All about sheep and goats

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of All about sheep and goats

Wild-n-WoollyEverything about sheep and goats

After dogs, sheep and goats were the earliest animals to be domesticated (tamed) by man.

Sheep and goats are ruminants.

Their stomach has four compartments and they chew their cud.

They don’t teeth on their upper front dental pad.

They carry their babies for about 5 months. Pregnancy is called gestation.

They give birth to 1, 2, or 3 babies.

Usually 2, sometimes more.

They are prey animals, vulnerable to attack by various predators

Sometimes, guardian dogs are used to protect sheep and goats from predators.

Llamas and donkeys will also protect sheep and goats from predators.

This is a sheep.

This is a goat.

Most sheep grow wool.

And need to be sheared at least once a year.

Not all sheep produce wool.

Hair sheep are slick, or they shed their coats naturally.

Originally all sheep were hair sheep.

The Mouflon is the ancestor of modern sheep breeds.

Goat bodies are covered by hair.

But some goats grow fibers that are similar to wool (mohair and cashmere) and

must be sheared or combed out.


Almost all goats have horns

Sometimes horns are removed (for safety reasons) when the goat is a baby.

Most sheep don’t have horns.

They are polled (naturally hornless).

But, some sheep have horns

Usually just the males (rams) in a breed.

Goat horns spread out and are more upright.

Sheep horns curl along the side of the head.

Many goats (either sex) have beards.

Sheep don’t have beards, but some have manes

Most sheep are white.(Their faces and legs may be different colors.)

White wool is preferred because it can be dyed any color.

Some sheep are colored.

Goats come in different colors.

Sheep are grazers.

They like to eat grass that’s close to the ground.

Goats are browsers

They like to eat vegetation that is higher up.

Goats do not like to get wet.

Sheep don’t mind, though they don’t like to get their feet wet.

Sheep tend to be bigger, fatter, and more muscular.

The babies (called lambs) grow faster.

Goats tend to be leaner and more angular.

The babies (called kids) grow slower.

Male goats stink, especially during the breeding season (rutt).

A male goat is called a buck or billy (slang).

Rams do not have a strong odor.

But they can be mean, especially during the breeding season.

Sheep are shy, timid, and aloof – easily spooked.

They have a stronger flocking (grouping) instinct than goats. They get highly agitated if they are separated from the rest of the flock.

Goats are more curious, independent, and adventurous.

The are harder to contain in fences.

Which is it?a sheep or goat?

Is this a sheep or goat?


Is this a sheep or goat?


Is this a sheep or goat?


Is this a sheep or goat?


Is this a sheep or goat?


Are these sheep or goats?


Is this a sheep or goat?


Is this a sheep or goat?


Are these sheep or goats?


The easiest way to tell the difference between a sheep and goat is to look at its tail.




Sheep tails are usually docked (shortened) so that manure doesn’t collect on the hindquarters of the sheep.

What do we raise sheep and goats for?

Sheep and goats are multi-purpose.

Sheep and goats are raised mostly for meat.

The meat from a young sheep (< 1 year) is called lamb.The meat from an older sheep (> 1 year) is called mutton.The meat from a goat is called chevon (French) or cabrito (Spanish).

Sheep and goats are raised for dairy (milk).

Most sheep and goat milk is made into cheese.Sheep are goat milk have many healthful qualities.People that are lactose intolerant can often drink goat or sheep milk.

Sheep and goats are raised for fiber.


Sheep and goats are used to control (eat) unwanted plants.

Sheep and goats are used as research models and to produce medical products.

Dissecting a sheep heart. Sheep blood is a common culture media.

I hope you have fun learning about sheep and goats.

PowerPoint by Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist, University of Maryland Extension,