aishwarya addepalli Ella's Dream!

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1 | Page That’s Ella! Chapter 5……..But, you never told me………..16 Chapter 6……. One broken heart ……………..18 Chapter 7……..A dream come true………………… Chapter 1… Mom and her lies………………….4 Chapter 4……Good bye ……………………….10 2 | Page

Transcript of aishwarya addepalli Ella's Dream!

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That’s Ella!

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1… Mom and her lies………………….4

Chapter 2…Where’s prince charming? ……….6

Chapter 3……… We did it…finally……………..8

Chapter 4……Good bye ……………………….10

Chapter 5……..But, you never told me………..16

Chapter 6……. One broken heart ……………..18

Chapter 7……..A dream come true…………………

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Ella is a little12-year old girl who lives in

Phoenix, Arizona. Ella never saw her dad before.

Her mother told her that her father died in a war

while fighting. She loved to play around in the

balcony in her apartment. She had a small dream, to

live with her mm and her real dad peacefully.

When Ella started school, everyone made fun of

her for everything she did because they all thought

she was a nerd. She always came home sad and

her mom would ask her why, but she never

answered. Because of that, her mom made her write

down all of her feelings in a small diary she gave


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Everyday Ella wrote down her feelings in her diary

and left it at home. Mom would look at the pages

every day after she left.


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Chapter 1: Mom and her lies.

The day that Ella’s mom looked at this page, she

felt extremely sad. She started to cry,.

Dear diary,

Today is dad’s birthday and I love him so much.

I think that if dad was still alive, I would have been

happier. But, apparently, dad had to go and fight!

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Ughhhh! If only dad did not go! I would have been


O(Teardrops) O


Looking at this, right when Ella came home,

mom decided to tell her the truth about father.

“I’m home!”Ella yelled suddenly, swishing her

beautiful curly blonde hair. Her hazel colored eyes

shined as she twirled around with her skinny little

body. “Hey mom, today I actually had some fun! You

know when you suddenly start to understand why

people don’t get you or like you?I just thought of this

new great trend in school! See!”Ella squeaked,

shoving a piece of black paper into her mom,

Lindsey’s face.

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“Hang ON! Gimmi that!” Said Lindsey, or

mom in a strong voice.

“Well, I was sort of hoping that you would sew this

outfit for me to wear.” Ella asked politely, while

pointing at her piece of art.

‘’You can use any Different kinds of colors to make it

for me!!” Please! Will you please make it for

me?”Ella asked politely

“Calm down Ella, first I need to tell you about

something. Sit down on the bed. I need to tell you

the real truth about, who, where, and how your

father is right now.”Mom whispered in a silky soft

voice, trying to calm Ella down.

“Thank you! I’ve wanted to know that for years! Tell

me! Quick!”Ella said, greedily.

“The truth was”, Mom began to speak. “15 years

ago, a princess that was rude and mean had fallen

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in love with father. After Dad and I were married, she

got very angry and she kidnapped father and kept

him as a prince and forces him till this day in her

mansion in Singapore. I do not know where he might

be right now “Said mom wiping her tears off. Ella felt

sympathy for her mom. She walked over and

wrapped her arms around her to comfort her.

“it will be fine. We will find him soon.” Ella

nearly crooned with her mother in her arms. Ella

really doubted what she said. She knew her mother

did not agree either. But on the bright side, she

knew where her father was supposed to be.

Singapore! We could visit Singapore and try to find


The next night, mom came into Ella’s room while

she was doing her homework.

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Mom started to open the door, and saw that she

was searching on the web about where the princess

of Singapore is. She saw mom and closed the Mac

v. laptop and quickly leaped on to her bed and

pretended that she was sleeping.

“Don’t worry I saw you!” mom said acting

normally, “come on honey time for bed!”

“I ordered tickets to go see da-!”

Just before she could even finish what she was

saying, she jumped up and hugged her.” I am sooo

happy today!”She exclaimed loudly,” thanks mom,

thanks sooo much!


“But you, lied to me.”

“How could you?”

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“At least you are happy now, darling’!” She

proudly announced.

“WHEN, WHEN, WHEN!” Ella interrupted.”When

are we going? Are we going today?”

“No darling, we have to wait for one week.” Mom


------------------------------------------------------- ~E~ -------


“Okay class! Go ahead and put up our math

textbooks and don’t forget that tomorrow is test day!”

Ella’s sweet teacher, Mrs. Funni Said.

Mrs.Funni is a Finish lady and she grew up in


“Test aren’t so funni to me!”Ella whimpered to

her class mate/ BFF, Emelia.

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The week passed quickly and it was already

time to go. The next day they were taking the flight

to Singapore. “La, di, da, di, da!”Ella shouted while

playing with moms’ pretty hat.

“Ella stop playing around with my hat!”mom


” Today is the day! “She said again.

“Beep-beep, beep-beep! The alarm clock in her

watch squeaked.

”Its 7:00am! Time to go mom!” She wailed

across the room.

Mom quickly rushed to the car and drove off to

the airport.

When they got there, Ella became very hungry.

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“Brrrrrrrreh”Ella’s stomach groaned.

They ate breakfast and after they finished, there

were only 2 minutes left .They ran and rushed into

the gate and mom quickly handed in the boarding

passes. Ella laughed and smiled at mom and mom

laughed and smiled back while they boarded the


Chapter 2:


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charming? After they settled in the plane, the plane took off;

Ella watched a movie in her mom's phone and fell

asleep throughout the rest of the whole flight.

--------------------------------------------------- ~E~ ------


“We’re here!” Mom kept saying to Ella.

”Huh…?”Ella said tiredly.

“We are here Hun!” mom whispered. They both

got their hand luggage and started to get off of the

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flight.”OH!”I lost my purse!” cried mom.” I don’t know

where I put it!”

“Mom, I think you left it in the plane!” Ella yelled.

Mom then quickly ran into the airplane before it

took off on its way to Arizona. Mom came back with

her hand on her chest and relieved. It all turns out

that she had it in her hand luggage the whole time.

“Whew! That was such a relief! Oh! I was so

scared!” Ella exaggerated. “All right then! Let’s get

started with the search for prince charming.” They

got a bus and traveled all over Singapore. They

searched the Dragon View Park, Eng Kong

Gardens, Fuyong Estate, Ghim d Mohr, Hong

Kah, Haut Chou, Hun Yang, Jupon East New

Town and the old city of Jupon East. They search

every famous place in Singapore. They still could

not find him.

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Ella! What is wrong with you?!”They finally came

to the last place where they thought that they could

find him in, the capital of Singapore. When they went

there, they were amazed by the beautiful culture of

Singapore. While they were walking, Mom suddenly

started to run. She looked on her left and right and in

the front of her.

Ella was not there. “Ella, Ella where are you?”

cried mom in tension.

“I’m right here.”Ella moaned in a grouchy voice.

“I was standing right behind you.”

“Oh, I saw another girl that ran from me and she

was wearing the same color as you! Sorry!” Mom


“It’s ok mom. At least I am not lost!” Ella told

mom trying to calm her down a bit.

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Ella and mom stopped for a drink. Right when

Ella was drinking her mango nectar, she saw the

clouds in the sky clear out and saw a red flag with a

white crescent moon and little white polka-dots next

to it. Behind the flag, Ella was absolutely surprised.

There was a beautiful castle that was glowing

with sunlight.”It looks so evil and old to me!” Mom

started.“NO! It does not! It is a very beautiful

castle.”Ella argued ferociously.”What’s that sound!?

What is it?

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Chapter 3: We

did it…finally. “Calm down…I think it’s the princess’s guard. He

saw us.”Mom whispered to Ella in tension like she

was about to die.

“What’s so bad in that? Why are you so worried?

Ella started to notice the teardrop fall out of mom’s

beautiful hazel eyes. Why are you crying! Why won’t

you answer!?”

“If the princess finds out, we’ll never get daddy

back darling! She will take you away too!”Mom

whimpered like she already lost me.

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What? Mommy! I will kill that evil brat and punch

her in the face! Said Ella

Don’t worry mom! I gotcha! Said Ella

Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Ella thought. “ Mhvhu!

HuHu!”But it did not work.

Little animal noises started to burst out and Ella

started to cry and put her hand on her moms back

and hugged her so tight.

The princess was a very cruel, racist and untrue


“Let’s start to climb the castle with this piece of

rope!?” Ella said.

“Where did you find that thing?” mom replied

“Oh, it was in the back of the bus” Ella explained

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“I brought it so that I could help you with the

hero stuff or the watchamacallit thingamajiger.”

Ella continued to speak.

“ I thought I might as well should bring it if we

needed to travel all around this weird little country to

find dad.”

“I also found this little hook by the counter at




“How bout we start climbing this baby.” mom

started to talk in a Texan accent.

“Whoa! Never thought I’d say it but, that

princess is one rich thang.”

”Why do you say so?” Ella doubted.

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“Um...Ehem? Did you ever even try to look at

the size of that thing?” mom emphasized

“Whoa!” Ella was surprised looking at the tallest

tower she has ever seen.

“Oh for Pete’s sake!” mom got really annoyed

“Who’s Pete mom!” Ella asked

“Uh! Gosh! He’s your long lost uncle I never told

you about!”Mom uttered.

“Gasp.” Ella was angry now.

“I wonder what you haven’t told me yet.”

“Keeping all the family secrets?” Ella went on….

“Go on!”

“Tell me the story about Uncle Pete if that’s even

his real name!”

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“Calm down baby…”Mom whispered, trying to

calm Ella down.

“I was just in a lot of tension when I said that.”

“I guess I just said it sarcastically.”

“Sorry darling…” Ella’s mom tried to make some


“I’m your mom and I love you and I don’t want to

lose my beautiful girl.”

“What? Do you also have another daughter? Oh!

I should’ve known better!” Ella started again.

“Say, who is this beautiful girl you speak of?”

“Silly girl…Hee…Hee!” Mom giggled

“Why are you laughing mom?” Ella asked.

“It’s you sweet pea! “ Mom burst out.

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Chapter 4:

Good Bye

Ella hooked the hook on to the rope and

swished it up there.

“Ahh!” There was a loud scream.

‘My stoma—!!” A voice trailed off.

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Ella quickly yanked the rope and all of the

pieces of the window on the tallest tower blew down

on mom.

“Mom!! ”Ella whimpered. ”MOM! Wake up mom!”

The rope came down and slammed the ground and

it was dripping dark red blood.

Ella noticed a dark red blobs on mom’s leg and

finger and saw the scars on her face made by the

glass pieces that had fallen on her.

A man yelled out of the broken window. ”Is she

alright down there?” The man’s eyes widened. “The

princess is hurt as well. We can assist you by taking

you to the hospital!”

Ella screamed and said “Please!, immediately!”

The man rushed down and he called the ambulance.

In the ambulance, he stood next to Ella. His eyes

widened again.

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The man suddenly started to cry, staring at

mom.”PFFT.!” He sounded like he was trying to stop

himself from crying. But it did not work. He burst into

tears an d let out a little gasp. “ It’s you! My love! My

life! My heart! My soul! My wife!

He stared at mom as if he knew her and kissed her

on the cheek.

He went to Ella hugged Her very hard.

“Dad! 爸爸!

“What in the world! How did you just say that?” The

man next to her was so surprised.

“What in the world! How did I say that? Ella asked


“Uh… Dad! I love you!”Ella yelled.

So this is how you look like. Ella thought.

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“What in the world! How did you just say that?” dad

asked Ella.

“Who’s that?” She said pointing at the other laying


“Oh! Um,…”

“That’s no one.”

“Tell me! Who is it!?”





When they reached the hospital, a nurse came

inside and took both of the patients into the hospital.

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Mom was on a wheelchair and the princess was

on a bed.

The nurse walked me and dad into the iwating room

at the hospital.

Ella and dad were sitting on the beautiful

handmade chairs at the waiting room.

They had a design that looked like a bird drinking

water from a fountain.

Ella loved the comfortable seats.

The doctor came out and pulled father aside.

After ten minutes, the doctor came to Ella and said;

“Sorry about your mom, you’re not going to meet her

for a long time.I’m afraid I need take her to the

operator room. If my hand slips, I’m sorry. ”

“Wha-?” Emma couldn’t understand what he meant.

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I meant that your mom is about to go into koma

and she might die due to the loss of blood in her


Ella screamed.

She had nothing to say accept for to scream and



HHHH!!! NO this can’t be happening!”

Mom can’t die! We must do something!

I know!

We can put up posters and see if anyone can

donate some blood!

That night, dad and Ella slept at the hospital.

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Dad stayed awake all night doing his work, but Ella

didn’t understand what it was.

In the middle of the night, Ella saw one crumpled

up poster in front of her that sort of like this.




12 years old

Eye color:


Hair Color:

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78 pounds


4 feet 4 inches


Short and skinny, has long hair.


She is Shy, funny, energetic, respectful, and sad

without parents.

Call now to adopt this sweet homeless child!


It’s an once-in-a-lifetime chance, so hurry now!


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100 2837-4654-274


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Ella stared at the poster in shock.





Ella started to scream loudly.

Suddenly, she got distracted and took a closer look

at her mom.

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Mom? Ella thought.

“Are you awake?”

Ella went closer to her bed to talk to her.


“Did you just move?”

“Ella looked at her and saw her eyes closed.”

“I know something moved here mom!”

Ella started to freak out a bit.

“Ell-“Mom wept trying to communicate with her.

“Yes mom?”

Ella asked softly.

“Ell- … uh” Mom said

Mom fell right back into deep sleep.

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How could mom wake up from coma? I don’t get it?

But, how did she?And she went right back into co-?

Ella started to wonder cluelessly.

Ell went back to her spot where she slept.

She couldn’t sleep at all.

Her eyes kept closing, but she help but do anything

other than constantly staring at the sheet.

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“I don’t understand.”

“I just can’t.”

“Why did you do this?”

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Chapter 5:

But, you never

told me….

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“Dad started to wake up.”

“HuH?”dad whimpered

“What’s wrong honey?”

“What’s all the fuss about?”

“Ehem” Ella softly purred.

“Ella raised the poster up really high and frowned.”



“NO buts and no guts!”

“Well, I didn’t-“

“I should’ve-“


“I uh-“

“I can expla-!”

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“I can’t believe it! Why did you do this to me?”


“Did you have to?”


“You wanted to give away your little girl who has

never seen you in...Hum...let’s see, about 12 years!”

“Okay, so you said that you wanted to explain, so go


“Okay!”Dad started”

“since your mother had passed away last night, I

couldn’t make the posters to donate blood.”

“Last night,I went into the princesses room.”

“That night princess Natsuki told me that she wanted

to marry me since mom..You know.”

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“And she thought it would be a good idea to keep

you safe with her too.”

“I know that this is happening fast, but I just don’t

have enough time.”


“You trus-“

“You trust me don-“

“Oh just say it daddy!”

“You trust me don’t you?’

“Oh yes I do,bu-“

“I thought you said no buts or guts?”


“I forgot!”

“I just that I don’t know what it’ll be like.”

“What do mean, what it’ll be like?”

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“I mean, I don’t know what it’ll be like without my

own sweet mom.”

“I’d have to go and live with someone who isn’t my

true guardian.”

“I understand darling, but it’s the only way I can raise


“I don’t have enough money to pay for everything I


“How do you expect me to pay for everything we

both do?”

“So this is what it’s about!?”

“I should’ve known better!”

“N, no!”

“I don’t –“


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“I am going to see that Natsuki girl now!”


“I’m afraid that it is too late.”

“She and I already got engaged last night.” Dad

said, showing Ella the beautiful picture of the

engagement ring that was already on the princess.

The ring said Zachary F. weds Natsuki K.

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Chapter 6 :

One broken


“It’s over.”

“It’s all over.”

“My dream of living with you and mom is all over.”


“What dream?”

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“I had a dream when I was little, but it’s none of your

business anyways.”

“On second thought, how did you and mom meet?”

“We were at college and almost out when the

princess came to our college.”

“We were both in the same college and the princess

was at the same one too.”

“That is when the princess had a huge crush on me.”

“I and mom were in love and we already had plans

for engagement when the princess had that crush.”

“The next day was our engagement day and the

princess was furious with mom.”

“She later the next day, came to me and told all

about this and threatened me that if I marry your

mom, that she will kidnap me and keep me as a

servant at her castle.”

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“I was very scared that day, so mom and I got

married the week after our graduation at college.”

“We ran away and hid in Arizona. “

“The princess seemed to know the people who lived

next to us in the other apartment.”

“They contacted the princess somehow, and the

princess came and took me away from your mom.”

“At the time your mom was pregnant, so she couldn’t

really do anything about it.”

“All that I know of is that you were born like, about a

month later.”

“What’s wrong sweetie?”

“Why are you crying?”


“It’s nothing daddy.”

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“I was just sad that mom is not with me anymore.”

“I love her and miss her very much.”

“I didn’t even think that this would happen.”

“It’s just-“

“I just can’t believe it!”

“I know what I can do to fix this!”

“Dad, do you have any cash money right now?”

“UH…let me check in my wallet.”

“Yes I-“

“Thanks! “Ella snatched the cash out of dad’s wallet.

Ella ran as fast as she can and went to the medical

store nearby.

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“Yes I do…” dad said, trying to finish his statement

before she left.

Ella came back with a grin on her face and was wet

with soggy, muddy gross, gushy-looking thing dad

has ever seen.

“Oh, Uh I-“

“I fell on my way back.”

When Ella came in, dad was signing some weird

looking papers with red tags that said please sign on

it. Ella came over to dad and saw what he was

signing all this time, mom’s death certificate.

“Give me that!”Ella snatched the papers out of his


“Shhhhhh! The princess might hear you!’’

“Says the one who has no secret to leak.” Ella


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“Yes I do”

“Oh right! Go on then, tell me what it is.”

“Okay, it’ll take a long time for you to understand


“Oh, just hurry up and tell me!”

“I have a secret that is very hard to keep as a

secret, but I trust you not to tell anyone.”

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Chapter 7:

The only

way. ‘’The truth is that when the princess kidnapped

me, she forced me to marry her, so I didn’t have that

big of an exception. The second we kissed at our

wedding, the princess started to act nice with me

and I started to like Natsuki a lot too. I didn’t want to

live with her because she never respected the fact

that I was the new king of the country and she didn’t

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let me post myself on the internet for people to know

me for who I am. I didn’t like her or the way she

behaved with me and now I don’t have that much of

an option so, we must live with her now. I also tried

to give her a divorce, but the court didn’t agree

because, she anyways is the queen of

Singapore.”Dad sighed, finishing the conversation

between the two of them.


“How did it hap-?”

‘”I didn’t even expect any more bad things to


“I Just-eh !”

“I just can’t live without mom.”

“I really wish there were something that makes her

come alive again.”

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“But that’s not even possible anyways.”


“I think there is one way.”

“What is it daddy?”

“When I lived with the princess, she used to pray to


“I think she’s Buddhist.”

“She said that in her religion, when you make a

statue that is a complete replica of the person you

like most, when they die, you can make them come

alive when they die.”

“How will you do that?”

“By pouring 100 cans of these filled with water on

the statue.” Dad said holding up a can of water.

“She said that the statue will come alive and act the

same as the other person.”

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“Then what are we waiting for?”

“Let’s go and get the statue started.”

“I’ll get the water, and you pour it on her.”

Ella and her dad started to work and they went on

talking to each other about how it would even work.

“If Natsuki says so, then yes!”

“Well, what if it doesn’t work?”Ella started.

”It will! Just trust me!”Dad argued back.


“But what if-“

“It will work! Just have some trust over me!”

“Fine then, but if it doesn’t work, I will leave you all

alone like what happened before!”

“One,” Dad began to count the cups of cans.

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“Tuckering I tell you!”Dad said pouring the first can

of water.”

Dad kept counting until the next day; he kept

counting and counting and pouring and pouring. Ella

fell fast asleep, so it took dad a little longer to finish

without her help.Ella only helped him with about 48

cans, and boom she crashed into bed.

------------------------------------- ~E~ --------------------


The next morning;

“She’s alive!”Dad screamed.

“Hello ella!”mom spoke.

“AHHHHHHHH! You are alive!”

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“Let’s go back home mom!”

“Let’s go.Now!”Ella kept screaming.

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Epilogue Soon after that, Ella and her happy family escaped

from Singapore in there old bus and went back


Looking at this, Ella started to take things way more

carefully when she grows up to be like her mom and


“OH! Yeah I will!” Yup that’s Ella!

Well, to actually tell you the truth, Ella lost her sweet

little diary on her way in the flight to singapore.

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She had a lot of good memories in there, but oh well

only an alien from outer space can find out where

that thing is!

The tming that happens to everyone is, they forget

about things, but then they suddenly remember!But,

that probably won’t happen anyways!

Ella probably forgot by now.She wanted me to ask


Have you ever forgot yhe question that you were

about to say, but you forgot, Yeah, that’s what just

happened to me.

Hey I remember!

What happened to the princess now?

It’s up to you to find out.

Here’s a sneak peak of the next book coming up in

about, hmmmmmm,……. Let’s see, I don’t know!

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Can you find out!

I bet you that you can’t even earn a penny ou t of

this bet that I’m about to bet you!

You ready!?

U ready?

I bet you nothing that you can’t find out what the

next book is about!

“OH! BE QUIET DIARY!”ooh I think ella just found

me! Oh well then I guess it’s a nice warm hug and a

exiting goodbye!

Hope you don’t run into what ella’s been through


Until then, see you later young reader! Good Bye!!!!!!


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