AIESEC National Induction and Motivation Seminar

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Jumpin 2011

Transcript of AIESEC National Induction and Motivation Seminar

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

National Induction Seminar


“Dream, Learn and Generate Impact “

1st to 4 December 2011

National polytechnic Bambui, Ayaba Hotel and Hotel Resort


The new flavour is here


178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Table of Content

About Jump ‘In

It‘s 4 days conference for new members to learn more about the AIESEC way, the

history of AIESEC, what the AIESEC Experience entails, opportunities AIESEC

presents in depth, our operations, meet other AIESECers and plan their individual

development while in AIESEC based on the activities and opportunities present.

AIESEC conferences are opportunities for our membership to commit to the power of

what we stand for and to experience the strength of our network come together to

create an intense learning experience. Each year, we organize and deliver over 470

national and international conferences.

At an organizational level, the conference is an opportunity to train members,

develop strategy, discuss topics and issues that the organization is taking up, and

engage with our stakeholders.

At an individual level, our members have the opportunity to receive trainings, build

their personal network, demonstrate leadership, and have loads of fun. This year, the

national induction seminar was hosted for the 1st time in Bamenda from 1st to 4th

December 2011

About Jump` In

Conference Highlights

-Global village

-Workshops and Trainings

Jump ‘In 2011 Partners

What is AIESEC

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Conference Highlights

AIESEC conferences are always unveiled by an opening ceremony. Jump ‘In

2011 witnessed one of the most distinguished opening ceremony with a

mass audience made of, AIESEC members, Alumni, students, partners and

local authorities. The Ceremony was chaired by Mbah Akwa, the national

vice president of AIESEC in Cameroon. Seated on the table of honour was,

the regional manager of


Rector of National

polytechnic Bambui,

Regional manager of

express exchange,

Representative of


National president of

AIESEC in Cameroon ,

After our traditional AIESEC

dances which is aimed at

showcasing one of our values

“enjoying participation”, several

speeches were addressed to the

mass audience by the respective

members of the table of honour.

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Global village This event that gives basic meaning to one of our 6 values, “Living diversity”. It

is an event that exposes the culture of

each delegate/country represented in

the conference .It took place in the

middle of the university campus

Bambui, decorated by stands of

different entities and sponsors

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Trainings and workshops

This was the core of Jump In, 3 days was fully dedicated for workshops and

trainings delivered by a team of 12 facilitators from 4 countries

(Mozambique,Gabon,Venezuela and Cameroon. All delegates were hosted in

the hotel rooms and sessions were ran from 8am to 7pm. It was also an

opportunity for externals to share

their success stories and deliver practical sessions. Thus we hereby which to

use this opportunities to thank;

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Mr Francis Eret, CEO TESOL institute:” business leadership”

Mr Altpere, CEO, and Altpere Consulting:” what the current industry


Mr Calsius Tako,Altpere consulting “Selling and Negotiation”

Despite the absence of a physical representative of Smartrack, a

special presentation was made for Smartrack as is the second time they

are sponsoring our events.

Other very important sessions on

business logics were delivered by the

facilitators and several workshops were

ran for members to redesign the activities

of AIESEC in Cameroon and brainstorm on

how the organisation could create more

impact in our community.

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Jump in 2011 Partners

Special thanks to the following companies who believe in AIESEC as a channel

for youth development.

Online presence

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web:

Our Difference

The AIESEC platform allows individuals to craft their own experiences through the available opportunities.The result is a 1-5yr experience that builds the following skills and experiences • Leadership • Multi-functional skills e.g sales & marketing • Effectiveness and proactivity • Self awareness • Global and diversity • Building networks

Capacity to drive change

What is AIESEC

AIESEC is a global, non-political,

not-for-profit organization run by

students and recent graduates of

institutions of higher education. Its

members are interested in world

issues, leadership and

management. AIESEC does not

discriminate on the basis of race,

color, gender, sexual orientation,

creed, and religion, national, ethnic

or social origin.

What We Envision

Peace and Fulfillment of

humankind’s Potential.

Our Impact

Our international platform of

opportunities enables young people

to discover and develop their

potential to provide leadership for a

positive impact on society.

Our Values

Activating Leadership

Demonstrating Integrity

Living Diversity

Enjoying Participation

Striving for Excellence

Acting Sustainably

The Way We Do It

As the world’s largest student –run organization AIESEC provides its

members with an integrated development experience consisting of

leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a

global learning environment.

The AIESEC Experience

As AIESEC we want to engage every

young person in the world. We do this

through our events, projects and

virtual platforms. Our corporate and

non-corporate partnerships enhance

our relevance and impact.

The most intense development

experience we offer is for students of

higher learning environment whom we

recruit as members. Four programs to

foster their discovery of various

aspects of their leadership abilities:

As team member and team leader they will work on societal relevant events and

projects, while gaining relevant skills for their career. The Global Community

Development and the Global Internship Experience are opportunities to go and work

abroad, a life-changing and highly exposing opportunity.

After finishing university, all AIESECers stay connected with each other and the

organization. In this way, even as an alumnus you can continuously grow and

contribute to society.

178 Bessengue Deido, p.o Box 10338 Douala, Office :(+237)33 41 35 57 / 777113 60 Email: Web: