeski, fifth-year pharmacy major from Willoughby Hills, OH, Jimmy Ference, BSCPE ’07, Trent Lemle, BSBA ’06, Melissa (Gossett) Lemle, sixth-year pharmacy major from Xenia, OH, Dustin Wickersham, BA ’07, Jessica (Anderson) Ulbrich, BA ’06, Tim Ulbrich, sixth-year pharmacy major from Lancaster, NY, Kathryn Jagiela, fifth-year pharmacy major from Middleberg Heights, OH, Tim Heimann, sixth-year pharmacy major from Ashland, OH, Matthew Mullen, sixth-year pharmacy major from Urbana, OH, Tara (Unkefer) Thornton, PharmD ’07, and Matt Thornton, BSEE ’07. Fourth Row: Abe Sparling, BSME ’07, and Matt Marshall, BSEE ’07.

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Mark Girton, BS, is a research assistant for the Center for Gene Therapy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH, where he and his wife, Mary, also reside. Ebony Huddleston, JD, is the assistant vice president of Farrell, Hamilton and Julian. She resides in Godfrey, IL. Kara Lewis, BA, is an associate biostatistician for Cato Research in Durham, NC. She resides in Raleigh, NC.

Be Your Own Boss! An Entrepreneurship Learning

Experience for Children of Alumni

Calling all entrepreneurial high school sophomores and juniors! Get down and dirty, cultivating your inner entrepreneur. Spend a week on the scenic Ohio Northern University campus learning entrepreneur-ship fundamentals from successful entrepre-neurs and faculty of The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration. Learn how to identify a market opportunity,

develop a product and launch an entrepreneurial venture. Be bold! Join us July 13-18, 2008.

To learn more or apply, please visit

Have questions? Contact Rob Kleine, camp director and associate professor of marketing, at

Marcella Matey, BS, is a physician assistant for Unity Health System in Rochester, NY. She resides in Lima, NY. Diane (Gehret) Millis, BSBA, and Brian Millis, BSBA ’04, were married on November 24, 2007, and they reside in Brunswick, OH. Diane is an advertising account executive for AmTrust Bank in Cleveland, OH. Brian is a sales representative for Roscoe Medical in Strongsville, OH. Hillary Solt, BA, is an executive assistant and scheduler for U.S. House of Representatives-Congressman Bob Latta in Washington, D.C. She resides in Alexandria, VA.


Lisa (Bockrath), PharmD, is a pharmacist for St. Rita’s in Lima, OH. Her husband, Lewis “Cliff” Brady, BSME ’04, is a senior project engineer for TFC Architects & Engineers in Findlay, OH. The Bradys reside in Ottawa, OH. Amanda (Knipp) Capper, PharmD, is a pharmacist-in-charge for CVS Pharmacy in Ironton, OH. She and her husband, Matthew, reside in Willow Wood, OH. Krystyne (Evans) Fabry, PharmD, and Scott Fabry were married on September 8, 2007. The couple resides in Pittsburgh, PA.

Diane (Gehret) Millis, BSBA ’05, and Brian Millis, BSBA ’04, were married on November 24, 2007.

Meet Us at the Ballpark!

Come one, come all! We hope you’ll join us at our summer baseball games for

food, fun and Ohio Northern fellowship.Bring your family and friends for a night of reminiscing with former

classmates and meeting new alumni.

Cincinnati Reds vs. St. Louis CardinalsTuesday, June 10, 2008Gates open/picnic time: 5:10 p.m.Game time: 7:10 p.m.$25 per person includes buffet picnic and reserved seat Dayton Dragons vs. Fort Wayne WizardsWednesday, August 6, 2008Registration: 5:30 p.m.Gates open: 6 p.m.Game Time: 7 p.m.$10 per person includes game ticket and $5 in Dragon Dollars Cleveland Indians vs. Los Angeles AngelsFriday, August 15, 2008Picnic: 6 p.m.Game time: 7:05 p.m.$25 per person includes buffet picnic and game ticket

For more information, please visit:

Please RSVP by using any of the following methods:(limit four tickets per each alumnus)

*Call The Office of Alumni Affairs at: (419) 772-2727 or (866) ONU-ALUM

*E-mail us at *Register online at

(no username or password required)

SPRING 2008 33

2008 Indoor Track & Field Championships

March 14-15, 2008

Brothers Jim and Paul Zickes, BSPh ’53, show their Northern pride at the 2008 Indoor Track & Field Championships.

(From left) Walter Armes, BSEd ’61, Karen Miller, BSBA ’07, Cliff McCormick, BSEd ’61, and Rod Thompson, BA ’69, served as officials during several events.

Kandice (Gobin) Eagy, BSBA ’07, and Chad Eagy, BS ’07, enjoy the first day of the meet.

Addison Shaffer, center, attends her first national track meet with her dad, Ben Shaffer, BSPh ’99, and mom, Whitney (Sykes), PharmD ’01.

Stacey Hairston, BS ’89, H of F ’01, and Scott Greene, BSBA ’90, visit at the alumni dinner after the first day events of the 2008 Indoor Track & Field Championships.

Neal Underwood, BSCE ’06, and Melissa (Rengers) Underwood, BSCE ’06, were married on October 20, 2007.

Tiffany Garcia, BA, is a web writer for JPMorgan Chase. She resides in Greenwood, IN. Laura (Sudhoff) Geier, BSBA, and Michael Geier were married on September 8, 2007. The couple resides in Coldwater, OH. Daniel Jones III, BA, is the band director at Immaculate Conception School in Celina, OH, where he also resides. Rachel Kantosky, BM, BS, is an administrative intern for OhioHealth-HomeReach in Worthington, OH. She resides in Dublin, OH. Emily (Zepf) Kennedy, BA, and Thomas Kennedy were married on April 28, 2007, and they reside in Cleves, OH. Emily is a copywriter for Libby Perszyk Kathman in Cincinnati, OH. Michael Michetti, JD, is an associate with Tucker Ellis & West LLP in Cleveland, OH. He and his wife, Angela, reside in Avon Lake, OH. Alexandra (Noble) Miller, BSBA, and Robert Miller were married on September 29, 2007. The couple resides in Bradner, OH.

McGrath/Campbell WeddingThe McGrath/Campbell Wedding hosted several Ohio Northern Polar Bear alumni. (From left) First Row: Rachel Westendorf, sixth-year pharmacy major, Sarah Portz, BA ’06, Rozzy (Smith) Hosek, sixth-year pharmacy major, Adrian Prince, PharmD ’07, Erica Marcum, PharmD ’07, Ashley (Long) Haggard, sixth-year pharmacy major. Second Row: Kira Rankin, BA ’07, Stephanie VanDerSluijs, BA, BM ’07, Michelle Cha, BM ’06, Drew Peters, BS ’07, Nate Hosek, BSBA ’05, Meghan (McGrath) Campbell, BM ’07, Matt Campbell, PharmD ’07, Stephen Banyas, PharmD ’07, Jeni Farley, Joey Swarthout, senior, Meghan Davlin, fifth-year pharmacy major, Chris Weaver, sixth-year pharmacy major, and Abby Hines, BA ’06.


Spot Northern!Calling all Polar Bears! Have you seen a bit of Northern “on the road”? Have you worn an ONU T-shirt during a recent vacation? Have you taken your Alumni Magazine to a fun domestic location or exotic destination? Were your wedding colors orange and black? Please send any photos where you have “spotted” Northern to or to The Office of Alumni Affairs. Let’s see where the fun takes us!

ONU friends Sarah Schoonover, BS ’02, Emily McLaughlin, BS ’01, Sara Niklas, PharmD ’02, and Kevin Haynes, PharmD ’01, hit the slopes at Stratton Mountain in Vermont. The chilly weather was sure reminiscent of their past college days.

Jillian and Ellie Crane, of Marysville, OH, “spotted” Northern

during a trip through Ada on their way to Lima. They are the

daughters of Tim Crane, BSME ’97, and

his wife, Susan.

Howard Jones, BSCE ’53, and his wife, Eleanor, wave their ONU banner in Paradise Harbor, Antarctica. The trip completed their quest to visit all seven continents and sail in all major seas and oceans. While on tour, they celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary.

The Watson family, of New Philadelphia, OH, shows their polar bear pride during the holidays! Ricky Watson, fourth-year pharmacy major, poses with his parents Rick and Rita.

Kelly (Fagan) Pritt, JD, and her husband, Christopher, JD ’06, opened Pritt Law Office in Charleston, WV. They specialize in the areas of family law, personal injury, employment law and criminal law. The Pritts reside in Dunbar, WV. Alison (Dougan) Walton, PharmD, and Justin Walton, BA ’04, were married on July 28, 2007. The couple resides in Indianapolis, IN. Trey Stover, BA, and Sheena (Mohre), BA ’06, were married on August 18, 2007. The couple resides in Rockford, OH. Neal Underwood, BSCE, and Melissa (Rengers), BSCE ’06, were married on October 20, 2007.


Diane Arnos, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for CVS Pharmacy in Cleveland, OH, where she also resides. Lindy (Ingles) Ashby, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Cardinal Health in Ashland, KY. She and her husband, Brian, reside in Flatwoods, KY. Drew Ater, CE, is an EIT for Chester Engineers in Columbus, OH. He resides in Frankfort, OH. Rachel (Bruns) Barhorst, PharmD, and Aaron Barhorst were married on August 18, 2007. The couple resides in Fort Loramie, OH.

Megan Berger, BA, is teaching English to South Korean children in the 7-10 year old range. She is competing internationally with a performance dance group and is expected to return to the United States in summer 2008. Matthew Campbell, PharmD, and Meghan (McGrath), BM ’07, were married on July 14, 2007. The couple resides in Parma, OH. Jessica Caudill, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Southern Ohio Medical Center. She resides in Hamden, OH. Tabatha (Kurtzman) Cooper, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Walmart Pharmacy in Mansfield, OH. She married Robben Cooper on January 26, 2008. Dionne DeNunzio, JD, is an assistant attorney general for the Ohio Attorney General’s Office in Columbus, OH, where she also resides. Bethany Diller, BSCLS, is a microbiologist for CompuNet Clinical Laboratories in Moraine, OH. She resides in Springfield, OH. Chad Eagy, BS, and Kandice (Gobin), BSBA ’07, were married on June 9, 2007. The couple resides in Kansas City, MO. Jessica Ewald, BA, is the assistant women’s swim coach for Youngstown State University in Youngstown, OH.

Pniewski/Steele WeddingAlumni and friends gather at the reception of Kristen (Pniewski) Steele, BA ’07, and her husband, Brandon, BS ’04. (From left) First Row: Randy Scheid, BSCE ’04, Brian Sacash, junior from Novelty, OH, Brandon Steele, BS ’04, Kristen (Pniewski) Steele, BA ’07, and Emmy Llewellyn, BA ’07. Second Row: Jena Denney, fifth-year pharmacy major from Thornville, OH, Jennifer Patton, senior from Dayton, OH, Nick Mitchell, BM ’06, Amanda Weaver, fourth-year pharmacy major from Mentor, OH, Sandy Sasak, senior from Broadview Heights, OH, Whitney Henry, second-year pharmacy major from Yeadon, PA, and Jennifer Rentz, junior from Three Rivers, MI.. Third Row: Andy Howley, BSEE ’04, Liz Drummond, BA ’07, Pam Sechrist, senior from Montoursville, PA, Cliff Sanders, fifth-year pharmacy major from Wooster, OH, Justin Yoh, senior from Van Wert, OH, Katie Sondergelt, senior from Beavercreek, OH, Megan Imka, junior from Garfield Heights, OH, and Autumn Steiner, senior from Bluffton, OH. Fourth Row: Stephanie Smith, sixth-year pharmacy major from Bryan, OH, Chris Westrick, second-year pharmacy major from Defiance, OH, Mitch Vincent, senior from Delphos, OH, Cody Hughes, senior from Middle Point, OH, Chris Braband, senior from Glenview, IL, Megan Kovacs, fourth-year pharmacy major from Toledo, OH, and Erik Wollenhaupt, fifth-year pharmacy major from Delphos, OH.

SPRING 2008 35

Black laquer finish wooden chair with gold

ONU seal


Gold finish lamp with ONU seal on pedestal and black leather lampshade $225

Call (866) ONU-ALUM to Place Your Order

Alumni Store

Seiko Men’s Logo Watch $275

Seiko Lady’s Logo Watch $250

Erin (Miller) McGaharan, BA ’05, and Jason McGaharan were married on June 16, 2007.

Benjamin Faurote, JD, is an associate for Baker & Daniels LLP in Fort Wayne, IN. He and his wife, Catherine, reside in Decatur, IN. Danielle (Vancura) Fennema, PharmD, is a resident at Physicians Inc. She was selected to participate in an American College of Clinical Pharmacy Heart Failure Traineeship at the Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital at The Ohio State University. Melissa Freeman, JD, is a staff attorney for Wood County. She resides in Findlay, OH. Andrew Fortman, BSCE, and Carrie (Streit), BSCE ’04, were married on September 29, 2007, and they reside in Delaware, OH. Andrew is a design engineer for the Delaware County Engineer’s Office and Carrie is a project engineer for Regency Construction Services, Inc., in Lakewood, OH.Jaclyn (Mortimer) Foushee, PharmD, and Charles Foushee were married on October 6, 2007. Jaclyn is a pharmacy manager for Walgreens in Las Vegas, NV. Nicholas Frankle, BSBA, is a staff accountant for Crowe Chizek and Company LLC, in Columbus, OH, where he also resides. Caroline Funt, BA, is the lead school age teacher for Bright Horizons: Family Solutions in Columbus, OH, where she also resides. Deborah Geiger, BSN, is employed by Blanchard Valley Health System/Creighton Dialysis in Findlay, OH. She resides in Maumee, OH. Deanna (Downey) Goodwin, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Walgreens in Columbus, OH. She and Shawn Goodwin, BSCE ’03, were married on August 11, 2007, and they reside in Dublin, OH.

Jillian Hastings, BA, is a second-grade teacher for Olentangy Local Schools in Lewis Center, OH. She resides in Worthington, OH. Kevin Heckman, BSME, is employed by GROB Systems in Bluffton, OH. He resides in Beaverdam, OH. Luke Henry, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Rite Aid in Marion, OH, where he and his wife, Lindsey (Owen), BA ’07, also reside. Samantha Herriman, BA, is a production assistant for E! Entertainment. She resides in Culver City, CA. Nicole Humphrey, PharmD, is a pharmacy manager for Kroger in Trimble, OH. She resides in Logan, OH.


Alumni Events 2008

Liz Salomone, Gloria (Dell) Ford, BSEd ’64, Jack Ford, Ann (Melkerson) Beal, BSEd ’61, and Catherine Taylor, fourth-year pharmacy student.

Nathan Schwab, Sarah (Miller) Schwab, BSME ’02, Mark Hepp, and Jennifer Shafer.

Liz Salomone, and Melissa Ryan, PharmD ’03. Stephanie Bell, senior, Troy Quillen, BSPh ’92, and Amy Quillen.

First Lady Toby Baker, BFA ’06, Heather Westbrook, BA ’99, and Steven Campbell.

Jeff Griest, BSCE ’98, Heather Griest, Jason Dixon, BSCE ’97, and Dr. Kendall L. Baker.

Don Campbell, BSME ’59, Hon.D. ’98, Helen Campbell, Terri Maltbie and Randy Maltbie, BA ’77. Dr. Kendall L. Baker, Kris Barefield, JD ’03, Grant

Keener, JD ’97, Ann Donnelly, BA ’99, director of alumni affairs, and Jason Pugsley, BSECE ’99.

Troy Thompson, Deb Myers, BS, BSPh ’87, Darlene Miller, and Herb Miller, BSME ’59.

Dominic Salomone, BA ’77, BSBA ’06, Don Beal, BSEd ’63, Bob Goldman, BSEd ’63, JD ’66, and Dr. Kendall L. Baker.

Las Vegas

Welcome Reception at Bally’s

The Bellagio

* All photos are identified L-R.

SPRING 2008 37

Fort Lauderdale


Richard, BSME ’51, and Alice Fruchey get acquainted with Tim White, junior.

Robert Blickensderfer, BSPh ’59, Barbara (Garris) Blickensderfer, BSPh ’60, Judy (Reed) Weir, BSEd ’60, BSBA ’06, and Dave Weir, BSCE ’59, Hon.D. ’96.

Dr. Erv Pierstorf, ’53, Hon.D. ’78, visits with Alice Reinhardt, and Allen Reinhardt in Orlando, FL.

First Lady Toby Baker, BFA ’06, President Kendall L. Baker, Phil Oleson, BSPh ’66, and Mary (Monstwil) Oleson, BSPh ’70, catch up at The Interlachen Country Club.

Theta Phi Deltas and Zeta Tau Alphas reunite in Orlando, FL! Back row: Kelly Hiteshew, fourth-year pharmacy major, Nancy (Richey) Reed, BA ’63, Barbara (Garris) Blickensderfer, BSPh ’60, and Danielle (Verone) Murray, BA ’01, assistant director of alumni affairs. Front row: Carol (Pears) Taggart, BSPh ’63, and Bonnie (Ruck) Huguenin, BA ’62.

Dr. Kendall L. Baker visits with Dawn and Wayne Fryback, BSBA ’01, on a gorgeous Sunday in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Katie Bowen, sophomore, Maxine Ciminillo, Lewis Ciminillo, BSEd ’58, Donald Dorrington, BSPh ’60, and Alice “A.J.” Dorrington, prepare for the ultimate brunch at The Broken Sound Club.

Richard Rowe, BSEE ’71, Sandra Rowe, and Bill Robinson, BSEd ’61, H of F ’05, Hon.D. ’05, pose in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Tom Stevick, vice president for university advancement, Mick Acheson, BSEd ’56, H of F ’01, Hon.D. ’05, Ken Block, executive director of development, and Gordon Hughes, Hon.D. ’81.

Kelly Tedrick, Paul Shin, BA ’60, Hon.D. ’04, Ann Donnelly, BA ’99, director of alumni affairs, and Arnie Blostein, BA ’66, take in some sunshine on the patio at The Broken Sound Club.

The Broken Sound Club

The Interlachen Country Club




Paul Derr, Erma (Susany) Derr, BSPh ’51, Ken Block, executive director of development, Corinne Dysert, Mary Phyl (Jones) Koloze, BSEd ’51 and Louis Koloze.

Tom Stevick, vice president for University advancement, Carole Prinz, and Rudy Prinz, BSPh ’53.

Scott Wills, BSBA ’87, director of development for the College of Pharmacy, visits with Mike Casale, BSPh ’52, and Ann Casale at Banquet Masters.

President Kendall L. Baker, visits with Sue Williams, David Williams, BSCE ’52, and Don Milks, professor of civil engineering emeritus, in Tampa, FL.

Cliff McCormick, BSEd ’61, brought two football programs (in mint condition!) from 1958 and 1959 to the Venice Area Alumni Event. From left, are Glenn Stanton, senior, Meghan Davlin, fifth-year pharmacy major, Cliff McCormick, BSEd ’61, Katie Bowen, sophomore, Lindsay Naiman, BFA 08, and Tim White, junior.

Back row: Russell Bunger, BA ’52, BSBA ’06, Howard Jones, BSCE ’53, Jack Fasold, BSCE ’53, Bob McWhirter, BSPh ’49, Gail Parsons and Jim Diefenderfer, BSME ’49. Front row: Sue Bunger, Eleanor Jones, Judy Daniels, and Marian (Kelts) McWhirter, BSPh ’49, shared a table and lunch at the Venice Area Alumni Event.

Lee Patterson, Bill Patterson, BSEd ’55, Gene Wood, BA ’66, and Jo Ann Wood.

Robin and Robin Obetz, JD ’64, Hon.D. ’02, visit with President Kendall L. Baker.

Toby Baker, BFA ’06, poses with a piece of ONU history! While a student, Steve Richart, BA ’69, was the model for a statue of Jesus in the Chapel.

Bob Irvin, BSEd ’52, H of F ’06, Nettie Irvin, Janet (Ulmer) Bogdan, BSEd ’62, and Tim Bogdan, share Northern memories at Banquet Masters in Tampa, FL.

Banquet Masters

The Venice Yacht Club

SPRING 2008 39



Continuing Education Events

Kellie (Thirion) Cleland, PharmD ’05, Jason Cleland, PharmD ’05, and Dean Jon Sprague.

John Abbott, BSPh ’53, Bob McCurdy, BSPh ’65, Hon.D. ’96, assistant dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dean Worsencroft, BSPh ’58, Steve Vidman, BSPh ’58, and Dean Jon Sprague.

Rich Ferenchak, Tracey (Thirion) Ferenchak, BSPh ’92, and Bob McCurdy, BSPh ’65, Hon.D. ’96, assistant dean of the College of Pharmacy.

Susan (Schwartz) Fields, BSPh ’90, Renee Stigliano, BSPh ’88, Pat Parteleno, BSPh ’90, PharmD ’06, associate professor of pharmacy practice and director of experiential programs, Bethann (Duran) Passarello, BSPh ’88, and Barb Moore, BSPh ’88.

Jim Gomochak, BSPh ’74, Kathleen Geren, BSPh ’75, and Don Kibler, BSPh ’84.

Helene (Brysacz) Osowski, BSPh ’55, Bruce Biggin, BSPh ’81, Jon Sprague, dean of the College of Pharmacy, Carmen Massaro, BSPh ’82, and Kathy Zeolla, BSPh ’82. Back Row: Casimir Osowski, BSPh ’52, Theodore Bober, BSPh ’63, and John Osowski, BSPh ’82.Greg Strack, BSEE ’92, Michael Chow, BSEE ’92,

and Simon Chow.

Emil Straub, BSPh ’58, Dennis Long, BSCE ’75, Andy Roecker, PharmD ’00, associate professor of pharmacy practice, and Stephen Altenburger, PharmD ’02.

College of Pharmacy

Colleges of Engineering and Pharmacy


Katherine Jackson, BA, is the director of youth ministry for St. Paul United Church of Christ in Wapakoneta, OH, where she resides. She is also a casual clerk for the U.S. Postal Service in Lima, OH. Ashley Kanuckel, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Walgreens in Cincinnati, OH, where she also resides. Chelsea Karr, BSEE, is a project leader I for Marathon Petroleum in Findlay, OH, where she also resides. Michael Kruger, BSEE, is an engineer I for BAE Systems in Rockville, MD. He resides in Silver Spring, MD. Megan (Harrison) Lawhon, BA, and Aaron Lawhon were married on October 6, 2007, and they reside in Bidwell, OH. Megan is a youth coordinator for Holzer Medical Center in Gallipolis, OH. Bethany (Lifer) Lines, PharmD, and Scott Lines were married on June 2, 2007. The couple resides in Carroll, OH. Rob Luther, JD, will have a law review article published in the summer 2008 edition of the University of California at Davis’ Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy. The article, “Heckling the Heckler Out of California’s Public Schools: How Smith v. Novato Unified School District Narrowly Defines ‘Incitement’ to Give Broad Protection to Student Speech,” will be his second published article since graduation. Rob resides in Pittsburgh, PA.

Bethany MacCarter, BS, is a science teacher for Austin Business & Entrepreneurship Academy in Chicago, IL, where she also resides. Erica Marcum, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Pharmacy Management Group of Columbus in Westerville, OH. She resides in Columbus, OH. Courtney (Abbott) Miarer, PharmD, BS, and Philip Miarer were married on September 15, 2007, and they reside in Fostoria, OH. Courtney is a pharmacist for Wal-Mart Pharmacy in Fremont, OH. Sarah Moseley, BA, BM, is an AmeriCorps VISTA for Arundel Habitat for Humanity. Erin Myers, BFA, is a teller for The Ohio State Bank in Marion, OH. She resides in La Rue, OH. Rebecca Nelson, PharmD, is a pharmacist for CVS Pharmacy in Springfield, OH, where she also resides. Scott Parson, BA, is an assistant construction supervisor for Habitat for Humanity (AmeriCorps) in Denver, CO. He resides in Aurora, CO. Jeff Perrin, BSBA, is a financial analyst for Owens Corning World Headquarters in Toledo, OH. Jeff and his wife, Kellie, reside in Perrysburg, OH.

Ellen Rodgers, PharmD, is a pharmacy practice resident for Mount Carmel West Hospital in Columbus, OH, where she also resides. Bradley Sanderson, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Klein’s Pharmacy in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. He resides in Clinton, OH. Nicholas Schumacher, BS, is the principal chemist for QualiTec Metal Finishers in Celina, OH. He resides in New Knoxville, OH. Melissa Secrist, JD, is an assistant public defender for the Viera Public Defender’s Office in Viera, FL. She resides in Indialantic, FL. Abraham Sparling, BSME, and Heagan Hempy were married on June 23, 2007. The couple resides in Findlay, OH. Cindi Sprau, BSN, is a maternity services director for Wyandot Memorial Hospital in Upper Sandusky, OH. She resides in Findlay, OH. Valarie Sweeting, BA, is a substitute teacher for Willard City Schools in Willard, OH. She and her husbans, John, BS, BA ’06, reside in North Fairfield, OH. Kristen (Pniewski) Steele, BA, and Brandon Steele, BSME ’04, were married on September 15, 2007. The couple resides in Findlay. Joshua Stolly, JD, is an associate for Coolidge Wall Co., LPA, in Dayton, OH. He and his wife, Whitney, reside in Zanesfield, OH. Kayla Stover, PharmD, is a pharmacy resident for West Virginia University Hospitals in Morgantown, VA. She resides in Cranberry, PA. William Sturgill, JD, and Tara Dishner were married on September 15, 2007, and they reside in Wise, VA. William is an attorney with Sturgill & Kennedy Law Office.

Todd Swanson, JD, is employed by Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC, in Charleston, WV, in the business department. He practices business transaction, corporate law, financing and taxation. Jody Teresi, BA, is an inside sales coordinator for Area Temps in Mentor, OH. She resides in Chardon, OH. Matt Thornton, BSEE, and Tara (Unkefer), PharmD, were married on September 15, 2007, and they reside in Fort Wayne, IN. Matt is an associate test engineer for BAE Systems, and Tara is a pharmacist for Lutheran Hospital of Indiana. Mary Ann (Murphy) Tucker, PharmD, is a resident at Blanchard Valley Medical Associates. She was selected to participate in an American College of Clinical Pharmacy Heart Failure Traineeship at the Richard M. Ross Heart Hospital at The Ohio State University. She and her husband, Justin, reside in Findlay, OH. Kristen Vogtsberger, JD, is an associate consultant for Laurence Simons International in Chicago, IL, where she also resides. Jessica Weinberg, JD, BA ’04, is the get-out-the-vote coordinator for the Ability Center of Greater Toledo in Sylvania, OH. She is an independent contractor for the law firms of Ballenger & Moore and Rubin & Zyndorf. She resides in Toledo, OH. Rachelle Younger, PharmD, is a pharmacy resident at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis, OR, where she also resides.


WeddingEveryone was all smiles at the Griffo/Miller wedding. (From left) Front Row: Heather Hodson, PharmD ’07, Nicole Moore, PharmD ’07, Leigha (LeBerth) Lautzenhiser, BA ’05, Terren Kindsvatter, fifth-year pharmacy major, Jill (Griffo) Miller, BS ’05, and Zac Miller, BSBA ’04. Second Row: Michelle Tluchowski, PharmD ’07, Andy Kill, sixth-year pharmacy major, Theresa (Wenzinger) Basinger, sixth-year pharmacy major, Ken Basinger, BS ’00, Melissa (Johnson) Auer, BA ’04, Andrea (Berry) Young, BSBA ’04, Ken Williams, BSBA ’04, Casey Dillon, BSBA ’04, Brent Koesters, BSBA ’04, Ann Donnelly, BA ’99, director of alumni affairs, and Tim Miller, BSEd ’64. Third Row: Justin Lehman, BS ’03, Jacob Clemens, BA ’04, Justin Stiles, BSCE ’06, David Snapp, Jason Erdelyi, BA ’05, BS ’04, Brett Auer, BSBA ’05, Ron Young, BFA ’04, Brenden Krowka, BA ’04, Phil Bruns, BSBA ’07, and Scott Miller, BSME ’87. (Image by Michael J. Ayers)

Bailey/Conrad WeddingJune 30, 2007, proved to be a fun time for all ONU alumni and friends at the wedding of Jim Conrad, BSBA ’04, and his wife, Kendra (Bailey), BS ’04. (From left) First Row: Kasey (Hardesty) Friesner, BA ’05, Jason Dray, BSBA ’02, Jenny Fruth, BA ’05, Kelli Waggoner, PharmD ’04, Jim Conrad, BSBA ’04, BSBA ’04, Kendra (Bailey) Conrad, BS ’04, Brad Lohr, BS ’04, Ryan DiFranco, BSME ’04, and Zach Walton, BA ’06. Second Row: B.J. Theisen, sixth-year pharmacy major, Jen Hrovat, BA ’06, Brittany Henak, PharmD ’06, Jill Conner, PharmD ’06, Janet (Polzer) Bauer, BSBA ’04, Staci Stevens, BS ’04, Nick Sicilian, BS ’05, Dorian (Barrett) Thompson, BA ’99, Hannah (Kanuckel) Creager, BSBA ’05, Lauren (Seitz) DiFranco, BFA ’05, and Katie Wehrum, BSCE ’07. Third Row: Karlee Kanuckel, BSBA ’07, Sarah Berger, BS ’07, Alison (Dougan) Walton, PharmD ’06, Nicole Meckstroth, Joe Kramer, PharmD ’05, Angela Petrosino, BS ’03, Jodi (Brown) Breckner, BA ’04, Mariah (Williams) Barnes, BA ’02, Meredith (Van Dyck) Creps, BA ’03, Angie (Zinser) Weatherwax, BS ’02, Jeremy Thompson, BSBA ’00, Nick Amos, BSBA ’03, Aaron Fries, BA ’03, and Coach Jeff Coleman, BA ’90, head men’s basketball coach. Fourth Row: Abigail (Stengel) Hampton, BSBA ’04, Andre Hampton, Greg Badenhop, BSBA ’07, Billy Barkimer, BSME ’04, Matt Wentzel, BS ’05, Tim Hopkins, BSBA ’04, Brad Klaus, BSME ’03, Justin Walton, BA ’04, Eddie Bosse, BSEE ’03, Brian Jemison, BS ’03, Brandon Bucholtz, BS ’07, Devin Russell, BA ’06, Sam Mikolajewski, BSME ’04, Mark Killian, BSCE ’05, Chad Bostelman, BA ’05, Phil Hoying, BS ’05, Sean Kobilis, BSBA ’07, Tom Barkimer, BSEE ’72, Nate Kreinbrink, BA ’04, Lee Creager, BS ’03, and Jeff Geisbuhler, BSCE ’01.

SPRING 2008 41


Ohio Northern University is honored to have had the following alumni serve on interview panels at the 2008 Scholarship Recognition Days. Their presence at the events serves as an indication of their devotion and loyalty to their alma mater.

They not only assist with the awarding of scholarships, they help shape the lifeline of our institution.

If you would like to serve on a future Scholarship Recognition Day interview panel, please contact the Office of Admissions at (419) 772-2260, and a representative will gladly pair you with a student and faculty/staff member at next year’s events!

Alisa (Dentinger) Agozzino, BA ’01Jeff Allison, BSPh ’71, PharmD ’95Kim Broedel-Zaugg, BSPh ’81Inara Brubaker, BS ’59Stephanie Bryan, BA ’92Jessica Budkowski, PharmD ’03Michael Chow, BSEE ’92John Christoff, JD ’77Elyse Cocco, BSME ’06Cheryl (Burcham) Cotner, BA ’68, BSBA ’06Ryan Cupp, BA ’07David Dellifield, BSBA ’94Natalie DiPietro, PharmD ’01Ann Donnelly, BA ’99Michael Edie, BSME ’98Rose Endreola, BS ’04Patricia Fought, BSCE ’02Karla Geise, BSBA ’07Deanna (Downey) Goodwin, PharmD ’07Shawn Goodwin, BSCE ’03Patricia (Patterson) Gott, BSEd ’65Carol Gramm, BA ’76Suzanne Hall, BA ’06Dustin Hartzler, BSEE ’07Dennis Herr, BSEE ’73April (LeVan) Hodge, BA ’93

Mary (Lucas) Howell, BSEd ’63Denise (Zucker) Iams, BA ’73Jennifer (Mosler) Kline, PharmD ’04Steve Kochheiser, BA ’06Sarah (Wheeler) Kolks, BA ’04Laurie (Kahl) Laird, BSME ’86Mary Jo (Branz) Lockshin, BA ’78, JD ’81Judy MaGaw, BA ’77Jed Marquart, BSME ’80Eric Martin, BSCE ’81Bob McCurdy, BSPh ’65, Hon. D. ’96Myrna (Woodward) McCurdy, BA ’66, BSBA ’06 Daniel Meckstroth, BSEd ’65Melissa Metheney, BS ’98Michael Milks, BSPh ’76Matt Mottice, BSME ’04Jarrod Mottice, BSME ’06Danielle (Verone) Murray, BA ’01Deirdre (Mozdy) Myers, BSPh ’83Stacey (Ward) Neeley, BSBA ’95Jackie O’Flaherty, BSCE ’04Pat Parteleno, BSPh ’90, PharmD ’96Tracy Pritchard, BS ’02Michael Rencheck, BSEE ’83Keith Richards, BSEd ’69Michael Rider, BSME ’75

Andrew Roecker, PharmD ’00Brit Rowe, BFA ’93Sarah Rowland, BSCE ’06Kristen Sayre, BS ’01Randy Scheid, BSCE ’04Sarah (Miller) Schwab, BSME ’02Jessica Scott, BSCE ’06William Sherry, BA ’68Jon Smalley, BSCE ’71Ingeborg Smith, BSEd ’70Michael Smith, BA ’69Heidi (Hope) Snow, BSBA ’94Abe Sparling, BSME ’07Roy Stype, BSEE ’78Jillian (Rapp) Subramaniam, BA ’99Ranjiv Subramaniam, BA ’00Justin Stiles, BSCE ’06David Taylor, BS ’04Keith Thomas, BSBA ’98Rod Thompson, BA ’69Sarah (Smith) Waters, BM ’87Jeni (Muskus) Watters, BSEE ’04Mindi Wells, BSBA ’95, JD ’98Toma (Grothous) Williams, BFA ’96Andy Wolpert, BSCE ’99Caroline (Dettmer) Young, BS ’04


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SPRING 2008 43

Nolan LeGrand Marcussen, the son of Mauricha (Frazee) Marcussen, BS ’93, and her husband, Greg, BSME ’93.

Nathan Michael Owens, the grandson of Tracy (Cohen) Carlson, BSPh ’93, and her husband, Keith, BSPh ’91, shows his pride for his grandparents’ alma mater.

Jayne Mackalen Fletcher, the daughter of Chris (Klingenberger) Fletcher, BSBA ’89, and her husband, Doug.

Zoey Kathryn Burgess, the daughter of Scott Burgess, BSBA ’94, and his wife, Mary.


Kimberly Griffith, JD, and her husband, Kerry Burt, a daughter, Peyton Addison, October 28, 2007. Peyton joins siblings Christian, 12, and Sydney, 5. Kimberly resides in Waterloo, IA, with her family and she can be reached at


Jonathon McGee, BA, and his wife, Amy, a daughter, Vivian Candace, October 22, 2007. The McGee family resides in Columbus, OH.


Chris (Klingenberger) Fletcher, BSBA, and her husband, Doug, a daughter, Jayne Mackalen, November 19, 2007. Jayne joins sisters, Robyn, 9, and Karlye, 4. The Fletcher family resides in New Albany, OH.


Gregory Owens, BSBA, and his wife, Michelle, a daughter, Megan Louise, January 3, 2007. The Owens family resides in Morrisville, NC.


Christopher Carns, BSME, and his wife, Katrina (Kight), BA ’93, JD ’96, a daughter, Autumn, May 18, 2007. Autumn joins brother, Joshua, 6. The Carns family can be reached at otterck@verizon.netThomas Gurgiolo, BS, and his wife, Nancy, a daughter, Addie Laine, November 30, 2007. Addie joins brother, Sam, 2. The Gurgiolo family resides in Westerville, OH. David Henry, JD, and his wife, Margaret, a daughter, Reagan Marie, September 7, 2006. Reagan joins siblings, Brady, 8, and Parker, 4. The Henry family resides in Wilmington, OH. Matthew C. Smith, BA, and his wife, Bronwyn, a son, Brogan Cain, June 11, 2007. Brogan joins brother, Neal, 7, and sister, Eliza, 2. The Smith family resides in Holland, OH.



Katrina (Kight) Carns, BA, JD ’96, and her husband, Christopher, BSME ’91, a daughter, Autumn, May 18, 2007. Autumn joins brother, Joshua, 6. The Carns family can be reached at otterck@verizon.netKaren (Oberer) Haneke, BA, and her husband, Bernd, a daughter, Laura Elizabeth, December 14, 2007. Laura joins brother, Ian, 5. The Haneke family resides in Durham, NC, and they can be reached at: khaneke@fhi.orgBruce Lehmkuhl, BSBA, and his wife, Staci, a daughter, Brooke Joan, January 8, 2007. Brooke joins sisters, Alexis 6, and Morgan, 2. The Lehmkuhl family resides in Wellington, OH.


Scott Burgess, BSBA, and his wife, Mary, a daughter, Zoey Kathryn, September 22, 2006. The Burgess family resides in Mount Vernon, OH. Jennifer (Prichard) Jennings, BSPh, and her husband, Randy, BSPh ’98, twin daughters Brooke Elizabeth and Jessica Anne, January 4, 2008. The Jennings family resides in Fort Wayne, IN.


Heath Bair, BSEE, and his wife, Joyce (Lilac) Bair, BSPh ’98, a daughter, Natalie Elizabeth, October 26, 2007. Natalie joins brothers, Nicholas, 6, and Mason, 3. The Bair family resides in Medina, OH. Stacy (Adams) Wall, BA, JD ’98, and her husband, Richard, JD ’98, a daughter, Samantha, in February 2006. Samantha joins brother, Ryan, 8, and Kayla, 5. The Wall family resides in Tipp City, OH.


Katrina (Kight) Carns, JD, BA ’93, and her husband, Christopher, BSME ’91, a daughter, Autumn, May 18, 2007. Autumn joins brother, Joshua, 6. The Carns family can be reached at otterck@verizon.netLisa (Metzger) Coonfare, BSBA, and her husband, Michael, BS ’96, a son, Grady Michael, November 11, 2007. Grady joins brother, Jaden, 3. The Coonfare family resides in Bluffton, OH. Daniel Streetman, PharmD, and his wife, Darcie-ann (Drown), PharmD ’98, a daughter, Addison Paige, June 21, 2007. Addison joins sisters, Emma, 5, and Sidney, 3. The Stretman family resides in Dexter, MI.


Nick Bertke, BS, and his wife, Monique (Berger), BS ’01, a son, Beckett Nicholas, November 8, 2007. Beckett joins brother, Jarin, 5. The Bertke family resides in Lima, OH. Jennifer Henley, BS, and her husband, Brandon Werling, a son, Drew Henley, September 15, 2007. The family resides in South Bend, IN. Stacy (Rossman) Roehrs, BSPh, and her husband, Jonathan, BSME ’97, a son, Jeremy Dean, June 4, 2007. Jeremy joins sister, Sarah, 6, and brother, Jason, 4. The Roehrs family resides in Waynesville, OH.

Jessica Anne and Brooke Elizabeth

Jennings, the twin daughters of

Jennifer (Prich-ard) Jennings, BSPh ’94, and her husband,

Randy, BSPh ’98.

Neal and Eliza Smith proudly show off their new brother,

Brogan. They are the children of

Matt Smith, BA ’91, and his wife,


Peyton Addison Burt, the daughter of Kimberly Griffith, JD ’85, and her husband, Kerry Burt.



Joyce (Lilac) Bair, BSPh, and her husband, Heath Bair, BSEE ’95, a daughter, Natalie Elizabeth, October 26, 2007. Natalie joins brothers, Nicholas, 6, and Mason, 3. The Bair family resides in Medina, OH. Chad Callahan, JD, and his wife, Julie, a son, Shane William, February 11, 2008. The Callahan family resides in Black Hawk, SD. Bracken Foster, BA, and his wife, Kimberly (Brewer), BM ’01, a son, Ethan, July 11, 2007. Ethan joins sister, Ellie, 2. The Foster family resides in McConnelsville, OH. Courtney Goode, BA, and his wife, Johanna, a daughter, Bridget Christine, January 11, 2008. Bridget joins sister, Erin, 3. The Goode family resides in Folsom, CA. Randy Jennings, BSPh, and his wife, Jennifer (Prichard), BSPh ’94, twin daughters Brooke Elizabeth and Jessica Anne, January 4, 2008. The Jennings family resides in Fort Wayne, IN. Matt Lewis, BSME, and his wife, Anna, a daughter, Emma Grace, January 9, 2008. Emma joins sisters, Clairissa, 18, and Alicia, 9. The Lewis family resides in Loudonville, OH. Darcie-ann (Drown) Streetman, PharmD, and her husband, Daniel, PharmD ’96, a daughter, Addison Paige, June 21, 2007. Addison joins sisters, Emma, 5, and Sidney, 3. The Stretman family resides in Dexter, MI. Stacy (Adams) Wall, JD, BA ’95, and her husband, Richard, JD ’98, a daughter, Samantha, in February of 2006. Samantha joins brother, Ryan, 8, and Kayla, 5. The Wall family resides in Tipp City, OH.Cathy (Greco) Wiggs, and her husband, Greg, a daughter, Lyla Isabelle, September 10, 2007. The Wiggs family resides in Strasburg, OH.


Michael Barnett, BSPh, and his wife, Rachel (Kahlenberg), BS ’00, a daughter, Julia Diann, January 18, 2008. Julia joins sister, Elizabeth, 2. The Barnett family resides in Bowling Green, OH. Keith Bornhorst, BSME, and his wife, Dana (Nedderman), BSPh ’00, a daughter, Allie Kristine, September 21, 2007. Allie joins brother, Nolan, 6, and sister, Chloe, 3. The Bornhorst family resides in New Bremen, OH.

Jaden Coonfare proudly presents

his new little brother, Grady,

They are the sons of Lisa (Metzger) Coonfare, BSBA

’96, and her husband, Michael,

BS ’96.

Jeremy Roehrs, center, enjoyed

the holidays with his big

sister, Sarah, 6, and his big

brother, Jason, 4. They are the

children of Stacy (Rossman)

Roehrs, BSPh ’97, and her

husband, Jonathan, BSME


Benjamin and Hannah Reinicke,

the children of Josh Reinicke,

BSCE ’98, and his wife, Jodi.

Liesel Julianna Schilling, the daughter of Laura (Buscher) Schilling, BSPh ’01, and her husband, Walter, BSEE ’97.

Morgan Jeanne Billiter, the daughter of Tara (Kingsley) Billiter, BA ’98, and her husband, David, BA ’98.

Emma Grace Lewis, the daughter of Matt Lewis, BSME ’98, and his wife, Anna.

Hannah Chastain Jackson, the daughter of Robin (Lilley) Jackson, JD ’99, and her husband, Gil.

Vivian Lily Jacobson, the daughter of Scott Jacobson, BSECE ’99, and his wife, Deanna.

Toby Hertenstein, BA, and his wife, DeeAnn, adopted four children, Ali, 7, Tony, 6, Dylan, 2, and Luke, 1. Ali, Tony, Dylan and Luke, join siblings, Austin, 5, Abbi, 4, and Amy, 2. The Hertenstein family resides in St. Marys, OH, and they can be reached at tobyhertenstein@yahoo.comRobin (Lilley) Jackson, JD, and her husband, Gil, a daughter, Hannah Chastain, September 18, 2007, Hannah joins sister, Allison, 3. The Jackson family resides in Charleston, SC, and they can be reached at: scthemis@hotmail.comScott Jacobson, BSECE, and his wife, Deanna, a daughter, Vivian Lily, July 2, 2007. The Jacobson family resides in Perrysburg, OH. Andrea (Antrim) Maksim, BSPh, and her husband, Nicholas, a son, Andrew Elliot, August 1, 2007. The Maksim family resides in Canal Winchester, OH.


Rachel (Kahlenberg) Barnett, BS, and her husband, Michael, BSPh’99, a daughter, Julia Diann, January 18, 2008. Julia joins sister, Elizabeth, 2. The Barnett family resides in Bowling Green, OH. Dana (Nedderman) Bornhorst, BSPh, and her husband, Keith, BSME ’99, a daughter, Allie Kristine, September 21, 2007. Allie joins brother, Nolan, 6, and sister, Chloe, 3. The Bornhorst family resides in New Bremen, OH. John Cassidy, BSBA, and his wife, India, a son, Seamus Jay, December 18, 2007. Seamus joins siblings Trysta and John. The Cassidy family resides in Newark, OH. Leslie (Kremer) Hartman, PharmD, and her husband, William, a daughter, Addison Kay, June 5, 2007. Addison joins brother, Cory, 2. The Hartman family resides in Oak Harbor, OH. Kimberly (Kennedy) Klepper, BA, and her husband, Jeremy, PharmD ’02, a daughter, Megan Rose, March 22, 2007. The Klepper family resides in North Ridgeville, OH, and they can be reached at


Monique (Berger) Bertke, BS, and her husband, Nick, BS ’97, and his wife, a son, Beckett Nicholas, November 8, 2007. Beckett joins brother, Jarin, 5. The Bertke family resides in Lima, OH. Russell Chiles, BS, and his wife, Nicole, a daughter, Audrey Marie, August 19, 2007. The Chiles family resides in Streetsboro, OH. Stephanie (Allen) Cousino, BA, and her husband, Bryan, BSME ’03, a son, Griffin Elwood, September 20, 2007. The Cousino family resides in Reynoldsburg, OH. Kimberly (Brewer) Foster, BM, and her husband, Bracken, BA ’98, a son, Ethan, July 11, 2007. Ethan joins sister, Ellie, 2. The Foster family resides in McConnelsville, OH.

SPRING 2008 45

ONU friends show off their new Polar Bear cubs! From left, are: Laura (Feasel) Spicer, PharmD ’04, and her son, Lucas, Angie (Zinser) Weatherwax, BS ’02, and her daughter, Emma, and Stephanie (Meller) Williams, BS ’02, and her daughter, Mackenzie.

Donald “Rich” Miller, BSPh, and his wife, Azure (DeGeorge), PharmD ’02, a son, Brenden Anthony, June 29, 2007. The Miller family resides in Gahanna, OH. Krista (Kepper) Tressa, BSPh, and her husband, Paul, a daughter, Briella Grace, September 14, 2007. The Tressa family resides in Sagamore Hills, OH.


Jeremy Klepper, PharmD, and his wife, Kimberly (Kennedy), BA ’00, a daughter, Megan Rose, March 22, 2007. The Klepper family resides in North Ridgeville, OH, and they can be reached at jeremyklepper@hotmail.comAzure (DeGeorge) Miller, PharmD, and her husband, Donald “Rich” Miller, BSPh ’01, a son, Brenden Anthony, June 29, 2007. The Miller family resides in Gahanna, OH. Nathaniel Peters, JD, and his wife, Addy, twins Nate, Jr. and Nathalie, December 12, 2006, and triplets Niamh, Naoise, and Norah, March 5, 2007. The Peters family resides in Ireland. Angie (Zinser) Weatherwax, BS, and her husband, John, BSBA ’02, a daughter, Emma Jeanne, November 6, 2007. The Weatherwax family resides in Hilliard, OH. Stephanie (Meller) Williams, BS, and her husband, Doug, a daughter, Mackenzie Grace, October 9, 2007. Mackenzie joins sister, Katelyn, 2. The Williams family resides in Sylvania, OH.


April (Bays) Heidenhoffer, PharmD, and her husband, Nick, a daughter, Addison Nicole. Addison joins brother, Bryce, 2. The Heidenhoffer family resides in Strongsville, OH. Bryan Cousino, BSME, and his wife, Stephanie (Allen), BA ’01, a son, Griffin Elwood, September 20, 2007. The Cousino family resides in Reynoldsburg, OH.

Cory Hartman, 2, proudly presents his little sister, Addison Kay. They are the children of Leslie (Kremer) Hartman, PharmD, ’00, and her husband, William.

Megan Rose Klepper, the daughter of Kimberly (Kennedy) Klepper, BA ’00, and her husband, Jeremy, PharmD ’02.

Briella Grace Tressa, the daughter of Krista (Kepper) Tressa, BSPh ’01, and her husband, Paul.

Brenden Anthony Miller, the son of Azure (DeGeorge) Miller, PharmD ’02, and her husband, Rich, BSPh ’01.

Paige Andrea Marlatt, the daughter of Kristi (Giglio) Marlatt, BSBA ’03, and her husband, Brian, PharmD ’04.

Olivia Michelle Stimmel, the

daughter of Shelly Pehrson-Stimmel, BSBA ’04, and her

husband, Matt.

Griffin Elwood Cousino, the son of

Stephanie (Allen) Cousino, BA ’01,

and her husband, Bryan, BSME ’03.

The Herteinstein children are all

smiles! (L-R) Back row: Ali and Tony.

Middle row: Austin, Abbi, Amy and

Dylan. Front row: Luke. They are the

children of Toby Hertenstein, BA

’99, and his wife, DeeAnn.

Kristi (Giglio) Marlatt, BSBA, and her husband, Brian, PharmD ’04, a daughter, Paige Andrea, February 13, 2006. The Marlatt family resides in Almond, NY, and they can be reached at marlattkb@earthlink.netMaria (Hesseling) Rellinger, BSBA, and her husband, Bruce, a son, Lane Bruce, March 24, 2007. The Rellinger family resides in Cloverdale, OH.


Christina (Freeman) Leland, BS, and her husband, Bryan, PharmD ’07, a son, Braeden Paul Nicholas, October 27, 2006. The Leland family resides in West Chester, OH. Brian Marlatt, PharmD, and his wife, Kristi (Giglio), BSBA ’03, a daughter, Paige Andrea, February 13, 2006. The Marlatt family resides in Almond, NY, and they can be reached at marlattkb@earthlink.netShelly Pehrson-Stimmel, BSBA, and her husband, Matthew Stimmel, a daughter, Olivia Michelle, August 23, 2007. The family resides in Findlay, OH. Laura (Feasel) Spicer, PharmD, and her husband, Jim, PharmD ’04, a son, Lucas James, October 12, 2007. The Spicer family resides in Vermilion, OH.


Tammy (Watson) Rettig, JD, and her husband, Daniel, a son, Houston Nathaniel, December 19, 2007. The Rettig family resides in La Vergne, TN.


Bryan Leland, PharmD, and his wife, Christina (Freeman), BS ’04, a son, Braeden Paul Nicholas, October 27, 2006. The Leland family resides in West Chester, OH.

The children of Joyce (Lilac) Bair, BSPh ’98, and her husband, Heath, BSEE ’95, are all smiles during the holidays. From left, clockwise, are: Nicholas, 5, Mason, 3, and Natalie.


Friends of the University Dorothy (Jenkins) Lauless, Lima, OH, November 4, 2007. After attending Northern for a brief time, Dorothy enjoyed a career as a secretary for several organizations, including Lima Distributors, Lima Schools, King Lumber Co. and Triplett Corp. A devoted Girl Scout leader and volunteer, Dorothy was a member of the Child Conservation League and Trinity United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Nelson, BSEd ’47, H of F ’86. Walter Maloney, Port Charlotte, FL, March 23, 2007. Nancy Mills, Marion, OH, June 18, 2007. After attending Michigan State Normal College, Nancy went on to assist at her husband’s medical practice for over 25 years. Nancy received her twin-engine pilot’s license and enjoyed traveling over the Ohio region, as well as cross-country. She is preceded in death by her husband, Richard. William Moldoff, Nassau, NY, May 1, 2007. A U.S. Navy veteran of World War II, William received several degrees including a BA from the University of Iowa, a JD from the University of Miami and an LL.M from the University of Michigan. A practicing attorney, William was a retired Ohio Northern University instructor of law. He was preceded in death by his wife, Doris. Kenneth Muhlenkamp, Coldwater, OH, May 11, 2007. A farmer and employee at R&R Fabrications, Kenneth was a member of the Farm Bureau and Holy Trinity Catholic Church. Kenneth is survived by his wife, Peg, and family.


Lois (Rinehart) Musser, AA, DeGraff, OH, January 23, 2008. Lois was a teacher at Corn Cobb College, Logan County schools and Riverside Schools. She was a member of several organizations including the Research Club, Semper Fidelis Sunday School, DeGraff United Methodist Church and the Logan County Retired Teachers Association. Lois was a proud 75-year member of Order of Eastern Star. She was preceded in death by her husband, James. .


Martha (Goodman) Weiss, BA, Melbourne, FL, August 15, 2007. While at Northern, Martha was a member of the basketball team, the Northern Review and Alpha Phi Gamma. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leo.


Estle (Younkman) Winegardner, AA, BSEd ’53, Lima, OH, November 13, 2007. While at Northern, Estle was a chorus member. She enjoyed a 36-year teaching career before serving as a substitute teacher for 18 years. Her memberships included the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa, Lafayette First United Methodist Church and Ohio Retired Teachers Association. Estle is survived by her husband, Donald “Earl” Winegardner, AA ’35, BSEd ’42.


Idella (Stuckey) Benner, AA, Bluffton, OH, January 29, 2003. A retired elementary school teacher, Idella was a member of New Hope United Methodist Church and Order of the Eastern Star. She is preceded in death by her husband, Clarence.


Joel Keller, BSEE, Lake Saint Louis, MO, August 4, 2007. While at Northern, Joel was a member of Delta Sigma Phi. He was the retired president of K K Products Inc. Robert Slusser, BSEE, Merrillville, IN, July 14, 2007. While at Northern, Robert was a member of the marching band and Sigma Pi fraternity. Robert served in the submarine corps with the U.S. Navy during World War II. A retired engineer of U.S. Steel Corp., Robert was a member of The Lions Club. Robert was preceded in death by his wife, Fredia.


John J. Ferguson, BSPh, Lake Wales, FL, October 26, 2007. While at Northern, John was a member of Kappa Psi fraternity. He served as a pharmacist during World War II before enjoying a 28-year career as a district manager for Merck & Co. John is survived by his wife, Alice. Aurora (Alay) Len, BA, Newark, NJ, July 16, 2007. A native of Havana, Cuba, Aurora retired from Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. after 25 years of service. She is survived by her husband, Edwin.


Robert Carey, BSPh, Chula Vista, CA, August 28, 2007. While at Northern, Robert was a member of the orchestra, the symphonic band, choral groups, Kappa Psi fraternity and Kappa Kappa Psi. Robert went on to receive a master of arts

degree from Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA. He enjoyed an 18-year career as a pharmacist and a 15-year career as a high school music teacher. Robert is survived by his wife, Ann.


Barbara (Penn) Nash, BSEd, Avon Lake, OH, December 10, 2007. Barabara began her career in education in 1962 and retired after 29 years of service. While teaching, Barbara served many roles such as grade school principal, Chapter One reading teacher and school psychologist. A Jennings Scholar, Barbara was a key facilitator at Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada, at which she coordinated a conference with children from several countries. Barbara is survived by her family and friends.


James Bushong, BSEE, Findlay, OH, November 6, 2007. A veteran of the U.S. Navy during World War II, James went on to graduate from Ohio Northern University. After serving RCA/Harris Corp. for 30 years, he started his own business, Part Two Inc. An active community member, James was involved with the Blanchard Valley Hospital Board, the Findlay Chamber of Commerce, First Presbyterian Church, the Hancock County Jail Committee, the mayor’s task force committee, Rotary International and the Senate Club of the YMCA. He is survived by his wife, Jean. Dorothy (Williams) Johns, BSEd, Belleville, IL, December 24, 2007. A retired elementary school teacher, Dorothy taught in Lima, OH, Matteson, IL, and Holtville, AL. She enjoyed spending time on her farm in Buchanan and at her homes in Chassahowitzka, FL, Holtville, AL, and Park Forest, IL. Dorothy is survived by her husband, Brice, BA, BSCE ’49.Robert McCluer, BA, Vista, CA, October 20, 2007. A retired associate from Pacific Enterprises, Robert is survived by his wife, Pauline. Daniel Shank, BSEd, Charlotte, NC, September 14, 2007. A veteran of World War II with the U.S. Army Air Corps., Daniel was a retired loan officer and Mason. He was preceded in death by his wife, Virginia.

Dorothy (Wise) Bartholic, West Mifflin, PA, July 10, 2007. While attending Northern, Dorothy was a member of Alpha Xi Delta, musical groups and the orchestra. A retired bookkeeper/secretary from Pittsburgh Asphalt & Paving Company, Dorothy was preceded in death by her husband, Charles. Dwight Becker, Lima, OH, December 26, 2007. Dwight received a bachelor’s degree and doctor of medicine from The Ohio State University. He held a private practice in addition to being on staff at St. Rita’s Hospital and Lima Memorial Hospital. His memberships included Allen County Council on Aging, Blue Cross of Lima, American Medical Association, Ohio State Medical Association, Ohio Medical Indemnity, Ohio State Medical Association, Shawnee Country Club and Shawnee Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary. Mary Becker, Lima, OH, December 4, 2007. A registered nurse, Mary was a devoted member of Shawnee United Methodist Church, having been involved with the church board, Cheer Circle, and United Methodist Women. In addition to being a member of the YWCA, the Shawnee Country Club and the Lima and Allen County Medical Auxiliary, she was a volunteer for the American Red Cross and the Cancer Society. Her husband was the late Dwight Becker. Robert “Dennis” Brown Sr., Lima, OH, December 8, 2007. Dennis was a retired custodian II of Sodexho USA. He served Ohio Northern University for 30 years. Dennis is survived by his wife, Lova. Jacqueline (Lamb) Gobin, Bellefontaine, OH, January 2, 2008. While attending Northern, Jacqueline was a member of the chorus. A former Ada High School homecoming queen, Jacqueline enjoyed spending time with her family and attending her grandchildren’s sporting events. She is survived by her husband of 57 years, James. Frank Homan, Seattle, WA, April 21, 2007. Frank served during World War II with the 5th Army. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the John Marshall School of Law, Frank’s career includes being a professor at Tulsa University, an assistant professor of law at Ohio Northern University and an administrative law judge for the State of Washington. Frank is survived by his wife of 59 years, Anne. Joseph Klingler, Kenton, OH, October 23, 2007. A veteran of the U.S. Army during the Korean War, Joseph enjoyed a 41-year career with Air Foil Textron, the former Cell-O Corp., in the aircraft engineering department. His memberships included American Legion Post 198, First United Methodist Church and Kenton Elks Lodge 157. Joseph is survived by his wife, Marilyn (Kempsell), BSEd ’55.

SPRING 2008 47


Clyde Kidd, BA, Prescott, AZ, August 14, 2007. While at Northern, Clyde was a member of Phi Mu Delta fraternity. Clyde enjoyed a career in education, having been the head of the English Department and assistant principal in charge of curriculum at Scottsdale High School, as well as the principal of Coronado High School. Clyde is survived by his family and friends. Winona “Winnie” (Herring) Nicholas, BA, Lapeer, MI, January 22, 2008. While at Northern, Winnie was a member of Tau Kappa Kappa, Beta Beta Beta and the marching band. Winnie enjoyed a career as a medical laboratory technician before pursuing medical cytology training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She was an active member of the American Cancer Society of Michigan. She was preceded in death by her husband, Royce, BA ’50.


R. Dean Bishop, BA, Lima, OH, July 20, 2007. A veteran of the U.S. Army during World War II, Dean was employed by Elmview Store and Elmview Hallmark. He is survived by his family and friends.


Stella LaRue, BSEd, Lima, OH, November 7, 2007. While at Northern, Stella was a member of the Northern Review and Alpha Phi Gamma. A retired teacher of Bath School District, Stella was a member of the Ohio Educational and National Education Associations. She is survived by family and friends. Robert Sutton, Jr., BSPh, Kinsman, OH, January 3, 2008. Robert’s devotion to his profession and faith is displayed by his strong commitment to Kinsman Pharmacy for 40 years, Bob’s Market for 45 years, and the Kinsman Presbyterian Church for 55 years. His additional involvements included the Greenville Elks Lodge and Trumbull County Pharmaceutical Association. Robert is survived by his wife, Grace.


Edward Bray, LLB, Columbus, OH, February 10, 2008. Before attending law school at Ohio Northern, Edward went to Notre Dame University. While at Northern, Edward was a member of Delta Theta Phi and the Student Bar Association Executive Board. An Army-Air Corps veteran, Edward participated in atomic bomb tests on Bikini Island. An avid gardener, Edward was a member of Immaculate Conception Church. He is survived by family and friends. Robert “Paul” Schunn, BA, Ellettsville, IN, January 3, 2008. A veteran of the U.S. Navy in World War II, Paul was an Eagle Scout and former scout master.

He worked for several organizations including Bald Eagle Enterprises, Indiana University, Sera-Tech Biologicals and Rite Aid. He served as pastor for the Church of God in Covington and Martinsville. Paul is survived by his wife, Carroll (St. Louis), BSEd ’50. Estle (Younkman) Winegardner, BSEd, AA ’33, Lima, OH, November 13, 2007. While at Northern, Estle was a chorus member. She enjoyed a 36-year teaching career before serving as a substitute teacher for 18 years. Her memberships included the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa, Lafayette First United Methodist Church and Ohio Retired Teachers Association. Estle is survived by her husband, Donald “Earl” Winegardner, AA ’35, BSEd ’42.


Anita (Dee) Corbett, AA, Lima, OH, November 28, 2007. A teacher for the Lima City Schools for 28 years, Anita was a member of Central Christian Church and the Ohio Retired Teachers Association. Anita is survived by her husband, Fred.John Kerr, BA, Lewisburg, PA, November 15, 2007. After serving the U.S. Army during World War II, John received the Air Medal with three oak clusters, an Asiatic Pacific Ribbon, the Distinguished Flying Cross and two Battle Stars. In addition to enjoying a 25-year career as an engineer in the Aerospace Division for Lima Westinghouse, John worked for 20 years as an agent for Nationwide Insurance Company. John is preceded in death by his wife, Arnita.


John “Fred” Campbell, BSPh, Mount Vernon, OH, November 9, 2007. While at Northern, Fred was a member of Kappa Psi. He was a retired pharmacist and owner of Fosters Pharmacy in Mount Vernon, OH. Fred is survived by his wife, Patsy. Marshall Peterson, LLB, Xenia, OH, November 25, 2007. While at Northern, Marshall was a member of the Wesley Players, Delta Theta Phi and the Student Bar Association. His positions within his law career included a partnership with Peterson and Peterson, assistant Greene County prosecutor, Greene County prosecutor and an attorney with Peterson, Neatherton and Peterson. Marshall’s memberships included the Greene County Bar Association, Jaycees International and Memorial United Presbyterian Church. Marshall is survived by his wife, Juanita.


Robert Cavendish, BSPh, Johnstown, OH, December 28, 2007. While at Northern, Robert was a member of Sigma Pi fraternity, indoor track and intramurals. In addition to being a proud member of the 1952 Licking County Basketball Champions, Robert was a veteran of U.S. Army and a 35-year owner of Lloyd’s Drug. He was a devoted member of the Ohio State Board of Pharmacy for eight years, ultimately retiring as president. His memberships included St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and Center Lodge #86 F&AM. Robert is survived by his family and friends.Diane (Smith) Whittle, BSEd, Peachtree City, GA, December 16, 2007. Diane was a third-grade and special education teacher who belonged to the Peachtree City United Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Jerry.


Charles W. Raymond, Sr., BSEd, Saginaw, MI, August 11, 2007. A veteran of the U.S. Army during the Korean War, Charles was awarded a Purple Heart. He served as the director of parks and recreation in Saginaw, MI, and enjoyed officiating for sporting events. Charles is preceded in death by his wife, Marilyn.


Jerome Gurin, BSPh, Cleveland, OH, January 21, 2008. While at Northern, Jerome was a member of the Newman Club and Phi Kappa Theta. A devoted pharmacist, Jerome was employed by Orlando Regional Medical Center and Arnold Palmer Hospital for Women and Children throughout his career. Jerome was preceded in death by his wife, Katherine. Bruce “Gene” Rebok, BSCE, January 16, 2008. While at Northern, Gene was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Society of Professional Engineers and Nu Theta Kappa. He received a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Northern Colorado. Gene began his professional career as an assistant city engineer in Mansfield, Ohio. He went on to become the city engineer and public works director for Pueblo, CO, and ultimately went in to the printing business with his family and opened the A Plus Printing & Typesetting Co. Gene is survived by his wife, Barbara.


Kenneth Rengert, JD, Las Vegas, NV, December 25, 2007. While at Northern, Kenneth was a member of Student Senate. A Colonel and retired judge advocate general of the U.S. Air Force, Kenneth was active in AARP Nevada and Community Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Marlene.


David Ohlemacher, BSME, Rockford, IL, October 27, 2007. While at Northern, David was a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, Student Senate, the symphonic and marching bands, as well as several engineering organizations. A professional engineer, David had the honor of receiving a patent for a thermostat control and an award from the U.S. Department of Energy. He retired in 1999 from Barber Coleman and went on to manage an H&R Block office. David is survived by his wife, Marcia.


George Hurlow, BSPh, Palm Coast, FL, October 21, 2004. While at Northern, George was a member of Phi Delta Chi, Phi Mu Delta, Newman Club, Student National Pharmaceutical Association and the Student Society of Hospital Pharmacists. Throughout his professional career, he was the director of pharmacy at several organizations including Mt. Carmel Hospital, Central Ohio Psychiatric Hospital and Ross Correctional Institution. George is survived by his wife, Dolores. Harold Place, BA, Newark, OH, December 7, 2007. While at Northern, Harold was a member of Phi Mu Delta, chorus and the University Religious Association Council. He received a master of divinity degree from Methodist Theological School. Harold was a pastor at Cedar Hill Baptist Church and Trinity United Methodist Church of Dunkirk. He received the prestigious honor of being named one of the joint chiefs of chaplain at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL. Harold received several service awards including the Presidential Unit Citation Award, Disaster Relief Award, Meritorious Service Award, among others, as well as numerous medals and ribbons. He is survived by his wife, Donna.


Michael Fields, BSEd, Coal Grove, OH, January 29, 2008. Michael was a retired principal, teacher and coach from Dawson-Bryant High School. He served as a supervisor on the Lawrence County Board of Education and was a 14-year village councilman for Coal Grove. His memberships included the Lawrence Lodge 198 F&AM and the MRDD Board. Michael is survived by his wife, Clara.


Donald Strand, BA, Milford, NH, December 30, 2007. After graduating from Northern, Donald went on to serve with the U.S. Navy for five years. Throughout his career, he worked for several organizations including Griffin Computer Services, Security New York State Corporation, Computer Task Group, Inc., Document Writing Services Co., and Hitchiner Manufacturing Company-Gas Turbine Division. Donald had a love for cars and had several articles published in car magazines. He was a devoted member of the International Order of the Vikings Ingjaid-Lodge #65. He is survived by his wife, Lynn.


Constance Yaskoff, BA, Canton, OH, August 12, 2007. A former secretary, teacher and guidance counselor, Constance was preceded in death by her husband, Cyril.


Leo Canales, JD, Laredo, TX, May 13, 2003. While at Northern, Leo was active in many law organizations including Moot Court Board of Advocates, Student Bar Association, Delta Theta Phi and the Writ. Walter Iwanycky, BA, Fort Lauderdale, FL, August 23, 2007. While at Northern, Walter was a member of World Student Organization and Phi Lamda Delta.


Keith Brail, BS, Nikiski, AK, October 26, 2007. While at Northern, Keith was a member of Sigma Pi fraternity. His professional career includes employment with several organizations, including Ohio State University Hospital, The Children’s Hospital, Peninsula Medical Center and Tesoro. He enjoyed 25 years with BP Exploration. He held memberships with Airplane Owners and Pilots Association, American Rifle Association and Experimental Aircraft Association. He is survived by his wife, Loretta.


Christopher “Chris” Gorman, BSEd, Willoughby, OH, September 23, 2007. While at Northern, Chris was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. He enjoyed teaching industrial arts at Kennedy Junior High School and Litchfield High School. A proud basketball coach at Litchfield, he saw his team play in the Connecticut State Finals. Chris owned and operated Gorman Builders for over 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Angela.


Gary Glazer, BSCE, Tallmadge, OH, July 31, 2007. While at Northern, Gary was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. He was a pastor at Wildare United Methodist Church in Champion, OH, and went on to serve with Tallmadge United Methodist Church. Gary is survived by his wife, Sandra (George), BA ’72.


George Pridemore, BA, Middletown, OH, December 9, 2007. After graduating from Northern, George went on to receive a doctor of jurisprudence from Northwestern University. His professional career included being a Vista Volunteer, an attorney in his private practice, and an adjunct professor of law at Wilmington College. He is survived by his family and friends.


Jan “J.G.” Stollings, BSPh, Xenia, OH, December 26, 2007. While at Northern, J.G. was a member of Alpha Zeta Omega and the Drug Abuse Awareness Team. After graduating from Northern, J.G. went on to receive a doctor of dental

science degree from The Ohio State University. In addition to being a dentist, J.G. enjoyed officiating at high school football games. He is survived by his wife, Susan.


Alfonso Greco, BSPh, Cleveland, OH, December 31, 2007. Alfonso was employed as a pharmacist at Discount Drug Mart, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Margaret.


Gregory “Greg” Layman, BSCE, Tipp City, OH, December 31, 2007. Throughout his career, Greg worked for Indiana Construction Company, Doll-Layman Ltd., Adams-Robinson Construction and Crown Solutions. A member of West Charleston Church of the Brethren, Greg is survived by his wife, Donna (Hocker), BSPh ’89, and family and friends.


Andrea Hamer, BSBA, Uniontown OH, January 7, 2008. While at Northern, Andrea was a member of the International Business Club, H.E.L.P.S. and Omicron Delta Epsilon. She is survived by her family and friends.

Ruth Hall and her husband, Emory, BSPh ’56, during Alumni Weekend 2006.

Ruth Marie (Klotz) Hall

Ruth Marie (Klotz) Hall, 69, beloved wife of Ohio Northern alumnus, Emory M. Hall, BSPh ’56, died April 8, 2008, in Canton, following a short illness. She and her husband were friends and supporters of Ohio Northern University. She was born July 21, 1938, to Harry E. and Blanche (Steinmetz) Klotz. On July 18, 1970, she married Emory M. Hall. A graduate of Malone College with a bachelor’s degree in education, she received her master’s degree in education from The University of Akron. She retired after 30 years with the Plain Local School District, including 28 years as a fourth-grade teacher at Warstler Elementary. Mrs. Hall was a talented musician, serving as the organist for her church, Canton Baptist Temple, for the Jolly Sixty’s and for the Order of the Eastern Star (O.E.S.). She had been a Sunday School teacher and vacation Bible school teacher, a life member of the Stark County Retired Teachers Association, a member of the Plain Local Schools Alumni Association and the Delta Chapter #539 O.E.S. An active volunteer in her community, she served as a docent at The Hoover Histori-cal Center for 10 years and gave 1,000 volunteer hours to Akron Children’s Hospital.

SPRING 2008 49

What’s New?Moved lately? Changed jobs? Been promoted? Received an award?

Said “I do?” How about that new baby?Help keep us and other alumni up-to-date on your accomplishments.

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SPRING 2008 51

William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award

Nominee: ______________________________________________________________________

Degree: ____________________________________ Class Year: _________________________

Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Daytime Phone: _________________________________________________________________

Below, please furnish detailed information in support of your nomination.(Use additional paper if necessary.)_______________________________________________________________________________




William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award The William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award, established on May 29, 2004, was created to honor and recognize 45 years of influencing Ohio Northern University students and to ensure that this legacy continues throughout the next 45 years. The annual recipient demonstrates passion and loyalty toward their profession, community and alma mater, Ohio Northern University.

• The alumna/alumnus must have graduated within the last 15 years from Ohio Northern University.• The individual may represent any college of the University, graduate or undergraduate.• One female and one male may be selected per year.• The selected individuals will be chosen by the selection committee and honored at ONU’s Homecoming.• Any person affiliated with ONU may nominate the individual by sending a letter of reference and any available information (i.e. résumé), along with the following nomination form.• For more information, please call (866) ONU-ALUM.

Please return nominations to:Ann DonnellyDirector of Alumni AffairsOhio Northern University525 South Main StreetAda, Ohio 45810


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ONU Day at Cedar PointSaturday, July 26, 2008

Join us for a day of fun and excitement at Cedar Point!

Plan to bring your family and meet friends at one of the top amusement parks in the country.

Adults $29.95 (Ages 3-61/48” or taller in shoes)

Junior/Senior $13.95 (Ages 3-61/under 48” tall in shoes or age 62+)

Children age 2 and under are FREE

Our ticket booth (located to the left of the main gates) will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. More information can be found by visiting


A towering new thrill ride will debut this summer in the Challenge Park activity complex! Skyscraper will be unlike any ride you have ever experi-enced on the Cedar Point Peninsula. Featuring a giant propeller consist-ing of two arms that will spin guests in a full circle, Skyscraper is one of the most thrilling rides in the amuse-ment industry.


Ohio Northern University525 South Main Street

Ada, Ohio 45810

Save-the-DateOctober 17-19, 2008

Reunion Celebrations for Class Years: 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983

1988 1993 1998 2003

Reconnect with old friends, celebrate with your family and come “home” to your alma mater.