Ain't we got fun (1921)

Post on 03-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Ain't we got fun (1921)

Lyric byGUS KAHN






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'(}Illtold('fl,. - pets.r 11111:11 tlit' mall who sold


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I Bill col - lec - tors gath - er 'Round and rath - er~ Just to make their troub - Ie Near - ly doub - Ie

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They s{v£d ((Won - del" - fillUJ(l;YHe u.'oilld take them afJ I I I

U ~

Haunt the cot-tage next door Men the gro - cer andSome -thing hap -pen'd last night To their chim - ney a

rJ I .. 'F,r--..NI 4~ ;/ - - - • • r ..,< / ~

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Clpyrlght MCMXXI by JEROME H.RE:\flCK& co., New York & Detroit('u!,yrigl.t,C'anadll, MCMXXI by .Jerome II. Remick & Co.

ProlJledat1 para 13 J{"plIldIC3 MeXll'dna Ol' ,Jl'lon.e II. Helnirk & Co., New York y Detroit. Tlpposllada l'onforllle a Ja l"y

2~21-4 Per/onl/wg /(Igllts Rest'rlJl!d

And when 3up and we'll dance"Ta/(e themhere's Our chance'i I I l ~ ·

41 I I I rbutch - er sent Men who call for the rent But with -gray bird came Mis • ter Stork is his name And I'll

n I I I I ·114~ ·- 1 , "".

J ~ .) J n LeJ, .......-:: i"if'-.... -... I 1 .... ""---1._ -.•

\ ... I r I --sit - ver t!teyAll t!leirroM'll tltem tak - ingbur- glar.c; carne andn, -:>-.- :>--

4 I I r- in a hap - py chap - py And his bride of on - ly abet two pins A pair of twins Just hap - pen'd in with the

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,t!ley II name usForyeU:J ((We're fa - mousHub - bysayn I ".:> ;::..

4~ CII' .,-year Seem to be so cheer - ful Here's an ear fullbird Still they're ver - y gay and mer - ry

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day"tosf'J, \ n le pa - per -

41 . I I -Of the chat - ter you hear

Just at dawn - lng I heardn , . . .

10 - • -i -J : vi iq.. ..

.J hJ I. J I::::=-~ -- ---·•

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funAin't we got

f'---FAin't we got

f'----fTo 0'0 to


f"'---fAn 11 old days

fT'---FHot Q?' cold days

CHORUSNight Or day Hme Ilk aU play time

Iun - ~e WlS - es b a

,,I , I ------ We have-n'tThe rents un - paid dear a bus

~Te've on - Iy start - ed As mom-mer and popn I I~ ,\. I ..

.--~ ~ q~ ~1111 1I - - ~ ~


~~ .. \ ,\. =- ~ J··I '------: I I :~

fl -I I I

I ) -,J ...·ot much mon - ey Oh but hon-ey Ain't we got fun

Twins and cares dear Come in pairs dear Dont we have funr'l I - I - I I I I

14U cjbu- "'- q~Y.,-

G~.9T t U i"J vioJ


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n -j 'l'

Ev -'ry morn-ing Ev-'ry eve-ning Ain't we got funEv - 'ry morn-ing Ev-'ry eve-ning Dout we fun

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·10 qj~n - n. - :*' U' -

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hhd'hl tI., O?i. wast le 'lS - es ust trow t em a, - wa.lJ

, I ~ ..!' I rBut smiles were made dear For peo - pIe like usAre we down - neart - ed I'll say that we're not

" I/" - ,\. I r---, ..I ..J -

" 0 "IV C/(C)O! r ~TJ~ q~ r" r vi r ~r"

,....-, l. J ~, • ./ -,...•

r -I ° fl'v-- ~,

A I n't \\ e GCJ I l' un - 4

so much smal- fer



Ai 't 1 e got

f'---F11'(> ain't (f t

flItV fu I II ar 1'0W

f"-----Four Pz"e1'ce .A' row

f~f1lJa(~ es Bilt my in - come taX' /I'll! btJ


F---rThey:ce cut my

f'------fThey won't smash lip

St eet eM' seats are

1 II:> -

hI. TI - \,

4 ) I r I -There's noth-ing sur - er The rich get rich and the poor get chi) - drenThere's noth-Ing sur - er The rich get rich and the poor ~et laid off

o l-> -~ I I i\ I ~


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4 ) -,j -,j I I

Times are bum and get-Hng bum-mer Still we have funTimes are bad and get-ting bad-der Still we have fun

j ,t, ,..., "1 ~ -f- -I -f- I t--r-

~ qj~,,- ql____O"

"\- IJ:~'U~~ --~r u ~i'I Vi'!,--------.··- -- - r"----r r- JI

f) Ir - - ~ VI' f,

4!J ... n .. n

In the win -ter in the sum-mer Don't we funLand-lords mad and get-ting mad-der Ain't we got fun

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IIt IA iI'll bid iff'1 iffWh ]'


rJ Ien nl pau 0 e 01 0 111- we go 1. 2~.luri 17\


41) T n I I -----In the mean-time In be-tween time Ain't we got fun D.C.In the mean-time In be-tween time Ain't we got fun_

Q-,' II1II • - ---- 17\,. ..

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Arr Ji/ J. Bodewalt lampe





" .0 tempo

uDeep in your beart, tbou~h we're a - part,e • ven

"o tempo espresso


?J ~ , ~ 'J ~ 11 q~ ... U-

;, P-f~ ::-

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It)Just keep a thought for me·

" "1 'I -I 1

1--- . .. .v ,~

"'t. .--~ I .~ ~ ~~ ~



--- Though oth - er arms bold ful" you d"ar- er charms,

fl -- T--

--- 6t '~ 3' '~ .. -w -& q-w . -- #

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1---Just keep a thou~ht for me·

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~I t) r r f. F-. r r u:..1:::=-} ::- .. ~- • J..A ~

-('0f.'j'ri~~t t\lCMXXt by JEROME H REMICK.'Ii: CO., Nt·w YorK. .,< Ddroit

. j'UV)"ihl,C",u..Ja, :'oIC\lXXI L.\' .lo·rurt,,· II H.-nLid' & Cv.

PruJlu·tt1l1 "'.ir. I... H Vl.ILIIL.I. Mr'(Il:;:SllJ. J...I.. r",rlle H tt",mu.k J( l,.'''''' s.. w Yvrk Y Ud'Ull. Dey'" It-,d" ~· ..Hlf~rm .. a ltd,,)'8 -It • l'o"/iJf',nlflC H,!:,1tt kl"~"N'"