Agriculture, Health and Medicine: promoting people, places ... · • ‘Agricultural medicine’11...

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Agriculture, Health and Medicine: promoting people, places, and possibilities across disciplines.

Susan Brumby PhD, Jacquie Cotton PhD, Bianca ToddNational Centre for Farmer Health +61 3 55518460

• Background

• Rural Health and Agriculture

• Agricultural Health and Medicine

• Curriculum

• Methods

• Results

• Conclusions/Recommendations

• Discipline of Rural Health—the interdisciplinary study of

health and health care delivery in rural environments

• Well-recognised discipline delivered Rural Clinical

Schools, University Departments, Schools of Rural


• Supported with numerous academic journals

• Within rural populations, farm men, women,

agricultural workers also live and work

Largest exporter of wool1 3rd largest exporter of dairy2

3rd largest exporter of beef 3 4th largest exporter of cotton 4

Largest exporter of barley 5

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65% of our land is farmed

• Predominately family owned and operated6

• Responsible for 61% of Australia's land mass6

• Contribute $43.1billion (farm gate) to Australian economy6

• Remains one of the most dangerous industries in Australia7

• Compounding injury rates are poor physical and mental health indicators

• Oldest workforce in Australia8

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80%of Australia is either grassland or dessert and 61% of this is used for Agriculture.

Continuing the conversation: Collaboration

• Life threatening injuries—farms and roads

• Increased risk of suicide

• Higher death rate—cardiovascular disease

• Higher death rate—skin cancers

• Double risk death—prostate cancer

• 40% higher rates of deaths for cancer of colon

• Double death rate—haemopoietic and lymphatic

• Slips, trips and falls

Fragar L, Depczynski J, Lower T. (2011) Mortality patterns of Australian male farmers and farm managers. The Australian Journal Of Rural Health [serial online]. August 2011;19(4):179-184. Available from: MEDLINE, Ipswich, MA. Accessed January 30, 2013

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Work done out of Moree NSW…..Double rate of transport accident deaths amongst male farmers and farm managers High rates of farm injury Risk of suicide increases with age 40 % higher rate of death from CVD for male farmers and farm managers 60% higher rates due to melanoma Skin cancer deaths in older farmers more than double the rate of other Australian over 65 years More than double the risk of death from prostate cancer 40% higher rates of deaths from cancer of colon, rectum, Double the death rate to blood cancers








30.3% 28.8%









Overweight Obesity(BMI) Obesity(WC) Hypertension Risk Diabetes Risk



Ref: Brumby, S., Chandrasekara, A., McCoombe, S., Kremer, P. and Lewandowski, P (2012), Cardiovascular risk factors and psychological distress in Australian farming communities, Australian Journal of Rural Health, Vol.20, no. 3, pp.131-137

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This data is taken from 1792 farmers across Australia and has been age standardised to compare with the Australian National population data. This graph shows cardiovascular risks. in particular BMI, abdominal adiposity through waist circumference) hypertension, elevated blood pressure and diabetes risk as a fasting blood sugar of greater than 5.5 mmols. The blue columns are the farmers


•Farm acquired illnesses (Zoonoses)

•Skin complaints

•Musculoskeletal disorders

•Chemical/pesticide exposures

•Medical emergencies

•Hearing loss

•Depression and suicide

•Stress and anxiety

•Domestic violence

•Drug and alcohol abuse

•Respiratory diseases

•Cardiovascular disease

•Cancers - some


Compounded by reduced access to health services and cultural barriers

• Few formal programs globally focus on Agricultural

Health and Medicine (AH&M).

• Specialty postgraduate unit developed in 2010.

• Curriculum designed to enable health care providers to

deal more efficaciously with particular conditions which

farmers, as distinct from other rural people, present.

• Support agricultural professionals

(agronomists, agricultural extension officers, veterinary

surgeons) to play a role in preventing occupational

illness and injury through increased health literacy.

• ‘Agricultural medicine’11 has been defined as the multidisciplinary specialty area of occupational and environmental health focusing on the anticipation, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of occupational illnesses and injuries in agricultural populations.

Topic/Content area YesIntroduction and overview ✓

Addiction in farming populations ✓

Agricultural chemicals and toxicology

Agricultural populations’ comorbidities

Agricultural environmental health issues

Agricultural respiratory illnesses ✓

Agricultural trauma ✓aAgriSafe—clinical preventive occupational health care

At-risk populations ✓

Behavioural and mental-health issues in the farming community

Biosecurity ✓

Cancer in the farm environment and agricultural setting

Ergonomics in agriculture ✓

Topic/Content area Yes

Farm dangers/injuries from physical agents (vibration, noise, heat/cold)

Farm children and youth at risk ✓

Health assessments for agricultural populations

Hearing loss and eye injury ✓

Musculoskeletal injuries and occupational low-back pain

Occupation and environmental concerns for veterinary pharmaceuticals and chemicals

Personal protective equipment (including respirators)

Prevention of illness and injury in agricultural populations (including women, minorities, youth)

Remote emergency medicine ✓

Skin cancers of agricultural workers ✓

Zoonotic diseases ✓

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Farmer with aspergillious ( respiratory illness) , squamous cell cancer, auger injury, reaction to agrichemical

Quantitative data collected from students (N=90) who completed AH&M unit 2010-13 to determine:

1. Changes in students attitudes

2. Any self-reported behavioral changes as a result of completing the unit

3. If students found the course to be professionally valuable and useful

4. Future topics of interest.

Data analysed using descriptive statistics, frequencies and the chi-square test.

Further detail sought from qualitative responses to open-ended survey questions about places of work and current practice.

Presentation Notes
Work done out of Moree NSW…..Double rate of transport accident deaths amongst male farmers and farm managers High rates of farm injury Risk of suicide increases with age 40 % higher rate of death from CVD for male farmers and farm managers 60% higher rates due to melanoma Skin cancer deaths in older farmers more than double the rate of other Australian over 65 years More than double the risk of death from prostate cancer 40% higher rates of deaths from cancer of colon, rectum, Double the death rate to blood cancers
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Farmer with aspergillious ( respiratory illness) , squamous cell cancer, auger injury, reaction to agrichemical

• Overall response rate of 54.5% (51), 31.4% from 2011 group.

• Main vocations were nursing 45%, medicine 24%, farmers or agribusiness 24%

• 11+ years working in rural areas or work affecting rural areas 66.7 %

• Majority (86.3%) were female (stat. significant p<0.05) with age distribution of students fairly evenly spread.

• Over 80% working in rural or mixed populations

• 96% of respondents said they would recommend studying AH&M to a colleague.

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reflecting the return-to-study and continuing-education characteristics of course participants.

Self-reported professional behavioural changes in students n=51 *no strongly disagree responses

Additional comments • ‘The most valuable part of the course was seeing

and hearing the good evidence and data on the impact of health in the agricultural industry and receiving a solid background from the lecturers. Now that I have a solid base, I can feed this into my work, backed up by research’. 2010 student now working in agricultural industry

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reflecting the return-to-study and continuing-education characteristics of course participants.



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Farmer with aspergillious ( respiratory illness) , squamous cell cancer, auger injury, reaction to agrichemical

1. Indicates the benefits of the AH&M unit to both health care providers and agricultural professions

2. Respondents rated the education highly and reported improved work practices in their agricultural and rural communities.

3. Bodes well for supporting the multidisciplinary and cross-sector scholarship of AH&M, and for addressing health inequities and poorer health outcomes in agricultural populations.

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reflecting the return-to-study and continuing-education characteristics of course participants.
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WE are working hard to provide worokpalce learning and initiatives that can then be used when students retur to their workpalces.

Credit for GP Registrars:Deakin University formally recognises the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) fellowships as credit for prior learning for GP registrars enrolled in the Graduate Certificate of Agricultural Health and Medicine (GCAHM). Students will be granted two credit points of Credit for Prior Learning into GCAHM on completion of the Australian General Practice Training program.

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WE are working hard to provide worok palce learning and initiatives that can then be used when students retur to their workpalces. Our recent survey udnertaken in 2013 showed that 85% our our students compelted are working in rural and remote areas or service agriculturalpopulations

To address unacceptable and ongoing health disparities prioritisation is required to ensure health care providers are culturally competent to work in agricultural communities and health literacy is increased in the agricultural professions.

• We recommend— as a minimum— the establishment of an AH&M network to develop, and support those professionals who have studied or have an interest in Agricultural Health and Medicine.

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Australian only course in Agricultural Health and Medicine … suitable for health, agriculture, agribusiness, medicine, nursing, social sciences.

1. Department of Primary Industries. (2012). Central West Region Pilot Area–Wool Profile Factsheet No.5. Retrieved 10 March, 2014, from

2. Dairy Australia. (2012). Industry overview. Retrieved 10 March, 2014, from

3. Meat and Livestock Australia. (2014). Australias beef industry–fast facts. Retrieved 10 March, 2014, from

4. Cotton Australia. (2012). The economics of cotton in Australia. Factsheet. Retrieved 10 March, 2014, from

5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (2011). FAOSTAT-Trade. Countries by commodity. Retrieved 10 March, 2014, from

6. National Farmers Federation. (2012). NFF Farm Facts 2012. Retrieved 10 March, 2012, from

7. Safe Work Australia. (2012). Work-related traumatic injury fatalities, Australia 2010-2011. Canberra: Safe Work Australia.

8. Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2011). Labour Force Survey.(cat. no. 6291.0.55.003). Canberra: ABS

9. Brumby, S. (2005). The flow on effect of poor health on farmers, families, farms and communities. Paper presented at the Policy launch presentation: Rural directions for a better state of health, Echuca, VIC.

10. Depczynski, J., Franklin, R., Challinor, K., Williams, W., & Fragar, L. (2005). Farm Noise Emissions During Common Agricultural Activities. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 11(3

11. Brumby, S., Chandrasekara, A., McCoombe, S., Kremer, P. and Lewandowski, P (2012), Cardiovascular risk factors and psychological distress in Australian farming communities, Australian Journal of Rural Health, Vol.20, no. 3, pp.131-137

11. Donham K, J., & Mutel, C. F. (1982). Agricultural medicine: the missing component of the Rural Health Movement. Journal of Family Practice, Mar 14(3), 511-520.