Alone or loved

Post on 28-May-2015

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Transcript of Alone or loved


By: Kaysha Padilla, Taylor Pjesky, Jadyn Smith, Gabrien Fisher, and Brianna Krapfl

The Amount of Orphans

70% of the 73.2 million children under the age of 18 are orphans in the U.S.A.

In Sub- Saharan Africa there are 28.5 million estimated.

Asia there are roughly about 20.3 million. (Worldwide Orphan Facts)


There are too many orphans which means there should be more adoptions.

In America there are 1.2 million orphans, and 2.5 million Maternal orphans.

We think that 2.5 million is way too much. (Worldwide Orphan Facts)

Types of Adoption

Agency adoptions Local public agency Licensed private agenciesIndependent adoptions Using authorities Adoption facilitators Doing the work yourself Designated adoptions ("")

Price Of Adoption

The price of adoption varies from what state it is. The main price is between $20,000 and $40,000.

USA - $5,000 The U.S. has the lowest adoption price.

Ethiopia - $28,000 China - $29,000 Korea - $38,000 Russia - $50,000(The Adoption Guide)

Restrictions Of Adoption

There are five things the adoption parents have and be approved by to have to adopt.1. Birth of the parents (Birth Certificate)2. The federal government (Permission)3. The state (Permission)4. The adopting family chooses the

race/gender5. The adoption agency (Adoption Services)

Restrictions (Continued)

Our (Adoption Services) Approval Requirements

Adoption Consultant Resource(Adoption Services)


Although some people are for adoption,

there are still people that are against it.

Opposing Claims

It can be expensive adopt and take good care of them. It costs $5,000 to $40,000 for agency and

private adoption. It costs $7,000 to $30,000 for international

adoption. Some one can already have a family of

their own, and can not support another person.

Adopting is a huge responsibility ( Adoption Media).


Some small volunteer organization groups, like churches and fundraisers, can help raise money for people to adopt

It is a responsibility, but it is just like having another kid of your own.

It gives adopted children courage and strength when they are loved (Greenen).

Think About It

Do you really want these kids to grow up without parents?

If there were more adoptions it would change our society.

Instead of kids living their life in jail and on the streets, we can give them a home. (Independent Adoption Center).


“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

-Lao Tzu

Works Cited

“Adopting a Baby." N.p.. Web. 27 Feb 2013.

“Adoption Media, adoption costs. N.p.. Web. 4 Mar 2013. "Adoption Services." Adoption Requirements. Safe Surf.

Web. 4 Mar 2013.” “Greenen, Sarah. N.p.. Web. 1 Mar 2013.” “Independent Adoption Center, . "Independent Adoption

Center." . N.p.. Web. 4 Mar 2013” "The Adoption Guide." Building Your Family. Adoptive

Families, n.d. Web. 4 Mar 2013. “Tzu, Lao. "Brainy Quote." . N.p.. Web. 5 Mar 2013.” "Worldwide Orphan Facts, Figures and Statistics ." sos-

usa. SOS Children Villages. Web. 4 Mar 2013.

Images Used (12)

Rich Orphanages.

Poor Orphanages.