Aligning Your leadership brand Michele Adair CEO and Non-Executive Director 14 Oct 2014.

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Transcript of Aligning Your leadership brand Michele Adair CEO and Non-Executive Director 14 Oct 2014.

Aligning Your leadership brand

Michele Adair

CEO and Non-Executive Director14 Oct 2014

What is a ‘brand’ ? • What the consumer buys – as distinct from what an

organisation makes

• Combination of emotional and functional associations

• Provides information about your organisation and the products/services

• Differentiates you from others

• Embodies a promise about the characteristics and experience that can be expected from product/service

• Brand Personality expressed as human personality traits - seriousness, warmth, innovative, clinical, fun, good mannered, curious, stylish

Prepared communication AND leaders (and staff)

And voice?• How you speak to your audience

• Content, vocabulary, personality, medium, images

• Expression of your values (what you say)

• Your personality (how you say it)

• Its about degrees

Technical Colloquial

Loud Soft

Friendly Official

4 Steps – but they’re not easy!

1. Know who you're talking to• Parents newly diagnosed, clinicians, donors, people who are dying

2. Consider your familiarity with the person • Do you know them, do you really have a relationship?

3. Create a banned word list – maybe?• Fatal - life limiting – life shortening • Phlegm – mucus• Pathogens – bugs• Cystic Fibrosis – cystic fibrosis

4. If in doubt choose approachable and conversational language ie. simple

Do you align with your organisation?

In our 40s and 50sOf the 34 symptoms these are the most common -

1. Hot flushes and night sweats

2. Aches and pains

3. Crawling and itching sensations

4. Headaches

5. Vaginal dryness

6. Reduced libido

7. Urinary frequency

8. Tiredness

9. Irritability


11. Insomnia

12.Lack of self esteem


A baby is born with CF every four days.

Every 9 days a young person dies from it.

About 3,000 Australians have a diagnosis.

CF-Fed 8 orgs, $9.6m, 51 FTEs, 50% services