All I want for Matz-mas

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of All I want for Matz-mas

What I want for Matz-mas

Andrew Grimm@andrewjgrimm

$VERBOSE = true

Not my talks I want it in Ruby 2.0!

$VERBOSE = true

Warns you about misspelled instance variables

Warns you that (false; true) is legal but pointless

Warns you that you aren't using a variable

Who do I want using it?

People who are going to ask Why doesn't this code work? questions on Stack Overflow

People who write libraries


If I could set a global default proc for Hash#fetch, I wouldn't need:hash.fetch{ raise The key #{key.inspect} doesn't bloody exist}

Better support for FP

I want to keep up with functional programming

I'd rather do it with Ruby than without Ruby

Better support for FP

Ban side effects from part of your program?

Haskell process:1. No side effects2. Profound embarassment3. ???4. Awesomeness

Better books about Ruby

Ruby has the same book published in a hundred editionsMetaprogramming




They're showing off what Ruby can do, rather than help you accomplish your mundane task

Should I have to readSmalltalk Best Practice Patternsin order to know how to program inRuby?

What needs to be written about?

How to write maintainable Ruby codeAnd rescue poorly written Ruby code

Object oriented Ruby

Functional programming Ruby

Ruby that fails fast

How to optimize Ruby

My ideal second Ruby book

1. A n00b is doing it wrong on Stack Overflow2. I say Ah you're doing antipattern X. Please see page 42 of 'U R doing it wrong in Ruby'3. The n00b is enlightened

Why? Because I'm still a bloody n00b!

Some books that are pretty decent

Metaprogramming Ruby

Everyday scripting with Ruby

Eloquent Ruby (for n00bs, anyway)

The Pickaxe

Ruby community

How much are we learning?

Why can't we get more non-beginner-level questions on Stack Overflow? Do you honestly think you know everything?

Ruby community

Starting to realize that persistence might be separate from business logicGee, ya think!

Ruby community

I want you guys to learn an awesome language

It's called Ruby

Less discriminatory humour

I'm not opposing sexism in the hope that it'll lead to a more diverse community

Not being a boofhead is its own reward

Why I'm sick of sexism

Intrinsically bad


Makes me ashamed to by a (Ruby) programmer

Last and not least

I want it to scale!

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