AI & Robotics @ EPSRC...Dr Victoria Mico, Senior Portfolio Manager AI & Robotics, EPSRC....

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AI & Robotics @ EPSRC Dr Victoria Mico, Senior Portfolio Manager AI & Robotics, EPSRC

EPSRC research impacts all aspects of daily life


driverless cars historic buildings sports technology music and art

defence and security healthcare infrastructure auto sector

clean energy energy networks finance care for the elderly

UKRI – opportunities

UKRI National productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) £7bn 2017/19 to 2021/22So far:


AI & Robotics in the UKThe political profile of AI and Robotics has grown significantly, and continues to do so: • Industrial Strategy: AI and Data Economy is one of four Grand Challenges• Hall and Presenti Review ‘Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK’• AI Sector Deal• Office for AI & AI Council• Robotics Growth Partnership to “put the UK at the cutting edge of the global

smart robotics revolution, turbo-charging economic productivity and unlocking benefits across society.”

AI Autonomous Systems Robotics

Build mutually beneficial

relationships with


Put the UK in a world leading position in AI research and


Understand the landscape,

and the opportunities

and gaps

Our Objectives around AI & Robotics

Work with the Office for AI, the Robotics Growth Partnership and stakeholders across the landscape

Lead a review of AI across UKRI, which aims to set out how UKRI should support AI research and innovation

Understand the UK’s position in AI and robotics, UKRI’s investment portfolio, and the activities of others

Lead new investments and manage existing strategic investments

Identifying and developing new directions and opportunities

Leading the Delivery of the UKRI AI Review, resulting in a UKRI AI


Building Relationships, Knowledge and Influence to put EPSRC in a Leadership Position in

the AI and Robotics Landscape

Delivering the Trustworthy Autonomous

Systems SPF W2 Investment

Designing and Delivering a

£37.5M Investment in

Turing AI Fellowships

Coordinating the management and added value of the

£100M UKRI AI CDTInvestment

Management of EPSRC investments at the Alan Turing Institute, including the £40M W1

SPF investment in AI and Data Science for Science Engineering and Government

Stewardship and Management of the four ISCF Robotics for a Safer World

Hubs (£42M)

Management & Monitoring of Investments

Delivery of New Strategic Investments in 2019/20

Relationships & KnowledgeStrategies & Opportunities

Build mutually beneficial

relationships with


Put the UK in a world leading position in AI research and innovation

Understand the landscape,

and the opportunities

and gaps

Robotics and Autonomous Systems


4 CDTsThe Edinburgh Centre for Robotics Autonomous Intelligent Machines

and Systems Agri-Food Robotics

Future Autonomous Robotic Systems

NPIF Innovation FellowshipsProsperity Partnerships

T-B Phase: Bristol-Thales

ISCF wave 1

RAIN Hub (Nuclear)NCNR Hub (Nuclear)

FAIR-SPACE Hub (Space)ORCA Hub (Offshore Energy/ Assets)

Programme GrantsCASCADE (Complex

Autonomous aircraft Systems Configuration, Analysis and

Design Exploratory)Micro-Robotics for SurgeryMobile Robotics: Enabling a Pervasive Technology of the

Future Robotics for Nuclear


UK RAS NetworkMarch 2019: Robotics and

Autonomous Systems Network

DecarboN8 - An integrated network to decarbonise transport, Greg Marsden at LeedsDecarbonising Transport through Electrification, a Whole System Approach (DTE), Liana Cipicigan at CardiffNewJet Network+, Simon Blakey at BirminghamDecarbonising the UK's Freight Transport, Tristan Smith at UCLA network for hydrogen-fuelled transportation (Network-H2), Anthony Roskilly at Durham

Other team’s portfolios also touch on aspects of mobility and transport:

Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

The Hub is expected to start in June 2020

The nodes will commence October


Hub outline panel took place on 27 January.

Nodes call closes on 20 February

£33.7m programmethat EPSRC will deliver on behalf of UKRI. Two interconnected parts: a

Hub, and seven research nodes.

Trustworthy Autonomous Systems is EPSRC’s first ‘Big Idea’ that was co-developed

to bid for and successfully obtain funding through the Strategic Priorities


The bid was also originally supported by DfT, MOD, DSTL, the Home Office, National Security and Intelligence, CPNI, UKAEA, CCAV, the Royal Academy of Engineering, Lloyds Register Foundation, and a number of representative companies

Overview of the programme

• UKRI is investing £33 million through the Strategic Priorities Investment Fund

• Up to £12 million for a central Hub• Up to £21 million for several research


Programme delivery

UKRI TAS programme

a) Coordination and collaboration

b) Creativity and multidisciplinarity

c) Advocacy and engagement.



Leads on coordination• Building an interconnected community

Leads on advocacy and engagement• Engaging with stakeholders proactively

Deliver against the creativity and multidisciplinarity objective• Undertake focused, fundamental research

Collaborate within and beyond the programme

Safety of Mobility: The EPSRC Forward Look

In the 2016 Autumn Statement £4.7bn of additional funding for R&D was announced, with a rising profile, over the period 2017/18 to 2020/21.

• How can we work together to address the needs of the community?

• What relevant investments are there out there, and how can you engage with them?

• How can we work together to engage with new funding opportunities, and to influence the broader landscape?

• How can we ensure we enable a balance of both fundamental and use driven research?

Individual Role Team @ EPSRC

Anna Angus-Smyth Head of AI & Robotics AI & RoboticsVivienne Blackstone Turing AI Fellowships, People AI & RoboticsVictoria Mico Egea Trustworthy Autonomous Systems AI & RoboticsAnne Toft Robotics AI & RoboticsLaura Totterdell International, AI/Cyber Security, Made Smarter AI & RoboticsRuqaiyah Patel Alan Turing Institute, ASG Mathematical

SciencesRenée van der Locht UKRI AI Review, AI Technologies ICTAlex Shevchuk Portfolio Manager: Autonomous Systems AI & RoboticsLiam Boyle Portfolio Manager: Information Systems & Turing

AI FellowshipsAI & Robotics

Laura Cadman Portfolio Manager: AI Technologies ICTClara Morri Portfolio Manager: Robotics EngineeringNina Cox Portfolio Support Manager AI & Robotics

EPSRC AI & Robotics Team All: firstname.surname@epsrc.ukri.orgTeam:

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council @EPSRC EPSRCvideo


TAS - Delivery timeline

Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec 19 Jan 20 Feb 20 Mar 20 Apr 20 May 20 Jun 20 Jul 20 Aug 20 Sep 20

Town Hall meeting

Hub Outline Call launches 18/10

Hub deadline

for Outlines 16:00 12/12

Nodes Outline Call launches

Hub Outline

panel wb 27/01

Hub Full Proposal deadline

16:00 12/03

Hub Full Proposal interview wb 20/04


Hub fixed start date


Nodes deadline for Outlines

Nodes Outline panel

Nodes Full

proposal deadline

Nodes interview



Nodes Fixed

start date 1/10

Tentative timeline

The research nodes• Undertake creative, fundamental research focused in one topic (as below)

• Collaborate with other nodes, the Hub and the wider community

• Explore new research directions through accessing the pump prime funds

• Position the UK internationally in AI research and innovation, attracting further talent and inward investment

• Enable new models of collaboration and career paths across sectors

Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowships• £18M to fund a 3-5 of sizable awards (£3-5 million) for up to 5 years starting on 1 April


• International recruitment and retention of world-leading AI researchers

• Enable the building of centres of excellence in key areas of AI research

Turing AI Fellowships

Turing AI Acceleration Fellowships• £18M to fund 10-15 fellows for 5 years starting on 1 January 2020

• Invest in accelerating the careers of high potential mid-career researchers towards a world-leading position

• Strong emphases on creativity of ideas, thought, and approach, and on enabling new models of collaboration between academia and other sectors

Turing AI Fellowships