Alberta PC Caucus on Keystone XL decision

Post on 03-Feb-2016

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Alberta PC Caucus on Keystone XL decision

Transcript of Alberta PC Caucus on Keystone XL decision


PC Caucus releases statement on Keystone pipeline decision Calgary, November 6, 2015 – PC Energy Critic Rick Fraser, the MLA for Calgary-South East, released the following statement today after the Obama administration’s rejection this morning of the Keystone pipeline: “It is ironic that the Obama administration has chosen this decision. It is far safer to transport oil by pipeline than by rail, and emissions are significantly lower. “We question why pipeline development has to be an either/or proposition for the Alberta government. Our province was the first jurisdiction in North America with mandatory reduction regulations for large emitters, which included a price on carbon. Alberta has among the best environmental standards in the world and they’re getting better all the time, as they should be. But we must also continue our efforts to work with other jurisdictions so we can get our oil and gas products to tidewater and receive world prices for our products. This government seems to think no pipeline is a good pipeline until we have their perceived ‘credibility’ to do so. It’s important to achieve the right balance, and we believe there is a balance between responsible economic development and environmental protection. “We find it very disappointing that, since the Premier and her government took office, we have not heard one word of support for Alberta’s oil and gas industry or the good work they do to be responsible stewards of the environment. We’ve only been told that we’re “embarrassing cousins” and the Premier has steadfastly refused to promote or defend a key industry for Alberta and Canada that produces thousands of jobs and stability for our economy. “Clearly, this government won’t defend Alberta’s oil and gas industry and the good work it’s been doing. Albertans can count on our caucus to stand up for Alberta’s oil and gas industry, its environmental record and commitment to continuous improvement, and the jobs of thousands of hard-working Albertans.”

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Media inquiries: Heather Massel Communications, PC Caucus 780-904-1084 (mobile)