AIESEC's Leadership Development Model

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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AIESEC's Leadership Development Model. by AIESEC International 13-14

Transcript of AIESEC's Leadership Development Model

Peace & Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential

How can do it?’

Leadership Development Model ?

An average student from an average city


Didn’t know what to do in life Where to go after University? What to do

apart from studies?

Interested to try new things and try

different opportunities that come


By taking part in different projects, teams, different areas:

Realized about myself: What I like/don‟t like doing

What I am good or not good at

Team Member in OGX

Team Leader

Team Member in ER

CCP TL event

By taking a responsibility for others and leading a team:

Believed in myself: That I can make a difference


Started to care about the world;

And do something about it locally Discovered myself while

discovering others

Found friends



? ?

? Before

o Know who I am and what I want to do

o Network of people to support me

o Strong will and ability to overcome challenges


AIESEC enables

leadership development

in young people to make a

positive impact on society


Real Resources

What is a competitive advantage of AIESEC impact model?

Developing Others

Learning by Doing

Having your team, budget, brand, etc. allow young people to

achieve something great that seemed impossible before

Trying out different areas, projects, etc. helps young people to

understand themselves and gain new skills

Ability to take care of others and make a difference for others, makes

one believe in oneself more and leads to ambitions and big dreams

Achievement of Results Young people learn from successes better than from failures. Organizational culture, driven by results, enable young people to feel success and strive for more in the future

Global Network Access to global network enables learning and creates strong

networks of like-minded people, who act as a support system to

each other during the experience

Belief in myself

Belief that I can bring change

Open mind for possibilities and diversity

Understanding myself

Network of people who care about the same things

Care about the World


Leadership is a life-long


It never ends.

Where does this journey


The question


Real Resources

Developing Others

Learning by Doing

Achievement of Results

Global Network

Self-Aware Responsible for the World

AIESEC is enabling life-long leadership journey for young people. Based on unique nature of the organization

and essential elements to trigger leadership journey, we want to develop the following:

Effective Communication

Aware of strengths and


Know personal values

and purpose in life

Aware of the world‟s issues, take ownership

for it and act

Can engage others with personal purpose and


Can communicate effectively and build networks

I & myself I & others

I & the world


Effective Communicati


Responsible for the World

Leaders who are self-aware know their values and purpose, and stick to it.

Leaders who have good self-awareness, know themselves well enough to recognize and

acknowledge when they have reached their limits. These limitations might be in areas of

personal knowledge, understanding, skills or gifting. Such leaders acknowledge the point

at which they need other people.

Self-awareness also enables leaders to stay composed and balanced, particularly when

under pressure or in a crisis. When challenged or criticized, this “shock absorber” of self-

awareness gives a person the ability to respond constructively.

Self-awareness enables person to lead authentically.


We aim to inspire young people to take responsibility for the world and use their

potential to address world issues, because we believe that living for one‟s own good is not


Responsibility for the world starts with awareness about existing issues and belief that

one young person can bring a change.

„The world‟ can mean anything from local community, city to the whole world.

Responsibility for the World

Effective communication helps us better understand a person or situation and enables us

to resolve differences, build trust and respect, and create environments where creative

ideas, problem solving, affection, and caring can flourish.

In the information age, we have to send, receive, and process huge numbers of messages

every day. But effective communication is about more than just exchanging information;

it's also about understanding the emotion behind the information.

Effective communication combines a set of skills including ability to express your own

thoughts, attentive listening, the ability to manage stress in the moment, and the

capacity to recognize and understand your own emotions and those of the person you‟re

communicating with.

By communicating effectively you can improve relationships, build strong team and

network around you to achieve common purpose.

Effective Communication

But it depends a lot on individual and his current capabilities

Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential

By providing Inner and Outer Journey

Outer Journey

Inner Journey Capturing internal change that happens because of outer journey you live

External environment - the framework of the journey

Inner and Outer Journey Set

personal goals

Understand your

personal values

Reinvent yourself

Reflect on your


Individual responsibility and goals

Interaction with

multiple stakeholder


Support system

Challenging role and environme


Purpose of the Journey for Society

Outer Journey

Individual responsibil

ity and goals

Interaction with

multiple stakeholders

Support system

Challenging role

and environm


Purpose of the Journey for Society

Impact of the journey you are going through on the society It enables young people to see their connection with the world and take ownership, responsibility for it.

Taking individual responsibility with clear goal is a first step in the outer journey of leadership development

Your role and environment surrounding you pushes to go out of the comfort zone and enables you to learn.

Diversity of stakeholders and its quantity influences on leadership development. For example, interaction with diverse cultures or different types of stakeholders (boss-customer-colleague; AIESEC-company-NGO, etc.).

In the outer Journey there should be some support system for the inner journey. It can be a mentor, coach, buddy, etc. Support system can be provided by AIESEC or any other external stakeholder.

Inner Journey

Inner Leadership journey starts with understanding where you are currently and setting goals for what you want to get from the experience

Going through self-reflection exercises to understand how you are achieving personal goals, changing throughout the experience, and capture your learnings and realizations.

By living the experience and going through inner journey you realize the fundamental things about yourself – your values and how it impacts your everyday life.

Capturing the learnings from this experience to use it in the future; Understanding your „new self‟

Set personal


Understand your personal


Reinvent yourself

Reflect on your


Self-Aware Responsible for the World Effective in Communication

With this starting their life-long leadership development journey

Inner & Outer journey Global Leaders

Leadership Development Model