All About Homeopathy

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Transcript of All About Homeopathy

All About Homeopathy

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a safe and natural method to repel imbalance out of the

body and allow the body to heal. Homeopathy stimulates the body's ability

to heal with very small amounts of natural substances. The wonder of

homeopathic medicine is in its safety, the incredibly small amount of

medicine needed, and the rapidity of healing.

The word Homeopathy was first coined by Samuel Hahnemann, the

founder of modern homeopathy. Homeopathy is from 2 Greek words,

homoios: meaning similar and pathos: meaning suffering. Homeopathy

therefore means similar cures similar or like cures like, – that is, a

substance that would cause symptoms in a healthy person is used to cure

those same symptoms in illness. For example, one homeopathic remedy

which might be used in a person suffering from insomnia is coffea, a

remedy made from coffee.

Homeopathy has distinct differences from conventional medicine.

Conventional medicine is also called allopathic medicine or use of opposing

substances to suppress symptoms in the body. Homeopathy though works

with the body's natural defenses. The amount of a homeopathic medicine

needed is incredibly small, yet enables the body to rebalance in a short

amount of time.

Homeopathy is Safe for All Ages

All ages can safely use and benefit from homeopathy. Homeopathy can be

safely taken with over-the-counter drugs or prescription medications.

Homeopathy works on a different, more subtle cellular level in the body

and does not interact with other medications or therapies. Many people will

use homeopathy to offset prescription side effects and augment benefits.

There are no contraindications to the use of homeopathy.

As always, if you are under a doctor's care, ask when you can use

complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) such as

homeopathy. Homeopathy should be an important part of your health plan

that includes additional health modalities and health therapies.

Homeopathy can be safely used with herbs and supplements. Conventional

medicines when combined with other medicines cause side effects and

serious to life threatening results. Homeopathy is without side effects.

How is that possible? Because Homeopathy is based on Provings and the

Homeopathic Law of Similars. This is in contrast to conventional drugs that

are selected because of their chemical or suppressive action in a human

body. All conventional medications have side effects on the body because

they are forcing the body to act a certain way. Homeopathic Law of

Similars is based on certain characteristic symptoms being the key to

choosing a remedy.

A substance which may in a large dose cause undesirable symptoms, can

in homeopathic potency repel these similar symptoms out of your system

and the body rebalances and heals. In homeopathy the Law of

Potentization is using the magic of the minimum, that is the smallest dose


By extreme dilution and Homeopathic potentization, curative

properties are enhanced and poisonous and undesirable side

effects ameliorated. Doctors, dentists and homeopaths may include

homeopathic remedies with their practice to lessen infection risk and speed

healing. Pregnant women can use homeopathy to help with pregnancy and

labor when other medications are risky.

Quick References


FAQ About Homeopathy

A Repertory Listing of Key Words and Symptoms

Individual Cell Salts


Bioplasma, #1 Calcium Fluoride, #2 Calcium Phosphate,

#3 Calcium Sulphur, #4 Ferrum Phos, #5 Kali Mur, #6 Kali Phos, #7 Kali Sulphate, #8 Magnesium Phos, #9 Natrum Mur,

#10 Natrum Phosphate, #11 Natrum Sulphur, #12 Silicea


Aconite, Apis, Arg Nit, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc Carb,

Calendula, Cantharis, Carbo Veg, Chamomilla, Cina, China, Gelsemium,

Hep Sulph, Hypericum, Ignatia, Kali Bich, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium,

Mag Phos, Merc Viv, Natrum Mur, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla,

Rhus Tox, Ruta Grav, Sepia, Silica, Staphisagria, Sulphur

How are Homeopathic Medicines Prepared?

All of our homeopathic remedies are made by reputable homeopathic

pharmacies. The homeopathic pharmacies prepare the medicines by

grinding a very small amount of the original substance (usually a plant,

mineral or animal) for many hours with a mortar and pestle in milk sugar,

a process called trituration. The triturated mixture is then repeatedly

diluted and shaken (succussed) for hours or days, depending on the

potency or strength of the remedy. This process of diluting and succussing

is called potentization. The potentized homeopathic medicine is then added

to lactose tablets or pills. Lactose-free remedies are also available to those

who are allergic to lactose.

Over-the-counter homeopathic medicines that you can buy in health food

stores tend to be in either the 6c or 30c potency. 6c means that the

substance has undergone 6 steps in a series of dilutions, where each step

involves diluting 1 part medicine to 99 parts alcohol/water.

The more stages of dilution and succussion the preparation has gone

through, the more potent the medicine is – so a 30c medicine is more

potent than a 6c medicine.

How do Homeopathic Medicines Work?

The Dilutions and Memory of Water Theory

Homeopathic medicines are often diluted to the point where there may be

no molecules of original substance left. One of the leading current

proposals for how such „ultramolecular‟ dilutions work is that water is

capable of storing information relating to substances with which it has

previously been in contact.

The structure of water

Recent research on hydrogen bonds in water provides some support for

this „memory‟ theory. The Swiss chemist, Louis Rey, found that the

structure of hydrogen bonds in homeopathic dilutions of salt solutions is

very different from that in pure water. He reached the conclusion that the

phenomenon results from the vigorous shaking of solutions that takes

place during homeopathic „succussion‟. Moreover, using the laboratory

technique called spectroscopy, other researchers have found that different

homeopathic medicines and different dilutions of the same medicine can be

distinguished from each other, even though all should contain nothing but


Molecular Clusters

An alternative mechanism is suggested by the results of research from

South Korea. Studies on molecular clustering in water solutions showed

that as a solution is made more and more dilute, very stable and larger

„clumps‟ of material develop in dilute solutions rather than in more

concentrated solutions. This means that residual molecular clusters of the

original substance might just be present in homeopathic dilutions.

Succussion might also be responsible for creating very tiny bubbles

(nanobubbles) that could contain gaseous inclusions of oxygen, nitrogen,

carbon dioxide and possibly the homeopathic source material.

How does my Homeopathic Remedy Work?

Your remedy works with your body based on 3 principles or laws used in


Law of Similars is based on certain characteristic symptoms being the key

to choosing a remedy. A substance, which may in a large dose cause

undesirable symptoms, can in homeopathic potency repel these similar

symptoms out of your system and the body rebalances and heals.

Law of Potentization is sometimes called the magic of the minimum dose;

homeopathy uses the smallest dose needed to get the body response. By

extreme dilution and Homeopathic potentization, curative properties are

enhanced and poisonous and undesirable side effects removed. Holistic

Principle is that the remedy or combination is chosen to treat the person

symptoms considering the person's specific needs.

Further discussion and information on the Laws and Principles of


Homeopathic Trituration Proving

What is a homeopathic proving?

Homeopathic provings were invented by the founder of homeopathy, Dr.

Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathic provings consist of the master prover

(the person in charge) and the volunteers, who are called provers. The

master prover usually decides what homeopathic medicine the provers will

take. A supervisor is also assigned to each prover. Experiments are usually

blinded, meaning that the provers do not know which homeopathic

medicine they are taking. Provers take the medicine until they start

proving the remedy, in other words, they start exhibiting symptoms that

the remedy causes.

Provers keep a journal of their symptoms and report to their supervisors

regularly. After provers stop displaying symptoms (usually after a few

weeks), the proving ends, provers hand in their journals to the master

prover, and the prover collates the proving data. The proving symptoms

then become part of the homeopathic Materia Medica and the homeopath

can now prescribe to patients based on the proving information.

What is a homeopathic trituration?

A homeopathic trituration is part of the process of making a homeopathic

remedy. First a small amount of the source material (plant, mineral or

animal) is placed in a mortar along with milk sugar and ground with a

pestle for 1 hour, resulting in the 1C potency. After more milk sugar is

added and it is ground for another hour with the pestle, this results in the

2C potency. This process is repeated for another hour to yield the 3C

potency. Most standard homeopathic pharmacies then proceed to dilute

and succuss a small amount of this milk sugar with water and alcohol to

yield the higher potencies (30C, 200C, etc).

What is a C4 homeopathic trituration proving?

The C4 level is the spiritual body level. This is the middle of the bridge

between the physical and non-physical realms. The spiritual body sees

things as they are with no value or judgement. In the C4 state everything

is equal and there is no attachment to either one pole or the other. The

spiritual body, corresponding with the heart, is centred on a viewpoint of


At the C4 level we have direct contact with our inner self, our soul. Here,

love flows, we are all one, and we are truly ourselves. We are aware that

wholeness is not just outside us but inside us. It is a place of inner stillness

and peace.

Homeopathic Trituration Proving FAQ

Is Homeopathy Placebo?

Many people who are not educated about homeopathy believe that

homeopathy pills are just sugar (placebo) pills. They don‟t understand how

homeopathic medicines are made, have not been educated on the scientific

explanation of how our medicines work, and are not aware of the

numerous scientific studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy.

Learn about how homeopathic medicines are made: How are Homeopathic

Medicines Prepared?

Learn about the science of homeopathy, the explanation of how

homeopathic medicines work: How do Homeopathic Medicines Work?

Do Homeopathic Medicines Have Side Effects?

No. Unlike pharmaceutical medications, homeopathic medicines have no

side effects.

Reactions to homeopathic medicines can vary. Medicines stimulate the

body to heal itself. How the body goes about healing itself can vary from

person to person. Some people have a very gentle response to our

medicines. Over time, they gradually notice themselves getting better,

until their health problems subside.

Other people have stronger reactions to our medicines. This strong

reaction usually takes place if the person has a history of using

pharmaceutical medications to suppress their symptoms. For example, a

person with eczema who is used to using steroid cream may notice a

flareup of their skin condition soon after taking their remedy.

Homeopaths would take this flareup as a positive sign of healing, since it

means that the body is expressing its symptoms instead of suppressing

them. Once this initial flareup takes place after taking the homeopathic

remedy, the flareup will eventually run its course and subside, leaving the

person with a stronger vitality and improved state of health.

Less healthy people may also potentially have strong reactions to our

medicines, which is why we always commence treatment with the lowest

strength remedies when treating babies, the elderly, and people with

weakened vitality. This greatly reduces the chance of any unfavourable

reactions to the homeopathic remedy.

It is important to note that if any adverse reactions do occur after taking

the remedy, the remedy can always be immediately antidoted; no long-

term damage can occur from homeopathic remedies.

Is There A Homeopathic Remedy That Will Help My Entire


Yes! It's Bioplasma, a combination of the 12 basic minerals used within our


Bioplasma keep minerals in balance, keep energy levels high, boost the

immune system, and keep your physical performance at its best. Cell Salts

are the best way to become introduced to Homeopathy. Cell Salts can be

used with other homeopathic remedies and therapies to speed healing.

Indepth information on each Individual Cell Salt, listing deficiency signs,

health indications and more.

Homeopathy Starter Kit

18 Homeopathic Remedies (in 30c potency)

Get Relief From: Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Bites, Stings, Sprains, Strains, Pain

and discomfort after dental work, Teething, Colic, Food poisoning, Flu,

Fevers, Colds and more...

Aconite, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis,

Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ledum, Merc Viv, Nux

Vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Ruta, Silica.

Homeopathy Deluxe Kit

36 homeopathic remedies (in 30c potency)

Get Relief From: Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Bites, Stings, Sprains, Strains,

Coughs, Croup, Sore throats, Headaches, Earaches, Measles, Mumps,

Chicken pox, Whooping cough, Colic, Cramps, Stomach upsets, Food poisoning, Pain and discomfort after dental work, Teething, Test,

Examination or Performance anxiety, Flu, Gastric flu, Fevers, Colds and


Aconite, Ant Tart, Apis, Arg Nit, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia,

Calc Carb, Calendula, Cantharis, Carbo Veg, Chamomilla, China, Drosera,

Gelsemium, Hep Sulph, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ipecac, Kali Bich, Lachesis,

Ledum, Lycopodium, Mag Phos, Merc Viv, Natrum Mur, Nux Vomica,

Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Ruta, Sepia, Silica, Staphisagria, Sulphur.


Cell Salts are a group of homeopathic remedies made from minerals. 2

words: Cell - meaning used on the cellular level and Salts – meaning

mineral or minerals salts. Made as a homeopathic remedy generally 6X


For information on potency see FAQ's on Potency.

There are 12 basic mineral or tissue cell salts in our bodies.

Just starting in homeopathy? Start with the Cell Salts.

Stubborn health condition? Add Cell Salts to your health plan.

Wanting faster results? Use the Cell Salt that matches your symptoms.

Any health ailments can benefit from Cell Salts. How is that possible? Read


Biochemistry is a science developed by Dr. Schussler to show how Cell

Salts are utilized in the body. Cell Salts are not measured like supplements

such as 500 mg or more, but are in minute homeopathic potency. In

homeopathic potency, Cell Salts balance the mineral in the body and help

the body's utilization of the mineral from concentrations in the blood and

minerals from food and supplements.

Cell Salts are safe for those with digestive problems. Cell Salts do not have

binders and since they dissolve in the mouth they do not need to be

broken down in the stomach. The Cell Salts are a wonderful way to help

the body take up nutrients.

Cell Salts are the best way to become introduced to Homeopathy. Great

way to see the benefits of homeopathy and the homeopathy works for you.

Minerals in homeopathic potency are quite an advantage over

supplemental forms. Here are some basic benefits of homeopathic

minerals/ Cell Salts:

1) Immediately absorbed through the first line of digestion - the saliva.

2) Without the need for the body to break down the minerals, they are

effective for those with digestive problems, as well as young, elderly or

severe health conditions.

3) Safety because Cell Salts do not have additives or binders that stress

the liver, and potentization eliminates the questions of getting too much,

avoiding problems, such as bowel tolerance that cause diarrhea (seen with

supplemental magnesium), or constipation (associated with iron


4) Enables more efficient use of that mineral in the body, whether from a

food source or from supplements. Cell Salts are not a substitute for a

balanced diet or supplements, but improve absorption and utilization of

that mineral.

What potency should I use?

The cell salts usually only come in one potency (strength), 6X. I only

recommend the 6X potency when using cell salts.

Are the cell salts safe to take during pregnancy?

Yes, they are safe, and are also recommended during pregnancy to correct

nutritional deficiencies in the mother and unborn baby. Taking the cell salts

will result in an easier pregnancy & labour, and healthier newborn. Learn

more about: The Pregnancy Cell Salt Program

Is the dosage different for children?

Yes, when taking a dose, children should take half the dose that adults


What cell salts build strong teeth?

The two main cell salts recommended for children and adults who are

prone to difficult teething, cavities and have decaying or weak teeth:

Calcarea Fluorica and Calcarea Phosphorica. These two cell salts

should be taken twice daily to strengthen the teeth.

What cell salt brings down a fever?

Ferrum Phosphoricum will often bring down a mild or moderate fever.

Give as often as every 15 minutes.

What cell salts are useful for coughs are colds?

Use Ferrum Phosphoricum at the beginning of a cough or cold. Natrum

Muriaticum is indicated if the mucus is runny and watery. Kalium

Muriaticum is indicated at the later stages of a cold when the mucus is

thick and white. Give 3X per day, or as often as every 15 minutes for more

serious colds or coughs.

What cell salts are useful for muscle aches and cramps?

I have found Magnesium Phosphoricum to be very useful for muscle

pains, including growing pains. It can also help with period pain and

digestive pain.

What cell salt can be used for heartburn?

Natrum Phosphoricum neutralizes acidity, and thus it’s a good cell salt

to use for heartburn. Take as often as 3X per day before meals.

What cell salt benefits the nails and hair?

Silicea will strengthen the nails and hair.


Because minerals are the foundation for enzyme activity in the body and

serve as catalysts in energy cycles and functions. For example, the body

must first have minerals to make vitamins or make use

of vitamins regardless of the source. Cell Salts are used in the basic

functioning of the cells including water balance, digestion, removing toxins,

elasticity of the cells, oxygenation, nutrition, sodium/potassium balance


Cell Salts are my first suggestion for people new to homeopathy because of

the ease of selection and dosing, the safety in potency and the quick

results. When I personally work with a client, along with selection of a

remedy, I will add the Cell Salt that is showing deficiency in the body. I

feel this is an essential step to enable the body to heal.


Q. How Many Cell Salts are There?

A. There are 12 basic Cell Salts:

3 Calcium Minerals: Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Phos & Calcium Sulphate

3 Potassium Minerals: Kali Mur, Kali Phosphate & Kali Sulphur

3 Sodium Minerals: Natrum Phosphate, Natrum Sulphur & Natrum Mur

Plus: Ferrum Phosphate (iron); Magnesia Phosphate (magnesium); Silicea


Q. What are other terms used for Cell Salts?

A. Cell Salts may also be called Tissue Salts, Biochemic Salts, 12 Tissue

Remedies, Schussler Mineral Salts, Schussler Tissue Salts, Biochemic


Biochemistry was developed by Dr. Schussler to show how Cell Salts are

utilized in the body.

Individual Cell Salts also go by various synonyms.

Calcium Phosphate goes by Calcium Phosphorus, Calcarea Phosphorica,

Calcium Phosphoricum, Calc Phos.

Calcium Fluoride: Calcarea Fluor, Calc Fluor, Ca Fl, Calcarea Fluorica.

Calcium Sulphate: Calcium Sulfur, Calcarea Sulphuricum, also Calcarea

Sulphurica, Calcarea Sulphur, Calcarea Sulph, Calc Sulph.

Ferrum Phosphoricum: Ferrum Phosphate, Ferrum Phos, Ferrum Ph.

Kali Muriaticum, Kali Mur, Potassium Chloride.

Kali Phosphorica: Kali Phos, Potassium Phosphate.

Kali Sulphuricum: Kali Sulphur, Kali Sulfur, Potassium Sulphate.

Magnesium Phos: Magnesia Phosphorica, Magnesium Phosphoricium,

Magnesium Phosphorus, Magnesia Phos, Magnesium Phosphate,

Magnesium Phos, Mag Phos, Mag Phos, Mg Ph.

Natrum Muriaticum: Natrum Mur, Sodium Chloride (remember this is the

mineral, not the processed with chemicals table salt and is not only safe for

those who need to avoid salt, but is beneficial for those with sodium


Natrum Phosphoricum: Natrum Phosphorus, Nat Phos, Nat Ph.

Natrum Sulphuricum: Natrum Sulphur, Natrum Sulphate, Nat Sulfur.

Silicea: Silica.

Is there a Homeopathic Remedy that will help my entire system?

Yes, Bioplasma supports the entire body and immune system. Bioplasma is

a combination of 12 Cell Salts. Bioplasma can be taken daily to keep our

health and energy at their best. Use Bioplasma before and after exercise to

maintain electrolyte level. Use when stressed or starting to feel ill or out of

balance. Bioplasma is useful for family use, for pets and farm animals for

general health care and healing.

Q. What is the difference between Bioplasma and the individual Cell Salts?

A. Bioplasma is a remedy in itself. It keeps the minerals in balance & can

be taken daily to keep energy levels high, boost the immune system, and

keep your physical performance at its best. Think of Bioplasma as a

homeopathic One-A-Day general supplement.

Q. Do I match the particular Cell Salt to the symptoms or use Bioplasma?

A. Individual Cell Salts treat imbalance and health problems. They are

taken when specific health problems arise. If you are showing deficiency

signs of a particular mineral, then restore balance with that specific Cell

Salt. Cell Salts can be used with other homeopathic remedies and therapies

to speed healing.


Cell Salts be used in 6X potency when just starting treatment with Cell

Salts, or when the health condition requires regular maintenance dosing.

6X is also the best to help build or restore mineral balance in the body.

The Calcium Cell Salts are important for bone and dental health, and skin


Calcium Phosphate is the Cell Salt for growth and health of the bones.

Deficiency symptoms include aching pains, growing pains, bone ailments.

Calcium Fluoride is the Cell Salt for problems with the surface of bones and

skin. A much safer source of fluoride than supplemental fluoride. Deficiency

symptoms include poor dental enamel; spider and varicose veins.

Calcium Sulphate deficiency symptoms include acne and other skin

problems, slow healing wounds, abscesses, swollen glands, negativity,


The Potassium Cell Salts are important for emotional health. Deficiency

symptoms include nervousness, anxiety, mental confusion.

Kali Mur deficiency symptoms include colds, sinus inflammation, arthritis

inflammation, lack of energy and interest.

Kali Phosphate deficiency symptoms include anxiety, irritability. poor

memory and physical fatigue.

Kali Sulphate corrects the functioning of oils in the body. Deficiency

symptoms show up as dryness and in the later stages of inflammation

including acne and intestinal disorders. Mental symptoms include worry

and lack of judgment.

The 3 Sodium Cell Salts balance fluids and water in the body and support

the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, stomach and digestive system.

Natrum Mur helps with edema, headache, weakness in the sun or heat,

chronic sinus conditions.

Natrum Phosphate is for complaints of the digestive system. Take right

before meals for improved digestion. Deficiency symptoms include acidity,


Natrum Sulphate for strengthening pancreatic functioning.

Ferrum Phosphate is the oxygenating Cell Salt, so remember for physical

fatigue. Useful for inflammation, fever, and infection.

Magnesium Phosphate is found inside the cells of muscles and nerves.

Deficiency symptoms include muscle pain, muscle fatigue, muscle spasms.

Silicea is the hair and skin remedy. Deficiency includes excess perspiration,

unhealthy skin, brittle nails and hair.


For additional explanation of how Cell Salts help us absorb minerals look at

magnetic principles. I like to use the following illustration: Just as a north

pole magnet repels another north pole magnet; a like

homeopathic medicine will repel a like vibrational illness in the body. Once

the imbalance is thrown out, the body can heal itself. New studies verify

that homeopathics do indeed carry a vibration with them. In magnetism a

like pole repels a like pole.

But a weak like pole can also be regenerated by a like pole.

Likewise, cell salts help to strengthen their like fields in our bodies.

To encourage this regeneration, Cell Salts are taken at low


Information on SPECIFIC Cell Salts:

Calcium Phosphate is the #1 mineral for bones. Important support for

growing pains in youth. This Cell Salt helps with absorbtion of Calcium.

Helps solve the problem of hard to dissolve supplements and high Calcium

blood levels, but low Calcium in the cells. Homeopathic Cell Salts are the

ideal solution and so easy to take. Also remember for numbness in

extremities, painful joints, tooth decay problems. Symptoms aggravated by

cold, damp weather, stress.

Calcium Sulphate are same names for the important Cell Salt or Tissue Salt

found in the liver.

Calc Sulph is known as a blood purifier. Helps with cleansing toxins in the

body. In the liver it helps in the removal of wastes. Indicated for

abscesses, wounds and acne problems that don't heal. Taken in early

stages of colds and sore throats to prevent illnesses from worsening.

Deficiency symptoms of Calc Sulph can be negativity, apathy, poor skin,

teeth, swollen glands. Calc Sulp resembles Hepar Sulph, but acts deeper

and can be used after Hepar Sulph.

Magnesium Phosphate is found inside the cells of muscles, nerves, bones,

the brain and spine. Deficiency affects muscle fibers and nerve endings.

This show the wisdon of using Magnesium Phosphate for muscle spasms in

the back, and menstrual and leg cramps.

Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions involving

energy and nerve function. Homeopathic Magnesium Phos goes quickly into

the system for prompt relief. Studies have shown that most adults are

deficient in the mineral magnesium. Refined foods, pollution, non-

absorption and insufficient ability of the body to utilize magnesium in the

body are some of the causes. It is especially recommended that diabetics,

individuals with heart disease and those with high blood pressure have

their magnesium levels checked.

Magnesium Phos, especially in low potency 6X, can help your body utilize

magnesium in the body and from food and is completely safe (unlike 500

mg supplements that can cause bowel overload with resulting

diarrhea). Magnesium is one of the trio including Potassium and Calcium

involved in muscle function. Magnesium deficiency has been linked with

CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Consider Magnesium Phosphate when there has been nerve injury or

damage. Injury recovery will benefit from Magnesium Phosphate.

Magnesium Phosphate is indicated when nerve pain is shooting, darting, or

spasmodic. Couple this with magnesium's presence in the brain and you'll

see Magnesium Phosphate's importance in neuralgias and headaches.

Remember Magnesium Phosphate keyword spasmodic, when treating

spasmodic coughs (even hiccups!). Magnesium Phosphorus/Magnesium

Phos is the best remedy for muscle spasms-back, leg, abdomen or calf.

Use in the evening for a peaceful night sleep without charley horses. Relax

tight back muscles. Supports intestinal health and beneficial for abdominal

spasms and intestinal problems such as colitis or constipation. Magnesium

Phos calms agitated nerves for pain relief of headache, writers cramp,

sciatica, neuralgia. Use before and after dental work to calm tooth pain.

Spasmodic is a key symptom and Magnesium Phos calms spasmodic

coughs, menstrual cramps.

Cell Salts improve the body's ability to absorb Magnesium. If lacking in

Magnesium Phos, nerves are on edge with the inability to relax emotional

(showing as anxiety, nervous disorders, depression) and physically

(showing as muscle problems, fibromyalgia even worse with a light touch,

nerve sensitivity-even the skin may feel overly sensitive).

Deficiency symptoms include stress, pain, anxiety, depression, muscle

spasms, migraine headaches, PMS headaches, agitation, irritability,

constipation, fatigue. Magnesium Phos is the #1 mineral used within the

cells for nerve pain. Indicated for migraines, fatigue, hearing disorders,

Meniere's disease, neuralgia, panic attacks.

Kali Phosphate is homeopathic Potassium. Potassium is an important

electrolyte and is crucial for energy. Potassium controls pH balance and

water balance. Regulates the transfer of nutrients into the cells. Potassium

supports the adrenals, so is helpful for stressful times that can overtax the

adrenals. Remember Kali Phosphate for mental energy and for physical

energy. If you lack stamina part way through the day, use Kali Phosphate.

Helpful in times of stress that need a clear mind, such as before an exam

or presentation. Kali Phosphate has been called the pick-me-up Cell Salt

and #1 stress remedy. Relax the tensions of the day. Remember Kali

Phosphate for the stress of teens also.

Cell Salts restore and rebuild, not cover-up problems. Cell Salts are safe

for all ages and can be used on a regularly basis. Detailed information on

all other Cell Salts

How to Choose Your Potency

Lower potencies X stay in the body a short period of time and can be

used safely for repeat dosing. Helpful for first aid treatment, trauma,

recovery from injury and for preventative dosing. X potencies are used for

1st Aid, trauma, recovery from injury, preventative dosing, sudden illness,

seasonal problems, general family use.

Dosing with X potencies may include frequent dosing for a few days for fast

recovery. Suggested dose for seasonal illness is 3 tablets 3 times a day or

as needed.

See Dosing Guidelines for more dosing information, includes information on

how to change dose and on gradually decreasing as improvement is made.

Common X potencies include:

6X for Cell Salts, 30X for seasonal illness, first aid treatment.

X potencies are in tablet form that instantly dissolve in the mouth and are

an ideal form for infants and young children.

30X Kids Kit and 30X Remedy Chest

Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments and chronic

health concerns. 30C is a very common potency and I have found this

potency very effective over the many years work with clients. General dose

is 3 pellets 3 times a day and less frequently as improvement is made.

200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C

potency well for stubborn symptoms.

High potencies M. Very high potencies may stay working in the body for

months, so the remedy is chosen carefully.

Why do I use 6X for Cell Salts and 6C for Organ Support or

Glandulars such as Thyroid?

Cell Salts, Sarcodes, and Nosodes are terms used to classify remedies into

categories. Knowing the category your remedy is in can help with potency

selection also!

Do you hear elsewhere confusing comments like 6X is stronger than

30C, only to see on ELIXIRS.COM that 6X is a lower potency than 30C? 6X

has more of the original substance, but is NOT stronger. For example, Calc

Phos 6X has more Calc Phos substance than 30C. In homeopathy due to

dilution and succussion, 6X is a lower potency than 30C. Stronger in

homeopathy should refer to potency selection, not the measurement of


Here is a quick overview: In Cell Salts, 6X (12X if using liquid) is used to

enhance absorption of nutrients. In single remedies, 30C and 200C is most

often used to push away a blockage and reduce a symptom. In organ

therapy, 6C is used to balance and regulate organ and glandular function.

Potency for Chronic Conditions, etc.

30X for seasonal problems; 30C for chronic problems. 200C for stubborn


Lower potencies -X stay in the body a short period of time and are useful

when frequent dosing and monitoring of patient is required.

X potencies are a preferred potency for children, seasonal problems and

general family use.

Cell Salts are in X potencies to improve cellular function and absorption of


Kids Kit and Remedy Chest are in 30X potency for general family use.

Medium potencies -C remove blockages to health making C the preferred

potency for single remedies. C potencies are a preferred potency for

adults, for pain relief, infections, and chronic health concerns. People using prescription medications can use homeopathic C potencies to offset

prescription side effects and augment benefits. Homeopathy can be safely

used with other health modalities and medications.

General dose for C potencies is 3 pellets 3 times a day with a slow decrease as improvement is made.

Step by Step Dosing Guidelines

200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C

potency well for stubborn symptoms. We are seeing increased use and

benefits with 200C potency with the complex and polluted world we live in.

Dosing for Chronic Conditions, etc. When using homeopathy for fast results, use my 4 Quick Dose Method. My

4 Quick Dose Method is a series of 4 doses 15 to 30 minutes apart. This is

called acute dosing and is meant to get a response from the body quickly.

Follow my 4 Quick Dose Method with 3 additional doses during the day.

Continue with the remedy by slowly decreasing the dosing over the next

few days (or longer if needed) to ensure symptoms are gone and not


For chronic conditions, follow a steady course of dosing. Journal your

progress with the product. 3 pellets-3 times a day is a try and tried dose

for chronic symptoms with slow decrease as improvement is made. Slow

decrease is important to help you determine the correct interval between

dosing to maintain health.

General Dosage Guidelines

Dosage for glandular/organ support such as Adrenal, Thyroid:

3 pellets (taken at the same time), or 3 sprays (taken at the same time)

once a day.

After one month, reassess for continued dosing. Maintenance dose can be

continued for support of organs, glands at 3 pellets, or 3 sprays daily.

When changing dose, please make very small and gradual adjustments to

ensure the remedy stays effective.

Dosage for single remedies used for chronic health concerns:

3 pellets or 3 sprays taken at 1 time and repeated 3 times a day. Some

problems will respond rapidly, stubborn problems may need gentle nudging

over a longer period of time e.g. 2-6 weeks. Slowly adjust dosage for safe

and effective response and improvement.

Severe sudden symptoms:

3 pellets every 15 minutes until 4 doses have been taken. This dosing is in

additional to

3 pellets, 3 times a day.


Here is a good way to maximize absorption and receive the full benefit of


Take your remedies prior to mealtime when the mouth is clean and

free of food.

Isn't that a simple and effective method? A clean mouth, rinsed free of

toothpaste and food, will maximize absorption. Before meals is easy to

remember when dosing regularly. Using homeopathy is easy when you

realize the only real rule is Take Your Remedy! Leave all the complicated

rules to someone else. Just get started and find the benefits for yourself.

I find that slowly chewing or dissolving the remedy work well for tablets or

pellets. This way the remedy is going into your system via the first line of

digestion, your saliva. You may wish to place the remedy under the tongue

where there are more receptors for absorption, but that is not necessary.

Placing the remedy in food or water, or swallowing the remedy, is

acceptable and can be used for children or animals.

Concerning restrictions on waiting a certain amount of time, remember-

remedies go immediately into your system. So waiting so long after

meals or between remedies is not generally an issue.

Your health practitioner may have specific requirements for dosing

depending on your remedies, the reason for needing the remedy,

sensitivity, etc.

A fast acting product is ANXIETY, use for daytime stress or to calm the

mind at night.


Building gradually your homeopathic medicine cabinet is easy. When stored

correctly, your homeopathic remedies will provide years of effective

medicine. To keep your remedies effective for the next time you need

them, follow a few basic rules.

#1--Keep remedies away from moisture and contamination. Do not

refrigerate. Do not store in bathroom medicine cabinets. This is whether

the remedy is pellets, tablets or liquid.

#2--Keep the remedies away from strong odors. Store completely away

from smoke, perfume, coffee, strong smells, aromatherapy remedies,

paints, chemicals, aromatic odors, etc. Avoid having camphor, eucalyptus,

tea tree oil, various mint products, or perfumes around the remedies.

Store away from other vibrational medicines. This includes aromatherapy,

magnets, essential oils, etc. A remedy will pick up the vibrations and

smells and will be contaminated. A contaminated remedy will smell and

taste off. If this happens, discard the remedy and bottle.

If you are in a smoking environment, keep remedies in a separate closed

off room that is smoke free. Homeopathic remedies will not be antidoted

by conventional medications.

Acid Clenz Detox and pH Balance to re-balance excess acid in the body.

This is one product that customers are teaching me about all the benefits

being noticed. Helpful for Candida symptoms, fatigue, headaches, gastric

problems, food allergies, cravings and weight problems.


Be careful when dispensing a remedy not to contaminate the remedy.

Always pour the tablets or pellets from the bottle into the cap of the bottle.

From there transfer the remedy onto a spoon prior to taking the remedy or

giving the remedy to a child or adult.

Do not place the remedy into your hand prior to giving to another person.

This gives you the remedy plus contaminates the remedy.

If you place tablets into your hand and pour the excess tablets back into

the bottle, the moisture from your hand contaminates the remedy and will

cause the tablets to break down.

When using liquids, place dosage into a spoon and then give to the patient.

Arnica 30C

Arnica Montana is famous as the "overworked muscle" remedy whether

from age, work, sports, arthritis. Arnica provides fast relief from pain,

shock, and trauma. Arnica helps the body to heal from injury and reduce

swelling, bruising, pain.

Arnica is useful prior to dental work, surgeries, and prolonged sports

training to help the body gear up for repairing tissues from trauma. Arnica

is used for pain relief while healing from injuries, fractures, muscular


Arnica helps with health concerns that involve the circulatory system.

Arnica can be used for poor circulation and slow healing wounds and

injuries. Arnica may be helpful for blood sugar balancing at 3 pellets twice


Arnica is the number one remedy for muscle and joint injury. Use Arnica

after injuries to recover faster from bruising, sprains, fractures, pulled

muscles, shin splints.

Arnica is always suitable in stress and shock. Arnica is useful for insomnia

from over-exhaustion. Arnica is helpful when taken prior and during flying

for jet lag and motion sickness.

Keynote Summary:

Shock, injuries, bruising

Overexertion fear of being touched or approached

Pain and ailments from overexertion

Arnica is the single most important remedy for trauma when there is

marked soreness & tenderness especially to touch or pressure. It is useful

for any trauma including bruises, black eyes, sore muscles, & within the

first hours after a fracture. For fractures, take Arnica immediately for the

pain & to help heal bruised tissues. Take Arnica for pain & swelling from

sprains & strains. Arnica can be taken internally as homeopathics & used

externally as ointments, salves or sprays. The topical spray is easy to use

& works well for areas that are sensitive to the touch.

Arnica Montana's Mini Materia Medica:

Arthritis: Helps with arthritis with aches and pains from overexertion, age,

old injuries

Black eyes: Useful for eyes with bruising

Blows: Helpful for blows with shock, use as first aid treatment

Bruises: Useful for bruising injuries, soreness, bleeding into tissues,


Dental Work: Use prior to and after any dental work to lessen pain and

speed healing

Injuries: Helpful for injuries with pulled muscles, aches, swelling

Muscles: Useful for muscles with aches and pains from overexertion;

arthritis; old injuries

Shin Splints: Use prior to exercise to minimize chance of shin splints

Overexertion to minimize pain.

Shock From Trauma: Use as first aid for shock.

Sore: Helpful for soreness from overexertion

Surgery: Use prior to and after any surgery or operation.

Tendon: Use before or after exercise to reduce soreness of tendon. Helps

with muscular jerking or weakness.

This remedy is so useful that over 25 of our combination products online

include Arnica. Give Arnica to any age-youngsters to elderly for bumps and


Magnesium Phos 6X

Magnesium phos, #8, is the best remedy for muscle spasms-back, leg,

abdomen or calf. Use in the evening for a peaceful night sleep without

charley horses. Relaxes tight back muscles. Supports intestinal health and

is beneficial for abdominal spasms and intestinal problems such as colitis or


Magnesium phos calms agitated nerves for pain relief of headache, writer‟s

cramp, sciatica, neuralgia. Use before and after dental work to calm tooth

pain. Spasmodic is a key symptom and magnesium phos calms spasmodic

coughs, hiccups and menstrual cramps. Magnesium helps with abdominal

pains improved by eating.

Magnesium phos is from magnesium, an important mineral that is involved

in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. Homeopathic magnesium

phos goes quickly into the system for prompt relief. Studies have shown

that most adults are deficient in the mineral magnesium. Refined foods,

pollution, non-absorption and insufficient ability of the body to utilize

magnesium in the body are some of the causes. It is especially

recommended that diabetics, individuals with heart disease and those with

high blood pressure have their magnesium levels checked.

Magnesium phos, especially in low potency 6X, can help your body utilize

magnesium in the body and from food and is completely safe (unlike 500

mg supplements that can cause bowel overload with resulting diarrhea).

Helpful information on are homeopathic potency of minerals used within

the cells.

Cell Salts can improve the body‟s ability to absorb Magnesium. If lacking

in magnesium phos, nerves are on edge with the inability to relax

emotionally (showing as anxiety, nervous disorders, depression) and

physically (showing as muscle problems, fibromyalgia-worse with even a

light touch, nerve sensitivity-even the skin may feel overly sensitive).

Deficiency symptoms include stress, pain, anxiety, depression, muscle

spasms, migraine headaches, PMS headaches, agitation, irritability,

constipation, fatigue.

Magnesium phos is found inside the cells of muscles, nerves, bones, the

brain and spine. Deficiency affects muscle fibers and nerve endings.

Magnesium is one of the trio including Potassium and Calcium involved in muscle function. Magnesium deficiency has been linked with CFS, Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome.

Consider magnesium phos when there has been nerve injury or damage.

Speed injury recovery with magnesium phos. Magnesium phos is indicated

when nerve pain is shooting, darting, or spasmodic. Couple this with

magnesium's presence in the brain and you'll see magnesium

phos importance in neuralgias and headaches.

Magnesium phos is the Cell Salt to use for nerve pain. Magnesium phos is

indicated for migraines, fatigue, hearing disorders, Meniere‟s disease,

neuralgia, panic attacks. Works successfully with other therapies. Absorbs instantly, great for people with digestion difficulties.

Magnesium Phos Mini Materia Medica:

Abdominal: Helpful for intestinal problems, calms spasmodic abdominal cramping.

Colic: Useful for colic with much gas and belching, without relief.

Menstrual cramps: Helpful for menstrual cramps that are relieved by

onset of flow. Shooting, darting pains. Person may feel pain is better from warmth, gentle pressure. Person may feel pain is worse with cold air,


Muscle spasms: Useful for leg cramps and writer's cramp.

Pain: Helpful for pain with sharp, cutting, shooting, and constricting sensation.

PMS: Useful for irritability, intestinal symptoms, anxiety, PMS headaches.

Magnesium phos is also known under the following names, spellings and


Magnesia Phosphorus, Magnesia Phosphorica, Magnesia Phos, magnesium

phosphate, magnesium phosphorus, Mag Phos, Mg Ph.

Magnesium phos is one of the 12 Homeopathic Cell Salts also termed

Tissue Salts or Biochemic Salts.Cell Salts means minerals for cell health. Biochemistry developed by Dr. Schussler is use of minerals in homeopathic

potency. Cell Salts are used successfully because minerals are the

foundational nutrition for the body's enzyme activities and energy cycles and Cell Salts are instantly bioavailable.

Cell Salt Questions and Answers.


Bioplasma is homeopathy's one-a-day. Bioplasma provides overall immune

support. Bioplasma enhances absorption of nutrients for cellular activity.

The results are you will feel energized, have better digestion, and handle stress better physically and emotionally.

Bioplasma is a special complex that includes 12 Cell Salts. Homeopathic Biochemistry with Cell Salts is the science of using potenized minerals.

Minerals are an important foundation in utilizing vitamins & in enzyme


Customers of all ages use Bioplasma regularly and report improved health

and healing. Bioplasma is safe to use during illness, for chronic conditions,

for general health or prevent illness by strengthening the immune system.

Cell Salts go right to work inside the cells. Great for those who absorb supplements poorly or who have digestive problems.

Calcium Fluoride, Silicea, and Natrum Mur in 6X potencies, the other 9 minerals are 3X potency.

Bioplasma includes:

Calcarea Fluorica 6X(Calcium Fluoride)

Calcarea Phosphorica 3X (Calcium Phosphorus)

Calcarea Sulphuricum 3X (Calcium Sulphur) Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X (Ferrum Phos-iron)

Kali Muriaticum 3X (Kali Mur-potassium)

Kali Phosphorica 3X (Kali Phos-potassium) Kali Sulphuricum 3X (Kali Sulphur-potassium)

Magnesia Phosphorica 3X (Magnesium Phosphorus)

Natrum Muriaticum 6X (Natrum Mur-sodium chloride-remember this is the mineral, not the "processed with chemicals" table salt,

this is safe for those who need to avoid salt and can be beneficial for those

with poor sodium/potassium balance) Natrum Phosphoricum 3X (Natrum Phosphorus)

Natrum Sulphuricum 3X (Natrum Sulphur)

Silicea 6X (Silica)

This balanced combination is helpful for maintenance of good health. Or take more often to replenish cells with the needed Cell Salts during

illnesses. Cell Salts means minerals for cell health. Biochemistry developed

by Dr. Schussler is use of minerals in homeopathic potency.

Cell Salts are used successfully because minerals are the foundational

nutrition for the body's enzyme activities and energy cycles and Cell Salts are instantly bioavailable.

Cell Salt Questions and Answers

You can use Cell Salts for general health, health maintenance, or for

treatment of symptoms.

Lactose based tablets. Suggested dose is 3 tablets at one time and

repeated 3 times a day for treatment of symptoms. Use less frequently as symptoms improve. For general health suggested dose is 3 tablets taken


Homeopathy Tips & Remedies

Try These Homeopathic Alternatives to Popular Drugs

This is how you can easily create a home setting where you‟ll be prepared

for anything. Don‟t wait until it happens; learn this stuff now.

Rhus tox instead of Tylenol for chicken pox

Belladonna instead of acetaminophen for fevers over 104°

Hypericum instead of Vicodin for dental work Chamomilla or Belladonna instead of codeine for ear infections

Belladonna instead of Amoxicillin for strep throat

Arnica instead of Ibuprofen for strains, sprains and injuries in general Coffea instead of Lunesta for insomnia

Aurum instead of Zoloft for mild depression

Staphasagria or Cantharis instead of antibiotics for UTI‟s Nux vomica or Arsenicum album instead of Imodium or Xifaxin for


With the right tools, you‟ll be well prepared for the typical illnesses that

most families face.

Homeopathic remedies are the best tools we have; you and your family deserve nothing less!

If you‟d like to learn more about raising your family without drugs,

consider joining me and other moms throughout the world for my first, year-long webinar course, “The How to Raise a Drug Free Family System.”

Check out more details here!

A Good Starter Kit

For treating ailments that come on from time to time, it is prudent to keep

remedies available at home or with you on vacations. It can be most

frustrating when you finally decide on a remedy to find you don‟t own it.

Sometimes it takes the beginner trying a few different remedies to get the

right one. Even an expert doesn‟t always get the correct remedy the first

time. Purchasing a kit in a 30th potency (30C or 30X) is an affordable way

to begin. Kits come with remedies at a fraction of the cost of what you

would pay if you were to purchase the remedies individually. Here is a list

of the top 31 remedies.

Aconitum Napellus Acon

Allium Cepa All-c

Antimonium Tartaricum Ant-t Apis Mellifica Apis

Arnica Montana Arn

Arsenicum Album Ars Belladonna Bell

Bryonia Alba Bry

Calcarea Phosphorica Calc phos Cantharis Canth

Carbo Vegetabilis Carb veg

Chamomilla Cham Ferrum Phosphoricum Ferr phos

Gelsemium Sempervirens Gels

Hepar Sulphuris calcareum Hep

Hypericum Perforatum Hyp

Ignatia Amara Ign

Ipecacuanha Ip Ledum Palustre Led

Magnesia Phosphorica Mag phos

Mercurius Vivus Merc Nux Vomica Nux-v

Oscillococcinum Oscill

Phosphorus Phos Podophyllum Podo

Pulsatilla Puls

Rhus Tox Rhus-t Ruta Graveolens Ruta

Spongia Tosta Spong

Sulphur Sul Veratrum Album Verat

Injuries and Accidents

There is no better way to treat the physical and emotional shock of

accidents and injuries than with homeopathy. Whether for a mild injury or

one that requires medical treatment, homeopathy can absorb the shock,

minimize and often remove bleeding, reduce fear, anxiety, pain and put

the sufferer in a better state. If the emergency room seems to be the only

way to care for the injury, give the best remedy you know on the way to

the hospital. This is reason enough to keep a small emergency kit in your

purse. Even after a trip to the emergency room, a well-chosen

homeopathic remedy will often hasten recovery and reduce pain. Pain

medications can even be omitted with the correct usage of a remedy.

Swelling and healing will often be hastened by 1/2 the time.

Cuts & Abrasions

Arnica montana



Arnica Montana

Puncture Wounds

Arnica montana

Ledum Hypericum



Cantharis Kali bichromium


Heat Prostration



Insect & Animal Bites

Arnica montana


Muscle and Bone Injuries

Over exertion and

deep injuries Ruta graveolens

Rhus tox

Bellis perennis Symphytum

Fractures & breaks

Arnica montana Aconitum


Calc phos Bellis perennis


Arnica Montana

Dislocated Joints

Ruta graveolens Rhus tox

Arnica Montana

21 top remedies you need to know to protect

yourself and family

Want a quick reference for the uses of the main homoeopathic remedies

for injury cases? For the sake of those who aren‟t clear on homeopathy‟s

role in medical practices throughout the world, allow me to declare its

sterling reputation. Homeopathy was counted upon by American Civil War

surgeons, WW1 and WW2 camps and is the mainstay of homeopathic

emergency rooms throughout the world.

The following remedies; used in medium to high potencies work best for

those who are familiar with homeopathy. They should be repeated every

15-30 minutes in severe situations and more infrequently as the pathology

becomes less serious. There is nothing wrong with continuing the course of

action for a week or even longer, as long as symptoms remain. Here is a

short list of the best remedies and their indications to have committed to

memory and to have on hand:

1. Bitten Ledum 12. Infected Arsenicum


2. Bled Vipera 13. Inflamed Ferrum phos

3. Burned Urtica urens 14. Lacerated Hypericum

4. Bruised Arnica montana 15. Punctured Ledum

5. Contused Arnica montana 16. Poisoned Arsenicum

6. Dislocated Arnica montana 17. Suffocated Carbo veg

7. Exerted Rhus tox 18. Shocked Aconitum

8. Electrocuted Phosphorus 19. Stung Ledum

9. Fatigued Bioplasma 20. Over


Nux vomica

10. Impaled Hypericum 21. Slivered Silica

11. Incised Calendula

The more serious the situation, the higher the potency needed of either

Arnica or Aconitum. For example if someone has had a concussion of severity, on the way to the hospital, a 1M potency would be advisable.

Offer it every 15 minutes or more until consciousness is restored. If

instead, it‟s only a mild head injury Arnica 30 will often do the trick when offered every 15 minutes or so. You would use a 200 potency for a

moderate injury.

The less experience you have, the more important it is to stay with lower potencies such as 30c or 30x. Homeopathy is safe when and only

when utilized properly. So I entreat you to learn as much as you can and

when you‟re finished, learn a little more. If you‟re unsure, call us for a consultation. We‟re always in the ready.

Twenty one fine remedies, each with its unique ability to address their corresponding ailments. If you want to learn more of these and how to

own, use and know them cold, go to “Perform in the Storm; A

Homeopathic 1st Aid” download.

The homeopathic treatment of injuries is rational, intelligent and safe.

There are no side effects, no addictions and best of all; they get to the essence of the crisis. Get a handle on your understanding of the use of

homeopathy. It could be the solution you‟re looking for when life‟s

calamities get too big. Tiny pills, miniscule dilutions, hefty results…homeopathy.

Ask us about our homeopathy kits. We have a first aid kit, a general home

use kit in 30 potencies as well as 200 potencies available at our office. Then get started!


Water Memory and Structured Water

❀ Water's Memories ~ The Mystery of Water ❀ What Is Homeopathy And Is It Real Science?

Homeopathic Medicine Explained What is Homeopathy? What Is Homeopathy

Introduction to Dr. Gelman's Homeopathy Series! (Part 1 of 8) Monica Frohmann on In The Know Part 1 Homeopathy BBC Horizon Documentary

Dr. Joe Kellerstein talks about homeopathy! 12 Tissue Salts Natural Remedies

What is Bioplasma? (Cell Salts, Tissue Salts) Mineral Deficiencies - Causes & Effects

What is Homeopathy?

A Basic Guide To Homeopathy

Introduction To Homeopathy

Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Schuessler Cell Salts

The Beauty of Cell Salts

Understanding Cell Salts

Homeopathic Preventions For Thyroid Gland

Schwabe India Catalog 2015

Homeopathy FAQ

Homeopathy for Common Cold

Homeopathy for Common Cold & Flu

Homeopathy for Cough

Homeopathy for Fever

Homeopathy for Toothache

Homeopathy for Tooth Abscess

Homeopathy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy for Gout

Homeopathy for Candida

Homeopathy for Urinary Tract Infection

Homeopathy for Weakness & Fatigue

Homeopathy for Piles

Homeopathy for Psoriasis

Homeopathy for GASTRIC Complaints

Homeopathy for Anal Fissure

Homeopathy for Sciatica

Homeopathy for BPH or Benign Prostate Hypertrophy

Homeopathy for Constipation

Homeopathy for Diarrhea

Homeopathy for Dysentry

Homeopathy for Ovarian Cysts

Homeopathy for Appendicitis

Homeopathy for COLIC, Pain Abdomen

Homeopathy for Herpes Zoster / Shingles

Homeopathy for Spleen Pain

Homeopathy for WORMS

Homeopathy for Sea Sickness

Homeopathy for Injuries & Accidents

Homeopathy for Holidays

Homeopathic Travel Vaccines

Homeopathic Cell Salts Basics

Homeopathic Remedies for Colds

Homeopathic Remedies for Cough

Homeopathic Remedies for Fever

Homeopathic Remedies for Flu

Homeopathy for Heartburn

Homeopathy for Constipation, Hemorrhoids & Varicose Veins

Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

The Deadly Dangers of Statin Drugs

Homeopathic Remedies for Stuffy and Blocked Nose

Homeopathic Remedies for Toothache

Homeopathic Remedies for Clear and Glowing Skin

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hernia

Homeopathic Remedies for Constipation

Homeopathic Remedies for Urethral Stricture Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for Frequent Urination

Treating Prostate without Surgery

Varicose Veins

10 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Facial pigmentation, Melasma and Homeopathy

5 Natural Homeopathic remedies for high uric acid Treatment

Gout ; High Uric Acid

Homeopathic Remedies for Ankle Pain

Top Ten Homeopathic Remedies for Joint Pains

Recurrent Infections In kids

Homeopathic Remedies for Burns

Get Rid of Your Post Delivery Blues With Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies for Genital Herpes

Homeopathic Remedies for Heartburn

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis

Chronic Fatigue and Extreme Tiredness? Try Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies for Common Stomach and Digestion Problems