All is Lost Notes

Post on 18-Feb-2016

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notes for All is Lost

Transcript of All is Lost Notes

All is Lost Notes

“13th of July, 4:50 pm. I'm sorry. I know that means little at this point, but I am. I tried, I think you would all agree that I tried. To be true, to be strong, to be kind, to love, to be right. But I wasn't. And I know you knew this. In each of your ways. And I am sorry. All is lost here, except for soul and body, that is, what's left of them, and a half day's ration. It's inexcusable really, I know that now. How it could have taken this long to admit that I'm not sure, but it did. I fought till the end. I'm not sure what that is worth, but know that I did. I have always hoped for more for you all. I will miss you. I'm sorry.”


Redford: old, aging, tufty blond hair, hairy arms, he wears a tough, weathered face Redford deals with the cargo container full of shoes crashing into his yacht, water flows

in, and everything is ruined. Demonstrates ingenuity, ties anchor to cargo container, able to free his yacht Even though he is alone at sea, he remains calm, observes the current, He knows what he is doing, audience is left to figure out what exactly though He observes the water damage, his whole cabin under 2 feet of water, he chuckles. Quiet (he has no one to talk to LOL), engineers a hammock over the water in the cabin


Works on patching up the hole in the side of the yacht Opens up a radio transmitter (clearly unexperienced with one) Fixes the bilge pump, lies on his side, pumping nonstop Content smile on his face, he’s fixed the hole, he sees the sunset, smiles.


Cleans up the cabin after pumping out all the water, Brings out the maps, tries to get the radio transmitter to work, realizes it won’t work,

stops trying. Maps won’t help him if he doesn’t know how to find his position. Reads a book on celestial navigation Radio sounds, he hasn’t spoken in 3 days, he loses his voice at first, then “This is the

Virginia Jane with an SOS call, over” Radio, dies, he sighs, lies on his back Pours himself some whiskey later… man doomed to his fate? Rain comes, he “showers” a bit.. he continues reading his book on navigation


Climbs up the mast, sees a massive storm moving his way, hurries down. Packs everything up into cabinets, drawers, prepares for storm.

Pumps up his tank of water, and he then shaves (why??) Puts on a brave face as he goes on deck right into the storm He endures the storm, steering the yacht, gets his life raft ready on deck (what does this

say about him?) Wave after wave pounds the yacht, he struggles to get back on the yacht after getting

knocked into the ocean He finally gets the sail up, goes into the cabin, exhausted he lies down, collapses, panting Boat capsizes, loses the sail, but eventually rights itself up. The hole starts to leak again, he knows the cabin is irreversibly flooded, he has to force

himself to get up, get the life raft He is really weak at this point, clothes are sopping wet, wave after wave torrents him,

throws the life raft overboard, inflates it, he jumps in


Wakes up, he pulls his life raft towards the ship… coolly observes the damage done The ship creaks.. he has a scared look on his face,, of apprehension, he pulls out a few

cans of food, maps, his jug of water, a straw hat, sets it all in the life raft Gets some alcohol, pours it over his giant gash on his forehead, grimaces as it burns Ship actually starts to sink, he hurries out of the cabin and jmps into the life raft Gives one long, last wistful look at the Virginia Jean as it slowly sinks Still doesn’t give up, he pulls out his sextant and astrolabe and trusty book on astrological

navigation Water gets into the raft, he works all day to pump it out. He stares silently at the mass of

thunderclouds in the distance. The storm arrives, he struggles to keep the raft upright, while keeping the water out,

worried look on his face, he takes a deep breath and swims out of the raft, goes to the surface, manages to turn it right side up again

He gets into it, curls up into a fetal position, hands on his head, eyes squeezed tightly shut as he tries to make it through the storm


Manually gets the water out of the raft again, plots his position He finds out his container of water is contaminated with salt water.. he starts crying, pulls

on his hair, manages out a scream of “FUCKKK” after not talking for days Yet he still doesn’t give up, he engineers a evaporation device that will collect fresh

water from the salt water A few hours later, he drinks the fruits of his labor/ingenuity He plots his position, finds out he is in a shipping lane to Madagascar. Scans the waters

for any ships, and he sees a cargo ship. He grabs one of his flares.

The ship comes really close to him, he waves his flare frantically, hope in his eyes “Help im here!! Help!! HELPPPPP!!!” to no avail. He throws away his flare as he watches the ship pass right before his eyes


He stares, sitting in forlorn silence A circle of sharks swims underneath his raft He wakes up at night to a ship passing RIGHT next to him, he gets out another flare,

shoots them into the air, but the ship passes anyway.he watches the ship sail away from him yet again.


He lies on his side in the raft, looking defeated. He gets some water from his device, gets out his astrolabe, plots his position; he is outside of the shipping lanes.

He sighs, and continues to lie down. Near sunset, he gets out a bottle, takes some paper, and starts writing down a farewell

letter: opening dialogue Grim look on his face. He looks parched to death He puts it in the jar, he hesitates a bit, and eventually throws it into the ocean. Night falls, and he sees another ship. He’s down to his last flare. He tears his charts, his books, takes their final pages out, and sets them on fire inside the

water device. He tears more pages, adds them to the fire. He stands up, waves frantically to the ship in

the distance. The fire rages out of control on his raft, he jumps ship as the raft deflates from the fire. He treads water as his last hope literally goes up in flames. He goes under water, as he gives up, he drifts slowly downwards, The ship arrives on the scene, shining a light down into the depths of where Our Man is He opens his eyes one last time, sees the light, and starts swimming back up Extending an outstretched hand, he grasps the hand of another.