Agile on Tap

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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On Wednesday 8th May 2013 we presented at "Agile on Tap" which is a regular "night" for Agile experts and those wanting to learn more about this subject.

Transcript of Agile on Tap



.Our Agile history.

.Our Agile history.

.Our Agile history.

.Our Agile history.

.Our Agile history.

.Agile Partners.

.SCRUM Recap.

.Typical SCRUM.

.Agile Partners.

.One Team.

Individuals and. .interactions.

Processes and tools.

Working software

Comprehensive. documentation. change.

Following a plan.



Individuals and. .interactions.

Processes and tools.

.Building the team.You can put all the processes in that you want, but

if you don't have the "one team" ethos then it just won't work.

.Kick off with some. team-building.

.Establish. an Identity.

Establish a Vision.

.Empower the team. Everyone contributes.

.Roles, not Ranks.


(Standups for the. geographically-dispersed).

1. Have a kick-off day. 2. Create a team identity. 3. Empower individuals. 4. Respect everyone’s expertise. 5. No barriers. 6. Encourage communication.

“...couldn’t tell who was. part of [their company]. and who was from the.


.That’s great,.

.but what else do you do?.

.Land The Plane.



.Agile Coaches.







.Releasable Software.





1. Land The Plane Early. 2. Have Agile Coaches. 3. Be Lean. 4. Be Transparent. 5. Have Retrospectives. 6. Create Releasable Software. 7. Define 'Done'. 8. Celebrate Success.

.Why work.

.this way?.


.The Plunge.





The benefits. of success.

.Business knowledge. + Technical brilliance. =.

.Engagement++. = Better solutions.

.Leaner solutions =. Faster to market.

1. Combined expertise. 2. Highly motivated team. 3. More complete understanding of. .the product and requirements. 4. Better product. 5. Faster time-to-release.