Agro pontino eng def

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Agro pontino eng def



Agro Pontino is a vast plain area

located south of Rome, between the Tyrrhenian

Sea, the series of hills of the

Mountains Albani and Mountains

Lepini and south, the Promontory

of Circeo.

Pomezia was born on this land in ancient marshland. The reclamation project, is thought since the time of the unification of Italy.

The work began in 1933 and affecting nearly 2

million hectares.

In Agro Pontino returns to agriculture reclaiming 1,600,000 hectares of farm houses, and roads and, for 2500 years, life was impossible.

The remediation work is carried at the National fighters that will prepare the shipyards for the

construction, after the success of remediation city. The success of the

remediation is also seen in the medical aspect, conquer the disease

of malaria. As the idrovore and drains the earth dry, are created in

the new reclaimed lands for the villages to the farmers and renamed with holy names of the First World War: Borgo Carso, Pasubio Borgo,

Borgo Monte Grappa, Borgo Bainsizza, Borgo San Michele

But the main effort will be concentrated in the foundation of new towns, which, in record time, will be built in the new architectural style LITTORIA

founded in 1932SABAUDIA founded in 1933APRILIA  founded in 1936 POMEZIA founded in 1938PONTINIA founded in 1939

The land was the age-old problem of Italians and the First World War had

created the circumstances for all the contradictions worse: at

the time, the only trick to push the soldiers out of trenches had been the

watchword of the land to peasants, making them fight, in essence, not the land that had to win but

for what was behind them. After the conflict, it was necessary to keep

the promise.

The ex-combatants, returned in the countryside, increasing social tension in the country, the city had

been augmented by the war and circulated the idea that had been behind the campaigns. The farmers, in some

way, were rewarded. The farmers begin returning to their own account to occupy the land, making it ever

more urgent the problem of making the most of domestic and agricultural land in any way to

recover the lands "unsuitable” for the unemployed poured.

To new cities sent only numerous families,

preferably from Veneto and Emilia.

Implicitly, this plan made easy the

redeployment of the workforce on the national territory,

dabbing unemployment

continued to be a dangerous plague.

Each farm had a piece of variable width

between 12 and 24 hectares (depending on the yield of the

land and the size of the family resident).

The immigrants arrived with their household goods

were placed on these large square of

ground still barren and were invited to work as they could.

For each immigrant had opened a "back book" under which the state

provided materials, livestock, seeds…….. in exchange to pay a rent and a kind of sharecropping,

where losses and profits were divided in half. In the early years

the settlers, with their production, barely able to pay interest to the


Later, with the consolidation of agricultural techniques and the introduction of intensive grain crops instead of the extensive

wheat, farms conquered increasing welfare.

Today Agro Pontino is one of areas with highest

income for person in the country.

Agriculture is

concentrated in large greenhouses, irrigated

land or small farm model.

The agro Pontino is area of Lazio where agriculture

is more developed.

The typical products are not lacking in these areas:

the Olive of Gaeta, the Roman Marrow / Squash,

white Celery of Sperlonga, until the ham Bassiano,

strawberries of Nemi, the Artichoke romanesco Sezze and wine of the

Castelli Romani.

As regards the products of the

dairy, the symbol is "flower of milk" and

Bufala’s mozzarella, with

farming and marketing of

prestigious brands and many other

small dairies.

The flowers favored by the climate allows us to obtain high quality products of Pontine’s orchids and colorful

calle. Important to the

production of fruit and vegetable market

watermelons .The fruit and vegetable market

of Fondi is one of largest and most important in Italy.

The name Castelli Romani come from the presence of at least a

noble mansion in each of them and even if some of these mansions

were destroyed during past historical events, their ruins are still witnessing the feudal origin of this

zone.Viticulture grew gradually in this

area thanks to the periodical distribution of pieces of land among

war veterans, who utilised their modest estates to create a

production for a private consume and a more intense one for the

local market.

The vineyards situated on the slopes are surrounded by olive groves, which create a silvery

frame to them.

In addition to the DOC wines chosen according to the rules,

each producer sells on the market wines with the generic denomination “DOC Castelli

Romani”, that has been recently created, and I.G.T. (Typical

Geographical Designation) wines for lunchtime, satisfying the different customers’ needs.

These last type of wines reaches an high quality level.

With the flow of migration from all over Europe, population growth has increased. The greatest number of

foreigners in the municipality of Pomezia comes from Europe,

followed the African continent, and shows the significant presence of

people from Latin American countries, Argentina and Peru, that

exceeds a percentage that emigrated from the Middle East and

the rest of China and the Philippines. These appearances are

well visible even in the schools.

The work is the main reason that forces many foreigners to settle in pometina, as in the rest of the

province of Rome.

Following reasons of family reunification or study.

The conspicuous presence on the territory of Pomezia population of the CEE (France, Germany, Great Britain) can be explained partly by the proximity of Rome, more

established national associations and international organizations.

Precisely because of these immigration flows in Pomezia is the presence of many restaurants, shops and other businesses run by immigrants making known cultural

traditions, religious and foodstuffs.

All this has helped to enrich and influence our knowledge and our lifestyles.

Pistacchio cake Ingredients for 6 people:

160gr sheets of fillo 350gr chopped pistachios

100gr butter syrup


To make the syrup, dissolve 150gr of sugar with 2 cups of water with a few drops of essence of orange.


Cook in a pan of 50gr fillo sheets and brush with butter liquid. Fill

with crushed pistachios and cover with remaining sheets of fillo. Cook in oven at 220 degrees for 10 min.

Remove from oven and sprinkle with the syrup. Cut it a lozenge.

Christmas PANETTONE To make the panettone you must work in three times:Step 1: 75 gr of flour "00" 7-8 gr of yeast38–40 gr of water

Working the first part: Knead the ingredients until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous mixture, like a normal bread dough. Put to rise up to twice the volume. Then proceed to the second stage.  

Christmas PANETTONE Step 2:120-125gr of Biga 150gr of Flour (mix)1.5gr of yeast45gr sugar (60-65) n 2 Whole egg40gr of butter

Working the second part: Mix the biga, eggs, yeast, working until the dough is dry, touching with a finger does not stick. Add the sugar, and after well incorporated, add the softened butter. Put to rise up to twice the volume. Then proceed to the third stage.  

Christmas PANETTONE Step 3:Flour (mix) 300gr 12gr sugar Whole egg (70-75) n 2 N 2 egg yolks 4gr of Salt 8gr of honey 115gr of butter150gr of raisins 50-75gr of diced orange cedar cubesFlavours: vanilla, orange, lemon.

Working the third part:Kneading 1 egg, honey and flour. Work; add yolk. Add twice the sugar and salt. Add the softened butter, flavourings, and finally the candied fruit. Put the dough in the high stack and let rise for about three hours at a temperature of 27-30° bake at 200-210 degrees for about 10 minutes, until a surface becomes golden. Replace in oven and bake at 190-200 degrees for 50 minutes.


for 4 people:

400gr flour;80gr of sugar; 1 whole egg; 2 egg yolks;

50gr of butter; 2-3 tablespoons of brandy or

liqueur d'anis; grated orange; a pinch of salt;

icing sugar. 

 Preparation: Work the flour with sugar, eggs, salt, melted butter and the brandy or anise. Allow to rest for thirty minutes. Formed a thin sheet, then with a knife cut thin strips.Do the frying in oil, pass in the icing sugar. Are ready!

St. Joseph’s bignè I bignè with pastry

cream are gentle, traditional Roman cuisine is a symbol of the Feast of St.


Ingredients: • 200gr flour

• 100gr butter • 6 eggs

• 1 tablespoon sugar • the grated rind of one lemon

• icing sugar vanilla to taste • extra virgin olive oil to taste

• pastry cream to tastePreparation:Put on the fire 2 L and a half of cold water, with butter and a pinch of salt and let boil, then add the flour. Mix with a wooden spoon and cook on moderate heat, then add two egg yolks and whole eggs and mix. Add a spoonful of sugar, the grated rind of lemon and continues to work the dough. Cook small pieces of dough. When you see that the St. Joseph bignè swell increases the heat of the fire and when they are golden remove the oil and put them to dry on absorbent paper. When will bignè cooled, fill with cream. In Rome, do you use the bignè St. Joseph, March 19, the day when they celebrate the saint.


600gr of white flour; 250gr of butter, 150gr of candied citron

peel, 160gr of sugar;

100gr of milk; 25gr of brewer's yeast;

50gr of almonds; 30gr of coarse sugar;

5 eggs (1 whole egg yolk and 4); 1 lemon;

 Preparation: Mix 200gr of flour with yeast. Immerse it in a container of warm water. Cook for an hour. Labour additional 300gr of flour, half a tablespoon of salt and grated lemon peel. Add 150gr of sugar, 4 egg yolks, 125gr of softened butter. work with the warm milk. then add the flour 200gr of worked before. Work everything together and let stand for one hour, then add 40gr of butter and worked for 10 minutes . Add pieces of candied citron, beating the dough vigorously for 10 minutes. Then divide it into two parts: one for the body of the dove, the other for the wings., coated with the brush cover with almonds and sugar in grain. Bake at 190 °, but after 10 minutes get off at 180 ° covering the dough with a sheet of baking paper. Let cook for 20 minutes, remove from oven and let cool.