Agile in IT Rail Projects

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Transcript of Agile in IT Rail Projects


November 2020

DB Rail Academy

Agile in IT Rail Projects



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1. Let‘s Start2. Scrum and Kanban3. Common problems and possible

solutions4. Relevant tools


Let‘s Start…

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What do you know, where do you come from,…


Agility in IT

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Agile has to do with VALUE. Depending on the cases you can use some frameworks to help your Team / Organisation todeliver much more and better Value. Depends also on how complex or complicated is the workto be done

Agility in IT – what is it not exactly?

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… delivering faster -> but being faster delivering what has more value.

… know all what the customer wants -> but discovering it faster.

… not having issues / errors -> but learning faster from them



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Scrum (an Overview from

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Scrum – Product Backlog

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‒ What you have to do for your Product

‒ It has to be priorisied (by the PO)

‒ It is pretty important to have a „Cost“ for eachProduct Backlog Item -> many Teams uses Story points

‒ It is important that each Product Backlog Item can be done in „one Sprint“.

Tools: Jira, Trello, Confluence, Wikis, Redmine, a document (if it is a very little product) red frame, does not belongs to the documentation,and also not the text outside the imageCopy-protected

Scrum – Product Backlog

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‒ What you have to do for your Product

‒ It has to be priorisied (by the PO)

‒ It is pretty important to have a „Cost“ for eachProduct Backlog Item -> many Teams uses Story points

‒ It is important that each Product Backlog Item can be done in „one Sprint“.

Tools: Jira, Trello, Confluence, Wikis, Redmine, a document (if it is a very little product)


Scrum – Sprint Backlog and Sprint Planning

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‒ In the Sprint Planning, according to:‒ the velocity of the Team (and Capacity)‒ Top Product Backlog items

… the items will be selected, „refined“ if theywere not, given a cost and selected to be donein the next Sprint.

The items selected will be now be called „Sprint backlog“.

Duration of an Sprint Planning can be around2Hours for a 2 Week Sprint. red frame, does not belongs to the documentation,and also not the text outside the image


Scrum – Sprint ongoing

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‒ Daily: 15 Min max. ‒ Focus on what the team want to achieve that

day and important feedback of the daybefore.

Be sure, that in the dailies the Sprint backlog isvisible.

Tools: Communication: if you are together in a Room forthe communication ok. If not: chat tools, video –conferences tools.

Sprint Backlog accesible (Jira, Trello, …) red frame, does not belongs to the documentation,and also not the text outside the image


Scrum – Sprint Review

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‒ Present what can you deliver now from thesprint

‒ Fokus on what is DONE (not ½ done)‒ Some goes story per story, some present a Live

Demo from the product. Depends on youraudience.

‒ Goals: get feedback, show working increment, questions from the audience, possible „missingfeatures“ or „edge cases“ can also come…

‒ Tools: Video-conferences, in a meeting room, stands with devices to „touch“ red frame, does not belongs to the documentation,and also not the text outside the image


Scrum – Retro

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‒Kanban is a management method for‒directly improving service delivery,‒Catalyzing improvements‒Evolving a business to be “fit for purpose.

‒….but it is not a Project Management method or a only-SW delivery method. But you can also use it:

‒Uses Kanban boards to visualize invisible work, workflow, and business risks together with Kanban systems which limit work-in-progress.



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1.Visualize (the work, workflow and business risks)

2.Limit WIP

3.Manage Flow

4.Make Process Explicit

5.Implement Feedback Loops

6.Improve Collaboratively, Evolve Experimentally (using models & the scientific method)


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‒ Stablish Work in Progress Limit -> FLOW

‒ Fewer Bottlenecks -> „reduce“ multitasking in favor of efficiency


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‒„Lead time clock starts when the request is made and ends at delivery.

Cycle time clock starts when work begins on the request and ends when the item is ready for delivery. Cycle time is a more mechanical measure of process capability. time is what the customer sees.”


Kanban - WIP Limit and Efficiency

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‒Value-Added (VA): is any state that brings value to the flow

‒Non-Value-Added (NVA): is any state where a ticket is waiting to transition to the next step

Efficiency = VA Time / (VA Time + NVA Time)Total Tasks = Team size/Efficiency

Set then the WIP per column (< Total tasks)

‒ For VA:2 days in ‘In progress’, 0,25 days in ‘Code review’, 0,5 day in ‘Testing’, 0,25 days in ‘In Deployment’.Total VA time is 3 days

‒ For NVA:0,25 day in ‘Ready for development’, 0,25 days in ‘Waiting for review’, 0,25 days in ‘Ready for testing’.Our NVA time is 0,75 days.

Efficiency = 3/(3+0,75) = 0,8 -> Efficiency is 80%.

With 5 members: Total Tasks = 5/0,8 = aprox. 6 tasks


…when to use what or also „Scrumban“

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‒ For releases is not hardin Scrum that only at the end of the Sprint is.


And with more teams?

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Common problems and possible solutions

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These are not commandments or recipes, just a possible guide



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‒Staff: Lack of Knowledge, Personalities.‒ Just do correct staffing. Set clear

expectations in the interviews.

‒Team responsibility = nobodyresponsibility‒Some Persons of Contact for Topics or

group for Topics (Architecture, Security…)

‒„My task/story is done“‒Set WIP Limits‒Focus on the priorities of the tasks

Infrastructure & Quality

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‒ Lack of automated tests‒ Set in your pipeline some quality checks, at least for

unit testing.

‒ No Continuous Integration/Continuous DeliveryPipeline‒ It is now a day a must.

‒ No Monitoring (specially for big projects)‒ Define some use cases and try to stablish at least a

proper log system.‒ Define what to log, when and which level.

‒ Lack of Quality im Code: Dependency of persons‒ Code Reviews‒ Tools for Static Code Analysis (for development and



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‒Your organisation it is too much hierarquical and there are bosses that assign tasks to theteam members with not-team-related-work, with deadlines,…‒Try to set boundaries of times. 20% for other tasks that are not related to main project, for

example.‒If it is related to the same project-> backlog!!!!

‒Your organisation does not believe in „agility“, it is seem like losing the time or just playing.‒Try!. Just show the results. ‒Be efficient, don‘t loose your time in too many meetings.‒Be careful with going to Kindergarden mode.

‒Your company expect a project leader that coordinate who is doing what‒ Just have boards visible of the work (Scrum/Kanban board).‒Have a backlog order by priority‒Have the correct people im TeamCopy-protected


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‒For your project it is expected always a Single Point of Contact for certaintopics (Security, Architecture,.. )‒Have it or a group of persons. Being available per chat groups

‒For your product there are thousands of guidelines to be fulfilled that arenot in the

‒ team Definition of Done.‒Have a list of them, with Ids. Also, have a checklist for them, in order toidentify faster if you fullfil the topic.

‒Reporting. Agile does not mean „no control of anything“‒Have a clear dependency of Features and Stories‒Take a look of velocity and capacity and „calculate“ Milestones‒Backlog organised per priority!Copy-protected

Engagement of the customer & Billing

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‒„I have not so many time for the meetings“‒Timebox and Moderation‒Analyse which of the meetings do you really need. Ask for the ROTI (Return of Time

Invested) in the meetings.

‒Not the correct person for the decisions‒Define some Single Point of Contact or have a group of experts from the Customer Side.‒Define how the decisions will be obtained (Consense, Majority,…)

‒Your customer does not understand your billing system or doesn‘t like it.‒Fixed price? Feature price? Velocity and Capacity?, Standard Functionality prices?,….‒Difficult!.


Relevant tools

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Just a set. does not have to be exactly the same


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CI/CD - Monitoring

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Testing, Quality checks, Monitoring

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Testing, Quality checks, Monitoring

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Testing, Quality checks, Monitoring

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Testing, Quality checks, Monitoring

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Thank you so much foryour attention!

