Alfredo A. Derecho, MBA,DPA Southwestern University Cebu City, Philippines.

Post on 29-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Alfredo A. Derecho, MBA,DPA Southwestern University Cebu City, Philippines.

Alfredo A. Derecho, MBA,DPASouthwestern University

Cebu City, Philippines

Objectives and Mission to accomplish Goals to achieve Employ individuals to man the positions Acquire and allocate resources Use some form of structure for coordinating

functions of the various units of work Decide who among members of the working

group will manage & supervise the operations

Classical bureaucratic model Neo-Bureaucratic Model Institutional Model Human Relations Model Public Choice Model

• Major components:– Structure or design of the organization• Hierarchical arrangement of units & pyramidal structure in

position• Division of labor – duties & power• Rules for carrying out tasks is uniformly applied• Impersonal relations among members - formal establish

norms of conduct• Choice of personnel based on technical competence

– The ways people and work are managed• Advocates scientific study & design of work flow &

procedure • Provides sociological, psychological & economic needs of

employees• Employees contribute their expertise & skills

• Value orientation is still classical bureaucratic – 3 E’s

• Control mechanism & structural framework same as classical bureaucratic

• Focus on policy decision & justification for the use of decision-making process. – Fayol’s 14 principles of management augmented by Gulick & Urwick – POSDCORB that became the principle of Administration.

Focuses on the organizational structure of government◦ Describes the relations among different

hierarchical levels & studies what is being done at each level

◦ Most concerned with constitutional, legal & administrative rules as bases for administering the affairs of the state

• Organization is people; what counts most is individuals who fill the positions & not the positions with the description of functions to be performed

• Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne experiment ushered the social system and social structure theory of organization– Human beings relate to one another thru network of

sentiments & feelings– Efforts be made to achieve internal equilibrium by

harmonizing personal & emotional factors of the organizations equation

– Recognition of informal group & employees feelings by management

Theory: government is inherently inefficient that private management is better, government should emulate or defer to the private sector

Emphasizes provisioning of goods and services by decision makers at different levels

Authority should be delegated and assigned to different levels

Paradigm of “ democratic administration” Civil service professionals to man


Organizing Departmentalization Coordination

◦ Establishing clear-cut procedures and rules◦ Use of the hierarchical structure◦ Use of matrix departmentalization◦ Introducing dominant idea or rationale

Span of Control◦ Centralization vs Decentralization

Distinguish Centralization vs Decentralization

Setbacks of Decentralization Benefits of Decentralization Manner of Decentralization

◦ Verdana font 12”◦ Double Space◦ January 20

Reaction paper ( articles) ◦ Administrative Traditions◦ From Public Administration to Public Management,

from Governance to Governmentality: Conceptual Challenges to Public Administration by Romeo Ocampo

◦ Verdana 12 font◦ Double space◦ Deadline March 25