Album cover and tray card process

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Album cover and tray card process

Album Cover and Tray cardThe Process

Editing The Tree Picture

Original Image After Editing

For the background image of my front cover, I used a picture of a tree I took, up near Cirencester. The original image, as you can see, was looking from the left side of the tree, so flipped it to face the right as that is how I imagined the image. The effects I used are in the bottom right corner. I wanted to give it more of a warm tint, which is what I have achieved.

Placing the Model on the Cover

Original Image After Editing

I used myself as the model for the front cover, with my hands pointing towards the sky as I’m ready to catch the cat. In order to remove the background, I used the quick selection tool to single me out from the picture. I then flipped it a placed it on top of the tree and used the same colour effects as I used on the tree. I did the same thing for the cat on my album cover.

The TextFor the text I wanted to follow the military theme behind the name of the album of the band. I used a larger font for the album name to show that the music is more important than the band. The font I used for the title was Tiza, size 48. For the band I used Ultra Serif SF, size 18. I used the colour white as it stood out the best over the image.

The Final DesignThis was the completed design of my front cover, however once everything was in place, I made some finishing touches adjusting the levels to make the cover slightly darker.

Tray card Design- Background

Original Image After Editing

For the background, I took a picture of a leaf on the pavement. This is to link in with my front cover and can also symbolises how the cat got down safely. However, I wanted to really highlight the colours of leaf. I achieved this using the effects, as shown. I used the selective colour to really sharpen the red and express the yellow.

Barcode and Production Company LogoFor the Tray card, I looked at other CD designs to enable me to include all the key

details for my design. The first step towards this was to use a barcode and logo of the production company from the internet. I placed it in the bottom right as that is where I saw most of the barcodes located on the CDs I looked at

Production and Copyright TextThe production and copyright text was generally in very small writing, towards the bottom of the CD designs. I recreated this on mine using the text from the tray card of stereophonics, however I edited at some points to apply to my design. I used simple font as it doesn’t require much attention.

Song NamesFor my song names I tried to use names from various different artists that fit in with the theme of my album. On the designs of other CDs the text was written both horizontally and vertically, but again I used the design of the stereophonics tray cards, and put the song names into a list form. For the font I used the Ultra Serif SF; the same font I used for the band name.

Titles and Final Design For the title I used the same font as I did for the front cover and same colour to retain the link, however I made it smaller to fit on the tray card better. For the titles down the side I rotated them in the correct way for the sides of the CD and used the same font that I used for the song names and band name. This also completed my tray card design.

Completed CD Design