Alp Natural Bolero Turkish Addendum

Post on 08-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Alp Natural Bolero Turkish Addendum

Djkvhnf hj

ALP NATURAL BOLERO (Turkish Addendum) pattern written by Kt Baldassaro

SIZE- 28/30, 32/34, 36/38, 40/42, 44/46

MATERIALS 5(5,6,6,7) skeins of Alp Natural by Feza Yarns (230 yds/ea; 100g)


tapestry needle

GAUGE- 4 sts & 5 rows = 1” in Stockinette st. on US #9 needle, OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE 3.5 sts & 4.5 rows =1” in Stockinette st on US#10 needle, OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE

BACK Using US # 10 needle, OR SIZE NEEDED TO

OBTAIN GAUGE, CO 48 (56, 64, 72, 80) sts. Starting with a knit row, work in Stockinette st. until piece measures approx. 10.5 (10.5, 11, 11, 11.5)” from CO edge. BO loosely.

SLEEVES (make two) Note from the Designer: To insure that the sleeves are identical, knit both simultaneously using a second skein of yarn. If knit separately, be certain that you begin at the same “yarn type” section of the skein as the first sleeve was started to be sure both sleeves are exact in appearance and yarn sequence. Measure the distance around your upper arm before Casting On. Make sure to make sleeves for your appropriate upper arm circumference even if you intend to knit a smaller bust size for the body of the garment. Also, flat seaming of the sleeves is recommended to increase comfort as they are worn with no ease. 28/30, 32/34, 36/38, 40/42, 44/46 Upper arm 11” 12” 12.5” 13” 14” Using US #9 needle, OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE, CO 44 (48, 50, 52, 56) sts. Starting with a knit row, work in Stockinette st. for 6 rows. Increase Row (RS): K1, kf&b, knit to the last 2 sts, kf&b, K1. Continue in Stockinette st for three additional rows, ending on a WS row.

For sizes 28/30, 32/34, and 36/38: Repeat the last four rows two additional times. 50 (54, 56) sts For sizes 40/42 ONLY: Repeat the last four rows three additional times. 60 sts For sizes 44/46 ONLY: Repeat the last four rows five additional times. 68 sts Work in Stockinette st. until sleeve measures 10 (10, 10.5, 11, 11.5) inches from CO edge. Sleeve Cap Sleeve Cap BO 4 sts at the beginning of the next two rows. 42 (46, 48, 52, 60) sts. BO 3 sts at the beginning of the next two rows. 36 (40, 42, 46, 54) sts. Decrease Row: K2tog, knit to the last two sts, K2tog. 32 (38, 40, 44, 52) sts. Repeat the Decrease Row every RS row until only 12 (16, 16, 20, 28) sts remain. WS row Decrease: P2tog, purl to the last two sts, P2tog. 10 (14, 14, 18, 26) sts Repeat the RS and WS decrease rows until only 8 (10, 10, 10, 12) stitches remain. BO loosely. Sew underarm seams. Note from the Designer: The garment section just completed is the upper portion of a ¾ length sleeve, just below the elbow. The sleeve cuff flares are knit separately and sewn on perpendicular to the actual sleeve for a flared bell sleeve cuff.

FLARES FOR SLEEVE CUFF (make two) Suggestion: Knit the two cuffs simultaneously, using two skeins of yarn, or if knit separately, be certain to begin each flare at the same yarn type in the skein to insure symmetry. Using US #9 needle, OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE, CO 25 sts. Rows 1 – 8: Knit across. Short Rows Row 9: K3, w&t, turn to work in the opposite direction, purl back Row 10: K6, w&t, purl back Row 11: K9, w&t, purl back Row 12: K12, w&t, purl back Row 13: K15, w&t purl back Row 14: K18, w&t, purl back Row 15: K21, w&t, purl back Row 16: K24, w&t, purl back Repeat these 16 rows 4 more times. BO.

FINISHING Sew CO edge to the BO edge of the sleeve flare to create a circle. Then sew the inside diameter of the circle (shorter edge of the sleeve flare) to the original cast on edge of the main sleeve. Now the sleeves will be finished and ready to sew into the armhole. Set in the first half of the sleeve cap by sewing the short sides of the back panel to one half of the

sleeve cap. This segment extends from the underarm seam up one side to the center of the remaining stitches. The front half of the sleeve cap will be sewn later.

FRONT Note from the Designer: This section is knit as a long scarf-like piece with short rows to create a circular flare and then is sewn to the outer edge of the back and sleeve cap which forms the collar, front, sides, and lower back; all in one circular piece.

Using US #10 needle, OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE, CO 60 sts

Rows: 1-8: Knit

Short Rows: Row 9: K5, w&t, purl back. Row 10: K10, w&t, purl back

Row 11: K15, w&t, purl back

Row 12: K20, w&t, purl back

Row 13: K25, w&t, purl back

Row 14: K30, w&t, purl back

Row 15: K35, w&t, purl back

Row 16: K40, w&t, purl back Row 17: K45, w&t, purl back Row 18: K50, w&t, purl back Row 19: K55, w&t, purl back, Row 20: K60 Row 21(WS): P60

Repeat these 21 rows 13 (15, 17, 19, 21) times more. This will create the entire outer circumference of the bolero. BO all sts.

FINISHING Sew the BO edge to the CO edge of this piece forming a continuous circle. Complete the jacket by pinning the inner edge of the front circular piece to the lower edge of the back and front sleeve caps. Be sure to distribute evenly for an even fit. Start at the right sleeve underarm, work across the lower edge of the back, meeting at the underarm of the left sleeve. Continue up the front side of the left sleeve then across the upper back rectangle as this forms the neck edge. Finally, work down the front side of the right sleeve cap. This will bring you back to the starting point.

© Feza Yarns 2011